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Etienne - Bundle of Utilities

Etienne is a collection of utilities to simplify common tasks in game development.

Input Handling

To handle input, use Unity's PlayerInput. Once you have a InputReader instance, you can subscribe to C# events using the generated InputSender static class.

Using the Etienne Namespace

To use Etienne, include the following namespace:

using Etienne;

Audio Handling

    Etienne provides the following audio utilities:

    Sound Class

      The Sound class is a C# struct that represents a sound effect in Unity. It contains an AudioClip and a SoundParameters object that define the properties of the sound, such as volume, pitch, and spatialization.


        • An AudioClip object that contains the audio data for the sound effect.
        • A SoundParameters object that contains the properties of the sound effect. This can be set using either a SoundParametersScriptableObject or a SoundParameters object.


        new Sound(AudioClip clip = null)
        • Constructs a Sound object with the given AudioClip and default parameters.
        new Sound(AudioClip clip, SoundParametersScriptableObject parameters)
        • Constructs a Sound object with the given AudioClip and SoundParametersScriptableObject.
        new Sound(AudioClip clip, SoundParameters parameters)
        • Constructs a Sound object with the given AudioClip and SoundParameters.


        Play(Transform transform = null)
        • Plays the sound effect using a pooled AudioSource component. If transform is provided, the audio will be spatialized at the given position and be attached to the Transform. Returns the AudioSource component that was used to play the sound.
        Play(Vector3 position)
        • Plays the sound effect at the given position using a pooled AudioSource component. Returns the AudioSource component that was used to play the sound.
        PlayLooped(Transform transform = null)
        • Plays the sound effect on loop using a pooled AudioSource component. If transform is provided, the audio will be spatialized at the given position and be attached to the Transform. Returns the AudioSource component that was used to play the sound.
        PlayLooped(Vector3 position)
        • Plays the sound effect on loop at the given position using a pooled AudioSource component. Returns the AudioSource component that was used to play the sound.


        To use the Sound class in your Unity project, you can create Sound field. You can then call one of the Play or PlayLooped methods to play the sound effect.

        using UnityEngine;
        using Etienne;
        public class Example : MonoBehaviour
          public Sound soundEffect;
          void Start()

        In the above example, the audioclip from soundEffect is played and attached to transform. The volume and pitch properties are set in the inspector.

    - Audio Cue (random sound from a list of clips) - Audio Pool

Timer Class

    The Timer class provides a simple way to create a timer in Unity. It allows you to specify a duration and listen for updates and completion events. The Timer class uses a TimerManager to manage all active timers in the scene.


    private Timer()

    The constructor for the Timer class. It is private to ensure that only the TimerManager can create timers.


    public bool IsPlaying

    A read-only boolean that indicates whether the timer is currently playing.

    public float Duration

    A read-only float that indicates the duration of the timer.

    public float Time

    A read-only float that indicates the current time of the timer.


    public Timer OnUpdate(Action<float> onUpdate)

    Adds a listener for the update event of the timer. The listener is called with the current time of the timer as a float parameter.

    public void Restart()

    Restarts the timer from the beginning.

    public void Pause()

    Pauses the timer.

    public void Play()

    Resumes the timer if it was paused.

    public void SetDuration(float duration)

    Sets the duration of the timer.

    public Timer OnComplete(Action onComplete)

    Adds a listener for the completion event of the timer. The listener is called when the timer reaches its duration.

    public void Complete()

    Completes the timer and invokes the completion event.

    public void Kill()

    Stops the timer and removes it from the TimerManager. If the timer was set to enqueue when completed, it is added to the timer queue.

    public static Timer Create(float duration, bool enQueueWhenCompleted = true)

    Creates a new timer and sets its duration. If enQueueWhenCompleted is true, the timer is added to the timer queue when completed.

    public static Timer Start(float duration, bool enQueueWhenCompleted = true)

    Creates a new timer and starts it. If enQueueWhenCompleted is true, the timer is added to the timer queue when completed.


    To create a new Timer object, use the Create or Start methods:
    // create a timer and set its duration to 5 seconds
    Timer myTimer = Timer.Create(5f);
    // start a timer and set its duration to 3 seconds

    You can add listeners to the update and completion events:

    myTimer.OnUpdate((time) => {
        // do something with the current time of the timer
    myTimer.OnComplete(() => {
        // do something when the timer completes

    You can control the timer with the Pause, Play, Restart, and Kill methods:


    You can also get information about the timer using the IsPlaying, Duration, and Time properties:

    bool isPlaying = myTimer.IsPlaying;
    float duration = myTimer.Duration;
    float time = myTimer.Time;

Singleton Class

    The Singleton class is an abstract class that provides a base implementation for creating singleton objects in Unity. A singleton is a design pattern that ensures that only one instance of a class can be created and accessed from anywhere in the code.


    • protected Singleton() - The constructor for the Singleton class. It is protected to ensure that only derived classes can be instantiated.


    • public static T Instance - The public getter for the singleton instance. It returns the instance of the derived class that is created.
    • protected bool isPersistant = false; - A serialized bool that determines whether the singleton object should persist between scene loads.


    • protected virtual void Awake() - A virtual method that is called when the singleton object is initialized. It sets the singleton instance variable to the current object and destroys any other instances that exist. If the isPersistant flag is set to true, the object is marked as DontDestroyOnLoad. protected virtual void OnDestroy() - A virtual method that is called when the singleton object is destroyed. If the isPersistant flag is not set to true, the singleton instance variable is set to null.
    • public static void ResetInstance() - A public method that sets the singleton instance variable to null.
    • public void DestroyInstance() - A public method that destroys the singleton object and sets the singleton instance variable to null.


    To create a singleton object, derive a class from the Singleton class and provide the derived class as the generic type parameter, like this:

    public class MySingletonClass : Singleton<MySingletonClass> {
        // ...

    Access the singleton instance from anywhere in the code using the Instance property, like this: MySingletonClass.Instance.DoSomething(); To make the singleton object persist between scene loads, set the isPersistant flag to true in the inspector or in code.



    Use the [Requirement(typeof(Type))] attribute to enforce a requirement for a specific Component. This attribute can be used on classes that inherit from MonoBehaviourWithRequirement. If the requirement is not met, a warning message will be displayed in the inspector.


    Use the [CurveCursor(nameof(property))] attribute to display a red cursor for an AnimationCurve property, the parameter property is the float controlling the cursor.


    Use the [EnumToggleButtons] attribute to display an enum as a set of toggle buttons. By default, this attribute will show the label, use [EnumToggleButtons(true)] to hide it.


    Use the [HideIf(nameof(property), value)] attribute to hide a field if the specified property equals the specified value. This attribute can be used with enum and bool properties.


    Use the [ShowIf(nameof(property), value)] attribute to show a field if the specified property equals the specified value. This attribute can be used with enum and bool properties.


    Use the [PreviewSprite] attribute to display a sprite preview for a Sprite property.


    Use the [MinMaxRange(min, max)] attribute to limit a Range property to a specified minimum and maximum value.


    Use the [RangeLabelled(min, max, labelMin, labelMax)] attribute to display a labelled range slider for a float property.


    Use the [ReadOnly] attribute to make a property read-only in the inspector.

Range Class

    The Range class represents a range with a minimum and a maximum value. It is a struct, which means it is a value type and is copied when passed around rather than being referenced.


    • Range(Range range) - Creates a new Range object with the same minimum and maximum values as the provided Range.
    • Range(float max) - Creates a new Range object with a minimum value of 0 and the provided maximum value.
    • Range(float min, float max) - Creates a new Range object with the provided minimum and maximum values.


    • public float Min - The minimum value of the range.
    • public float Max - The maximum value of the range.


    • public static Range One - A shorthand property for creating a Range object with minimum 0 and maximum 1.
    • public static Range Hundred - A shorthand property for creating a Range object with minimum 0 and maximum 100.


    • public bool Contains(float value) - Returns true if the provided value is contained within the range.
    • public float Lerp(float value) - Linearly interpolates between the minimum and maximum values of the range by the provided interpolation value.
    • public float Normalize(float value) - Normalizes the provided value using the ratio between the minimum and maximum values of the range, resulting in a float between 0 and 1.
    • public float Clamp(float value) - Clamps the provided value between the minimum and maximum values of the range. If the value is within the range, it is returned as is. Otherwise, if it is below the range, the minimum value is returned. If it is above the range, the maximum value is returned. If the provided value is not within the range, an exception is thrown.
    • public override string ToString() - Returns a string representation of the range, with the minimum and maximum values formatted to two decimal places.
    • public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null) - Returns a string representation of the range, with the minimum and maximum values formatted using the provided format and format provider.

    IFormattable Implementation

    • public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null) - Returns a string representation of the range, with the minimum and maximum values formatted using the provided format and format provider.

    MinMaxRangeAttribute Class

      The MinMaxRangeAttribute class is an attribute that can be applied to fields in Unity scripts to indicate that they should be displayed as a range slider in the inspector. The range slider will have a minimum and maximum value based on the values provided to the attribute.


      • MinMaxRangeAttribute(float min, float max) - Creates a new MinMaxRangeAttribute object with the provided minimum and maximum values.


      • public readonly Range Range - The range object that represents the minimum and maximum values of the range slider. This is initialized with the values provided to the constructor.


    • To use the MinMaxRangeAttribute, apply it to a field in a Unity script with two float values, such as:
    using Etienne;
    public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    	[MinMaxRange(0f, 10f)] public Etienne.Range speedRange;

    This will display the speedRange field in the inspector as a range slider with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 10.

Path Class

    This is a C# Unity class named Path that provides functionality for generating a Catmull-Rom interpolated path from a set of control points. The path can be accessed in both local and world space.

    Public Properties

      • WaypointCount : int - returns the number of waypoints in the path.
      • CatmullWaypoints : Vector3[] - returns an array of Vector3 points that represent the Catmull-Rom interpolated path.
      • WorldWaypoints : Vector3[] - returns an array of Vector3 points that represent the waypoints in world space.
      • LocalWaypoints : Vector3[] - returns an array of Vector3 points that represent the waypoints in local space.

    Public Methods

      • GenerateCatmullRom(Vector3[] controlPoints, int resolution) : int - A static method that generates a Catmull-Rom interpolated Vector3 array based on the control points and resolution.

    Serialized Fields

      • resolution : int - the number of points to interpolate between each pair of control points.
      • waypoints : Vector3[] - an array of Vector3 points that represent the control points for the path.

    Private Methods

      • CatmullRom(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float t) : Vector3 - A static method that calculates the Catmull-Rom interpolation for a given set of control points and t value.