diff --git a/.azure-pipelines/localization.yml b/.azure-pipelines/localization.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b53046498 --- /dev/null +++ b/.azure-pipelines/localization.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +# This Yaml Document has been converted by ESAI Yaml Pipeline Conversion Tool. +# Please make sure to check all the converted content, it is your team's responsibility to make sure that the pipeline is still valid and functions as expected. +# This pipeline will be extended to the MicroBuild template +trigger: none +resources: + repositories: + - repository: self + type: git + ref: refs/heads/dev + - repository: MicroBuildTemplate + type: git + name: 1ESPipelineTemplates/MicroBuildTemplate + ref: refs/tags/release +name: $(Date:yyyyMMdd).$(Rev:r) +variables: +- name: 1espt.codesignvalidation.enforced + value: false +- name: GitHubPat + value: +- name: OneLocBuildPat + value: +- name: PipelineClassification_Audited + value: Production +- name: PipelineGovernanceStatus_Audited + value: true +- name: policy_service.build_task_injection.enabled + value: true +extends: + template: azure-pipelines/MicroBuild.1ES.Official.yml@MicroBuildTemplate + parameters: + sdl: + sourceAnalysisPool: + name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES + image: server2022-microbuildVS2022-1es + os: windows + pool: + name: AzurePipelines-EO + image: AzurePipelinesWindows2022compliantGPT + os: windows + customBuildTags: + - ES365AIMigrationTooling + stages: + - stage: stage + jobs: + - job: Job_1 + displayName: Agent job 1 + pool: + name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES + templateContext: + outputs: + - output: pipelineArtifact + displayName: 'Publish Artifact: drop' + targetPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\loc' + artifactName: drop + artifactType: Container + condition: succeeded() + sbomEnabled: false + steps: + - checkout: self + clean: true + fetchTags: false + persistCredentials: true + - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1 + displayName: NuGet Authenticate + inputs: + nuGetServiceConnections: OSSCG Feed - Microsoft approved OSS packages + - task: cesve.one-loc-build.one-loc-build.OneLocBuild@2 + displayName: 'Localization Build: Localize/LocProject.json' + inputs: + isCreatePrSelected: true + repoType: gitHub + isShouldReusePrSelected: true + isAutoCompletePrSelected: false + packageSourceAuth: patAuth + patVariable: '$(System.AccessToken)' + dependencyPackageSource: https://devdiv.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_packaging/TeamsFx/nuget/v3/index.json + - task: PowerShell@2 + displayName: Copy zh json files for VSC + inputs: + targetType: inline + script: | + # Write your PowerShell commands here. + Write-Host "Copying zh-Hans & zh-Hant to zh-cn & zh-tw under vscode-extension for VS Code" + Set-Location -Path ".\packages\fx-core\resource" + Copy-Item ".\package.nls.zh-Hans.json" -Destination ".\package.nls.zh-cn.json" + Copy-Item ".\package.nls.zh-Hant.json" -Destination ".\package.nls.zh-tw.json" + Set-Location -Path "..\..\vscode-extension" + Copy-Item ".\package.nls.zh-Hans.json" -Destination ".\package.nls.zh-cn.json" + Copy-Item ".\package.nls.zh-Hant.json" -Destination ".\package.nls.zh-tw.json" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.cs.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.cs.json index 6cba6e858e..8da521dfb6 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.cs.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.cs.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Zřizování", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Další informace", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Účet Azure: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Předplatné Azure: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "účet Microsoft 365: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Náklady se můžou účtovat podle využití. Chcete zřídit prostředky v prostředí %s pomocí účtů uvedených výše?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Chcete nasadit prostředky v prostředí %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Zobrazit zřízené prostředky", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Vaše aplikace Azure Active Directory byla úspěšně nasazena. Kliknutím na Další informace zjistíte, jak zobrazit aplikaci Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Vaše aplikace Azure Active Directory se úspěšně aktualizovala.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Další informace", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Pokud chcete řešit potíže s aplikací robota v Azure, klikněte prosím na Další informace pro dokumentaci.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Další informace", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Nasadit", "core.option.confirm": "Potvrdit", - "core.option.cancel": "Zrušit", - "core.option.learnMore": "Další informace", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Upgradovat", "core.option.moreInfo": "Další informace", "core.progress.create": "Vytvořit", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Stahuje se šablona aplikace.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Stahuje se ukázka %s.", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Nasadit", "core.progress.publish": "Publikovat", "core.progress.provision": "Zřizování", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Konfiguruje se Azure Storage. Povolte nastavení statického webu.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Spustit příkaz %s v %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "%s se nasazuje do %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Další informace", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Potvrďte prosím upgrade.", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Upgradujte projekt sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit a zůstaňte kompatibilní s nejnovější verzí. Vytvoří se záložní adresář se souhrnem upgradu.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Aktualizujte své řešení, aby bylo kompatibilní s nejnovější verzí sady Teams Toolkit. Bude vygenerován záložní adresář, ve kterém je zpráva o aktualizaci.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json neexistuje. Možná se pokoušíte upgradovat projekt vytvořený sadou Teams Toolkit pro Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit pro Visual Studio v17.3. Nainstalujte sadu Teams Toolkit pro Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit pro Visual Studio v17.4 a nejprve spusťte upgrade.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "Soubor templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json není platný.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Tento projekt je určený jenom pro náhled a sada Teams Toolkit ho nebude podporovat. Vyzkoušejte sadu nástrojů Teams Toolkit vytvořením nového projektu.", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Předběžná verze sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit podporuje novou konfiguraci projektu a není kompatibilní s předchozími verzemi. Pokud ji chcete vyzkoušet, nejprve vytvořte nový projekt nebo spusťte kód „teamsfx upgrade“.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Vaše verze TeamsFx CLI je příliš stará na to, aby podporovala aktuální projekt, upgradujte ji prosím na nejnovější verzi pomocí následujícího příkazu:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Aktuální projekt není kompatibilní s nainstalovanou verzí sady Teams Toolkit.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Projekt v řešení je vytvořená pomocí funkce preview sady Teams Toolkit – Vylepšení konfigurace aplikace Teams. Pokud chcete pokračovat, můžete funkci Preview zapnout.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Nasazení šablony ARM proběhlo úspěšně. Název skupiny prostředků: %s. Název nasazení: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "Výpis vlastníků aplikace Microsoft 365 byl úspěšný. Seznam si můžete zobrazit ve [výstupním panelu](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Uděluje se oprávnění.", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "E-mail spolupracovníka nemůže být null ani stejný jako aktuální uživatel.", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "V aktuálním tenantovi se nepovedlo najít uživatele. Zkontrolujte prosím, jestli je e-mailová adresa správná.", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Udělit oprávnění pro uživatele %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Účet pro udělení oprávnění: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Spouští se udělení oprávnění pro prostředí: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "ID tenanta: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "oprávnění se udělilo ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ID prostředku: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Výpis oprávnění Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Účet použitý ke kontrole: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nSpouští se výpis všech vlastníků aplikace Teams pro prostředí: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nSpouští se výpis všech vlastníků aplikace Azure Active Directory pro prostředí: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Aplikace Microsoft 365 Teams (ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "Aplikace SSO AAD (ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Vlastník aplikace Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Vlastník aplikace Azure Active Directory: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Spouští se kontrola oprávnění pro prostředí: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "ID prostředku: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "nedefinováno", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", název prostředku: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", oprávnění: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Nepovedlo se najít manifest ze staženého balíčku pro aplikaci Teams %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Název webové části SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "Složka %s již existuje. Zvolte prosím pro komponentu jiný název.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s neodpovídá vzoru: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Vyberte možnost pro generování uživatelského rozhraní.", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Použít globálně nainstalovaný SPFx (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Použít globálně nainstalovaný SPFx", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s nebo novější", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Místní instalace nejnovější verze SPFx (%s) v adresáři sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Místní instalace nejnovější verze SPFx v adresáři sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Řešení pro SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Vytvořit nové řešení SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Vytvořit kartu aplikace Teams pomocí webových částí SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importovat existující řešení SPFx", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Zveřejnit webovou část SPFx na straně klienta jako kartu Microsoft Teams nebo osobní aplikaci", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Balíček služby SharePoint %s byl úspěšně nasazen do složky [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Není možné najít balíček SharePoint %s.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Nepovedlo se získat přístupový token SPO.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Nepovedlo se získat přístupový token Graphu.", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Nelze nahrát a nasadit balíček do katalogu aplikací %s. Potřebujete oprávnění správce tenanta Microsoft 365 vaší organizace. Pro účely testování můžete zdarma získat Microsoft 365 tenanta z [Programu pro vývojáře Microsoft 365](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Nelze vytvořit katalog aplikací tenanta, protože došlo k %s, zásobníku: %s.", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Balíček aplikace nelze nahrát kvůli %s.", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Sestavování sharepointového balíčku", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Nahrání a nasazení balíčku SharePointu", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Projekt generování uživatelského rozhraní", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Nelze spustit npm install z důvodu %s.", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Nelze otevřít balíček %s.", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "Ve vašem projektu SPFx není žádný soubor .yo-rc.json. Přidejte konfigurační soubor a zkuste to znovu.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Vývojové prostředí SPFx se nenastavilo správně. Klikněte na Získat pomoc a postupujte podle pokynů k nastavení správného prostředí.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Kontrola závislostí...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Instalují se závislosti. Dokončení může trvat déle než 5 minut.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Generování projektu SPFx pomocí rozhraní příkazového řádku Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Aktualizovat manifest webové části", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Není možné získat tenanta %s %s.", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Při nastavování prostředí SPFx ve složce %s došlo k neznámým problémům. Nastavení globálního prostředí SPFx můžete provést podle postupu uvedeného na adrese [Nastavení vývojového prostředí SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Vytvoření projektu se nepovedlo. Možnou příčinou může být generátor Yeoman SharePoint. Podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Nepovedlo se načíst existující informace o řešení SPFx. Ujistěte se prosím, že je vaše řešení SPFx platné.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Nepovedlo se zkopírovat existující řešení SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Nepovedlo se aktualizovat šablony projektu s existujícím řešením SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Import existujícího řešení SPFx do sady Teams Toolkit se nezdařil: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Import řešení SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Kopírování existujícího řešení SPFx...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Generování šablon na základě informací o řešení...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Aktualizují se šablony...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Vaše řešení SPFx se úspěšně importovalo do %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Sada Teams Toolkit úspěšně naimportovala vaše řešení SPFx. Úplný protokol podrobností o importu najdete v souboru %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Aplikaci Teams Toolkit se nepodařilo importovat vaše řešení SPFx. Úplný protokol podrobností o importu najdete v souboru %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Zkontrolujte připojení k síti.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Zkontrolujte, jestli máte oprávnění ke čtení a zápisu do systému souborů.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Zkontrolujte, jestli máte oprávnění ke svému účtu Azure Storage.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Můžete získat přihlašovací údaje, jejichž platnost vypršela. Zkontrolujte, jestli je systémový čas správný.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Opakujte aktuální krok.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Balíček Teams se úspěšně sestaví na [local address](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Balíček Teams se úspěšně sestaví na %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Vytváří se balíček aplikace Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Nepovedlo se ověřit manifest!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Probíhá ověřování manifestu...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Probíhá ověřování balíčku aplikace...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Přejít na portál pro správu", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] byl úspěšně publikován na portálu správce (%s). Po schválení bude vaše aplikace k dispozici pro vaši organizaci. Dostupné informace získáte na %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Chcete odeslat novou aktualizaci?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Aplikace Teams vytvořila aplikaci %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Aplikace Teams aktualizovala aplikaci %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Manifest vaší aplikace Teams byl úspěšně nasazen. Kliknutím na tlačítko Zobrazit na portálu pro vývojáře zobrazíte svou aplikaci na portálu pro vývojáře Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Manifest aplikace Teams se úspěšně nasadil do ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Konfigurace souborů manifestu už byly změněny. Chcete pokračovat v opětovném generování souboru manifestu a aktualizaci na platformu Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Soubor manifestu na platformě Teams se od poslední aktualizace změnil. Chcete pokračovat v aktualizaci a přepsání souboru manifestu na platformě Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "Aplikace %s již byla odeslána do katalogu aplikací tenanta. Stav\n: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Poslední změna: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Jen náhled", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Náhled a aktualizace", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Přepsat a aktualizovat", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "V balíčku %s aplikace se nepovedlo najít žádné soubory.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Sada nástrojů Teams nezpracovala %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Zobrazit na portálu pro vývojáře", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Zvolit triggery", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Zvolit triggery", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Spuštěná funkce hostovaná na Azure Functions může naslouchat požadavkům HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Aktivační událost HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Spuštěná funkce hostovaná v Azure Functions může naslouchat požadavkům HTTP a reagovat na základě konkrétního plánu.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "Aktivační událost HTTP a časovače", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify Server", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Spuštěný server restify hostovaný na Azure App Service může naslouchat požadavkům HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Aktivační událost HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Server webového rozhraní API", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Spuštěný server webového rozhraní API hostovaný na Azure App Service může naslouchat požadavkům HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Aktivační událost HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Spuštěná funkce hostovaná v Azure Functions může reagovat na základě určitého plánu.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Aktivační událost časovače", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Nebyl otevřen žádný projekt, můžete vytvořit nový projekt nebo otevřít existující projekt.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Název prostředí může obsahovat pouze písmena, číslice, podtržítka (_) a spojovníky (-).", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Pokud nejste připraveni na upgrade, nadále používejte starou verzi sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit.", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Neplatné vstupy: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "Prostředí projektu %s už existuje.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Metoda není implementovaná: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Nelze získat %s z ID prostředku: %s.", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Nelze najít předplatné.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Uživatel byl zrušen. Aby tým Teams mohl důvěřovat certifikátu SSL s vlastním podpisem, který používá sada nástrojů, musí být certifikát s vlastním podpisem přidán do úložiště certifikátů.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Sada nástrojů Teams Toolkit nepodporuje aplikaci pro filtrování videa ve vzdáleném prostředí. Zkontrolujte soubor README.md v kořenové složce projektu.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Nepovedlo se vytvořit aplikaci Teams na Portálu pro vývojáře Teams z důvodu: %s.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Nepovedlo se aktualizovat aplikaci Teams s ID %s na Portálu pro vývojáře Teams, z důvodu: %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Volání rozhraní API na portál pro vývojáře selhalo. Podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Volání rozhraní API na Portál pro vývojáře selhalo: %s, %s, název rozhraní API: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. Příčinou může být občasná chyba služby. Počkejte prosím několik minut a zkuste aktuální krok zopakovat.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Volání rozhraní API na portál pro vývojáře se nezdařilo: %s, %s, cesta požadavku: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Nelze publikovat aplikaci Teams s ID %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Nepovedlo se sestavit balíček Teams!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Kontrola oprávnění selhala. Důvod: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Udělení oprávnění selhalo. Důvod: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Nepovedlo se vypsat spolupracovníka. Důvod: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Nepovedlo se najít aplikaci Teams s ID %s. Před aktualizací manifestu na platformu Teams musíte nejprve spustit ladění nebo zřizování.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Neplatná schopnost: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Nedá se přidat funkce %s, dosáhlo se limitu.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Nelze najít statickou kartu s id entity %s, nelze aktualizovat.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "V manifestu neexistuje funkce %s, nelze provést aktualizaci.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "V hledání manifestu bylo nalezeno neplatné ID.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Nelze získat schéma z %s, zpráva: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Schéma manifestu není definované.", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Zkuste prosím vygenerovat balíček z „balíčku aplikace Zip Teams“ a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Nelze vytvořit aplikaci Teams s chybou konfliktu 409. To může být způsobeno konfliktem mezi ID vaší aplikace a jinou aplikací ve vašem tenantovi. Kliknutím na Získat pomoc zobrazíte další informace.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Aplikace Teams s tímto ID už v obchodě s aplikacemi vaší organizace existuje. Aktualizujte ID aplikace ručně a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Aktuální účet nemůže získat token botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Zřizování botframework vrací při pokusu o vytvoření registrace robota zakázaný výsledek.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Zřizování botframework vrací při pokusu o vytvoření registrace robota konfliktní výsledek.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Nelze stáhnout balíček ZIP a otevřít místní balíček ZIP.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Šablonu %s se nepodařilo najít. ", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Vzorek %s se nepodařilo najít. ", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Nelze stáhnout balíček ZIP z %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Nelze rozbalit šablony a zapisovat na disk.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Nelze najít klíč %s.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Ukázku se nepovedlo stáhnout z důvodu omezování. Po obnovení limitu rychlosti to zkuste později (může to trvat až 1 hodinu). Případně můžete přejít na %s a naklonovat úložiště git ručně.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Vzorek není možné stáhnout z důvodu chyby sítě. Zkontrolujte síťové připojení a zkuste to znovu. Případně můžete přejít na stránku %s a úložiště git naklonovat ručně.", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Nepovedlo se parsovat adresu URL %s.", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Nejde získat manifest modulu plug-in OpenAI z %s.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Aplikaci Teams není možné rozšířit na Microsoft 365. Pro rozšíření aplikace Teams na Microsoft 365 použijte akci teamsApp/extendToM365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Název aplikace musí začínat písmeny a musí obsahovat alespoň dvě písmena nebo číslice. Nesmí obsahovat některé speciální znaky.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Název aplikace je delší než maximální délka 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Cesta existuje: %s. Vyberte jiný název aplikace.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Vyberte programovací jazyk.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx aktuálně podporuje pouze TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Otevřít kurz", "core.option.github": "Otevřít průvodce GitHubem", - "core.option.inProduct": "Otevřít průvodce produktem", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Karta", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Import existujícího projektu doplňku Outlooku", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Kopírování souborů", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Probíhá převod projektu.", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Upravuje se manifest.", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Aplikace založená na uživatelském rozhraní", "core.TabOption.detail": "Webové stránky s podporou Teams vložené do Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Řídicí panel", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Plátno s kartami a widgety pro zobrazení důležitých informací", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Basic Bot", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Jednoduchá implementace echo robota, který je připravený k přizpůsobení.", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Rozbalování propojení", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Zobrazení informací a akcí při vložení adresy URL do oblasti pro vytváření zpráv", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Shromažďování vstupu z formuláře a procesních dat", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Rozšíření zprávy", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Vlastní uživatelské rozhraní, když uživatelé napíší zprávy v Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Získejte uživatelský vstup, něco s ním udělejte a odešlete zpět přizpůsobené výsledky.", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Oznámení chatu", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Upozornění a informování pomocí zprávy, která se zobrazí v chatech Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Příkaz chatu", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Sestavení uživatelského rozhraní s využitím SharePoint Frameworku", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Karta Základní", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Jednoduchá implementace webové aplikace, která je připravená k přizpůsobení", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Sada nástrojů Teams zkontrolovala specifikaci rozhraní API:\n\nShrnutí:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Sada nástrojů Teams zkontrolovala váš manifest modulu plug-in OpenAI:\n\nShrnutí:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s se nezdařilo.", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s upozornění", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Zjistili jsme následující problémy se souborem specifikace OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "Zmírnění %s: Není vyžadováno, operationId bylo automaticky vygenerováno a přidáno do souboru %s.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "%s nesmí obsahovat více než %s znaků. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Chybí úplný popis. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Zmírnění: Aktualizovat pole %s v %s.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "V příkazu %s chybí %s.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Zmírnění: Vytvořte šablonu adaptivní karty v %s a pak aktualizujte pole %s na relativní cestu v %s.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Funkce", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Vyberte funkci", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Náhled ve Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Funguje v Teams a Outlooku", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Funguje v Teams, Outlooku a aplikaci Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Funguje v Teams, Outlooku a Copilotu", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Konverzační nebo informativní chatovací prostředí, které může automatizovat opakující se úkoly", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Robot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Funkce aplikací využívající robota", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Hledat nebo zahájit akce z oblasti pro vytváření chatu v Teams a Outlooku", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Funkce aplikace využívající rozšíření zpráv", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Přizpůsobit pás karet a podokno úloh pomocí webového obsahu", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Doplněk Outlooku", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Funkce aplikace využívající doplněk Outlooku", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Vložte svůj vlastní webový obsah do Teams, Outlooku a aplikace Micosoft 365.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Funkce aplikací využívající kartu", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Vytvořte modul plug-in pro rozšíření Copilotu pomocí vašich rozhraní API.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Modul plug-in pro Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Modul plug-in pro Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Vyberte možnost.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Nový projekt", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Začít s novým rozhraním API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Vytvoření modulu plug-inu s novým rozhraním API z Azure Functions", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Začínáme se specifikací OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Vytvoření modulu plug-in z existujícího rozhraní API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Začínáme s modulem plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Převod modulu plug-inu OpenAI na modul plug-inu Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Specifikace OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Zadejte adresu URL specifikace OpenAPI.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Zadejte umístění specifikace OpenAPI.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifest modulu plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Zadejte doménu svého webu.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Zadejte prosím platnou adresu URL.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Zadejte platnou doménu.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Vyberte operaci", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Uvedené jsou jenom metody GET a POST s jedním parametrem a bez ověřování.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Metody definované v manifest.json nejsou uvedené.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Neplatná specifikace rozhraní API Podrobnosti najdete na výstupním panelu.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Neplatná specifikace rozhraní API. Podrobnosti najdete v [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Neplatný manifest modulu plug-in OpenAI Podrobnosti najdete ve výstupním panelu.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Neplatný manifest modulu plug-in OpenAI. Podrobnosti najdete na [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "V „%s“ chybí adresa URL.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Typ ověřování se nepodporuje. Podporovaný typ ověřování: %s", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Chatovací robot AI", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Chatovací robot používající knihovnu Teams AI", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Složka řešení SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Vyberte složku, která obsahuje řešení SPFx.", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Vyberte prostředí", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nový název prostředí", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nový název prostředí", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Název prostředí může obsahovat pouze písmena, číslice, podtržítka (_) a spojovníky (-).", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Nedá se vytvořit %s prostředí.", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Nelze vypsat konfigurace prostředí.", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "Prostředí projektu %s už existuje.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Vyberte prostředí pro vytvoření kopie", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Vyberte skupinu prostředků.", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Název nové skupiny prostředků", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Název nové skupiny prostředků", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Název může obsahovat pouze alfanumerické znaky nebo následující symboly: ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Umístění pro novou skupinu prostředků", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Složka pracovního prostoru", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Vyberte složku, která bude obsahovat kořenovou složku projektu.", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Vytvoření nové aplikace", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Pomocí sady teams Toolkit vytvořte novou aplikaci Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Začněte u ukázky", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Jako výchozí bod pro novou aplikaci použijte existující vzorek.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Rychlý javascriptový serverový modul runtime", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Zdarma. Pro různé platformy. Open Source.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Sada nástrojů Teams: Vyberte modul runtime pro vaši aplikaci.", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Začněte u ukázky", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Vyberte ukázku.", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Zobrazení ukázek", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Vytvoření nových robotů pro ladění", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Zrušit výběr pro zachování s původní hodnotou botId", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Aktualizovat botId %s na ${{BOT_ID}} v manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Aktualizovat botId %s na ${{BOT_ID}} v manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Robot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Konfigurace adres URL webu pro ladění", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Aktualizovat adresu URL obsahu z %s na %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Aktualizovat adresu URL webu z %s na %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Zrušit výběr pro zachování s původní adresou URL", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Jednotné přihlašování", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Vývoj funkce jednotného přihlášení pro spouštění stránek Teams a funkcí robota", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Přidání vlastníka do aplikace Teams/AAD pro účet ve stejném tenantovi Microsoft 365 (e-mail)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "E-mailová adresa nemůže být null ani prázdná.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Změňte prosím [UserName] na skutečné uživatelské jméno.", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Nelze načíst soubor .env. Důvod: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Vyberte soubor manifest.json služby Azure Active Directory.", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Vyberte soubor manifest.json služby Teams.", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Vybrat soubor balíčku aplikace Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Vyberte místní soubor manifest.json Teams.", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Vyberte aplikaci, ve které chcete spravovat spolupracovníky.", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Vyberte metodu ověření", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Ověřit pomocí schématu manifestu", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Ověřit pomocí schématu manifestu", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Ověřit balíček aplikace pomocí ověřovacích pravidel", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Ověřit balíček aplikace pomocí ověřovacích pravidel", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Potvrďte správný výběr manifestu.", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Aplikace Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Vaše aplikace Azure Active Directory pro jednotné přihlašování", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Aplikace Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Vaše aplikace Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Reakce s využitím Fluent UI", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Webová aplikace, která používá komponenty Fluent UI React k získání vzhledu a chování Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Vlastní výsledky hledání", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Zobrazení dat přímo ve výsledcích hledání v Teams a Outlooku z vyhledávání nebo oblasti chatu", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Zobrazení dat přímo ve výsledcích hledání v Teams z vyhledávání nebo oblasti chatu.", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Platforma", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Vyberte platformu pro zobrazení náhledu aplikace.", "core.options.separator.additional": "Další funkce", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Aplikace Teams se úspěšně připravila.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Ve fázi zřizování se úspěšně provedl tento počet akcí: %s/%s.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Ve fázi nasazení se úspěšně provedl tento počet akcí: %s/%s.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Akce %s/%s se úspěšně spustily ve fázi publikování.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Desktopová aplikace Teams, ID mobilního klienta", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "ID webového klienta Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Aplikace Microsoft 365 pro ID desktopového klienta", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "ID desktopového klienta Outlooku", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "ID 1 klienta webového přístupu Outlooku", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "ID 2 klienta webového přístupu Outlooku", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operace se zrušila.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI verze nižší než 3.0.0 se nepodporuje.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "V souboru specifikace OpenAPI se nenašly žádné informace o serveru.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "V souboru specifikace OpenAPI se nachází několik informací o serveru.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Vzdálený odkaz se nepodporuje: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Chybějící operationIds: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "V souboru specifikace OpenAPI se nenašlo žádné podporované rozhraní API.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "AdditionalProperties se nepodporuje a bude se ignorovat.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Schéma oneOf, anyOf a not se nepodporuje: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Neznámé schéma: %s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "Adresa URL serveru není správná: protokol %s není podporovaný. Měli byste místo toho použít protokol https.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "Adresa URL serveru není správná: relativní adresa URL serveru není podporována.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Import existujících doplňků Outlooku", "core.importAddin.detail": "Upgrade projektu doplňků na nejnovější manifest aplikace a strukturu projektu", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Podokno úloh", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Umožňuje přizpůsobit pás karet pomocí tlačítka a vložit obsah do podokna úloh.", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Akce %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "Příkaz %s byl úspěšně proveden.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Soubor prostředí se vytvořil v", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s se úspěšně přidal(a) do %s.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Načítají se možnosti...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Načítá se výchozí hodnota…", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "chybí název\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "chybí requiredResourceAccess\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "Chybí oauth2Permissions\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "chybí preAuthorizedApplications\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion je 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "chybí optionalClaims\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "přístupový token optionalClaims neobsahuje deklaraci identity idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "V manifestu AAD se vyskytují následující problémy, které mohou aplikaci Teams potenciálně poškodit: \n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Když je povolené, nedá se aktualizovat ani odstranit existující oprávnění. Jedním z možných důvodů je změna proměnné prostředí ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID pro vybrané prostředí. Ujistěte se, že vaše ID oprávnění jsou identická se skutečnou aplikací AAD, a zkuste to znovu.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "Neznámý resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "Neznámý přístup k prostředku: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Neznámé ID resourceAccess: %s. Pokud jako ID resourceAccess používáte oprávnění, zkuste místo toho použít ID oprávnění.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Cesta k projektu je prázdná.", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Nelze vytvořit soubory pro přidání jednotného přihlašování. Podrobnosti chyby: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "E-mailová adresa není správná", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Návrhy: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s není platné s hodnotou: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "Chybí %s.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Nelze zřídit %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Nelze aktualizovat konfigurace pro %s.", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Registrace robota s botId %s se nenašla. Další informace o tom, jak zkontrolovat registrace robota, získáte kliknutím na tlačítko Získat pomoc.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Prostředek robota už v %s existuje, přeskočte vytváření prostředku robota.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Nelze načíst přihlašovací údaje Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Zřizování registrace robota.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Registrace robota se úspěšně zřídila.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Zkontrolujte prosím výstupní panel pro přihlášení a zkuste tento problém vyřešit.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Registrace robota na Portálu pro vývojáře", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Nelze získat nejnovější šablonu z GitHubu, pokus o použití místní šablony.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Nainstalujte požadované závislosti ručně.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Další informace", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Abyste mohli ladit místní funkce, musíte mít nainstalovaný NPM.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Po instalaci nelze ověřit Azure Functions Core Tools.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Cíl symlinku už existuje", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Váš vlastní Node.js (@NodeVersion) není kompatibilní se sada nástrojů Teams Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Formát verze %s je neplatný.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Instalace základních nástrojů Azure Functions je neúplná.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Verze Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) není kompatibilní se zadaným rozsahem verzí (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "Software @NameVersion se úspěšně nainstaloval.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Stahuje a instaluje se přenosná verze @NameVersion, která se nainstaluje do @InstallDir a nebude mít vliv na vaše prostředí.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Stahuje a instaluje se přenosná verze @NameVersion, která se nainstaluje do @InstallDir a nebude mít vliv na vaše prostředí.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion se úspěšně nainstaloval.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Použití dotnet z CESTY:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Příkaz dotnet-install selhal bez ukončovacího kódu chyby, ale s neprázdnou standardní chybou.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Příkaz dotnet-install selhal.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Nelze najít Node.js. Podporované verze uzlů jsou uvedeny v souboru package.json. Přejděte na %s a nainstalujte podporovaný Node.js. Po dokončení instalace restartujte všechny instance Visual Studio Code.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) není oficiálně podporovaná verze (%s). Váš projekt může dál fungovat, ale doporučujeme nainstalovat podporovanou verzi. Podporované verze uzlů jsou uvedeny v souboru package.json. Pokud chcete nainstalovat podporovaný Node.js, přejděte na %s.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) není verze LTS (%s). Přejděte na %s a nainstalujte LTS Node.js.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Nepovedlo se najít @NameVersion. Podrobnosti o tom, proč je potřeba sada .NET SDK, najdete v @HelpLink.", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Nepovedlo se najít @SupportedPackages.\n\nSada nástrojů Teams tyto závislosti vyžaduje.\n\nKliknutím na Nainstalovat nainstalujete @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Nelze najít @SupportedPackages. Nainstalujte @SupportedPackages ručně a restartujte Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Nepovedlo se najít @SupportedPackages.\n\nSada nástrojů Teams tyto závislosti vyžaduje.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Nelze stáhnout soubor z @Url, stav HTTP: @Status.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Neplatný argument pro kontrolu předpokladů pro testovací aplikaci rozšiřitelnosti videa. Zkontrolujte soubor tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Testovací aplikaci rozšiřitelnosti videa po instalaci nelze ověřit.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Verze Teams App Test Tool (%s) není kompatibilní se zadaným rozsahem verzí (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Po instalaci se nepovedlo ověřit nástroj Teams App Test Tool. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Názvy výstupních proměnných prostředí nejsou definovány.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Vytvoření aplikace Azure Active Directory pro ověřování uživatelů", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Použití manifest aplikace Azure Active Directory u existující aplikace", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "Proměnná prostředí %s není nastavená.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Nelze vygenerovat tajný klíč klienta.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Pole %s v manifestu aplikace Azure Active Directory chybí nebo je neplatné.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Vytváření aplikace Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Aktualizace aplikace Azure Active Directory...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Spouští se akce %s.", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Akce %s byla úspěšně provedena.", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Nelze provést akci %s. Chybová zpráva: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Proměnná prostředí %s neexistuje, vytváří se nová aplikace Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Byla vytvořena aplikace Azure Active Directory s ID objektu %s.", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Proměnná prostředí %s už existuje, přeskakuje se krok vytváření nové aplikace Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Proměnná prostředí %s neexistuje, generuje se tajný kód klienta pro aplikaci Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Vygeneroval se tajný kód klienta pro aplikaci Azure Active Directory s ID objektu %s.", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Proměnná prostředí %s už existuje, přeskakuje se krok generování tajného kódu klienta aplikace Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Vytváření manifestu aplikace Azure Active Directory dokončeno a obsah manifestu aplikace zapsán do %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Manifest %s se použil pro aplikaci Azure Active Directory s ID objektu %s.", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Vytváří se aplikace robota AAD.", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Vytváří se aplikace robota Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Aplikace robota Azure Active Directory se úspěšně vytvořila.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Vytváření aplikace robota Azure Active Directory se přeskočilo.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "vytvořit novou nebo znovu použít existující aplikaci Azure Active Directory pro robota.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Spouští se akce %s.", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Akce %s byla úspěšně provedena.", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Nelze provést akci %s. Chybová zpráva: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Byla vytvořena aplikace Azure Active Directory s ID klienta %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Byla použita existující aplikace Azure Active Directory s ID klienta %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Heslo bota je prázdné. Přidejte ho do souboru env nebo vymažte id bota, aby se dvojice id bota a hesla přegenerovala. action: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Nasazení daných šablon ARM do Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Nasazují se šablony ARM do Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Pokud chcete ladit aplikace v Teams, musí být váš server localhost na adrese HTTPS.\nAby aplikace Teams důvěřovala certifikátu SSL podepsanému držitelem používanému sadou nástrojů, do úložiště certifikátů se nejdřív musí přidat certifikát podepsaný držitelem.\nTento krok můžete přeskočit, ale při ladění aplikací v Teams v novém okně prohlížeče budete muset zabezpečené připojení ručně nastavit jako důvěryhodné.\nDalší informace najdete na adrese https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Při instalaci certifikátu se může zobrazit výzva k zadání přihlašovacích údajů k účtu.", "debug.install": "Nainstalovat", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "nasadí balíček SPFx do katalogu aplikací SharePointu.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Nasaďte balíček SPFx do katalogu aplikací tenanta.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Přeskočte to, ať můžete vytvořit katalog aplikací SharePointu.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Nahrajte balíček SPFx do katalogu aplikací tenanta.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Katalog aplikací tenanta SharePointu %s se vytvořil. Počkejte několik minut, než bude aktivní.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Nenašel se žádný katalog aplikací tenanta. Zkuste to znovu: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Po vytvoření není možné získat adresu URL webu katalogu aplikací. Možná budete muset několik minut počkat a zkusit to znovu.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Ve vašem klientovi není žádný platný katalog aplikací. Pokud chcete, aby ho pro vás vytvořila sada nástrojů Teams Toolkit, můžete aktualizovat vlastnost createAppCatalogIfNotExist v %s na hodnotu true, případně ho můžete vytvořit sami.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "přidat další webovou část do projektu SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Webová část %s se úspěšně přidala do projektu.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Webová část generování uživatelského rozhraní", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Generovat webovou část SPFx pomocí rozhraní příkazového řádku Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Nelze zkontrolovat a nainstalovat Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Nelze zkontrolovat a nainstalovat .NET Core SDK.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Nepovedlo se zkontrolovat a nainstalovat nástroj Teams App Test Tool.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "instalují se závislosti.", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Probíhá kontrola a instalace vývojových nástrojů.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Je nainstalován vývojový certifikát pro localhost.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Vygeneroval se vývojový certifikát pro localhost.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Přeskočte nastavení vývojového certifikátu pro localhost jako důvěryhodného.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Sada Azure Functions Core Tools je nainstalována v %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Sada nástrojů Azure Functions Core Tools je nainstalovaná.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "Sada .NET Core SDK je nainstalována v %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "Sada .NET Core SDK je nainstalovaná.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Vytvořte nebo aktualizujte proměnné do souboru prostředí.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Proměnné byly úspěšně vygenerovány do %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Nástroj Teams App Test Tool je nainstalovaný v %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Nástroj Teams App Test Tool je nainstalovaný.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Vytvořte nebo aktualizujte soubor JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Soubor JSON se úspěšně vygeneroval do %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Generuje se soubor JSON...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Probíhá generování proměnných prostředí...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Nelze restartovat webovou aplikaci.\nPokud aplikace nefunguje správně, zkuste webovou aplikaci restartovat ručně.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Nasazení do Azure App Service trvá dlouho. Zvažte možnost odkazovat na tento dokument, abyste optimalizovali nasazení:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Příprava nasazení se dokončila. Balíček najdete v %s.", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "%s se úspěšně nasadil do Azure App Service.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "%s se úspěšně nasadil do Azure Functions.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "%s se úspěšně nasadil do Azure Storage.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Služba Azure Storage úspěšně povolila statický web.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "nasadit projekt do služby Azure App Service.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "nasadit projekt do Azure Functions.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "nasadit projekt do služby Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "povolit nastavení statického webu v Azure Storage.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Zkuste to znovu.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Nelze načíst přihlašovací údaje Azure kvůli chybě vzdálené služby.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "spouští se příkaz dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "spouští se příkaz npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "spouští se příkaz npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Příkaz %s se úspěšně provedl v %s.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "získání Microsoft 365 názvu s balíčkem aplikace", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Získává se název Microsoft 365 s balíčkem aplikace...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Název Microsoft 365 byl úspěšně získán (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "zkopíruje vygenerovaný balíček aplikace Teams do řešení SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "vytvořit aplikaci Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "aktualizujte aplikaci Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publikovat aplikaci Teams do katalogu aplikací tenanta.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "ověřit aplikaci Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "vytvořit balíček aplikace Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Kopírování balíčku aplikace Teams do řešení SPFx...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Vytváří se aplikace Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Aktualizuje se aplikace Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Kontroluje se, jestli už je aplikace Teams odeslaná do katalogu aplikací tenanta.", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Aktualizovat publikovanou aplikaci Teams", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Publikuje se aplikace Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "Aplikace Teams s ID %s už existuje. Přeskočilo se vytvoření nové aplikace Teams.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "Aplikace Teams s ID %s už v obchodě s aplikacemi organizace existuje.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "Aplikace Teams s ID %s v obchodě s aplikacemi organizace neexistuje.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Aplikace Teams %s se úspěšně publikovala na portál pro správu.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Aplikace Teams %s byla úspěšně zkopírována do %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "Ikony (%s) se úspěšně aktualizovaly v rámci %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Sada Teams Toolkit zkontrolovala všechna ověřovací pravidla:\n\nShrnutí:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nV %s najdete úplný protokol ověření.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Sada Teams Toolkit zkontrolovala manifest se svým schématem:\n\nSouhrn:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "Úspěšně dokončeno: %s", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s se nepovedlo.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s upozornění", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Vše", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Sada Teams Toolkit dokončila kontrolu ověřovacích pravidel balíčku aplikace. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Sada Teams Toolkit dokončila kontrolu balíčku aplikace podle pravidel validace. %s. Podrobnosti najdete v [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Kvůli %s se nepovedlo ověřit balíček aplikace Teams.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Nepovedlo se ověřit balíček aplikace Teams. Podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Aplikace Teams s ID %s na Portálu pro vývojáře Teams neexistuje.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "ID aplikace Teams %s není platné, musí to být GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "vytvoří nebo aktualizuje registraci robota na dev.botframework.com.", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "Registrace robota byla úspěšně vytvořena (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "Registrace robota byla úspěšně aktualizována (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Životní cyklus %s není definován. Soubor yaml: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Akci %s není možné dokončit, protože v zadaném souboru yaml chybí následující parametr (parametry): %s, nebo má (mají) neplatnou hodnotu: %s. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou požadované parametry zadány a mají platné hodnoty, a zkuste to znovu.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Není možné nainstalovat %s. Pokud používáte sadu nástrojů ve Visual Studio Code, můžete ji nainstalovat ručně a restartovat Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Program nemůže pokračovat, protože chybí následující proměnné prostředí: %s, které jsou vyžadovány pro soubor: %s. Ujistěte se, že jsou požadované proměnné nastaveny buď úpravou souboru .env %s se správnými názvy a hodnotami , nebo nastavením systémových proměnných prostředí se správnými názvy a hodnotami. Pokud vyvíjíte s novým projektem vytvořeným pomocí sady Teams Toolkit, spuštěním zřizování nebo ladění zaregistrujete správné hodnoty pro tyto proměnné prostředí.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Tento příkaz funguje pouze pro projekt vytvořený sadou nástrojů Teams Toolkit.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Soubor nebo adresář nebyl nalezen: %s. Zkontrolujte, jestli existuje a máte oprávnění k přístupu.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Chyba syntaxe JSON: %s Zkontrolujte syntaxi JSON a ujistěte se, že je správně naformátovaná.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Soubor nelze přečíst z tohoto důvodu: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Při provádění úlohy %s došlo k neočekávané chybě. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Soubor nelze zapsat z tohoto důvodu: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "Operace se souborem není povolená. Ujistěte se, že máte potřebná oprávnění: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Chybí požadovaný vstup: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Ověření vstupu %s se nezdařilo: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Nepovedlo se najít soubory .env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Chybí soubor %srequired „%s“.", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Při provádění úlohy %s došlo k chybě klienta HTTP. Chybová odpověď: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Při provádění úlohy %s došlo k chybě serveru HTTP. Zkuste to prosím znovu později. Chybová odpověď: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "Předchozí úloha je stále spuštěná. Počkejte, až se předchozí úkol dokončí, a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Tento projekt je už nejnovější, není potřeba upgradovat.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Soubor manifestu (%s) nelze zpracovat kvůli chybějícímu klíči id. Pokud chcete aplikaci správně identifikovat, ujistěte se prosím, že se v souboru manifestu nachází klíč id.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Nelze načíst soubor manifestu. Důvod: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Nelze získat vaše přihlašovací údaje Azure. Ujistěte se, že je váš účet Azure správně ověřený, a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Předplatné Azure %s není ve vašem aktuálním účtu k dispozici. Ujistěte se, že jste se přihlásili pod správným účtem Azure a že máte potřebná oprávnění pro přístup k předplatnému.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Skupina prostředků %s již v předplatném %s existuje. Zvažte volbu jiného názvu nebo použití existující skupiny prostředků pro váš úkol.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "V aktuálním účtu se nepovedlo vybrat předplatné.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Skupina prostředků %s se v předplatném %s nenašla.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Nepovedlo se získat informace o skupině prostředků %s v předplatném %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. \nPokud je v chybové zprávě uveden důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Není možné zkontrolovat existenci skupiny prostředků %s v předplatném %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. \n Pokud chybová zpráva určuje důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Nepovedlo se získat skupiny prostředků %s v předplatném %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. \nPokud je v chybové zprávě uveden důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Nelze získat informace o skupině prostředků %s v předplatném %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. \n Pokud chybová zpráva určuje důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Nepovedlo se získat dostupná umístění skupin prostředků pro předplatné %s.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Není možné získat objekt JSON pro token Microsoft 365. Zkontrolujte, zda je váš účet oprávněn k přístupu k tenantovi a zda je objekt JSON tokenu platný.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "V objektu JSON tokenu nelze získat ID tenanta Microsoft 365. Ujistěte se, že váš účet má oprávnění pro přístup k tenantovi a že je objekt JSON tokenu platný.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Ověření se nezdařilo. V současné době jste přihlášeni k Microsoft 365 tenant %s, který je jiný než tenant uvedený v souboru .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Pokud chcete tento problém vyřešit a přepnout na aktuálně přihlášeného tenanta, odstraňte prosím hodnoty %s ze souboru .env a zkuste to znovu.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Nelze zkompilovat soubory Bicep umístěné v cestě %s do šablon JSON ARM. Vrácená chybová zpráva: %s. Zkontrolujte v souborech Bicep případné chyby syntaxe nebo konfigurace a zkuste to znovu.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Z %s se nepovedlo stáhnout rozhraní příkazového řádku Bicep. Chybová zpráva: %s. Opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu. Nebo odstraňte konfigurátor bicepCliVersion v konfiguračním souboru teamsapp.yml a sada Teams Toolkit bude používat rozhraní příkazového řádku bicep v PATH.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Šablony ARM pro název nasazení: %s se nepovedlo nasadit ve skupině prostředků %s. Další podrobnosti najdete v [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Šablony ARM pro název nasazení %s se nepovedlo nasadit ve skupině prostředků %s. Důvod: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Šablony ARM pro název nasazení: %s není možné nasadit ve skupině prostředků %s z důvodu: %s. \nNepovedlo se získat podrobné chybové hlášení z důvodu: %s. \nChybu nasazení naleznete ve skupině prostředků %s na portálu.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Nelze převést výsledek nasazení ARM na výstup akce. Ve výsledku nasazení ARM je duplicitní klíč %s.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "V distribuční složce se nepodařilo najít žádné soubory: %s. Ujistěte se prosím, že složka není prázdná a že jsou v ní obsaženy všechny potřebné soubory.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Není možné zkontrolovat stav nasazení, protože proces skončil. Zkontrolujte připojení k internetu a zkuste to znovu. Pokud problém přetrvává, zkontrolujte protokoly nasazení (Nasazení -> Centrum nasazení -> Protokoly) na portálu Azure a zjistěte případné problémy.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Nepovedlo se získat pověření k publikování aplikace %s ve skupině prostředků %s. Další podrobnosti najdete v [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Není možné získat pověření k publikování aplikace %s ve skupině prostředků %s z důvodu:\n %s.\n Návrhy:\n 1. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou název aplikace a název skupiny prostředků správně napsány a zda jsou platné. \n 2. Zkontrolujte, zda má váš účet Azure potřebná oprávnění pro přístup k rozhraní API. Možná bude nutné zvýšit vaši roli nebo požádat správce o další oprávnění. \n 3. Pokud chybová zpráva obsahuje konkrétní důvod, například selhání ověřování nebo problém se sítí, prozkoumejte konkrétně tento problém, abyste chybu vyřešili, a zkuste to znovu. \n 4. Na této stránce můžete otestovat rozhraní API: %s", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Není možné nasadit balíček zip na koncový bod: %s. Další podrobnosti najdete v [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Balíček ZIP se nepovedlo nasadit do koncového bodu %s v Azure kvůli chybě: %s. \nNávrhy:\n1. Zkontrolujte, zda má váš účet Azure potřebná oprávnění pro přístup k rozhraní API. \n 2. Ověřte, zda je koncový bod v Azure správně nakonfigurován a zda byly zajištěny požadované prostředky. \n 3. Zkontrolujte, zda je balíček zip platný a bez chyb. \n 4. Pokud je v chybové zprávě uveden důvod, například selhání ověřování nebo problém se sítí, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu. \n 5. Pokud chyba stále přetrvává, můžete se pokusit balík nasadit ručně podle pokynů uvedených na tomto odkazu: %s", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Není možné zkontrolovat stav nasazení pro umístění: %s kvůli chybě: %s. Pokud problém přetrvává, zkontrolujte prosím protokoly nasazení (Nasazení -> Centrum nasazení -> Protokoly) na portálu Azure a zjistěte případné problémy.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Balíček byl úspěšně nasazen do Azure pro umístění: %s, ale aplikaci se nepovedlo spustit kvůli chybě: %s.\n Pokud není důvod jasně specifikován, zde je několik návrhů na řešení problémů:\n 1. Zkontrolujte protokoly aplikace: Pro identifikaci hlavní příčiny problému vyhledejte v protokolech aplikace všechny chybové zprávy nebo trasování zásobníku.\n 2. Zkontrolujte konfiguraci Azure: Zkontrolujte, zda je konfigurace Azure správná, včetně řetězců připojení a nastavení aplikace.\n 3. Zkontrolujte kód aplikace: Zkontrolujte kód a zjistěte, zda se v něm nevyskytují syntaktické nebo logické chyby, které by mohly být příčinou problému.\n 4. Zkontrolujte závislosti: Zkontrolujte, zda jsou všechny závislosti vyžadované aplikací správně nainstalovány a aktualizovány.\n 5. Restartujte aplikaci: Zkuste restartovat aplikaci v Azure a zjistěte, zda se tím problém vyřeší.\n 6. Zkontrolujte přidělení prostředků: Zkontrolujte, zda je přidělení prostředků pro instanci Azure vhodné pro aplikaci a její úlohu.\n 7. Požádejte o pomoc podporu Azure: Pokud problém přetrvává, obraťte se na podporu Azure a požádejte o další pomoc.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Časový limit spuštění skriptu: %s Upravte parametr timeout v yamlu nebo zvyšte efektivitu skriptu.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Chyba spuštění skriptu ('%s'): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Nelze vymazat soubory objektů blob v účtu Azure Storage %s. Další podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Není možné vymazat soubory blob v účtu %s do účtu Azure Storage %s. Chybové odpovědi Azure jsou:\n %s. \nPokud je v chybové zprávě uveden důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Nelze nahrát místní složku %s do Azure Storage účtu %s. Další podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Není možné získat vlastnosti kontejneru %s v účtu Azure Storage %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. Mezi chybové odpovědi z Azure patří:\n %s. \n Pokud chybová zpráva určuje důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Není možné nastavit vlastnosti kontejneru %s v účtu Azure Storage %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. Další podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Nelze nastavit vlastnosti kontejneru %s v účtu Azure Storage %s, protože došlo k chybě: %s. Mezi chybové odpovědi z Azure patří:\n %s. \n Pokud chybová zpráva určuje důvod, opravte chybu a zkuste to znovu.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Nejde načíst ID manifestu z cesty: %s. Nejdříve musíte spustit zřízení.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Nejde najít ID aplikace: %s. Možná váš aktuální účet M365 nemá oprávnění nebo byla aplikace odstraněna." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.de.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.de.json index 3cb0e4576a..1c6bf0d727 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.de.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.de.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Bereitstellung", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Weitere Informationen", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure-Konto: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement: %s.", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365-Konto: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Je nach Nutzung können Kosten anfallen. Möchten Sie Ressourcen in der %s-Umgebung mithilfe der oben aufgeführten Konten bereitstellen?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Möchten Sie Ressourcen in der %s-Umgebung bereitstellen?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Bereitgestellte Ressourcen anzeigen", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Ihre Azure Active Directory-Anwendung wurde erfolgreich bereitgestellt. Klicken Sie auf „Weitere Informationen“, um zu erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Azure Active Directory-Anwendung anzeigen können.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Ihre Azure Active Directory-Anwendung wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Mehr erfahren", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Um Probleme mit der Bot-Anwendung in Azure zu beheben, klicken Sie bitte auf „Weitere Informationen“, um die Dokumentation zu erhalten.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Mehr erfahren", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Bereitstellen", "core.option.confirm": "Bestätigen", - "core.option.cancel": "Abbrechen", - "core.option.learnMore": "Weitere Informationen", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Upgrade", "core.option.moreInfo": "Weitere Informationen", "core.progress.create": "Erstellen", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App-Vorlage wird heruntergeladen.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Beispiel %s wird heruntergeladen", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Bereitstellen", "core.progress.publish": "Veröffentlichen", "core.progress.provision": "Bereitstellung", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Azure Storage wird konfiguriert, Einstellung der statischen Website aktivieren.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Befehl %s bei %s ausführen", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "%s wird in %s bereitgestellt.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Weiterlesen", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Bestätigen Sie das Upgrade.", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade Ihres Teams Toolkit-Projekts durch, um mit der neuesten Version kompatibel zu bleiben. Ein Sicherungsverzeichnis wird zusammen mit einer Upgradezusammenfassung erstellt.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade Ihrer Lösung durch, um mit der neuesten Version des Teams-Toolkits kompatibel zu bleiben. Ein Sicherungsverzeichnis wird generiert, in dem es einen Upgradebericht enthält.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json ist nicht vorhanden. Möglicherweise versuchen Sie, ein von Teams-Toolkit erstelltes Projekt für Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit für Visual Studio v17.3 zu aktualisieren. Installieren Sie das Teams-Toolkit für Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit für Visual Studio v17.4, und führen Sie zuerst das Upgrade aus.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json ist ungültig.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Dieses Projekt dient nur zur Vorschau und wird vom Teams-Toolkit nicht unterstützt. Probieren Sie das Teams-Toolkit aus, indem Sie ein neues Projekt erstellen.", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Die Vorabversion des Teams-Toolkits unterstützt die neue Projektkonfiguration und ist mit früheren Versionen nicht kompatibel. Probieren Sie sie aus, indem Sie ein neues Projekt erstellen, oder führen Sie „teamsfx upgrade“ aus, um zuerst eine Upgrade für ihr Projekt durchzuführen.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Ihre TeamsFx CLI ist alt und unterstützt das aktuelle Projekt nicht. Bitte aktualisieren Sie auf die neueste Version mit dem folgenden Befehl:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Das aktuelle Projekt ist nicht mit der installierten Version des Teams-Toolkits kompatibel.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Das Projekt in der Projektmappe wird mit der Previewfunktion des Teams-Toolkits erstellt – Verbesserungen bei Teams-App Configuration. Sie können die Vorschaufunktion aktivieren, um fortzufahren.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM-Vorlagen wurden erfolgreich bereitgestellt. Ressourcengruppenname: %s. Bereitstellungsname: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "„Microsoft 365 App-Besitzer auflisten“ war erfolgreich. Sie können sie im [Ausgabebereich](%s) anzeigen.", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Berechtigungen werden gewährt", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Die E-Mail-Adresse des Projektmitarbeiters darf nicht NULL oder mit dem aktuellen Benutzer identisch sein.", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Der Benutzer wurde im aktuellen Mandanten nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihre E-Mail-Adresse korrekt ist.", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Gewähren Sie Benutzer %s die Berechtigung", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Konto zum Erteilen der Berechtigung: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Die Erteilung der Berechtigung für die Umgebung wird gestartet: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "Mandanten-ID: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Berechtigung wurde erteilt für ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": "Ressourcen-ID: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Die Berechtigungen für Microsoft 365 werden aufgelistet.\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Zum Überprüfen verwendetes Konto: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nDas Auflisten aller Teams-App-Besitzer für die Umgebung wird gestartet: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nDas Auflisten aller Azure Active Directory-App-Besitzer für die Umgebung wird gestartet: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams-App (ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO-AAD-App (ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams-App-Besitzer: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory-App-Besitzer: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Die Überprüfung der Berechtigung für die Umgebung wird gestartet: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "Ressourcen-ID: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "nicht definiert", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Ressourcenname: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Berechtigung: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Das Manifest aus dem heruntergeladenen Paket für die Teams-App „%s“ wurde nicht gefunden.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name für SharePoint-Framework-Webpart", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "Der Ordner „%s“ ist bereits vorhanden. Wählen Sie einen anderen Namen für Ihre Komponente aus.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s entspricht nicht dem Muster: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint-Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Wählen Sie eine Option für den Gerüstbau aus.", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Global installiertes SPFx (%s) verwenden", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Global installiertes SPFx verwenden", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s oder höher", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Neuestes SPFx (%s) im Teams-Toolkit-Verzeichnis lokal installieren ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Neuestes SPFx im Teams-Toolkit-Verzeichnis lokal installieren ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint-Lösung", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Neue SPFx-Lösung erstellen", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Teams-Registerkartenanwendung mit SPFx-Webparts erstellen", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Vorhandene SPFx-Lösung importieren", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Machen Sie das clientseitige SPFx-Webpart als Registerkarte \"Microsoft Teams\" oder als persönliche App verfügbar.", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Die sharePoint-Paket-%s wurde erfolgreich in [%s](%s) bereitgestellt.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "SharePoint-Paket %s kann nicht gefunden werden", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Das SPO-Zugriffstoken kann nicht abgerufen werden.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Das Graph-Zugriffstoken kann nicht abgerufen werden.", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Das Paket kann nicht in den App-Katalog „%s“ hochgeladen und bereitgestellt werden. Sie benötigen die Administratorberechtigungen für Microsoft 365 Mandanten Ihrer Organisation. Sie können kostenlos Microsoft 365 Mandanten von [Microsoft 365-Entwicklerprogramm](%s) zu Testzwecken erhalten.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Der Mandanten-App-Katalog kann aufgrund von „%s“, Stapel „%s“ nicht erstellt werden", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Das App-Paket kann aufgrund von %s nicht hochgeladen werden", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "SharePoint-Paket wird erstellt", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "SharePoint-Paket hochladen und bereitstellen", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Gerüstbauprojekt", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "„npm install“ kann aufgrund von „%s“ nicht ausgeführt werden", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Das Paket %s konnte nicht validiert werden", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "Ihr SPFx-Projekt enthält keine YO-RC.JSON-Datei. Fügen Sie die Konfigurationsdatei hinzu, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Die SPFx-Entwicklungsumgebung wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß eingerichtet. Sie können auf „Hilfe“ klicken, um der Anleitung zum Einrichten der richtigen Umgebung zu folgen.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Abhängigkeiten prüfen...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Abhängigkeiten installieren. Dies kann länger als 5 Minuten dauern.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Generieren Sie ein SPFx-Projekt mit Yeoman CLI", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Webpart-Manifest aktualisieren", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Der Mandant kann nicht %s %s werden.", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unbekannte Probleme beim Einrichten der SPFx-Umgebung im Ordner „%s“. Unter [Einrichten Ihrer SharePoint-Framework-Entwicklungsumgebung | Microsoft Learn](%s) finden Sie Informationen zum Einrichten der globalen SPFx-Umgebung.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Projekts. Mögliche Ursache: Yeoman-Generator für SharePoint. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Fehler beim Abrufen vorhandener SPFx-Lösungsinformationen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre SPFx-Lösung gültig ist.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Fehler beim Kopieren der vorhandenen SPFx-Lösung: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Projektvorlagen mit vorhandener SPFx-Lösung: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Fehler beim Importieren der vorhandenen SPFx-Lösung in das Teams-Toolkit: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "SPFx-Lösung wird importiert", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Vorhandene SPFx-Lösung wird kopiert...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Vorlagen werden basierend auf Lösungsinformationen generiert...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Vorlagen werden aktualisiert...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Ihre SPFx-Lösung wurde erfolgreich in %s importiert.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Das Teams-Toolkit hat Ihre SPFx-Lösung erfolgreich importiert. Ein vollständiges Protokoll mit Importdetails finden Sie in %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Fehler beim Importieren Ihrer SPFx-Lösung durch das Teams-Toolkit. Ein vollständiges Protokoll mit Importdetails finden Sie in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie Lese-/Schreibberechtigungen für Ihr Dateisystem besitzen.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie über Berechtigungen für Ihr Azure Storage-Konto verfügen.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Sie können abgelaufene Anmeldeinformationen abrufen. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Systemzeit korrekt ist.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Wiederholen Sie den aktuellen Schritt.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Teams-Paket wurde erfolgreich unter [lokale Adresse](%s) erstellt.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Das Teams-Paket wurde erfolgreich um %s erstellt.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Teams-App-Paket wird erstellt...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifestvalidierung fehlgeschlagen!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Manifest wird überprüft...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "App-Paket wird überprüft...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Gehen Sie zum Admin-Portal", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] wurde erfolgreich im Admin-Portal (%s) veröffentlicht. Nach der Genehmigung steht Ihre App für Ihre Organisation zur Verfügung. Erfahren Sie mehr von %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Möchten Sie ein neues Update übermitteln?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams-App erstellt %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams-App-%s aktualisiert", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Ihr Teams-Anwendungsmanifest wurde erfolgreich bereitgestellt. Klicken Sie auf „Im Entwicklerportal anzeigen“, um Ihre Anwendung im Teams-Entwicklerportal anzuzeigen.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Ihr Teams-Anwendungsmanifest wurde erfolgreich bereitgestellt für ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Die Manifestdateikonfigurationen wurden bereits geändert. Möchten Sie die Manifestdatei erneut generieren und auf die Teams-Plattform aktualisieren?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Die Manifestdatei auf der Teams-Plattform wurde seit Ihrem letzten Update geändert. Möchten Sie die Manifestdatei auf der Plattform von Teams aktualisieren und überschreiben?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "Die App %s wurde bereits an den Mandanten-App-Katalog übermittelt.\nStatus: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Zuletzt geändert: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Nur Vorschau", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Vorschauen und aktualisieren", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Überschreiben und aktualisieren", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Im Paket der App „%s“ wurden keine Dateien gefunden.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s wurde vom Teams-Toolkit nicht verarbeitet.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "In Entwicklerportal anzeigen", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Trigger auswählen", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Trigger auswählen", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Eine ausgeführte Funktion, die in Azure Functions gehostet wird, kann HTTP-Anforderungen überwachen.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP-Trigger", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Eine ausgeführte Funktion, die auf Azure Functions gehostet wird, kann auf HTTP-Anfragen hören und nach einem bestimmten Zeitplan antworten.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP- und Zeitgebertrigger", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify-Server", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Ein ausgeführter Restify-Server, der in Azure App Service gehostet wird, kann HTTP-Anforderungen abhören.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP-Trigger", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web-API-Server", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Ein ausgeführter Web-API-Server, der auf Azure App Service gehostet wird, kann auf HTTP-Anforderungen lauschen.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP-Trigger", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Eine ausgeführte Funktion, die in Azure Functions gehostet wird, kann basierend auf einem bestimmten Zeitplan reagieren.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Zeitgebertrigger", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Es wurde kein Projekt geöffnet. Sie können ein neues Projekt erstellen oder ein vorhandenes Projekt öffnen.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Der Umgebungsname darf nur Buchstaben, Ziffern, _ und Bindestriche (-) enthalten.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Wenn Sie nicht zum Upgrade bereit sind, verwenden Sie weiterhin die alte Version des Teams-Toolkits.", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Ungültige Eingaben: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "Projektumgebung %s existiert bereits.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Methode nicht implementiert: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "„%s“ kann nicht von Ressourcen-ID „%s“ abgerufen werden.", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Es wurde kein Abonnement gefunden.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Der Benutzer wurde abgebrochen. Damit Teams dem vom Toolkit verwendeten selbstsigniertem SSL-Zertifikat vertrauen kann, muss Ihrem Zertifikatspeicher ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat hinzugefügt werden.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Die Videofilter-App in remote wird vom Teams-Toolkit nicht unterstützt. Überprüfen Sie die „README.md“-Datei im Stammordner „Projekt“.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Die Teams-App kann aufgrund von %s nicht in Teams-Entwicklerportal erstellt werden", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Die Teams-App mit der ID \"%s\" kann in Teams-Entwicklerportal aufgrund von %s nicht aktualisiert werden.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Fehler beim API-Aufruf von Entwicklerportal. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Fehler beim API-Aufruf an Entwicklerportal: %s, %s, API-Name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. Dies kann auf einen zeitweiligen Dienstfehler zurückzuführen sein. Warten Sie einige Minuten, und wiederholen Sie den aktuellen Schritt.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Fehler beim API-Aufruf an Entwicklerportal: %s, %s, Anforderungspfad: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Die Teams-App mit der ID %s kann nicht veröffentlicht werden.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Teams-Pakets.", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Fehler beim Überprüfen der Berechtigung. Grund: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Berechtigung erteilen fehlgeschlagen. Gründe dafür", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Fehler beim Auflisten des Projektmitarbeiters. Grund: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Die Teams-App mit der ID %s wurde nicht gefunden. Sie müssen zuerst ein Debuggen oder eine Bereitstellung ausführen, bevor Sie das Manifest auf die Teams-Plattform aktualisieren.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Ungültige Funktion: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Fähigkeit %s kann nicht hinzugefügt werden, sie erreicht das Limit.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Die statische Registerkarte mit der Entitäts-ID %s wurde nicht gefunden und kann nicht aktualisiert werden.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "Die Funktion \"%s\" ist im Manifest nicht vorhanden und kann nicht aktualisiert werden.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Bei der Manifestsuche wurde eine ungültige ID gefunden.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Das Schema kann nicht von %s abgerufen werden, Meldung: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Das Dateischema ist nicht definiert.", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Versuchen Sie, das Paket aus \"Zip Teams-App-Paket\" zu generieren, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Die Teams-App konnte mit einem 409-Konfliktfehler nicht erstellt werden. Dies kann von Ihrer App-ID stammen, die mit einer anderen App in Ihrem Mandanten in Konflikt steht. Klicken Sie auf Hilfe, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Eine Teams-App mit dieser ID ist bereits im App Store Ihrer Organisation vorhanden. Aktualisieren Sie die App-ID manuell, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Das aktuelle Konto darf kein Botframework-Token abrufen.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Die Botframework-Bereitstellung gibt das unzulässige Ergebnis des Versuchs zurück, eine Botregistrierung zu erstellen.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Die Botframework-Bereitstellung gibt das Konfliktergebnis des Versuchs zurück, eine Botregistrierung zu erstellen.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Das ZIP-Paket kann nicht heruntergeladen und das lokale ZIP-Paket nicht geöffnet werden.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Die Vorlage kann nicht gefunden werden: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Das Beispiel kann nicht gefunden werden: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Das ZIP-Paket kann nicht von %s heruntergeladen werden.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Die Vorlagen können nicht entpackt und auf die Festplatte geschrieben werden.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Der Schlüssel „%s“ wurde nicht gefunden", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Das Beispiel kann aufgrund einer Drosselung nicht heruntergeladen werden. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang später nach dem Zurücksetzen des Ratenlimits (dies kann bis zu 1 Stunde dauern). Alternativ können Sie zu „%s“ wechseln, um das Repository manuell zu klonen", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Das Beispiel kann aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht heruntergeladen werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung, und versuchen Sie es noch mal. Alternativ können Sie zu „%s“ wechseln, um das Repository manuell zu klonen", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Die URL „%s“ kann nicht analysiert werden", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Das OpenAI-Plug-In-Manifest kann nicht von '%s' abgerufen werden.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Die Teams-App kann nicht auf Microsoft 365 erweitert werden. Verwenden Sie die Aktion „teamsApp/extendToM365“, um Ihre Teams-App auf Microsoft 365 zu erweitern.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Der Anwendungsname muss mit Buchstaben beginnen und mindestens zwei Buchstaben oder Ziffern enthalten. Es darf einige Sonderzeichen nicht enthalten.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Der Anwendungsname ist länger als die maximale Länge von 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Der Pfad ist vorhanden: %s. Wählen Sie einen anderen Anwendungsnamen aus.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Programmiersprache auswählen.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx unterstützt zurzeit nur TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Tutorium öffnen", "core.option.github": "GitHub-Anleitung öffnen", - "core.option.inProduct": "Produktinterne Anleitung öffnen", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Registerkarte", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Ein vorhandenes Outlook-Add-In-Projekt wird importiert.", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Dateien werden kopiert.", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Projekt wird konvertiert", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Manifest wird geändert", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Ui-basierte App", "core.TabOption.detail": "Teams-fähige Webseiten, die in Microsoft Teams eingebettet sind", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Dashboard", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Ein Zeichenbereich mit Karten und Widgets zum Anzeigen wichtiger Informationen", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Grundlegender Bot", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Eine einfache Implementierung eines Echobots, der angepasst werden kann", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Verzweigung von Verknüpfungen", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Informationen und Aktionen anzeigen, wenn eine URL in den Bereich zum Verfassen von Nachrichten eingefügt wird", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Sammeln von Formulareingabe- und Verarbeitungsdaten", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Nachrichtenerweiterung", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Benutzerdefinierte Benutzeroberfläche, wenn Benutzer Nachrichten in Teams verfassen", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Abrufen von Benutzereingaben, Durchführen von Aufgaben und Zurücksenden benutzerdefinierter Ergebnisse", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Systemmitteilung im Chat", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Benachrichtigen und Informieren mit einer Nachricht, die in Teams-Chats angezeigt wird", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Chatbefehl", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Erstellen einer Benutzeroberfläche mit SharePoint-Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Standardregisterkarte", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Eine einfache Implementierung einer Web-App, die zum Anpassen bereit ist", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit hat Ihre API-Spezifikation überprüft:\n\nZusammenfassung:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Das Teams Toolkit hat Ihr OpenAI-Plug-In-Manifest überprüft:\n\nZusammenfassung:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "Fehler bei %s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s Warnung", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Wir haben die folgenden Probleme für Ihre OpenAPI-Spezifikationsdatei erkannt:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s Risikominderung: Nicht erforderlich, operationId wurde automatisch generiert und zur Datei \"%s\" hinzugefügt.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s darf nicht mehr als %s Zeichen enthalten. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Fehlende vollständige Beschreibung. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Risikominderung: \"%s\" Feld in \"%s\" aktualisiert.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Fehlende \"%s\" im Befehls \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Risikominderung: Erstellen Sie eine Vorlage für adaptive Smartcards in \"%s\", und aktualisieren Sie dann das Feld \"%s\" auf den relativen Pfad in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Fähigkeiten", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Funktion auswählen", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Vorschau unter Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Funktioniert in Teams und Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Funktioniert in Teams, Outlook und der Microsoft 365-App", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Funktioniert in Teams, Outlook und Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Unterhaltungs- oder informative Chatfunktionen, die sich wiederholende Aufgaben automatisieren können", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "App-Features mithilfe eines Bots", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Suchen oder Initiieren von Aktionen im Chat-Verfassenbereich von Teams und Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "App-Features mithilfe einer Nachrichtenerweiterung", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Anpassen des Menübands und des Aufgabenbereichs mit Ihren Webinhalten", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook-Add-In", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "App-Features mithilfe eines Outlook-Add-Ins", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Einbetten eigener Webinhalte in Teams, Outlook und die Micosoft 365-App", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "App-Features mithilfe einer Registerkarte", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Plug-In erstellen, um Copilot mit Ihren APIs zu erweitern", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Plug-In für Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Plug-In für Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Option auswählen", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Neues Projekt", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Mit einer neuen API beginnen", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Plug-In mit einer neuen API aus Azure Functions erstellen.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Mit einer OpenAPI-Spezifikation beginnen", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Plug-In aus Ihrer vorhandenen API erstellen.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Mit einem OpenAI-Plug-In beginnen.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "OpenAI-Plug-In in Microsoft 365 Copilot-Plug-In konvertieren.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI-Spezifikation", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "OpenAPI-Spezifikations-URL eingeben", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "OpenAPI-Spezifikationsspeicherort eingeben", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI-Plug-In-Manifest", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Websitedomäne eingeben", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Geben Sie eine gültige URL ein.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Geben Sie eine gültige Domäne ein", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Vorgang auswählen", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Es werden nur GET- und POST-Methoden mit einem einzelnen Parameter und ohne Authentifizierung aufgelistet", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "In manifest.json definierte Methoden sind nicht aufgeführt", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Ungültige API-Spezifikation. Überprüfen Sie den Ausgabebereich auf Details.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Ungültige API-Spezifikation. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Ungültiges OpenAI-Plug-In-Manifest. Überprüfen Sie den Ausgabebereich auf Details.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Ungültiges OpenAI-Plug-Manifest. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "Fehlende URL in \"%s\".", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Der Authentifizierungstyp wird nicht unterstützt. Unterstützter Authentifizierungstyp: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "KI-Chatbot", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Ein Chatbot, der die Teams-KI-Bibliothek verwendet", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx-Lösungsordner", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Den Ordner auswählen, der Ihre SPFx-Lösung enthält", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Umgebung auswählen", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nach Umgebungsname", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nach Umgebungsname", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Der Umgebungsname darf nur Buchstaben, Ziffern, _ und Bindestriche (-) enthalten.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Umgebungsvariable erstellen", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Die env-Konfigurationen konnten nicht aufgelistet werden", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "Die Projektumgebung %s bereits vorhanden.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Wählen Sie eine Umgebung aus, um eine Kopie zu erstellen", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Ressourcengruppe auswählen", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Name der neuen Ressourcengruppe", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Name der neuen Ressourcengruppe", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Der Name darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen oder die Symbole ._-() enthalten", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Speicherort für die neue Ressourcengruppe", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Arbeitsbereichsordner", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Wählen Sie den Ordner aus, der den Projektstammordner enthalten soll.", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Neue App erstellen", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Verwenden Sie das Teams-Toolkit, um eine neue Teams-Anwendung zu erstellen.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Mit einer Vorlage beginnen", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Verwenden Sie ein vorhandenes Beispiel als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre neue Anwendung.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Eine schnelle JavaScript-Serverlaufzeit", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Frei. Plattformübergreifend. Open Source.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams-Toolkit: Wählen Sie die Laufzeit für Ihre App aus", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Mit einer Vorlage beginnen", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Beispielprotokoll auswählen", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Beispiele anzeigen", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Neue(n) Bot(s) zum Debuggen erstellen", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Auswahl aufheben, um den ursprünglichen Wert von „botId“ beizubehalten", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "BotId %s in manifest.json auf \"${{BOT_ID}}\" aktualisieren", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "BotId %s in manifest.json auf \"${{BOT_ID}}\" aktualisieren", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Website-URLs für das Debuggen konfigurieren", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Inhalts-URL von %s auf %s aktualisieren", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Website-URL von %s auf %s aktualisieren", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Auswahl aufheben, um die ursprüngliche URL beizubehalten", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Einmalige Anmeldung", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Entwickeln Sie eine Single-Sign-On-Funktion für Teams-Startseiten und Bot-Funktionen", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Besitzer zur Teams/AAD-App für das Konto unter demselben Microsoft 365-Mandanten hinzufügen (E-Mail)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Die E-Mail-Adresse darf nicht NULL oder leer sein.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Ändern Sie [UserName] in den richtigen Benutzernamen.", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Die ENV-Datei konnte nicht geladen werden. Grund: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Azure Active Directory-Datei „manifest.json“ auswählen", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Teams-Datei „manifest.json“ auswählen", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Teams-App-Paketdatei auswählen", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Lokale Teams-Datei „manifest.json“ auswählen", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Die App auswählen, mit der Sie die Projektmitarbeiter verwalten möchten", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Validierungsmethode auswählen", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Mit Manifestschema validieren", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Mit Manifestschema validieren", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "App-Paket mithilfe von Validierungsregeln validieren", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "App-Paket mithilfe von Validierungsregeln validieren", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Bestätigen, dass das Manifest richtig ausgewählt wurde", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory-App", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Ihre Azure Active Directory-App für einmaliges Anmelden", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams-App", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Ihre Teams-App", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Reagieren mit Fluent-Benutzeroberfläche", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Eine Webanwendung, die Fluent UI React-Komponenten verwendet, um das Aussehen und die Funktionsweise von Teams zu erhalten", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Benutzerdefinierte Suchergebnisse", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Anzeigen von Daten direkt in Teams- und Outlook-Suchergebnissen aus der Suche oder dem Chatbereich", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Daten direkt in den Teams-Suchergebnissen aus der Suche oder im Chatbereich anzeigen", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Plattform", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Wählen Sie eine Plattform aus, um eine Vorschau der App anzuzeigen", "core.options.separator.additional": "Zusätzliche Features", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Die Teams-App wurde erfolgreich vorbereitet.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s-Aktionen wurden in der Bereitstellungsphase erfolgreich ausgeführt.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s-Aktionen wurden in der Bereitstellungsphase erfolgreich ausgeführt.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s-Aktionen wurden in der Veröffentlichungsphase erfolgreich ausgeführt.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams-Desktop, mobile Client-ID", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams-Webclient-ID", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Die Microsoft 365-App für die Desktopclient-ID", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook-Desktop-Client-ID", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook Web Access-Client-ID 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook Web Access-Client-ID 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Der Vorgang wurde abgebrochen.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI-Version niedriger als 3.0.0 wird nicht unterstützt.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "In der OpenAPI-Spezifikationsdatei wurden keine Serverinformationen gefunden.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "In der OpenAPI-Spezifikationsdatei wurden mehrere Serverinformationen gefunden.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Remoteverweis wird nicht unterstützt: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Fehlende operationIds: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "In der OpenAPI-Spezifikationsdatei wurde keine unterstützte API gefunden.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties' wird nicht unterstützt und wird ignoriert.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Die Schemas \"oneOf\", \"anyOf\" und \"not\" werden nicht unterstützt: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Unbekanntes Schema: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "Die Server-URL ist falsch: Das Protokoll „%s“ wird nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie stattdessen das HTTPS-Protokoll.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "Die Server-URL ist falsch: Die relative Server-URL wird nicht unterstützt.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importieren eines vorhandenen Outlook-Add-Ins", "core.importAddin.detail": "Upgrade und Hinzufügen eines Add-In-Projekts zur neuesten App-Manifest- und Projektstruktur", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Aufgabenbereich", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Anpassen des Menübands mit einer Schaltfläche und Einbetten von Inhalten in den Aufgabenbereich", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Aktion %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Die Umgebungsdatei wurde erstellt unter", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s wurde(n) erfolgreich zu %s hinzugefügt", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Optionen werden geladen...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Standardwert wird geladen...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "Name fehlt\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess fehlt\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions fehlt\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications fehlt\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion ist 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims fehlt\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims-Zugriffstoken enthält keinen idtyp-Anspruch\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Das AAD-Manifest weist folgende Probleme auf, die möglicherweise die Teams-App beschädigen:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Eine vorhandene Berechtigung kann nicht aktualisiert oder gelöscht werden, wenn sie aktiviert ist. Ein möglicher Grund ist, dass die ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID Umgebungsvariable für die ausgewählte Umgebung geändert wurde. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Berechtigungs-IDs mit der tatsächlichen AAD-Anwendung identisch sind, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "Unbekannte resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "Unbekannter Ressourcenzugriff: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unbekannte resourceAccess-ID: %s. Wenn Sie die Berechtigung als resourceAccess-ID verwenden, versuchen Sie stattdessen, die Berechtigungs-ID zu verwenden.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Der Projektpfad ist leer", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Es können keine Dateien für „SSO hinzufügen“ erstellt werden. Detaillierte Angaben zum Fehler: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Vorschläge: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s ist mit folgendem Wert ungültig: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s fehlt.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "%s kann nicht bereitgestellt werden.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Die Konfigurationen für „%s“ können nicht aktualisiert werden", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Die Botregistrierung mit \"botId %s\" wurde nicht gefunden. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \"Hilfe\", um weitere Informationen zum Überprüfen von Botregistrierungen zu erhalten.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Die Botressource war bereits auf %s vorhanden. Überspringen Sie die Erstellung der Botressource.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Azure-Anmeldeinformationen können nicht abgerufen werden.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Botregistrierung wird bereitgestellt.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Botregistrierung erfolgreich bereitgestellt.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Überprüfen Sie das Protokoll im Ausgabebereich, und versuchen Sie, dieses Problem zu beheben.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Entwicklerportal Botregistrierung", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Die neueste Vorlage kann nicht von GitHub abgerufen werden. Es wird versucht, die lokale Vorlage zu verwenden.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Installieren Sie die erforderlichen Abhängigkeiten manuell.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Mehr erfahren", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Sie müssen NPM installiert haben, um Ihre lokalen Funktionen zu debuggen.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Die Azure Functions Core Tools können nach der Installation nicht validiert werden.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Das Ziel des symbolischen Links ist bereits vorhanden", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Ihre Node.js-Datei (@NodeVersion) ist mit dem Teams-Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion) nicht kompatibel.", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Das Format der Version %s ist ungültig.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Die Installation von Azure Functions Core Tools ist unvollständig.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Die Version von Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) ist nicht mit dem angegebenen Versionsbereich (%s) kompatibel.", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion wurde erfolgreich installiert.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Herunterladen und Installieren der portierbaren Version von @NameVersion, die zum @InstallDir installiert wird und sich nicht auf Ihre Umgebung auswirkt.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Herunterladen und Installieren der portierbaren Version von @NameVersion, die zum @InstallDir installiert wird und sich nicht auf Ihre Umgebung auswirkt.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion wurde erfolgreich installiert.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Dotnet aus PATH wird verwendet:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Fehler beim dotnet-install-Befehl ohne Fehlerbeendungscode, jedoch mit einem nicht leeren Standardfehler.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Fehler beim dotnet-install-Befehl.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Node.js kann nicht gefunden werden. Die unterstützten Node-Versionen sind in der package.json angegeben. Gehen Sie zu %s, um ein unterstütztes Node.js zu installieren. Starten Sie alle Visual Studio Code-Instanzen neu, nachdem die Installation abgeschlossen ist.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) ist nicht die offiziell unterstützte Version (%s). Ihr Projekt funktioniert möglicherweise weiterhin, es wird jedoch empfohlen, die unterstützte Version zu installieren. Die unterstützten Knotenversionen werden in \"package.json\" angegeben. Wechseln Sie zu %s, um eine unterstützte Node.js-Datei zu installieren.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) ist keine LTS-Version (%s). Wechseln Sie zu %s, um eine LTS Node.js-Datei zu installieren.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "@NameVersion wurde nicht gefunden. Weitere Informationen dazu, warum das .NET SDK erforderlich ist, finden Sie unter @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages wurde nicht gefunden.\n\nTeams Toolkit erfordert diese Abhängigkeiten.\n\nKlicken Sie auf \"Installieren\", um @InstallPackages zu installieren.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages wurde nicht gefunden. Installieren Sie @SupportedPackages manuell, und starten Sie Visual Studio Code neu.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "@SupportedPackages wurde nicht gefunden.\n\nTeams Toolkit erfordert diese Abhängigkeiten.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Die Datei kann nicht von „@Url“, HTTP-Status „@Status“ heruntergeladen werden.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Ungültiges Argument für die Überprüfung der Voraussetzungen der Test-App für die Videoerweiterbarkeit. Überprüfen Sie die Datei „tasks.json“.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Die Test-App für die Videoerweiterung kann nach der Installation nicht überprüft werden.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Die Version des Teams App Test-Tools (%s) ist nicht mit dem angegebenen Versionsbereich (%s) kompatibel.", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Das Teams App-Testtool kann nach der Installation nicht überprüft werden. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Die Namen der Ausgabeumgebungsvariablen sind nicht definiert.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Azure Active Directory-App zum Authentifizieren von Benutzern erstellen", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Azure Active Directory-App-Manifest auf eine vorhandene App anwenden", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "Die Umgebungsvariable „%s“ wurde nicht festgelegt.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Der geheime Clientschlüssel kann nicht generiert werden.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Das Feld „%s“ fehlt oder ist im Azure Active Directory-App-Manifest ungültig.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory Anwendung wird erstellt...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory Anwendung wird aktualisiert...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Die Aktion %s wird ausgeführt", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Die %s-Aktion wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Die Aktion %s kann nicht ausgeführt werden. Fehlermeldung: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Die Umgebungsvariable „%s“ ist nicht vorhanden. Es wird eine neue Azure Active Directory-App erstellt...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Azure Active Directory-Anwendung mit Objekt-ID „%s“ wurde erstellt", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Die Umgebungsvariable „%s“ ist bereits vorhanden und überspringt Schritt zum Generieren der neuen Azure Active Directory-App.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Die Umgebungsvariable „%s“ ist nicht vorhanden. Der geheime Clientschlüssel für die Azure Active Directory-App wird generiert...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Ein geheimer Clientschlüssel für Azure Active Directory-Anwendung mit Objekt-ID „%s“ wurde generiert", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Die Umgebungsvariable „%s“ ist bereits vorhanden und überspringt Schritt zum Generieren von Geheimschlüsseln für den Azure Active Directory-App-Client.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Das Azure Active Directory App-Manifests wurde erstellt, und der Inhalt des App-Manifests wird in %s geschrieben.", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Manifest „%s“ wurde auf Azure Active Directory-Anwendung mit Objekt-ID „%s“ angewendet", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Erstellen einer Bot-AAD-App...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Erstellen einer Azure Active Directory-Bot-App.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Die Azure Active Directory-Bot-App wurde erfolgreich erstellt.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Die Erstellung der Azure Active Directory-Bot-App wurde übersprungen.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "Erstellen Sie einen neuen Bot, oder verwenden Sie einen vorhandenen Bot der Azure Active Directory-Anwendung wieder.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Die Aktion %s wird ausgeführt", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Die %s-Aktion wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Die Aktion %s kann nicht ausgeführt werden. Fehlermeldung: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Es wurde eine Azure Active Directory-Anwendung mit der Objekt-ID „%s“ erstellt.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Es wurde eine vorhandene Azure Active Directory-Anwendung mit der Client-ID „%s“ verwendet.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Das Botkennwort ist leer. Fügen Sie es in der env-Datei hinzu, oder löschen Sie die Bot-ID, damit das Bot-ID-/Kennwortpaar neu generiert wird. Aktion: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Stellen Sie die angegebenen ARM-Vorlagen in Azure bereit.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "ARM-Vorlagen werden in Azure bereitgestellt...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Um Anwendungen in Teams zu debuggen, muss sich Ihr localhost-Server auf HTTPS befinden.\nDamit Teams dem vom Toolkit verwendeten selbstsignierten SSL-Zertifikat vertrauen kann, muss Ihrem Zertifikatspeicher ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat hinzugefügt werden.\n Sie können diesen Schritt überspringen, müssen die sichere Verbindung jedoch manuell in einem neuen Browserfenster als vertrauenswürdig einstufen, wenn Sie Ihre Apps in Teams debuggen.\nWeitere Informationen https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": "Möglicherweise werden Sie bei der Installation des Zertifikats nach Ihren Kontoanmeldeinformationen gefragt.", "debug.install": "Installieren", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "Stellt das SPFx-Paket im SharePoint-App-Katalog bereit.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Stellen Sie das SPFx-Paket in Ihrem Mandanten-App-Katalog bereit.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Fahren Sie mit dem Erstellen des SharePoint-App-Katalogs fort.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Laden Sie das SPFx-Paket in Ihren Mandanten-App-Katalog hoch.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Der App-Katalog des SharePoint-Mandanten %s wurde erstellt. Warten Sie einige Minuten, bis er aktiv ist.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Es wurde kein Mandanten-App-Katalog gefunden. Versuchen Sie es noch einmal: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Die URL der App-Katalogwebsite kann nach der Erstellung nicht abgerufen werden. Möglicherweise müssen Sie einige Minuten warten und es noch mal versuchen.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "In Ihrem Mandanten ist kein gültiger App-Katalog vorhanden. Sie können die Eigenschaft „createAppCatalogIfNotExist“ in %s auf „WAHR“ aktualisieren, wenn Sie möchten, dass wir sie für Sie erstellen, oder Sie können sie selbst erstellen.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "Zusätzliches Webpart zum SPFx-Projekt hinzufügen", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Das Webpart %s wurde dem Projekt erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Gerüstbau-Webpart", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "SPFx-Webpart mit Yeoman-CLI generieren", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Die Azure Functions Core Tools können nicht überprüft und installiert werden.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": ".NET Core SDK kann nicht überprüft und installiert werden.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Das Teams App-Testtool kann nicht überprüft und installiert werden.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "Abhängigkeiten werden installiert", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Überprüfen und Installieren von Entwicklungstool(s).", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Das Entwicklungszertifikat für Localhost ist installiert.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Das Entwicklungszertifikat für Localhost wird generiert.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Überspringen Sie das vertrauenswürdige Entwicklungszertifikat für Localhost.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools ist unter %s installiert.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools ist installiert.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": ".NET Core SDK ist unter %s installiert.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": ".NET Core SDK ist installiert.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Erstellen oder aktualisieren Sie Variablen in der Umgebungsdatei.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Die Variablen wurden erfolgreich in %s generiert.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Das Teams App-Testtool ist unter %s installiert.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Das Teams App-Testtool ist installiert.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Erstellen oder aktualisieren Sie die JSON-Datei.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Die JSON-Datei wurde erfolgreich in %s generiert.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "JSON-Datei wird generiert...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Umgebungsvariablen werden generiert...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Die Web-App kann nicht neu gestartet werden.\n Versuchen Sie, die Web-App manuell neu zu starten, wenn die App nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Die Bereitstellung in Azure App Service dauert sehr lange. Ziehen Sie dieses Dokument in Erwägung, um Ihre Bereitstellung zu optimieren:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Die Bereitstellungsvorbereitungen sind abgeschlossen. Sie finden das Paket in „%s“.", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "„%s“ wurde erfolgreich für Azure App Service bereitgestellt.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "„%s“ wurde erfolgreich für Azure Functions bereitgestellt.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "„%s“ wurde erfolgreich für Azure Storage bereitgestellt.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Statische Website wurde erfolgreich für Azure Storage aktiviert.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "stellen Sie das Projekt für Azure App Service bereit.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "Stellen Sie das Projekt in Azure Functions bereit.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "Stellen Sie das Projekt in Azure Storages bereit.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "Aktivieren Sie die Einstellung der statischen Website in Azure Storage.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Die Azure-Anmeldeinformationen können aufgrund eines Remotedienstfehlers nicht abgerufen werden.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "Der „dotnet“-Befehl wird ausgeführt.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "Der „npm“-Befehl wird ausgeführt.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "Der „npx“-Befehl wird ausgeführt.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Die Ausführung des Befehls „%s“ für „%s“ war erfolgreich.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "Abrufen eines Microsoft 365-Titels mit dem App-Paket", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Mit dem App-Paket wird der Microsoft 365-Titel abgerufen...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Der Microsoft 365-Titel wurde erfolgreich abgerufen (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "Kopiert das generierte Teams-App-Paket in die SPFx-Lösung.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "Erstellen Sie eine Teams-App.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "Aktualisieren Sie eine Teams-App.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "Veröffentlichen Sie eine Teams-App im Mandanten-App-Katalog.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "Validieren Sie eine Teams-App.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "Erstellen Sie ein Teams-App-Paket.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Teams-App-Paket wird in SPFx-Lösung kopiert...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams-App wird erstellt...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams-App wird aktualisiert...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Es wird überprüft, ob die Teams-App bereits an den Mandanten-App-Katalog übermittelt wurde", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Veröffentlichte Teams-App aktualisieren", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Teams-App wird veröffentlicht...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "Die Teams-App mit der ID „%s“ ist bereits vorhanden. Das Erstellen einer neuen Teams-App wurde übersprungen.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "Die Teams-App mit der ID „%s“ ist bereits im App Store der Organisation vorhanden.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "Die Teams-App mit der ID „%s“ ist im App Store der Organisation nicht vorhanden.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Die Teams-App „%s“ wurde erfolgreich im Verwaltungsportal veröffentlicht.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Die Teams-App „%s“ wurde erfolgreich in %s kopiert.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s Symbole wurden unter %s erfolgreich aktualisiert.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Das Teams-Toolkit hat alle Überprüfungsregeln überprüft:\n\nZusammenfassung:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nEin vollständiges Überprüfungsprotokoll finden Sie in %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Das Teams-Toolkit hat das Manifest mit seinem Schema überprüft:\n\nZusammenfassung:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s erfolgreich", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "Fehler bei %s", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s Warnung", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Alle", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Das Teams-Toolkit hat die Überprüfung Ihres App-Pakets anhand von Validierungsregeln abgeschlossen. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Das Teams-Toolkit hat die Überprüfung Ihres App-Pakets anhand von Validierungsregeln abgeschlossen. %s. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Fehler bei der Überprüfung des Teams-App-Pakets aufgrund von %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Fehler bei der Validierung des Teams-App-Paketes. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Die Teams-App mit der ID %s ist im Teams-Entwicklerportal nicht vorhanden.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Die Teams-App-ID %s ist ungültig, sie muss eine GUID sein.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "Erstellt oder aktualisiert die Bot-Registrierung auf „dev.botframework.com“", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "Die Bot-Registrierung wurde erfolgreich erstellt (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "Die Bot-Registrierung wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Der Lebenszyklus „%s“ ist nicht definiert. YAML-Datei: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Die Aktion „%s“ kann nicht abgeschlossen werden, da die folgenden Parameter: %s nicht vorhanden sind, fehlen oder einen ungültigen Wert in der angegebenen YAML-Datei aufweisen: %s. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die erforderlichen Parameter angegeben sind und gültige Werte aufweisen, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "%s kann nicht installiert werden. Sie können es manuell installieren und Visual Studio Code neu starten, wenn Sie das Toolkit in Visual Studio Code verwenden.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Das Programm kann nicht fortgesetzt werden, da die folgenden Umgebungsvariablen fehlen: „%s“. Diese sind für die folgende Datei erforderlich: %s. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die erforderlichen Variablen entweder durch Bearbeiten der ENV-Datei „%s“ mit den richtigen Namen und Werten oder durch Festlegen der Systemumgebungsvariablen mit den richtigen Namen und Werten festgelegt werden. Wenn Sie mit einem neuen Projekt entwickeln, das mit dem Teams-Toolkit erstellt wurde, werden beim Ausführen der Bereitstellung oder des Debuggens die richtigen Werte für diese Umgebungsvariablen registriert.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Dieser Befehl funktioniert nur für Projekte, die vom Teams-Toolkit erstellt wurden.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Die Datei oder das Verzeichnis wird nicht gefunden: „%s“. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei oder das Verzeichnis existiert und Sie Zugriffsrechte haben.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON-Syntaxfehler: %s. Überprüfen Sie die JSON-Syntax, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ordnungsgemäß formatiert ist.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Die Datei kann aus folgendem Grund nicht gelesen werden: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Ausführen der %s-Aufgabe. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Die Datei kann aus folgendem Grund nicht geschrieben werden: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "Der Dateivorgang ist nicht zulässig. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen verfügen: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Erforderliche Eingabe fehlt: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Fehler bei der Überprüfung der Eingabe „%s“: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Es können keine ENV-Dateien gefunden werden.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Fehlende %srequired Datei \"%s\"", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "HTTP-Clientfehler beim Ausführen der Aufgabe %s. Fehlerantwort: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "HTTP-Serverfehler beim Ausführen der Aufgabe %s. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Fehlerantwort: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "Die vorherige Aufgabe wird noch ausgeführt. Warten Sie, bis die vorherige Aufgabe abgeschlossen ist, und versuchen Sie es dann erneut.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Dieses Projekt ist bereits das neueste, es ist kein Upgrade erforderlich.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Die Manifestdatei („%s“) kann nicht verarbeitet werden, weil der Schlüssel „id“ nicht vorhanden ist. Um Ihre Anwendung ordnungsgemäß zu identifizieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Schlüssel „id“ in der Manifestdatei vorhanden ist.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Die Manifestdatei kann nicht geladen werden. Grund: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Ihre Azure-Anmeldedaten konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Azure-Konto ordnungsgemäß authentifiziert ist und versuchen Sie es erneut.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Das Azure-Abonnement „%s“ ist in Ihrem aktuellen Konto nicht verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich mit dem richtigen Azure-Konto angemeldet haben und über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen für den Zugriff auf das Abonnement verfügen.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Die Ressourcengruppe „%s“ ist bereits im Abonnement „%s“ vorhanden. Wählen Sie ggf. einen anderen Namen aus, oder verwenden Sie die vorhandene Ressourcengruppe für Ihren Vorgang.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Das Abonnement kann im aktuellen Konto nicht ausgewählt werden.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Die Ressourcengruppe „%s“ wurde im Abonnement „%s“ nicht gefunden.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Die Ressourcengruppe „%s“ im Abonnement „%s“ kann aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht erstellt werden: %s. \n Wenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Das Vorhandensein Ressourcengruppe „%s“ im Abonnement „%s“ kann aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht überprüft werden: %s. \nWenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Die Ressourcengruppen im Abonnement „%s“ können aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: %s. \n Wenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Informationen zur Ressourcengruppe „%s“ im Abonnement „%s“ können aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: %s. \nWenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Die verfügbaren Ressourcengruppenstandorte für das Abonnement „%s“ können nicht abgerufen werden.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Das JSON-Objekt für das Microsoft 365-Token kann nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Konto für den Zugriff auf den Mandanten autorisiert ist und dass das JSON-Tokenobjekt gültig ist.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Die Microsoft 365 Mandant-ID kann nicht im Token-JSON-Objekt abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Konto berechtigt ist, auf den Mandanten zuzugreifen, und dass das Token-JSON-Objekt gültig ist.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Fehler bei der Authentifizierung. Sie sind zurzeit bei Microsoft 365-Mandanten „%s“ angemeldet. Dies unterscheidet sich von der in der ENV-Datei angegebenen (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Um dieses Problem zu beheben und zu Ihrem aktuellen angemeldeten Mandanten zu wechseln, entfernen Sie die Werte von „%s“ aus der ENV-Datei, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Die Bicep-Dateien im Pfad „%s“ konnten nicht in JSON ARM-Vorlagen kompiliert werden. Die zurückgegebene Fehlermeldung lautet: %s. Überprüfen Sie die Bicep-Dateien auf Syntax- oder Konfigurationsfehler und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Die Bicep-CLI kann nicht von „%s“ heruntergeladen werden. Fehlermeldung: %s. Beheben Sie den Fehler, und versuchen Sie es noch mal. Oder entfernen Sie die bicepCliVersion-Konfiguration in der Konfigurationsdatei „teamsapp.yml“, und das Teams-Toolkit verwendet die Bicep-CLI in PATH", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Die ARM-Vorlagen für den Bereitstellungsnamen „%s“ konnten in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ nicht bereitgestellt werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Die ARM-Vorlagen für den Bereitstellungsnamen „%s“ konnten nicht in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ bereitgestellt werden, Grund: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Die ARM-Vorlagen für den Bereitstellungsnamen „%s“ konnten aus folgendem Grund nicht in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ bereitgestellt werden: %s. \n Die detaillierte Fehlermeldung kann aufgrund von „%s“ nicht angezeigt werden. \n Bereitstellungsfehler finden Sie in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ im Portal.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Das ARM-Bereitstellungsergebnis kann nicht in eine Aktionsausgabe umgewandelt werden, da es einen doppelten Schlüssel „%s“ im ARM-Bereitstellungsergebnis gibt.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Es wurden keine Dateien im folgenden Verteilungsordner gefunden: „%s“. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Ordner nicht leer ist und alle erforderlichen Dateien eingeschlossen wurden.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht überprüft werden, da für den Prozess ein Timeout aufgetreten ist. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung, und versuchen Sie es noch mal. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, überprüfen Sie die Bereitstellungsprotokolle (Bereitstellung -> Bereitstellungscenter -> Protokolle) in Azure-Portal, um mögliche Probleme zu identifizieren.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung der Anwendung „%s“ in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ können nicht abgerufen werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](Befehl:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Die Veröffentlichungsdaten der Anwendung „%s“ in der Ressourcengruppe „%s“ konnten aus folgendem Grund nicht abgerufen werden:\n %s.\n Vorschläge:\n 1. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Name der Anwendung und der Name der Ressourcengruppe richtig geschrieben und gültig sind. \n 2. Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Azure-Konto über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen für den Zugriff auf die API verfügt. Möglicherweise müssen Sie eine höhere Rolle einnehmen oder zusätzliche Berechtigungen von einem Administrator anfordern. \n 3. Wenn in der Fehlermeldung ein bestimmter Grund angegeben ist, z. B. ein Authentifizierungsfehler oder ein Netzwerkproblem, untersuchen Sie dieses Problem speziell, um den Fehler zu beheben, und versuchen Sie es erneut. \n 4. Sie können die API auf dieser Seite testen: „%s“", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Das ZIP-Paket kann nicht auf dem Endpunkt „%s“ bereitgestellt werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel). Versuchen Sie es dann noch mal.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Das ZIP-Paket kann aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht am Endpunkt „%s“ in Azure bereitgestellt werden: %s. \nVorschläge:\n 1. Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Azure-Konto über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen für den Zugriff auf die API verfügt. \n 2. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Endpunkt in Azure ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert ist und ob die erforderlichen Ressourcen bereitgestellt wurden. \n 3. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das ZIP-Paket gültig und frei von Fehlern ist. \n 4. Wenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, wie z. B. ein Authentifizierungsfehler oder ein Netzwerkproblem, beheben Sie den Fehler und versuchen Sie es noch einmal. \n 5. Wenn der Fehler weiterhin besteht, können Sie versuchen, das Paket manuell bereitzustellen, indem Sie den Richtlinien in diesem Link folgen: „%s“", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus für den Speicherort „%s“ kann aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht überprüft werden: %s. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, überprüfen Sie die Bereitstellungsprotokolle (Bewertung -> Bereitstellungscenter -> Protokolle) in Azure-Portal, um mögliche Probleme zu identifizieren.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Das Paket wurde erfolgreich in Azure für den Standort „%s“ bereitgestellt, aber die Anwendung kann aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet werden: %s.\n Wenn der Grund nicht eindeutig angegeben ist, finden Sie hier einige Vorschläge zur Fehlerbehebung:\n 1. Überprüfen Sie die Anwendungsprotokolle: Suchen Sie nach Fehlermeldungen oder Stapelverfolgungen in den Anwendungsprotokollen, um die Grundursache des Problems zu ermitteln.\n 2. Überprüfen Sie die Azure-Konfiguration: Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Azure-Konfiguration korrekt ist, einschließlich der Zeichenfolgen und Anwendungseinstellungen.\n 3. Überprüfen Sie den Anwendungscode: Überprüfen Sie den Code, um festzustellen, ob Syntax- oder Logikfehler vorliegen, die die Ursache des Problems sein könnten.\n 4. Überprüfen Sie die Abhängigkeiten: Überprüfen Sie, ob alle für die Anwendung erforderlichen Abhängigkeiten korrekt installiert und aktualisiert sind.\n 5. Starten Sie die Anwendung neu: Versuchen Sie, die Anwendung in Azure neu zu starten, um zu sehen, ob das Problem dadurch behoben wird.\n 6. Überprüfen Sie die Ressourcenzuweisung: Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Ressourcenzuweisung für die Azure-Instanz für die Anwendung und ihre Arbeitslast geeignet ist.\n 7. Bitten Sie den Azure-Support um Hilfe: Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an den Azure-Support, um weitere Unterstützung zu erhalten.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Skriptausführungstimeout: %s. Passen Sie den Parameter „timeout“ in yaml an, oder verbessern Sie die Effizienz Ihres Skripts.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Skriptausführungsfehler (\"%s\"): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Die Blob-Dateien im Azure Storage-Konto „%s“ können nicht gelöscht werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Die Blob-Dateien in Azure Storage Konto „%s“ können nicht gelöscht werden. Die Fehlerantworten von Azure sind:\n %s. \n Wenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Lokaler Ordner \"%s\" kann nicht in Azure Storage-Konto „%s“ hochgeladen werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Die Eigenschaften des Containers „%s“ in Azure Storage Konto „%s“ können aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Die Fehlerantworten von Azure sind:\n %s. \n Wenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Die Eigenschaften des Containers „%s“ können in Azure Storage Konto „%s“ aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht festgelegt werden: %s. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Die Eigenschaften des Containers „%s“ im Azure Storage-Konto \"%s\" können aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht festgelegt werden: %s. Die Fehlerantworten von Azure lauten:\n %s. \nWenn die Fehlermeldung den Grund angibt, beheben Sie den Fehler und versuchen Sie es erneut.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Die Manifest-ID kann nicht aus dem Pfad geladen werden: %s. Sie müssen zuerst die Bereitstellung ausführen.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Die App-ID wurde nicht gefunden: %s. Möglicherweise besitzt Ihr aktuelles M365-Konto keine Berechtigung, oder die App wurde gelöscht." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.es.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.es.json index c3bf6f6119..6482b93e72 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.es.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.es.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Aprovisionar", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Más información", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Cuenta de Azure: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Cuenta de Microsoft 365: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "El costo puede incurrir en función del uso. ¿Desea aprovisionar recursos en el entorno %s mediante las cuentas indicadas anteriormente?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "¿Desea implementar recursos en el entorno %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Visualización de los recursos aprovisionados", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "La aplicación Azure Active Directory se ha implementado correctamente. Haga clic en \"Más información\" para comprobar cómo ver la aplicación Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Se ha actualizado satisfactoriamente su aplicación Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Más información", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Para solucionar problemas de la aplicación de bot en Azure, haga clic en Más información para obtener más información.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Más información", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Implementar", "core.option.confirm": "Confirmar", - "core.option.cancel": "Cancelar", - "core.option.learnMore": "Obtener más información", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Actualizar", "core.option.moreInfo": "Más información", "core.progress.create": "Crear", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Descargando plantilla de aplicación.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Descargando ejemplo %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Implementar", "core.progress.publish": "Publicar", "core.progress.provision": "Aprovisionar", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Configurando Azure Storage, habilite la configuración de sitio web estático.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Ejecutar el comando %s en %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Implementando %s en %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Leer más", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Confirme la actualización.", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Actualice el proyecto del kit de herramientas de Teams para que siga siendo compatible con la versión más reciente. Se creará un directorio de copia de seguridad junto con un resumen de actualización.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Actualice la solución para mantener la compatibilidad con la versión más reciente del kit de herramientas de Teams. Se generará un directorio de copia de seguridad que contendrá un informe de actualización.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json no existe. Puede que esté intentando actualizar un proyecto creado con Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3. Instale Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4 y ejecute primero la actualización.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json no es válido.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Este proyecto solo es para obtener una versión preliminar y no será compatible con el Kit de herramientas de Teams. Pruebe el Kit de herramientas de Teams creando un nuevo proyecto", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "La versión preliminar del kit de herramientas de Teams admite la nueva configuración del proyecto y no es compatible con versiones anteriores. Pruébelo creando un nuevo proyecto o ejecute \"actualización de teamsfx\" para actualizar el proyecto primero.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Su versión de TeamFx CLI se ha quedado obsoleta y no es compatible con el proyecto actual, actualice a la última versión con el siguiente comando:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "El proyecto actual no es compatible con la versión instalada de Teams Toolkit.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "El proyecto de la solución se crea con la característica de versión preliminar del kit de herramientas de Teams: Mejoras de App Configuration en Teams. Puede activar la característica en versión preliminar para continuar.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Las plantillas de ARM se implementaron correctamente. Nombre del grupo de recursos: %s. Nombre de implementación: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "\"Listar propietarios de aplicaciones Microsoft 365\" se ha tenido éxito, puede verlo en [Output panel](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Conceder permiso", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "El correo electrónico del colaborador no puede ser nulo ni igual que el usuario actual", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "No se encuentra el usuario en el inquilino actual. Compruebe si su dirección de correo electrónico es correcta.", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Conceder permiso para el usuario %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Cuenta para conceder permiso: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Iniciando la concesión de permisos para el entorno:", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "Id. de inquilino: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "se ha concedido el permiso ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ID. del recurso: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Lista de permisos de Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Cuenta usada para comprobar: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nIniciando la lista de todos los propietarios de aplicaciones de equipos para el entorno: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nIniciando la lista de todos los propietarios de aplicaciones Azure Active Directory para el entorno: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Aplicación de Microsoft 365 Teams (id.: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "Aplicación de AAD de SSO (id):", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Propietario de la aplicación de Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Propietario de la aplicación Azure Active Directory:", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Iniciando la comprobación del permiso para el entorno:", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "Id. de recursos: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "sin definir", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Nombre de recurso: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Permiso: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "No se pudo encontrar el manifiesto del paquete descargado para la aplicación de Teams %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Plataforma", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Nombre del elemento web de SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "La carpeta %s ya existe. Elija un nombre diferente para su componente.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s no coincide con el patrón: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Seleccionar una opción para scaffolding", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Usar SPFx instalado globalmente (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Usar SPFx instalado globalmente", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s o posterior", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Instalar la versión más reciente de SPFx (%s) localmente en el directorio del kit de herramientas de Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Instalar la versión más reciente de SPFx localmente en el directorio del kit de herramientas de Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Solución de SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Crear una nueva solución SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Crear una aplicación de pestaña de Teams con elementos web SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importar una solución SPFx existente", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Exponer el elemento web del lado cliente de SPFx como una pestaña de Microsoft Teams o una aplicación personal", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "El paquete de SharePoint %s se implementó correctamente en [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "No se encuentra el paquete de SharePoint %s", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "No se puede obtener el token de acceso de SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "No se puede obtener el token de acceso de Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "No se puede cargar e implementar el paquete en el catálogo de aplicaciones %s. Necesita permisos de administrador de inquilino de Microsoft 365 de su organización. Puede obtener un inquilino de Microsoft 365 gratuito a través de [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) para realizar pruebas.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "No se puede crear el catálogo de aplicaciones de inquilino debido a %s, pila: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "No se puede cargar el paquete de la aplicación debido a %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Compilando paquete de SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Cargar e implementar el paquete de SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Proyecto de andamiaje", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "No se puede ejecutar \"npm install\" debido a %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "No se puede validar el paquete %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "No hay ningún archivo .yo-rc.json en el proyecto de SPFx. Agregue el archivo de configuración e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "El entorno de desarrollo de SPFx no se ha configurado correctamente. Puede hacer clic en \"Obtener ayuda\" para seguir la guía para configurar el entorno adecuado.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Comprobando dependencias...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Instalando dependencias. Esto puede tardar más de 5 minutos en finalizar.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Generar SPFx proyecto con la CLI de Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Actualizar manifiesto de elemento web", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "No se pueden obtener %s %s de inquilinos", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Se encontraron problemas desconocidos al configurar el entorno de SPFx en la carpeta %s. Puede seguir [Configurar el entorno de desarrollo de SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s) para configurar el entorno global de SPFx.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Error al crear el proyecto. Una posible razón podría ser del generador de SharePoint de Yeoman. Consulte [Panel de salida](%s) para obtener más información.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "No se pudo recuperar la información de la solución SPFx existente. Asegúrese de que la solución SPFx es válida.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "No se pudo copiar la solución SPFx existente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "No se pudieron actualizar las plantillas de proyecto con la solución SPFx existente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "No se pudo importar la solución SPFx existente al kit de herramientas de Teams: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Importando la solución SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Copiando la solución SPFx existente...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Generando plantillas basadas en la información de la solución...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Actualizando las plantillas...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "La solución SPFx se importó correctamente a %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha importado correctamente la solución SPFx. Puede encontrar un registro completo de los detalles de importación en %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "El kit de herramientas de Teams no pudo importar la solución SPFx. Puede encontrar un registro completo de los detalles de importación en %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Compruebe la conexión de red.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Compruebe si tiene permisos de lectura y escritura en el sistema de archivos.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Compruebe si tiene permisos para su cuenta de Azure Storage.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Podría tener las credenciales expiradas. Compruebe si la hora del sistema es correcta.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Vuelva a intentar el paso actual.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Paquete de Teams se compiló correctamente en [local address](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Paquete de Teams se compiló correctamente en %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Compilando paquete de aplicación de Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Error al validar el manifiesto.", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Validando manifiesto...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Validando el paquete de la aplicación...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Ir al portal de administración", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] se ha publicado correctamente en el portal de administración (%s). Una vez aprobada, la aplicación estará disponible para su organización. Puede obtener más información de %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "¿Desea enviar una nueva actualización?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Aplicación de Teams creada %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Aplicación de Teams actualizada %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "El manifiesto de aplicación de Teams se ha implementado correctamente. Haga clic en \"Ver en Portal para desarrolladores\" para ver la aplicación en Teams Portal para desarrolladores.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "El manifiesto de aplicación de Teams se ha implementado correctamente en ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Las configuraciones del archivo de manifiesto ya se han modificado. ¿Desea continuar regenerando el archivo de manifiesto y actualizar a la plataforma Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "El archivo de manifiesto de la plataforma Teams ha cambiado desde la última actualización. ¿Desea continuar actualizando y sobrescribiendo el archivo de manifiesto en la plataforma de Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "La aplicación %s ya se ha enviado al catálogo de aplicaciones del inquilino.\nEstado: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Última modificación: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Solo vista previa", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Vista previa y actualización", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Sobrescribir y actualizar", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "No se encontró ningún archivo en el paquete de la aplicación %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "El kit de herramientas de Teams no procesó %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Ver en Portal para desarrolladores", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Elegir desencadenadores", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Elegir desencadenadores", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Una función en ejecución hospedada en Azure Functions puede escuchar solicitudes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Desencadenador HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Una función en ejecución hospedada en Azure Functions puede escuchar solicitudes HTTP y responder en función de una programación específica.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "Desencadenador de temporizador y HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify Server", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Un servidor restify en ejecución hospedado en Azure App Service puede escuchar solicitudes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Desencadenador HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Servidor de API web", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Un servidor de API web en ejecución hospedado en Azure App Service puede escuchar solicitudes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Desencadenador HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Una función en ejecución hospedada en Azure Functions puede responder según una programación específica.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Desencadenador de temporizador", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No hay ningún proyecto abierto. Puede crear un nuevo proyecto o abrir uno existente.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "El nombre del entorno solo puede contener letras, dígitos, _ y -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Si no está listo para actualizar, siga usando la versión anterior del kit de herramientas de Teams.", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Entradas no válidas: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "El entorno del proyecto %s ya existe.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Método no implementado: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "No se puede obtener '%s' del Id. de recurso: '%s'", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "No se puede encontrar una suscripción.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Usuario cancelado. Para que Teams confíe en el certificado SSL autofirmado que usa el kit de herramientas, se deberá agregar un certificado autofirmado al almacén de certificados.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "El kit de herramientas de Teams no admite la aplicación de filtro de vídeo en modo remoto. Compruebe el archivo README.md en la carpeta raíz del proyecto.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "No se puede crear la aplicación de Teams en el Portal para desarrolladores de Teams, debido a %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "No se puede actualizar la aplicación de Teams con el id. %s en el Portal para desarrolladores de Teams debido a %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Error en la llamada API a Portal para desarrolladores. Compruebe [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Error en la llamada API al Portal para desarrolladores: %s, %s, nombre de API: %s, id. de correlación X: %s. Esto puede deberse a un error intermitente del servicio. Espere unos minutos y vuelva a intentar el paso actual.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Error en la llamada API a Portal para desarrolladores: %s, %s, ruta de acceso de solicitud: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "No se puede publicar la aplicación de Teams con el Id. %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Error al compilar el paquete de Teams.", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Error al comprobar el permiso. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Error al conceder el permiso. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Error del colaborador de la lista. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "No se encuentra la aplicación de Teams con el identificador %s. Deberá ejecutar primero la depuración o el aprovisionamiento antes de actualizar el manifiesto a la plataforma de Teams.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Capacidad no válida: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "No se puede agregar la funcionalidad %s, alcanza el límite.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "No se encuentra la pestaña estática con el id. de entidad %s, no se puede actualizar.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "La funcionalidad %s no existe en el manifiesto, no se puede actualizar.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Se encontró un id. no válido en la búsqueda del manifiesto.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "No se puede obtener el esquema de %s, mensaje: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "El esquema del manifiesto no está definido", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Intente generar el paquete a partir de \"Paquete de la aplicación de Teams comprimido\" e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "No se puede crear la aplicación de Teams con el error de conflicto 409. Esto puede proceder del identificador de la aplicación está en conflicto con otra aplicación del inquilino. Haga clic en Obtener ayuda para obtener más información.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Ya existe una aplicación de Teams con ese identificador en la tienda de aplicaciones de su organización. Actualice manualmente el identificador de la aplicación e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "No se permite que la cuenta actual adquiera el token de botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "El aprovisionamiento de Botframework devuelve un resultado prohibido al intentar crear el registro del bot.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "El aprovisionamiento de Botframework devuelve el resultado del conflicto al intentar crear el registro del bot.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "No se puede descargar el paquete zip y abrir el paquete zip local.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "No se encuentra la plantilla: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "No se encuentra la muestra: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "No se puede descargar el paquete zip de %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "No se pueden descomprimir las plantillas y escribir en el disco.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "No se encuentra la clave %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "No se puede descargar el ejemplo debido a la limitación. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde después del restablecimiento del límite de velocidad (esto puede tardar hasta 1 hora). Como alternativa, puede ir a %s para hacer git clone al repositorio manualmente.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "No se puede descargar el ejemplo debido a un error de red. Compruebe la conexión de red y vuelva a intentarlo. Como alternativa, puede ir a %s para hacer git clone al repositorio manualmente.", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "No se puede analizar la dirección URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "No se puede obtener el manifiesto del complemento OpenAI en \"%s\".", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "No se puede extender la aplicación teams a Microsoft 365. Use la acción \"teamsApp/extendToM365\" para ampliar la aplicación de Teams a Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "El nombre de la aplicación debe empezar por letras y contener al menos dos letras o dígitos. No puede contener algunos caracteres especiales.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "El nombre de la aplicación supera la longitud máxima de 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "La ruta de acceso existe: %s. Seleccione otro nombre de aplicación.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Seleccione el lenguaje de programación", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx solo admite actualmente TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Abrir tutorial", "core.option.github": "Abrir una guía de GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Abrir una guía en el producto", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Pestaña", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importando un proyecto de complemento de Outlook existente", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copiando archivos", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Convirtiendo el proyecto", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modificando manifiesto", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Aplicación basada en la interfaz de usuario", "core.TabOption.detail": "Páginas web compatibles con Teams insertadas en Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Panel", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Un lienzo con tarjetas y widgets para mostrar información importante", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Bot básico", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Una implementación sencilla de un bot de eco que está listo para personalizar.", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Desplegando enlace", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Mostrar información y acciones cuando se pega una dirección URL en el área de redacción de mensajes", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Recopilar datos de entrada y proceso de formularios", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Extensión de mensajes", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Interfaz de usuario personalizada cuando los usuarios redacta mensajes en Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Obtener la entrada del usuario, hacer algo con ella, y enviar resultados personalizados de vuelta", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Mensaje de notificación de chat", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Notificar e informar con un mensaje que se muestra en los chats de Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Comando de chat", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Crear interfaz de usuario con SharePoint Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Pestaña Básico", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Implementación sencilla de una aplicación web que está lista para personalizar", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha comprobado las especificaciones de API:\n\nResumen:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha comprobado el manifiesto del complemento OpenAI:\n\nResumen:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "Error de %s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Advertencia %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Hemos detectado los siguientes problemas para el archivo de especificación OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "Mitigación de %s: no es necesario, el objeto operationId se ha generado y agregado automáticamente al archivo \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" no debe tener más de %s caracteres. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Falta la descripción completa. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Mitigación: actualizar el campo \"%s\" en \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Falta \"%s\" en el \"%s\" de comandos.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Mitigación: crea una plantilla de tarjeta adaptable en \"%s\" y, a continuación, actualiza el campo \"%s\" a la ruta de acceso relativa en \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Funcionalidades", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Seleccionar una funcionalidad", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Vista previa en Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Funciona en Teams y Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Funciona en Teams, Outlook y la aplicación Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Funciona en Teams, Outlook y Copilot.", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Experiencias de chat informativas o conversacionales que pueden automatizar tareas repetitivas", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Características de la aplicación mediante un bot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Buscar o iniciar acciones desde el área de redacción de chat de Teams y Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Características de la aplicación mediante una extensión de mensaje", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Personalizar la cinta de opciones y el panel de tareas con el contenido web", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Complemento de Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Características de la aplicación con un complemento de Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Inserte su propio contenido web en Teams, Outlook y la aplicación Micosoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Características de la aplicación mediante una pestaña", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Crea un complemento para ampliar Copilot mediante las API.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Complemento para Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Complemento para Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Selecciona una opción", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Nuevo proyecto", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Empezar con una nueva API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Creación de un complemento con una nueva API desde Azure Functions", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Empezar con una especificación de OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Creación de un complemento a partir de la API existente", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Empezar con un complemento de OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Conversión de un complemento de OpenAPI en un complemento de Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Especificación de OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Indicar la URL de especificación de OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Indicar la ubicación de especificación de OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifiesto del complemento OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Indicar el dominio de su sitio web", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Escriba una dirección URL válida", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Escriba un dominio válido", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Seleccionar una operación", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Solo se muestran los métodos GET y POST con un solo parámetro y sin autenticación", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Los métodos definidos en manifest.json no se muestran en la lista", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Especificación de API no válida. Comprueba el panel de salida para obtener más detalles.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Especificación de API no válida. Comprueba [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Manifiesto de complemento OpenAI no válido. Comprueba el panel de salida para obtener más detalles.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Manifiesto de complemento de OpenAI no válido. Comprueba [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "Falta la dirección URL en \"%s\".", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "No se admite el tipo de autenticación. Tipo de autenticación admitido: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Bot de chat de IA", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Bot de chat que usa la biblioteca de IA de Teams", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Carpeta de la solución SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Seleccione la carpeta que contiene la solución SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Seleccione un entorno", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nuevo nombre de entorno", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nuevo nombre de entorno", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "El nombre del entorno solo puede contener letras, dígitos, _ y -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "No se puede crear un entorno '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "No se pueden enumerar las configuraciones de entorno", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "El entorno del proyecto %s ya existe.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Selección de un entorno para crear la copia", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Seleccionar un grupo de recursos", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Nuevo nombre de grupo de recursos", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Nuevo nombre de grupo de recursos", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "El nombre solo puede contener caracteres alfanuméricos o los símbolos ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Ubicación del nuevo grupo de recursos", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Carpeta del área de trabajo", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Seleccione la carpeta que contendrá la carpeta raíz del proyecto.", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Crear una aplicación nueva", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use el kit de herramientas de Teams para crear una nueva aplicación de Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Empezar a partir de un ejemplo", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Use un ejemplo existente como punto de partida para la nueva aplicación.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Un entorno de ejecución rápido del servidor JavaScript", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Gratis. Multiplataforma. Abrir código fuente.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Kit de herrramientas de Teams: seleccionar tiempo de ejecución para la aplicación", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Empezar a partir de un ejemplo", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Seleccione un registro de muestra", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Ver muestras", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Crear bots nuevos para depuración", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Anular la selección para conservar con la dirección URL original", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Actualizar botId %s a \"${{BOT_ID}}\" en manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Actualizar botId %s a \"${{BOT_ID}}\" en manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Configurar direcciones URL de sitios web para depuración", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Actualizar la dirección URL de contenido de %s a %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Actualizar la dirección URL del sitio web de %s a %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Anular la selección para conservar con la dirección URL original", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Inicio de sesión único", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Desarrollar una característica de Sign-On única para páginas de inicio de Teams y funcionalidad de bot", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Agregar propietario a la aplicación teams/AAD para la cuenta en el mismo inquilino de Microsoft 365 (correo electrónico)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "La dirección de correo electrónico no puede ser nula ni estar vacía", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Cambie [UserName] por el nombre de usuario real.", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "No se puede cargar el archivo .env. Motivo: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Seleccione el archivo manifest.json de Azure Active Directory", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Seleccionar archivo manifest.json de Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Seleccionar archivo de paquete de aplicación de Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Seleccionar el archivo manifest.json local de Teams", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Seleccione la aplicación en la que desea administrar los colaboradores.", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Seleccionar un método de validación", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Validar mediante esquema de manifiesto", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Validar mediante esquema de manifiesto", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Validar el paquete de la aplicación mediante reglas de validación", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Validar el paquete de la aplicación mediante reglas de validación", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirmar que el manifiesto está seleccionado correctamente", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Aplicación Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Aplicación Azure Active Directory para el inicio de sesión único", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Aplicación de Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Su aplicación de Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "React con Fluent UI", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Aplicación web que usa la interfaz de usuario de Fluent React componentes para obtener una apariencia de Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Resultados de búsqueda personalizados", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Mostrar datos directamente en los resultados de búsqueda de Teams y Outlook desde la búsqueda o el área de chat", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Mostrar los datos directamente en los resultados de búsqueda de Teams desde la búsqueda o el área de chat", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Plataforma", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Seleccione una plataforma para obtener una vista previa de la aplicación", "core.options.separator.additional": "Características adicionales", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "La aplicación teams se preparó correctamente.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Se ejecutaron correctamente %s/%s acciones en la fase de aprovisionamiento.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Se ejecutaron correctamente %s/%s acciones en la fase de implementación.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Se ejecutaron correctamente %s/%s acciones en la fase de publicación.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "escritorio Teams, id. de cliente móvil", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "id. de cliente web de Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "La aplicación de Microsoft 365 para el id. de cliente de escritorio", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "id. de cliente de escritorio de Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Id. de cliente de acceso web de Outlook 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Id. de cliente de acceso web de Outlook 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Se canceló la operación.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "No se admite la versión de OpenAPI anterior a la 3.0.0.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No se encontró información del servidor en el archivo de especificación de OpenAPI.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "Se encontró información de varios servidores en el archivo de especificación OpenAPI.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "No se admite la referencia remota: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Faltan objetos operationId: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No se encuentra ninguna API admitida en el archivo de especificación OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "\"additionalProperties\" no se admite y se omitirá.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "No se admiten los esquemas \"oneOf\", \"anyOf\" y \"not\" %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Esquema desconocido: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "La dirección URL del servidor no es correcta: no se admite el protocolo %s, debe usar el protocolo HTTPS en su lugar.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "La dirección URL del servidor no es correcta: no se admite la dirección URL relativa del servidor.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importar complementos de Outlook existentes", "core.importAddin.detail": "Actualizar un proyecto de complementos al manifiesto de aplicación y la estructura del proyecto más recientes", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Taskpane", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Personalizar la cinta de opciones con un botón e insertar contenido en la barra de tareas", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Acción %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s se ejecutó correctamente", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "El archivo de entorno se creó a las", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s se ha agregado correctamente a %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Cargando opciones...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Cargando el valor predeterminado...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "falta el nombre\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "Falta requiredResourceAccess\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "Falta oauth2Permissions\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "Falta preAuthorizedApplications\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion es 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "Falta optionalClaims\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "El token de acceso optionalClaims no contiene la notificación de idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "El manifiesto de AAD tiene los siguientes problemas que pueden romper la aplicación Teams:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "No se puede actualizar o eliminar un permiso existente cuando está habilitado. Una razón posible es que la variable de entorno ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID se haya cambiado para el entorno seleccionado. Asegúrate de que los id. de permiso sean idénticos a los de la aplicación de AAD real y vuelve a intentarlo.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "%s resourceAppId desconocido", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "ResourceAccess desconocido: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Id. de resourceAccess desconocido: %s. Si usa el permiso como id. de resourceAccess, intente usar el identificador de permiso en su lugar.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "La ruta de acceso del proyecto está vacía", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "No se pueden crear archivos para agregar SSO. Error de detalle: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "La dirección de correo electrónico no es válida", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Sugerencias: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s no es válido con el valor: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "Falta %s.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "No se puede aprovisionar %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "No se pueden actualizar las configuraciones de %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "No se encontró el registro del bot con botId %s. Haga clic en el botón \"Obtener ayuda\" para obtener más información sobre cómo comprobar los registros de bots.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "El recurso de bot ya existía en %s. Omita la creación del recurso de bot.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Aprovisionamiento del registro de bot.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "El registro del bot se aprovisionó correctamente.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Compruebe el panel de salida de inicio de sesión e intente corregir este problema.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Registro de bot del Portal para desarrolladores", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "No se puede obtener la plantilla más reciente de GitHub, intentando usar la plantilla local.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Instale manualmente las dependencias necesarias.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Más información", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Debe tener instalado NPM para depurar sus funciones locales.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "No se puede validar Azure Functions Core Tools después de la instalación.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "El destino del vínculo simbólico ya existe", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Su Node.js (@NodeVersion) no es compatible con el kit de herramientas de Teams Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "El formato de la versión %s no es válido.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "La instalación de Azure Functions Core Tools está incompleta.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "La versión de Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) no es compatible con el intervalo de versiones especificado (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "Se instaló correctamente @NameVersion.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Descargar e instalar la versión portátil de @NameVersion, que se instalará en @InstallDir y no afectará a su entorno.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Descargar e instalar la versión portátil de @NameVersion, que se instalará en @InstallDir y no afectará a su entorno.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "El @NameVersion se instaló correctamente.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Uso de dotnet desde PATH:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Error del comando dotnet-install sin código de salida de error, pero con un error estándar no vacío.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Error del comando dotnet-install.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "No se encuentra Node.js. Las versiones de nodo admitidas se especifican en package.json. Vaya a %s para instalar un Node.js compatible. Reinicie todas las instancias de Visual Studio Code una vez finalizada la instalación.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) no es la versión admitida oficialmente (%s). Es posible que el proyecto siga funcionando, pero se recomienda instalar la versión compatible. Las versiones de nodo admitidas se especifican en package.json. Vaya a %s para instalar un Node.js compatible.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) no es una versión LTS (%s). Vaya a %s para instalar un node.js lts.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "No se encuentra @NameVersion. Para obtener más información sobre por qué se necesita el SDK de .NET, consulte @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "No se encuentra @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requiere estas dependencias.\n\nHaga clic en \"Instalar\" para instalar @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "No se encuentra @SupportedPackages. Instale @SupportedPackages manualmente y reinicie Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "No se encuentra @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requiere estas dependencias.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "No se puede descargar el archivo de ''@Url'', estado HTTP ''@Status''.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Argumento no válido para el comprobador de requisitos previos de la aplicación de prueba de extensibilidad de vídeo. Compruebe el archivo tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "No se puede validar la aplicación de prueba de extensibilidad de vídeo después de la instalación.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "La versión de la herramienta de prueba de la aplicación de Teams (%s) no es compatible con el intervalo de versiones especificado (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "No se puede validar la herramienta de prueba de la aplicación de Teams después de la instalación. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Los nombres de las variables de entorno de salida no están definidos.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Crear una aplicación de Azure Active Directory para autenticar usuarios", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Aplicar el manifiesto de aplicación de Azure Active Directory a una aplicación existente", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "La variable de entorno %s no está establecida.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "No se puede generar el secreto de cliente.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Falta el campo %s o no es válido en el manifiesto de la aplicación de Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creación de la aplicación Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Actualización de la aplicación Azure Active Directory", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Ejecutando la acción %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "La acción %s se ejecutó correctamente", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "No se puede ejecutar la acción %s. Mensaje de error: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "La variable de entorno %s no existe, creando una nueva aplicación de Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Aplicación Azure Active Directory creada con el id. de objeto %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "La variable de entorno %s ya existe, omitiendo el paso de generación de secretos de cliente de la aplicación de Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "La variable de entorno %s no existe, generando el secreto de cliente para la aplicación de Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Secreto de cliente generado para la aplicación Azure Active Directory con id de objeto %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "La variable de entorno %s ya existe, omitiendo el paso de generación de secretos de cliente de la aplicación de Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Se ha completado la compilación del manifiesto de la aplicación Azure Active Directory y el contenido del manifiesto de la aplicación se escribe en %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Se ha aplicado el manifiesto %s a la aplicación Azure Active Directory con el id de objeto %s", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creando aplicación de bot de AAD...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creando la aplicación de bot Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "La aplicación bot Azure Active Directory se ha creado correctamente.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Se omitió la creación de la aplicación bot Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "cree un bot nuevo o reutilice una aplicación de Azure Active Directory existente.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Ejecutando la acción %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "La acción %s se ejecutó correctamente", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "No se puede ejecutar la acción %s. Mensaje de error: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Aplicación Azure Active Directory creada con el id. de cliente %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Se ha usado la aplicación de Azure Active Directory existente con el id. de cliente %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "La contraseña del bot está vacía. Agréguelo en el archivo env o borre el Id. del bot para que se regenere el par id del bot/contraseña. acción: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Implemente las plantillas de ARM especificadas en Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Implementando las plantillas de ARM en Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Para depurar aplicaciones en Teams, el servidor localhost debe estar en HTTPS.\nPara que Teams confíe en el certificado SSL autofirmado que usa el kit de herramientas, se debe agregar un certificado autofirmado al almacén de certificados.\n Puede omitir este paso, pero tendrá que confiar manualmente en la conexión segura en una nueva ventana del explorador al depurar las aplicaciones en Teams. \nPara obtener más información \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Es posible que se le pidan las credenciales de su cuenta al instalar el certificado.", "debug.install": "Instalar", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "implementa el paquete SPFx en el catálogo de aplicaciones de SharePoint.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Implementar el paquete SPFx en el catálogo de aplicaciones de inquilino.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Omitir para crear el catálogo de aplicaciones de SharePoint.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Cargar el paquete SPFx en el catálogo de aplicaciones de inquilino.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Se ha creado el catálogo de aplicaciones de espacio empresarial de SharePoint %s, espere unos minutos para estar activo.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No se encontró ningún catálogo de aplicaciones de inquilino. Vuelva a intentarlo: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "No se puede obtener la dirección URL del sitio del catálogo de aplicaciones después de la creación. Es posible que deba esperar unos minutos para intentarlo de nuevo.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "No hay ningún catálogo de aplicaciones válido en el espacio empresarial. Puede actualizar la propiedad \"createAppCatalogIfNotExist\" en %s a true si quiere que el kit de herramientas de Teams la cree por usted o puede crearla usted mismo.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "agregar elemento web adicional al proyecto SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "El elemento web %s se agregó correctamente al proyecto.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Scaffolding del elemento web", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Generar elemento web SPFx con la CLI de Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "No se puede comprobar e instalar Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "No se puede comprobar e instalar SDK de .NET Core.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "No se puede comprobar ni instalar la herramienta de prueba de la aplicación de Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "instalando dependencias", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Comprobando e instalando herramientas de desarrollo.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "El certificado de desarrollo para localhost está instalado.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Se genera el certificado de desarrollo para localhost.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Omita el certificado de desarrollo de confianza para localhost.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools está instalado en %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools está instalado.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "SDK de .NET Core está instalado en %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "SDK de .NET Core está instalado.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Cree o actualice variables en el archivo de entorno.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Las variables se han generado correctamente en %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "La herramienta de prueba de la aplicación de Teams está instalada en %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "La herramienta de prueba de la aplicación de Teams está instalada.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Cree o actualice el archivo JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "El archivo JSON se ha generado correctamente en %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Generando archivo JSON...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Generando variables de entorno...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "No se puede reiniciar la aplicación web.\nIntente reiniciar la aplicación web manualmente si la aplicación no funciona correctamente.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "La implementación en Azure App Service tarda mucho tiempo. Considere la posibilidad consultar este documento para optimizar la implementación:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Se completaron los preparativos de la implementación. Puede encontrar el paquete en '%s'", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "'%s' se ha implementado correctamente en Azure App Service.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "'%s' se ha implementado correctamente en Azure Functions.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "'%s' se ha implementado correctamente en Azure Storage.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage habilita el sitio web estático correctamente.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "implementar el proyecto en Azure App Service.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "implementar el proyecto en Azure Functions.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "implementar el proyecto en Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "habilitar la configuración del sitio web estático en Azure Storage.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Inténtelo de nuevo.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure debido a un error del servicio remoto.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "ejecutando el comando dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "ejecutando el comando npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "ejecutando el comando npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Ejecución correcta del comando '%s' en '%s'.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "adquirir un título de Microsoft 365 con el paquete de la aplicación", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Adquiriendo el título de Microsoft 365 con el paquete de aplicaciones...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "El título de Microsoft 365 se ha adquirido correctamente (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "copia el paquete de aplicación de Teams generado en la solución SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "crear una aplicación de Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "actualizar una aplicación de Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publicar una aplicación de Teams en el catálogo de aplicaciones de inquilino.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validar una aplicación de Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "crear un paquete de aplicación de Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Copiando paquete de aplicación de Teams en la solución SPFx...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Creando la aplicación de Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Actualizando la aplicación de Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Comprobando si la aplicación de Teams ya se ha enviado al catálogo de aplicaciones del inquilino", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Actualizar la aplicación de Teams publicada", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Publicando la aplicación de Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "La aplicación de Teams con el id. %s ya existe, se omitió la creación de una nueva aplicación de Teams.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "La aplicación de Teams con id. %s ya existe en la tienda de aplicaciones de la organización.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "La aplicación de Teams con id. %s no existe en la tienda de aplicaciones de la organización.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "La aplicación de Teams %s se publicó correctamente en el portal de administración.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "La aplicación de Teams %s se copió correctamente en %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "Los iconos de %s se actualizaron correctamente en %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "El kit de herramientas de Teams se ha comprobado con todas las reglas de validación:\n\nResumen:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nSe puede encontrar un registro completo de validaciones en %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha comprobado el manifiesto con su esquema:\n\nResumen:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s aprobados", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "Error de %s", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s advertencias", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Todo", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha completado la comprobación del paquete de la aplicación con respecto a las reglas de validación. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "El kit de herramientas de Teams ha completado la comprobación del paquete de la aplicación con respecto a las reglas de validación. %s. Compruebe [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Error en la validación del paquete de aplicación de Teams debido a %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Error en la validación del paquete de aplicación de Teams. Consulte [Panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más información.", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "La aplicación de Teams con id. %s no existe en el Portal para desarrolladores de Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "El id. de aplicación de Teams %s no es válido, debe ser un GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "crea o actualiza el registro del bot en dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "El registro del bot se ha creado correctamente (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "El registro del bot se ha actualizado correctamente (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "El ciclo de vida '%s' no está definido, archivo yaml: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "No se puede completar la acción ''%s'' porque faltan los siguientes parámetros: %s o tienen un valor no válido en el archivo yaml proporcionado: %s. Asegúrese de que se proporcionan los parámetros necesarios y que tienen valores válidos y vuelva a intentarlo.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "No se ha podido instalar %s. Puede instalarlo de forma manual y reiniciar Visual Studio Code si está utilizando el kit de herramientas en Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "El programa no puede continuar porque faltan las siguientes variables de entorno: ''%s'', que son necesarias para el archivo: %s. Asegúrese de que las variables necesarias se establecen editando el archivo .env ''%s'' con los nombres y valores correctos o estableciendo las variables de entorno del sistema con los nombres y valores correctos. Si está desarrollando con un nuevo proyecto creado con el kit de herramientas de Teams, al ejecutar el aprovisionamiento o la depuración se registrarán los valores correctos para estas variables de entorno.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Este comando solo funciona para el proyecto creado por el kit de herramientas de Teams.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "No se encuentra el archivo o directorio: ''%s''. Compruebe si existe y tiene permiso para acceder a él.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Error de sintaxis JSON: %s. Compruebe la sintaxis JSON para asegurarse de que tiene el formato correcto.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "No se puede leer el archivo por el motivo: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Se ha producido un error inesperado al realizar la tarea %s. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "No se puede escribir el archivo por el motivo: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "No se permite la operación de archivo. Asegúrate de que tienes los permisos necesarios: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Falta la entrada necesaria: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Error de validación de entrada ''%s'': %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "No se pueden encontrar los archivos .env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Falta el archivo %srequired \"%s\"", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Error de cliente HTTP al realizar la tarea %s. La respuesta de error es: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Error del servidor HTTP al realizar la tarea %s. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. La respuesta de error es: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "La tarea anterior todavía se está ejecutando. Espere hasta que finalice la tarea anterior e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Este proyecto ya es el más reciente, no es necesario actualizarlo.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "No se puede procesar el archivo de manifiesto ('%s') debido a la ausencia de la clave ''id''. Para identificar la aplicación correctamente, asegúrese de que la clave \"id\" está presente en el archivo de manifiesto.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "No se puede cargar el archivo de manifiesto. Motivo: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "No se pueden obtener las credenciales de Azure. Asegúrese de que su cuenta de Azure está autenticada correctamente y vuelva a intentarlo.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "La suscripción de Azure \"%s\" no está disponible en su cuenta actual. Asegúrese de que ha iniciado sesión con la cuenta de Azure correcta y de que tiene los permisos necesarios para acceder a la suscripción.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "El grupo de recursos '%s' ya existe en la suscripción '%s'. Considere la posibilidad de elegir un nombre diferente u usar el grupo de recursos existente para la tarea.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "No se puede seleccionar la suscripción en la cuenta actual.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "No se encuentra el grupo de recursos ''%s'' en la suscripción ''%s''.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "No se pudo crear el grupo de recursos ''%s'' en la suscripción ''%s'' debido a un error: %s. \nSi el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "No se puede comprobar la existencia del grupo de recursos ''%s'' en la suscripción ''%s'' debido al error: %s. \nSi el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "No se pueden obtener grupos de recursos en la suscripción ''%s'' debido a un error: %s. \nSi el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "No se puede conseguir la información del grupo de recursos ''%s'' en la suscripción ''%s'' debido al error: %s. \nSi el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "No se pueden obtener las ubicaciones de grupo de recursos disponibles para la suscripción \"%s\".", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "No se puede obtener el objeto JSON para el token de Microsoft 365. Asegúrese de que su cuenta está autorizada para acceder al inquilino y de que el objeto JSON del token es válido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "No se puede obtener el id. de inquilino de Microsoft 365 en el objeto JSON del token. Asegúrese de que su cuenta está autorizada para acceder al inquilino y de que el objeto JSON del token es válido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Error de autenticación. Actualmente inició sesión en el inquilino ''%s'' de Microsoft 365, que es diferente del especificado en el archivo .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Para resolver este problema y cambiar a su actual inquilino que inició sesión, elimine los valores de ''%s'' del archivo .env y vuelva a intentarlo", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "No se pueden compilar los archivos Bicep ubicados en la ruta de acceso '%s' a las plantillas ARM de JSON. El mensaje de error devuelto fue: %s. Compruebe si hay errores de sintaxis o configuración en los archivos Bicep e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "No se puede descargar la CLI de Bicep desde ''%s''. El mensaje de error fue: %s. Corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo. O bien, quite la configuración de bicepCliVersion en el archivo de configuración teamsapp.yml y el kit de herramientas de Teams usará la CLI de bicep en PATH.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "No se pudieron implementar las plantillas de ARM para el nombre de implementación \"%s\" en el grupo de recursos \"%s\". Consulte el [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Las plantillas de ARM para el nombre de implementación: '%s' no se pudieron implementar en el grupo de recursos '%s' por el motivo: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Las plantillas de ARM para el nombre de implementación ''%s'' no se pudieron implementar en el grupo de recursos ''%s'' por el motivo: %s. \n No se puede obtener el mensaje de error detallado debido a: %s. \n Consulte el grupo de recursos %s en el portal para ver el error de implementación.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "No se puede convertir el resultado de la implementación de ARM en la salida de la acción. Hay una clave duplicada '%s' en el resultado de la implementación de ARM.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "No se encuentra ningún archivo en la carpeta de distribución: ''%s''. Asegúrese de que la carpeta no está vacía y de que se han incluido todos los archivos necesarios.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "No se puede comprobar el estado de implementación porque se agotó el tiempo de espera del proceso. Compruebe la conexión a Internet y vuelva a intentarlo. Si el problema persiste, revise los registros de implementación( Implementación -> Centro de implementación -> Registros) en Azure Portal para identificar cualquier problema que pueda producirse.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "No se pudo obtener las credenciales de publicación de la aplicación ''%s'' en el grupo de recursos ''%s''. Consulte el [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "No se pueden obtener las credenciales de publicación de la aplicación ''%s'' en el grupo de recursos ''%s'' por el motivo:\n %s.\n Sugerencias:\n 1. Compruebe que el nombre de la aplicación y el nombre del grupo de recursos están escritos correctamente y son válidos. \n 2. Compruebe que la cuenta de Azure tiene los permisos necesarios para acceder a la API. Es posible que tenga que elevar el rol o solicitar permisos adicionales a un administrador. \n 3. Si el mensaje de error incluye un motivo específico, como un error de autenticación o un problema de red, investigue ese problema específicamente para resolver el error e inténtelo de nuevo. \n 4. Puede probar la API en esta página: ''%s''", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "No se puede implementar el paquete zip en el punto de conexión: ''%s''. Consulte el [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "No se puede implementar el paquete zip en el punto de conexión ''%s'' en Azure debido al error: %s. \n Sugerencias:\n 1. Compruebe que la cuenta de Azure tiene los permisos necesarios para acceder a la API. \n 2. Compruebe que el punto de conexión está configurado correctamente en Azure y que se han aprovisionado los recursos necesarios. \n 3. Asegúrese de que el paquete zip es válido y está libre de errores. \n 4. Si el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, como un error de autenticación o un problema de red, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo. \n 5. Si el error persiste, puede intentar implementar el paquete manualmente siguiendo las instrucciones de este vínculo: ''%s''", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "No se puede comprobar el estado de implementación de la ubicación: ''%s'' debido al error: %s. Si el problema persiste, revise los registros de implementación Implementación -> Centro de implementación -> Registros) en el Azure Portal para identificar posibles problemas que se hayan podido producir.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "El paquete se ha implementado correctamente en Azure para la ubicación \"%s\", pero la aplicación no se puede iniciar debido al error : %s.\n Si no se especifica claramente el motivo, estas son algunas sugerencias para solucionar problemas:\n 1. Compruebe los registros de aplicación: busque mensajes de error o seguimientos de pila en los registros de aplicación para identificar la causa raíz del problema.\n 2. Compruebe la configuración de Azure: asegúrese de que la configuración de Azure es correcta, incluidas las cadenas de conexión y la configuración de la aplicación.\n 3. Compruebe el código de la aplicación: revise el código para ver si hay errores de sintaxis o lógica que puedan estar causando el problema.\n 4. Compruebe las dependencias: compruebe que todas las dependencias requeridas por la aplicación están instaladas y actualizadas correctamente.\n 5. Reinicie la aplicación: intente reiniciar la aplicación en Azure para ver si se resuelve el problema.\n 6. Compruebe la asignación de recursos: asegúrese de que la asignación de recursos para la instancia de Azure es adecuada para la aplicación y su carga de trabajo.\n 7. Busque ayuda del soporte técnico de Azure: si el problema persiste, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de Azure para obtener más ayuda.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Tiempo de espera de ejecución del script: %s. Ajuste el parámetro \"timeout\" en yaml o mejore la eficacia del script.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Error de ejecución del script (\"%s\"): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "No se pueden borrar los archivos blob de la cuenta de Azure Storage '%s'. Consulte el [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "No se pueden borrar los archivos de blob en Azure Storage cuenta ''%s''. Las respuestas de error de Azure son:\n %s. \nSi el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "No se puede cargar el '%s' de la carpeta local en el '%s' de la cuenta de Azure Storage. Consulte el [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "No se pueden obtener las propiedades del contenedor ''%s'' en Azure Storage cuenta ''%s'' debido al error: %s. Las respuestas de error de Azure son:\n %s. \n Si el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "No se pueden establecer las propiedades del contenedor ''%s'' en Azure Storage cuenta ''%s'' debido al error: %s. Consulte el [panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "No se pueden establecer las propiedades del contenedor ''%s'' en Azure Storage cuenta ''%s'' debido al error: %s. Las respuestas de error de Azure son:\n %s. \n Si el mensaje de error especifica el motivo, corrija el error e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "No se puede cargar el id. de manifiesto de la ruta de acceso: %s. Primero debes ejecutar el aprovisionamiento.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "No se encuentra el id. de aplicación: %s. Puede que tu cuenta actual de M365 no tenga permiso o que la aplicación se haya eliminado." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.fr.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.fr.json index 469be3173d..7e6c868e8a 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.fr.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.fr.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Approvisionner", - "core.provision.learnMore": "En savoir plus", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Compte Azure : %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure : %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Compte Microsoft 365 : %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Le coût peut être facturé en fonction de l’utilisation. Voulez-vous provisionner des ressources dans %s environnement à l’aide des comptes répertoriés ci-dessus ?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Voulez-vous déployer des ressources dans l’environnement %s ?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Afficher les ressources provisionnées", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Votre application Azure Active Directory a été déployée. Cliquez sur « En savoir plus » pour voir comment afficher votre application Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Votre application Azure Active Directory a été mise à jour.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "En savoir plus", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Pour résoudre les problèmes liés à l’application bot dans Azure, cliquez sur En savoir plus pour obtenir de la documentation.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "En savoir plus", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Déployer", "core.option.confirm": "Confirmer", - "core.option.cancel": "Annuler", - "core.option.learnMore": "En savoir plus", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Mettre à niveau", "core.option.moreInfo": "Plus d’informations", "core.progress.create": "Créer", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Téléchargement du modèle d’application.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Téléchargement de l’exemple %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Déployer", "core.progress.publish": "Publier", "core.progress.provision": "Approvisionner", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Configuration du stockage Azure, activer le paramètre de site web statique.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Exécuter la %s de commande sur %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Déploiement de %s sur %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "En savoir plus", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Confirmez la mise à niveau", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Mettez à niveau votre projet Teams Toolkit pour rester compatible avec la dernière version. Un répertoire de sauvegarde va être créé avec un récapitulatif de mise à niveau.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Mettez à niveau votre solution pour rester compatible avec la dernière version du kit de ressources Teams. Un répertoire de sauvegarde sera généré dans lequel il contient un rapport de mise à niveau.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json n’existe pas. Vous essayez peut-être de mettre à niveau un projet créé par Teams Toolkit pour Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit pour Visual Studio v17.3. Installez Teams Toolkit pour Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit pour Visual Studio v17.4 et exécutez d’abord la mise à niveau.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json n’est pas valide.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Ce projet est uniquement destiné à l’aperçu et ne sera pas pris en charge par le kit de ressources Teams. Veuillez essayer le kit de ressources Teams en créant un projet", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "La version préliminaire du kit de ressources Teams prend en charge la nouvelle configuration de projet et est incompatible avec les versions précédentes. Essayez-le en créant un projet ou exécutez d’abord « mise à niveau teamsfx » pour mettre à niveau votre projet.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Effectuez une mise à niveau vers la dernière version[core] Votre interface CLI TeamsFx est trop ancienne pour prendre en charge le projet actuel. Effectuez une mise à niveau vers la dernière version à l’aide de la commande ci-dessous :\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Le projet actif est incompatible avec la version installée de Teams Toolkit.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Le projet de la solution est créé avec la fonctionnalité d’évaluation de Teams Toolkit - Améliorations de Teams App Configuration. Vous pouvez activer la fonctionnalité en préversion pour continuer.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Les modèles ARM ont été déployés. Nom du groupe de ressources : %s. Nom du déploiement : %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "« Répertorier les propriétaires d’applications Microsoft 365 » a réussi. Vous pouvez l’afficher dans [Panneau de sortie](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Attribution de niveaux d’autorisation", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "L’e-mail du collaborateur ne peut pas être nul ou identique à celui de l’utilisateur actuel", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Impossible de trouver l’utilisateur dans le locataire actuel, veuillez vérifier si votre adresse e-mail est correcte", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Accorder l’autorisation à l’utilisateur %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Compte pour pouvoir accorder votre autorisation : ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Démarrage de l’autorisation d’octroi pour l’environnement : ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "ID de locataire : ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "l’autorisation a été accordée à ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ID de ressource : ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Liste des autorisations Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Compte utilisé pour vérifier : ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nListe de départ de tous les propriétaires d’applications d’équipes pour l’environnement : ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nDémarrage de la liste de tous les propriétaires d’applications Azure Active Directory pour l’environnement : ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Application Microsoft 365 Teams (ID : ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "Application d’authentification unique d’Azure Active Directory (SSO AAD) (ID : ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Propriétaire de l’application Teams : ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Propriétaire de l’application Azure Active Directory : ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Démarrage de la vérification des autorisations pour l’environnement : ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "ID de la ressource : ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "non défini", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Nom de la ressource : ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Autorisation : ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifeste introuvable à partir du package téléchargé pour l’application Teams %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Nom du composant WebPart SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "Le dossier %s existe déjà. Choisissez un autre nom pour votre composant.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s ne correspond pas au modèle : %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Sélectionner une option pour la génération de modèles automatique", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Utiliser une infrastructure SPFx installée globalement (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Utiliser une infrastructure SPFx installée globalement", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s ou version ultérieure", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Installer la dernière infrastructure SPFx (%s) localement dans le répertoire du kit de ressources Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Installer la dernière infrastructure SPFx localement dans le répertoire du kit de ressources Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Solution Microsoft Office SharePoint Online", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Créer une solution SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Créer une application d’onglet Teams à l’aide de composants WebPart SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importer une solution SPFx existante", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Exposer le composant WebPart côté client SPFx sous l’onglet Microsoft Teams ou une application personnelle", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Le package SharePoint %s a été déployé sur [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Package SharePoint %s introuvable", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Impossible d’obtenir le jeton d’accès SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Impossible d’obtenir le jeton d’accès Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Impossible de charger et de déployer le package sur le catalogue d’applications %s. Vous avez besoin des autorisations d’administrateur de locataire Microsoft 365 de votre organisation. Vous pouvez obtenir gratuitement Microsoft 365 locataire auprès de [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) à des fins de test.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Impossible de créer le catalogue d’applications client, en raison de %s, pile : %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Impossible de charger le package d’application, en raison de %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Génération du package SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Charger et déployer un package SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Génération de modèles automatique du projet", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Impossible d’exécuter 'npm install' en raison de %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Impossible de valider le package %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "Votre projet SPFx ne contient aucun fichier .yo-rc.json. Ajoutez le fichier de configuration, puis réessayez.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "L’environnement de développement SPFx n’a pas été configuré correctement. Vous pouvez cliquer sur « Aide » pour suivre le guide et configurer l’environnement approprié.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Vérification des dépendances...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installation des dépendances. Cette opération peut prendre plus de 5 minutes.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Générer SPFx projet à l’aide de Yoman CLI", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Mettre à jour le manifeste du composant WebPart", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Impossible d’obtenir l' %s %s du client", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Des problèmes inconnus ont été rencontrés lors de la configuration de l’environnement SPFx dans le dossier %s. Vous pouvez suivre [Configurer votre environnement de développement SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s) pour configurer un environnement SPFx global.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Échec de la création du projet. Une raison possible peut être à partir de Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Panneau de sortie](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Échec de la récupération des informations de la solution SPFx existante. Veuillez vous assurer que votre solution SPFx est valide.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Échec de la copie de la solution SPFx existante : %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Échec de la mise à jour des modèles de projet avec la solution SPFx existante : %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Échec de l'importation de la solution SPFx existante dans Teams Toolkit : %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Importation de la solution SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Copie de la solution SPFx existante...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Génération de modèles basés sur les informations de la solution...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Mise à jour des modèles...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Votre solution SPFx a été importée avec succès dans %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit a importé votre solution SPFx avec succès. Un journal complet des détails d'importation peut être trouvé dans %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit n'a pas réussi à importer votre solution SPFx. Un journal complet des détails d'importation peut être trouvé dans %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Vérifiez votre connexion réseau.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Vérifiez si vous disposez d’autorisations de lecture/écriture sur votre système de fichiers.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Vérifiez si vous disposez des autorisations d’accès à votre compte de stockage Azure.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Vous pouvez obtenir des informations d’identification expirées. Vérifiez si l’heure système est correcte.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Réessayez l’étape actuelle.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Le package de Teams a été généré sur [local address](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Le package Teams a été créé à %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Création du package d’application Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "La validation du manifeste a échoué !", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Validation du manifeste...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Validation du package d’application...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Allez sur le portail d'administration.", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] a été publié sur le portail d’administration (%s). Une fois approuvée, votre application sera disponible pour votre organisation. Apprenez-en davantage à partir de %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Voulez-vous envoyer une nouvelle mise à jour ?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Application Teams créée %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Application Teams mise à jour %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Le manifeste de votre application Teams a été déployé. Cliquez sur « Afficher dans Developer Portal » pour afficher votre application dans le Portail des développeurs Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Le manifeste de votre application Teams a été déployé sur ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Les configurations du fichier manifeste ont déjà été modifiées. Voulez-vous continuer à régénérer le fichier manifeste et à le mettre à jour vers la plateforme Teams ?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Le fichier manifeste sur la plateforme Teams a été modifié depuis votre dernière mise à jour. Voulez-vous continuer la mise à jour et le remplacement du fichier manifeste sur la plateforme Teams ?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "Le %s d’application a déjà été envoyé au catalogue d’applications client.\nÉtat : %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Dernière modification : %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Afficher l'aperçu uniquement", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Aperçu et mise à jour", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Remplacer et mettre à jour", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Impossible de trouver des fichiers dans le package de l’application %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s n’a pas été traitée par le kit de ressources Teams.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Afficher dans Developer Portal", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Choisir des déclencheurs", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Choisir des déclencheurs", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Une fonction en cours d’exécution hébergée sur Azure Functions peut écouter les requêtes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Déclencheur HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Une fonction en cours d’exécution hébergée sur Azure Functions peut écouter les requêtes HTTP et répondre en fonction d’une planification spécifique.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "Déclencheur HTTP et minuteur", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Serveur Restify", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Un serveur restify en cours d’exécution hébergé sur Azure App Service peut écouter les requêtes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Déclencheur HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Serveur d’API web", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Un serveur d’API web en cours d’exécution hébergé sur Azure App Service peut écouter les requêtes HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Déclencheur HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Une fonction en cours d’exécution hébergée sur Azure Functions peut répondre en fonction d’une planification spécifique.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Déclencheur de minuteur", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Aucun projet ouvert. Vous pouvez créer un projet ou en ouvrir un existant.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Le nom de l’environnement ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, _ et -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Si vous n’êtes pas prêt pour la mise à niveau, veuillez continuer à utiliser l’ancienne version du kit de ressources Teams", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Entrées non valides : %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "L’environnement de projet %s existe déjà.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Méthode non implémentée : %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Impossible d’obtenir %s à partir de l’ID de ressource : '%s'", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Impossible de trouver un abonnement.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "L’utilisateur a annulé. Pour que Teams approuve le certificat SSL auto-signé utilisé par le kit de ressources, un certificat auto-signé doit être ajouté à votre magasin de certificats.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "L’application de filtre vidéo à distance n’est pas prise en charge par le Kit de ressources Teams. Vérifiez le fichier README.md dans le dossier racine du projet.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Impossible de créer l’application Teams dans Teams Developer Portal, en raison de %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Impossible de mettre à jour l’application Teams avec l’ID %s dans Teams Developer Portal, en raison de %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Échec de l’appel d’API à Developer Portal. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Échec de l’appel d’API à Developer Portal : %s, %s, nom de l’API : %s, X-Correlation-ID : %s. Cela peut provenir d’une erreur intermittente de service. Veuillez patienter quelques minutes et réessayer l’étape actuelle.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Échec de l’appel d’API à Developer Portal : %s, %s, chemin d’accès de la requête : %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Impossible de publier l’application Teams avec l’ID %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Échec de la génération du package Teams !", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "La vérification de l’autorisation a échoué. Raison : %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Échec de l’octroi de l’autorisation. Raison : %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Échec de la liste des collaborateurs. Raison : %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Impossible de trouver l’application Teams avec l’ID %s. Vous devez d’abord exécuter le débogage ou l’approvisionnement avant de mettre à jour le manifeste vers la plateforme Teams.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Fonctionnalité non valide : %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Impossible d’ajouter la capacité %s, elle atteint la limite.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Impossible de trouver l’onglet statique avec l’ID d’entité %s, impossible de mettre à jour.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "La fonctionnalité %s n’existe pas dans le manifeste, impossible de la mettre à jour.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "ID non valide trouvé dans la recherche de manifeste.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Impossible d’obtenir le schéma à partir de %s, message : %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Le schéma du manifeste n’est pas défini", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Veuillez essayer de générer un package à partir du « package d’application Teams zip », puis réessayez.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Impossible de créer l’application Teams avec l’erreur 409 Conflit. Cela peut provenir de votre ID d’application en conflit avec une autre application de votre locataire. Cliquez sur Aide pour en savoir plus.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Une application Teams avec cet ID existe déjà dans l’App Store de votre organisation. Mettez à jour manuellement l’ID d’application et réessayez.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Le compte actuel n’est pas autorisé à acquérir le jeton botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "L’approvisionnement botframework retourne le résultat interdit de la tentative de création de l’inscription du bot.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "L’approvisionnement botframework retourne le résultat en conflit de la tentative de création de l’inscription du bot.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Impossible de télécharger le package zip et d’ouvrir le package zip local.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Modèle introuvable : %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Exemple introuvable : %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Impossible de télécharger le package zip à partir de %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Impossible de décompresser les modèles et d’écrire sur le disque.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Clé %s introuvable", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Impossible de télécharger l’échantillon en raison d’une limitation. Réessayez plus tard après la réinitialisation de la limite de débit (cette opération peut prendre jusqu’à 1 heure). Vous pouvez également accéder à %s pour cloner le dépôt manuellement", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Impossible de télécharger l’échantillon en raison d’une erreur réseau. Vérifiez votre connexion réseau et réessayez. Vous pouvez également accéder à %s pour cloner le dépôt manuellement", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Impossible d’analyser l’URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Impossible d’obtenir le manifeste du plug-in OpenAI à partir de '%s'.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Impossible d’étendre l’application Teams à Microsoft 365. Utilisez l’action « teamsApp/extendToM365 » pour étendre votre application Teams à Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Le nom de l’application doit commencer par des lettres et contenir au moins deux lettres ou chiffres. Il ne peut pas contenir certains caractères spéciaux.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Le nom de l’application dépasse la longueur maximale de 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Le chemin existe : %s. Sélectionnez un autre nom d’application.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Sélectionner un langage de programmation.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx ne prend actuellement en charge que TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Ouvrir le didacticiel", "core.option.github": "Ouvrir un guide GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Ouvrir un guide dans le produit", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Onglet", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importation d’un projet de complément Outlook existant", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copie des fichiers", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Conversion du projet", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modification du manifeste", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Application basée sur l’interface utilisateur", "core.TabOption.detail": "Pages Web compatibles avec les équipes intégrées dans Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Tableau de bord", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Zone de dessin avec cartes et widgets pour afficher des informations importantes", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Bot de base", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Implémentation simple d’un bot d’écho prêt à être personnalisé", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Développement de liens", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Afficher les informations et les actions lorsqu’une URL est collée dans la zone de message de composition", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Collecter les données d’entrée de formulaire et de processus", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Message Extension", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Interface utilisateur personnalisée lorsque les utilisateurs rédigent des messages dans Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Obtenir l’entrée de l’utilisateur, y faire quelque chose et renvoyer des résultats personnalisés", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Message de notification de conversation", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Notifier et informer à l’aide d’un message qui s’affiche dans les conversations Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Commande de conversation", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Créer une interface utilisateur avec SharePoint Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Onglet De base", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Implémentation simple d’une application web prête à être personnalisée", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit a vérifié vos spécifications d’API :\n\nRésumé:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams Toolkit a vérifié le manifeste de votre plug-in OpenAI :\n\nRésumé:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s a échoué", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Avertissement de %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Nous avons détecté les problèmes suivants pour votre fichier de spécification OpenAPI :\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s atténuation : non nécessaire, operationId a été automatiquement généré et ajouté à \"%s\" fichier.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "« %s » ne doit pas comporter plus de %s caractères. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Description complète manquante. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Atténuation : mettre à jour le champ « %s » dans « %s ».", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "« %s » manquant dans la commande « %s ».", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Atténuation : créez un modèle de carte adaptative dans « %s », puis mettez à jour le champ « %s » vers le chemin relatif dans « %s ».", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Fonctionnalités", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Sélectionner une capacité", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Aperçu sur Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Fonctionne dans Teams et Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Fonctionne dans Teams, Outlook et l’application Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Fonctionne dans Teams, Outlook et Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Expériences de conversation utiles ou informatives qui peuvent automatiser les tâches répétitives", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Fonctionnalités de l’application à l’aide d’un bot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Rechercher ou lancer des actions à partir de la zone de composition de conversation de Teams et Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Fonctionnalités de l’application utilisant une extension de message", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Personnaliser le ruban et le volet Office avec votre contenu web", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Complément Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Fonctionnalités de l’application à l’aide d’un complément Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Incorporez votre propre contenu web dans Teams, Outlook et l’application Micosoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Fonctionnalités de l’application à l’aide d’un onglet", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Créez un plug-in pour étendre Copilot à l’aide de vos API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Plug-in pour Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Plug-in pour Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Sélectionner une option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Nouveau projet", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Commencer avec une nouvelle API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Créer un plug-in avec une nouvelle API à partir de Azure Functions", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Commencer par une spécification OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Créer un plug-in à partir de votre API existante", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Commencer par un plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Convertir un plug-in OpenAI en plug-in Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Spécification OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Entrer l’URL de spécification OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Entrer l’emplacement de spécification OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifeste du plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Entrez le domaine de votre site web", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Entrez une URL valide", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Entrez un domaine valide.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Sélectionner une opération", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Seules les méthodes GET et POST avec un seul paramètre et sans authentification sont répertoriées", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Les méthodes définies dans manifest.json ne sont pas listées", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Spécification d’API non valide. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le panneau de sortie.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Spécification d’API non valide. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Manifeste du plug-in OpenAI non valide. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le panneau de sortie.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Manifeste du plug-in OpenAI non valide. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "URL manquante dans « %s ».", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Le type d’authentification n’est pas pris en charge. Type d’authentification pris en charge : \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Robot de conversation IA", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Bot de conversation à l’aide de la bibliothèque Teams AI", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Dossier de la solution SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Sélectionner le dossier qui contient votre solution SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Sélectionner un environnement", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nouveau nom d’environnement", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nouveau nom d’environnement", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Le nom de l’environnement ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, _ et -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Impossible de créer un environnement '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Impossible de répertorier les configurations d’environnement", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "L’environnement de projet %s existe déjà.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Sélectionner un environnement pour créer une copie", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Sélectionner un groupe de ressources", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Nom du nouveau groupe de ressources", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Nom du nouveau groupe de ressources", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Le nom ne peut contenir que des caractères alphanumériques ou les symboles ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Emplacement du nouveau groupe de ressources", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Dossier d'espace de travail", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Sélectionnez le dossier qui contiendra le dossier racine de votre projet", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Créez une application", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Utiliser la boîte à outils Teams pour créer une nouvelle application Teams", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Démarrer à partir d’un modèle", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Utiliser un exemple existant comme point de départ pour votre nouvelle application.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Un runtime de serveur JavaScript rapide", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Gratuit. Multiplateforme. Source ouverte.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Kit de ressources Teams : sélectionnez un runtime pour votre application.", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Démarrer à partir d’un modèle", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Sélectionner un exemple.", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Afficher des exemples", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Créer un ou plusieurs bots pour le débogage", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Désélectionner pour conserver la valeur d’origine de botId", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Permet de mettre à jour botId %s en « ${{BOT_ID}} » dans manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Permet de mettre à jour botId %s en « ${{BOT_ID}} » dans manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Configurer la ou les URL de site web pour le débogage", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Mettre à jour l’URL de contenu de %s vers %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "mettre à jour l’URL du site web de %s vers %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Désélectionner pour conserver l’URL d’origine", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Authentification unique", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Développer une fonctionnalité d’authentification unique pour les pages de lancement Teams et la fonctionnalité de bot", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Ajouter un propriétaire à l’application Teams/AAD pour le compte sous le même locataire Microsoft 365 (e-mail)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "L’adresse e-mail ne peut pas être nulle ou vide", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Veuillez remplacer [UserName] par le vrai nom d’utilisateur", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Impossible de charger votre fichier .env. Raison : %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Sélectionner le fichier Azure Active Directory manifest.json", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Sélectionner le fichier manifest.json Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Sélectionner le fichier de package d’application Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Sélectionner le fichier manifest.json Teams local", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Sélectionnez l’application pour laquelle vous voulez gérer les collaborateurs", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Sélectionner une méthode de validation", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Valider à l’aide d’un schéma du manifeste", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Valider à l’aide d’un schéma du manifeste", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Valider le package de l’application à l’aide des règles de validation", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Valider le package de l’application à l’aide des règles de validation", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirmer que le manifeste est correctement sélectionné", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Application Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Votre application Azure Active Directory pour l’authentification unique", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Application Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Votre application Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "React avec l’interface utilisateur Fluent", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Application web qui utilise l’interface utilisateur Fluent React composants pour obtenir une apparence Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Résultats de la recherche personnalisée", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Afficher les données directement dans les résultats de la recherche Teams et Outlook à partir de la recherche ou de la zone de conversation", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Afficher les données directement dans les résultats de la recherche Teams à partir de la recherche ou de la zone de conversation", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Plateforme", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Sélectionner une plateforme pour afficher un aperçu de l’application", "core.options.separator.additional": "Fonctionnalités supplémentaires", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Application Teams préparée avec succès.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions ont été exécutées dans l’étape d’approvisionnement.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Exécution réussie de %s/%s actions dans l’index de déploiement.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions ont été exécutées à l’étape de publication.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Bureau Teams, ID client mobile", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "ID du client web Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Application Microsoft 365 pour l’ID client de bureau", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "ID du client de bureau Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook l’ID client d’accès Web 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook l’ID client d’accès Web 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Opération annulée.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "La version OpenAPI inférieure à 3.0.0 n’est pas prise en charge.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "Aucune information de serveur n’a été trouvée dans le fichier de spécification OpenAPI.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "Plusieurs informations sur le serveur ont été trouvées dans le fichier de spécification OpenAPI.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "La référence distante n’est pas prise en charge : %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "OperationIds manquant : %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "Aucune API prise en charge n’est trouvée dans le fichier de spécification OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "« additionalProperties » n’est pas pris en charge et sera ignoré.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Le schéma 'oneOf', 'anyOf' et 'not' n’est pas pris en charge : %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Schéma inconnu : %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "L’URL du serveur n’est pas correcte : le protocole %s n’est pas pris en charge, vous devez utiliser le protocole https à la place.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "L’URL du serveur n’est pas correcte : l’URL relative du serveur n’est pas prise en charge.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importer un complément Outlook existant", "core.importAddin.detail": "Mettre à niveau un projet de compléments vers le manifeste d’application et la structure de projet les plus récents", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Volet Des tâches", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Personnaliser le ruban à l’aide d’un bouton et incorporer du contenu dans le volet Office", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Action %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s a été exécuté avec succès.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Le fichier d’environnement a été créé à", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s a(a) été ajouté(e) à %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Options de chargement...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Chargement de la valeur par défaut...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "Le nom est manquant.\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess est manquant\n.", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions est manquant\n.", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "PreAuthorizedApplications est manquant\n.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion est 1\n.", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims est manquant\n.", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "le jeton d’accès optionalClaims ne contient pas de revendication d’IDtyp\n.", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Le manifeste AAD présente les problèmes suivants qui peuvent endommager l’application Teams :\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Impossible de mettre à jour ou de supprimer une autorisation existante lorsqu’elle est activée. L’une des raisons possibles est que la variable d’environnement ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID est modifiée pour l’environnement sélectionné. Vérifiez que vos ID d’autorisation sont identiques à l’application AAD réelle, puis réessayez.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "%s resourceAppId inconnu", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "ResourceAccess inconnu : %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "ID resourceAccess inconnu : %s, si vous utilisez l’autorisation comme ID resourceAccess, essayez plutôt d’utiliser l’ID d’autorisation.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Project chemin d’accès est vide.", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Impossible de créer des fichiers pour ajouter l’authentification unique. Erreur de détail : %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Adresse e-mail non valide", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Suggestions : %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s n’est pas valide avec la valeur : %s.", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s introuvable", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Impossible d’approvisionner %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Impossible de mettre à jour les configurations pour %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "L’inscription du bot est introuvable avec botId %s. Cliquez sur le bouton « Aide » pour en savoir plus sur la vérification des inscriptions de bots.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "La ressource de bot existait déjà sur %s. Ignorez la création de la ressource bot.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d’identification Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Mise en service de l’inscription du bot", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "L’inscription du bot a été mise en service.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Vérifiez le journal dans le panneau Sortie et essayez de résoudre ce problème.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Enregistrement du bot sur le portail des développeurs", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Impossible d’obtenir le modèle le plus récent à partir de github, en essayant d’utiliser le modèle local.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Installez les dépendances requises manuellement.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "En savoir plus", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "NPM doit être installé pour déboguer vos fonctions locales.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Impossible de valider Azure Functions Core Tools après l’installation.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "La destination du lien symbolique existe déjà", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Votre node.js (@NodeVersion) n’est pas compatible avec les Azure Functions Core Tools du kit de ressources Teams (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Le format de la version %s n’est pas valide.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "L’installation de Azure Functions Core Tools est incomplète.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "La version de Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) n’est pas compatible avec la plage de versions spécifiée (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion a été installé avec succès.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Téléchargement et installation de la version portable de @NameVersion, qui sera installée dans @InstallDir et n’affectera pas votre environnement.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Téléchargement et installation de la version portable de @NameVersion, qui sera installée dans @InstallDir et n’affectera pas votre environnement.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion a été installé avec succès.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Utilisation de dotnet de PATH :", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "La commande dotnet-install a échoué sans code de sortie d’erreur mais avec une erreur standard non vide.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "La commande dotnet-install a échoué.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Impossible de trouver Node.js. Les versions de nœuds prises en charge sont spécifiées dans package.json. Accédez à %s pour installer un Node.js pris en charge. Redémarrez toutes vos instances Visual Studio Code une fois l’installation terminée.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) n’est pas la version officiellement prise en charge (%s). Votre projet peut continuer à fonctionner, mais nous vous recommandons d’installer la version prise en charge. Les versions de nœud prises en charge sont spécifiées dans package.json. Accédez à %s pour installer un Fichier Node.js pris en charge.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) n’est pas une version LTS (%s). Accédez à %s pour installer un node.js LTS.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Impossible de trouver @NameVersion. Pour savoir pourquoi .NET SDK est nécessaire, reportez-vous à @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Impossible de trouver @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit nécessite ces dépendances.\n\nCliquez sur \"Installer\" pour installer @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Impossible de trouver @SupportedPackages. Installez @SupportedPackages manuellement et redémarrez Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Impossible de trouver @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit nécessite ces dépendances.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier à partir de « @Url », état HTTP « @Status ».", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Argument non valide pour le vérificateur des prérequis de l’application de test d’extensibilité vidéo. Vérifiez le fichier tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Impossible de valider l’application de test d’extensibilité vidéo après l’installation.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "La version de l’outil de test d’application Teams (%s) n’est pas compatible avec la plage de versions spécifiée (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Impossible de valider l’outil de test d’application Teams après l’installation. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Le ou les noms de variable d’environnement de sortie ne sont pas définis.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Créer une application Azure Active Directory pour authentifier les utilisateurs", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Appliquer le manifeste d’application Azure Active Directory à une application existante", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "La variable d’environnement %s n’est pas définie.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Nous n’avons pas pu générer la clé secrète client.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Le champ %s est manquant ou non valide dans les manifeste d’application Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Création d’une application Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Création de l’application Teams...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Exécution de l'action %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "L’action %s s’est exécutée", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Impossible d’exécuter l’action %s. Message d’erreur : %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "La variable d’environnement %s n’existe pas, création d’une application Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Application Azure Active Directory créée avec l'ID d'objet %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "La variable d’environnement %s existe déjà, en ignorant la nouvelle étape de création d’application Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "La variable d’environnement %s n’existe pas, générant une clé secrète client pour l’application Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Clé secrète client générée pour l'application Azure Active Directory avec l'ID d'objet %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "La variable d’environnement %s existe déjà, en ignorant l’étape de génération du secret client de l’application Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Génération du manifeste d’application Azure Active Directory terminée et le contenu du manifeste d’application est écrit dans %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Manifeste appliqué %s à l'application Azure Active Directory avec l'ID d'objet %s", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Création de l’application AAD du bot...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Création de l’application bot Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "L’application bot Azure Active Directory a été créée.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "La création de l’application bot Azure Active Directory a été ignorée.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "créer une nouvelle application Azure Active Directory de bot ou réutiliser une existante.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Exécution de l'action %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "L’action %s s’est exécutée", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Impossible d’exécuter l’action %s. Message d’erreur : %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Application Azure Active Directory créée avec l'ID client %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Utilisation de l'application Azure Active Directory existante avec l'ID client %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Le mot de passe du bot est vide. Ajoutez-le dans un fichier env ou effacez l’ID de bot pour que la paire id/mot de passe du bot soit régénérée. action : %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Déployez les modèles ARM donnés sur Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Déploiement des modèles ARM sur Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Pour déboguer des applications dans Teams, votre serveur localhost doit être sur HTTPS.\nPour que Teams fasse confiance au certificat SSL auto-signé utilisé par le kit de ressources, un certificat auto-signé doit être ajouté à votre magasin de certificats.\n Vous pouvez ignorer cette étape, mais vous devrez faire confiance manuellement à la connexion sécurisée dans une nouvelle fenêtre de navigateur lors du débogage de vos applications dans Teams.\nSi vous souhaitez en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Vous serez peut-être invité à indiquer les informations d’identification de votre compte lors de l’installation du certificat.", "debug.install": "Installer", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "déploie le package SPFx dans le catalogue d'applications SharePoint.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Déployez le package SPFx sur votre catalogue d’applications client.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Ignorez la création du catalogue d’applications SharePoint.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Chargez le package SPFx sur votre catalogue d’applications client.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Le catalogue d’applications client SharePoint %s créé. Attendez quelques minutes pour être actif.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Aucun catalogue d’applications client trouvé, réessayez : %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Impossible d’obtenir l’URL du site du catalogue d’applications après sa création. Vous devrez peut-être patienter quelques minutes et réessayer.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Il n’existe aucun catalogue d’applications valide dans votre locataire. Vous pouvez mettre à jour la propriété « createAppCatalogIfNotExist » dans %s sur true si vous souhaitez que le kit de ressources Teams la crée pour vous ou que vous pouvez la créer vous-même.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "ajouter un composant WebPart supplémentaire au projet SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Le composant WebPart %s a été correctement ajouté au projet.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Composant WebPart de génération de modèles automatique", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Générer un composant WebPart SPFx à l’aide de CLI Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Impossible de vérifier et d’installer Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Impossible de vérifier et d’installer kit SDK .NET Core.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Impossible de vérifier et d’installer l’outil de test d’application Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "installation de dépendances", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Vérification et installation des outils de développement.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Le certificat de développement pour localhost est installé.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Le certificat de développement pour localhost est généré.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Ignorer le certificat de développement de confiance pour localhost.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools est installé à %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools est installé.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "Le SDK .NET Core est installé sur %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "Le SDK .NET Core est installé.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Permet de créer ou mettre à jour des variables dans le fichier d’environnement.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Les variables ont été générées avec succès dans %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "L’outil de test d’application Teams est installé sur %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "L’outil de test d’application Teams est installé.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Créez ou mettez à jour le fichier JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Le fichier json a été généré avec succès pour %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Génération du fichier json...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Génération de variables d’environnement...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Impossible de redémarrer l’application web.\n Essayez de redémarrer l’application web manuellement si l’application ne fonctionne pas correctement.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Le déploiement sur Azure App Service prend beaucoup de temps. Envisagez de vous référer à ce document pour optimiser votre déploiement :", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Les déploiements sont terminés. Vous pouvez trouver le package dans `%s`", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "Déploiement réussi de `%s` sur Azure App Service.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "Déploiement réussi de `%s` sur Azure Functions.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "Déploiement réussi de `%s` sur Stockage Azure.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage active le site Web statique avec succès.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "déployez le projet sur Azure App Service.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "déployer le projet sur Azure Functions.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "déployer le projet sur le stockage Azure.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "activer le paramètre de site Web statique dans Azure Storage.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Veuillez réessayer.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d’identification Azure en raison d’une erreur de service distant.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "exécutant la commande dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "exécutant la commande npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "exécutant la commande npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Exécution réussie de la commande `%s`à `%s`.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquérir un titre Microsoft 365 avec le package d’application", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Acquisition deu titre Microsoft 365 avec le package d’application...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Le titre Microsoft 365 a été acquis avec succès (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "copie le package d'application Teams généré dans la solution SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "créer une application Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "mettre à jour une application Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publier une application Teams dans le catalogue d'applications client.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "valider une application Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "créer un package d'application Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Copie du package d’application Teams vers la solution SPFx...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Création de l’application Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Mise à jour de l’application Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Vérification de l’envoi de l’application Teams au catalogue d’applications client", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Mettre à jour l’application Teams publiée", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Publication de l’application Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "L'application Teams avec l'identifiant %s existe déjà, la création d'une nouvelle application Teams a été ignorée.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "L'application Teams avec l'identifiant %s existe déjà dans la boutique d'applications de l'organisation.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "L'application Teams avec l'identifiant %s n'existe pas dans la boutique d'applications de l'organisation.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "L'application Teams %s a été publiée avec succès sur le portail d'administration.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "L’application Teams %s a été copiée dans %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "Les icônes %s ont été mises à jour avec succès sous %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Le Kit de ressources Teams a vérifié toutes les règles de validation :\n\nRésumé :\n%s.\n %s\n%s\n\nUn journal complet des validations se trouve dans %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit a vérifié le manifeste avec son schéma :\n\nRésumé:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s a réussi", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s a échoué", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "Avertissement de %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Tout", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Le Kit de ressources Teams a terminé de vérifier votre package d’application par rapport aux règles de validation. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Le Kit de ressources Teams a terminé de vérifier votre package d’application par rapport aux règles de validation. %s. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "La validation du package d’application Teams a échoué en raison d’une %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Échec de la validation du pacakge de l’application Teams. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "L’application Teams avec l’ID %s n’existe pas dans Developer Portal pour Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "L’ID d’application Teams %s n’est pas valide. Il doit s’agir d’un GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "crée ou met à jour l'enregistrement du bot sur dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "L'enregistrement du bot a été créé avec succès (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "L'enregistrement du bot a été mis à jour avec succès (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Le cycle de vie « %s » n’est pas défini, fichier yaml : %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Impossible d’effectuer l’action de '%s', car le ou les paramètres suivants : %s sont manquants ou ont une valeur non valide dans le fichier yaml fourni : %s. Vérifiez que les paramètres requis sont fournis et qu’ils ont des valeurs valides, puis réessayez.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Impossible d’installer %s. Vous pouvez l’installer manuellement et redémarrer Visual Studio Code si vous utilisez le kit de ressources dans Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Le programme ne peut pas continuer, car les variables d’environnement suivantes sont manquantes : '%s', qui sont nécessaires pour le fichier : %s. Vérifiez que les variables requises sont définies soit en modifiant le fichier .env '%s' avec les noms et valeurs corrects, soit en définissant les variables d’environnement système avec les noms et valeurs corrects. Si vous développez avec un nouveau projet créé avec Teams Toolkit, l’exécution de provisionnement ou de débogage inscrit les valeurs correctes pour ces variables d’environnement.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Cette commande ne fonctionne que pour des projets créés par le kit de ressources Teams.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Le fichier ou le répertoire est introuvable : '%s'. Vérifiez s’il existe et si vous êtes autorisé à y accéder.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Erreur de syntaxe JSON : %s. Vérifiez la syntaxe JSON pour vous assurer qu’elle est correctement mise en forme.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Impossible de lire le fichier pour la raison : %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Une erreur inattendue s’est produite lors du déplacement : %1$s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Impossible d'écrire le fichier pour la raison : %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "L’opération sur le fichier n’est pas autorisée. Vérifiez que vous disposez des autorisations nécessaires : %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Entrée requise manquante : %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Échec de la validation de l’entrée '%s': %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Fichiers .env introuvables.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Fichier %requis `%s`manquant", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Une erreur du client http s'est produite lors de l'exécution de la tâche %s. La réponse d'erreur est : %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Une erreur de serveur http s'est produite lors de l'exécution de la tâche %s. Veuillez réessayer plus tard. La réponse d'erreur est : %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "La tâche précédente est toujours en cours d'exécution. Attendez que votre tâche précédente soit terminée et réessayez.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Ce projet est déjà le plus récent. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’effectuer une mise à niveau.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Impossible de traiter votre fichier manifeste ('%s') en raison de l’absence de la clé 'id'. Pour identifier correctement votre application, vérifiez que la clé ' id' est présente dans le fichier manifeste.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Impossible de charger le fichier manifeste. Raison : %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Impossible d’obtenir vos informations d’identification Azure. Vérifiez que votre compte Azure est correctement authentifié et réessayez.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Le '%s' d’abonnement Azure n’est pas disponible dans votre compte actuel. Vérifiez que vous vous êtes connecté avec le compte Azure approprié et que vous disposez des autorisations nécessaires pour accéder à l’abonnement.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Le groupe de ressources '%s' existe déjà dans le '%s' d’abonnement. Choisissez un autre nom ou utilisez le groupe de ressources existant pour votre tâche.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Impossible de sélectionner un abonnement dans le compte actuel.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Le groupe de ressources %s est introuvable dans l’abonnement '%s'.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Impossible de créer le groupe de ressources %s dans l’abonnement '%s’en raison de l’erreur : %s. \n Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Impossible de vérifier l’existence du groupe de ressources %s dans l’abonnement %s en raison de l’erreur : %s. \n Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Impossible d’obtenir les groupes de ressources dans l’abonnement '%s’en raison de l’erreur : %s. \n Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Impossible d’obtenir des informations sur les '%s' du groupe de ressources dans les '%s' d’abonnement en raison de l’erreur suivante : %s. \nSi le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Impossible d’obtenir les emplacements de groupe de ressources disponibles pour les '%s' d’abonnement.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Impossible d’obtenir l’objet JSON pour Microsoft 365 jeton. Vérifiez que votre compte est autorisé à accéder au locataire et que l’objet JSON de jeton est valide.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Impossible d’obtenir Microsoft 365 ID de locataire dans l’objet JSON de jeton. Vérifiez que votre compte est autorisé à accéder au locataire et que l’objet JSON de jeton est valide.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Échec de l’authentification. Vous êtes actuellement connecté à Microsoft 365 '%s' client, ce qui est différent de celui spécifié dans le fichier .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Pour résoudre ce problème et basculer vers votre locataire connecté actuel, supprimez les valeurs de '%s' du fichier .env et réessayez.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Impossible de compiler les fichiers Bicep situés dans le chemin d’accès '%s' aux modèles JSON ARM. Le message d’erreur retourné était : %s. Recherchez les erreurs de syntaxe ou de configuration dans les fichiers Bicep, puis réessayez.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Impossible de télécharger l’interface cli Bicep à partir de '%s'. Le message d’erreur était : %s. Corrigez l’erreur et réessayez. Ou supprimez la configuration bicepCliVersion dans le fichier de configuration teamsapp.yml et Teams Toolkit utilisera bicep CLI dans PATH", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Les modèles ARM pour le nom de déploiement « %s » n’ont pas pu être déployés dans le groupe de ressources « %s ». Pour plus d’informations, consultez le [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Les modèles ARM pour le nom de déploiement : '%s' n’ont pas pu être déployés dans le groupe de ressources '%s' pour la raison suivante : %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Les modèles ARM pour le nom de déploiement : '%s' n’ont pas pu être déployés dans le groupe de ressources '%s' pour la raison suivante : %s. \nImpossible d’obtenir le message d’erreur détaillé en raison de : %s. \nReportez-vous au groupe de ressources %s dans le portail pour connaître l’erreur de déploiement.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Impossible de convertir le résultat du déploiement ARM en sortie d’action, il existe une clé dupliquée '%s' dans le résultat du déploiement ARM.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Fichiers introuvables dans le dossier de distribution : '%s'. Vérifiez que le dossier n’est pas vide et que tous les fichiers nécessaires ont été inclus.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Impossible de vérifier l’état du déploiement, car le processus a expiré. Vérifiez votre connexion Internet et réessayez. Si le problème persiste, consultez les journaux de déploiement (Déploiement -> Centre de déploiement -> Journaux) dans Portail Azure pour identifier les problèmes qui se sont produits.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Impossible d’obtenir les informations d’identification de publication de l’application %s dans le groupe de ressources '%s'. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Impossible d’obtenir les informations d’identification de publication du '%s' d’application dans le groupe de ressources '%s' pour la raison suivante :\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Vérifiez que le nom de l’application et le nom du groupe de ressources sont correctement orthographiés et valides. \n 2. Vérifiez que votre compte Azure dispose des autorisations nécessaires pour accéder à l’API. Vous devrez peut-être élever votre rôle ou demander des autorisations supplémentaires à un administrateur. \n 3. Si le message d’erreur inclut une raison spécifique, telle qu’un échec d’authentification ou un problème réseau, examinez ce problème spécifiquement pour résoudre l’erreur, puis réessayez. \n 4. Vous pouvez tester l’API dans cette page : '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Impossible de déployer le package zip sur le point de terminaison : '%s'. Reportez-vous au [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) pour plus d’informations et réessayez.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Impossible de déployer le package zip sur le point de terminaison '%s' dans Azure en raison de l’erreur suivante : %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Vérifiez que votre compte Azure dispose des autorisations nécessaires pour accéder à l’API. \n 2. Vérifiez que le point de terminaison est correctement configuré dans Azure et que les ressources nécessaires ont été approvisionnées. \n 3. Vérifiez que le package zip est valide et qu’il n’y a pas d’erreurs. \n 4. Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, par exemple un échec d’authentification ou un problème réseau, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez. \n 5. Si l’erreur persiste, vous pouvez tenter de déployer le package manuellement en suivant les instructions de ce lien : '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Impossible de vérifier l’état du déploiement pour l’emplacement : %s en raison de l’erreur : %s. Si le problème persiste, consultez les journaux de déploiement (Déploiement -> Centre de déploiement -> Journaux) dans Portail Azure pour identifier les problèmes qui se sont produits.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Le package a été déployé sur Azure pour l’emplacement : '%s', mais l’application ne peut pas démarrer en raison de l’erreur suivante : %s.\n Si la raison n’est pas clairement spécifiée, voici quelques suggestions à résoudre :\n 1. Vérifiez les journaux d’application : recherchez les messages d’erreur ou les traces de pile dans les journaux des applications pour identifier la cause racine du problème.\n 2. Vérifiez la configuration Azure : vérifiez que la configuration Azure est correcte, notamment les chaînes de connexion et les paramètres d’application.\n 3. Vérifiez le code de l’application : vérifiez le code pour voir s’il existe des erreurs de syntaxe ou de logique qui pourraient être à l’origine du problème.\n 4. Vérifiez les dépendances : vérifiez que toutes les dépendances requises par l’application sont correctement installées et mises à jour.\n 5. Redémarrez l’application : essayez de redémarrer l’application dans Azure pour voir si cela résout le problème.\n 6. Vérifiez l’allocation de ressources : vérifiez que l’allocation de ressources pour le instance Azure est appropriée pour l’application et sa charge de travail.\n 7. Demandez de l’aide à support Azure : si le problème persiste, contactez support Azure pour obtenir de l’aide.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Délai d’expiration de l’exécution du script : %s. Ajustez le paramètre « timeout » dans yaml ou améliorez l’efficacité de votre script.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Erreur d’exécution du script ('%s') : %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Impossible d’effacer les fichiers blob dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s'. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Impossible d’effacer les fichiers blob dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s'. Les réponses d’erreur d’Azure sont :\n %s. \n Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Impossible de charger le dossier local '%s' dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s'. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Impossible d’obtenir les propriétés du conteneur %s dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s’en raison de l’erreur : %s. Les réponses d’erreur d’Azure sont :\n %s. \n Si le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Impossible de définir les propriétés du conteneur %s dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s’en raison de l’erreur : %s. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le [panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Impossible de définir les propriétés des '%s' de conteneur dans le compte de stockage Azure '%s' en raison de l’erreur suivante : %s. Les réponses d’erreur d’Azure sont les suivantes :\n %s. \nSi le message d’erreur spécifie la raison, corrigez l’erreur et réessayez.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Impossible de charger l’ID de manifeste à partir du chemin d’accès : %s. Vous devez d’abord exécuter l’approvisionnement.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "ID d’application introuvable : %s. Votre compte M365 actuel n’a peut-être pas d’autorisation ou l’application a été supprimée." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.it.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.it.json index 69a74eaff5..fefabb315c 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.it.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.it.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Effettua il provisioning", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Altre informazioni", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Account Azure", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Abbonamento di Azure", "core.provision.m365Account": "Account Microsoft 365", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Il costo può essere addebitato in base all'utilizzo. Effettuare il provisioning delle risorse nell'ambiente %s usando gli account elencati in precedenza?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Distribuire le risorse nell'ambiente %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Visualizzare le risorse di cui è stato effettuato il provisioning", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "La distribuzione dell'applicazione Azure Active Directory è stata completata. Fare clic su \"Altre informazioni\" per verificare come visualizzare l'applicazione Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "L'applicazione Azure Active Directory è stata aggiornata.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Altre informazioni", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Per risolvere i problemi relativi all'applicazione bot in Azure, fare clic su Altre informazioni per la documentazione.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Altre informazioni", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Distribuire", "core.option.confirm": "Confermare", - "core.option.cancel": "Annullare", - "core.option.learnMore": "Altre informazioni", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Aggiornare", "core.option.moreInfo": "Ulteriori informazioni", "core.progress.create": "Crea", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Download del modello di app in corso.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Download dell'esempio %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Distribuire", "core.progress.publish": "Pubblicare", "core.progress.provision": "Effettuare il provisioning", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Quando si configura Archiviazione di Azure, abilitare l'impostazione statica del sito Web.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Eseguire il comando %s alle %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Distribuzione di %s in %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Altre informazioni", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Conferma l'aggiornamento", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Aggiornare il progetto Teams Toolkit per mantenere la compatibilità con la versione più recente. Verrà creata una directory di backup insieme a un riepilogo dell'aggiornamento.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Aggiorna la soluzione per mantenere la compatibilità con la versione più recente del Toolkit di Teams. Verrà generata una directory di backup che contiene un report di aggiornamento.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json non esiste. È possibile che si stia provando ad aggiornare un progetto creato dal toolkit di Teams per Visual Studio Code versione 3.x / CLI del toolkit di Teams v0.x / Toolkit di Teams per Visual Studio v17.3. Installare Teams Toolkit per Visual Studio Code v4.x / Cli toolkit di Teams v1.x / Toolkit di Teams per Visual Studio v17.4 ed eseguire prima l'aggiornamento.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json non valido.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Questo progetto è solo per l'anteprima e non sarà supportato da Teams Toolkit. Provare Teams Toolkit creando un nuovo progetto", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "La versione non definitiva di Teams Toolkit supporta la nuova configurazione del progetto ed è incompatibile con le versioni precedenti. Provalo creando un nuovo progetto o esegui \"aggiornamento teamsfx\" per aggiornare prima il progetto.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "[core] L'interfaccia della riga di comando di TeamFx è troppo vecchia per supportare il progetto corrente. Eseguire l'aggiornamento alla versione più recente usando il comando seguente:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Il progetto corrente non è compatibile con la versione installata di Teams Toolkit.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Il progetto nella soluzione viene creato con la funzionalità di anteprima del toolkit di Teams:- Miglioramenti a Configurazione app di Teams. È possibile attivare la funzionalità di anteprima per continuare.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "La distribuzione dei modelli ARM è stata completata. Nome gruppo di risorse: %s. Nome distribuzione: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "'Elencazione dei proprietari dell'app Microsoft 365' completata. È possibile visualizzarla in [Output panel](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Concessione dell'autorizzazione", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica del collaboratore non può essere Null o uguale all'utente corrente", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Non è possibile trovare l'utente nel tenant corrente. Verificare che l'indirizzo e-mail sia corretto", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Concedi autorizzazione all'utente %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Account per concedere l'autorizzazione: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Avvio della concessione dell'autorizzazione per l'ambiente: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "ID tenant: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "l'autorizzazione è stata concessa a ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ID risorsa: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Elenco delle autorizzazioni Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Account usato per controllare: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nAvvio dell'elencazione di tutti i proprietari dell’app Teams per l'ambiente: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nAvvio dell'elencazione di tutti i proprietari dell’app Azure Active Directory per l'ambiente: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "App Teams di Microsoft 365 (ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "App AAD SSO (ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Proprietario dell'app di Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Proprietario dell'app Azure Active Directory: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Avvio del controllo delle autorizzazioni per l'ambiente: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "ID della risorsa: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "non definito", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", nome risorsa: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", autorizzazione: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Non è stato possibile trovare il manifesto dal pacchetto scaricato per l'app Teams %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Nome della web part SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "La cartella %s esiste già. Scegliere un nome diverso per il componente.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s non corrisponde al criterio: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Selezionare un'opzione per lo scaffolding", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Usare SPFx installato a livello globale (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Usare SPFx installato a livello globale", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s o versione successiva", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Installare la versione più recente di SPFx (%s) in locale nella directory del Teams Toolkit ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Installare la versione più recente di SPFx in locale nella directory di Teams Toolkit ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Soluzione SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Crea una nuova soluzione SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Creare un'applicazione scheda Teams usando web part SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importa una soluzione SPFx esistente", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Esporre la web part sul lato client SPFx come scheda Microsoft Teams o app personale", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Il pacchetto SharePoint %s è stato distribuito correttamente in [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Non è possibile trovare il %s del pacchetto SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Non è possibile ottenere il token di accesso SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Non è possibile ottenere il token di accesso a Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Impossibile caricare e distribuire il pacchetto nel Catalogo app %s. Sono necessarie le autorizzazioni di amministratore del tenant Microsoft 365 dell'organizzazione. È possibile ottenere gratuitamente Microsoft 365 tenant dal [programma per sviluppatori Microsoft 365](%s) a scopo di test.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Non è stato possibile creare il catalogo app tenant a causa di %s, stack: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Non è stato possibile caricare il pacchetto dell'app a causa di %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Compilazione del pacchetto di SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Caricare e distribuire il pacchetto di SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Progetto di scaffolding", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Non è stato possibile eseguire 'npm install' a causa di %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Impossibile convalidare il pacchetto %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "Non è presente alcun file con estensione yo-rc.json nel progetto SPFx, aggiungi il file di configurazione e riprova.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "L'ambiente di sviluppo SPFx non è stato configurato correttamente. È possibile fare clic su \"Richiesta supporto\" per seguire la guida alla configurazione dell'ambiente corretto.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Controllo delle dipendenze in corso...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installazione delle dipendenze. Il completamento dell'operazione potrebbe richiedere più di 5 minuti.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Generare un progetto SPFx tramite l'interfaccia della riga di comando di Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Aggiorna manifesto web part", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Impossibile ottenere il tenant %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Si sono verificati problemi sconosciuti durante la configurazione dell'ambiente SPFx nella cartella %s. È possibile seguire [Configurare l'ambiente di sviluppo di SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s) per configurare l'ambiente SPFx globale.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Creazione del progetto non riuscita. Un possibile motivo potrebbe essere il generatore Yeoman di SharePoint. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [Output panel](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le informazioni sulla soluzione SPFx esistente. Assicurati che la soluzione SPFx sia valida.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Impossibile copiare la soluzione SPFx esistente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i modelli di progetto con la soluzione SPFx esistente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Non è stato possibile importare la soluzione SPFx esistente nel toolkit di Teams: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Importazione della soluzione SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Copia della soluzione SPFx esistente in corso...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Generazione di modelli in base alle informazioni sulla soluzione in corso...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Aggiornamento dei modelli...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "La soluzione SPFx è stata importata in %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Il toolkit di Teams ha importato la soluzione SPFx. Un log completo dei dettagli dell'importazione è disponibile in %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Il toolkit di Teams non è riuscito a importare la soluzione SPFx. Un log completo dei dettagli dell'importazione è disponibile in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Controllare la connessione di rete.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Verificare di disporre delle autorizzazioni di lettura/scrittura per il file system.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Verificare di disporre delle autorizzazioni per l'account Archiviazione di Azure.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "È possibile che le credenziali siano scadute. Verificare che l'ora di sistema sia corretta.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Ripetere il passaggio corrente.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Il pacchetto di Teams è stato compilato in [indirizzo locale](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Il pacchetto di Teams è stato compilato in %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Creazione del pacchetto dell'app Teams in %s in corso", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "La convalida del manifesto non è riuscita.", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Convalida del file manifesto in corso", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Convalida del pacchetto dell'app in corso...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Andare al portale di amministrazione", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] è stato pubblicato nel portale di amministrazione (%s). Dopo l'approvazione, l'app sarà disponibile per l'organizzazione. Altre informazioni in %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Inviare un nuovo aggiornamento?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "L'app Teams ha creato %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "L'app Teams ha aggiornato %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Il manifesto dell'applicazione Teams è stato distribuito. Fare clic su \"Visualizza in portale per sviluppatori\" per visualizzare l'applicazione nel portale per sviluppatori di Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Il manifesto dell'applicazione Teams è stato distribuito correttamente in ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Le configurazioni dei file manifesto sono già state modificate. Continuare a rigenerare il file manifesto e aggiornare la piattaforma Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Il file manifesto nella piattaforma Teams è stato modificato dall'ultimo aggiornamento. Vuoi continuare ad aggiornare e sovrascrivere il file manifesto nella piattaforma Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "L'app %s è già stata inviata al catalogo app tenant.\nStato: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Ultima modifica: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Solo anteprima", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Rivedere e aggiornare", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Sovrascrivere e aggiornare", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Non sono stati trovati file nel pacchetto dell'app %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s non è stato elaborato dal Toolkit di Teams.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Visualizzare in Portale per sviluppatori", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Scegliere trigger", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Scegliere trigger", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Funzioni di Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Una funzione in esecuzione ospitata in Funzioni di Azure può restare in ascolto delle richieste HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Trigger HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Funzioni di Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Una funzione in esecuzione ospitata in Funzioni di Azure può ascoltare le richieste HTTP e rispondere in base a una pianificazione specifica.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP e Trigger timer", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Server Restify", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Un server restify in esecuzione ospitato in Servizio app di Azure può restare in ascolto delle richieste HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Trigger HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Server API Web", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Un server API Web in esecuzione ospitato in Servizio app di Azure può restare in ascolto delle richieste HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Trigger HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Funzioni di Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Una funzione in esecuzione ospitata in Funzioni di Azure può rispondere in base a una pianificazione specifica.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Trigger timer", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Nessun progetto aperto. È possibile creare un nuovo progetto o aprirne uno esistente.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Il nome dell'ambiente può contenere solo lettere, cifre, _ e -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Se non si è pronti per l'aggiornamento, continuare a usare la versione precedente di Teams Toolkit", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Input non validi: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "L'ambiente del progetto %s esiste già.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Metodo non implementato: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Non è stato possibile ottenere '%s' dall'ID risorsa: '%s'.", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare una sottoscrizione.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "L'utente è stato annullato. Affinché Teams consideri attendibile il certificato SSL autofirmato usato dal toolkit, è necessario aggiungere un certificato autofirmato all'archivio certificati.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "L'app filtro video in remoto non è supportata da Toolkit di Teams. Controllare il file README.md nella cartella radice del progetto.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Non è stato possibile creare l'app di Teams nel Portale per sviluppatori di Teams, a causa di %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Non è possibile aggiornare l'app Teams con ID %s nel Portale per sviluppatori di Teams a causa di %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Chiamata API a portale per sviluppatori non riuscita. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Chiamata API a Portale per sviluppatori non riuscita: %s, %s, nome API: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. Il problema potrebbe derivare da un errore di servizio intermittente. Attendere qualche minuto e ripetere il passaggio corrente.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Chiamata API a portale per sviluppatori non riuscita: %s, %s, percorso richiesta: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Non è stato possibile pubblicare l'app Teams con ID %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Creazione del pacchetto Teams non riuscita.", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Controllo dell'autorizzazione non riuscito. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Controllo autorizzazione non riuscita. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Elenco dei collaboratori non riuscito. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Non è possibile trovare l'app teams con ID %s. Prima di aggiornare il manifesto alla piattaforma Teams, è necessario eseguire il debug o il provisioning locale.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Funzionalità non valida: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Non è possibile aggiungere la funzionalità %s in quanto raggiunge il limite.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Impossibile trovare la scheda statica con ID entità %s. Impossibile eseguire l'aggiornamento.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "La funzionalità %s non esiste nel manifesto. Aggiornamento non riuscito.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "È stato trovato un ID non valido nella ricerca del manifesto.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Impossibile ottenere lo schema da %s. Messaggio: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Lo schema del manifesto non è definito", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Prova a generare il pacchetto da \"Pacchetto dell'app Zip Teams\" e riprovare.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Non è stato possibile creare l'app Teams con errore di conflitto 409. Ciò potrebbe provenire dall'ID app in conflitto con un'altra app nel tenant. Fare clic Richiesta supporto per altre informazioni.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Un'app Teams con tale ID esiste già nell'App Store dell'organizzazione. Aggiornare manualmente l'ID app e riprovare.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "L'account corrente non è autorizzato ad acquisire il token botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Il provisioning di Botframework restituisce un risultato non consentito dal tentativo di creare la registrazione del bot.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Il provisioning di Botframework restituisce il risultato del conflitto dal tentativo di creare la registrazione del bot.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto ZIP e aprire il pacchetto ZIP locale.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Impossibile trovare il modello: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Impossibile trovare l'esempio: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto ZIP da %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Impossibile decomprimere i modelli e scrivere su disco.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Impossibile trovare la chiave %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Non è possibile scaricare l'esempio a causa della limitazione. Riprovare più tardi dopo la reimpostazione del limite di velocità (l'operazione potrebbe richiedere fino a 1 ora). In alternativa, è possibile passare a %s per clonare manualmente il repository GIT", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Non è possibile scaricare l'esempio a causa di un errore di rete. Controllare la connessione di rete e riprovare. In alternativa, è possibile passare a %s per clonare manualmente il repository GIT", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Impossibile analizzare l'URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Impossibile ottenere il manifesto del plug-in OpenAI da '%s'.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Non è possibile estendere l'app Teams a Microsoft 365. Usare l'azione 'teamsApp/extendToM365' per estendere l'app Teams a Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Il nome dell'applicazione deve iniziare con lettere e contenere almeno due lettere o cifre. Non può contenere alcuni caratteri speciali.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Il nome dell'applicazione è più lungo della lunghezza massima di 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Percorso esistente: %s. Selezionare un nome di applicazione diverso.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Selezionare il linguaggio di programmazione.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx supporta attualmente solo TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Aprire esercitazione", "core.option.github": "Aprire una guida di GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Aprire una guida nel prodotto", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Scheda", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importazione di un progetto di componente aggiuntivo di Outlook esistente", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copia file", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Conversione del progetto", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifica del manifesto", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "App basata sull'interfaccia utente", "core.TabOption.detail": "Pagine Web compatibili con Teams incorporate in Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Dashboard", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Area di disegno con schede e widget per la visualizzazione di informazioni importanti", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Bot Basic", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Semplice implementazione di un echo bot pronto per la personalizzazione", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Srolotamento collegamento", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Visualizzare informazioni e azioni quando un URL viene incollato nell'area dei messaggi di composizione", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Raccogliere i dati di input ed elaborazione del modulo", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Estensione messaggio", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Interfaccia utente personalizzata quando gli utenti compongono i messaggi in Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Ottenere l'input dell'utente, eseguire un'operazione e restituire risultati personalizzati", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Messaggio di notifica della chat", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Notifica e segnalazione con un messaggio visualizzato nelle chat di Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Comando chat", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Creare un'interfaccia utente con SharePoint Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Scheda di base", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Semplice implementazione di un'app Web pronta per la personalizzazione", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Il toolkit di Teams ha controllato le specifiche API:\n\nRiepilogo:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Il toolkit di Teams ha controllato il manifesto del plug-in OpenAI:\n\nRiepilogo:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%1$s non riuscito", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Avviso di %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Sono stati rilevati i problemi seguenti per il file di specifica OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s Mitigazione: non obbligatoria. OperationId è stato generato e aggiunto automaticamente nel file \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" non deve contenere più di %s caratteri. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Descrizione completa mancante. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Mitigazione: aggiornare il campo \"%s\" in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "\"%s\" mancante nella \"%s\" del comando.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Mitigazione: creare il modello di scheda adattiva in \"%s\" e quindi aggiornare il campo \"%s\" al percorso relativo in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Capacità", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Selezionare una funzionalità", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Anteprima in Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Funziona in Teams e Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Funziona in Teams, Outlook e nell'app Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Compatibile con Teams, Outlook e Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Esperienze di chat di conversazione o informative che possono automatizzare le attività ripetitive", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Funzionalità dell'app con un bot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Cercare o avviare azioni dall'area di composizione della chat di Teams e Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Funzionalità dell'app che usano un'estensione per i messaggi", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Personalizzare la barra multifunzione e il riquadro attività con il contenuto Web", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Componente aggiuntivo per Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Funzionalità dell'app con un componente aggiuntivo per Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Incorporare il proprio contenuto Web in Teams, Outlook e nell'app Micosoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Funzionalità dell'app con una scheda", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Creare un plug-in per estendere Copilot usando le API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Plug-in per Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Plug-in per Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Seleziona un'opzione", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Nuovo progetto", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Iniziare con una nuova API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Creare un plug-in con una nuova API da Funzioni di Azure", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Iniziare con una specifica OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Creare un plug-in dall'API esistente", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Iniziare con un plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Convertire un plug-in OpenAI in plug-in Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Specifica OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Immettere l’URL della specifica OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Immettere il percorso della specifica OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifesto del plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Immettere il dominio del sito Web", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Immettere un URL valido", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Immettere un dominio valido", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Seleziona un'operazione", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Sono elencati solo i metodi GET con parametro singolo e nessuna autenticazione", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "I metodi definiti in manifest.json non sono elencati", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Specifica API non valida. Per informazioni dettagliate, controllare il pannello di output.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Specifica API non valida. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Manifesto del plug-in OpenAI non valido. Per informazioni dettagliate, controllare il pannello di output.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Manifesto del plug-in OpenAI non valido. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "URL mancante nel \"%s\".", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Il tipo di autenticazione non è supportato. Tipo di autenticazione supportato: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Bot chat di intelligenza artificiale", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Chatbot che usa la libreria di Intelligenza artificiale di Teams", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Cartella della soluzione SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Selezionare la cartella che contiene la soluzione SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Selezionare un ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nuovo nome ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nuovo nome ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Il nome dell'ambiente può contenere solo lettere, cifre, _ e -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Non è possibile creare un ambiente '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Non è possibile elencare le configurazioni di ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "L'ambiente del progetto %s esiste già.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Selezionare un ambiente per creare la copia", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Selezionare un gruppo di risorse", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Nuovo nome gruppo di risorse", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Nuovo nome gruppo di risorse", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Il nome può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici o simboli ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Percorso per il nuovo gruppo di risorse", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Cartella _area di lavoro", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Seleziona la cartella che conterrà la cartella radice del progetto", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Crea una nuova app", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Usare il toolkit di Teams per creare una nuova applicazione di Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Inizia da un esempio", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Usare un esempio esistente come punto di partenza per la nuova applicazione.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Runtime del server JavaScript veloce", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Gratuito. Multipiattaforma. Open Source.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams Toolkit: selezionare il runtime per l'app", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Inizia da un esempio", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Selezionare un esempio", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Visualizza esempi", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Crea nuovi bot per il debug", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deseleziona per mantenere il valore originale di botId", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Aggiorna il botId %s a \"${{BOT_ID}}\" in manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Aggiorna il botId %s a \"${{BOT_ID}}\" in manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Configura gli URL del sito Web per il debug", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Aggiornare l'URL del contenuto da %s a %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Aggiorna l'URL del sito Web da %s a %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deseleziona per mantenere l'URL originale", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Single Sign-On", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Sviluppare una funzionalità Single Sign-On per le pagine di avvio Teams e la funzionalità bot", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Aggiungere il proprietario all'app Teams/AAD per l'account nello stesso tenant di Microsoft 365 (e-mail)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non può essere Null o vuoto", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Modificare [UserName] con il nome utente reale", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file con estensione env. Motivo: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selezionare il file manifest.json di Azure Active Directory", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selezionare il file manifest.json di Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Selezionare il file del pacchetto dell'app Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selezionare il file manifest.json di Teams locale", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Selezionare l'app desiderata per gestire per i collaboratori", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Selezionare un metodo di convalida", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Convalidare usando lo schema del manifesto", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Convalidare usando lo schema del manifesto", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Convalidare il pacchetto dell'app usando le regole di convalida", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Convalidare il pacchetto dell'app usando le regole di convalida", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Conferma che il manifesto sia stato selezionato correttamente", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "App Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "L'app Azure Active Directory per Single Sign-On personale", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "App Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "App Teams personale", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Reazione con l'interfaccia utente di Fluent", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Un'app Web che usa i componenti React dell'interfaccia utente Fluent per ottenere un aspetto di Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Risultati di ricerca personalizzati", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Visualizzare i dati direttamente nei risultati della ricerca di Teams e Outlook dalla ricerca o dall'area della chat", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Visualizzare i dati direttamente nei risultati della ricerca di Teams dalla ricerca o dall'area della chat", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Piattaforma", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Selezionare una piattaforma per visualizzare l'anteprima dell'app", "core.options.separator.additional": "Funzionalità aggiuntive", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "L'app Teams è stata preparata.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Esecuzione delle azioni %s/%s nella fase di provisioning completata.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Le azioni %s/%s sono state eseguite nella fase di distribuzione.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Le azioni %s/%s sono state eseguite nella fase di pubblicazione.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Desktop di Teams, ID client per dispositivi mobili", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "ID client Web di Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "L'app Microsoft 365 per l'ID client desktop", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "ID client desktop di Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "ID client di accesso Web Outlook 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "ID client di accesso Web Outlook 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operazione annullata.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "La versione OpenAPI precedente alla 3.0.0 non è supportata.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "Impossibile trovare informazioni sul server nel file di specifica OpenAPI.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "Nel file di specifica OpenAPI sono state trovate più informazioni sul server.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Riferimento remoto non supportato: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "ID operazione mancanti: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "Nessuna API supportata trovata nel file di specifica OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties' non è supportato e verrà ignorato.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Gli schemi 'oneOf', 'anyOf' e 'not' non sono supportati: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Schema sconosciuto: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "L'URL del server non è corretto: il protocollo %s non è supportato. Utilizzare il protocollo HTTPS.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "L'URL del server non è corretto: l'URL relativo del server non è supportato.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importare un componente aggiuntivo di Outlook esistente", "core.importAddin.detail": "Aggiornare un progetto di componenti aggiuntivi alla struttura del progetto e del manifesto dell'app più recente", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Taskpane", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Personalizzare la barra multifunzione con un pulsante e incorporare il contenuto nel riquadro attività", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Azione: %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s eseguita correttamente.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Il file di ambiente è stato creato in", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s sono stati aggiunti a %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Caricamento delle opzioni in corso...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Caricamento del valore predefinito in corso...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "nome mancante\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess mancante\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions mancante\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications mancante\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion è 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "OptionalClaims mancante\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "Il token di accesso optionalClaims non contiene l'attestazione idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Il manifesto di AAD presenta i problemi seguenti che potrebbero danneggiare l'app Teams:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Non è possibile aggiornare o eliminare un'autorizzazione esistente quando è abilitata. Un possibile motivo è che la variabile di ambiente ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID viene modificata per l'ambiente selezionato. Verificare che gli ID autorizzazione siano identici all'applicazione AAD effettiva e riprovare.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "ResourceAppId %s sconosciuto", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "ResourceAccess sconosciuto: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "ID resourceAccess sconosciuto: %s. Se si usa l'autorizzazione come ID resourceAccess, provare a usare l'ID autorizzazione.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Il percorso del progetto è vuoto", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Non è stato possibile creare i file per l'aggiunta dell'accesso SSO. Errore di dettaglio: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non è valido", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Suggerimenti: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s non valido con valore: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s mancante.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Non è possibile effettuare il provisioning di %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le configurazioni per %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Registrazione bot non trovata con botId %s. Fare clic sul pulsante 'Richiesta supporto' per altre informazioni su come controllare le registrazioni del bot.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "La risorsa bot esiste già in %s. Ignorare la creazione della risorsa bot.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Provisioning della registrazione del bot.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Il provisioning della registrazione del bot è stato completato.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Controllare il canale di output del log e provare a risolvere il problema.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Registrazione del bot del Portale per sviluppatori", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il modello più recente da GitHub. Verrà eseguito un tentativo di usare il modello locale.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Installare manualmente le dipendenze necessarie.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Altre informazioni", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "È necessario che NPM sia installato per eseguire il debug delle funzioni locali.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Impossibile convalidare Azure Functions Core Tools dopo l'installazione.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "La destinazione del collegamento simbolico esiste già", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Il proprio Node.js(@NodeVersion) non è compatibile con il proprio Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Il formato della versione %s non è valido.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools'installazione è incompleta.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "La versione di Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) non è compatibile con l'intervallo di versioni (%s) specificato.", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "Installazione di @NameVersion completata.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Download e installazione della versione portabile di @NameVersion, che verrà installata in @InstallDir e non influirà sull'ambiente.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Download e installazione della versione portabile di @NameVersion, che verrà installata in @InstallDir e non influirà sull'ambiente.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "Installazione di @NameVersion completata.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Uso di dotnet da PATH:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Il comando dotnet-install non riuscito senza codice di uscita di errore ma con errore standard non vuoto.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Comando dotnet-install non riuscito.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Impossibile trovare Node.js. Le versioni dei nodi supportate sono specificate in package.json. Passare a %s per installare un node.js supportato. Al termine dell'installazione, riavviare tutte le istanze di Visual Studio Code.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) non è la versione ufficialmente supportata (%s). Il progetto potrebbe continuare a funzionare, ma è consigliabile installare la versione supportata. Le versioni dei nodi supportate sono specificate in package.json. Passare a %s per installare un node.js supportato.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) non è una versione LTS (%s). Passare a %s per installare node.js LTS.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare @NameVersion. Per informazioni dettagliate sul motivo per cui .NET SDK è necessario, vedere @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Impossibile trovare @SupportedPackages.\n\nIl Toolkit di Teams richiede tali dipendenze.\n\nFare clic su \"Installa\" per installare @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Impossibile trovare @SupportedPackages. Installare manualmente @SupportedPackages e riavviare Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Non è possibile trovare @SupportedPackages.\n\nToolkit di Teams richiede queste dipendenze.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il file da '@Url', stato HTTP '@Status'.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Argomento non valido per il controllo dei prerequisiti dell'app di test di estendibilità video. Controllare il file tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Non è stato possibile convalidare l'app di test di estendibilità video dopo l'installazione.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "La versione di Teams App Test Tool (%s) non è compatibile con l'intervallo di versioni (%s) specificato.", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Non è possibile convalidare lo strumento di test dell'app di Teams dopo l'installazione. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "I nomi delle variabili di ambiente di output non sono definiti.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Crea un'app Azure Active Directory per autenticare gli utenti", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Applica manifesto dell'app Azure Active Directory a un'app esistente", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "La variabile di ambiente %s non è impostata.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Non è possibile generare il segreto client.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Campo %s mancante o non valido nel manifesto Azure Active Directory'app.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creazione dell'applicazione Azure Active Directory in corso", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Aggiornamento dell'applicazione Azure Active Directory", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Esecuzione dell'azione %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "L'azione %s è stata eseguita correttamente", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Non è stato possibile eseguire l'azione %s. Messaggio di errore: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "La variabile di ambiente %s non esiste. Creazione di una nuova app Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Creata applicazione di Azure Active Directory con ID oggetto '%s'", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "La variabile di ambiente %s esiste già. Il passaggio sulla creazione di una Azure Active Directory verrà ignorato.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "La variabile di ambiente %s non esiste. Generazione del segreto client per l’app Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generato segreto client per l'applicazione di Azure Active Directory con ID oggetto %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "La variabile di ambiente %s esiste già, ignorando Azure Active Directory passaggio di generazione del segreto client dell'app.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Compilazione manifesto dell'app Azure Active Directory completato e il contenuto del manifesto dell'app viene scritto in %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Manifesto %s applicato all'applicazione di Azure Active Directory con ID oggetto '%s'", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creazione di un bot dell'app AAD in corso", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creazione di un bot Azure Active Directory'app.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Azure Active Directory'app creata correttamente.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "La creazione dell'app Azure Active Directory bot è stata ignorata.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "creare un nuova app bot di Azure Active Directory o riutilizzarne una esistente.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Esecuzione dell'azione %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "L'azione %s è stata eseguita correttamente", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Non è stato possibile eseguire l'azione %s. Messaggio di errore: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Creata applicazione di Azure Active Directory con ID client '%s'.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Usata l'applicazione di Azure Active Directory esistente con ID client %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "La password del bot è vuota. Aggiungerlo nel file env o cancellare l'ID bot per rigenerare la coppia ID/password del bot. azione: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Distribuisci i modelli di ARM specificati in Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Distribuzione dei modelli di Resource Manager in Azure in corso...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Per eseguire il debug delle applicazioni in Teams, il server localhost deve essere su HTTPS.\nAffinché Teams consideri attendibile il certificato SSL autofirmato usato dal toolkit, è necessario aggiungere un certificato autofirmato all'archivio certificati.\n È possibile ignorare questo passaggio, ma sarà necessario considerare attendibile manualmente la connessione sicura in una nuova finestra del browser durante il debug delle app in Teams.\nPer ulteriori informazioni, vedere “https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate”.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " È possibile che vengano richieste le credenziali dell'account durante l'installazione del certificato.", "debug.install": "Installare", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "distribuisce il pacchetto SPFx nel catalogo app di SharePoint.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Distribuire il pacchetto SPFx nel catalogo dell'app tenant.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Ignorare per creare un catalogo app di SharePoint.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Caricare il pacchetto SPFx nel catalogo dell'app tenant.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Il catalogo app del tenant di SharePoint %s è stato creato. Attendere qualche minuto perché sia attivo.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun catalogo app tenant. Riprovare: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Non è possibile ottenere l'URL del sito del catalogo app dopo la creazione. Potrebbe essere necessario attendere alcuni minuti e riprovare.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Non è presente nessun catalogo app valido nel tenant. È possibile aggiornare la proprietà “createAppCatalogIfNotExist” in %s su true se si vuole che Teams Toolkiy la crei automaticamente o è possibile crearla manualmente.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "aggiungere una web part aggiuntiva al progetto SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Aggiunta della web part %s al progetto completata.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Web part di scaffolding", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Generare una web part SPFx tramite l'interfaccia della riga di comando di Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Non è stato possibile controllare e installare Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Non è stato possibile controllare e installare .NET Core SDK.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Non è possibile controllare e installare lo strumento di test dell'app di Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "installazione delle dipendenze.", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Verifica e installazione degli strumenti di sviluppo.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Certificato di sviluppo per localhost installato.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Il certificato di sviluppo per localhost è stato generato.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Ignora l'attendibilità del certificato di sviluppo per locale.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools installato in %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools installato.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": ".NET Core è SDK installato in %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": ".NET Core SDK installato.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Creare o aggiornare le variabili nel file di ambiente.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Le variabili sono state generate correttamente in %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Lo strumento di test dell'app teams è installato in %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Lo strumento di test dell'app teams è stato installato.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Crea o aggiorna il file JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Il file JSON è stato generato correttamente in %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Generazione del file JSON...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Aggiornamento della variabile di ambiente in corso", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Non è stato possibile riavviare l'app Web.\n Prova a riavviare manualmente l'app Web se l'app non funziona correttamente.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "La distribuzione nel servizio app di Azure richiede molto tempo. Provare a fare riferimento a questo documento per ottimizzare la distribuzione:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Le operazioni di preparazione della distribuzione sono state completate. Il pacchetto è disponibile in '%s'", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "Distribuzione di `%s` in Servizio app di Azure completata.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "Distribuzione di `%s` in Funzioni di Azure completata.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "Distribuzione di '%s' in Archiviazione di Azure completata.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Funzionalità sito Web statico di Archiviazione di Azure abilitata.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "distribuire il progetto nel servizio app di Azure.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "distribuire il progetto in Funzioni di Azure.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "distribuisci il progetto in Archiviazione di Azure.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "abilitare l'impostazione del sito Web statico in Archiviazione di Azure.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Riprova.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di Azure a causa di un errore del servizio remoto.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "esecuzione del comando dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "esecuzione del comando npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "esecuzione del comando npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Esecuzione del comando `%s` in `%s` completata.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquisire un titolo Microsoft 365 con il pacchetto dell'app", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Acquisizione del titolo di Microsoft 365 con il pacchetto dell'app in corso...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Il titolo Microsoft 365 è stato acquisito (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "copia il pacchetto dell'app Teams generato nella soluzione SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "creare un'app Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "aggiornare un'app Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "pubblicare un'app Teams nel catalogo app del tenant.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "convalidare un'app Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "creare un pacchetto dell'app Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Copia del pacchetto dell'app Teams nella soluzione SPFx in corso...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Creazione dell'app Teams in corso", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Aggiornamento dell'app Teams in corso", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "È in corso un controllo per verificare se l'app Teams è già stata inviata al catalogo app del tenant", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Aggiornare l'app Teams pubblicata", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Pubblicazione dell'app Teams in corso", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "L'app Teams con ID %s esiste già. La creazione di una nuova app Teams è stata ignorata.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "L'app Teams con ID %s esiste già nello store applicazioni dell'organizzazione.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "L'app Teams con ID %s non esiste nello store applicazioni dell'organizzazione.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "L'app Teams %s è stata pubblicata nel portale di amministrazione.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "L'app Teams %s è stata copiata in %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s icone aggiornate correttamente in %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Il toolkit di Teams ha eseguito il controllo su tutte le regole di convalida:\n\nRiepilogo:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\nIn %s è disponibile un log completo delle convalide", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Il toolkit di Teams ha controllato il manifesto con il relativo schema:\n\nRiepilogo:\n%s.\n %s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s è stato superato", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%1$s non riuscito", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "Avviso di %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Tutti", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams Toolkit ha completato il controllo del pacchetto dell'app rispetto alle regole di convalida. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams Toolkit ha completato il controllo del pacchetto dell'app rispetto alle regole di convalida. %s. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "La convalida del pacchetto dell'app Teams non è riuscita a causa di %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "La convalida del pacakge dell'app Teams non è riuscita. Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "L'app Teams con ID %s non esiste nel portale per sviluppatori di Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "L'ID app di Teams %s non è valido. Deve essere un GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "crea o aggiorna la registrazione del bot in dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "La registrazione del bot è stata creata (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "La registrazione del bot è stata aggiornata (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Il ciclo di vita '%s' non è definito. File YAML: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Impossibile completare l'azione '%s' come parametro/i seguente: %s, mancante o con valore non valido nel file YAML specificato: %s. Verificare che i parametri obbligatori siano specificati e avere valori validi, quindi riprovare.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Impossibile installare %s. È possibile installarlo manualmente e riavviare Visual Studio Code se si usa il Toolkit in Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Impossibile continuare il programma perché mancano le variabili di ambiente seguenti: '%s', necessarie per il file: %s. Assicurarsi che le variabili necessarie siano impostate modificando il file con estensione env '%s' con i nomi e i valori corretti oppure impostando le variabili di ambiente di sistema con i nomi e i valori corretti. Se si sviluppa con un nuovo progetto creato con Teams Toolkit, l'esecuzione del provisioning o del debug registrerà i valori corretti per queste variabili di ambiente.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Questo comando funziona solo per progetti creato da Teams Toolkit.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Impossibile trovare il file o la directory: '%s'. Verificare se esiste e si dispone dell'autorizzazione per accedervi.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Errore di sintassi JSON: %s. Controllare la sintassi JSON per assicurarsi che sia formattata correttamente.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Impossibile leggere il file per il motivo seguente: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante l'esecuzione dell’attività %s. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Impossibile scrivere il file per il motivo seguente: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "L'operazione sui file non è consentita. Assicurarsi di disporre delle autorizzazioni necessarie: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Input obbligatorio mancante: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Convalida dell'input '%s' non riuscita: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Impossibile trovare i file con estensione env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "File %s richiesto mancante `%s`", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Si è verificato un errore del client HTTP durante l'esecuzione dell'attività di %s. Risposta di errore: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Si è verificato un errore del server HTTP durante l'esecuzione dell'attività di %s. Riprova più tardi. Risposta di errore: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "L'attività precedente è ancora in esecuzione. Attendi il completamento dell'attività precedente e riprova.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Questo progetto è già il più recente, non è necessario eseguire l'aggiornamento.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Impossibile elaborare il file manifesto ('%s') a causa dell'assenza della chiave 'id'. Per identificare correttamente l'applicazione, assicurarsi che la chiave 'id' sia presente nel file manifesto.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file manifesto. Motivo: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Non è possibile ottenere le credenziali di Azure. Assicurarsi che l'account Azure sia autenticato correttamente e riprovare.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "La sottoscrizione di Azure '%s' non è disponibile nell'account corrente. Assicurarsi di aver eseguito l'accesso con l'account Azure corretto e di avere le autorizzazioni necessarie per accedere alla sottoscrizione.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Il gruppo di risorse '%s' esiste già nella sottoscrizione '%s'. È consigliabile scegliere un nome diverso o usare il gruppo di risorse esistente per l'attività.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Non è possibile selezionare la sottoscrizione nell'account corrente.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Impossibile trovare il gruppo di risorse '%s' nella sottoscrizione '%s'.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Impossibile creare il gruppo di risorse '%s' nella sottoscrizione '%s'. Errore: %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Impossibile verificare l'esistenza del gruppo di risorse '%s' nella sottoscrizione '%s' a causa dell'errore: %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Impossibile ottenere i gruppi di risorse nella sottoscrizione '%s'. Errore: %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Impossibile ottenere informazioni sul gruppo di risorse '%s' nella sottoscrizione '%s'. Errore: %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Impossibile ottenere i percorsi dei gruppi di risorse disponibili per la sottoscrizione '%s'.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Impossibile ottenere l'oggetto JSON per Microsoft 365 token. Assicurarsi che l'account sia autorizzato ad accedere al tenant e che l'oggetto JSON del token sia valido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Non è possibile ottenere Microsoft 365 ID tenant nell'oggetto JSON del token. Assicurarsi che l'account sia autorizzato ad accedere al tenant e che l'oggetto JSON del token sia valido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Autenticazione non riuscita. È stato eseguito l'accesso a Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', che è diverso da quello specificato nel file con estensione env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Per risolvere il problema e passare al tenant connesso corrente, rimuovere i valori di '%s' dal file con estensione env e riprovare.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Impossibile compilare i file Bicep che si trovano nel percorso '%s' dei modelli ARM JSON. Messaggio di errore restituito: %s. Controllare i file Bicep per eventuali errori di sintassi o configurazione e riprovare.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Non è possibile scaricare l'interfaccia della riga di comando bicep da '%s'. Messaggio di errore: %s. Correggere l'errore e riprovare. In alternativa, rimuovere la configurazione bicepCliVersion nel file di configurazione teamsapp.yml e Teams Toolkit userà l'interfaccia della riga di comando bicep in PATH", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Non è stato possibile distribuire i modelli ARM per il nome di distribuzione '%s' nel gruppo di risorse '%s'. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Non è stato possibile distribuire i modelli ARM per il nome di distribuzione '%s' nel gruppo di risorse '%s' per il motivo: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Non è stato possibile distribuire i modelli ARM per il nome di distribuzione '%s' nel gruppo di risorse '%s' per il motivo: %s. \n Impossibile ottenere il messaggio di errore dettagliato a causa di: %s. \n Per un errore di distribuzione, fare riferimento al gruppo di risorse %s nel portale.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Impossibile convertire il risultato della distribuzione ARM nell'output dell'azione. Nel risultato della distribuzione arm è presente una chiave duplicata '%s'.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Impossibile individuare i file nella cartella di distribuzione: '%s'. Assicurarsi che la cartella non sia vuota e che siano stati inclusi tutti i file necessari.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Non è possibile controllare lo stato della distribuzione perché si è verificato il timeout del processo. Controllare la connessione Internet e riprovare. Se il problema persiste, esaminare i log di distribuzione (Deployment -> Deployment Center -> Logs) in portale di Azure per identificare eventuali problemi che si sono verificati.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Impossibile ottenere le credenziali di pubblicazione dell'app '%s' nel gruppo di risorse '%s'. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Impossibile ottenere le credenziali di pubblicazione dell'app '%s' nel gruppo di risorse '%s' per il motivo:\n %s.\n Suggerimenti:\n 1. Verificare che il nome dell'app e il nome del gruppo di risorse siano digitati correttamente e siano validi. \n 2. Verificare che l'account Azure disponga delle autorizzazioni necessarie per accedere all'API. Potrebbe essere necessario elevare il ruolo o richiedere autorizzazioni aggiuntive a un amministratore. \n 3. Se il messaggio di errore include un motivo specifico, ad esempio un errore di autenticazione o un problema di rete, esaminare il problema in modo specifico per risolvere l'errore e riprovare. \n 4. È possibile testare l'API in questa pagina: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Non è possibile distribuire il pacchetto ZIP nell'endpoint: '%s'. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) e riprovare.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Non è possibile distribuire il pacchetto ZIP nell'endpoint '%s' in Azure a causa dell'errore: %s. \n Suggerimenti:\n 1. Verificare che l'account Azure disponga delle autorizzazioni necessarie per accedere all'API. \n 2. Verificare che l'endpoint sia configurato correttamente in Azure e che sia stato effettuato il provisioning delle risorse necessarie. \n 3. Assicurarsi che il pacchetto ZIP sia valido e privo di errori. \n 4. Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, ad esempio un errore di autenticazione o un problema di rete, correggere l'errore e riprovare. \n 5. Se l'errore persiste, è possibile tentare di distribuire manualmente il pacchetto seguendo le linee guida in questo collegamento: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Non è possibile controllare lo stato della distribuzione per il percorso: '%s' a causa dell'errore: %s. Se il problema persiste, esaminare i log di distribuzione (Deployment -> Deployment Center -> Logs) in portale di Azure per identificare eventuali problemi che si sono verificati.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Il pacchetto è stato distribuito in Azure per la posizione '%s', ma non è possibile avviare l'applicazione a causa dell'errore: %s.\n Se il motivo non è specificato chiaramente, ecco alcuni suggerimenti per la risoluzione dei problemi:\n 1. Controllare i log dell'applicazione: cercare eventuali messaggi di errore o analisi dello stack nei log applicazioni per identificare la causa radice del problema.\n 2. Controllare la configurazione di Azure: assicurarsi che la configurazione di Azure sia corretta, incluse le stringhe di connessione e le impostazioni dell'applicazione.\n 3. Controllare il codice dell'applicazione: esaminare il codice per verificare se sono presenti errori di sintassi o logica che potrebbero causare il problema.\n 4. Controllare le dipendenze: verificare che tutte le dipendenze richieste dall'applicazione siano installate e aggiornate correttamente.\n 5. Riavviare l'applicazione: provare a riavviare l'applicazione in Azure per verificare se il problema viene risolto.\n 6. Controllare l'allocazione delle risorse: assicurarsi che l'allocazione delle risorse per l'istanza di Azure sia appropriata per l'applicazione e il relativo carico di lavoro.\n 7. Richiedere assistenza a supporto tecnico di Azure: se il problema persiste, contattare supporto tecnico di Azure per ulteriore assistenza.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Timeout esecuzione script: %s. Modificare il parametro 'timeout' in yaml o migliorare l'efficienza dello script.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Errore di esecuzione dello script ('%s'): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Impossibile cancellare i file BLOB nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s'. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Impossibile cancellare i file BLOB nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s'. Le risposte di errore di Azure sono:\n %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Impossibile caricare la cartella locale '%s' nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s'. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Impossibile ottenere le proprietà del contenitore '%s' nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s' a causa dell'errore: %s. Le risposte di errore di Azure sono:\n %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Impossibile impostare le proprietà del contenitore '%s' nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s' a causa dell'errore: %s. Per altri dettagli, vedere [Pannello di output](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Impossibile impostare le proprietà del contenitore '%s' nell'account Archiviazione di Azure '%s' a causa dell'errore: %s. Le risposte di errore di Azure sono:\n %s. \n Se il messaggio di errore specifica il motivo, correggere l'errore e riprovare.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Non è possibile caricare l'ID manifesto dal percorso: %s. È prima necessario eseguire il provisioning.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "L'ID app %s non è stato trovato. È possibile che l'account M365 corrente non disponga dell'autorizzazione o che l'app sia stata eliminata." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ja.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ja.json index 9746a19d83..7c52a83730 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ja.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ja.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "準備", - "core.provision.learnMore": "詳細情報", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure アカウント: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365 アカウント: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "使用量によってはコストの負担を招く場合があります。上記のアカウントを使用して、%s 環境で複数のリソースを準備しますか?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "%s 環境にリソースをデプロイしますか?", "core.provision.viewResources": "プロビジョニングされたリソースを表示する", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Azure Active Directory アプリケーションが正常に展開されました。Azure Active Directory アプリケーションの表示方法を確認するには、[詳細情報] をクリックします。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Azure Active Directory アプリケーションが正常に更新されました。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "詳細情報", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Azure でボット アプリケーションのトラブルシューティングを行うには、[詳細情報] をクリックしてドキュメントを参照してください。", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "詳細情報", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "配置", "core.option.confirm": "確認", - "core.option.cancel": "キャンセル", - "core.option.learnMore": "詳細情報", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "アップグレード", "core.option.moreInfo": "詳細", "core.progress.create": "作成", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "アプリ テンプレートをダウンロードしています。", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "サンプル %s をダウンロードしています", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "デプロイ", "core.progress.publish": "公開", "core.progress.provision": "プロビジョニング", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Azure Storage を構成すると静的な Web サイトの設定が有効になります。", "core.progress.runCommand": "%s でコマンド %s を実行する", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "%s を %s にデプロイしています。", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "関連資料", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "アップグレードを確認してください", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Teams ツールキット プロジェクトをアップグレードして、最新バージョンとの互換性を維持します。バックアップ ディレクトリは、アップグレードの概要と共に作成されます。", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "ソリューションをアップグレードして、最新バージョンの Teams ツールキットとの互換性を維持してください。アップグレード レポートを含むバックアップ ディレクトリが生成されます。", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json が存在しません。Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3 用 Teams ツールキットで作成されたプロジェクトをアップグレードしようとしている可能性があります。Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4 用 Teams ツールキットをインストールし、最初にアップグレードを実行してください。", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json が無効です。", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "このプロジェクトはプレビュー専用であり、Teams ツールキットではサポートされません。新しいプロジェクトを作成して、Teams ツールキットをお試しください", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams ツールキットのプレリリース バージョンでは、新しいプロジェクト構成がサポートされており、以前のバージョンと互換性がありません。新しいプロジェクトを作成して試すか、\"teamsfx upgrade\" を実行して最初にプロジェクトをアップグレードしてください。", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "TeamsFx CLI が古いため、現在のプロジェクトをサポートしていません。以下のコマンドを使用して最新バージョンにアップグレードします:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "現在のプロジェクトは、インストールされているバージョンの Teams Toolkit と互換性がありません。", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "ソリューション内のプロジェクトは、Teams ツールキット プレビュー機能を使用して作成されます - Teams App Configuration の機能強化。続行するにはプレビュー機能を有効にしてください。", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM テンプレートが正常にデプロイされました。リソース グループ名: %s。デプロイ名: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "'Microsoft 365 アプリ所有者を一覧表示' に成功しました。[出力パネル](%s) で表示できます。", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "アクセス許可を付与しています", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "コラボレーターのメールを null 値にしたり、現在のユーザーと同じにしたりすることはできません", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "現在のテナントにユーザーが見つかりません。メール アドレスが正しいかどうかを確認してください", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "ユーザー %s にアクセス許可を付与する", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "アクセス許可を付与するアカウント: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "環境に対するアクセス許可の付与を開始しています: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "テナント ID: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "アクセス許可が以下に付与されました: ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": "、リソース ID: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Microsoft 365 アクセス許可の一覧を作成しています\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "確認に使用されるアカウント: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\n環境のすべてのチーム アプリ所有者の一覧表示を開始しています: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\n環境のすべての Azure Active Directory アプリ所有者の一覧表示を開始しています: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams アプリ (ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO AAD アプリ (ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams アプリの所有者: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory アプリ所有者: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "環境のアクセス許可の確認を開始しています: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "リソース ID: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "未定義", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": "、リソース名: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": "、アクセス許可: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Teams アプリ %s のダウンロードされたパッケージからマニフェストが見つかりませんでした。", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "フレームワーク", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "SharePoint Framework Web パーツの名前", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "フォルダー %s は既に存在します。コンポーネントに別の名前を指定してください。", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s が %s のパターンと一致しません", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "スキャフォールディングのオプションを選択する", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "グローバルにインストールされた SPFx (%s) を使用する", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "グローバルにインストールされた SPFx を使用する", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s 以降", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Teams Toolkit ディレクトリに最新の SPFx (%s) をローカルにインストールする ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Teams Toolkit ディレクトリに最新の SPFx をローカルにインストールする ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint ソリューション", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "新しい SPFx ソリューションの作成", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "SPFx Web パーツを使用して Teams タブ アプリケーションを作成します", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "既存の SPFx ソリューションのインポート", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "SPFx クライアント側 Web パーツを Microsoft Teams タブまたは個人用アプリとして公開します", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint パッケージ %s が [%s](%s) に正常にデプロイされています。", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "SharePoint パッケージ %s が見つかりません", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "SPO アクセス トークンを取得できません", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Graph アクセス トークンを取得できません", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "パッケージをアップロードしてアプリ カタログ %s に展開できません。組織のMicrosoft 365テナント管理者のアクセス許可が必要です。テスト目的で[Microsoft 365 開発者プログラム](%s) から無料のMicrosoft 365テナントを取得できます。", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "%s、スタック: %s が原因で、テナント アプリ カタログを作成できません。", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "%s のため、アプリ パッケージをアップロードできません", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "SharePoint パッケージのビルド", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "SharePoint パッケージのアップロードと展開", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "スキャフォールディング プロジェクト", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "%s が理由で、'npm install' を実行できません", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "パッケージ %s を検証できません", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "SPFx プロジェクトに .yo-rc.json ファイルがありません。構成ファイルを追加して、もう一度お試しください。", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "SPFx 開発環境が正しく設定されていません。[問い合わせ] をクリックして、ガイドに従って適切な環境を設定できます。", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "依存関係を確認しています...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "依存関係をインストールしています。完了するまでに 5 分以上かかる場合があります。", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Yeoman CLI を使用してSPFxプロジェクトを生成する", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Web パーツ マニフェストの更新", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "テナント %s %s を取得できません", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "%s フォルダーに SPFx 環境を設定するときに不明な問題が発生しました。[SharePoint Framework 開発環境のセットアップ | Microsoft Learn](%s) を使用してグローバル SPFx 環境を設定します。", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "プロジェクトの作成に失敗しました。Yeoman SharePoint Generator が原因である可能性があります。詳細については、[出力パネル](%s)を確認してください。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "既存の SPFx ソリューション情報を取得できませんでした。SPFx ソリューションが有効であることを確認してください。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "既存の SPFx ソリューションをコピーできませんでした: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "既存の SPFx ソリューションでプロジェクト テンプレートを更新できませんでした: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "既存の SPFx ソリューションを Teams ツールキットにインポートできませんでした: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "SPFx ソリューションのインポート", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "既存の SPFx ソリューションをコピーしています...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "ソリューション情報に基づいてテンプレートを生成しています...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "テンプレートの更新中...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "SPFx ソリューションが %s に正常にインポートされました。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams ツールキットで SPFx ソリューションが正常にインポートされました。インポートの詳細の完全なログは %s にあります。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams ツールキットで SPFx ソリューションをインポートできませんでした。インポートの詳細の完全なログは %s にあります。", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "ネットワーク接続をご確認ください。", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "ファイル システムに対する読み取り/書き込みアクセス許可があるかどうかを確認します。", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Azure Storage アカウントに対するアクセス許可があるかどうかを確認します。", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "資格情報の有効期限が切れている可能性があります。システム時刻が正しいかどうかを確認してください。", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "現在の手順をもう一度お試しください。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Teams パッケージが [ローカル アドレス](%s) で正常にビルドされました。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Teams パッケージが %s で正常にビルドされました。", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Teams アプリ パッケージをビルドしています...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "マニフェストの検証が失敗しました。", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "マニフェストを検証しています...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "アプリ パッケージを検証しています...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "管理者ポータルに移動", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] が管理ポータル (%s) に正常に発行されました。承認されると、アプリは組織で使用できるようになります。詳細については、%s をご覧ください。", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "新しい更新プログラムを送信しますか?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams アプリが %s を作成しました", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams アプリが %s を更新しました", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Teams アプリケーション マニフェストが正常に展開されました。Teams 開発者ポータルでアプリケーションを表示するには、[開発者ポータルで表示] をクリックします。", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Teams アプリケーション マニフェストが正常に展開されました ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "マニフェスト ファイルの構成は既に変更されています。引き続きマニフェスト ファイルを再生成し、Teams プラットフォームに更新しますか?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Teams プラットフォーム上のマニフェスト ファイルは、前回の更新以降に変更されています。Teams プラットフォームのマニフェスト ファイルを引き続き更新して上書きしますか?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "アプリ %s は既にテナントのアプリ カタログに送信されています。\n状態: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "最終更新日: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "プレビューのみ", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "レビューと更新", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "上書きと更新", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "アプリ %s のパッケージにファイルが見つかりませんでした。", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%sは Teams Toolkit で処理されませんでした。", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "開発者ポータルで表示", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "トリガーの選択", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "トリガーの選択", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Azure Functions でホストされている実行中の関数は、HTTP 要求をリッスンできます。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP トリガー", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Azure Functions でホストされている実行中の関数は、特定のスケジュールに基づいて HTTP 要求をリッスンして応答できます。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP およびタイマー トリガー", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "再修正サーバー", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Azure App Service でホストされている実行中の再修正サーバーは、HTTP 要求をリッスンできます。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP トリガー", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web API サーバー", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Azure App Service でホストされている実行中の Web API サーバーは、HTTP 要求をリッスンできます。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP トリガー", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Azure Functions でホストされている実行中の関数は、特定のスケジュールに基づいて応答できます。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "タイマー トリガー", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "プロジェクトが開いていません。新しいプロジェクトを作成するか、既存のプロジェクトを開くことができます。", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "環境名に使用できるのは、文字、数字、_ および - のみです。", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "アップグレードする準備が整っていない場合は、引き続き古いバージョンの Teams Toolkit を使用してください", - "error.InvalidInputError": "無効な入力: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "プロジェクト環境 %s は既に存在します。", - "error.NotImplementedError": "メソッドが実装されていません: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "リソース ID: '%s' から '%s' を取得できません", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "サブスクリプションが見つかりません。", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "ユーザーが取り消されました。Teams がツールキットで使用される自己署名 SSL 証明書を信頼するには、自己署名証明書を証明書ストアに追加する必要があります。", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "リモートでのビデオ フィルター アプリは Teams ツールキットではサポートされていません。プロジェクト ルート フォルダー内の README.md ファイルを確認してください。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "%s が原因で、Teams 開発者ポータルで Teams アプリを作成できません", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "%s のため、Teams 開発者ポータルで ID %s の Teams アプリを更新できません", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "開発者ポータルへの API 呼び出しに失敗しました。詳細については、[出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を確認してください。", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "開発者ポータルへの API 呼び出しに失敗しました: %s、%s、API 名: %s、X-Correlation-ID: %s。これは、断続的なサービス エラーから発生した可能性があります。数分待ってから、現在の手順をもう一度お試しください。", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "開発者ポータルへの API 呼び出しに失敗しました: %s、%s、要求パス: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "ID %s で Teams アプリを発行できません。", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Teams パッケージのビルドに失敗しました。", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "アクセス許可の確認に失敗しました。理由: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "アクセス許可の付与に失敗しました。理由: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "コラボレーターの一覧表示に失敗しました。理由: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "ID %s のチーム アプリが見つかりません。マニフェストを Teams プラットフォームに更新する前に、デバッグを実行するか、最初にプロビジョニングする必要があります。", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "無効な機能: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "機能 %s を追加できません。上限に達しました。", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "エンティティ ID %s の静的タブが見つかりません。更新できません。", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "機能 %s がマニフェストに存在せず、更新できません。", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "マニフェスト検索で無効な ID が見つかりました。", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "%s からスキーマを取得できません。メッセージ: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "マニフェスト スキーマが定義されていません", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "\"Zip Teams アプリ パッケージ\" からパッケージを生成して、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "409 競合エラーが発生したため、Teams アプリを作成できません。お使いのアプリ ID がテナント内の別のアプリと競合している可能性があります。詳細については、[問い合わせ] をクリックしてください。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "その ID を使用する Teams アプリは、組織のアプリ ストアに既に存在します。アプリ ID を手動で更新してから、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "現在のアカウントでは、botframework トークンを取得できません。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework プロビジョニングは、ボット登録の作成試行から禁止された結果を返します。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework プロビジョニングは、ボット登録の作成試行から競合する結果を返します。", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "zip パッケージをダウンロードしてローカル zip パッケージを開くことができません。", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "テンプレート %s が見つかりません。", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "サンプル %s が見つかりません。", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "%s から zip パッケージをダウンロードできません。", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "テンプレートを解凍してディスクに書き込めません。", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "キー %s が見つかりません", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "調整のため、サンプルをダウンロードできません。レート制限をリセットしてから再試行してください (これには最大 1 時間かかる場合があります)。または、%s に移動して、リポジトリを手動で git clone することもできます", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "ネットワーク エラーのため、サンプルをダウンロードできません。ネットワーク接続を確認してから、もう一度お試しください。または、%s に移動して、リポジトリを手動で git clone することもできます", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "URL %s を解析できません", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "'%s' から OpenAI プラグイン マニフェストを取得できません。", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Teams アプリを Microsoft 365 に拡張できません。'teamsApp/extendToM365' アクションを使用して、Teams アプリを Microsoft 365 に拡張します。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "アプリケーション名は文字で始まり、少なくとも 2 つの文字または数字を含んでいる必要があります。特殊文字を含めることはできません。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "アプリケーション名が最大長の 30 を超えています。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "パスが存在します: %s。別のアプリケーション名を選択します。", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "プログラミング言語を選択します。", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx は現在、TypeScript のみをサポートしています。", "core.option.tutorial": "チュートリアルを開く", "core.option.github": "GitHub ガイドを開く", - "core.option.inProduct": "製品内ガイドを開く", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "タブ", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "既存の Outlook アドイン プロジェクトをインポートしています", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "ファイルをコピーしています", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "プロジェクトを変換しています", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "マニフェストを変更しています", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "UI ベースのアプリ", "core.TabOption.detail": "Microsoft Teams に埋め込まれた Teams 対応の Web ページ", "core.DashboardOption.label": "ダッシュボード", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "重要な情報を表示するためのカードとウィジェットを含むキャンバス", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "基本ボット", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "簡単にカスタマイズできるエコー ボットの簡単な実装", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "リンク未展開", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "URL が作成メッセージ領域に貼り付けられたときに情報とアクションを表示する", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "フォーム入力と処理データの収集", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "メッセージ拡張機能", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "ユーザーが Teams でメッセージを作成するときのカスタム UI", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "ユーザー入力を取得し、それを使用して何かを行い、カスタマイズされた結果を返します", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "チャット通知メッセージ", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Teams チャットに表示されるメッセージを通知して告知する", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "チャット コマンド", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "SharePoint Framework で UI をビルドする", "core.TabNonSso.label": "[基本] タブ", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "簡単にカスタマイズできる Web アプリの簡単な実装", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams ツールキットによって API 仕様が確認されました:\n\n概要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams ツールキットによって OpenAI プラグイン マニフェストが確認されました:\n\n概要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s が失敗しました", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "OpenAPI 仕様ファイルで次の問題が検出されました:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s の軽減策: 不要です。operationId が自動的に生成され、\"%s\" ファイルに追加されました。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" は %s 文字以内にする必要があります。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "完全な説明がありません。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "軽減策: \"%s\" の \"%s\" フィールドを更新します。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "コマンド \"%s\" に \"%s\" がありません。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " 軽減策: アダプティブ カード テンプレートを \"%s\" に作成し、\"%s\" フィールドを \"%s\" の相対パスに更新します。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "機能", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "機能を選択する", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Windows でのプレビュー", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Teams と Outlook で動作します", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Teams、Outlook、Microsoft 365 アプリで動作します", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Teams、Outlook、Copilot で動作します", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "反復的なタスクを自動化できる会話型または有益なチャット エクスペリエンス", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "ボット", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "ボットを使用したアプリの機能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Teams と Outlook のチャット作成領域からアクションを検索または開始する", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "メッセージ拡張機能を使用したアプリの機能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Web コンテンツでリボンとタスク ウィンドウをカスタマイズする", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook アドイン", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Outlook アドインを使用したアプリの機能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Teams、Outlook、Microsoft 365 アプリに独自の Web コンテンツを埋め込む", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "タブを使用したアプリの機能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "API を使用して Copilot を拡張するためのプラグインを作成します", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Copilot 用プラグイン", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Copilot 用プラグイン", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "オプションの選択", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "新しいプロジェクト", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "新しい API で開始", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Azure Functions から新しい API を使用してプラグインを作成", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "OpenAPI 仕様で開始", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "既存の API からプラグインを作成", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "OpenAI プラグインで開始", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "OpenAI プラグインを Microsoft 365 Copilot プラグインに変換", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI 仕様", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "OpenAPI 仕様の URL を入力してください", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "OpenAPI 仕様の場所を入力してください", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI プラグイン マニフェスト", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Web サイトのドメインを入力してください", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "有効な URL を入力してください", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "有効なドメインを入力してください", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "操作を選択する", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "1 つのパラメーターを持ち、認証なしの GET および POST メソッドのみが一覧表示されます", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "manifest.json で定義されたメソッドが一覧にありません", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "API 仕様が無効です。詳細については、出力パネルを確認してください。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "API 仕様が無効です。詳細については、[output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を確認してください。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "OpenAI プラグイン マニフェストが無効です。詳細については、出力パネルを確認してください。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "OpenAI プラグイン マニフェストが無効です。詳細については、[output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を確認してください。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "\"%s\" に URL がありません。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "認証の種類はサポートされていません。サポートされている認証の種類: \"%s\"。", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "AI チャット ボット", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Teams AI ライブラリを使用するチャット ボット", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx ソリューション フォルダー", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "SPFx ソリューションを含むフォルダーを選択します", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "環境を選択してください", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "新しい環境名", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "新しい環境名", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "環境名に使用できるのは、文字、数字、_ および - のみです。", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "環境 '%s' を作成できません", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "環境構成を一覧表示できません", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "プロジェクト環境 %s は既に存在します。", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "コピーを作成する環境を選択する", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "リソース グループを選択します", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "新しいリソース グループ名", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "新しいリソース グループ名", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "名前に使用できるのは、英数字または記号 ._-() のみです", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "新しいリソース グループの場所", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "ワークスペース フォルダー", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "プロジェクトのルート フォルダーを含む予定のフォルダーを選択します", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "新しいアプリを作成する", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Teams ツールキットを使用して新しい Teams アプリケーションを作成します。", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "サンプルから開始する", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "既存のサンプルを新しいアプリケーションの開始点として使用します。", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "高速な JavaScript サーバー ランタイム", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "無料。クロスプラットフォーム。オープンソース。", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams ツールキット: アプリのランタイムを選択する", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "サンプルから開始する", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "サンプルを選択", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "サンプルを表示", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "デバッグ用の新しいボットの作成", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "botId の元の値で保持する場合は選択を解除します", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "manifest.json で botId %s を \"${{BOT_ID}}\" に更新する", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "manifest.json で botId %s を \"${{BOT_ID}}\" に更新する", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "ボット", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "デバッグ用に Web サイトの URL を構成する", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "コンテンツの URL を %s から %s に更新します", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Web サイトの URL を %s から %s に更新する", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "元の URL で保持する場合は選択を解除します", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "シングル サインオン", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Teams 起動ページとボット機能のシングル サインオン機能を開発する", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "同じ Microsoft 365 テナント (電子メール) の下にあるアカウントの Teams/AAD アプリに所有者を追加する", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "メール アドレスを null 値または空にすることはできません", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "[UserName] を実際のユーザー名に変更してください", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": ".env ファイルを読み込めませんでした。理由: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Azure Active Directory manifest.json ファイルの選択", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Teams manifest.json ファイルの選択", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Teams アプリ パッケージ ファイルの選択", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "ローカルの Teams manifest.json ファイルを選択", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "コラボレーターを管理するアプリの選択", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "検証方法を選択する", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "マニフェスト スキーマを使用して検証する", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "マニフェスト スキーマを使用して検証する", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "検証規則を使用してアプリ パッケージを検証する", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "検証規則を使用してアプリ パッケージを検証する", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "マニフェストが正しく選択されていることを確認する", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory アプリ", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "シングル サインオン用の Azure Active Directory アプリ", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams アプリ", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Teams アプリ", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Fluent UI を使用してリアクションする", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Fluent UI React コンポーネントを使用して Teams の外観を取得する Web アプリ", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "カスタム検索結果", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "検索またはチャット領域から Teams と Outlook の検索結果に直接データを表示する", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "検索またはチャット領域から Teams の検索結果に直接データを表示します", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "プラットフォーム", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "アプリをプレビューするプラットフォームを選択する", "core.options.separator.additional": "追加機能", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams アプリが正常に準備されました。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "プロビジョニング ステージで %s/%s アクションが正常に実行されました。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "デプロイ ステージで %s/%s アクションが正常に実行されました。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "公開ステージで %s/%s アクションが正常に実行されました。", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams デスクトップ、モバイル クライアント ID", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams Web クライアント ID", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "デスクトップ クライアント ID 用の Microsoft 365 アプリ", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook デスクトップ クライアント ID", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook Web アクセス クライアント ID 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook Web アクセス クライアント ID 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "操作がキャンセルされました。", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "3.0.0 より前の OpenAPI バージョンはサポートされていません。", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "OpenAPI 仕様ファイルにサーバー情報が見つかりません。", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "OpenAPI 仕様ファイルに複数のサーバー情報が見つかりました。", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "リモート参照はサポートされていません: %s。", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "operationIds がありません: %s。", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "サポートされている API が OpenAPI 仕様ファイルに見つかりません。", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties' はサポートされていないため、無視されます。", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "'oneOf'、'anyOf'、および 'not' スキーマはサポートされていません: %s。", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "不明なスキーマ: %s。", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "サーバー URL が正しくありません: プロトコル %s はサポートされていません。代わりに https プロトコルを使用してください。", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "サーバー URL が正しくありません: 相対サーバー URL はサポートされていません。", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "既存の Outlook アドインのインポート", "core.importAddin.detail": "アドイン プロジェクトを最新のアプリ マニフェストとプロジェクト構造へアップグレードします", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "タスクウィンドウ", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "ボタンでリボンをカスタマイズし、タスクウィンドウにコンテンツを埋め込む", "core.summary.actionDescription": "操作 %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s が正常に実行されました。", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "環境ファイルは次の場所に作成されました:", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s が %s に正常に追加されました", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "オプションを読み込んでいます...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "既定値を読み込んでいます...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "name が見つかりません\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess が見つかりません\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions が見つかりません\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications が見つかりません\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion は 1 です\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims が見つかりません\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims アクセス トークンに idtyp 要求が含まれていません\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "AAD マニフェストには、Teams アプリが壊れる可能性のある次の問題があります:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "有効になっている既存のアクセス許可は更新または削除できません。考えられる理由の 1 つは、選択した環境の ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID 環境変数が変更されていることです。アクセス許可 ID が実際の AAD アプリケーションと同じであることを確認してから、もう一度お試しください。\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "不明な resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "不明な resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "不明な resourceAccess id: %s、resourceAccess id としてアクセス許可を使用している場合は、代わりにアクセス許可 ID を試用してみてください。", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "プロジェクト パスが空です", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "SSO の追加のためのファイルを作成できません。詳細エラー: %s。", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "メール アドレスが無効です", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "候補: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s は値: %s で無効です", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s がありません。", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "%s をプロビジョニングできません。", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "%s の構成を更新できません", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "botId %s のボット登録が見つかりませんでした。ボット登録を確認する方法の詳細をご覧いただくには、[問い合わせ] ボタンをクリックしてください。", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "ボット リソースは %s に既に存在しています。ボット リソースの作成をスキップします。", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Azure 資格情報を取得できません。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "ボットの登録をプロビジョニングしています。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "ボットの登録が正常にプロビジョニングされました。", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "ログイン出力パネルを確認し、この問題を解決してください。", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "開発者ポータルのボット登録", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "GitHub から最新のテンプレートを取得できません。ローカル テンプレートを使用しようとしました。", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "必要な依存関係を手動でインストールします。", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "詳細情報", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "ローカル関数をデバッグするには、NPM がインストールされている必要があります。", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "インストール後 Azure Functions Core Tools を検証できません。", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "シンボリック リンクの宛先は既に存在します", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "独自の Node.js(@NodeVersion) が独自の Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion) と互換性がありません。", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "バージョン %s の形式が無効です。", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools のインストールが不完全です。", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) のバージョンは、指定されたバージョン範囲 (%s) と互換性がありません。", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion が正常にインストールされました。", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "@NameVersion の移植可能なバージョンをダウンロードしてインストールします。このバージョンは @InstallDir にインストールされ、環境には影響しません。", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "@NameVersion の移植可能なバージョンをダウンロードしてインストールします。このバージョンは @InstallDir にインストールされ、環境には影響しません。", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion が正常にインストールされました。", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "PATH からの dotnet の使用:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "dotnet-install コマンドはエラー終了コードなしで失敗しましたが、空でない標準エラーが発生しました。", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "dotnet-install コマンドが失敗しました。", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Node.js が見つかりません。サポートされているノードのバージョンは package.json で指定されています。%s に移動して、サポートされている Node.js をインストールしてください。インストールの完了後、Visual Studio Code インスタンスをすべて再起動してください。", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) は、公式にサポートされているバージョン (%s) ではありません。プロジェクトは引き続き動作する可能性がありますが、サポートされているバージョンをインストールすることをお勧めします。サポートされているノードのバージョンは、package.json で指定されています。%s に移動して、サポートされている Node.js をインストールしてください。", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) は LTS バージョン (%s) ではありません。%s に移動して LTS Node.js をインストールします。", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "@NameVersion が見つかりません。.NET SDK が必要な理由の詳細については、@HelpLink を参照してください。", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams ツールキットにはこれらの依存関係が必要です。\n\nクリックして@InstallPackagesを \"インストール\" します。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages が見つかりません。@SupportedPackages を手動でインストールし、Visual Studio Code を再起動してください。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "@SupportedPackages が見つかりません。\n\nTeams ツールキットにはこれらの依存関係が必要です。", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "'@Url' からファイルをダウンロードできません。HTTP 状態は '@Status' です。", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "ビデオ機能拡張テスト アプリの前提条件チェッカーの引数が無効です。tasks.json ファイルを確認してください。", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "インストール後にビデオ拡張性テスト アプリを検証できません。", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Teams アプリ テスト ツール (%s) のバージョンは、指定されたバージョン範囲 (%s) と互換性がありません。", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "インストール後に Teams アプリ テスト ツールを検証できません。%s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "出力環境変数名が定義されていません。", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Azure Active Directory アプリを作成してユーザーを認証する", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Azure Active Directory アプリ マニフェストを既存のアプリに適用する", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "環境変数 %s が設定されていません。", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "クライアント シークレットを生成できません。", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Azure Active Directory アプリ マニフェストでフィールド %s がないか、無効です。", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory アプリケーションを作成しています...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory アプリケーションを更新しています...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "アクション %s を実行しています", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "アクション %s が正常に実行されました", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "アクション %s を実行できません。エラー メッセージ: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "環境変数 %s が存在しません。新しい Azure Active Directory アプリを作成しています...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "オブジェクト ID %s の Azure Active Directory アプリケーションを作成しました", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "環境変数 %s が既に存在します。Azure Active Directory アプリの生成手順をスキップしています。", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "環境変数 %s が存在しません。Azure Active Directory アプリのクライアント シークレットを生成しています...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "オブジェクト ID %s の Azure Active Directory アプリケーションのクライアント シークレットを生成しました", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "環境変数 %s が既に存在します。Azure Active Directory アプリ のクライアント シークレット生成手順をスキップしています。", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Azure Active Directory アプリ マニフェストのビルドが完了し、アプリ マニフェストのコンテンツが %s に書き込まれます", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "オブジェクト ID %s の Azure Active Directory アプリケーションにマニフェスト %s を適用しました", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "ボット AAD アプリを作成しています。", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "ボット Azure Active Directory アプリを作成しています。", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "ボット Azure Active Directory アプリが正常に作成されました。", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "ボット Azure Active Directory アプリの作成がスキップされました。", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "新しいボットを作成するか、既存のボット Azure Active Directory アプリを再利用します。", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "アクション %s を実行しています", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "アクション %s が正常に実行されました", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "アクション %s を実行できません。エラー メッセージ: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "クライアント ID %s の Azure Active Directory アプリケーションを作成しました。", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "クライアント ID %s の既存の Azure Active Directory アプリケーションを使用しました。", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "ボットのパスワードが空です。env ファイルに追加するか、ボット ID をクリアして、ボット ID/パスワードのペアを再生成します。アクション: %s。", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "指定された ARM テンプレートを Azure にデプロイします。", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Azure に ARM テンプレートをデプロイしています...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Teams でアプリケーションをデバッグするには、localhost サーバーが HTTPS 上にある必要があります。\nツールキットで使用される自己署名証明書を Teams が信頼するには、自己署名証明書を証明書ストアに追加する必要があります。\nこの手順はスキップできますが、Teams でアプリをデバッグするときに新しいブラウザー ウィンドウでセキュア接続を手動で信頼する必要があります。\n詳細については、\"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\" を参照してください。", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " 証明書をインストールするときに、アカウントの資格情報を要求される場合があります。", "debug.install": "インストール", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "SPFx パッケージを SharePoint アプリ カタログにデプロイします。", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "SPFx パッケージをテナント アプリ カタログに展開します。", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "スキップして SharePoint アプリ カタログを作成します。", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "SPFx パッケージをテナント アプリ カタログにアップロードします。", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint テナント アプリ カタログ %s が作成されました。アクティブになるまで数分お待ちください。", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "テナント アプリ カタログが見つかりません。もう一度お試しください: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "作成後にアプリ カタログ サイトの URL を取得できません。数分待ってから再試行する必要がある場合があります。", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "テナントに有効なアプリ カタログがありません。Teams Toolkit で作成する場合、または自分で作成する場合は、%s のプロパティ 'createAppCatalogIfNotExist' を true に更新できます。", "driver.spfx.add.description": "SPFx プロジェクトに追加の Web パーツを追加する", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web パーツ %s がプロジェクトに正常に追加されました。", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "スキャフォールディング Web パーツ", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Yeoman CLI を使用した SPFx Web パーツの生成", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Azure Functions Core Tools を確認してインストールできません。", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": ".NET Core SDK をチェックしてインストールできません。", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Teams アプリ テスト ツールを確認してインストールできません。", "driver.prerequisite.description": "依存関係をインストールしています", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "開発ツールを確認してインストールしています。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "localhost の開発証明書がインストールされています。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "localhost の開発証明書が生成されます。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "localhost の開発証明書の信頼をスキップします。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools は %s にインストールされます。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools がインストールされています。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": ".NET Core SDK は %s にインストールされます。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": ".NET Core SDK がインストールされています。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "変数を作成するか、環境ファイルに更新します。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "変数が %s に正常に生成されました。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Teams アプリ テスト ツールが %s にインストールされています。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Teams アプリ テスト ツールがインストールされています。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "JSON ファイルを作成または更新します。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "JSON ファイルが %s に正常に生成されました。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "JSON ファイルを生成しています...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "環境変数を生成しています...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Web アプリを再起動できません。\nアプリが正しく動作しない場合は、Web アプリを手動で再起動してみてください。", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Azure App Service へのデプロイには時間がかかります。デプロイを最適化するために、このドキュメントを参照することを検討してください:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "デプロイの準備が完了しました。パッケージは `%s` にあります", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` が Azure App Service に正常にデプロイされました。", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` が Azure Functions に正常にデプロイされました。", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` が Azure Storage に正常にデプロイされました。", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage により静的な Web サイトが正常に有効化されました。", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "プロジェクトを Azure App Service にデプロイします。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "プロジェクトを Azure Functions にデプロイします。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "プロジェクトを Azure Storage にデプロイします。", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "Azure Storage で静的な Web サイト設定を有効にします。", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "もう一度やり直してください。", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "リモート サービス エラーのため、Azure 資格情報を取得できません。", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "dotnet コマンドを実行しています。", "driver.script.npmDescription": "npm コマンドを実行しています。", "driver.script.npxDescription": "npx コマンドを実行しています。", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%` コマンドが `%s` で正常に実行されました。", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "アプリ パッケージを使って Microsoft 365 のタイトルを取得する", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "アプリ パッケージを使って Microsoft 365 のタイトルを取得しています...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 のタイトルが正常に取得されました (%s)。", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "生成された Teams アプリ パッケージを SPFx ソリューションにコピーします。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "Teams アプリを作成します。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "Teams アプリを更新します。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "Teams アプリをテナント アプリ カタログに発行します。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "Teams アプリを検証します。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "Teams アプリ パッケージをビルドします。", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Teams アプリ パッケージを SPFx ソリューションにコピーしています...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams アプリを作成しています", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams アプリを更新しています", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Teams アプリがテナント アプリ カタログに既に送信されているかどうかを確認しています", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "公開された Teams アプリの更新", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Teams アプリを公開しています", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "ID %s の Teams アプリは既に存在し、新しい Teams アプリの作成をスキップしました。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "ID %s の Teams アプリは、組織のアプリ ストアに既に存在します。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "ID %s の Teams アプリが組織のアプリ ストアに存在しません。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Teams アプリ %s が管理ポータルに正常に公開されました。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Teams アプリ %s が %s に正常にコピーされました。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s アイコンが %s で正常に更新されました。", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams ツールキットは、すべての検証規則に対するチェックを行いました:\n\n概要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s\n\n検証の完全なログは、%s にあります", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit はマニフェストをそのスキーマで確認しました:\n\n概要:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s 合格", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s が失敗しました", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "すべて", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams ツールキットで、検証規則に対するアプリ パッケージのチェックが完了しました。%s。", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams Toolkit で、検証規則に対するアプリ パッケージの確認が完了しました。%s。詳細は [出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) で確認してください。", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "%s のため、Teams アプリ パッケージの検証に失敗しました", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Teams アプリの Pacakge 検証に失敗しました。詳細については、[出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を確認してください。", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "ID %s の Teams アプリは Teams 開発者ポータルに存在しません。", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Teams アプリ ID %s が無効です。GUID である必要があります。", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "dev.botframework.com でボット登録を作成または更新します", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "ボットの登録が正常に作成されました (%s)。", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "ボットの登録が正常に更新されました (%s)。", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "ライフサイクル '%s' は未定義です、yaml ファイル: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "'%s' アクションを完了できません。 次のパラメーター %s が欠落しているか、提供された yaml ファイルに無効な値があるためです: %s。必須パラメーターが指定され、有効な値を持っていることを確認してから、もう一度お試しください。", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "%s をインストールできません。Toolkit を Visual Studio Code で使用している場合は、手動でインストールして Visual Studio Code を再起動できます。", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "次の環境変数が見つからないため、プログラムを続行できません: '%s'。これはファイル %s に必要です。.env ファイル '%s' を正しい名前と値で編集するか、システム環境変数を正しい名前と値で設定して、必要な変数が設定されていることを確認してください。Teams Toolkit で作成された新しいプロジェクトで開発している場合、プロビジョニングまたはデバッグを実行すると、これらの環境変数の正しい値が登録されます。", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "このコマンドは、Teams Toolkit によって作成されたプロジェクトに対してのみ機能します。", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "ファイルまたはディレクトリが見つかりません: '%s'。それが存在し、アクセス許可があるかどうかを確認します。", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON 構文エラー: %s。JSON 構文を調べて、正しい形式であることを確認します。", "error.common.ReadFileError": "次の理由によりファイルを読み取ることができません: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "%s タスクの実行中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。%s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "次の理由によりファイルを書き込むことができません: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "ファイル操作は許可されていません。必要なアクセス許可があることを確認してください: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "必要な入力がありません: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "入力 '%s' の検証に失敗しました: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": ".env ファイルが見つかりません。", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "%srequired ファイル '%s' がありません", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "%s タスクの実行中に HTTP クライアント エラーが発生しました。エラー応答: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "%s タスクの実行中に HTTP サーバー エラーが発生しました。後でもう一度お試しください。エラー応答: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "前のタスクはまだ実行中です。前のタスクが完了するまで待ってから、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "このプロジェクトはすでに最新であり、アップグレードする必要はありません。", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "'id' キーがないため、マニフェスト ファイル ('%s') を処理できません。アプリケーションを正しく識別するには、マニフェスト ファイルに 'id' キーが存在することを確認します。", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "マニフェスト ファイルを読み込めません。理由: %s。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Azure 資格情報を取得できません。Azure アカウントが適切に認証されていることを確認してから、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure サブスクリプション '%s' は現在のアカウントでは利用できません。正しい Azure アカウントでサインインしていること、およびサブスクリプションにアクセスするために必要なアクセス許可があることを確認してください。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "リソース グループ '%s' はサブスクリプション '%s' に既に存在します。別の名前を選択するか、タスクに既存のリソース グループを使用することを検討してください。", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "現在のアカウントでサブスクリプションを選択できません。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "リソース グループ '%s' がサブスクリプション '%s' に見つかりません。", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "次のエラーのため、サブスクリプション '%s' にリソース グループ '%s' を作成できません: %s。 \nエラー メッセージに理由が示されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "次のエラーのため、サブスクリプション '%s' のリソース グループ '%s' の存在を確認できません: %s。 \nエラー メッセージに理由が示されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "次のエラーのため、サブスクリプション '%s' のリソース グループを取得できません: %s。 \nエラー メッセージに理由が示されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "次のエラーのため、サブスクリプション '%s' のリソース グループ '%s' の情報を取得できません: %s。 \nエラー メッセージに理由が示されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "サブスクリプション '%s' で利用可能なリソース グループの場所を取得できません。", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Microsoft 365 トークンの JSON オブジェクトを取得できません。アカウントがテナントへのアクセスを許可されていること、トークンの JSON オブジェクトが有効であることを確認してください。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "トークン JSON オブジェクトで Microsoft 365 テナント ID を取得できません。アカウントがテナントへのアクセスを許可されていること、トークンの JSON オブジェクトが有効であることを確認してください。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "認証に失敗しました。現在、Microsoft 365 テナント '%s' にサインインしていますが、これは .env ファイル (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s') で指定されたものとは異なります。この問題を解決して現在サインインしているテナントに切り替えるには、.env ファイルから '%s' の値を削除して、もう一度やり直してください。", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "パス '%s' にある Bicep ファイルを JSON ARM テンプレートにコンパイルできません。返されたエラー メッセージ: %s。Bicep ファイルに構文エラーまたは構成エラーがないか確認して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "'%s' から Bicep cli をダウンロードできません。エラー メッセージは次のとおりです: %s。エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。または、構成ファイル teamapp.yml の bicepCliVersion 構成を削除すると、Teams Toolkit は PATH で bicep CLI を使用します", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "デプロイ名 '%s' の ARM テンプレートをリソース グループ '%s' にデプロイできませんでした。詳細は [出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "展開名: '%s' の ARM テンプレートは、次の理由によりリソース グループ '%s' に展開できませんでした: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "デプロイ名 '%s' の ARM テンプレートは、理由: %s によりリソース グループ '%s' にデプロイできませんでした。 \n次の理由により、詳細なエラー メッセージを取得できません: %s。\nデプロイ エラーについては、ポータルでリソース グループ %s を参照してください。", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "ARM 展開結果をアクション出力に変換できません。ARM 展開結果に重複したキー '%s' があります。", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "配布フォルダーにファイルが見つかりません: '%s'。フォルダーが空ではなく、必要なファイルがすべて含まれていることを確認してください。", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "プロセスがタイムアウトしたため、デプロイの状態を確認できません。インターネット接続を確認して、もう一度お試しください。問題が解決しない場合は、Azure portal でデプロイ ログ ([デプロイ] -> [デプロイ センター] -> [ログ]) を確認して、発生した可能性のある問題を特定してください。", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "リソース グループ '%s' のアプリ '%s' の公開資格情報を取得できません。詳細は [出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "次の理由により、リソース グループ '%s' のアプリ '%s' の公開資格情報を取得できません:\n %s。\n 提案:\n 1. アプリ名とリソース グループ名のつづりが正しく、有効であることを確認します。 \n 2. API にアクセスするために必要なアクセス許可が Azure アカウントにあることを確認します。役割を昇格させるか、管理者に追加のアクセス許可を要求する必要がある場合があります。 \n 3. エラー メッセージに認証エラーやネットワークの問題などの特定の理由が含まれている場合は、その問題を具体的に調査してエラーを解決から、もう一度お試しください。 \n 4. このページで API をテストできます: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "エンドポイント '%s' に zip パッケージをデプロイできません。[出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照して詳細を確認し、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "次のエラーのため、Azure のエンドポイント '%s' に zip パッケージをデプロイできません: %s。 \n提案:\n 1. API にアクセスするために必要なアクセス許可が Azure アカウントにあることを確認します。 \n 2. エンドポイントが Azure で適切に構成されていること、必要なリソースがプロビジョニングされていることを確認します。 \n 3. zip パッケージが有効で、エラーがないことを確認します。 \n 4. 認証の失敗やネットワークの問題など、エラー メッセージに理由が示されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。 \n 5. それでもエラーが続く場合は、次のリンクのガイドラインに従って、パッケージを手動でデプロイしてみてください: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "次のエラーのため、場所: '%s' のデプロイ状態を確認できません: %s。問題が解決しない場合は、Azure portal でデプロイ ログ ([デプロイ] -> [デプロイ センター] -> [ログ]) を確認して、発生した可能性のある問題を特定してください。", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "パッケージは場所 '%s' の Azure に正常にデプロイされましたが、次のエラーのためアプリケーションを開始できません: %s。\n 理由が明確に指定されていない場合は、トラブルシューティングを行うためのいくつかの提案を次に示します。\n 1. アプリケーション ログを確認する: アプリケーション ログでエラー メッセージまたはスタック トレースを探し、問題の根本原因を特定します。\n 2. Azure の構成を確認する: 接続文字列やアプリケーションの設定など、Azure の構成が正しいことを確認します。\n 3. アプリケーション コードを確認する: コードを確認して、問題の原因となっている可能性のある構文エラーまたは論理エラーがないかどうかを確認します。\n 4. 依存関係を確認する: アプリケーションに必要なすべての依存関係が正しくインストールおよび更新されていることを確認します。\n 5. アプリケーションを再起動する: Azure でアプリケーションを再起動して、問題が解決するかどうかを確認します。\n 6. リソースの割り当てを確認する: Azure インスタンスのリソースの割り当てが、アプリケーションとそのワークロードに適していることを確認します。\n 7. Azure サポートに助けを求める: 問題が解決しない場合は、Azure サポートに連絡して支援を受けます。", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "スクリプト実行タイムアウト: %s。yaml の 'timeout' パラメーターを調整するか、スクリプトの効率を向上させます。", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "スクリプト ('%s') 実行エラー: %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Azure Storage アカウント '%s' の BLOB ファイルをクリアできません。詳細は [出力パネル](コマンド:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Azure Storage アカウント '%s' の BLOB ファイルをクリアできません。Azure からのエラー応答は次のとおりです:\n %s。\nエラー メッセージに理由が指定されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "ローカル フォルダー '%s' を Azure Storage アカウント '%s' にアップロードできません。詳細は [出力パネル](コマンド:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "次のエラーが原因で、Azure Storage アカウント '%s'のコンテナー '%s'のプロパティを取得できません: %s。Azure からのエラー応答:\n %s。\nエラー メッセージに理由が指定されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "次のエラーのため、Azure Storage アカウント '%s' のコンテナー '%s' のプロパティを設定できません: %s。詳細は [出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "次のエラーが原因で、Azure Storage アカウント '%s'のコンテナー '%s'のプロパティを設定できません: %s。Azure からのエラー応答:\n %s。\nエラー メッセージに理由が指定されている場合は、エラーを修正して、もう一度お試しください。", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "パスからマニフェスト ID を読み込めません: %s。最初にプロビジョニングを実行する必要があります。", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "アプリ ID が見つかりません: %s。現在の M365 アカウントにアクセス許可がないか、アプリが既に削除されている可能性があります。" + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ko.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ko.json index 165cecace9..a89a580c27 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ko.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ko.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "프로비전", - "core.provision.learnMore": "자세한 정보", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure 계정: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365 계정: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "사용량에 따라 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 위에 나열된 계정을 사용하여 %s 환경에서 리소스를 프로비전하시겠습니까?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "%s 환경에 리소스를 배포하시겠어요?", "core.provision.viewResources": "프로비전된 리소스 보기", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션이 배포되었습니다. Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 보는 방법을 확인하려면 \"자세한 정보\"를 클릭하세요.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션이 업데이트되었습니다.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "자세한 정보", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Azure에서 봇 애플리케이션 문제를 해결하려면 [자세한 정보]를 클릭하여 설명서를 참조하세요.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "자세한 정보", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "배포", "core.option.confirm": "확인", - "core.option.cancel": "취소", - "core.option.learnMore": "자세한 정보", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "업그레이드", "core.option.moreInfo": "추가 정보", "core.progress.create": "만들기", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "앱 템플릿을 다운로드하는 중입니다.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "%s 샘플을 다운로드하는 중", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "배포", "core.progress.publish": "게시", "core.progress.provision": "공급", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Azure Storage를 구성하고 정적 웹 사이트 설정을 활성화합니다.", "core.progress.runCommand": "%s에서 %s 명령 실행", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "%s을(를) %s에 배포합니다.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "자세히 알아보기", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "업그레이드를 확인하세요.", "core.migrationV3.Message": "최신 버전과 계속 호환되도록 Teams 도구 키트 프로젝트를 업그레이드하세요. 업그레이드 요약과 함께 백업 디렉터리가 만들어집니다.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "최신 Teams 도구 키트 버전과 호환되도록 솔루션을 업그레이드하세요. 업그레이드 보고서가 포함된 백업 디렉터리가 생성됩니다.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json이 없습니다. Visual Studio Code v3.x용 Teams 도구 키트 / Teams 도구 키트 CLI v0.x / Visual Studio v17.3용 Teams 도구 키트에서 만든 프로젝트를 업그레이드하려는 중일 수 있습니다. Visual Studio Code v4.x용 Teams 도구 키트 / Teams 도구 키트 CLI v1.x / Visual Studio v17.4용 Teams 도구 키트 설치와 업그레이드 실행을 먼저 수행하세요.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json이 잘못되었습니다.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "이 프로젝트는 미리 보기 전용이며 Teams 도구 키트에서 지원되지 않습니다. 새 프로젝트를 만들어 Teams 도구 키트를 사용해 보세요.", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams 도구 키트의 시험판 버전은 새 프로젝트 구성을 지원하며 이전 버전과 호환되지 않습니다. 새 프로젝트를 생성하여 시도하거나 \"teamsfx 업그레이드\"를 실행하여 프로젝트를 먼저 업그레이드하세요.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "TeamFx CLI 버전이 오래되었으며 현재 프로젝트를 지원하지 않습니다. 아래\n 명령을 사용하여 최신 버전으로 업그레이드하세요. npm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "현재 프로젝트는 설치된 Teams 도구 키트 버전과 호환되지 않습니다.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "솔루션의 프로젝트는 Teams 도구 키트 미리 보기 기능인 Teams App Configuration 개선 사항을 사용하여 만들어집니다. 계속하려면 미리 보기 기능을 켤 수 있습니다.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM 템플릿을 성공적으로 배포했습니다. 리소스 그룹 이름: %s. 배포 이름: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "'Microsoft 365 앱 소유자 나열'에 성공했습니다. [출력 패널](%s)에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "권한 부여 중", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "공동 작업자의 메일은 null이거나 현재 사용자와 같을 수 없습니다.", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "현재 테넌트에서 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이메일 주소가 올바른지 확인하세요.", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "%s 사용자에 대한 권한 부여", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "권한을 부여할 계정: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "환경에 대한 권한 부여 시작: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "테넌트 ID: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "다음에게 권한이 부여됨 ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", 리소스 ID: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Microsoft 365 권한 나열\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "확인하는 데 사용할 계정: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\n환경의 모든 Teams 앱 소유자 나열 시작: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\n환경의 모든 Azure Active Directory 앱 소유자 나열 시작: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams 앱(ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO AAD 앱(ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams 앱 소유자: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory 앱 소유자: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "환경에 대한 권한 확인 시작: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "리소스 ID: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "정의되지 않음", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", 리소스 이름: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", 권한: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "다운로드한 Teams 앱 %s용 패키지에서 매니페스트를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "프레임워크", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "SharePoint 프레임워크 웹 파트의 이름", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "폴더 %s이(가) 이미 있습니다. 구성 요소에 대해 다른 이름을 선택하세요.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s이(가) 패턴과 일치하지 않습니다: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint 프레임워크", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "스캐폴딩 옵션 선택", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "전체적으로 설치된 SPFx(%s) 사용", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "전역적으로 설치된 SPFx 사용", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s 이상", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "최신 SPFx(%s)를 Teams Toolkit 디렉터리에 로컬로 설치합니다. ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Teams Toolkit 디렉터리에 로컬로 최신 SPFx를 설치합니다. ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint 솔루션", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "새 SPFx 솔루션 만들기", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "SPFx 웹 파트를 사용하여 Teams 탭 애플리케이션 만들기", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "기존 SPFx 솔루션 가져오기", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "SPFx 클라이언트 쪽 웹 파트를 Microsoft Teams 탭 또는 개인 앱으로 노출", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint 패키지 %s이(가) [%s](%s)에 배포되었습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "SharePoint 패키지 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "SPO 액세스 토큰을 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "그래프 액세스 토큰을 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "패키지를 업로드하고 앱 카탈로그 %s에 배포할 수 없습니다. 조직의 Microsoft 365 테넌트 관리자 권한이 필요합니다. 테스트 목적으로 [Microsoft 365 개발자 프로그램](%s)에서 무료 Microsoft 365 테넌트를 받을 수 있습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "%s 때문에 테넌트 앱 카탈로그를 만들 수 없습니다. 스택: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "%s 때문에 앱 패키지를 업로드할 수 없습니다.", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "SharePoint 패키지 빌드 중", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "SharePoint 패키지 업로드 및 배포", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "프로젝트 스캐폴드", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "%s 때문에 'npm install'을 실행할 수 없습니다.", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "패키지 %s의 유효성을 검사할 수 없습니다.", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "SPFx 프로젝트에 .yo-rc.json 파일이 없습니다. 구성 파일을 추가하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "SPFx 개발 환경이 올바르게 설정되지 않았습니다. \"도움말\"을 클릭하여 가이드에 따라 올바른 환경을 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "종속성 확인 중...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "종속성을 설치하는 중입니다. 완료하는 데 5분 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Yeoman CLI를 사용하여 SPFx 프로젝트 생성", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "웹 파트 매니페스트 업데이트", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "테넌트 %s %s을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "%s 폴더에서 SPFx 환경을 설정할 때 알 수 없는 문제가 발생했습니다. [SharePoint 프레임워크 개발 환경 설정 | Microsoft Learn](%s) 글로벌 SPFx 환경을 설정합니다.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "프로젝트 생성에 실패했습니다. 가능한 이유는 Yeoman SharePoint Generator 때문일 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](%s)을 확인하세요.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "기존 SPFx 솔루션 정보를 검색하지 못했습니다. SPFx 솔루션이 올바른지 확인하세요.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "%s 기존 SPFx 솔루션을 복사하지 못했습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "%s 기존 SPFx 솔루션으로 프로젝트 템플릿을 업데이트하지 못했습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "기존 SPFx 솔루션을 Teams 도구 키트로 가져오지 못했습니다. %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "SPFx 솔루션 가져오기", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "기존 SPFx 솔루션을 복사하는 중...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "솔루션 정보를 기반으로 템플릿을 생성하는 중...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "템플릿을 업데이트하는 중...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "SPFx 솔루션을 %s(으)로 가져왔습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams 도구 키트에서 SPFx 솔루션을 가져왔습니다. 가져오기 세부 정보의 전체 로그는 %s에서 확인할 수 있습니다.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams 도구 키트가 SPFx 솔루션을 가져오지 못했습니다. 가져오기 세부 정보의 전체 로그는 %s에서 찾을 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "네트워크 연결을 확인하세요.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "파일 시스템에 대한 읽기/쓰기 권한이 있는지 확인합니다.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Azure Storage 계정에 대한 권한이 있는지 확인합니다.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "만료된 자격 증명을 가져올 수 있으니 시스템 시간이 올바른지 확인하세요.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "현재 단계를 다시 시도하세요.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Teams 패키지가 [local address](%s)에 빌드되었습니다.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Teams 패키지가 %s에 빌드되었습니다.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Teams 앱 패키지를 빌드하는 중...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "매니페스트 유효성 검사 실패", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "매니페스트 확인 중...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "앱 패키지 확인 중...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "관리 포털로 이동", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s]이(가) 관리 포털에 게시되었습니다(%s). 승인이 완료되면 조직에서 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다. %s에서 자세히 알아보세요.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "새 업데이트를 제출하시겠습니까?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams 앱이 %s을(를) 만들었습니다.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams 앱이 %s을(를) 업데이트했습니다.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Teams 애플리케이션 매니페스트가 배포되었습니다. Teams 개발자 포털에서 애플리케이션을 보려면 \"개발자 포털에서 보기\"를 클릭하세요.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Teams 애플리케이션 매니페스트가 다음 위치에 배포되었습니다. ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "매니페스트 파일 구성이 이미 수정되었습니다. 매니페스트 파일을 계속 다시 생성하고 Teams 플랫폼으로 업데이트하시겠습니까?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Teams 플랫폼의 매니페스트 파일이 마지막 업데이트 이후 변경되었습니다. Teams 플랫폼에서 매니페스트 파일을 계속 업데이트하고 덮어쓰시겠습니까?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "앱 %s 테넌트 앱 카탈로그에 이미 제출되었습니다.\n상태: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "마지막 수정 날짜: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "미리 보기 전용", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "검토 및 업데이트", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "덮어쓰기 및 업데이트", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "%s 앱 패키지에서 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit에서 %s을(를) 처리하지 않았습니다.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "개발자 포털에서 보기", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "트리거 선택", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "트리거 선택", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Azure Functions에서 호스팅된 실행 중 함수는 HTTP 요청을 수신 대기할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP 트리거", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Azure Functions에서 호스팅되는 실행 중인 함수는 HTTP 요청을 수신하고 특정 일정에 따라 응답할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP 및 타이머 트리거", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify 서버", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Azure App Service에서 호스팅된 실행 중 restify 서버는 HTTP 요청을 수신 대기할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP 트리거", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web API 서버", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Azure App Service에서 호스팅된 실행 중인 Web API 서버는 HTTP 요청을 수신 대기할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP 트리거", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Azure Functions에서 호스팅된 실행 중 함수는 특정 일정에 따라 응답할 수 있습니다.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "타이머 트리거", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "열려 있는 프로젝트가 없습니다. 새 프로젝트를 만들거나 기존 프로젝트를 열 수 있습니다.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "환경 이름은 문자, 숫자, _ 및 -만 포함할 수 있습니다.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "업그레이드할 준비가 되지 않은 경우 이전 버전의 Teams Toolkit을 계속 사용하세요.", - "error.InvalidInputError": "잘못된 입력: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "프로젝트 환경 %s이(가) 이미 있습니다.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "메서드가 구현되지 않음: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "리소스 ID '%s'에서 '%s'을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "구독을 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "사용자가 취소되었습니다. Teams가 도구 키트에서 사용하는 자체 서명된 SSL 인증서를 신뢰하려면 자체 서명된 인증서를 인증서 저장소에 추가해야 합니다.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "원격의 비디오 필터 앱은 Teams Toolkit에서 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 루트 폴더에서 README.md 파일을 확인하세요.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "%s(으)로 인해 Teams 개발자 포털에서 앱을 만들 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "%s(으)로 인해 Teams 개발자 포털에서 %s ID로 Teams 앱을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "개발자 포털 API 호출에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 확인하세요.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "개발자 포털 대한 API 호출이 실패했습니다. %s, %s, API 이름: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. 이 오류는 일부 일시적인 서비스 오류에서 발생할 수 있습니다. 몇 분 정도 기다린 후 현재 단계를 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "개발자 포털에 대한 API 호출 실패: %s, %s, 요청 경로: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱을 게시할 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Teams 패키지를 빌드하지 못했습니다!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "권한을 확인하지 못했습니다. 이유: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "권한을 부여하지 못했습니다. 이유: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "공동 작업자를 나열하지 못했습니다. 이유: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱을 찾을 수 없습니다. Teams 플랫폼으로 매니페스트를 업데이트하기 전에 먼저 디버그 또는 프로비전을 실행해야 합니다.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "잘못된 기능: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "기능 %s을(를) 추가할 수 없습니다. 제한에 도달했습니다.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "엔터티 ID가 %s인 고정 탭을 찾을 수 없어 업데이트할 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "%s 기능이 매니페스트에 없으므로 업데이트할 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "매니페스트 찾기에서 잘못된 ID를 찾았습니다.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "%s에서 스키마를 가져올 수 없습니다. 메시지: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "매니페스트 스키마가 정의되지 않음", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "\"Zip Teams 앱 패키지\"에서 패키지를 생성하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "409 충돌 오류로 Teams 앱을 생성할 수 없습니다. 앱 ID가 테넌트의 다른 앱과 충돌하기 때문에 발생할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 도움말 보기를 클릭하세요.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "해당 ID의 Teams 앱이 조직의 앱 스토어에 이미 있습니다. 앱 ID를 수동으로 업데이트하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "현재 계정은 botframework 토큰을 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework 프로비전은 봇 등록을 만들려는 시도에서 금지된 결과를 반환합니다.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework 프로비전은 봇 등록을 만들려는 시도에서 충돌 결과를 반환합니다.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "zip 패키지를 다운로드하고 로컬 zip 패키지를 열 수 없습니다.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "템플릿 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "샘플 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "%s에서 zip 패키지를 다운로드할 수 없습니다.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "템플릿의 압축을 풀고 디스크에 쓸 수 없습니다.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "키 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "제한으로 인해 샘플을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 속도 제한을 다시 설정한 후 나중에 다시 시도하세요(최대 1시간이 소요될 수 있음). 또는 %s(으)로 이동하여 리포지토리를 수동으로 git clone할 수 있습니다.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "네트워크 오류로 인해 샘플을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 네트워크 연결을 확인하고 다시 시도하세요. 또는 %s(으)로 이동하여 리포지토리를 수동으로 git clone할 수 있습니다.", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "URL %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다.", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "'%s'에서 OpenAI 플러그인 매니페스트를 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Teams 앱을 Microsoft 365로 확장할 수 없습니다. Teams 앱을 Microsoft 365로 확장하려면 'teamsApp/extendToM365' 작업을 사용하세요.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "애플리케이션 이름은 문자로 시작해야 하며 문자 또는 숫자를 두 개 이상 포함해야 합니다. 일부 특수 문자를 포함할 수 없습니다.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "애플리케이션 이름이 최대 길이인 30자보다 깁니다.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "경로 %s이(가) 있습니다. 다른 애플리케이션 이름을 선택하세요.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "프로그래밍 언어를 선택합니다.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx는 현재 TypeScript만 지원합니다.", "core.option.tutorial": "자습서 열기", "core.option.github": "GitHub 가이드 열기", - "core.option.inProduct": "제품 내 가이드 열기", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "탭", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "기존 Outlook 추가 기능 프로젝트를 가져오는 중", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "파일 복사 중", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "프로젝트를 변환하는 중", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "매니페스트 수정 중", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "UI 기반 앱", "core.TabOption.detail": "Microsoft Teams에 포함된 Teams 인식 웹 페이지", "core.DashboardOption.label": "대시보드", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "중요한 정보를 표시하기 위한 카드 및 위젯이 있는 캔버스", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "기본 봇", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "사용자 지정할 준비가 된 Echo Bot의 간단한 구현", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "링크 풀기", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "작성 메시지 영역에 URL을 붙여 넣을 때 정보 및 작업 표시", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "양식 입력 및 프로세스 데이터 수집", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "메시지 확장", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "사용자가 Teams에서 메시지를 작성할 때의 사용자 지정 UI", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "사용자 입력을 받고, 해당 항목으로 작업을 수행하며, 사용자 지정된 결과를 다시 보냅니다.", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "채팅 알림 메시지", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Teams 채팅에 표시되는 메시지로 알림 및 정보 제공", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "채팅 명령", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "SharePoint 프레임워크를 사용하여 UI 빌드", "core.TabNonSso.label": "기본 탭", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "사용자 지정할 준비가 된 웹앱의 간단한 구현", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams 도구 키트에서 API 사양을 확인했습니다.\n\n요약:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams 도구 키트에서 OpenAI 플러그인 매니페스트를 확인했습니다.\n\n요약:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s이(가) 실패함", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s 경고", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "OpenAPI 사양 파일에서 다음 문제가 발견되었습니다.\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s 완화: 필요하지 않습니다. operationId가 자동으로 생성되어 \"%s\" 파일에 추가되었습니다.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\"은(는) %s자를 초과할 수 없습니다. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "전체 설명이 없습니다. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "완화: \"%s\"에서 \"%s\" 필드를 업데이트하세요.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "\"%s\" 명령에 \"%s\"이(가) 없습니다.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " 완화: \"%s\"에 적응형 카드 템플릿을 만든 다음 \"%s\"의 상대 경로로 \"%s\" 필드를 업데이트합니다.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "기능", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "기능 선택", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Windows에서 미리 보기", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Teams 및 Outlook에서 작동", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Teams, Outlook 및 Microsoft 365 앱에서 작동", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Teams, Outlook 및 Copilot에서 작동", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "반복적인 작업을 자동화할 수 있는 대화형 또는 유익한 채팅 환경", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "봇", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "봇을 사용하는 앱 기능", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Teams 및 Outlook의 채팅 작성 영역에서 작업 검색 또는 시작", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "메시지 확장을 사용하는 앱 기능", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "웹 콘텐츠로 리본 및 작업 창 사용자 지정", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook 추가 기능", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Outlook 추가 기능을 사용하는 앱 기능", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Teams, Outlook 및 Micosoft 365 앱에 자신의 웹 콘텐츠 포함", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "탭을 사용하는 앱 기능", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "API를 사용하여 Copilot을 확장하는 플러그인을 만듭니다.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Copilot용 플러그인", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Copilot용 플러그인", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "옵션 선택", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "새 프로젝트", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "새 API로 시작", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Azure Functions에서 새 API를 사용하여 플러그 인 만들기", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "OpenAPI 사양으로 시작", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "기존 API에서 플러그 인 만들기", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "OpenAI 플러그 인으로 시작", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "OpenAI 플러그 인을 Microsoft 365 Copilot 플러그 인으로 변환", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI 사양", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "OpenAPI 사양 URL 입력", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "OpenAPI 사양 위치 입력", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI 플러그인 매니페스트", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "웹 사이트 도메인 입력", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "올바른 URL을 입력하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "올바른 도메인을 입력하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "작업 선택", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "단일 매개 변수가 있고 인증은 없는 GET 및 POST 메서드만 나열됩니다.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "manifest.json에 정의된 메서드가 나열되지 않습니다.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "API 사양이 잘못되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 출력 패널을 확인하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "API 사양이 잘못되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 확인하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "OpenAI 플러그인 매니페스트가 잘못되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 출력 패널을 확인하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "OpenAI 플러그인 매니페스트가 잘못되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 확인하세요.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "\"%s\"에 URL이 없습니다.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "인증 유형이 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인증 유형: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "AI 챗봇", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Teams AI 라이브러리를 사용하는 챗봇", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx 솔루션 폴더", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "SPFx 솔루션이 포함된 폴더를 선택하세요.", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "환경 선택", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "새 환경 이름", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "새 환경 이름", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "환경 이름은 문자, 숫자, _ 및 -만 포함할 수 있습니다.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "환경 '%s'을(를) 만들 수 없습니다.", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "env 구성을 나열할 수 없습니다.", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "프로젝트 환경 %s이(가) 이미 있습니다.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "복사본을 만들 환경 선택", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "리소스 그룹 선택", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "새 리소스 그룹 이름", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "새 리소스 그룹 이름", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "이름에는 영숫자 문자 또는 기호 _-()만 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "새 리소스 그룹의 위치", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "작업 영역 폴더", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "프로젝트 루트 폴더를 포함할 폴더를 선택하세요.", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "새 앱 만들기", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Teams 도구 키트를 사용하여 새 Teams 애플리케이션을 만듭니다.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "샘플에서 시작", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "기존 샘플을 새 애플리케이션의 시작점으로 사용합니다.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "빠른 JavaScript 서버 런타임", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "플랫폼 간 무료 오픈 소스", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams 도구 키트: 앱의 런타임 선택", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "샘플에서 시작", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "샘플 선택", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "샘플 보기", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "디버깅을 위한 새 봇 만들기", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "botId의 원래 값을 유지하려면 선택을 취소하세요.", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "manifest.json에서 %s botId를 \"${{BOT_ID}}\"(으)로 업데이트", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "manifest.json에서 %s botId를 \"${{BOT_ID}}\"(으)로 업데이트", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "봇", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "디버깅을 위한 웹 사이트 URL 구성", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "콘텐츠 URL을 %s에서 %s으(로) 업데이트", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "웹 사이트 URL을 %s에서 %s(으)로 업데이트", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "선택 취소하여 원본 URL을 유지", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Single Sign-On", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Teams 시작 페이지 및 봇 기능을 위한 Single Sign-On 기능 개발", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "동일한 Microsoft 365 테넌트의 계정에 대해 Teams/AAD 앱에 소유자 추가(이메일)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "메일 주소는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "[UserName]을(를) 실제 사용자 이름으로 변경하세요.", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": ".env 파일을 로드할 수 없습니다. 이유: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Azure Active Directory manifest.json 파일 선택", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Teams manifest.json 파일 선택", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Teams 앱 패키지 파일 선택", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "로컬 Teams manifest.json 파일 선택", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "공동 작업자를 관리할 앱 선택", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "유효성 검사 방법 선택", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "매니페스트 스키마를 사용하여 유효성 검사", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "매니페스트 스키마를 사용하여 유효성 검사", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "유효성 검사 규칙을 사용하여 앱 패키지 유효성 검사", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "유효성 검사 규칙을 사용하여 앱 패키지 유효성 검사", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "매니페스트가 올바르게 선택되었는지 확인", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory 앱", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Single Sign-On용 Azure Active Directory 앱", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams 앱", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Teams 앱", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Fluent UI를 포함한 React", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Fluent UI React 구성 요소를 사용하여 Teams의 모양과 느낌을 가져오는 웹앱", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "사용자 지정 검색 결과", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "검색 또는 채팅 영역에서 Teams 및 Outlook 검색 결과에 직접 데이터 표시", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "검색 또는 채팅 영역에서 Teams 검색 결과에 바로 데이터 표시", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "플랫폼", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "앱을 미리 보기할 플랫폼 선택", "core.options.separator.additional": "추가 기능", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams 앱을 준비했습니다.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "프로비전 단계에서 %s/%s 작업을 실행했습니다.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "배포 단계에서 %s/%s 작업을 성공적으로 실행했습니다.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "게시 단계에서 %s/%s 작업을 성공적으로 실행했습니다.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams 데스크톱, 모바일 클라이언트 ID", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams 웹 클라이언트 ID", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "데스크톱 클라이언트 ID에 대한 Microsoft 365 앱", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook 데스크톱 클라이언트 ID", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook 웹 액세스 클라이언트 ID 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook 웹 액세스 클라이언트 ID 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "작업이 취소되었습니다.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "3.0.0보다 낮은 OpenAPI 버전은 지원되지 않습니다.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "OpenAPI 사양 파일에서 서버 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "OpenAPI 사양 파일에 여러 서버 정보가 있습니다.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "원격 참조가 지원되지 않습니다. %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "%s operationIds가 없습니다.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "OpenAPI 사양 파일에서 지원되는 API를 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties'는 지원되지 않으며 무시됩니다.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "'oneOf', 'anyOf', 'not' 스키마는 지원되지 않습니다. %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "알 수 없는 스키마: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "서버 URL이 잘못되었습니다. %s 프로토콜이 지원되지 않습니다. 대신 https 프로토콜을 사용해야 합니다.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "서버 URL이 잘못되었습니다. 상대 서버 URL이 지원되지 않습니다.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "기존 Outlook 추가 기능 가져오기", "core.importAddin.detail": "최신 앱 매니페스트 및 프로젝트 구조로 추가 기능 프로젝트 업그레이드", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Taskpane", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "단추로 리본을 사용자 지정하고 작업창에 콘텐츠를 포함합니다.", "core.summary.actionDescription": "작업 %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s이(가) 실행되었습니다.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "환경 파일이 생성된 위치", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s이(가) %s에 추가됨", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "옵션을 로드하는 중 ...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "기본값을 로드하는 중 ...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "name이 없음\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess가 없음\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions가 없음\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications가 없음\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion이 1임\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims가 없음\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims 액세스 토큰에 idtyp 클레임이 포함되어 있지 않음\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "AAD 매니페스트에 Teams 앱이 손상될 수 있는 다음과 같은 문제가 있습니다.\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "활성화 상태인 경우 기존 권한을 업데이트하거나 삭제할 수 없습니다. 선택한 환경에 대해 ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID 환경 변수가 변경되었을 수 있습니다. 사용 권한 ID가 실제 AAD 애플리케이션과 동일한지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "알 수 없는 resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "알 수 없는 resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "알 수 없는 리소스 액세스 ID: %s, 권한을 리소스 액세스 ID로 사용하는 경우 대신 권한 ID를 사용해 보세요.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "프로젝트 경로가 비어 있음", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "SSO 추가를 위한 파일을 만들 수 없습니다. 오류 세부 정보: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "전자 메일 주소가 잘못됨", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "제안: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s의 값 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s이(가) 없습니다.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "%s을(를) 프로비전할 수 없습니다.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "%s에 대한 구성을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "botId가 %s인 봇 등록을 찾을 수 없습니다. 봇 등록 확인 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 '도움말 받기' 버튼을 클릭하세요.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "%s에 봇 리소스가 이미 있습니다. 봇 리소스 만들기를 건너뜁니다.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Azure 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "봇 등록을 프로비전하는 중입니다.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "봇 등록을 프로비전했습니다.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "출력 패널에서 로그를 확인하고 이 문제를 해결해 보세요.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "개발자 포털 봇 등록", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "로컬 템플릿을 사용하려고 하여 Github에서 최신 템플릿을 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "필요한 종속성을 수동으로 설치합니다.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "자세한 정보", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "로컬 기능을 디버깅하려면 NPM이 설치되어 있어야 합니다.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "설치 후 Azure Functions Core Tools의 유효성을 검사할 수 없습니다.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "symlink의 대상이 이미 존재합니다.", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Node.js(@NodeVersion)가 Teams 도구 키트 Azure Functions Core Tools(@FuncVersion)와 호환되지 않습니다.", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "버전 %s의 형식이 잘못되었습니다.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools 설치가 완료되지 않았습니다.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Azure Functions Core Tools(%s) 버전이 지정된 버전 범위(%s)와 호환되지 않습니다.", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion을(를) 설치했습니다.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "이식 가능한 @InstallDir 버전을 다운로드하여 설치하는 중입니다. 이 버전은 @InstallDir에 설치되며 사용 환경에 영향을 주지 않습니다.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "이식 가능한 @InstallDir 버전을 다운로드하여 설치하는 중입니다. 이 버전은 @InstallDir에 설치되며 사용 환경에 영향을 주지 않습니다.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion을(를) 설치했습니다.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "PATH에서 dotnet 사용:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "dotnet-install 명령이 오류 종료 코드 없이 실패했지만 표준 오류는 비어 있지 않습니다.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "dotnet-install 명령이 실패했습니다.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Node.js를 찾을 수 없습니다. 지원되는 노드 버전이 package.json에 지정되어 있습니다. 지원되는 Node.js를 설치하려면 %s(으)로 이동하세요. 설치가 완료된 후 모든 Visual Studio Code 인스턴스를 다시 시작합니다.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js(%s)는 공식적으로 지원되는 버전(%s)이 아닙니다. 프로젝트는 계속 작동할 수 있지만 지원되는 버전을 설치하는 것이 좋습니다. 지원되는 노드 버전은 package.json에 지정되어 있습니다. 지원되는 Node.js를 설치하려면 %s(으)로 이동하세요.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js(%s)가 LTS 버전(%s)이 아닙니다. %s(으)로 이동하여 LTS Node.js를 설치하세요.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "@NameVersion을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. .NET SDK가 필요한 이유에 대한 자세한 내용은 @HelpLink을(를) 참조하세요.", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.\n\nTeams Toolkit에는 이러한 종속성이 필요합니다.\n\n@InstallPackages을(를) 설치하려면 \"설치\"를 클릭하세요.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages를 찾을 수 없습니다. @SupportedPackages를 수동으로 설치하고 Visual Studio Code를 다시 시작합니다.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "@SupportedPackages을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.\n\nTeams Toolkit에는 이러한 종속성이 필요합니다.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "'@Url', HTTP 상태 '@Status'에서 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "비디오 확장성 테스트 앱 필수 구성 요소 검사기의 인수가 잘못되었습니다. tasks.json 파일을 확인하세요.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "설치 후 비디오 확장성 테스트 앱의 유효성을 검사할 수 없습니다.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Teams 앱 테스트 도구(%s) 버전이 지정한 버전 범위(%s)와 호환되지 않습니다.", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "설치 후 Teams 앱 테스트 도구의 유효성을 검사할 수 없습니다. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "출력 환경 변수 이름이 정의되지 않았습니다.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "사용자 인증을 위한 Azure Active Directory 앱 만들기", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "기존 앱에 Azure Active Directory 앱 매니페스트 적용", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "환경 변수 %s이(가) 설정되지 않았습니다.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "클라이언트 암호를 생성할 수 없습니다.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Azure Active Directory 앱 매니페스트에 필드 %s이(가) 누락되었거나 잘못되었습니다.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 만드는 중...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 업데이트하는 중...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행하는 중", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행했습니다.", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류 메시지: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "환경 변수 %s이(가Azure Active Directory a) 없습니다. 새 Azure Active Directory 앱을 만드는 중...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "개체 ID가 %s인 Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 만들었습니다.", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "환경 변수 %s이(가) 이미 있습니다. 새 Azure Active Directory 앱 생성 단계를 건너뜁니다.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "%s 환경 변수가 없습니다. Azure Active Directory 앱에 대한 클라이언트 암호를 생성하는 중...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "개체 ID가 %s인 Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션에 대해 클라이언트 암호가 생성되었습니다.", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "환경 변수 %s이(가) 이미 있습니다. Azure Active Directory 앱 클라이언트 암호 생성 단계를 건너뜁니다.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Azure Active Directory 앱 매니페스트 빌드가 완료되었으며 앱 매니페스트 콘텐츠가 %s에 기록됩니다.", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "개체 ID가 %s인 Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션에 %s 매니페스트를 적용했습니다.", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "봇 AAD 앱을 만드는 중...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "봇 Azure Active Directory 앱을 만드는 중입니다.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "봇 Azure Active Directory 앱을 만들었습니다.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "봇 Azure Active Directory 앱 만들기를 건너뛰었습니다.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "새 봇을 만들거나 기존 봇 Azure Active Directory 앱을 재사용하세요.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행하는 중", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행했습니다.", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "%s 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류 메시지: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "클라이언트 ID가 %s인 Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 만들었습니다.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "클라이언트 ID가 %s인 기존 Azure Active Directory 애플리케이션을 사용했습니다.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "봇 암호가 비어 있습니다. env 파일에 추가하거나 봇 ID를 지우면 봇 ID/암호 쌍이 다시 생성됩니다. 조치: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "지정된 ARM 템플릿을 Azure에 배포합니다.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "ARM 템플릿을 Azure에 배포하는 중...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Teams에서 애플리케이션을 디버그하려면 localhost 서버가 HTTPS에 있어야 합니다.\nTeams에서 도구 키트에 사용되는 자체 서명된 SSL 인증서를 신뢰하려면 자체 서명된 인증서를 인증서 저장소에 추가해야 합니다.\n 이 단계를 건너뛸 수 있지만 Teams에서 앱을 디버깅할 때 새 브라우저 창에서 수동으로 보안 연결을 신뢰해야 합니다.\n자세한 내용은 \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\"를 참조하세요.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " 인증서를 설치할 때 계정 자격 증명을 묻는 메시지가 표시될 수 있습니다.", "debug.install": "설치", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "SPFx 패키지를 SharePoint 앱 카탈로그에 배포합니다.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "테넌트 앱 카탈로그에 SPFx 패키지를 배포합니다.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "SharePoint 앱 카탈로그 만들기로 건너뜁니다.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "테넌트 앱 카탈로그에 SPFx 패키지를 업로드합니다.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint 테넌트 앱 카탈로그 %s이(가) 생성되었습니다. 활성화될 때까지 몇 분 동안 기다리세요.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "테넌트 앱 카탈로그를 찾을 수 없습니다. 재시도: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "만든 후 앱 카탈로그 사이트 URL을 가져올 수 없습니다. 몇 분 정도 기다렸다가 다시 시도해야 할 수 있습니다.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "테넌트에 유효한 앱 카탈로그가 없습니다. %s에서 'createAppCatalogIfNotExist' 속성을 true로 업데이트하면 Teams 도구 키트에서 자동으로 만들어지며, 직접 만들 수도 있습니다.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "SPFx 프로젝트에 추가 웹 파트 추가", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "웹 파트 %s이(가) 프로젝트에 추가되었습니다.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "스캐폴딩 웹 파트", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Yeoman CLI를 사용하여 SPFx 웹 파트 생성", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Azure Functions Core Tools 확인하고 설치할 수 없습니다.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": ".NET Core SDK를 확인하고 설치할 수 없습니다.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Teams 앱 테스트 도구를 검사 및 설치할 수 없습니다.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "종속성을 설치하는 중", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "개발 도구 확인 및 설치.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "localhost에 대한 개발 인증서가 설치되어 있습니다.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "localhost에 대한 개발 인증서가 생성되었습니다.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "localhost에 대한 개발 인증서 신뢰를 건너뜁니다.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools가 %s에 설치되어 있습니다.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools가 설치되어 있습니다.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": ".NET Core SDK가 %s에 설치되어 있습니다.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": ".NET Core SDK가 설치되어 있습니다.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "환경 파일에 변수를 생성하거나 업데이트합니다.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "변수가 %s에 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Teams 앱 테스트 도구가 %s에 설치되어 있습니다.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Teams 앱 테스트 도구가 설치되어 있습니다.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "JSON 파일을 만들거나 업데이트합니다.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "json 파일이 %s에 생성되었습니다.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "json 파일을 생성하는 중...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "환경 변수 생성 중...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "웹앱을 다시 시작할 수 없습니다.\n앱이 제대로 작동하지 않는 경우 웹앱을 수동으로 다시 시작하세요.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Azure App Service를 배포하는 데 시간이 오래 걸립니다. 배포를 최적화하려면 이 문서를 참조하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "배포 준비가 완료되었습니다. `%s`에서 패키지를 찾을 수 있습니다.", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s`을(를) Azure App Service에 배포했습니다.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s`을(를) Azure Functions에 배포했습니다.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s`을(를) Azure Storage에 배포했습니다.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage에서 정적 웹 사이트를 사용합니다.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "프로젝트를 Azure App Service에 배포합니다.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "프로젝트를 Azure Functions에 배포합니다.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "프로젝트를 Azure Storage에 배포합니다.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "Azure Storage에서 정적 웹 사이트 설정을 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "다시 시도해 주세요.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "원격 서비스 오류로 인해 Azure 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "dotnet 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "npm 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "npx 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s`에서 `%s` 명령을 실행했습니다.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "앱 패키지로 Microsoft 365 타이틀을 가져오기", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "앱 패키지로 Microsoft 365 타이틀을 가져오는 중...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 타이틀을 성공적으로 가져왔습니다(%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "생성된 Teams 앱 패키지를 SPFx 솔루션에 복사합니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "Teams 앱을 만듭니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "Teams 앱을 업데이트합니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "Teams 앱을 테넌트 앱 카탈로그에 게시합니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "Teams 앱의 유효성을 검사합니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "Teams 앱 패키지를 빌드합니다.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Teams 앱 패키지를 SPFx 솔루션에 복사하는 중...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams 앱을 만드는 중...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams 앱을 업데이트하는 중...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Teams 앱이 테넌트 앱 카탈로그에 이미 제출되었는지 확인", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "게시된 Teams 앱 업데이트", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Teams 앱을 게시하는 중...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱이 이미 있습니다. 새 Teams 앱 만들기를 건너뛰었습니다.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱이 조직의 앱 스토어에 이미 있습니다.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱이 조직의 앱 스토어에 없습니다.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "%s Teams 앱이 관리 포털에 게시되었습니다.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Teams 앱 %s이(가) %s에 성공적으로 복사되었습니다.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s 아래에 %s 아이콘이 업데이트되었습니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams 도구 키트가 모든 유효성 검사 규칙을 확인했습니다.\n\n요약:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\n전체 유효성 검사 로그는 %s에서 찾을 수 있습니다.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams 도구 키트가 해당 스키마로 매니페스트를 확인했습니다.\n\n요약:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s이(가) 전달됨", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s이(가) 실패함", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s 경고", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "모두", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams 도구 키트에서 앱 패키지의 유효성 검사 규칙 확인을 완료했습니다. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams 도구 키트에서 유효성 검사 규칙에 대해 앱 패키지 검사를 완료했습니다. %s. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 확인하세요.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "%s(으)로 인해 Teams 앱 패키지 유효성 검사에 실패했습니다.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Teams 앱 패키지 유효성 검사에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 확인하세요.", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "ID가 %s인 Teams 앱이 Teams 개발자 포털에 없습니다.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Teams 앱 ID %s 잘못되었습니다. GUID여야 합니다.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "dev.botframework.com에서 봇 등록을 만들거나 업데이트합니다.", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "봇 등록을 만들었습니다(%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "봇 등록이 업데이트되었습니다(%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "수명 주기 '%s'이(가) 정의되지 않았습니다. yaml 파일: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "다음 매개 변수(%s)가 누락되었거나 제공된 yaml 파일(%s)에 잘못된 값이 있으므로 '%s' 작업을 완료할 수 없습니다. 필수 매개변수가 제공되고 유효한 값이 있는지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "%s을(를) 설치할 수 없습니다. Visual Studio Code에서 도구 키트를 사용하는 경우 수동으로 설치하고 Visual Studio Code를 다시 시작할 수 있습니다.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "다음 환경 변수가 없기 때문에 프로그램을 진행할 수 없습니다: '%s', 파일에 필요한 것: %s. 올바른 이름과 값으로 .env 파일 '%s'을 편집하거나 올바른 이름과 값으로 시스템 환경 변수를 설정하여 필수 변수가 설정되었는지 확인하세요. Teams 도구 키트로 만든 새 프로젝트로 개발하는 경우 프로비전 또는 디버그를 실행하면 이러한 환경 변수에 대한 올바른 값이 등록됩니다.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "이 명령은 Teams Toolkit에서 만든 프로젝트에만 작동합니다.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "파일 또는 디렉터리를 찾을 수 없습니다. '%s'. 해당 항목이 있는지, 액세스할 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON 구문 오류: %s. JSON 구문을 확인하여 형식이 올바르게 지정되었는지 확인합니다.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "다음 이유로 인해 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다. %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "%s 작업을 수행하는 동안 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "다음 이유로 인해 파일을 쓸 수 없습니다. %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "파일 작업이 허용되지 않습니다. 필요한 권한이 있는지 확인하세요. %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "누락된 필수 입력: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "입력 '%s' 유효성 검사 실패: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": ".env 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "누락된 %s 필수 파일 '%s'", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "%s 작업을 수행하는 동안 http 클라이언트 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류 응답: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "%s 작업을 수행하는 동안 http 서버 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요. 오류 응답: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "이전 작업이 아직 실행 중입니다. 이전 작업이 완료될 때까지 기다린 후 다시 시도하십시오.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "이 프로젝트는 이미 최신 프로젝트이므로 업그레이드할 필요가 없습니다.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "'id' 키가 없어서 매니페스트 파일('%s')을 처리할 수 없습니다. 애플리케이션을 올바르게 식별하려면 매니페스트 파일에 'id' 키가 있는지 확인하세요.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "매니페스트 파일을 로드할 수 없습니다. 이유: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Azure 자격 증명을 가져올 수 없습니다. Azure 계정이 제대로 인증되었는지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "현재 계정에서 Azure 구독 '%s'을(를) 사용할 수 없습니다. 올바른 Azure 계정으로 로그인했고 구독에 액세스하는 데 필요한 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "리소스 그룹 '%s'이(가) 구독 '%s'에 이미 있습니다. 다른 이름을 선택하거나 작업에 대한 기존 리소스 그룹을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "현재 계정에서 구독을 선택할 수 없습니다.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "구독 '%s'에서 리소스 그룹 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "오류로 인해 구독 '%s'에서 리소스 그룹 '%s'을(를) 만들 수 없습니다: %s.\n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "오류로 인해 구독 '%s'에서 리소스 그룹 '%s'의 존재를 확인할 수 없습니다: %s.\n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "오류로 인해 구독 '%s'에서 리소스 그룹을 가져올 수 없습니다: %s. \n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "'%s' 오류로 인해 구독 '%s'에서 리소스 그룹 '%s'의 정보를 가져올 수 없습니다. \n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있는 경우 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "구독 '%s'에 대해 사용 가능한 리소스 그룹 위치를 가져올 수 없습니다.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Microsoft 365 토큰에 대한 JSON 개체를 가져올 수 없습니다. 계정이 테넌트에 액세스할 수 있는 권한이 있고 토큰 JSON 개체가 유효한지 확인하세요.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "토큰 JSON 개체에서 Microsoft 365 테넌트 ID를 가져올 수 없습니다. 계정에 테넌트에 액세스할 수 있는 권한이 있고 토큰 JSON 개체가 유효한지 확인하세요.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "인증 실패. 현재 .env 파일(TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s')에 지정된 것과 다른 Microsoft 365 테넌트 '%s'에 로그인되어 있습니다. 이 문제를 해결하고 현재 로그인한 테넌트로 전환하려면 .env 파일에서 '%s' 값을 제거하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "경로 '%s'에 있는 Bicep 파일을 JSON ARM 템플릿으로 컴파일할 수 없습니다. 반환된 오류 메시지: %s. Bicep 파일에서 구문 또는 구성 오류를 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "'%s'에서 Bicep CLI를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 오류 메시지: %s. 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요. 또는 구성 파일 teamapp.yml에서 bicepCliVersion 구성을 제거하면 Teams 도구 키트가 PATH에서 bicep CLI를 사용합니다.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "배포 이름 '%s'에 대한 ARM 템플릿을 리소스 그룹 '%s'에 배포할 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "배포 이름 '%s'에 대한 ARM 템플릿을 '%s' 리소스 그룹에 배포할 수 없습니다. 이유: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "배포 이름 '%s'에 대한 ARM 템플릿을 리소스 그룹 '%s'에 배포할 수 없습니다. 이유: %s.\n다음으로 인해 자세한 오류 메시지를 가져올 수 없습니다: %s.\n배포 오류는 포털에서 %s 리소스 그룹을 참조하세요.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "ARM 배포 결과를 작업 출력으로 변환할 수 없습니다. ARM 배포 결과에 중복된 키 '%s'이(가) 있습니다.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "배포 폴더 '%s'에서 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 폴더가 비어 있지 않고 필요한 모든 파일이 포함되어 있는지 확인하세요.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "프로세스 시간이 초과되어 배포 상태를 확인할 수 없습니다. 인터넷 연결을 확인하고 다시 시도하세요. 문제가 지속되면 Azure Portal에서 배포 로그(배포 -> 배포 센터 -> 로그)를 검토하여 발생한 문제를 식별하세요.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "리소스 그룹 '%s'에서 앱 '%s'의 게시 자격 증명을 얻을 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "다음 이유로 리소스 그룹 '%s'에서 앱 '%s'의 게시 자격 증명을 얻을 수 없습니다.\n %s.\n 제안:\n 1. 앱 이름과 리소스 그룹 이름의 철자가 정확하고 유효한지 확인합니다.\n 2. Azure 계정에 API에 액세스하는 데 필요한 권한이 있는지 확인합니다. 역할을 승격하거나 관리자게 추가 권한을 요청해야 할 수 있습니다.\n 3. 오류 메시지에 인증 실패 또는 네트워크 문제와 같은 특정 이유가 포함된 경우 해당 문제를 구체적으로 조사하여 오류를 해결하고 다시 시도하세요.\n 4. 이 페이지에서 API를 테스트할 수 있습니다: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "zip 패키지를 엔드포인트에 배포할 수 없습니다: '%s'. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "오류로 인해 Azure의 엔드포인트 '%s'에 zip 패키지를 배포할 수 없습니다: %s.\n제안:\n 1. Azure 계정에 API에 액세스하는 데 필요한 권한이 있는지 확인합니다.\n 2. 엔드포인트가 Azure에서 제대로 구성되었고 필수 리소스가 프로비전되었는지 확인합니다.\n 3. zip 패키지가 유효하고 오류가 없는지 확인하세요.\n 4. 오류 메시지에 인증 실패 또는 네트워크 문제와 같은 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.\n 5. 오류가 계속되면 다음 링크의 지침에 따라 수동으로 패키지 배포를 시도할 수 있습니다. '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "오류로 인해 '%s' 위치에 대한 배포 상태를 확인할 수 없습니다: %s. 문제가 지속되면 Azure Portal에서 배포 로그(배포 -> 배포 센터 -> 로그)를 검토하여 발생한 문제를 식별하세요.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "패키지가 위치: '%s'에 대해 Azure에 성공적으로 배포되었지만 오류로 인해 애플리케이션을 시작할 수 없습니다: %s.\n 이유가 명확하게 지정되지 않은 경우 문제 해결을 위한 몇 가지 제안 사항은 다음과 같습니다.\n 1. 애플리케이션 로그 확인: 애플리케이션 로그에서 오류 메시지 또는 스택 추적을 찾아 문제의 근본 원인을 식별합니다.\n 2. Azure 구성 확인: 연결 문자열 및 애플리케이션 설정을 포함하여 Azure 구성이 올바른지 확인합니다.\n 3. 애플리케이션 코드 확인: 코드를 검토하여 문제를 일으킬 수 있는 구문 또는 논리 오류가 있는지 확인합니다.\n 4. 종속성 확인: 애플리케이션에 필요한 모든 종속성이 올바르게 설치되고 업데이트되었는지 확인합니다.\n 5. 애플리케이션 다시 시작: Azure에서 애플리케이션을 다시 시작하여 문제가 해결되는지 확인합니다.\n 6. 리소스 할당 확인: Azure 인스턴스에 대한 리소스 할당이 애플리케이션 및 해당 워크로드에 적합한지 확인합니다.\n 7. Azure 지원에 도움 요청: 문제가 지속되면 Azure 지원에 문의하여 추가 지원을 받으세요.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "스크립트 실행 시간 초과: %s. yaml에서 'timeout' 매개 변수를 조정하거나 스크립트의 효율성을 개선하세요.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "스크립트('%s') 실행 오류: %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에서 Blob 파일을 지울 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에서 Blob 파일을 지울 수 없습니다. Azure의 오류 응답은 다음과 같습니다.\n %s.\n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에 '%s' 로컬 폴더를 업로드할 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "오류로 인해 Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에서 컨테이너 '%s'의 속성을 가져올 수 없습니다: %s. Azure의 오류 응답은 다음과 같습니다.\n %s.\n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있으면 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "오류로 인해 Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에서 컨테이너 '%s'의 속성을 설정할 수 없습니다: %s. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "'%s' 오류로 인해 Azure Storage 계정 '%s'에서 컨테이너 '%s'의 속성을 설정할 수 없습니다. Azure의 오류 응답은 다음과 같습니다.\n %s. \n오류 메시지에 이유가 명시되어 있는 경우 오류를 수정하고 다시 시도하세요.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "%s 경로에서 매니페스트 ID를 로드할 수 없습니다. 먼저 프로비전을 실행해야 합니다.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "%s 앱 ID를 찾을 수 없습니다. 현재 M365 계정에 권한이 없거나 앱이 삭제되었을 수 있습니다." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pl.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pl.json index 1a6d926054..363de978c3 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pl.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pl.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Inicjowanie ustanowienia", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Konto platformy Azure: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Subskrypcja platformy Azure: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Konto platformy Microsoft 365: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Koszt może być naliczany zgodnie z użyciem. Czy chcesz ustanowić zasoby w środowisku %s przy użyciu kont wymienionych powyżej?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Czy chcesz wdrożyć zasoby w środowisku %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Wyświetl aprowizowane zasoby", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Aplikacja usługi Azure Active Directory została pomyślnie wdrożona. Kliknij pozycję „Dowiedz się więcej”, aby sprawdzić, jak wyświetlić aplikację usługi Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Aplikacja usługi Azure Active Directory została pomyślnie zaktualizowana.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Aby rozwiązać problemy z aplikacją bota na platformie Azure, kliknij pozycję „Dowiedz się więcej”, aby zobaczyć dokumentację.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Wdróż", "core.option.confirm": "Potwierdź", - "core.option.cancel": "Anuluj", - "core.option.learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Uaktualnij", "core.option.moreInfo": "Więcej informacji", "core.progress.create": "Utwórz", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Pobieranie szablonu aplikacji.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Pobieranie przykładowego elementu %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Wdróż", "core.progress.publish": "Opublikuj", "core.progress.provision": "Aprowizuj", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Konfigurowanie usługi Microsoft Azure Storage, włączanie ustawienia statycznej witryny internetowej.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Uruchom polecenie %s o %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Wdrażanie %s do %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Więcej informacji", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Potwierdź uaktualnienie", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Uaktualnij projekt zestawu narzędzi Teams Toolkit, aby zachować zgodność z najnowszą wersją. Zostanie utworzony katalog kopii zapasowej wraz z podsumowaniem uaktualnienia.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Uaktualnij swoje rozwiązanie, aby zachować zgodność z najnowszą wersją zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams. Zostanie wygenerowany katalog kopii zapasowej, w którym zawarty jest raport uaktualnienia.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "Plik templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json nie istnieje. Być może próbujesz uaktualnić projekt utworzony przez zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams dla programu Visual Studio Code v3.x / interfejs wiersza polecenia zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams v0.x / zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams dla programu Visual Studio w wersji 17.3. Zainstaluj zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams dla programu Visual Studio Code w wersji 4.x / interfejs wiersza polecenia zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams w wersji 1.x / zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams dla programu Visual Studio w wersji 17.4 i najpierw uruchom uaktualnienie.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "Plik templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json jest nieprawidłowy.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Ten projekt jest przeznaczony tylko do wyświetlania podglądu i nie będzie obsługiwany przez zestaw narzędzi Teams. Wypróbuj zestaw narzędzi Teams, tworząc nowy projekt", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Wersja wstępna zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams obsługuje nową konfigurację projektu i jest niezgodna z poprzednimi wersjami. Wypróbuj tworząc nowy projekt lub uruchamiając „uaktualnienie teamsfx”, aby najpierw uaktualnić projekt.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Twoja wersja interfejsu wiersza polecenia w usłudze TeamsFx jest stara i nie obsługuje bieżącego projektu. Uaktualnij do najnowszej wersji za pomocą poniższego polecenia:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Bieżący projekt jest niezgodny z zainstalowaną wersją zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Projekt w rozwiązaniu jest tworzony za pomocą funkcji zestawu narzędzi Teams Toolkit w wersji zapoznawczej — ulepszenia konfiguracji aplikacji Teams. Możesz włączyć funkcję w wersji zapoznawczej, aby kontynuować.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Pomyślnie wdrożono szablony usługi ARM. Nazwa grupy zasobów: %s. Nazwa wdrożenia: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "Pomyślnie wyświetlono listę właścicieli aplikacji platformy Microsoft 365. Możesz wyświetlić listę w [panelu danych wyjściowych](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Udzielanie uprawnień", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Adres e-mail współpracownika nie może mieć wartości null ani być taki sam jak bieżący użytkownik", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Nie można odnaleźć użytkownika w bieżącej dzierżawie. Sprawdź, czy Twój adres e-mail jest poprawny", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Udziel uprawnień użytkownikowi %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Konto do udzielenia uprawnień: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Rozpoczynanie udzielania uprawnień dla środowiska: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "Identyfikator dzierżawy: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "przyznano uprawnienie ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", Identyfikator zasobu: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Wyświetlanie listy uprawnień platformy Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Konto używane do sprawdzania: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nRozpoczynanie wyświetlania listy wszystkich właścicieli aplikacji Teams dla środowiska: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nRozpoczynanie wyświetlania listy wszystkich właścicieli aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory dla środowiska: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Aplikacja Teams na platformie Microsoft 365 (identyfikator: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "aplikacja AAD logowania jednokrotnego (identyfikator: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Właściciel aplikacji Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Właściciel aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Rozpoczynanie sprawdzania uprawnień dla środowiska: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "Identyfikator zasobu: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "niezdefiniowany", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Nazwa zasobu: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Uprawnienie: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Nie można odnaleźć manifestu z pobranego pakietu dla aplikacji Teams %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Struktura", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Nazwa składnika Web Part programu SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "Folder %s już istnieje. Wybierz inną nazwę składnika.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "Element %s nie jest zgodny ze wzorcem: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Wybierz opcję tworzenia szkieletów", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Użyj programu SPFx zainstalowanego globalnie (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Korzystanie z programu SPFx zainstalowanego globalnie", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "Model SPFx %s lub nowszy", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Instalowanie najnowszego programu SPFx (%s) lokalnie w katalogu zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Instalowanie najnowszego programu SPFx lokalnie w katalogu zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Rozwiązanie programu SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Utwórz nowe rozwiązanie SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Tworzenie aplikacji jako karty usługi Teams przy użyciu składników Web Part platformy SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importuj istniejące rozwiązanie SPFx", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Prezentowanie składnika Web Part platformy SPFx po stronie klienta jako karty aplikacji Microsoft Teams lub aplikacji osobistej", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Pakiet programu SharePoint %s został pomyślnie wdrożony w usłudze [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Nie można odnaleźć pakietu %s programu SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Nie można pobrać tokenu dostępu SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Nie można pobrać tokenu dostępu programu Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Nie można przekazać i wdrożyć pakietu w wykazie aplikacji %s. Potrzebujesz uprawnień administratora dzierżawców platformy Microsoft 365 w swojej organizacji. Możesz uzyskać bezpłatną dzierżawę platformy Microsoft 365 na potrzeby testowania w ramach [programu dla deweloperów platformy Microsoft 365](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Nie można utworzyć wykazu aplikacji dzierżawy. Przyczyna: %s, stos: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Nie można przekazać pakietu aplikacji z powodu %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Tworzenie pakietu programu SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Przekaż i wdróż pakiet programu Microsoft Office SharePoint Online", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Tworzenie szkieletu projektu", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia „npm install” z powodu błędu %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Nie można zweryfikować pakietu %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "W projekcie SPFx nie ma pliku yo-rc.json. Dodaj plik konfiguracji i spróbuj ponownie.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Środowisko programistyczne SPFx nie zostało poprawnie skonfigurowane. Możesz kliknąć pozycję „Uzyskaj pomoc”, aby postępować zgodnie z przewodnikiem, aby skonfigurować odpowiednie środowisko.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Trwa sprawdzanie zależności...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Instalowanie zależności. Może to potrwać ponad 5 minut.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Generuj projekt SPFx przy użyciu interfejsu wiersza polecenia Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Aktualizuj manifest składnika Web Part", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Nie można pobrać dzierżawy %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Napotkano nieznane problemy podczas konfigurowania środowiska SPFx w folderze %s. Możesz postępować zgodnie ze wskazówkami w poradniku [Konfigurowanie środowiska programistycznego programu SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s) w celu skonfigurowania globalnego środowiska SPFx.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Tworzenie projektu zakończyło się niepowodzeniem. Możliwe przyczyny mogą pochodzić z generatora programu Yeoman SharePoint. Sprawdź [panel wyjściowyy](%s), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Nie można pobrać informacji o istniejącym rozwiązaniu modelu SPFx. Upewnij się, że rozwiązanie modelu SPFx jest prawidłowe.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Nie można skopiować istniejącego rozwiązania platformy SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Nie można zaktualizować szablonów projektu przy użyciu istniejącego rozwiązania platformy SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Nie można zaimportować istniejącego rozwiązania SPFx do zestawu narzędzi Teams: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Importowanie rozwiązania modelu SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Trwa kopiowanie istniejącego rozwiązania modelu SPFx...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Trwa generowanie szablonów na podstawie informacji o rozwiązaniu...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Trwa aktualizowanie szablonów...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Twoje rozwiązanie SPFx zostało pomyślnie zaimportowane do %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Zestaw narzędzi Teams pomyślnie zaimportował twoje rozwiązanie SPFx. Pełny dziennik szczegółów importu można znaleźć w lokalizacji %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams nie może zaimportować rozwiązania modelu SPFx. Pełny dziennik szczegółów importu można znaleźć w lokalizacji %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Sprawdź, czy masz uprawnienia do odczytu/zapisu w systemie plików.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Sprawdź, czy masz uprawnienia do konta usługi Azure Storage.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Możesz pobrać wygasłe poświadczenia. Sprawdź, czy czas systemowy jest poprawny.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Spróbuj ponownie wykonać bieżący krok.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Pakiet Teams został pomyślnie skompilowany pod adresem [adres lokalny](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Pakiet aplikacji Teams został pomyślnie skompilowany w lokalizacji %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Trwa tworzenie pakietu aplikacji Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Weryfikacja manifestu nie powiodła się!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Trwa weryfikowanie manifestu...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Trwa weryfikowanie pakietu aplikacji...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Przejdź do portalu administracyjnego", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "Pomyślnie opublikowano [%s] w portalu administratora (%s). Po zatwierdzeniu aplikacja będzie dostępna dla Twojej organizacji. Dowiedz się więcej na stronie %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Czy chcesz przesłać nową aktualizację?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Aplikacja Teams została utworzona %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Zaktualizowano aplikację Teams %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Manifest aplikacji Teams został pomyślnie wdrożony. Kliknij pozycję „Wyświetl w portalu deweloperów”, aby wyświetlić aplikację w portalu deweloperów Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Manifest aplikacji Teams został pomyślnie wdrożony w ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Konfiguracje plików manifestu zostały już zmodyfikowane. Czy chcesz kontynuować ponowne generowanie pliku manifestu i aktualizację do platformy Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Plik manifestu na platformie Teams został zmieniony od czasu ostatniej aktualizacji. Czy chcesz kontynuować aktualizowanie i zastępowanie pliku manifestu na platformie Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "Aplikacja %s została już przesłana do wykazu aplikacji dzierżawy.\nStan: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Ostatnia modyfikacja: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Tylko wersja zapoznawcza", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Podgląd i aktualizacja", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Zastąp i zaktualizuj", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Nie można odnaleźć żadnych plików w pakiecie aplikacji %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Plik %s nie został przetworzony przez zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Wyświetl w portalu deweloperów", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Wybierz wyzwalacze", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Wybierz wyzwalacze", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Działająca funkcja hostowana w usłudze Azure Functions może nasłuchiwać żądań HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Wyzwalacz HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Działająca funkcja hostowana w usłudze Azure Functions może nasłuchiwać żądania HTTP i odpowiadać na podstawie określonego harmonogramu.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "Wyzwalacz HTTP i czasomierz", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify— serwer", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Działający serwer Restify hostowany w usłudze Azure App Service może nasłuchiwać żądań HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Wyzwalacz HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Serwer internetowego interfejsu API", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Działający serwer Web API hostowany w usłudze Azure App Service może nasłuchiwać żądań HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Wyzwalacz HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Uruchomiona funkcja hostowana w usłudze Azure Functions może odpowiadać zgodnie z określonym harmonogramem.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Wyzwalacz czasomierza", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Nie otwarto żadnego projektu. Możesz utworzyć nowy projekt lub otworzyć istniejący projekt.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Nazwa środowiska może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry, _ i -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Jeśli nie chcesz przeprowadzić uaktualnienia, kontynuuj korzystanie ze starej wersji zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Nieprawidłowe dane wejściowe: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "Środowisko projektu %s już istnieje.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Metoda nie jest zaimplementowana: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Nie można pobrać elementu „%s” z identyfikatora zasobu: „%s”", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Nie można odnaleźć subskrypcji.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Anulowano użytkownika. Aby aplikacja Teams ufała certyfikatowi SSL z podpisem własnym używanym przez zestaw narzędzi, certyfikat z podpisem własnym musi zostać dodany do magazynu certyfikatów.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Aplikacja filtru wideo w trybie zdalnym nie jest obsługiwana przez zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams. Sprawdź plik README.md w folderze głównym projektu.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Nie można utworzyć aplikacji Teams w portalu deweloperów usługi Teams z powodu %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Nie można zaktualizować aplikacji Teams o identyfikatorze %s w portalu deweloperów usługi Teams z powodu %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Wywołanie interfejsu API do witryny Portal deweloperów zakończyło się niepowodzeniem. Sprawdź polecenie [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Wywołanie interfejsu API do portalu deweloperów nie powiodło się: %s, %s, nazwa interfejsu API: %s, identyfikator korelacji X: %s. Może to wynikać z sporadycznego błędu usługi. Poczekaj kilka minut i spróbuj ponownie wykonać bieżący krok.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Wywołanie interfejsu API do portalu deweloperów nie powiodło się: %s, %s, ścieżka żądania: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Nie można opublikować aplikacji Teams o identyfikatorze %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Kompilacja pakietu Teams nie powiodła się!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Sprawdzanie uprawnienia nie powiodło się. Przyczyna: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Udzielanie uprawnień nie powiodło się. Przyczyna: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Wyświetlanie listy współpracowników nie powiodło się. Przyczyna: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Nie można odnaleźć aplikacji Teams o identyfikatorze %s. Przed zaktualizowaniem manifestu na platformie usługi Teams musisz najpierw uruchomić debugowanie lub aprowizację.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Nieprawidłowa możliwość: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Nie można dodać możliwości %s, osiąga ona limit.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Nie można odnaleźć karty statycznej o identyfikatorze jednostki %s. Nie można zaktualizować.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "Możliwość %s nie istnieje w manifeście. Nie można zaktualizować.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Znaleziono nieprawidłowy identyfikator w manifeście.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Nie można pobrać schematu z %s. Komunikat: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Schemat manifestu nie jest zdefiniowany", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Spróbuj wygenerować pakiet z \"pakietu aplikacji Zip Teams\" i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Nie można utworzyć aplikacji Teams z powodu błędu konfliktu 409. Identyfikator aplikacji może być w konflikcie z inną aplikacją w Twojej dzierżawie. Kliknij pozycję Uzyskaj pomoc, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Aplikacja Teams o tym identyfikatorze już istnieje w sklepie z aplikacjami Twojej organizacji. Ręcznie zaktualizuj identyfikator aplikacji i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Bieżące konto nie może uzyskać tokenu botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Aprowizacja platformy botframework zwraca zabroniony wynik próby utworzenia rejestracji bota.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Aprowizacja botframework zwraca wynik konfliktu z próby utworzenia rejestracji bota.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Nie można pobrać pakietu zip i otworzyć lokalnego pakietu zip.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Nie można odnaleźć szablonu: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Nie można odnaleźć przykładu: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Nie można pobrać pakietu zip z elementu %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Nie można rozpakować szablonów i zapisać ich na dysku.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Nie można znaleźć klucza %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Nie można pobrać przykładu z powodu ograniczania przepustowości. Ponów próbę później po zresetowaniu limitu szybkości (może to potrwać do 1 godziny). Alternatywnie możesz przejść do lokalizacji %s, aby ręcznie sklonować repozytorium w usłudze Git", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Nie można pobrać przykładu z powodu błędu sieci. Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe i spróbuj ponownie. Alternatywnie możesz przejść do lokalizacji %s, aby ręcznie sklonować repozytorium w usłudze Git", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Nie można przeanalizować adresu URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Nie można pobrać manifestu wtyczki OpenAI z „%s”.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Nie można rozszerzyć aplikacji Teams na platformę Microsoft 365. Użyj akcji „teamsApp/extendToM365”, aby rozszerzyć aplikację Teams na platformę Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Nazwa aplikacji musi rozpoczynać się od liter i zawierać co najmniej dwie litery lub cyfry. Nie może zawierać niektórych znaków specjalnych.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Długość nazwy aplikacji przekracza maksymalną długość wynoszącą 30 znaków.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Ścieżka istnieje: %s. Wybierz inną nazwę aplikacji.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Wybierz język programowania.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "Program SPFx obecnie obsługuje tylko język TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Otwórz samouczek", "core.option.github": "Otwórz przewodnik usługi GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Otwórz przewodnik po produkcie", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Karta", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importowanie istniejącego projektu dodatku programu Outlook", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Kopiowanie plików", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Konwertowanie projektu", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modyfikowanie manifestu", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Aplikacja oparta na interfejsie użytkownika", "core.TabOption.detail": "Strony internetowe obsługujące aplikację Teams osadzone w usłudze Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Pulpit nawigacyjny", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Kanwa z kartami i widżetami do wyświetlania ważnych informacji", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Bot podstawowy", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Prosta implementacja echo bota, który jest gotowy do dostosowania", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Rozwijanie linku", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Wyświetlanie informacji i akcji po wklejeniu adresu URL do obszaru redagowania wiadomości", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Zbierz dane wejściowe i przetwarzaj formularze", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Rozszerzenie Message", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Niestandardowy interfejs użytkownika, gdy użytkownicy redagują wiadomości w aplikacji Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Pobierz dane wejściowe użytkownika, wykonaj jakąś akcję i wyślij z powrotem dostosowane wyniki", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Powiadomienie na czacie", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Powiadamianie i informowanie za pomocą wiadomości wyświetlanych w czatach aplikacji Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Polecenie czatu", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Tworzenie interfejsu użytkownika za pomocą programu SharePoint Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Karta podstawowa", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Prosta implementacja aplikacji internetowej, którą można dostosowywać", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams sprawdził specyfikację interfejsu API:\n\nPodsumowanie:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams sprawdził manifest wtyczki OpenAI:\n\nPodsumowanie:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "Operacja %s nie powiodła się", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Ostrzeżenie: %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Wykryliśmy następujące problemy dotyczące pliku specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "Ograniczania ryzyka %s: nie jest wymagane, identyfikator operationId został wygenerowany automatycznie i dodany do pliku „%s”.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "Maksymalna liczba znaków dla wartości „%s” to %s. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Brak pełnego opisu. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Ograniczanie ryzyka: zaktualizuj pole „%s” w „%s”.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Brak elementu „%s” w poleceniu „%s”.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Ograniczanie ryzyka: utwórz szablon karty adaptacyjnej w „%s”, a następnie zaktualizuj pole „%s” do ścieżki względnej w „%s”.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Funkcje", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Wybierz funkcję", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Podgląd w systemie Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Działa w aplikacjach Teams i Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Działa w aplikacjach Teams, Outlook i Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Działa w aplikacjach Teams, Outlook i Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Konwersacyjne lub informacyjne środowiska czatu, które mogą automatyzować powtarzające się zadania", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Funkcje aplikacji używające bota", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Wyszukaj lub zainicjuj akcje z obszaru redagowania czatu w aplikacji Teams i Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Funkcje aplikacji używające rozszerzenia wiadomości", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Dostosuj wstążkę i okienko zadań przy użyciu zawartości sieci Web", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Dodatek do programu Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Funkcje aplikacji używające dodatku programu Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Osadź własną zawartość sieci Web w aplikacji Teams, Outlook i aplikacji Micosoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Funkcje aplikacji używające karty", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Utwórz wtyczkę, aby rozszerzyć funkcję Copilot przy użyciu interfejsów API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Wtyczka dla funkcji Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Wtyczka dla funkcji Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Wybierz opcję", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Nowy projekt", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Rozpocznij od nowego interfejsu API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Tworzenie wtyczki przy użyciu nowego interfejsu API z poziomu usługi Azure Functions", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Rozpocznij od specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Tworzenie wtyczki na podstawie istniejącego interfejsu API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Rozpocznij od wtyczki OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Konwertowanie wtyczki OpenAI na wtyczkę rozwiązania Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Specyfikacja interfejsu OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Wprowadź adres URL specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Wprowadź lokalizację specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifest wtyczki OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Wprowadź domenę witryny internetowej", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Wprowadź prawidłowy adres URL", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Wprowadź prawidłową domenę", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Wybieranie operacji", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Wyświetlane są tylko metody GET i POST z pojedynczym parametrem i bez uwierzytelniania", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Metody zdefiniowane w pliku manifest.json nie są wymienione", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Nieprawidłowa specyfikacja interfejsu API. Sprawdź panel danych wyjściowych, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Nieprawidłowa specyfikacja interfejsu API. Sprawdź [panel danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Nieprawidłowy manifest wtyczki OpenAI. Sprawdź panel danych wyjściowych, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Nieprawidłowy manifest wtyczki OpenAI. Sprawdź [panel danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "Brak adresu URL w: „%s”.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Typ uwierzytelniania nie jest obsługiwany. Obsługiwany typ uwierzytelniania: „%s”.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Czatbot AI", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Czatbot korzystający z biblioteki AI usługi Teams", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Folder rozwiązania programu SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Wybierz folder zawierający rozwiązanie programu SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Wybierz środowisko", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Nazwa nowego środowiska", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Nazwa nowego środowiska", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Nazwa środowiska może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry, _ i -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Nie można utworzyć środowiska '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Nie można wyświetlić listy konfiguracji env", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "Środowisko projektu %s już istnieje.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Wybierz środowisko do utworzenia kopii", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Wybierz grupę zasobów", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Nowa nazwa grupy zasobów", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Nowa nazwa grupy zasobów", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Nazwa może zawierać tylko znaki alfanumeryczne lub symbole ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Lokalizacja nowej grupy zasobów", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Folder _obszaru roboczego", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Wybierz folder, który będzie zawierać folder główny projektu", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Tworzenie nowej aplikacji", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Użyj zestawu narzędzi Teams, aby utworzyć nową aplikację Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Rozpocznij od przykładu", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Użyj istniejącego przykładu jako punktu wyjścia dla nowej aplikacji.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Szybkie środowisko uruchomieniowe serwera JavaScript", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Bezpłatne. Międzyplatformowe. Open source.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Zestaw narzędzi Teams: Wybieranie środowiska uruchomieniowego dla aplikacji", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Rozpocznij od przykładu", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Wybierz przykładowy dziennik", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Wyświetl przykłady", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Utwórz nowe boty do debugowania", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Usuń zaznaczenie, aby zachować oryginalną wartość identyfikatora botId", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Zaktualizuj identyfikator botId %s do „${{BOT_ID}}” w pliku manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Zaktualizuj identyfikator botId %s do „${{BOT_ID}}” w pliku manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Konfiguruj adresy URL witryn internetowych na potrzeby debugowania", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "zaktualizuj adres URL zawartości z %s do %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "zaktualizuj adres URL witryny internetowej z %s do %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Usuń zaznaczenie, aby zachować oryginalny adres URL", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Logowanie jednokrotne", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Opracuj funkcję logowania jednokrotnego dla stron uruchamiania aplikacji Teams i funkcji bota", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Dodaj właściciela do aplikacji Teams/AAD dla konta w tej samej dzierżawie platformy Microsoft 365 (adres e-mail)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Adres e-mail nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Zmień nazwę użytkownika [UserName] na rzeczywistą nazwę użytkownika", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Nie można załadować pliku .env. Przyczyna: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Wybierz plik manifest.json usługi Azure Active Directory", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Wybierz plik manifest.json usługi Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Wybierz plik pakietu aplikacji Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Wybierz lokalny plik manifest.json aplikacji Teams", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Wybierz aplikację, której współpracownikami chcesz zarządzać", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Wybierz metodę weryfikacji", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Weryfikuj przy użyciu schematu manifestu", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Weryfikuj przy użyciu schematu manifestu", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Weryfikowanie pakietu aplikacji przy użyciu reguł walidacji", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Weryfikowanie pakietu aplikacji przy użyciu reguł walidacji", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Potwierdź, że manifest został poprawnie wybrany", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Aplikacja usługi Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Aplikacja usługi Azure Active Directory do logowania jednokrotnego", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Aplikacja Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Twoja aplikacja Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Zareaguj przy użyciu interfejsu użytkownika usługi Fluent", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Aplikacja internetowa, która używa składników zestawu Fluent UI React, aby uzyskać wygląd i działanie aplikacji Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Niestandardowe wyniki wyszukiwania", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Wyświetlaj dane bezpośrednio w wynikach wyszukiwania aplikacji Teams i programu Outlook z poziomu wyszukiwania lub obszaru czatu", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Wyświetlaj dane z obszaru wyszukiwania lub czatu bezpośrednio w wynikach wyszukiwania usługi Teams.", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Platforma", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Wybierz platformę, aby wyświetlić podgląd aplikacji", "core.options.separator.additional": "Dodatkowe funkcje", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Pomyślnie przygotowano aplikację Teams.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Pomyślnie wykonano akcje %s/%s na etapie aprowizacji.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Pomyślnie wykonano akcje %s/%s na etapie wdrażania.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Pomyślnie wykonano akcje %s/%s na etapie publikowania.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Aplikacja klasyczna Teams, identyfikator klienta mobilnego", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Identyfikator klienta internetowego aplikacji Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Identyfikator klienta aplikacji Microsoft 365 dla komputerów stacjonarnych", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Identyfikator klienta klasycznego programu Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Identyfikator klienta 1 programu Outlook Web Access", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Identyfikator klienta 2 programu Outlook Web Access", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operacja została anulowana.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "Wersja interfejsu OpenAPI starsza niż 3.0.0 nie jest obsługiwana.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "W pliku specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI nie znaleziono informacji o serwerze.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "W pliku specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI znaleziono informacje o wielu serwerach.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Odwołanie zdalne jest nieobsługiwane: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Brak identyfikatorów operationIds: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "Nie znaleziono obsługiwanego interfejsu API w pliku specyfikacji interfejsu OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "Element „additionalProperties” nie jest obsługiwany i zostanie zignorowany.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Schematy „oneOf”, „anyOf” i „not” nie są obsługiwane: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Nieznany schemat: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "Adres URL serwera jest niepoprawny: protokół %s nie jest obsługiwany. Zamiast niego należy użyć protokołu HTTPS.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "Adres URL serwera jest niepoprawny: względny adres URL serwera nie jest obsługiwany.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importuj istniejące dodatki programu Outlook", "core.importAddin.detail": "Uaktualnij i dodaj projekt dodatków do najnowszego manifestu aplikacji i struktury projektu", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Okienko zadań", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Dostosuj pozycję Wstążka za pomocą przycisku i osadź zawartość w okienku zadań", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Akcja %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "Pomyślnie wykonano %s.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Plik środowiska został utworzony o", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "Pomyślnie dodano: %s do %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Trwa ładowanie opcji...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Trwa ładowanie wartości domyślnej...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "brak nazwy\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "Brak elementu requiredResourceAccess\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "Brak elementu oauth2Permissions\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "Brak elementu preAuthorizedApplications\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "Wartość accessTokenAcceptedVersion to 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "Brak elementu optionalClaims\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "Token dostępu optionalClaims nie zawiera oświadczenia idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "W manifeście usługi AAD występują następujące problemy, które mogą potencjalnie spowodować przerwanie działania aplikacji Teams:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Nie można zaktualizować lub usunąć istniejącego uprawnienia, gdy jest ono włączone. Jedną z możliwych przyczyn jest zmiana zmiennej środowiskowej ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID dla wybranego środowiska. Upewnij się, że identyfikatory uprawnień są identyczne z rzeczywistą aplikacją usługi AAD, i spróbuj ponownie.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "Nieznany identyfikator resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "Nieznany element resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Nieznany identyfikator resourceAccess: %s, jeśli używasz uprawnienia jako identyfikatora resourceAccess, spróbuj użyć identyfikatora uprawnienia.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Ścieżka projektu jest pusta", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Nie można utworzyć plików na potrzeby dodawania logowania jednokrotnego. Szczegóły błędu: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Sugestie: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "Element %s jest nieprawidłowy z wartością: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "Brak elementu %s.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Nie można zainicjować obsługi administracyjnej dla: %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Nie można zaktualizować konfiguracji dla %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Nie znaleziono rejestracji bota o identyfikatorze botId %s. Kliknij przycisk „Uzyskaj pomoc”, aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat sprawdzania rejestracji botów.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Zasób bota już istniał w %s. Pomiń tworzenie zasobu bota.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Nie można pobrać poświadczeń platformy Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Aprowizowanie rejestracji bota.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Pomyślnie aprowizowano rejestrację bota.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Sprawdź dziennik w panelu danych wyjściowych i spróbuj rozwiązać ten problem.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Rejestracja bota w portalu deweloperów", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Nie można pobrać najnowszego szablonu z usługi GitHub. Próba użycia szablonu lokalnego.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Zainstaluj wymagane zależności ręcznie.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Aby debugować funkcje lokalne, musisz mieć zainstalowany program NPM.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Nie można zweryfikować narzędzi Azure Functions Core Tools po instalacji.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Miejsce docelowe linku symbolicznego już istnieje", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Twoja platforma Node.js (@NodeVersion) jest niezgodna z zestawem narzędzi aplikacji Teams usługi Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Format wersji %s jest nieprawidłowy.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Instalacja narzędzi Azure Functions Core Tools jest niekompletna.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Wersja narzędzi Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) jest niezgodna z określonym zakresem wersji (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "Pomyślnie zainstalowano wersję @NameVersion.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Pobieranie i instalowanie przenośnej wersji @NameVersion, która zostanie zainstalowana w @InstallDir i nie wpłynie na środowisko.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Pobieranie i instalowanie przenośnej wersji @NameVersion, która zostanie zainstalowana w @InstallDir i nie wpłynie na środowisko.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "Pomyślnie zainstalowano @NameVersion.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Korzystanie z narzędzia dotnet ze ŚCIEŻKI:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Polecenie dotnet-install nie powiodło się bez kodu wyjścia błędu, ale z niepustym błędem standardowym.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Polecenie dotnet-install nie powiodło się.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć środowiska Node.js. Obsługiwane wersje węzłów są określone w pliku package.json. Przejdź do %s, aby zainstalować obsługiwany plik Node.js. Po zakończeniu instalacji uruchom ponownie wszystkie wystąpienia programu Visual Studio Code.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Platforma Node.js (%s) nie jest oficjalnie obsługiwaną wersją (%s). Twój projekt może nadal działać, ale zalecamy zainstalowanie obsługiwanej wersji. Obsługiwane wersje węzłów są określone w pliku package.json. Przejdź do wersji %s, aby zainstalować obsługiwaną platformę Node.js.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Platforma Node.js (%s) nie jest wersją LTS (%s). Przejdź do , obszaru %s, aby zainstalować wersję LTS platformy Node.js.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć @NameVersion. Aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje o tym, dlaczego potrzebny jest zestaw .NET SDK, zobacz @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć klasy @SupportedPackages.\n\n Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams wymaga tych zależności.\n\nKliknij pozycję „Zainstaluj”, aby zainstalować @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć pakietu @SupportedPackages. Zainstaluj @SupportedPackages ręcznie i uruchom ponownie program Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Nie można odnaleźć @SupportedPackages.\n\nZestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams wymaga tych zależności.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Nie można pobrać pliku z adresu „@Url”, stan HTTP: „@Status”.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Nieprawidłowy argument sprawdzania wymagań wstępnych aplikacji do testowania rozszerzalności wideo. Sprawdź plik tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Nie można zweryfikować aplikacji do testowania rozszerzalności wideo po instalacji.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Wersja narzędzia testowego aplikacji Teams (%s) jest niezgodna z określonym zakresem wersji (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Nie można zweryfikować narzędzia testowego aplikacji Teams po instalacji. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Nazwy wyjściowych zmiennych środowiskowych nie są zdefiniowane.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Utwórz aplikację Azure Active Directory, aby uwierzytelnić użytkowników", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Zastosuj manifest aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory do istniejącej aplikacji", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "Zmienna środowiskowa %s nie jest ustawiona.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Nie można wygenerować klucza tajnego klienta.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Brak pola %s lub jest ono nieprawidłowe w manifeście aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Trwa tworzenie aplikacji Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Trwa aktualizowanie aplikacji Azure Active Directory...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Wykonywanie akcji %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Akcja %s została wykonana pomyślnie", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Nie można wykonać akcji %s. Komunikat o błędzie: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Zmienna środowiskowa %s nie istnieje, trwa tworzenie nowej aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Utworzono aplikację usługi Azure Active Directory o identyfikatorze obiektu %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Zmienna środowiskowa %s już istnieje, pomijanie nowego kroku tworzenia aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Zmienna środowiskowa %s nie istnieje, trwa generowanie wpisu tajnego klienta dla aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Wygenerowano wpis tajny klienta dla aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory o identyfikatorze obiektu %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Zmienna środowiskowa %s już istnieje, pomijając krok generowania wpisu tajnego klienta aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Zakończono tworzenie manifestu aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory, a zawartość manifestu aplikacji jest zapisywana w lokalizacji %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Zastosowano manifest %s do aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory o identyfikatorze obiektu %s", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Trwa tworzenie bota aplikacji AAD...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Tworzenie bota aplikacji Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Tworzenie bota aplikacji Azure Active Directory zakończyło się powodzeniem.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Pominięto tworzenie bota aplikacji Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "utwórz nową lub ponownie użyj istniejącej aplikacji bota usługi Azure Active Directory.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Wykonywanie akcji %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Akcja %s została wykonana pomyślnie", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Nie można wykonać akcji %s. Komunikat o błędzie: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Utworzono aplikację usługi Azure Active Directory o identyfikatorze klienta %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Użyto istniejącej aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory o identyfikatorze klienta %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Hasło bota jest puste. Dodaj go w pliku env lub wyczyść identyfikator bota, aby ponownie wygenerować parę identyfikatora bota/hasła. akcja: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Wdróż podane szablony usługi ARM na platformie Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Trwa wdrażanie szablonów usługi ARM na platformie Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Aby debugować aplikacje w usłudze Teams, serwer hosta lokalnego musi znajdować się na serwerze HTTPS.\nAby usługa Teams ufała certyfikatowi SSL z podpisem własnym używanemu w zestawie narzędzi, należy dodać certyfikat z podpisem własnym do magazynu certyfikatów.\n Możesz pominąć ten krok, ale wtedy musisz ręcznie zaufać bezpiecznemu połączeniu w nowym oknie przeglądarki podczas debugowania aplikacji w usłudze Teams.\nAby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz: https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Podczas instalowania certyfikatu może zostać wyświetlony monit o podanie poświadczeń konta.", "debug.install": "Zainstaluj", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "wdraża pakiet SPFx w wykazie aplikacji programu SharePoint.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Wdróż pakiet SPFx w wykazie aplikacji dzierżawy.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Pomiń, aby utworzyć wykaz aplikacji programu Microsoft Office SharePoint Online.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Przekaż pakiet SPFx do wykazu aplikacji dzierżawy.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Utworzono wykaz aplikacji dzierżawy %s programu Microsoft Office SharePoint Online. Poczekaj kilka minut na uaktywnienie.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Nie znaleziono wykazu aplikacji dzierżawy. Ponów próbę: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Nie można pobrać adresu URL witryny wykazu aplikacji po utworzeniu. Być może trzeba będzie odczekać kilka minut i ponowić próbę.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Brak prawidłowego wykazu aplikacji w dzierżawie. Możesz zaktualizować właściwość „createAppCatalogIfNotExist” w elemencie %s do wartości true, jeśli chcesz, aby zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams utworzył ją dla Ciebie lub możesz utworzyć ją samodzielnie.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "dodawanie dodatkowego składnika Web Part do projektu programu SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Składnik Web Part %s został pomyślnie dodany do projektu.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Składnik Web Part szkieletu", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Generowanie składnika Web Part programu SPFx przy użyciu interfejsu wiersza polecenia narzędzia Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Nie można sprawdzić i zainstalować usługi Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Nie można sprawdzić i zainstalować zestawu .NET Core SDK.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Nie można sprawdzić i zainstalować narzędzia testowego aplikacji Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "Instalowanie zależności", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Sprawdzanie i instalowanie narzędzi programistycznych.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Zainstalowano certyfikat deweloperski dla hosta lokalnego.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Wygenerowano certyfikat deweloperski dla hosta lokalnego.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Pomiń zaufany certyfikat deweloperski dla hosta lokalnego.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Narzędzia Azure Functions Core Tools są zainstalowane w lokalizacji %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Narzędzia Azure Functions Core Tools są zainstalowane.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "Zestaw .NET Core SDK jest zainstalowany w lokalizacji %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "Zainstalowano zestaw .NET Core SDK.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Utwórz lub zaktualizuj zmienne do pliku środowiska.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Zmienne zostały pomyślnie wygenerowane dla %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Narzędzie testowe aplikacji Teams jest zainstalowane w lokalizacji %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Narzędzie testowe aplikacji Teams jest zainstalowane.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Utwórz lub zaktualizuj plik JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Plik JSON został pomyślnie wygenerowany dla %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Trwa generowanie pliku JSON...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Trwa generowanie zmiennych środowiskowych...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Nie można ponownie uruchomić aplikacji internetowej.\nSpróbuj ponownie uruchomić aplikację internetową ręcznie, jeśli aplikacja nie działa prawidłowo.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Wdrażanie w usłudze Azure App Service zajmuje dużo czasu. Rozważ skorzystanie z tego dokumentu, aby zoptymalizować wdrożenie:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Przygotowania wdrożenia zostały ukończone. Pakiet można znaleźć w lokalizacji `%s`", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "Pomyślnie wdrożono element `%s` w usłudze Azure App Service.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "Pomyślnie wdrożono element `%s` w usłudze Azure Functions.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "Pomyślnie wdrożono element `%s` w usłudze Microsoft Azure Storage.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Pomyślnie włączono statyczną witrynę internetową w usłudze Azure Storage.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "wdróż projekt w usłudze Azure App Service.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "wdróż projekt w usłudze Azure Functions.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "wdróż projekt w usłudze Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "włącz ustawienie statycznej witryny internetowej w usłudze Azure Storage.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Spróbuj ponownie.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Nie można pobrać poświadczeń platformy Azure z powodu błędu usługi zdalnej.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "uruchamiając polecenie dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "uruchamianie polecenia npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "uruchamianie polecenia npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Pomyślne wykonanie polecenia `%s` w lokalizacji `%s`.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "pobierz tytuł platformy Microsoft 365 z pakietem aplikacji", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Trwa pobieranie tytułu platformy Microsoft 365 z pakietem aplikacji...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Pobieranie tytułu platformy Microsoft 365 zakończyło się powodzeniem (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "Kopiuje wygenerowany pakiet aplikacji Teams do rozwiązania SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "utworzyć aplikację Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "zaktualizuj aplikację Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "opublikuj aplikację Teams w katalogu aplikacji dzierżawy.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "zweryfikuj aplikację Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "utworzyć pakiet aplikacji Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Trwa kopiowanie pakietu aplikacji Teams do rozwiązania SPFx...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Trwa tworzenie aplikacji Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Trwa aktualizowanie aplikacji Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Sprawdzanie, czy aplikacja Teams została już przesłana do wykazu aplikacji dzierżawy", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Zaktualizuj opublikowaną aplikację Teams", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Trwa publikowanie aplikacji Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "Aplikacja Teams o identyfikatorze %s już istnieje. Pominięto tworzenie nowej aplikacji Teams.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "Aplikacja Teams o identyfikatorze %s już istnieje w sklepie z aplikacjami organizacji.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "Aplikacja Teams o identyfikatorze %s nie istnieje w sklepie z aplikacjami organizacji.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Aplikacja Teams %s została pomyślnie opublikowana w portalu administracyjnym.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Aplikacja Teams %s została pomyślnie skopiowana do %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "Ikony %s zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane w obszarze %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams sprawdził wszystkie reguły poprawności:\n\nPodsumowanie:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\nPełny dziennik sprawdzania poprawności można znaleźć w obszarze %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams sprawdził manifest ze schematem:\n\n Podsumowanie:\n %s.\n %s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "Zakończony powodzeniem %s", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "Operacja %s nie powiodła się", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "Ostrzeżenie: %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Wszystko", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams zakończył sprawdzanie pakietu aplikacji pod kątem reguł sprawdzania poprawności. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams zakończył sprawdzanie pakietu aplikacji pod kątem reguł poprawności. %s. Sprawdź [panel danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Weryfikacja pakietu aplikacji Teams nie powiodła się z powodu %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Sprawdzanie poprawności pakietu aplikacji Teams zakończyło się niepowodzeniem. Sprawdź polecenie [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Aplikacja Teams o identyfikatorze %s nie istnieje w portalu deweloperów usługi Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Identyfikator aplikacji Teams %s jest nieprawidłowy, musi to być identyfikator GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "tworzy lub aktualizuje rejestrację bota na dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "Rejestracja bota została pomyślnie utworzona (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "Rejestracja bota została pomyślnie zaktualizowana (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Cykl życia „%s” jest niezdefiniowany, plik YAML: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Nie można ukończyć akcji „%s”, ponieważ brakuje następujących parametrów: %s lub ma ona nieprawidłową wartość w podanym pliku YAML: %s. Upewnij się, że podano wymagane parametry i mają one prawidłowe wartości, a następnie spróbuj ponownie.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Nie można zainstalować %s. Możesz zainstalować go ręcznie i ponownie uruchomić program Visual Studio Code, jeśli używasz zestawu narzędzi w programie Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Nie można kontynuować programu, ponieważ brakuje następujących zmiennych środowiskowych: „%s”, które są wymagane dla pliku: %s. Upewnij się, że wymagane zmienne zostały ustawione, edytując plik env „%s” z prawidłowymi nazwami i wartościami lub ustawiając zmienne środowiskowe systemu na poprawne nazwy i wartości. Jeśli programujesz przy użyciu nowego projektu utworzonego za pomocą zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams, uruchomienie aprowizacji lub debugowania spowoduje zarejestrowanie poprawnych wartości dla tych zmiennych środowiskowych.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Polecenie działa tylko w przypadku projektu utworzonego przez zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Nie znaleziono pliku lub katalogu: „%s”. Sprawdź, czy istnieją i czy masz uprawnienia dostępu do nich.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Błąd składniowy obiektu JSON: %s. Sprawdź składnię obiektu JSON, aby upewnić się, że jest poprawnie sformatowany.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Nie można odczytać pliku z przyczyny: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd podczas wykonywania zadania %s. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Nie można zapisać pliku z przyczyny: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "Operacja na pliku jest niedozwolona. Upewnij się, że masz niezbędne uprawnienia: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Brak wymaganych danych wejściowych: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Weryfikacja danych wejściowych „%s” nie powiodła się: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Nie można odnaleźć plików env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Brak wymaganego pliku %s „%s”", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Wystąpił błąd klienta HTTP podczas wykonywania zadania %s. Odpowiedź na błąd: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Wystąpił błąd serwera HTTP podczas wykonywania zadania %s. Spróbuj ponownie później. Odpowiedź na błąd: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "Poprzednie zadanie jest nadal uruchomione. Poczekaj na zakończenie poprzedniego zadania i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Ten projekt jest już najnowszy i nie trzeba go uaktualniać.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Nie można przetworzyć pliku manifestu („%s”) z powodu braku klucza „id”. Aby prawidłowo zidentyfikować aplikację, upewnij się, że w pliku manifestu znajduje się klucz „id”.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Nie można załadować pliku manifestu. Przyczyna: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Nie można uzyskać poświadczeń platformy Azure. Upewnij się, że Twoje konto platformy Azure jest prawidłowo uwierzytelnione, i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Subskrypcja platformy Azure „%s” nie jest dostępna na Twoim bieżącym koncie. Upewnij się, że zalogowano się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Azure i że masz uprawnienia niezbędne do uzyskania dostępu do subskrypcji.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Grupa zasobów „%s” już istnieje w subskrypcji „%s”. Rozważ wybranie innej nazwy lub użycie istniejącej grupy zasobów dla zadania.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Nie można wybrać subskrypcji na bieżącym koncie.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Nie można odnaleźć grupy zasobów „%s” w subskrypcji „%s”.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Nie można utworzyć grupy zasobów „%s” w subskrypcji „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. \nJeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Nie można sprawdzić istnienia grupy zasobów „%s” w subskrypcji „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. \n Jeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Nie można pobrać grup zasobów w subskrypcji „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. \n Jeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Nie można pobrać informacji o grupie zasobów „%s” w subskrypcji „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. \nJeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, napraw błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Nie można pobrać dostępnych lokalizacji grup zasobów dla subskrypcji „%s”.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Nie można uzyskać obiektu JSON dla tokenu platformy Microsoft 365. Upewnij się, że Twoje konto ma autoryzację dostępu do dzierżawy i że obiekt JSON tokenu jest prawidłowy.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Nie można uzyskać identyfikatora dzierżawy platformy Microsoft 365 w obiekcie JSON tokenu. Upewnij się, że Twoje konto ma autoryzację dostępu do dzierżawy i że obiekt JSON tokenu jest prawidłowy.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Uwierzytelnianie nie powiodło się. Obecnie zalogowano się do dzierżawy platformy Microsoft 365 „%s”, która różni się od dzierżawy określonej w pliku .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID=\"%s\"). Aby rozwiązać ten problem i przełączyć się do bieżącej zalogowanej dzierżawy, usuń wartości „%s” z pliku .env i spróbuj ponownie.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Nie można skompilować plików Bicep znajdujących się w ścieżce „%s” do szablonów usługi ARM w formacie JSON. Zwrócony komunikat o błędzie: %s. Sprawdź pliki Bicep pod kątem błędów składni lub konfiguracji i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Nie można pobrać interfejsu wiersza polecenia Bicep z elementu „%s”. Komunikat o błędzie: %s. Napraw błąd i spróbuj ponownie. Możesz też usunąć konfigurację bicepCliVersion w pliku konfiguracji teamsapp.yml, a zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams użyje interfejsu wiersza polecenia bicep w ścieżce", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Nie można wdrożyć szablonów usługi ARM dla nazwy wdrożenia „%s” w grupie zasobów „%s”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Nie można wdrożyć szablonów usługi ARM dla nazwy wdrożenia: „%s” nie można wdrożyć w grupie zasobów „%s”. Przyczyna: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Nie można wdrożyć szablonów usługi ARM dla nazwy wdrożenia „%s” w grupie zasobów „%s” z przyczyny: %s. \n Nie można pobrać szczegółowego komunikatu o błędzie z powodu: %s. \n Błąd wdrażania można znaleźć w grupie zasobów %s w portalu.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Nie można przekonwertować wyniku wdrożenia usługi ARM na dane wyjściowe akcji. Wynik wdrożenia usługi ARM zawiera zduplikowany klucz „%s”.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Nie można zlokalizować żadnych plików w folderze dystrybucji: „%s”. Upewnij się, że folder nie jest pusty i że wszystkie niezbędne pliki zostały dołączone.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Nie można sprawdzić stanu wdrożenia, ponieważ upłynął limit czasu procesu. Sprawdź połączenie internetowe i spróbuj ponownie. Jeśli problem będzie się powtarzać, przejrzyj dzienniki wdrażania (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) w witrynie Azure Portal, aby zidentyfikować wszelkie problemy, które mogły wystąpić.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Nie można uzyskać poświadczeń publikowania aplikacji „%s” w grupie zasobów „%s”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Nie można uzyskać poświadczeń publikowania aplikacji „%s” w grupie zasobów „%s” z przyczyny:\n %s.\n Sugestie:\n 1. Sprawdź, czy nazwa aplikacji i nazwa grupy zasobów są wpisane poprawnie i są prawidłowe. \n 2. Sprawdź, czy Twoje konto platformy Azure ma uprawnienia niezbędne do uzyskania dostępu do interfejsu API. Może być konieczne podniesienie poziomu roli lub zażądanie dodatkowych uprawnień od administratora. \n 3. Jeśli komunikat o błędzie zawiera określoną przyczynę, na przykład błąd uwierzytelniania lub problem z siecią, zbadaj ten problem w celu rozwiązania błędu i spróbuj ponownie. \n 4. Możesz przetestować interfejs API na tej stronie: „%s”", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Nie można wdrożyć pakietu zip w punkcie końcowym: „%s”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Nie można wdrożyć pakietu zip w punkcie końcowym „%s” na platformie Azure z powodu błędu: %s. \n Sugestie:\n 1. Sprawdź, czy Twoje konto platformy Azure ma uprawnienia niezbędne do uzyskania dostępu do interfejsu API. \n 2. Sprawdź, czy punkt końcowy jest prawidłowo skonfigurowany na platformie Azure i czy wymagane zasoby zostały aprowizowane. \n 3. Upewnij się, że pakiet zip jest prawidłowy i wolny od błędów. \n 4. Jeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, na przykład błąd uwierzytelniania lub problem z siecią, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie. \n 5. Jeśli błąd nadal występuje, możesz spróbować wdrożyć pakiet ręcznie zgodnie z wytycznymi podanymi w tym linku: „%s”", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Nie można sprawdzić stanu wdrożenia dla lokalizacji: „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. Jeśli problem będzie się powtarzać, przejrzyj dzienniki wdrażania (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) w witrynie Azure Portal, aby zidentyfikować wszelkie problemy, które mogły wystąpić.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Pakiet został pomyślnie wdrożony na platformie Azure dla lokalizacji „%s”, ale nie można uruchomić aplikacji z powodu błędu: %s.\n Jeśli przyczyna nie jest jasno określona, poniżej przedstawiono kilka sugestii dotyczących rozwiązywania problemów:\n 1. Sprawdź dzienniki aplikacji: poszukaj komunikatów o błędach lub śladów stosu w dziennikach aplikacji, aby zidentyfikować główną przyczynę problemu.\n 2. Sprawdź konfigurację platformy Azure: upewnij się, że konfiguracja platformy Azure jest poprawna, w tym parametry połączenia i ustawienia aplikacji.\n 3. Sprawdź kod aplikacji: przejrzyj kod, aby sprawdzić, czy występują błędy składniowe lub logiczne, które mogą powodować problem.\n 4. Sprawdź zależności: sprawdź, czy wszystkie zależności wymagane przez aplikację są poprawnie zainstalowane i zaktualizowane.\n 5. Uruchom ponownie aplikację: spróbuj ponownie uruchomić aplikację na platformie Azure, aby sprawdzić, czy to rozwiąże problem.\n 6. Sprawdź alokację zasobów: upewnij się, że alokacja zasobów dla wystąpienia platformy Azure jest odpowiednia dla aplikacji i jej obciążenia.\n 7. Skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną platformy Azure: jeśli problem będzie się powtarzać, skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną platformy Azure, aby uzyskać dalszą pomoc.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Limit czasu wykonywania skryptu: %s. Dostosuj parametr „timeout” w pliku yaml lub zwiększ wydajność skryptu.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Błąd wykonywania skryptu („%s”): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Nie można wyczyścić plików obiektów blob na koncie usługi Microsoft Azure Storage „%s”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Nie można wyczyścić plików obiektów blob na koncie usługi Azure Storage „%s”. Odpowiedzi na błędy z platformy Azure to:\n %s. \n Jeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Nie można przekazać folderu lokalnego „%s” do konta usługi Microsoft Azure Storage „%s”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Nie można pobrać właściwości kontenera „%s” na koncie usługi Azure Storage „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. Odpowiedzi na błędy z platformy Azure to:\n %s. \n Jeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Nie można ustawić właściwości kontenera „%s” na koncie usługi Azure Storage „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z [panelem danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Nie można ustawić właściwości kontenera „%s” na koncie usługi Microsoft Azure Storage „%s” z powodu błędu: %s. Odpowiedzi na błędy z platformy Azure to:\n %s. \nJeśli komunikat o błędzie określa przyczynę, usuń błąd i spróbuj ponownie.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Nie można załadować identyfikatora manifestu ze ścieżki: %s. Należy najpierw uruchomić aprowizację.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Nie można odnaleźć identyfikatora aplikacji: %s. Być może Twoje bieżące konto platformy M365 nie ma uprawnień lub aplikacja została usunięta." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pt-BR.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pt-BR.json index 3e75bdee46..98fbd93169 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pt-BR.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.pt-BR.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Provisionar", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Saiba Mais", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Conta do Azure: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Assinatura do Azure: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Conta do Microsoft 365: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "O custo pode incorrer de acordo com o uso. Deseja provisionar recursos no ambiente %s usando as contas listadas acima?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Deseja implantar recursos no ambiente %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Exibir recursos provisionados", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Seu aplicativo do Azure Active Directory foi implantado com êxito. Clique em \"Saiba mais\" para verificar como exibir o aplicativo do Azure Active Directory.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Seu Azure Active Directory aplicativo foi atualizado com êxito.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Saiba mais", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Para solucionar problemas de aplicativos de bot no Azure, clique em Saiba mais para obter a documentação.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Saiba mais", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Implantar", "core.option.confirm": "Confirmar", - "core.option.cancel": "Cancelar", - "core.option.learnMore": "Saiba mais", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Atualizar", "core.option.moreInfo": "Mais Informações", "core.progress.create": "Criar", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Baixando modelo de aplicativo.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Baixando amostra %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Implantar", "core.progress.publish": "Publicar", "core.progress.provision": "Provisionar", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Configurando o Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure, habilite a configuração de site estático.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Executar comando %s em %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Implantando %s para %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Leia mais", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Confirme a atualização", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Atualize seu projeto do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams para permanecer compatível com a versão mais recente. Um diretório de backup será criado junto com um Resumo de Atualização.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Atualize sua solução para permanecer compatível com a versão mais recente do Kit de ferramentas do Teams. Um diretório de backup será gerado no qual contém um relatório de atualização.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json não existe. Você pode estar tentando atualizar um projeto criado pelo Kit de Ferramentas do Teams para Visual Studio Code v3.x/TEAMS Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3. Instale o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams para Visual Studio Code v4.x/TEAMS Toolkit CLI v1.x/Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4 e execute a atualização primeiro.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json é inválido.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Este projeto é apenas para visualização e não terá suporte com o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams. Experimente o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams criando um novo projeto", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "A versão de pré-lançamento do Teams Toolkit oferece suporte à nova configuração de projeto e é incompatível com as versões anteriores. Experimente criando um novo projeto ou execute \"teamsfx upgrade\" para atualizar seu projeto primeiro.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Sua versão do TeamFx CLI é antiga e não suporta o projeto atual, atualize para a versão mais recente usando o comando abaixo:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "O projeto atual é incompatível com a versão instalada do kit de ferramentas do Teams.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "O projeto na solução é criado com o recurso de visualização do Teams Toolkit - Melhorias na Configuração do Aplicativo Teams. Você pode ativar o recurso de visualização para continuar.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Modelos ARM implantados com sucesso. Nome do grupo de recursos: %s. Nome da implantação: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "'Listar Microsoft 365 proprietários do aplicativo' bem-sucedida, você pode exibi-la em [Painel de saída](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Concedendo permissões", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "O email do colaborador não pode ser nulo ou igual ao usuário atual", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Não é possível localizar o usuário no locatário atual. Verifique se seu endereço de email está correto", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Conceder permissão para usuário %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Conta para conceder permissão: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Iniciando concessão de permissão para o ambiente: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "ID do Locatário: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "permissão foi concedida para ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ID do Recurso: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Listando permissões do Microsoft 365 \n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Conta usada para verificar: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nIniciando lista de todos os proprietários de aplicativos do Teams para o ambiente: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nIniciando a listar todos os proprietários de aplicativos do Azure Active Directory para o ambiente: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Aplicativo Microsoft 365 Teams (ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "Aplicativo SSO do AAD (ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Proprietário do Aplicativo Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Proprietário de Aplicativo do Azure Active Directory: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Iniciando verificação de permissão para o ambiente: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "ID do Recurso: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "indefinido", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Nome do Recurso: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Permissão: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Não foi possível encontrar o manifesto do pacote baixado para o aplicativo de equipes %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Estrutura", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Nome da Web Part da Estrutura do SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "A pasta %s já existe. Escolha um nome diferente para o componente.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s não corresponde ao padrão: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "Estrutura do SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Selecionar uma opção para scaffolding", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Use o SPFx instalado globalmente (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Use o SPFx instalado globalmente", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s ou posterior", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Instale o SPFx mais recente (%s) localmente no diretório do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Instale o SPFx mais recente localmente no diretório do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Solução do SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Criar uma nova solução SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Criar um aplicativo de Guia do Teams usando Web Parts SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Importar uma solução SPFx existente", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Expor a Web Part do lado do cliente SPFx como guia do Microsoft Teams ou aplicativo pessoal", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "O pacote do SharePoint %s foi implantado com êxito em [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Não é possível localizar o pacote do SharePoint %s", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Não é possível obter o token de acesso do SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Não é possível obter o token de acesso do Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Não é possível carregar e implantar o pacote no Catálogo de Aplicativos %s. Você precisa das permissões de administrador do locatário do Microsoft 365 da sua organização. Você pode obter acesso ao locatário do Microsoft 365 gratuito do [Programa para desenvolvedores do Microsoft 365](%s) para fins de teste.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Não é possível criar o catálogo de aplicativos de locatário, devido a %s, pilha: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Não é possível carregar o pacote do aplicativo devido a %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Compilando o pacote do SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Carregar e implantar pacote do Microsoft Office SharePoint Online", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Projeto de scaffolding", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Não é possível executar 'npm install' devido a %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "ValidarFalha ao validar o pacote %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "Não há arquivo .yo-rc.json em seu projeto SPFx, adicione o arquivo de configuração e tente novamente.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "O ambiente de desenvolvimento SPFx não foi configurado corretamente. Clique em \"Obter ajuda\" para seguir o guia para configurar o ambiente correto.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Verificando dependências...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Instalando dependências. Isso pode levar mais de 5 minutos para ser concluído.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Gerar o projeto SPFx usando a CLI do Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Atualizar o manifesto da Web part", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Não é possível obter o locatário %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Problemas desconhecidos encontrados ao configurar o ambiente do SPFx na pasta %s. Você pode seguir [Configurar seu ambiente de desenvolvimento da Estrutura do SharePoint | Microsoft Learn](%s) para configurar o ambiente global do SPFx.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "A criação do projeto falhou. Um possível motivo pode ser do Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Verifique [Painel de saída](%s) para obter detalhes.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Falha ao recuperar as informações de solução SPFx existentes. Verifique se a solução SPFx é válida.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Falha ao copiar a solução SPFx existente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Falha ao atualizar modelos de projeto com solução SPFx existente: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Ocorreu um erro ao importar a solução SPFx existente para o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Importando a solução SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Copiando a solução SPFx existente...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Gerando modelos com base nas informações da solução...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Atualizando modelos...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Sua solução SPFx foi importada com êxito para %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams importou sua solução SPFx com êxito. Um log completo de detalhes de importação pode ser encontrado em %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams não pôde importar sua solução SPFx. Um log completo de detalhes da importação pode ser encontrado em %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Verifique sua conexão de rede.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Verifique se você tem permissões de Leitura/Gravação no sistema de arquivos.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Verifique se você tem permissões para sua Conta de Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Você pode obter credenciais expiradas, verifique se a hora do sistema está correta.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Repita a etapa atual.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "O pacote Teams foi criado com êxito no [endereço local](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "O pacote Teams foi criado com êxito em %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Criando pacote de aplicativos do Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Falha na Validação do Manifesto:", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Validando manifesto...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Validando o pacote do aplicativo...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Ir para o portal de administração", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] foi publicado com sucesso no Portal de Administração (%s). Depois de aprovado, seu aplicativo estará disponível para sua organização. Saiba mais de %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Deseja enviar uma nova atualização?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Aplicativo Teams criado %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Aplicativo Teams atualizado %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Seu manifesto do aplicativo Teams foi implantado com êxito. Clique em \"Exibir no Portal do Desenvolvedor\" para exibir seu aplicativo no Portal do Desenvolvedor do Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Seu manifesto de aplicativo do Teams foi implantado com êxito para ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "As configurações do arquivo de manifesto já foram modificadas. Deseja continuar a regenerar o arquivo de manifesto e atualizar para a plataforma do Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "O arquivo de manifesto na plataforma do Teams foi alterado desde a última atualização. Deseja continuar a atualizar e substituir o arquivo de manifesto na plataforma do Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "O aplicativo %s já foi enviado ao locatário App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Última Modificação: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Somente visualização", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Visualização e atualização", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Substituir e atualizar", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Não foi possível localizar nenhum arquivo no pacote do aplicativo %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s não foi processado pelo Kit de Ferramentas do Teams.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Exibir no Portal do Desenvolvedor", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Escolher gatilhos", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Escolher gatilhos", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A função em execução hospedada no Azure Functions pode escutar solicitações HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Gatilho HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Uma função em execução hospedada no Azure Functions pode escutar solicitações HTTP e responder com base em uma programação específica.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP e Gatilho do Temporizador", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Servidor Restify", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Um servidor restify em execução hospedado no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure pode escutar solicitações HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Gatilho HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Servidor da API Web", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Um servidor de API Web em execução hospedado no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure pode escutar solicitações HTTP.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Gatilho HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A função em execução hospedada no Azure Functions pode responder com base em um agendamento específico.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Gatilho de temporizador", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Nenhum projeto aberto, você pode criar um novo projeto ou abrir um existente.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "O nome do ambiente só pode conter letras, dígitos, _ e -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Se não estiver pronto para atualizar, continue a usar a versão antiga do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Entradas inválidas: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "O ambiente de projeto %s já existe.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Método não implementado: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Não é possível obter '%s' da ID do recurso: '%s'", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Não é possível localizar uma assinatura.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Usuário cancelado. Para que o Teams confie no certificado SSL autoassinado usado pelo kit de ferramentas, um certificado autoassinado deve ser adicionado ao repositório de certificados.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "O aplicativo de filtro de vídeo remoto não é compatível com o Teams Toolkit. Verifique o arquivo README.md na pasta raiz do projeto.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Não é possível criar o aplicativo Teams no Teams Portal do Desenvolvedor, devido a %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Não é possível atualizar o aplicativo Teams com ID %s no Teams Portal do Desenvolvedor, devido a %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Falha na chamada da API para o portal do desenvolvedor. Verifique [Painel de saída](comando:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter detalhes.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Falha na chamada à API do Portal do Desenvolvedor: %s, %s, nome da API: %s, X-Correlação-ID: %s. Isso pode vir de algum erro de serviço intermitente. Aguarde alguns minutos e repita a etapa atual.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Falha na chamada da API para o Portal do Desenvolvedor: %s, %s, Caminho da solicitação: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Não é possível publicar o aplicativo Teams com a ID %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Falha ao compilar o Pacote do Teams!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Falha ao verificar permissão. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Falha ao conceder permissão. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Falha ao listar colaborador. Motivo: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Não é possível localizar o aplicativo Teams com a ID %s. Você deve executar a depuração ou provisionar primeiro antes de atualizar o manifesto para a plataforma Teams.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Funcionalidade inválida: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Não é possível adicionar a capacidade %s, ela atinge o limite.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Não é possível localizar a guia estática com a ID de entidade %s, não é possível atualizar.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "A funcionalidade %s não existe no manifesto, não é possível atualizar.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Identificação inválida encontrada na descoberta do manifesto.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Não é possível obter o esquema de %s, mensagem: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Esquema de manifesto não está definido", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Tente gerar o pacote de \"pacote de aplicativo Zip Teams\" e tente novamente.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Não é possível criar o aplicativo Teams com o erro 409 Conflict. Isso pode vir do ID do seu aplicativo estar em conflito com outro aplicativo em seu locatário. Clique em Obter ajuda para saber mais.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Um aplicativo do Teams com essa ID já existe na App Store da sua organização. Atualize manualmente a ID do aplicativo e tente novamente.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "A conta atual não tem permissão para adquirir o token botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "O provisionamento do Botframework retorna o resultado proibido da tentativa de criar o registro do bot.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "O provisionamento do Botframework retorna o resultado do conflito ao tentar criar o registro do bot.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Não é possível baixar o pacote zip e abrir o pacote zip local.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Não foi possível localizar o modelo: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Não foi possível localizar a amostra: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Não foi possível baixar o pacote zip de %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Não é possível descompactar os modelos e gravar no disco.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Não foi possível encontrar a chave %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Não é possível baixar a amostra devido à limitação. Tente novamente mais tarde após a redefinição do limite de taxa (isso pode levar até 1 hora). Como alternativa, você pode ir para o %s para git clone o repositório manualmente", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Não é possível baixar a amostra devido a um erro de rede. Verifique sua conexão de rede e tente novamente. Como alternativa, você pode ir para o %s para git clone o repositório manualmente", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Não é possível analisar a URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Não foi possível obter o manifesto do plugin OpenAI de '%s'.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Não é possível estender o aplicativo Teams Microsoft 365. Use a ação 'teamsApp/extendToM365' para estender seu aplicativo Teams para Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "O nome do aplicativo deve começar com letras e conter pelo menos dois dígitos ou letras. Ele não pode conter alguns caracteres especiais.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "O nome do aplicativo é maior que o comprimento máximo de 30.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "O caminho existe: %s. Selecione um nome do aplicativo diferente.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Selecionar uma linguagem de programação.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "O SPFx atualmente só dá suporte ao TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Abrir tutorial", "core.option.github": "Abrir um guia do GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Abrir um guia no produto", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Guia", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importando um projeto de suplemento do Outlook existente", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copiando arquivos", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Convertendo projeto", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modificando manifesto", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Aplicativo baseado em interface do usuário", "core.TabOption.detail": "Páginas Web compatíveis com o Teams incorporadas ao Microsoft Teams.", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Painel", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Uma tela com cartões e widgets para exibir informações importantes", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Bot Básico", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Uma implementação simples de um echo bot pronto para ser personalizado", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Desfralização de Link", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Exibir informações e ações quando um URL é colado na área de composição da mensagem", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Coletar entrada de formulário e processar dados", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Extensão de Mensagem", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Interface do usuário personalizada quando os usuários redigem mensagens no Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Obter entrada do usuário, fazer algo com ele e enviar resultados personalizados de volta", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Mensagem de notificação de bate-papo", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Notificar e informar com uma mensagem exibida nos chats do Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Comando chat", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Compilar interface do usuário com Estrutura do SharePoint", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Guia Básica", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Uma implementação simples de um aplicativo da web pronto para personalizar", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams verificou suas especificações de API:\n\nResumo:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams verificou o manifesto do plugin OpenAI:\n\nResumo:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s falhou", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Aviso de %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Detectamos os seguintes problemas em seu arquivo de especificação OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s Mitigação: não é obrigatório, o OperationId foi gerado automaticamente e adicionado ao arquivo \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" não deve ter mais de %s caracteres. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Falta descrição completa. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Mitigação: atualize o campo \"%s\" em \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Falta \"%s\" no comando \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Mitigação: crie um modelo de cartão adaptável em \"%s\" e atualize o campo \"%s\" para o caminho relativo em \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Funcionalidades", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Selecionar uma recurso", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Visualizar no Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Funciona no Teams e no Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Funciona no Teams, no Outlook e no aplicativo Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Funciona no Teams, no Outlook e no Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Experiências de chat conversativas ou informativas que podem automatizar tarefas repetitivas", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Recursos do Aplicativo Usando um Bot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Pesquisar ou iniciar ações da área de composição de chat do Teams e do Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Recursos do Aplicativo Usando uma Extensão de Mensagem", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Personalizar a faixa de opções e o Painel de Tarefas com o conteúdo da Web", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Suplemento do Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Recursos do Aplicativo Usando um Suplemento do Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Insira seu próprio conteúdo da Web no Teams, no Outlook e no aplicativo Micosoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Recursos do Aplicativo Usando uma Guia", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Criar um plug-in para estender o Copilot usando suas APIs", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Plug-in para Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Plug-in para Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Selecionar uma opção", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Novo Projeto", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Comece com uma nova API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Criar um plugin com uma nova API do Azure Functions", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Iniciar com uma especificação OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Criar um plug-in a partir de sua API existente", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Iniciar com um plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Converter um plug-in OpenAI em plug-in Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Especificação OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Inserir o URL de Especificação OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Insira o local da especificação OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Manifesto do plug-in OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Insira o domínio do seu site", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Insira uma URL válida", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Insira um domínio válido", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Selecionar uma Operação", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Somente métodos GET e POST com parâmetro único e sem autenticação são listados", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Os métodos definidos em manifest.json não estão listados", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Especificação de API inválida. Verifique o painel de saída para obter detalhes.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Especificação de API inválida. Verifique o [painel de saída](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter detalhes.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Manifesto do plugin OpenAI inválido. Verifique o painel de saída para obter detalhes.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Manifesto do plugin OpenAI inválido. Verifique o [painel de saída](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter detalhes.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "URL ausente em \"%s\".", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Não há suporte para o tipo de autenticação. Tipo de autenticação com suporte: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Bot de Chat de IA", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Um bot de chat usando a biblioteca de IA do Teams", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Pasta da solução SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Selecione a pasta que contém sua solução SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Selecionar um ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Novo nome do ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Novo nome do ambiente", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "O nome do ambiente só pode conter letras, dígitos, _ e -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Não é possível criar um ambiente '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Não é possível listar as configurações de env", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "O ambiente de projeto %s já existe.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Selecione um ambiente para criar cópia", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Selecione um grupo de recursos", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Novo nome do grupo de recursos", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Novo nome do grupo de recursos", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "O nome só pode conter caracteres alfanuméricos ou os símbolos ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Local para o novo grupo de recursos", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Pasta do espaço de trabalho", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Selecione a pasta que conterá a pasta raiz do projeto", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Criar um novo aplicativo", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use o Kit de Ferramentas do Microsoft Teams para criar um novo aplicativo do Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Iniciar a partir de uma amostra", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Use uma amostra existente como ponto de partida para seu novo aplicativo.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Um runtime rápido do servidor JavaScript", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Gratuito. Plataforma Cruzada. Código Aberto.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Kit de Ferramentas do Microsoft Teams: selecione o tempo de execução para seu aplicativo", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Iniciar a partir de uma amostra", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Selecionar uma amostra", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Exibir amostras", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Crie novos bots para depuração", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Desmarque para manter o valor original de botId", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Atualizar botId %s para \"${{BOT_ID}}\" em manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Atualizar botId %s para \"${{BOT_ID}}\" em manifest.json", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Configurar URL(s) do site para depuração", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Atualize a URL do conteúdo de %s para %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Atualize a URL do site de %s para %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Desmarque para manter o URL original", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Logon Único", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Desenvolver um recurso de logon único para as páginas de Inicialização do Teams e a funcionalidade de bot", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Adicionar o proprietário ao aplicativo Teams/AAD para a conta com o mesmo locatário do Microsoft 365 (email)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "O endereço de email não pode ser nulo ou vazio", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Altere [UserName] para o nome de usuário real", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Não é possível carregar seu arquivo .env. Razão: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selecione o arquivo manifest.json do Azure Active Directory", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selecione o arquivo manifest.json do Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Selecionar o arquivo de pacote do aplicativo do Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Selecione o arquivo manifest.json local do Teams", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Selecione o aplicativo que deseja gerenciar os colaboradores", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Selecionar um método de validação", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Valide usando o esquema do manifesto", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Valide usando o esquema do manifesto", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Valide o pacote do aplicativo usando as regras de validação", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Valide o pacote do aplicativo usando as regras de validação", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirme se o manifesto está selecionado corretamente", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Aplicativo do Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Seu aplicativo do Azure Active Directory para Logon Único", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Aplicativo Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Seu aplicativo Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Reaja com interface do usuário fluente", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Um aplicativo da web que usa componentes Fluent UI React para obter uma aparência do Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Resultados de pesquisa personalizados", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Exibir dados diretamente nos resultados de pesquisa do Teams e do Outlook na pesquisa ou na área de bate-papo", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Exibir dados diretamente nos resultados de pesquisa do Teams na pesquisa ou na área de chat", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Plataforma", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Selecione uma plataforma para visualizar o aplicativo", "core.options.separator.additional": "Recursos adicionais", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Aplicativo Teams preparado com sucesso.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Ações de %s/%s executadas com êxito no estágio de provisionamento.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Ações de %s/%s executadas com êxito no estágio de implantação.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Ações de %s/%s executadas com êxito no estágio de publicação.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Área de trabalho do Teams, ID do cliente móvel", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "ID do cliente Web do Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "O aplicativo Microsoft 365 para ID do cliente da área de trabalho", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "ID do cliente de área de trabalho do Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "ID do cliente de acesso via Web do Outlook 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "ID do cliente de acesso via Web do Outlook 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "A operação foi cancelada.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "Não há suporte para a versão OpenAPI inferior à 3.0.0.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "Nenhuma informação do servidor foi encontrada no arquivo de especificação OpenAPI.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "Informações de vários servidores são encontradas no arquivo de especificação OpenAPI.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Não há suporte para a referência remota: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "OperationIds ausentes: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "Nenhuma API com suporte foi encontrada no arquivo de especificação OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties' não tem suporte e será ignorado.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Não há suporte para o esquema 'oneOf', 'anyOf' e 'not': %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Esquema desconhecido: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "A URL do servidor não está correta: o protocolo %s não é compatível. Em vez disso, você deve usar o protocolo https.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "A URL do servidor não está correta: a URL relativa do servidor não é compatível.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Importe suplementos existentes do Outlook", "core.importAddin.detail": "Atualizar um projeto de Suplementos para o manifesto do aplicativo e a estrutura do projeto mais recentes", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Taskpane", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Personalize a faixa de opções com um botão e incorpore conteúdo no painel de tarefas", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Ação %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s foi executado com sucesso.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "O arquivo de ambiente foi criado em", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s foi(foi) adicionado(a) com êxito a %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Carregando opções...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Carregando valor padrão...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "o nome está ausente\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess está ausente\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions está ausente\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications está ausente\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion é 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims está ausente\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "O token de acesso optionalClaims não contém a reivindicação idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "O manifesto do AAD tem os seguintes problemas que podem potencialmente interromper o aplicativo Teams:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Não é possível atualizar ou excluir uma permissão existente quando ela está habilitada. Um possível motivo é que a variável de ambiente ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID foi alterada para o ambiente selecionado. Certifique-se de que seus IDs de permissão sejam idênticos ao aplicativo AAD real e tente novamente.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "resourceAppId %s desconhecido", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "resourceAccess desconhecido: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "ID de resourceAccess desconhecida: %s, se você estiver usando a permissão como ID do resourceAccess, tente usar a ID de permissão.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "O caminho do projeto está vazio", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Não é possível criar arquivos para adicionar sso. erro de detalhe: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "O endereço de email não é válido", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Sugestões: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s é inválido com o valor: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s está ausente.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Não é possível provisionar %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Não é possível atualizar as configurações para %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "O registro de bot não foi encontrado com a BotID %s. Clique no botão 'Obter ajuda' para saber mais sobre como verificar os registros de bots.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "O recurso de bot já existia em %s. Ignore a criação do recurso bot.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Não é possível recuperar as credenciais do Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Registro de bot de provisionamento.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Registro de bot provisionado com êxito.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Verifique o log no painel saída e tente corrigir esse problema.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Registro de bot no Portal do Desenvolvedor", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Não é possível obter o modelo mais recente do Github, tentando usar o modelo local.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Instale as dependências necessárias manualmente.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Saiba mais", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Você deve ter o NPM instalado para depurar suas funções locais.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Não é possível validar o Azure Functions Core Tools após a instalação.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "O destino do link simbólico já existe", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Seu Node.js (@NodeVersion) é incompatível com o Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "O formato da versão %s é inválido.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "A instalação do Azure Functions Core Tools está incompleta.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "A versão do Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) não é compatível com o intervalo de versões especificado (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion instalada com sucesso.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Baixando e instalando a versão portátil do @NameVersion, que será instalada para @InstallDir e não afetará seu ambiente.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Baixando e instalando a versão portátil do @NameVersion, que será instalada para @InstallDir e não afetará seu ambiente.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion instalada com sucesso.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Usando dotnet a partir de PATH:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "o comando dotnet-install falhou sem o código de saída de erro, mas com erro padrão não vazio.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "falha no comando dotnet-install.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Não é possível localizar Node.js. As versões de nó com suporte são especificadas no package.json. Vá para %s para instalar um Node.js com suporte. Reinicie todas as Visual Studio Code instâncias após a conclusão da instalação.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) não é a versão oficialmente suportada (%s). Seu projeto pode continuar funcionando, mas recomendamos instalar a versão suportada. As versões de nó com suporte são especificadas no package.json. Acesse %s para instalar um Node.js compatível.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) não é uma versão LTS (%s). Vá para %s para instalar um LTS Node.js.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Não é possível encontrar @NameVersion. Para obter os detalhes sobre a necessidade do .NET SDK, consulte @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Não é possível localizar @SupportedPackages.\n\nO Kit de Ferramentas do Teams requer essas dependências.\n\nClique em \"Instalar\" para instalar @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Não é possível localizar @SupportedPackages. Instale @SupportedPackages manualmente e reinicie o Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Não é possível localizar @SupportedPackages.\n\nO Kit de Ferramentas do Teams requer essas dependências.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Não é possível baixar o arquivo de '@Url', status HTTP '@Status'.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Argumento inválido para o verificador de pré-requisitos do aplicativo de teste de extensibilidade de vídeo. Verifique o arquivo tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Não é possível validar o aplicativo de teste de extensibilidade de vídeo após a instalação.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "A versão da Ferramenta de Teste de Aplicativo do Teams (%s) não é compatível com o intervalo de versão especificado (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Não é possível validar a Ferramenta de Teste de Aplicativo do Teams após a instalação. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Os nomes da variável de ambiente de saída não estão definidos.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Crie um aplicativo Azure Active Directory para autenticar usuários", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Aplicar manifesto de aplicativo do Azure Active Directory a um aplicativo existente", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "A variável de ambiente %s não está definida.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Não é possível gerar o segredo do cliente.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "O campo %s está ausente ou é inválido no manifesto do aplicativo Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Criando aplicativo do Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Atualizando o aplicativo Azure Active Directory...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executando a ação %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Ação %s executada com êxito", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Não foi possível executar a ação %s. Mensagens de erro", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "A variável de ambiente %s não existe, criando um novo aplicativo Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Criado aplicativo do Azure Active Directory com ID de objeto %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "A variável de ambiente %s já existe, ignorando a nova etapa de criação do aplicativo Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "A variável de ambiente %s não existe, gerando segredo do cliente para o aplicativo Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Segredo do cliente gerado para aplicativo com id de objeto %s do Azure Active Directory", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "A variável de ambiente %s já existe, ignorando a etapa de geração do segredo do cliente do aplicativo Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Compilar o manifesto do aplicativo do Azure Active Directory concluído e o conteúdo do manifesto do aplicativo é gravado em %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Manifesto %s aplicado ao aplicativo do Azure Active Directory com ID de objeto %s", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Criando aplicativo AAD de bot...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Criando um aplicativo bot do Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "O aplicativo Bot Azure Active Directory foi criado com êxito.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "A criação do aplicativo Bot Azure Active Directory foi ignorada.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "criar um novo ou reutilizar um aplicativo bot existente do Azure Active Directory.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executando a ação %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Ação %s executada com êxito", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Não foi possível executar a ação %s. Mensagens de erro", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Criado aplicativo do Azure Active Directory com ID do cliente %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Usado aplicativo existente do Azure Active Directory com id de cliente %s", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "A senha do bot está vazia. Adicione-o ao arquivo env ou limpe a ID do bot para que o par de ID/senha do bot seja regenerado. ação: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Implante os modelos ARM fornecidos no Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Implantando os modelos do ARM no Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Para depurar aplicativos no Teams, o servidor localhost deve estar em HTTPS.\nPara que o Teams confie no certificado SSL autoassinado usado pelo kit de ferramentas, um certificado autoassinado deve ser adicionado ao repositório de certificados.\n Você pode ignorar esta etapa, mas precisará confiar manualmente na conexão segura em uma nova janela do navegador ao depurar seus aplicativos no Teams. \nPara obter mais informações \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Você pode ser solicitado a fornecer suas credenciais de conta ao instalar o certificado.", "debug.install": "Instalar", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "implanta o pacote SPFx no catálogo de aplicativos do Microsoft Office SharePoint Online.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Implante o pacote SPFx em seu catálogo de aplicativos de locatário.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Pule para criar o catálogo de aplicativos do Microsoft Office SharePoint Online.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Carregue o pacote SPFx para o catálogo de aplicativos do locatário.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Catálogo de aplicativos de locatário do Microsoft Office SharePoint Online %s criado, aguarde alguns minutos para ficar ativo.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Nenhum catálogo de aplicativos de locatário encontrado, tente novamente: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Não é possível obter a URL do site do catálogo de aplicativos após a criação. Talvez seja necessário aguardar alguns minutos e tentar novamente.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Não há um catálogo de aplicativos válido em seu locatário. Você pode atualizar a propriedade 'createAppCatalogIfNotExist' em %s para verdadeiro se quiser que o Teams Toolkit o crie para você ou se você mesmo pode criá-lo.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "acrescente a web part adicional ao projeto do SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "A web part %s foi adicionada ao projeto com sucesso.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Web Part do Scaffolding", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Gerar a web part do SPFx usando a CLI do Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Não é possível verificar e instalar as ferramentas principais do Azure Functions.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Não é possível verificar e instalar o SDK do .NET Core.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Não é possível verificar e instalar a Ferramenta de Teste de Aplicativo do Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "instalando dependências.", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Verificando e instalando ferramentas de desenvolvimento.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "O certificado de desenvolvimento para localhost está instalado.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "O certificado de desenvolvimento para localhost é gerado.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Ignorar confiar no certificado de desenvolvimento para localhost.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "O Azure Functions Core Tools está instalado em %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "O Azure Functions Core Tools está instalado.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "O SDK do .NET Core está instalado em %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "O SDK do .NET Core está instalado.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Crie ou atualize variáveis para o arquivo de ambiente.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "As variáveis foram geradas para o %s com sucesso.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "A Ferramenta de Teste de Aplicativo do Teams está instalada em %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "A Ferramenta de Teste de Aplicativo do Teams está instalada.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Crie ou atualize o arquivo JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "O arquivo json foi gerado com êxito em %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Gerando o arquivo json...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Gerando variáveis de ambiente...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Não é possível reiniciar o aplicativo da web.\nTente reiniciar o aplicativo da web manualmente se o aplicativo não funcionar corretamente.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "A implantação no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure leva muito tempo. Considere consultar esse documento para otimizar sua implantação:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Os preparativos de implantação estão concluídos. Encontre o pacote no `%s`", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` implantado com êxito no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` implantado com êxito no Azure Functions.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "Implantado `%s` com êxito no Armazenamento do Azure.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "O Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure habilitou o site estático com êxito.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "implantar o projeto no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "implantar o projeto no Azure Functions.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "implante o projeto no Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "habilitar a configuração de site estático do Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Tente novamente.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Não é possível recuperar as credenciais do Azure devido a um erro de serviço remoto.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "executando comando dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "executando comando npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "executando comando npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Execução bem-sucedida do comando `%s` em `%s`.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "adquira um título do Microsoft 365 com o pacote de aplicativos", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Adquirindo o título do Microsoft 365 com o pacote do aplicativo...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "O título do Microsoft 365 foi adquirido com sucesso (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "copia o pacote do aplicativo Teams gerado para a solução SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "criar um aplicativo Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "atualizar um aplicativo Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publicar um aplicativo Teams no catálogo de aplicativos de locatários.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validar um aplicativo Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "criar um pacote de aplicativos do Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Copiando o pacote de aplicativos do Teams para a solução SPFx...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Criando aplicativo do Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Atualizando o aplicativo do Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Verificando se o aplicativo Teams já foi enviado para o Catálogo de Aplicativos do Locatário", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Atualizar o aplicativo Teams publicado", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Publicando o aplicativo do Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "O aplicativo Teams com id %s já existe, a criação de um novo aplicativo teams foi ignorada.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "O aplicativo Teams com ID %s já existe na loja de aplicativos da organização.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "O aplicativo Teams com ID %s não existe na loja de aplicativos da organização.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Aplicativo Teams %s publicado com êxito no portal de administração.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "O aplicativo Teams %s foi copiado com sucesso para %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s ícones foram atualizados com êxito em %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "O Teams Toolkit verificou todas as regras de validação:\n\nResumo:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nUm log completo de validações pode ser encontrado em %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "O Teams Toolkit verificou o manifesto com seu esquema:\n\nResumo:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s aprovado", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s falhou", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "Aviso de %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Todos", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "O Teams Toolkit concluiu a verificação do pacote do aplicativo em relação às regras de validação. %s.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Microsoft Teams concluiu a verificação do pacote do aplicativo em relação às regras de validação. %s. Verifique o Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter detalhes.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "A validação do pacote de aplicativos Teams falhou devido a %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Falha na validação do pacote do aplicativo do Teams. Verifique [Painel de saída](comando:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter detalhes.", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "O aplicativo Teams com a ID %s não existe no Portal do Desenvolvedor do Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "O ID do aplicativo Teams %s é inválido, deve ser um GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "cria ou atualiza o registro de bot no dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "O registro do bot foi criado com êxito (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "O registro do bot foi atualizado com êxito (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "O ciclo de vida \"%s\" está indefinido, arquivo yaml: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "A '%s' não pode ser concluída porque os seguintes parâmetros: %s, estão ausentes ou têm um valor inválido no arquivo yaml fornecido: %s. Verifique se os parâmetros necessários foram fornecidos e se têm valores válidos e tente novamente.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Não é possível instalar %s. Você pode instalá-lo manualmente e reiniciar Visual Studio Code se estiver usando o Toolkit no Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "O programa não pode continuar porque as seguintes variáveis de ambiente estão ausentes: '%s', que são necessárias para o arquivo: %s. Verifique se as variáveis necessárias estão definidas editando o arquivo .env '%s' com os nomes e valores corretos ou definindo as variáveis de ambiente do sistema com os nomes e valores corretos. Se você estiver desenvolvendo com um novo projeto criado com o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams, a execução de provisionamento ou depuração registrará os valores corretos para essas variáveis de ambiente.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Esse comando só funciona para projetos criados pelo Kit de Ferramentas do Teams.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "O arquivo ou diretório não foi encontrado: '%s'. Verifique se ele existe e se você tem permissão para acessá-lo.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Erro de sintaxe JSON: %s. Verifique a sintaxe JSON para garantir que esteja formatado corretamente.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Não é possível gravar o arquivo pelo motivo: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado ao executar a tarefa %s. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Não é possível gravar o arquivo pelo motivo: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "A operação de arquivo não é permitida, certifique-se de ter as permissões necessárias: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Entrada necessária ausente: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Falha na '%s' de entrada: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Não é possível localizar arquivos .env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Arquivo %srequired ''%s'' ausente", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Ocorreu um erro do cliente http ao executar a tarefa %s. A resposta do erro é: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "Ocorreu um erro do servidor http ao executar a tarefa %s. Tente novamente mais tarde. A resposta de erro é: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "A tarefa anterior ainda está em execução. Aguarde até que a tarefa anterior seja concluída e tente novamente.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Este projeto já é o mais recente, não é necessário atualizar.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Não foi possível processar seu arquivo de manifesto ('%s') devido à ausência da chave 'id'. Para identificar seu aplicativo corretamente, verifique se a chave 'id' está presente no arquivo de manifesto.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Não foi possível carregar o arquivo de manifesto. Razão: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Não é possível obter suas credenciais do Azure. Verifique se sua conta do Azure está autenticada corretamente e tente novamente.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "A assinatura do Azure '%s' não está disponível em sua conta atual. Verifique se você entrou com a conta do Azure correta e se tem as permissões necessárias para acessar a assinatura.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "O grupo '%s' de recursos já existe na assinatura '%s'. Considere escolher um nome diferente ou usar o grupo de recursos existente para a tarefa.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Não é possível selecionar a assinatura na conta atual.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "O grupo de '%s' não pode ser encontrado na assinatura '%s'.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Não é possível criar o grupo de '%s' na assinatura '%s'devido ao erro: %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Não é possível marcar existência do grupo de recursos '%s' na assinatura '%s'devido ao erro: %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Não é possível obter grupos de recursos na assinatura '%s'devido ao erro: %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Não é possível obter informações do grupo de recursos '%s' na assinatura '%s' devido ao erro: %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especificar o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Não é possível obter os locais de grupo de recursos disponíveis para a assinatura '%s'.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Não é possível obter o objeto JSON para Microsoft 365 token. Verifique se sua conta está autorizada a acessar o locatário e se o objeto JSON do token é válido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Não é possível obter a ID de locatário do Microsoft 365 no objeto JSON do token. Verifique se sua conta está autorizada a acessar o locatário e se o objeto JSON do token é válido.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Falha na autenticação. No momento, você está conectado Microsoft 365 locatário '%s', que é diferente do especificado no arquivo .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Para resolve esse problema e alternar para o locatário conectado no momento, remova os valores de '%s' do arquivo .env e tente novamente.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Não é possível compilar arquivos Bicep localizados no caminho '%s' para os modelos JSON ARM. A mensagem de erro retornada foi: %s. Verifique se há erros de sintaxe ou configuração nos arquivos Bicep e tente novamente.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Não é possível baixar a CLI do Bicep '%s'. A mensagem de erro foi: %s. Corrija o erro e tente novamente. Ou remova a configuração bicepCliVersion no arquivo de configuração teamsapp.yml e o Teams Toolkit usará bicep CLI em PATH", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Os modelos ARM para o nome da implantação: '%s' não puderam ser implantados no grupo de recursos '%s'. Consulte o [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Os modelos do ARM do nome de implantação: '%s' não puderam ser implantados no grupo de recursos '%s' por motivo: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Os modelos ARM para o nome de implantação: '%s' não puderam ser implantados no grupo de recursos '%s' motivo: %s. \nNão é possível obter a mensagem de erro detalhada devido a: %s. \nConsulte o grupo de recursos %s no portal para obter o erro de implantação.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Não é possível converter o resultado da implantação do ARM na saída da ação. Há uma chave duplicada '%s' resultado da implantação do ARM.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Não é possível localizar arquivos na pasta de distribuição: '%s'. Verifique se a pasta não está vazia e se todos os arquivos necessários foram incluídos.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Não é possível marcar a status porque o processo atingiu o tempo limite. Verifique sua conexão com a Internet e tente novamente. Se o problema persistir, examine os logs de implantação (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) no portal do Azure para identificar quaisquer problemas que possam ter ocorrido.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Não é possível obter credenciais de publicação do aplicativo '%s' no grupo de recursos '%s'. Consulte o [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Não é possível obter credenciais de publicação do aplicativo '%s' no grupo de recursos '%s' motivo:\n %s.\n Sugestões:\n 1. Verifique se o nome do aplicativo e o nome do grupo de recursos estão escritos corretamente e se são válidos. \n 2. Verifique se sua conta do Azure tem as permissões necessárias para acessar a API. Talvez seja necessário elevar sua função ou solicitar permissões adicionais de um administrador. \n 3. Se a mensagem de erro incluir um motivo específico, como uma falha de autenticação ou um problema de rede, investigue esse problema especificamente para resolve o erro e tente novamente. \n 4. Você pode testar a API nesta página: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Não é possível implantar o pacote zip no ponto de extremidade: '%s'. Consulte o [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes e tente novamente.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Não é possível implantar o pacote zip no ponto de extremidade '%s' no Azure devido ao erro: %s. \nSugestões:\n 1. Verifique se sua conta do Azure tem as permissões necessárias para acessar a API. \n 2. Verifique se o ponto de extremidade está configurado corretamente no Azure e se os recursos necessários foram provisionados. \n 3. Verifique se o pacote zip é válido e livre de erros. \n 4. Se a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, como uma falha de autenticação ou um problema de rede, corrija o erro e tente novamente. \n 5. Se o erro persistir, você poderá tentar implantar o pacote manualmente seguindo as diretrizes neste link: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Não é possível verificar o status da implantação para o local: '%s' devido ao erro: %s. Se o problema persistir, examine os logs de implantação (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) no portal do Azure para identificar quaisquer problemas que possam ter ocorrido.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "O pacote foi implantado com êxito no Azure para o local: '%s', mas o aplicativo não pode ser iniciado devido a um erro: %s.\n Se o motivo não for claramente especificado, aqui estão algumas sugestões para solucionar problemas:\n 1. Verifique os logs do aplicativo: procure mensagens de erro ou rastreamentos de pilha nos logs do aplicativo para identificar a causa raiz do problema.\n 2. Verifique a configuração do Azure: verifique se a configuração do Azure está correta, incluindo as cadeias de conexão e as configurações do aplicativo.\n 3. Verifique o código do aplicativo: examine o código para ver se há erros de sintaxe ou lógica que podem estar causando o problema.\n 4. Verifique as dependências: verifique se todas as dependências exigidas pelo aplicativo estão instaladas e atualizadas corretamente.\n 5. Reinicie o aplicativo: tente reiniciar o aplicativo no Azure para ver se isso resolve o problema.\n 6. Verifique a alocação de recursos: verifique se a alocação de recursos para a instância do Azure é apropriada para o aplicativo e sua carga de trabalho.\n 7. Obtenha ajuda do Suporte do Azure: se o problema persistir, entre em contato com Suporte do Azure para obter mais assistência.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Tempo limite de execução do script: %s. Ajuste o parâmetro 'timeout' no yaml ou melhore a eficiência do script.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Erro de execução de script (''%s''): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Não é possível limpar os arquivos de blob na conta de Armazenamento do Azure '%s'. Consulte o [Painel de saída](comando:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Não é possível limpar arquivos de blob na conta de Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure '%s'. As respostas de erro do Azure são:\n %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Não é possível carregar a pasta local '%s' na Conta de Armazenamento do Azure '%s'. Consulte o [Painel de saída](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Não é possível obter propriedades do contêiner '%s' na conta de Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure '%s' devido ao erro: %s. As respostas de erro do Azure são:\n %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especifica o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Não é possível definir as propriedades do contêiner '%s' na conta de Armazenamento do Microsoft Azure '%s' devido ao erro: %s. Consulte o [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Não é possível definir propriedades do contêiner '%s' na Conta de Armazenamento do Azure '%s' devido ao erro: %s. As respostas de erro do Azure são:\n %s. \nSe a mensagem de erro especificar o motivo, corrija o erro e tente novamente.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Não foi possível carregar a ID do manifesto do caminho: %s. Você deve executar o provisionamento primeiro.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Não foi possível localizar a ID do aplicativo: %s. Talvez sua conta atual do M365 não tenha permissão ou o aplicativo já tenha sido excluído." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ru.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ru.json index 75a13936c3..c2d25d01b3 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ru.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.ru.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Подготовка", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Подробнее", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Учетная запись Azure: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Учетная запись Microsoft 365: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Могут возникнуть некоторые затраты в зависимости от использования. Вы хотите подготовить ресурсы в среде %s, используя перечисленные выше учетные записи?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Вы хотите развернуть ресурсы в среде %s?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Просмотреть ресурсы, готовые к работе", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Приложение Azure Active Directory развернуто. Щелкните \"Подробнее\", чтобы узнать, как его просмотреть.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Ваше приложение Azure Active Directory успешно обновлено.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Подробнее", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Чтобы устранить неполадки с приложением бота в Azure и ознакомиться с документацией, щелкните \"Подробнее\".", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Подробнее", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Развертывание", "core.option.confirm": "Подтверждение", - "core.option.cancel": "Отмена", - "core.option.learnMore": "Дополнительные сведения", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Обновление", "core.option.moreInfo": "Дополнительные сведения", "core.progress.create": "Создавать", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Скачивание шаблона приложения.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Скачивание примера %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Развертывать", "core.progress.publish": "Опубликовать", "core.progress.provision": "Обеспечение", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Включить параметр статического веб-сайта при настройке службы хранилища Microsoft Azure.", "core.progress.runCommand": "Выполнить команду %s в %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "Развертывание %s в %s.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Дополнительные сведения", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Подтвердите обновление.", "core.migrationV3.Message": "Обновите проект набора средств Teams, чтобы обеспечить совместимость с последней версией. Будет создан резервный каталог и сводка обновления.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "Обновите решение, чтобы сохранить совместимость с последней версией набора средств Teams. Будет создан резервный каталог, в котором содержится отчет об обновлении.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json не существует. Возможно, вы пытаетесь обновить проект, созданный Teams Toolkit для Visual Studio Code v3.x/Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x/Teams Toolkit для Visual Studio v17.3. Установите Teams Toolkit для Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit для Visual Studio v17.4 и сначала запустите обновление.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json недействителен.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Этот проект предназначен только для предварительного просмотра и не будет поддерживаться набором средств Teams. Попробуйте набор средств Teams для создания нового проекта", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Предварительная версия набора средств Teams поддерживает новую конфигурацию проекта и несовместима с предыдущими версиями. Попробуйте его, создав новый проект, или запустите \"обновление teamsfx\", чтобы обновить проект.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Версия CLI TeamsFx устарела и не поддерживает текущий проект. Выполните обновление до последней версии с помощью приведенной ниже команды:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Текущий проект не совместим с установленной версией Набора средств Teams.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Проект в решении создан с помощью предварительной версии функции из инструментария Teams — \"Улучшения конфигурации приложений Teams\". Чтобы продолжить, вы можете включить предварительную версию функции.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "Шаблоны ARM успешно развернуты. Имя группы ресурсов: %s. Имя развертывания: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "\"Список владельцев приложения Microsoft 365\" составлен. Вы можете просмотреть его на [панели выходных данных](%s).", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "Предоставление разрешения", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Адрес электронной почты участника совместной работы не может иметь значение NULL или совпадать с адресом текущего пользователя", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Не удается найти пользователя в текущем клиенте. Проверьте правильность адреса электронной почты", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "Предоставить разрешение пользователю %s", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "Учетная запись для предоставления разрешения: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Начало предоставления разрешения для среды: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "Идентификатор клиента: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "предоставлено разрешение на ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", ИД ресурса: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Перечисление разрешений Microsoft 365\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Учетная запись, используемая для проверки: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nНачало перечисления всех владельцев приложений Teams для среды: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nНачало перечисления всех владельцев приложения Azure Active Directory для среды: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Приложение Microsoft 365 Teams (идентификатор: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "Приложение AAD для единого входа (ИД: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Владелец приложения Teams: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Владелец приложения Azure Active Directory: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Начало проверки разрешения для среды: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "ИД ресурса: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "не определено", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Имя ресурса: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", Разрешение: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Не удалось найти манифест из загруженного пакета для приложения для рабочих групп %s.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Платформа .NET Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Имя веб-части SharePoint Framework", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "Папка %s уже существует. Выберите другое имя для своего компонента.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s не соответствует шаблону: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Выберите вариант для формирования шаблонов", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Использовать глобально установленное решение SPFx (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Использовать глобально установленное решение SPFx", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s или более поздней версии", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "Установите последнюю версию SPFx (%s) локально в каталог набора средств Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "Установите последнюю версию SPFx локально в каталог набора средств Teams ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "Решение SharePoint", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Создание нового решения SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Создание приложения вкладки Teams с помощью веб-частей SPFx", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Импорт существующего решения SPFx", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "Предоставление клиентской веб-части SPFx в виде вкладки Microsoft Teams или личного приложения", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "Пакет SharePoint %s успешно развернут в [%s](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Не найден пакет SharePoint %s", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа SPO", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа Graph", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Не удалось отправить и развернуть пакет в каталоге приложений %s. Требуются разрешения администратора клиента Microsoft 365 вашей организации. Вы можете бесплатно получить клиент Microsoft 365 в [программе для разработчиков Microsoft 365](%s) для тестирования.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Не удалось создать каталог приложений клиента. Причина: %s, стек: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Не удалось отправить пакет приложения из-за %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "Сборка пакета SharePoint", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "Отправка и развертывание пакета Microsoft Office SharePoint Online", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Формирование шаблонов проекта", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "Не удалось выполнить команду \"npm install\" из-за %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "Не удалось проверить пакет %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "В этом проекте SPFx нет файла .yo-rc.json, добавьте файл конфигурации и повторите попытку.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Среда разработки SPFx настроена неправильно. Вы можете нажать \"Техническая поддержка\", чтобы выполнить инструкции по настройке правильной среды.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Проверка зависимостей…", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Установка зависимостей. Чтобы завершить установку, может потребоваться более 5 минут.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Создать проект SPFx с помощью CLI Yeoman", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Обновить манифест веб-части", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Не удалось получить клиент %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Возникли неизвестные проблемы при настройке среды SPFx в %s папке. Вы можете воспользоваться инструкциями из раздела [Настройка среды разработки SharePoint Framework | Microsoft Learn](%s) для настройки глобальной среды SPFx.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Не удалось создать проект. Причина может быть связана с генератором Yeoman SharePoint. Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели выходных данных](%s).", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Не удалось получить сведения о существующем решении SPFx. Убедитесь, что ваше решение действительно.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Не удалось скопировать существующее решение SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Не удалось обновить шаблоны проектов с помощью существующего решения SPFx: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Не удалось импортировать существующее решение SPFx в набор инструментов Teams: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "Импорт решения SPFx", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Копирование существующего решения SPFx…", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Создание шаблонов на основе сведений о решении…", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Обновление шаблонов...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Решение SPFx успешно импортировано в %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Набор инструментов Teams импортировал решение SPFx. Полный журнал сведений об импорте можно найти в %s.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Набору средств Teams не удалось импортировать ваше решение SPFx. Полный журнал сведений об импорте см. в %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Проверьте сетевое подключение.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Проверьте, есть ли у вас разрешения на чтение и запись к вашей файловой системе.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Проверьте, есть ли у вас разрешения для учетной записи службы хранилища Azure.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Возможно, вы получаете учетные данные с истекшим сроком действия. Проверьте правильность системного времени.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Повторите текущий шаг.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Пакет Teams собран по [локальному адресу](%s).", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Пакет Teams собран по адресу %s.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Создание пакета приложения Teams...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Сбой проверки манифеста.", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Проверка манифеста...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Проверка пакета приложения...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Перейти на портал администрирования", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "Публикация [%s] на портале администрирования (%s) выполнена. После утверждения приложение будет доступно для организации. Подробнее см. в %s.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Отправить новое обновление?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Приложение Teams создано %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Приложение Teams обновлено %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Манифест приложения Teams развернут. Щелкните \"Просмотреть на Портале разработчика\", чтобы просмотреть приложение на Портале разработчика Teams.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Манифест приложения Teams успешно развернут на ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Конфигурации файлов манифеста уже изменены. Продолжить повторное создание файла манифеста и обновление на платформе Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Файл манифеста на платформе Teams изменен после последнего обновления. Продолжить обновление и перезапись файла манифеста на платформе Teams?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "Приложение %s уже отправлено в каталог приложений клиента.\nСостояние: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Последнее изменение: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Только предварительный просмотр", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Предварительный просмотр и обновление", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Перепись и обновление", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Не удалось найти файлы в пакете приложения %s.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s не был обработан Teams Toolkit.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Просмотреть на портале разработчика", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Выберите триггеры", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Выберите триггеры", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Функции Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Выполняющаяся функция, размещенная в Функциях Azure, может прослушивать HTTP-запросы.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "Триггер HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Функции Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Запущенная функция, расположенная в функциях Azure, может прослушивать HTTP-запросы и отвечать на них по определенному расписанию.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "Триггер HTTP и таймер", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Сервер restify", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Запущенный сервер restify, размещенный в Службе приложений Azure, может прослушивать HTTP-запросы.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "Триггер HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Сервер веб-API", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Запущенный сервер веб-API, размещенный в Службе приложений Azure, может прослушивать HTTP-запросы.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "Триггер HTTP", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Функции Azure", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Выполняющаяся функция, размещенная в Функциях Azure, может отвечать по определенному расписанию.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Триггер таймера", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Нет открытых проектов. Можно создать новый проект или открыть существующий.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Имя среды может содержать только буквы, цифры, _ и -.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Если вы не готовы к обновлению, продолжайте использовать старую версию набора средств Teams", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Недопустимые входные данные: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "Среда проекта %s уже существует.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Метод не реализован: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "Не удалось получить \"%s\" из идентификатора ресурса: \"%s\"", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Не удалось найти подписку.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Пользователь отменен. Чтобы приложение Teams могло доверять самозаверяющему SSL-сертификату, который используется набором средств, необходимо добавить самозаверяющий сертификат в хранилище сертификатов.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Приложение фильтра видео в удаленном режиме не поддерживается набором средств Teams. Проверьте файл README.md в корневой папке проекта.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Не удалось создать приложение Teams на портале разработчика Teams из-за %s", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Не удалось обновить приложение Teams с идентификатором %s на портале разработчика Teams из-за %s", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Сбой вызова API на портал разработчика. Для получения дополнительных сведений см. [панель выходных данных](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Сбой вызова API на портал разработчика: %s, %s, имя API: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. Это могло произойти из-за периодических ошибок службы. Подождите несколько минут и попробуйте повторить этот шаг.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Вызов API на портал разработчика не выполнен: %s, %s, путь запроса: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "Не удалось опубликовать приложение Teams с идентификатором %s.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Сбой сборки пакета Teams.", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Не удалось проверить разрешение. Причина: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Не удалось предоставить разрешение. Причина: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Сбой перечисления участников совместной работы. Причина: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Не найдено приложение Teams с идентификатором %s. Выполните отладку или подготовку перед обновлением манифеста для платформы Teams.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Недопустимая возможность: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Не удается добавить возможность %s, достигнут предел.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "Не найдена статическая вкладка с идентификатором %s. Не удалось обновить.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "Возможность %s не существует в манифесте. Не удалось обновить.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "В поиске манифеста обнаружен недопустимый ИД.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "Не удалось получить схему из %s, сообщение: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Схема манифеста не определена", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Попробуйте создать пакет из «Пакета приложений Zip Teams» и повторите попытку.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Не удалось создать приложение Teams из-за ошибки конфликта 409. Это может произойти из-за конфликта идентификатора вашего приложения с другим приложением в клиенте. Щелкните \"Техническая поддержка\" для получения дополнительных сведений.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Приложение Teams с таким идентификатором уже существует в магазине приложений вашей организации. Обновите идентификатор приложения вручную и повторите попытку.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Текущей учетной записи не разрешено получать токен botframework.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Подготовка Botframework возвращает запрещенный результат при попытке создать регистрацию бота.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Подготовка Botframework возвращает результат конфликта из-за попытки создать регистрацию бота.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Не удалось скачать ZIP-пакет и открыть локальный ZIP-пакет.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "Не удалось найти шаблон: %s.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "Не удалось найти образец: %s.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "Не удалось скачать ZIP-пакет из %s.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Не удалось распаковать шаблоны и записать их на диск.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "Не удается найти ключ %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Не удалось загрузить образец из-за ограничения. Повторите попытку позже после сброса ограничения скорости (это может занять до 1 часа). Кроме того, вы можете перейти к %s, чтобы клонировать репозиторий вручную", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Не удалось загрузить образец из-за сетевой ошибки. Проверьте подключение к сети и повторите попытку. Кроме того, вы можете перейти к %s, чтобы клонировать репозиторий вручную", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "Не удалось проанализировать URL-адрес %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "Не удалось получить манифест подключаемом модуля OpenAI из \"%s\".", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Не удается расширить приложение Teams до Microsoft 365. Используйте действие «teamsApp/extendToM365», чтобы расширить приложение Teams до Microsoft 365.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Имя приложения должно начинаться с букв и содержать не менее двух букв или цифр. Оно не может содержать некоторые специальные символы.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Длина имени приложения превышает максимальную (30 символов).", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Путь существует: %s. Выберите другое имя приложения.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Выберите язык.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx сейчас поддерживает только TypeScript.", "core.option.tutorial": "Открыть учебник", "core.option.github": "Открытие руководства GitHub", - "core.option.inProduct": "Открыть руководство по продукту", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Вкладка", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Импорт существующего проекта надстройки Outlook", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Копирование файлов", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Преобразование проекта", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Изменение манифеста", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Приложение на основе пользовательского интерфейса", "core.TabOption.detail": "Веб-страницы с поддержкой Teams, внедренные в Microsoft Teams", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Панель мониторинга", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Холст с карточками и мини-приложениями для отображения важной информации", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Базовый бот", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Простая реализация эхо-бота, готового к настройке", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Разворачивание ссылки", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Отображать сведения и действия при вставке URL-адреса в область создания сообщения", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Сбор входных данных формы и их обработка", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "Расширение для сообщений", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Пользовательский интерфейс при создании пользователями сообщений в Teams", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Получите данные, введенные пользователем, сделайте что-нибудь с ними и отправьте настроенные результаты обратно", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Сообщение уведомления чата", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Уведомлять и информировать сообщением, которое отображается в чатах Teams", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Команда для чата", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "Создание пользовательского интерфейса с помощью SharePoint Framework", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Вкладка \"Базовый\"", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Простая реализация веб-приложения, готового к настройке", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Набор инструментов Teams проверил спецификацию API:\n\nСводка:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Набор инструментов Teams проверил манифест подключаемого модуля OpenAI:\n\nСводка:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "Сбой %s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "Предупреждение %s", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "Обнаружены следующие проблемы с файлом спецификации OpenAPI:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "Устранение рисков с %s: не требуется, operationId был автоматически создан и добавлен в файл \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" не должно содержать более %s символов. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Отсутствует полное описание. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Устранение рисков: обновите \"%s\" в поле \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Отсутствует \"%s\" в команде \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Устранение рисков: создайте шаблон адаптивной карточки в \"%s\", а затем обновите поле \"%s\" на относительный путь в \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Возможности", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Выберите возможность", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Предварительный просмотр в Windows", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Работает в Teams и Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Работает в Teams, Outlook и приложении Microsoft 365.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Работает в Teams, Outlook и Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Разговорный или информативный чат, который может автоматизировать повторяющиеся задачи.", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Бот", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Возможности приложения с использованием бота", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Ищите или инициируйте действия в области создания чата Teams и Outlook.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "Функции приложения с использованием расширения сообщения", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Настройте ленту и панель задач в соответствии с вашим веб-контентом", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Надстройка Outlook", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Функции приложения с помощью надстройки Outlook", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Встраивайте собственный веб-контент в Teams, Outlook и приложение Micosoft 365.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Функции приложения с использованием вкладки", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Создать плагин для расширения Copilot с помощью API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Плагин для Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Плагин для Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Выберите нужный вариант", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Новый проект", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Начать с новым API", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Создать плагин с новым API на основе функций Azure", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Начать со спецификации OpenAPI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Создать плагин на основе существующего API", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "Начать с плагина OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "Преобразовать плагин OpenAI в плагин Microsoft 365 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "Спецификация OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Введите URL-адрес спецификации OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Введите расположение спецификации OpenAPI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "Манифест подключаемого модуля OpenAI", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Введите домен веб-сайта", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Введите допустимый URL-адрес", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Укажите действительный домен", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Выберите операцию", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Перечислены только методы GET и POST с одним параметром и без проверки подлинности.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "Методы, определенные в manifest.json, не перечислены", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Недопустимая спецификация API. Дополнительные сведения см. на панели вывода.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Недопустимая спецификация API. Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Недопустимый манифест подключаемого модуля OpenAI. Дополнительные сведения см. на панели вывода.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Недопустимый манифест подключаемого модуля OpenAI. Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "Отсутствует URL-адрес в \"%s\".", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Тип проверки подлинности не поддерживается. Поддерживаемый тип проверки подлинности: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "Бот чата ИИ", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Бот чата, использующий библиотеку ИИ Teams", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "Папка решения SPFx", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Выберите папку, содержащую решение SPFx", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Выберите среду", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Новое имя среды", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Новое имя среды", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Имя среды может содержать только буквы, цифры, _ и -.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Не удается создать среду «%s»", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Не удалось перечислить конфигурации env", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "Среда проекта %s уже существует.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Выберите среду для создания копии", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Выберите группу ресурсов", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Имя новой группы ресурсов", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Имя новой группы ресурсов", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Имя может содержать только буквы и цифры или символы ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Расположение для новой группы ресурсов", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Папка рабочей области", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Выберите папку, которая будет содержать корневую папку проекта", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Создание приложения", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Используйте набор средств Teams для создания нового приложения Teams.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Начать с примера", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Используйте существующий пример в качестве отправной точки для нового приложения.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Быстрая среда выполнения сервера JavaScript", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Бесплатно. Кроссплатформенная разработка. Открытый код.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Набор средств Teams: выбор среды выполнения для приложения", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Начать с примера", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Выберите пример", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Просмотреть примеры", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Создание новых ботов для отладки", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Отмените выбор, чтобы сохранить исходное значение botId.", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "Обновите botId %s до «${{BOT_ID}}» в manifest.json.", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "Обновите botId %s до «${{BOT_ID}}» в manifest.json.", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Бот", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Настройка URL-адресов веб-сайтов для отладки", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "Обновить URL-адрес содержимого с %s на %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "Обновить URL-адрес веб-сайта с %s на %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Отмените выбор, чтобы сохранить исходный URL-адрес", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Единый вход", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Разработка функции единого входа для страниц запуска Teams и возможностей бота", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Добавьте владельца в приложение Teams или AAD для учетной записи в том же клиенте Microsoft 365 (электронная почта).", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Адрес электронной почты не может быть пустым или иметь значение NULL", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Измените [UserName] на настоящее имя пользователя", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "Не удалось загрузить файл .env. Причина: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Выберите файл manifest.json Azure Active Directory", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Выберите файл manifest.json Teams", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Выберите файл пакета приложения Teams", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Выберите локальный файл Teams manifest.json.", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Выберите приложение для управления участниками совместной работы", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Выберите метод проверки", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Проверить с помощью схемы манифеста", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Проверить с помощью схемы манифеста", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Проверка пакета приложения с помощью правил проверки", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Проверка пакета приложения с помощью правил проверки", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Подтвердите правильность выбора манифеста", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Приложение Azure Active Directory", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Ваше приложение Azure Active Directory для единого входа", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Приложение Teams", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Ваше приложение Teams", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "React с пользовательским интерфейсом Fluent", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Веб-приложение, использующее компоненты пользовательского интерфейса Fluent React, чтобы получить дизайн Teams", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Настраиваемые результаты поиска", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Отображать данные непосредственно в результатах поиска Teams и Outlook из области поиска или области чата", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Отображать данные непосредственно в результатах поиска Teams из области поиска или чата", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Платформа", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Выберите платформу для просмотра приложения", "core.options.separator.additional": "Дополнительные функции", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Приложение Teams подготовлено.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Успешно выполнено %s/%s действий на этапе подготовки.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Успешно выполнено %s/%s действий на этапе развертывания.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Успешно выполнено %s/%s действий на этапе публикации.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Идентификатор классического и мобильного клиента Teams", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Идентификатор веб-клиента Teams", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Идентификатор клиента приложения Microsoft 365 для настольных компьютеров", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Идентификатор классического клиента Outlook", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Идентификатор клиента Outlook Web Access 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Идентификатор клиента Outlook Web Access 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Операция отменена.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "Версия OpenAPI ниже 3.0.0 не поддерживается.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "В файле спецификации OpenAPI отсутствуют сведения о серверах.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "В файле спецификации OpenAPI найдены сведения о нескольких серверах.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Удаленная ссылка не поддерживается: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Отсутствующие operationId: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "Не найден поддерживаемый API в файле спецификации OpenAPI.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "\"additionalProperties\" не поддерживается и будет пропущен.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "Схемы \"oneOf\", \"anyOf\" и \"not\" не поддерживаются: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Неизвестная схема: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "Неверный URL-адрес сервера: протокол %s не поддерживается. Следует использовать протокол HTTPS.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "Неверный URL-адрес сервера: относительный URL-адрес сервера не поддерживается.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Импорт существующих надстроек Outlook", "core.importAddin.detail": "Обновить проект надстроек до последней версии манифеста приложения и структуры проекта.", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Область задач", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Настройка ленты с помощью кнопки и внедрение содержимого в область задач", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Действие %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "Успешное выполнение %s.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Файл среды создан в", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s успешно добавлено в %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Загрузка параметров…", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Загрузка значения по умолчанию...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "имя отсутствует\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "Отсутствует requiredResourceAccess\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "Отсутствует oauth2Permissions\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "Отсутствует preAuthorizedApplications\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion имеет значение \"1\"\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "Отсутствует optionalClaims\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "Маркер доступа optionalClaims не содержит утверждение idtyp\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "В манифесте AAD возникли следующие проблемы, которые могут прервать работу приложения Teams:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Невозможно обновить или удалить существующее разрешение, если оно включено. Одна из возможных причин — переменная среды ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID изменена для выбранной среды. Убедитесь, что ваши идентификаторы разрешений идентичны реальному приложению AAD, и повторите попытку.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "Неизвестный идентификатор resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "Неизвестный resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Неизвестный идентификатор resourceAccess: %s. Если вы используете разрешение в качестве идентификатора resourceAccess, попробуйте использовать вместо него идентификатор разрешения.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Путь к проекту пуст", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "Не удалось создать файлы для добавления единого входа. Сведения об ошибке: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "\"Адрес электронной почты недопустим\".", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Предложения: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "Недопустимое значение %s: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "Отсутствует %s.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "Не удалось подготовить %s.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "Не удалось обновить конфигурации для %s", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Регистрация бота не найдена с botId %s. Для получения дополнительных сведений о регистрации ботов нажмите кнопку \"Техническая поддержка\".", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Ресурс бота уже существует в %s. Создание ресурса бота пропускается.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные Azure.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Регистрация подготовки бота.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Регистрация бота успешно подготовлена.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Проверьте вход на панель выходных данных и попробуйте устранить эту проблему.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Регистрация бота на портале разработчиков", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Не удалось получить самый новый шаблон из GitHub. Система пытается использовать локальный шаблон.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Установите требуемые зависимости вручную.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Подробнее", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "У вас должен быть установлен NPM для отладки ваших локальных функций.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Не удалось проверить Azure Functions Core Tools после установки.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Назначение символической ссылки уже существует", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Версия Node.js (@NodeVersion) несовместима с набором средств Teams Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Недопустимый формат версии %s.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Установка основных инструментов функций Azure не завершена.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Версия основных инструментов Функций Azure (%s) несовместима с указанным диапазоном версий (%s).", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "Успешно установлена @NameVersion.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Скачивание и установка переносимой версии @NameVersion, которая будет установлена в @InstallDir и не повлияет на вашу среду.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "Скачивание и установка переносимой версии @NameVersion, которая будет установлена в @InstallDir и не повлияет на вашу среду.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "Успешно установлена @NameVersion.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "Использование dotnet из PATH:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "Сбой команды dotnet-install без кода выхода ошибки, но с непустой стандартной ошибкой.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "Сбой команды dotnet-install.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Не удается найти Node.js. Поддерживаемые версии узлов указаны в package.json. Перейдите в %s, чтобы установить поддерживаемый Node.js. Перезапустите все экземпляры Visual Studio Code после завершения установки.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) не является официально поддерживаемой версией (%s). Ваш проект может продолжать работать, но мы рекомендуем установить поддерживаемую версию. Поддерживаемые версии Node указаны в package.json. Перейдите на страницу %s, чтобы установить поддерживаемую версию Node.js.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) не является LTS-версией (%s). Перейдите на страницу %s, чтобы установить LTS-версию Node.js.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Не удается найти @NameVersion. Дополнительные сведения о том, почему требуется пакет SDK для .NET, см. по ссылке @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Не удается найти @SupportedPackages.\n\nДля набора средств Teams требуются эти зависимости.\n\nНажмите кнопку «Установить», чтобы @InstallPackages.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Не удается найти @SupportedPackages. Установите @SupportedPackages вручную и перезапустите Visual Studio Code.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Не удается найти @SupportedPackages.\n\nДля набора средств Teams требуются эти зависимости.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "Не удалось скачать файл по URL-адресу \"@Url\", состояние HTTP \" @Status\".", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Недопустимый аргумент для средства проверки предварительных условий приложения для тестирования расширяемости видео. Проверьте файл tasks.json.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Не удалось проверить приложение для тестирования расширяемости видео после установки.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Версия средства тестирования приложений Teams (%s) несовместима с указанным диапазоном версий (%s).", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Не удалось проверить средство тестирования приложений Teams после установки. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Имена переменных выходной среды не определены.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Создайте приложение Azure Active Directory для проверки подлинности пользователей", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Применение манифеста приложения Azure Active Directory к существующему приложению", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "Переменная среды %s не задана.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "Не удается создать секрет клиента.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Поле %s отсутствует или недействительно в манифесте приложения Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Создание приложения Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Обновление приложения Azure Active Directory...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Выполнение действия %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Действие %s выполнено успешно", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Не удалось выполнить действие %s. Сообщения об ошибке: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Переменная среды %s не существует, создается новое приложение Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Создано приложение Azure Active Directory с идентификатором объекта %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Переменная среды %s уже существует, шаг создания нового приложения Azure Active Directory пропущен.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Переменная среды %s не существует, создается секрет клиента для приложения Azure Active Directory...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Создан секрет клиента для приложения Azure Active Directory с идентификатором объекта %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Переменная среды %s уже существует, пропущен шаг создания секрета клиента приложения Azure Active Directory.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Сборка манифеста приложения Azure Active Directory завершена, и содержимое манифеста приложения записывается в %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Применен манифест %s к приложению Azure Active Directory с идентификатором объекта %s", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Создание бота приложения AAD...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Создание приложения бота Azure Active Directory.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Приложение бота Azure Active Directory успешно создано.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Создание приложения бота Azure Active Directory пропущено.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "создание нового или повторное использование существующего приложения Azure Active Directory бота.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "Выполнение действия %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "Действие %s выполнено успешно", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "Не удалось выполнить действие %s. Сообщения об ошибке: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Создано приложение Azure Active Directory с идентификатором клиента %s.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Использовано существующее приложение Azure Active Directory с идентификатором клиента %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Пароль бота пустой. Добавьте его в файл env или очистите идентификатор бота, чтобы восстановить пару идентификатор бота/пароль. действие: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Развернуть указанные шаблоны ARM в Azure.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "Развертывание шаблонов ARM в Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Для отладки приложений в Teams ваш локальный хост-сервер должен быть подключен к HTTPS.\nЧтобы в Teams можно было доверять самозаверяющим SSL-сертификатам, используемым набором инструментов, в хранилище сертификатов должен быть добавлен самозаверяющий сертификат.\n Вы можете пропустить этот шаг, но при отладке приложений в Teams вам потребуется вручную доверять безопасному подключению в новом окне браузера.\nДополнительные сведения: \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " При установке сертификата может потребоваться указать учетные данные учетной записи.", "debug.install": "Установка", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "развертывает пакет SPFx в каталоге приложений SharePoint.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "Развернуть пакет SPFx в каталоге приложений клиента", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "Перейти к созданию каталога приложений Microsoft Office SharePoint Online.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "Отправка пакета SPFx в каталог приложений клиента.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "Каталог приложений клиента Microsoft Office SharePoint Online %s создан, подождите несколько минут, прежде чем он станет активен.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Каталог приложений клиента не найден, повторите попытку: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Не удалось получить URL-адрес сайта каталога приложений после создания. Подождите несколько минут, затем повторите попытку.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "В этом клиенте нет действительного каталога приложений. Вы можете изменить свойство \"createAppCatalogIfNotExist\" в %s на ИСТИНА, если хотите, чтобы набор средств Teams создал его для вас, или вы можете создать его самостоятельно.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "добавить дополнительную веб-часть в проект SPFx", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Веб-часть %s добавлена в проект.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Формирование шаблонов веб-части", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Создать веб-часть SPFx с помощью CLI Yeoman", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Не удалось проверить и установить Azure Functions Core Tools.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "Не удалось проверить и установить пакет SDK для .NET Core.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Не удалось проверить и установить средство тестирования приложений Teams.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "установка зависимостей", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Проверка и установка инструментов разработки.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "Установлен сертификат разработки для localhost.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "Создан сертификат разработки для localhost.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "Пропуск доверия сертификату разработки для localhost.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools установлены в %s.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools установлены.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "Пакет SDK для .NET Core установлен в %s.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "Пакет SDK для .NET Core установлен.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Создайте или обновите переменные в файле среды.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Переменные созданы в %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Средство тестирования приложений Teams установлено в %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Средство тестирования приложений Teams установлено.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "Создание или обновление файла JSON.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "JSON-файл создан в %s.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "Создание JSON-файла...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Создание переменных среды...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Не удалось перезапустить веб-приложение.\nПопробуйте перезапустить веб-приложение вручную, если оно не работает должным образом.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Развертывание в службе приложений Azure занимает много времени. Рекомендуем обратиться к этому документу для оптимизации развертывания:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Подготовка развертывания завершена. Пакет можно найти в \"%s\"", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "Выполнено развертывание \"%s\" в Службе приложений Azure.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "Выполнено развертывание \"%s\" в Функциях Azure.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "Выполнено развертывание \"%s\" в службе хранилища Azure.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Успешно включен статический веб-сайт для службы хранилища Azure.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "развертывание проекта в Службе приложений Azure.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "развертывание проекта в Функциях Azure.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "развертывание проекта в службе хранилища Microsoft Azure.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "параметр включения статического веб-сайта в службе хранилища Azure.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Повторите попытку.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Не удалось получить учетные данные Azure из-за ошибки удаленной службы.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "выполнение команды dotnet.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "выполняется команда npm.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "выполнение команды npx.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "Успешное выполнение команды \"%s\" в \"%s\".", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "получить название Microsoft 365 с пакетом приложения", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Получение названия Microsoft 365 с пакетом приложения...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Название Microsoft 365 успешно получено (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "копирует созданный пакет приложения Teams в решение SPFx.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "создание приложения Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "Обновить приложение Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "публикация приложения Teams в каталоге приложений клиента.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "проверка приложения Teams.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "сборка пакета приложения Teams.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Выполняется копирование пакета приложения Teams в решение SPFx…", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Создание приложения Teams...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Обновление приложения Teams...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Проверка отправки приложения Teams в каталог приложений клиента", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Обновление опубликованного приложения Teams", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Публикация приложения Teams...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "Приложение Teams с идентификатором %s уже существует. Создание нового приложения Teams пропущено.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "Приложение Teams с идентификатором %s уже существует в магазине приложений организации.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "Приложение Teams с идентификатором %s не существует в магазине приложений организации.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "Приложение Teams %s опубликовано на портале администрирования.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "Приложение Teams %s успешно скопировано в %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "Значки (%s) обновлены в %s.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Набор средств Teams проверил соответствие всем правилам проверки:\n\nСводка:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nПолный журнал проверок можно найти в %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit проверил манифест со своей схемой: \n\nСводка: \n%s. \n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s прошло", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s не удалось", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "Предупреждение %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Все", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Набор средств Teams завершил проверку этого пакета приложения на соответствие правилам проверки. %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams Toolkit завершил проверку вашего пакета приложения на соответствие правилам проверки. % с. Проверьте [Панель вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) для получения подробной информации.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Не удалось проверить пакет приложения Teams из-за %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Проверка пакета приложения Teams не пройдена. Для получения дополнительных сведений см. [панель выходных данных](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Приложение Teams с идентификатором %s не существует на портале разработчика Teams.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Недопустимый идентификатор приложения Teams %s, это должен быть GUID.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "создает или обновляет регистрацию бота на dev.botframework.com", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "Регистрация бота успешно создана (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "Регистрация бота успешно обновлена (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "Жизненный цикл \"%s\" не определен, файл YAML: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "Действие «%s» невозможно выполнить, так как следующие параметры: %s либо отсутствуют, либо имеют недопустимое значение в предоставленном файле yaml: %s. Убедитесь, что необходимые параметры указаны и имеют допустимые значения, и повторите попытку.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "Не удалось установить %s. Вы можете установить его вручную и перезапустить Visual Studio Code, если вы используете набор инструментов в Visual Studio Code.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Программа не может продолжить работу, так как отсутствуют следующие переменные среды: '%s', необходимые для файла: %s. Убедитесь, что установлены необходимые переменные, либо отредактировав файл .env '%s' с правильными именами и значениями, либо задав переменные системной среды с правильными именами и значениями. Если вы разрабатываете новый проект, созданный с помощью Teams Toolkit, запуск подготовки или отладки зарегистрирует правильные значения для этих переменных среды.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Эта команда работает только для проекта, созданного набором средств Teams.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Файл или каталог не найден: \"%s\". Убедитесь, что он существует и у вас есть разрешение на доступ к нему.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "Синтаксическая ошибка JSON: %s. Проверьте синтаксис JSON, чтобы убедиться, что он имеет правильный формат.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Не удалось прочитать файл. Причина: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "Возникла непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении задачи %s. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Не удалось записать файл. Причина: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "Операция с файлом запрещена. Убедитесь, что у вас есть необходимые разрешения: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Отсутствуют обязательные входные данные: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "Ошибка проверки ввода '%s': %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "Не удалось найти файлы .env.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "Отсутствует требуемый файл для %s: \"%s\"", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "Во время выполнения задачи %s произошла ошибка HTTP-клиента. Сообщение об ошибке: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "При выполнении задачи %s произошла ошибка HTTP-сервера. Повторите попытку позже. Сообщение об ошибке: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "Предыдущая задача по-прежнему выполняется. Дождитесь ее завершения и повторите попытку.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Этот проект уже самый последний, обновлять его не нужно.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Не удалось обработать файл манифеста (\"%s\") из-за отсутствия ключа \"id\". Чтобы правильно идентифицировать приложение, убедитесь, что в файле манифеста присутствует ключ \"id\".", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Не удалось загрузить файл манифеста. Причина: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Не удалось получить учетные данные Azure. Убедитесь, что подлинность учетной записи Azure проверена надлежащим образом, и повторите попытку.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Подписка Azure \"%s\" недоступна в вашей текущей учетной записи. Убедитесь, что вы вошли в систему с правильной учетной записью Azure и что у вас есть необходимые разрешения для доступа к подписке.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Группа ресурсов \"%s\" уже существует в подписке \"%s\". Рассмотрите возможность выбора другого имени или использования существующей группы ресурсов для своей задачи.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Невозможно выбрать подписку в текущей учетной записи.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Не удается найти группу ресурсов \"%s\" в подписке \"%s\".", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "Не удалось создать группу ресурсов \"%s\" в подписке \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "Не удалось проверить наличие группы ресурсов \"%s\" в подписке \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "Не удалось получить группы ресурсов в подписке \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "Не удалось получить сведения о группе ресурсов \"%s\" в подписке \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "Не удалось получить доступные расположения групп ресурсов для подписки \"%s\".", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Не удалось получить объект JSON для токена Microsoft 365. Убедитесь, что ваша учетная запись авторизована для доступа к клиенту и что объект маркера JSON действителен.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Не удалось получить ИД клиента Microsoft 365 в объекте JSON токена. Убедитесь, что ваша учетная запись авторизована для доступа к клиенту, и что объект JSON токена является допустимым.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Ошибка аутентификации. В настоящее время вы вошли в клиент Microsoft 365 \"%s\", который отличается от указанного в файле .env (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). Чтобы решить эту проблему и переключиться на текущего клиента, вошедшего в систему, удалите значения «%s» из файла .env и повторите попытку.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "Не удалось скомпилировать файлы Bicep, расположенные по пути \"%s\", в шаблоны JSON ARM. Возвращено сообщение об ошибке: %s. Проверьте файлы Bicep на наличие ошибок синтаксиса или конфигурации и повторите попытку.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Не удалось загрузить Bicep cli из '%s'. Сообщение об ошибке: %s. Исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку. Или удалите конфигурацию bicepCliVersion в файле конфигурации teamapp.yml, и Teams Toolkit будет использовать интерфейс командной строки bicep в PATH.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "Шаблоны ARM для имени развертывания: \"%s\" не удалось развернуть в группе ресурсов \"%s\". См. [Панель вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) для получения более подробной информации.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "Не удалось развернуть шаблоны ARM для развертывания с именем \"%s\" в группе ресурсов \"%s\". Причина: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "Шаблоны ARM для имени развертывания: \"%s\" не удалось развернуть в группе ресурсов \"%s\" по причине: %s. \nНевозможно получить подробное сообщение об ошибке из-за: %s. \nОбратитесь к группе ресурсов %s на портале, чтобы узнать об ошибке развертывания.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Не удалось преобразовать результат развертывания ARM в выходные данные действия, так как в результате развертывания ARM присутствует повторяющийся ключ \"%s\".", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Не удалось найти какие-либо файлы в папке дистрибутива: «%s». Убедитесь, что папка не пуста и в нее включены все необходимые файлы.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Не удалось проверить состояние развертывания, так как время ожидания процесса истекло. Проверьте подключение к Интернету и повторите попытку. Если проблема не устранена, просмотрите журналы развертывания (Развертывание -> Центр развертывания -> Журналы) на портале Azure, чтобы выявить возможные проблемы.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "Не удалось получить учетные данные для публикации приложения \"%s\" в группе ресурсов \"%s\". См. [Панель вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) для получения более подробной информации.", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации приложения \"%s\" в группе ресурсов \"%s\" по причине: \n%s. \nПредложения: \n1. Убедитесь, что имя приложения и имя группы ресурсов написаны правильно и являются допустимыми. \n2. Убедитесь, что ваша учетная запись Azure имеет необходимые разрешения для доступа к API. Возможно, вам придется повысить свою роль или запросить дополнительные разрешения у администратора. \n3. Если в сообщении об ошибке указана конкретная причина, например сбой аутентификации или проблема с сетью, изучите конкретно эту проблему, чтобы устранить ошибку, и повторите попытку. \n4. Вы можете протестировать API на этой странице: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Не удалось развернуть zip-пакет в конечной точке: «%s». Обратитесь к [панели вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) для получения дополнительных сведений и повторите попытку.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Не удалось развернуть ZIP-пакет в конечной точке «%s» в Azure из-за ошибки: %s. \nПредложения: \n1. Убедитесь, что ваша учетная запись Azure имеет необходимые разрешения для доступа к API. \n2. Убедитесь, что конечная точка правильно настроена в Azure и что необходимые ресурсы предоставлены. \n3. Убедитесь, что zip-пакет действителен и не содержит ошибок. \n4. Если в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, например сбой аутентификации или проблема с сетью, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку. \n5. Если ошибка не устранена, вы можете попытаться развернуть пакет вручную, следуя инструкциям по этой ссылке: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Не удалось проверить состояние развертывания для расположения: \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. Если проблема не устранена, просмотрите журналы развертывания (Развертывание -> Центр развертывания -> Журналы) на портале Azure, чтобы выявить возможные проблемы.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Пакет был успешно развернут в Azure для местоположения: \"%s\", но приложение не может быть запущено из-за ошибки: %s. \nЕсли причина четко не указана, вот несколько советов по устранению неполадок: \n1. Проверьте журналы приложений. Найдите в журналах приложений любые сообщения об ошибках или трассировки стека, чтобы определить основную причину проблемы. \n2. Проверьте конфигурацию Azure. Убедитесь, что конфигурация Azure верна, включая строки подключения и параметры приложения. \n3. Проверьте код приложения. Просмотрите код на наличие синтаксических или логических ошибок, которые могут быть причиной проблемы. \n4. Проверьте зависимости. Убедитесь, что все зависимости, необходимые приложению, правильно установлены и обновлены. \n5. Перезапустите приложение. Попробуйте перезапустить приложение в Azure, чтобы проверить, решит ли это проблему. \n6. Проверьте выделение ресурсов. Убедитесь, что выделение ресурсов для экземпляра Azure соответствует приложению и его рабочей нагрузке. \n7. Обратитесь за помощью в службу поддержки Azure. Если проблема не устранена, обратитесь в службу поддержки Azure за дополнительной помощью.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Тайм-аут выполнения скрипта: %s. Настройте параметр timeout в yaml или улучшите эффективность вашего скрипта.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Ошибка выполнения скрипта (\"%s\"): %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "Не удалось очистить файлы BLOB-объектов в учетной записи хранения Azure \"%s\". Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели выходных данных](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "Не удалось очистить файлы больших двоичных объектов в учетной записи хранения Azure «%s». Ответы об ошибках от Azure: \n%s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "Не удалось отправить локальную папку \"%s\" в учетную запись хранения Azure \"%s\". Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели выходных данных](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "Не удалось получить свойства контейнера \"%s\" в учетной записи хранения Azure \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. Ответы об ошибках от Azure: \n%s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "Не удалось задать свойства контейнера \"%s\" в учетной записи хранения Azure \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. См. [Панель вывода](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) для получения более подробной информации.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "Не удалось задать свойства контейнера \"%s\"' в учетной записи хранение Azure \"%s\" из-за ошибки: %s. Ответы об ошибках от Azure:\n %s. \nЕсли в сообщении об ошибке указана причина, исправьте ошибку и повторите попытку.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Не удалось загрузить идентификатор манифеста из пути: %s. Сначала необходимо запустить подготовку.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Не удается найти идентификатор приложения: %s. Возможно, у вашей текущей учетной записи M365 нет разрешения или приложение удалено." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.tr.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.tr.json index c614eef617..6e0d1deb45 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.tr.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.tr.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "Sağlama", - "core.provision.learnMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure hesabı: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure aboneliği: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365 hesabı: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Kullanıma göre maliyet çıkabilir. Yukarıda listelenen hesapları kullanarak %s ortamında kaynak sağlamak istiyor musunuz?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "Kaynakları %s ortamında dağıtmak ister misiniz?", "core.provision.viewResources": "Sağlanan kaynakları görüntüle", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Uygulama Azure Active Directory başarıyla dağıtıldı. Azure Active Directory uygulamanızı nasıl görüntüleyeceğinizi kontrol etmek için \"Daha fazla bilgi\"ye tıklayın.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Azure Active Directory uygulamanız başarıyla güncelleştirildi.", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "Azure'da bot uygulamasıyla ilgili sorunları gidermek için lütfen belgeler için daha fazla bilgi edinin'e tıklayın.", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "Dağıt", "core.option.confirm": "Onayla", - "core.option.cancel": "İptal", - "core.option.learnMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "Yükselt", "core.option.moreInfo": "Daha Fazla Bilgi", "core.progress.create": "Oluştur", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "Uygulama şablonu indiriliyor.", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "Örnek %s indiriliyor", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "Dağıtma", "core.progress.publish": "Yayımlama", "core.progress.provision": "Sağlama", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "Azure Depolama yapılandırılıyor, statik web sitesi ayarını etkinleştirin.", "core.progress.runCommand": "%s komutunu şurada çalıştır: %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "%s, %s konumuna dağıtılıyor.", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "Devamını okuyun", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "Lütfen yükseltmeyi onaylayın", "core.migrationV3.Message": "En son sürümle uyumlu kalmak için Teams Toolkit projenizi yükseltin. Bir Yükseltme Özeti ile birlikte bir yedekleme dizini oluşturulacaktır.", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "En son Teams Araç Seti sürümüyle uyumlu kalmak için çözümünüzü yükseltin. İçinde yükseltme raporu içeren bir yedekleme dizini oluşturulur.", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json yok. Visual Studio Code için Team Araç Seti v3.x / Team Araç Seti CLI v0.x / Visual Studio için Team Araç Seti v17.3 tarafından oluşturulan bir projeyi yükseltmeye çalışıyor olabilirsiniz. Lütfen Visual Studio Code için Team Araç Seti v4.x / Team Araç Seti CLI v1.x / Visual Studio için Team Araç Seti v17.4’ü yükleyin ve önce yükseltmeyi çalıştırın.", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json geçersiz.", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "Bu proje yalnızca önizleme içindir ve Teams Toolkit tarafından desteklenmeyecektir. Lütfen yeni bir proje oluşturarak Teams Toolkit'i deneyin", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Araç Seti'nin Yayın Öncesi sürümü yeni proje yapılandırmasını destekler ve önceki sürümlerle uyumsuzdur. Yeni bir proje oluşturarak deneyin veya önce projenizi yükseltmek için \"teamsfx upgrade\" komutunu çalıştırın.", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "TeamsFx CLI sürümünüz geçerli projeyi desteklemek için çok eski, lütfen aşağıdaki komutu kullanarak en son sürüme yükseltin:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "Geçerli proje Teams Araç Seti'nin yüklü sürümüyle uyumlu değil.", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "Çözümdeki proje, Teams Araç Seti önizleme özelliği (Teams Uygulama Yapılandırması İyileştirmeleri) ile oluşturulur. Devam etmek için önizleme özelliğini açabilirsiniz.", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM şablonları başarıyla dağıtıldı. Kaynak grubu adı: %s. Dağıtım adı: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "'Microsoft 365 Uygulaması sahiplerini listele' işlemi başarılı oldu, bunu [Çıkış panelinde](%s) görüntüleyebilirsiniz.", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "İzin veriliyor", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Ortak çalışanın e-postası null veya geçerli kullanıcıyla aynı olamaz", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "Kullanıcı, geçerli kiracıda bulunamıyor. E-posta adresinizin doğru olup olmadığını denetleyin", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "%s kullanıcısı için izin ver", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "İzin verilecek hesap: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "Ortam için izin vermeye başlama: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "Kiracı Kimliği: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "şu kullanıcıya izin verildi: ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ", Kaynak Kimliği: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "Microsoft 365 izinlerinin kaydı\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "Denetlemek için kullanılan hesap: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\nOrtam için tüm ekip uygulama sahiplerini listelenmeye başlıyor: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nOrtam için tüm Azure Active Directory uygulama sahiplerini listelemeye başlıyoruz: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams Uygulaması (Kimlik: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO AAD Uygulaması (Kimlik: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams Uygulaması Sahibi: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory Uygulama Sahibi: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "Ortam iznini kontrol edilmeye başlanıyor: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "Kaynak kimliği: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "tanımsız", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ", Kaynak Adı: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ", İzin: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "%s Teams uygulaması için indirilen pakette bildirim bulunamadı.", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "Çerçeve", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "SharePoint Framework Web Bölümünün Adı", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "%s klasörü zaten var. Bileşeniniz için farklı bir ad seçin.", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s, desenle eşleşmiyor: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint Framework", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Yapı iskelesi için bir seçenek belirleyin", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "Genel olarak yüklenen SPFx’i (%s) kullan", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "Genel olarak yüklenen SPFx’i kullan", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s veya üzeri", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "En son SPFx’i (%s) Teams Araç Seti dizininde yerel olarak yükleyin ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "En son SPFx’i Teams Araç Seti dizininde yerel olarak yükle ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint Çözümü", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Yeni SPFx Çözümü Oluştur", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "SPFx web bölümlerini kullanarak Teams Tab uygulaması oluşturma", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Mevcut SPFx Çözümünü İçeri Aktar", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "SPFx istemci tarafı web bölümünü Microsoft Teams sekmesi veya kişisel uygulama olarak kullanıma sunma", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "%s SharePoint paketi [%s](%s) konumuna başarıyla dağıtıldı.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "%s SharePoint paketi bulunamıyor.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "SPO erişim belirteci alınamıyor.", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Graph erişim belirteci alınamıyor.", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "Paket, %s Uygulama Kataloğuna yüklenemiyor ve dağıtılamıyor. Kuruluşunuzun Microsoft 365 kiracı yöneticisi izinlerine ihtiyacınız var. Test amacıyla [Microsoft 365 geliştirici programından](%s) ücretsiz Microsoft 365 kiracısı edinebilirsiniz.", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "%s nedeniyle kiracı uygulama kataloğu oluşturulamıyor, yığın: %s.", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "%s nedeniyle uygulama paketi karşıya yüklenemiyor.", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "SharePoint paketi oluşturuluyor", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "SharePoint paketini karşıya yükleme ve dağıtma", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Proje için yapı iskelesi oluşturuluyor", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "%s nedeniyle 'npm install' çalıştırılamıyor", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "%s paketi doğrulanamıyor", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "SPFx projenizde .yo-rc.json dosyası yok. Yapılandırma dosyasını ekleyip yeniden deneyin.", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "SPFx geliştirme ortamı doğru kurulmamış. Doğru ortamı kurmak için kılavuzu takip etmek için \"Yardım Al\"a tıklayabilirsiniz.", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "Bağımlılıklar denetleniyor...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Bağımlılıklar yükleniyor. Bu işlemin tamamlanması 5 dakikadan uzun sürebilir.", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "Yeoman CLI kullanarak SPFx projesi oluşturma", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "Web bölümü bildirimini güncelleştir", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "%s %s kiracısı alınamıyor", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "%s klasöründe SPFx ortamı ayarlanırken bilinmeyen sorunlarla karşılaşıldı. Genel SpFx ortamını ayarlamak için [SharePoint Framework geliştirme ortamınızı ayarlama | Microsoft Learn](%s) sayfasına gidin.", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Proje oluşturulamadı. Yeoman SharePoint Oluşturucusu buna neden olmuş olabilir. Ayrıntılar için [Çıkış paneli](%s) sayfasına bakın.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Mevcut SPFx çözüm bilgileri alınamadı. Lütfen SPFx çözümünüzün geçerli olduğundan emin olun.", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Mevcut SPFx çözümü kopyalanamadı: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Proje şablonları mevcut SPFx çözümüyle güncellenemedi: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Mevcut SPFx çözümü Teams Araç Seti'ne aktarılamadı: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "SPFx çözümü içeri aktarılıyor", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "Mevcut SPFx çözümü kopyalanıyor...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "Çözüm bilgilerine göre şablonlar oluşturuluyor...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "Şablonlar güncelleştiriliyor...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "SPFx çözümünüz, %s öğesine başarıyla aktarıldı.", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Araç Seti, SPFx çözümünüzü içeri aktardı. İçeri aktarma ayrıntılarının tam günlüğü şuradadır: %s", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Araç Seti, SPFx çözümünüzü içeri aktaramadı. İçeri aktarma ayrıntılarının tam günlüğü şuradadır: %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "Ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edin.", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "Dosya sisteminiz için Okuma/Yazma izinlerine sahip olup olmadığınızı kontrol edin.", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "Azure Depolama Hesabınız için izinlere sahip olup olmadığınızı kontrol edin.", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Süresi dolmuş kimlik bilgileri alıyor olabilirsiniz. Sistem saatinizin doğru olup olmadığını kontrol edin.", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "Geçerli adımı yeniden deneyin.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "Teams paketi [yerel adres](%s) konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu.", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Teams paketi %s konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu.", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "Teams uygulama paketi oluşturuluyor...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Bildirim Doğrulama başarısız!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "Bildirim doğrulanıyor...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "Uygulama paketi doğrulanıyor...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "Yönetici portalına git", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s], Yönetici Portalı’nda (%s) başarıyla yayımlandı. Onaylandıktan sonra uygulamanız kuruluşunuzun kullanımına sunulacak. %s aracılığıyla daha fazla bilgi edinin.", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "Yeni bir güncelleştirme göndermek istiyor musunuz?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams uygulaması oluşturuldu %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams uygulaması güncelleştirildi %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Teams uygulama bildiriminiz başarıyla dağıtıldı. Uygulamanızı Teams Geliştirici Portalında görüntülemek için \"Geliştirici Portalında Görüntüle\"ye tıklayın.", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Teams uygulama bildiriminiz şuraya başarıyla dağıtıldı: ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "Bildirim dosyası yapılandırmaları zaten değiştirilmiş. Bildirim dosyasını yeniden üretmek ve Teams platformuna güncelleştirmek istiyor musunuz?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "Teams platformundaki bildirim dosyası, son güncelleştirmeden sonra değiştirildi. Teams platformundaki bildirim dosyasını güncelleştirmeye ve dosyanın üzerine yazmaya devam etmek istiyor musunuz?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "%s uygulaması zaten kiracı Uygulama Kataloğuna gönderildi.\nDurumu: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "Son Değişiklik: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "Yalnızca önizleme", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "Gözden geçir ve güncelleştir", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "Üzerine yaz ve güncelleştir", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "%s uygulamasının paketinde dosya bulunamadı.", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "%s, Teams Araç Seti tarafından işlenmedi.", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "Geliştirici Portalında Görüntüle", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Tetikleyicileri seç", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Tetikleyicileri seç", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure İşlevleri", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "Azure İşlevleri üzeride barındırılan çalışan bir işlev, HTTP isteklerini dinleyebilir.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP Tetikleyicisi", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure İşlevleri", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "Azure İşlevleri üzerinde barındırılan çalışan bir işlev, belirli bir zamanlamaya göre HTTP isteklerini dinleyerek bunlara yanıt verebilir.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP ve Zamanlayıcı Tetikleyicisi", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify Sunucusu", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Azure App Service üzeride barındırılan çalışan bir restify sunucusu, HTTP isteklerini dinleyebilir.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP Tetikleyicisi", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web API Sunucusu", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Azure App Service üzerinde barındırılan çalışan bir Web API sunucusu, HTTP isteklerini dinleyebilir.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP Tetikleyicisi", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure İşlevleri", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "Azure İşlevlerinde barındırılan çalışan bir işlev, belirli bir zamanlamaya göre yanıt verebilir.", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "Süreölçer Tetikleyicisi", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "Hiçbir proje açılmadı, yeni bir proje oluşturabilir veya mevcut bir projeyi açabilirsiniz.", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "Ortam adı yalnızca harf, rakam, _ ve - içerebilir.", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Yükseltmeye hazır değilseniz lütfen Teams Araç Seti'nin eski sürümünü kullanmaya devam edin", - "error.InvalidInputError": "Geçersiz girişler: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "%s proje ortamı zaten var.", - "error.NotImplementedError": "Metot uygulanmadı: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "'%s' kaynak kimliğinden '%s' alınamıyor.", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "Abonelik bulunamıyor.", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "Kullanıcı iptal edildi. Teams'in, araç seti tarafından kullanılan otomatik olarak imzalanan SSL sertifikasına güvenmesi için, sertifika deponuza otomatik olarak imzalanan bir sertifika eklenmelidir.", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Uzak konumdaki video filtresi uygulaması, Teams Araç Seti tarafından desteklenmiyor. Proje kök klasöründeki README.md dosyasını denetleyin.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "%s nedeniyle Teams Geliştirici Portalı’nda Teams uygulaması oluşturulamıyor.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "%s kimliğine sahip Teams uygulaması %s nedeniyle Teams Geliştirici Portalı’nda güncelleştirilemiyor", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Geliştirici Portalı’na yapılan API çağrısı başarısız oldu. Ayrıntılar için [Çıkış panelini](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) denetleyin.", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Geliştirici Portalı API çağrısı başarısız oldu: %s, %s, API adı: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. Bu, aralıklı olarak ortaya çıkan bir hizmet hatasından kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Lütfen birkaç dakika bekleyin ve geçerli adımı yeniden deneyin.", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Geliştirici Portalına API çağrısı başarısız oldu: %s, %s, İstek yolu: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "%s kimlikli Teams uygulaması yayımlanamıyor.", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Teams Paketi oluşturulamadı!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "İzin denetlenemedi. Neden: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "İzin verilemedi. Neden: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Ortak çalışan listelenemedi. Neden: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "%s kimlikli Teams uygulaması bulunamıyor. Bildirimi Teams platformuna güncelleştirmeden önce hata ayıklamayı çalıştırmanız veya sağlamanız gerekiyor.", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "Geçersiz özellik: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "%s özelliği eklenemiyor, sınıra ulaştı.", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "%s varlık kimliğine sahip statik sekme bulunamıyor, güncelleştirme başarısız.", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "%s özelliği bildirimde yok, güncelleştirme başarısız.", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Bildirim bul’da geçersiz kimlik bulundu.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "%s konumundan şema alınamıyor, ileti: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "Bildirim şeması tanımlanmadı", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Lütfen \"Zip Teams uygulama paketi\"nden paket oluşturmayı deneyin ve tekrar deneyin.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "409 Çakışma hatasıyla Teams uygulaması oluşturulamıyor. Bu, uygulama kimliğinizin kiracınızdaki başka bir uygulamayla çakışmasından kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Daha fazla bilgi için Yardım Alın düğmesine tıklayın.", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Kuruluşunuzun uygulama mağazasında bu kimliğe sahip bir Teams uygulaması zaten var. Uygulama kimliğini el ile güncelleştirip yeniden deneyin.", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "Mevcut hesabın botframework jetonu almasına izin verilmez.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework sağlama, bot kaydı oluşturmaya çalışmanın yasak sonucu.", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework sağlama, bot kaydı oluşturmaya çalışmaktan kaynaklanan çatışma sonuçlarını döndürür.", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "Zip paketi indirilemiyor ve yerel zip paketi açılamıyor.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "%s şablonu bulunamıyor.", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "%s örneği bulunamıyor.", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "%s konumundan zip paketi indirilemiyor.", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "Şablonların sıkıştırması açılamıyor ve diske yazılamıyor.", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "%s anahtarı bulunamıyor", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Azaltma nedeniyle örnek indirilemiyor. Hız sınırı sıfırlandıktan sonra yeniden deneyin. Bu işlem 1 saat kadar sürebilir. Alternatif olarak, %s konumuna giderek depoyu git deposuna el ile kopyalayabilirsiniz.", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Ağ hatası nedeniyle örnek indirilemiyor. Ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edip yeniden deneyin. Alternatif olarak, %s konumuna giderek depoyu git deposuna el ile kopyalayabilirsiniz.", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "URL %s ayrıştırılamıyor", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "'%s' adresinden OpenAI eklenti bildirimi alınamıyor.", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "Teams uygulaması, Microsoft 365’e genişletilemiyor. Teams uygulamanızı Microsoft 365’e genişletmek için 'teamsApp/extendToM365' eylemini kullanın.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "Uygulama adı harfle başlamalı ve en az iki harf veya rakam içermelidir. Uygulama adı bazı özel karakterleri içeremez.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "Uygulama adı en fazla 30 uzunluğundan daha uzun.", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Yol mevcut: %s. Farklı bir uygulama adı seçin.", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Programlama dili seçin.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx şu anda yalnızca TypeScript'i destekliyor.", "core.option.tutorial": "Öğreticiyi aç", "core.option.github": "GitHub kılavuzu aç", - "core.option.inProduct": "Ürün içi kılavuz aç", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "Sekme", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Mevcut bir Outlook eklenti projesi içeri aktarılıyor", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Dosyalar kopyalanıyor", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Proje dönüştürülüyor", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Manifest değiştiriliyor", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "Kullanıcı arabirimi tabanlı uygulama", "core.TabOption.detail": "Microsoft Teams'e eklenen Teams kullanan web sayfaları", "core.DashboardOption.label": "Pano", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "Önemli bilgileri görüntülemek için kartları ve pencere öğeleri olan bir tuval", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "Temel Bot", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "Özelleştirmeye hazır bir yankı botunun basit bir uygulaması", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "Bağlantı Açma", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "İleti oluşturma alanına bir URL yapıştırıldığında bilgileri ve eylemleri görüntüle", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "Form Girişi ve İşlem Verileri Topla", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "İleti Uzantısı", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "Kullanıcılar Teams'de ileti oluşturduğunda özel kullanıcı arabirimi", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Kullanıcı girişi alın, bu girişi kullanarak bir şey yapın ve özelleştirilmiş sonuçları geri gönderin", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "Sohbet Bildirim İletisi", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "Teams sohbetlerinde görüntülenen bir iletiyle bildirin ve bilgilendirin", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "Sohbet Komutu", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "SharePoint Framework ile UI oluşturun", "core.TabNonSso.label": "Temel Sekme", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "Özelleştirmeye hazır bir web uygulaması için basit bir uygulama", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Araç Seti API belirtiminizi kontrol etti:\n\nÖzet:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams Araç Seti, OpenAI eklenti bildiriminizi kontrol etti:\n\nÖzet:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s başarısız oldu", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s uyarısı", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "OpenAPI belirtim dosyanız için aşağıdaki sorunları algılamıyoruz:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s Azaltma: Gerekli değil, operationId otomatik olarak oluşturuldu ve bu dosyaya \"%s\" eklendi.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" %s'den fazla karakter içermemelidir.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "Tam açıklama eksik. ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "Risk azaltma: \"%s\" içindeki \"%s\" alanını güncelleyin.", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "Komut \"%s\" eksik \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " Risk Azaltma: \"%s\" içinde Uyarlanabilir Kart şablonu oluşturun ve ardından \"%s\" alanını \"%s\" içindeki göreli yola güncelleyin.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "Özellikler", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "Özellik seçin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "Windows'da Önizleme", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "Teams ve Outlook'ta çalışır", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "Teams, Outlook ve Microsoft 365 uygulamasında çalışır", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "Teams, Outlook ve Copilot'ta çalışır", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "Yinelenen görevleri otomatik hale getirebilecek konuşma veya bilgilendirici sohbet deneyimleri", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "Bot Kullanan Uygulama Özellikleri", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Teams ve Outlook'un sohbet oluşturma alanında arama yapın veya eylem başlatın", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "İleti Uzantısı Kullanan Uygulama Özellikleri", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Şeridi ve Görev Bölmesi'ni web içeriğinizle özelleştirin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook Eklentisi", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "Outlook Eklentisi Kullanan Uygulama Özellikleri", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Teams, Outlook ve Micosoft 365 uygulamasına kendi web içeriğinizi ekleyin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "Sekme Kullanan Uygulama Özellikleri", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "API'lerinizi kullanarak Copilot'u genişletmek için bir eklenti oluşturun", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Copilot eklentisi", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Copilot eklentisi", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "Bir seçenek belirleyin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "Yeni Proje", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "Yeni bir API ile başlayın", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "Azure İşlevleri'dan yeni BIR API ile eklenti oluşturun", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "OpenAPI Belirtimi ile başla", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "Mevcut API'niz için bir eklenti oluşturun", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "OpenAI Eklentisi ile başlayın", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "OpenAI Eklentisini Microsoft 365 Copilot’a dönüştürün", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Belirtimi", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "OpenAPI Spesifikasyon URL’sini Girin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "OpenAPI Spesifikasyon Konumunu Girin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI Eklenti Bildirimi", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "Web sitenizin etki alanını girin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Lütfen geçerli bir URL girin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "Lütfen geçerli bir etki alanı girin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Bir İşlem Seçin", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "Yalnızca tek parametreli ve kimlik doğrulaması olmayan GET ve POST yöntemleri listelenir", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "manifest.json içinde tanımlanan yöntemler listelenmiyor", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Geçersiz API belirtimi. Ayrıntılar için çıkış panelini denetleyin.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Geçersiz API belirtimi. Ayrıntılar için [çıkış panelini](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) kontrol edin.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Geçersiz OpenAI eklenti bildirimi. Ayrıntılar için çıkış panelini kontrol edin.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Geçersiz OpenAI eklenti bildirimi. Ayrıntılar için [çıkış panelini](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) kontrol edin.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "\"%s\"de eksik URL.", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "Kimlik doğrulama türü desteklenmiyor. Desteklenen kimlik doğrulama türü: \"%s\".", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "AI Sohbet Botu", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "Teams AI kitaplığını kullanan bir sohbet botu", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx çözüm klasörü", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "SPFx çözümünüzü içeren klasörü seçin", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "Ortam seçin", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "Yeni ortam adı", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "Yeni ortam adı", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "Ortam adı yalnızca harf, rakam, _ ve - içerebilir.", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "'%s' ortamı oluşturulamıyor", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "Ortam yapılandırmaları listelenemiyor", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "%s proje ortamı zaten var.", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "Kopya oluşturmak için bir ortam seçin", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "Kaynak grubu seçin", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "Yeni kaynak grubu adı", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "Yeni kaynak grubu adı", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "Ad yalnızca alfasayısal karakterler veya ._-() sembollerini içerebilir", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "Yeni kaynak grubunun konumu", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Çalışma alanı klasörü", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Proje kök klasörlerinizi içeren klasörü seçin", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "Yeni uygulama oluşturun", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Yeni bir uygulama oluşturmak için Teams Araç Seti'ni kullanın.", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Bir örnekle başlayın", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Yeni uygulamanızın başlangıç noktası olarak mevcut bir örneği kullanın.", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "Hızlı bir JavaScript sunucusu çalışma zamanı", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "Ücretsiz. Platformlar arası. Açık Kaynak.", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams Araç Seti: uygulamanız için çalışma zamanını seçin", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "Bir örnekle başlayın", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "Örnek seçin", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "Örnekleri görüntüle", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "Hata ayıklama için yeni robotlar oluştur", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Özgün botId değerinin kalması için seçimi kaldırın", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "BotId %s'yi manifest.json'da \"${{BOT_ID}}\" olarak güncelleyin", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "BotId %s'yi manifest.json'da \"${{BOT_ID}}\" olarak güncelleyin", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "Hata ayıklama için web sitesi URL'lerini yapılandır", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "%s olan içerik URL'sini %s olarak güncelleştirin", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "%s olan web sitesi URL'sini %s olarak güncelleştirin", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Özgün URL’nin kalması için seçimi kaldırın", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "Çoklu Oturum Açma", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "Teams Başlatma sayfaları ve Bot özelliği için Çoklu Oturum Açma özelliği geliştirme", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Aynı Microsoft 365 kiracısı altındaki hesap için Teams/AAD uygulamasına sahip ekleme (e-posta)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "E-posta adresi null veya boş olamaz", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Lütfen [UserName] adını gerçek kullanıcı adına değiştirin", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": ".env Dosyanız yüklenemiyor. Neden: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Azure Active Directory manifest.json dosyasını seçin", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Teams manifest.json dosyasını seçin", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Teams uygulama paketi dosyası seçin", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Yerel Teams manifest.json dosyasını seçin", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Ortak çalışanları yönetmek istediğiniz uygulamayı seçin", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "Bir doğrulama yöntemi seç", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "Bildirim şemasını kullanarak doğrulayın", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "Bildirim şemasını kullanarak doğrulayın", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "Doğrulama kurallarını kullanarak uygulama paketini doğrulayın", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "Doğrulama kurallarını kullanarak uygulama paketini doğrulayın", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Bildirimi onayla doğru seçildi", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory uygulaması", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Çoklu Oturum Açma için Azure Active Directory uygulamanız", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams uygulaması", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "Teams uygulamanız", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "Fluent UI’ya sahip React", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "Teams'in görünüm ve hissini edinmek için Fluent UI React bileşenleri kullanan bir web uygulaması", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "Özel Arama Sonuçları", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Verileri doğrudan arama veya sohbet alanındaki Teams ve Outlook arama sonuçlarında görüntüleyin", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "Verileri doğrudan arama veya sohbet alanından Teams arama sonuçlarında görüntüleyin", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "Platform", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "Uygulamayı önizlemek için bir platform seçin", "core.options.separator.additional": "Ek özellikler", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams uygulaması başarıyla hazırlandı.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "Sağlama aşamasında %s/%s eylemleri başarıyla yürütüldü.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "Dağıtım aşamasında %s/%s eylemleri başarıyla yürütüldü.", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "Yayımlama aşamasında %s/%s eylemleri başarıyla yürütüldü.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams masaüstü, mobil istemci kimliği", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams web istemcisi kimliği", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "Masaüstü istemci kimliği için Microsoft 365 uygulaması", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook masaüstü istemci kimliği", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook web erişimi istemci kimliği 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook web erişimi istemci kimliği 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "İşlem iptal edildi.", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "3.0.0'dan düşük OpenAPI sürümü desteklenmez.", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "OpenAPI spesifikasyon dosyasında hiçbir sunucu bilgisi bulunamadı.", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "OpenAPI belirtim dosyasında birden çok sunucu bilgisi bulundu.", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "Uzak başvuru desteklenmiyor: %s.", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "Eksik işlem kimlikleri: %s.", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "OpenAPI belirtim dosyasında desteklenen API bulunamadı.", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "'additionalProperties' desteklenmiyor ve göz ardı edilecek.", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "'oneOf', 'anyOf' ve 'not' şeması desteklenmiyor: %s.", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "Bilinmeyen şema: %s.", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "Sunucu URL'si doğru değil: %s protokolü desteklenmiyor, bunun yerine https protokolünü kullanmalısınız.", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "Sunucu URL'si doğru değil: göreli sunucu URL'si desteklenmiyor.", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "Mevcut Bir Outlook Eklentisini İçeri Aktarın", "core.importAddin.detail": "Bir Eklenti projesini en son uygulama bildirimine ve proje yapısına yükseltin", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "Görev bölmesi", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "Şeridi bir düğmeyle özelleştirin ve Görev Bölmesine içerik ekleyin", "core.summary.actionDescription": "Eylem %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s başarıyla yürütüldü.", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "Ortam dosyası oluşturulma zamanı:", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s başarıyla %s listesine eklendi", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "Seçenekler yükleniyor...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "Varsayılan değer yükleniyor ...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "ad eksik\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess eksik\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions eksik\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications eksik\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims eksik\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims erişim belirteci idtyp talebini içermiyor\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "AAD bildirimi, Teams Uygulamasını bozabilecek aşağıdaki sorunları içeriyor:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Etkinleştirildiğinde mevcut bir izin güncelleştirilemiyor veya silinemiyor. Olası nedenlerden biri, seçilen ortam için ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID ortam değişkeninin değiştirilmiş olmasıdır. İzin kimliklerinizin gerçek AAD uygulamasıyla aynı olduğundan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "Bilinmeyen resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "Bilinmeyen resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Bilinmeyen kaynak Erişim kimliği: %s, resourceAccess kimliği olarak izin kullanıyorsanız, lütfen bunun yerine izin kimliğini kullanmayı deneyin.", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Proje yolu boş", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "SSO eklemek için dosyalar oluşturulamıyor. Ayrıntı hatası: %s.", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "E-posta adresi geçerli değil", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "Öneriler: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "Şu değere sahip %s geçersiz: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s eksik.", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "%s sağlanamıyor.", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "%s için yapılandırmalar güncelleştirilemiyor.", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "%s bot kimliğine sahip bot kaydı bulunamadı. Bot kayıtlarını denetleme hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için 'Yardım Alın' düğmesine tıklayın.", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Bot kaynağı %s üzerinde zaten var, Bot kaynağı oluşturmayı atlayın.", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "Azure kimlik bilgileri alınamıyor.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot kaydı sağlanıyor.", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot kaydı başarıyla sağlandı.", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Lütfen Çıkış panelinde oturum açtığınızdan emin olun ve bu sorunu gidermeyi deneyin.", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "Geliştirici Portalı bot kaydı", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "GitHub'dan en yeni şablon alınamıyor, yerel şablon kullanılmaya çalışılıyor.", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Gerekli bağımlılıkları kendiniz yükleyin.", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Daha fazla bilgi", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "Yerel işlevlerinizin hatalarının ayıklanması için NPM’nin yüklü olması gerekir.", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "Yüklemeden sonra Azure Functions Core Tools doğrulanamıyor.", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink hedefi zaten var", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Size ait olan Node.js (@NodeVersion) ile Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion) uyumlu değil.", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "%s sürümünün biçimi geçersiz.", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools yüklemesi tamamlanmadı.", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) sürümü belirtilen sürüm aralığıyla (%s) uyumlu değil.", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion başarıyla yüklendi.", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "@InstallDir dizinine yüklenecek ve ortamınızı etkilemeyecek olan taşınabilir @NameVersion sürümü indiriliyor ve yükleniyor.", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "@InstallDir dizinine yüklenecek ve ortamınızı etkilemeyecek olan taşınabilir @NameVersion sürümü indiriliyor ve yükleniyor.", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion başarıyla yüklendi.", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "PATH'ten dotnet kullanılıyor:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "dotnet-install komutu, hata çıkış kodu olmadan ancak boş olmayan standart hatayla başarısız oldu.", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "dotnet-install komutu başarısız oldu.", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "Node.js dosyası bulunamadı. Desteklenen düğüm sürümleri package.json dosyasında belirtilir. Desteklenen bir Node.js yüklemek için %s konumuna gidin. Yükleme tamamlandıktan sonra tüm Visual Studio Code örneklerinizi yeniden başlatın.", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) resmi olarak desteklenen sürüm (%s) değildir. Projeniz çalışmaya devam edebilir, ancak desteklenen sürümü yüklemenizi öneririz. Desteklenen düğüm sürümleri package.json'da belirtilmiştir. Desteklenen bir Node.js yüklemek için %s adresine gidin.", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) bir LTS sürümü (%s) değildir. Bir LTS Node.js yüklemek için %s adresine gidin.", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "@NameVersion bulunamıyor. .NET SDK'sının neden gerekli olduğu ile ilgili ayrıntılar için @HelpLink bağlantısına bakın", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages bulunamıyor.\n\nTeams Araç Seti bu bağımlılıkları gerektirir.\n\n@InstallPackages paketlerini yüklemek için “Yükle” seçeneğine tıklayın.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "@SupportedPackages bulunamıyor. @SupportedPackages paketini el ile yükleyin ve Visual Studio Code’u yeniden başlatın.", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "@SupportedPackages bulunamıyor.\n\nTeams Araç Seti bu bağımlılıkları gerektirir.", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "'@Url' konumundan dosya indirilemiyor, HTTP durumu: '@Status'.", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Video genişletilebilirlik testi uygulaması önkoşul denetleyicisi için geçersiz bağımsız değişken. Lütfen task.json dosyasını kontrol edin.", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "Yüklemeden sonra video genişletilebilirlik testi uygulaması doğrulanamıyor.", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Teams Uygulama Test Aracı (%s) sürümü belirtilen sürüm aralığıyla (%s) uyumlu değil.", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "Teams Uygulama Test Aracı yüklemeden sonra doğrulanamıyor. %s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "Çıkış ortamı değişken adları tanımlanmadı.", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Kullanıcıların kimliğini doğrulamak için Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturun", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Azure Active Directory uygulama bildirimini mevcut bir uygulamaya uygulayın", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "%s ortam değişkeni ayarlanmadı.", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "İstemci gizli dizisi oluşturulamıyor.", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Azure Active Directory uygulama bildiriminde %s alanı eksik veya geçersiz.", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturuluyor...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Azure Active Directory uygulaması güncelleştiriliyor...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "%s eylemi yürütülüyor", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "%s işlemi başarıyla yürütüldü", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "%s eylemi yürütülemiyor. Hata iletisi: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "%s ortam değişkeni yok. Yeni bir Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturuluyor...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "%s nesne kimlikli Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturuldu.", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "%s ortam değişkeni zaten var. Yeni Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturma adımı atlanıyor.", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "%s ortam değişkeni yok. Azure Active Directory uygulaması için istemci gizli dizisi oluşturuluyor...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "%s nesne kimlikli Azure Active Directory uygulaması için istemci gizli anahtarı oluşturuldu", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "%s ortam değişkeni zaten var. Azure Active Directory uygulaması istemci gizli dizisi oluşturma adımı atlanıyor.", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Azure Active Directory uygulama bildirimini derleme işlemi tamamlandı ve uygulama bildirimi içeriği şuraya yazıldı: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "%s nesne kimlikli Azure Active Directory uygulamasına %s bildirimi uygulandı", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Bot AAD uygulaması oluşturuluyor...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturuluyor.", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Azure Active Directory uygulaması başarıyla oluşturuldu.", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturma işlemi atlandı.", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "yeni bir bot oluşturun veya mevcut Azure Active Directory botu kullanın.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "%s eylemi yürütülüyor", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "%s işlemi başarıyla yürütüldü", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "%s eylemi yürütülemiyor. Hata iletisi: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "%s istemci kimlikli Azure Active Directory uygulaması oluşturuldu.", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "%s istemci kimlikli mevcut Azure Active Directory uygulaması kullanıldı.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Bot parolası boş. Bot kimliği/parola çiftinin yeniden oluşturulması için env dosyasına ekleyin veya bot kimliğini silin. Eylem: %s.", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "Verilen ARM şablonlarını Azure'a dağıtın.", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "ARM şablonları Azure'a dağıtılıyor...", - "debug.warningMessage": "Teams'de uygulama hataları ayıklamak için localhost sunucunuz HTTPS üzerinde olmalıdır.\nTeams'in araç seti tarafından kullanılan otomatik olarak imzalanmış SSL sertifikasına güvenmesi için, sertifika deponuza otomatik olarak imzalanmış bir sertifika eklenmelidir.\n Bu adımı atlayabilirsiniz, ancak Teams'de uygulamalarınızın hatalarını ayıklarken yeni bir tarayıcı penceresinde güvenli bağlantıya el ile güvenmeniz gerekecek.\nDaha fazla bilgi için \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\"sayfasına bakın.", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " Sertifikayı yüklerken hesap kimlik bilgilerinizi sağlamanız istenebilir.", "debug.install": "Yükle", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "SPFx paketini SharePoint uygulama kataloğuna dağıtır.", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "SPFx paketini kiracı uygulama kataloğuna dağıtın.", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "SharePoint uygulama kataloğu oluşturma adımına geçin.", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "SPFx paketini kiracı uygulama kataloğuna yükleyin.", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "%s SharePoint kiracı uygulama kataloğu oluşturuldu, etkin olması için birkaç dakika bekleyin.", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "Kiracı uygulama kataloğu bulunamadı, yeniden deneyin: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Oluşturulduktan sonra Uygulama Kataloğu site URL'si alınamıyor. Birkaç dakika bekleyip yeniden denemeniz gerekebilir.", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "Kiracınızda geçerli bir uygulama kataloğu yok. Teams Araç Seti’nin sizin için katalog oluşturmasını istiyorsanız %s konumundaki 'createAppCatalogIfNotExist' özelliğini true olarak güncelleştirin veya kendiniz katalog oluşturun.", "driver.spfx.add.description": "SPFx projesine ek web bölümü ekleyin", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "%s web bölümü projeye başarıyla eklendi.", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Web bölümü yapı iskelesi oluşturuluyor", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "Yeoman CLI kullanarak SPFx web bölümü oluşturun", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "Azure Functions Core Tools denetlenemiyor ve yüklenemiyor.", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": ".NET Core SDK denetlenemiyor ve yüklenemiyor.", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "Teams Uygulama Test Aracı denetlenemiyor ve yüklenemiyor.", "driver.prerequisite.description": "Bağımlılıklar yükleniyor.", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "Geliştirme araçları denetlenip yükleniyor.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "localhost için geliştirme sertifikası yüklü.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "localhost için geliştirme sertifikası oluşturuldu.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "localhost için geliştirme sertifikasına güvenmeyi atla.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools, %s konumunda yüklü.", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools yüklü.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": ".NET Core SDK, %s konumunda yüklü.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": ".NET Core SDK yüklü.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Ortam dosyasında değişkenleri oluşturun veya güncelleştirin.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Değişkenler %s konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "Teams Uygulama Test Aracı %s konumuna yüklendi.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "Teams Uygulama Test Aracı yüklendi.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "JSON dosyası oluşturun veya güncelleştirin.", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "JSON dosyası, %s konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "JSON dosyası oluşturuluyor...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "Ortam değişkenleri oluşturuluyor...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Web uygulaması yeniden başlatılamıyor.\nUygulama düzgün çalışmıyorsa lütfen web uygulamasını kendiniz yeniden başlatmayı deneyin.", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Azure App Service’ine dağıtım uzun sürer. Dağıtımınızı iyileştirmek için bu belgeye başvurabilirsiniz:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "Dağıtım hazırlıkları tamamlandı. Paketi `%s` içinde bulabilirsiniz", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` Azure App Service’a başarıyla dağıtıldı.", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` Azure İşlevlerine başarıyla dağıtıldı.", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` Microsoft Azure Depolama'ya başarıyla dağıtıldı.", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Depolama statik web sitesini başarıyla etkinleştirdi.", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "projeyi Azure App Service’e dağıtın.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "projeyi Azure İşlevleri’ne dağıtın.", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "projeyi Azure Depolama’ya dağıtın.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "Azure Depolama’da statik web sitesi ayarını etkinleştirin.", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "Lütfen tekrar deneyin.", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "Uzak hizmet hatası nedeniyle Azure kimlik bilgileri alınamıyor.", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "dotnet komutu çalıştırılıyor.", "driver.script.npmDescription": "npm komutu çalıştırılıyor.", "driver.script.npxDescription": "npx komutu çalıştırılıyor.", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` konumunda `%s` komutunun başarıyla yürütülmesi.", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "uygulama paketiyle birlikte Microsoft 365 başlığı alın", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "Uygulama paketiyle birlikte Microsoft 365 başlığı alınıyor...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 başlığı başarıyla alındı (%s).", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "oluşturulan Teams uygulama paketini SPFx çözümüne kopyalar.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "Teams uygulaması oluşturun.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "Teams uygulamasını güncelleştirin.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "kiracı uygulama kataloğuna bir Teams uygulaması yayımlayın.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "Teams uygulamasını doğrulayın.", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "Teams uygulama paketi oluşturun.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "Teams uygulama paketi, SPFx çözümüne kopyalanıyor...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams uygulaması oluşturuluyor...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "Teams uygulaması güncelleştiriliyor...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Teams uygulamasının kiracı Uygulama Kataloğuna zaten gönderilip gönderilmediği kontrol ediliyor", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "Yayımlanan Teams uygulamasını güncelleştir", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "Teams uygulaması yayımlanıyor...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "%s kimlikli Teams uygulaması zaten var, yeni bir Teams uygulaması oluşturma atlandı.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "%s kimlikli Teams uygulaması, kuruluşun uygulama deposunda zaten var.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "%s kimlikli Teams uygulaması, kuruluşun uygulama deposunda yok.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "%s Teams uygulaması yönetici portalında başarıyla yayımlandı.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "%s Teams uygulaması %s uygulamasına başarıyla kopyalandı.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s altında %s yeni simge(ler) başarıyla güncelleştirildi.", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Araç Seti tüm doğrulama kuralları ile denetlendi:\n\nÖzet:\n%s.\n%s\n%s\n\nDoğrulamaların tam günlüğü burada bulunabilir: %s", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Araç Seti, bildirimi şemasıyla birlikte kontrol etti:\n\nÖzet:\n%s.\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s geçti", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s başarısız oldu", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s uyarısı", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "Tümü", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams Araç Seti, uygulama paketinizi doğrulama kuralları ile denetlemeyi tamamladı.", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams Araç Seti, uygulama paketinizi doğrulama kurallarına göre denetlemeyi tamamladı. %s. Ayrıntılar için [Çıkış panelini](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) kontrol edin.", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Teams uygulama paketi doğrulaması, %s nedeniyle başarısız oldu", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Teams uygulama paketi doğrulanamadı. Ayrıntılar için [Çıkış panelini](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) denetleyin.", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "%s kimliğine sahip Teams uygulaması Teams Geliştirici Portalında bulunmuyor.", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "%s Teams uygulama kimliği geçersiz, GUID olmalıdır.", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "dev.botframework.com üzerinde bot kaydını oluşturur veya güncelleştirir", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "Bot kaydı başarıyla oluşturuldu (%s).", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "Bot kaydı başarıyla güncelleştirildi (%s).", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "'%s' yaşam döngüsü tanımlanmadı, yaml dosyası: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "'%s' eylemi, %s parametreleri eksik olduğundan veya sağlanan YAML dosyasında (%s) geçersiz değere sahip olduğundan tamamlanamıyor. Gerekli parametrelerin sağlandığından ve geçerli değerlere sahip olduklarından emin olup yeniden deneyin.", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "%s yüklenemiyor. Visual Studio Code’da Araç Seti'ni kullanıyorsanız el ile yükleyip Visual Studio Code’u yeniden başlatabilirsiniz.", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Şu ortam değişkenleri eksik olduğundan program devam edemiyor: '%s'. Bu değişkenler şu dosya için gereklidir: %s. '%s' .env dosyasını doğru ad ve değerlerle düzenleyerek ya da sistem ortam değişkenlerini doğru ad ve değerlerle ayarlayarak gerekli değişkenlerin ayarlandığından emin olun. Teams Araç Seti ile oluşturulan yeni bir projeyle geliştiriyorsanız sağlama veya hata ayıklama çalıştırıldığında bu ortam değişkenleri için doğru değerler kaydedilir.", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "Bu komut yalnızca Teams Araç Seti tarafından oluşturulan proje için çalışır.", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "Dosya veya dizin bulunamadı: '%s'. Mevcut olup olmadığını ve buna erişim izninizin olup olmadığını denetleyin.", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON söz dizimi hatası: %s. JSON söz dizimini doğru biçimlendirilmiş olduğundan emin olmak için denetleyin.", "error.common.ReadFileError": "Dosya şu nedenle okunamıyor: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "%s görevi yapılırken beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. %s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "Dosya şu nedenle yazılamıyor: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "Dosya işleme izin verilmiyor, gerekli izinlere sahip olduğundan emin olun: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "Gerekli giriş eksik: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "'%s' girişi doğrulanamadı: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": ".env dosyaları bulunamıyor.", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "%s gerekli dosyası yok `%s`", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "%s görevi gerçekleştirilirken bir http istemcisi hatası oluştu. Hata yanıtı: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "%s görevi gerçekleştirilirken bir http sunucusu hatası oluştu. Lütfen daha sonra yeniden deneyin. Hata yanıtı: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "Önceki görev hâlâ çalışıyor. Önceki göreviniz bitene kadar bekleyip yeniden deneyin.", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "Bu proje zaten en son proje, yükseltmeye gerek yok.", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "'id' anahtarı eksik olduğundan bildirim dosyanız ('%s') işlenemiyor. Uygulamanızı doğru şekilde tanımlamak için lütfen bildirim dosyasında 'id' anahtarının mevcut olduğundan emin olun.", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "Bildirim dosyası yüklenemiyor. Neden: %s.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Azure kimlik bilgileriniz alınamıyor. Azure hesabı kimlik bilgilerinizin uygun şekilde doğrulandığını kontrol edip yeniden deneyin.", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "'%s' Azure aboneliği geçerli hesabınızda kullanılamıyor. Doğru Azure hesabıyla oturum açtığınızdan ve aboneliğe erişmek için gerekli izinlere sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "'%s' kaynak grubu zaten '%s' aboneliğinde mevcut. Farklı bir ad seçmeyi veya göreviniz için mevcut kaynak grubunu kullanmayı düşünün.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "Geçerli hesapta abonelik seçilemiyor.", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "'%s' kaynak grubu '%s' aboneliğinde bulunamıyor.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "'%s' kaynak grubu, '%s' aboneliğinde şu hata nedeniyle oluşturulamıyor: %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "''%s' kaynak grubunun varlığı %s' aboneliğinde şu hata nedeniyle denetlenemiyor: %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "'%s' aboneliğindeki kaynak grupları şu hata nedeniyle alınamıyor: %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "'%s' aboneliğinde '%s' kaynak grubunun bilgileri, %s hatası nedeniyle denetlenemiyor. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "'%s' aboneliği için kullanılabilir kaynak grubu konumları alınamıyor.", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Microsoft 365 belirteci için JSON nesnesi alınamıyor. Hesabınızın kiracıya erişim yetkisine sahip olduğundan ve belirteç JSON nesnesinin geçerli olduğundan emin olun.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Belirteç JSON nesnesinde Microsoft 365 kiracı kimliği alınamıyor. Hesabınızın kiracıya erişim yetkisine sahip olduğundan ve belirteç JSON nesnesinin geçerli olduğundan emin olun.", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Kimlik doğrulaması başarısız oldu. Şu anda .env dosyasında belirtilenden (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s') farklı bir Microsoft 365 kiracısında oturum açtınız. Bu sorunu çözmek ve geçerli oturum açmış kiracınıza geçmek için lütfen .env dosyasından '%s' değerlerini kaldırıp yeniden deneyin.", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "'%s' yolunda bulunan Bicep dosyaları JSON ARM şablonlarına derlenemiyor. %s hata iletisi döndürüldü. Bicep dosyalarında söz dizimi veya yapılandırma hatalarını kontrol edip yeniden deneyin.", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "Bicep cli indirilemiyor şuradan indirilemiyor: '%s'. Hata iletisi: %s. Hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin veya teamsapp.yml yapılandırma dosyasındaki bicepCliVersion yapılandırmasını kaldırın. Teams Araç Seti, PATH yolundaki bicep CLI’yi kullanır", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "'%s' dağıtım adı için ARM şablonları '%s' kaynak grubunda dağıtılamadı. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [Çıkış paneline](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) başvurun.", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "'%s' dağıtım adı için ARM şablonları, %s nedeniyle '%s' kaynak grubunda dağıtılamadı.", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "'%s' dağıtım adı için ARM şablonları '%s' kaynak grubunda şu nedenle dağıtılamadı: %s. \nAyrıntılı hata iletisi şu nedenle alınamıyor: %s. \nDağıtım hatası için portaldaki %s kaynak grubuna başvurun.", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "ARM dağıtım sonucu, eylem çıkışına dönüştürülemiyor, ARM dağıtım sonucunda yinelenen bir '%s' anahtarı var.", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Dağıtım klasöründe dosya bulunamadı: '%s'. Lütfen klasörün boş olmadığından ve gerekli tüm dosyaların dahil edildiğinden emin olun.", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "İşlem zaman aşımına uğradığından dağıtım durumu denetlenemiyor. İnternet bağlantınızı kontrol edip yeniden deneyin. Sorun devam ederse lütfen olası sorunları belirlemek için Azure portalda dağıtım günlüklerini (Dağıtım -> Dağıtım merkezi -> Günlükler) gözden geçirin.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "'%s' uygulama yayımlama kimlik bilgileri '%s' kaynak grubunda alınamıyor. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [Çıkış paneline](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) başvurun.", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "'%s' uygulama yayımlama kimlik bilgileri '%s' kaynak grubunda şu nedenle alınamıyor:\n %s.\n Öneriler:\n 1. Uygulama adının ve kaynak grubu adının doğru yazıldığından ve geçerli olduğundan emin olun. \n 2. Azure hesabınızın API'ye erişmek için gerekli izinlere sahip olduğunu doğrulayın. Rolünüzü yükseltmeniz veya yöneticiden ek izinler istemeniz gerekebilir. \n 3. Hata iletisi kimlik doğrulama hatası veya ağ sorunu gibi belirli bir neden içeriyorsa hatayı çözmek için bu sorunu özel olarak araştırıp yeniden deneyin. \n 4. API'yi şu sayfada test edebilirsiniz: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "Zip paketi şu uç noktaya dağıtılamıyor: '%s'. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [Çıkış paneline](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) başvurun ve yeniden deneyin.", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Zip paketi, Azure'da '%s' uç noktasına şu hata nedeniyle dağıtılamıyor: %s. \nÖneriler:\n 1. Azure hesabınızın API'ye erişmek için gerekli izinlere sahip olduğunu doğrulayın. \n 2. Uç noktanın Azure'da düzgün yapılandırıldığını ve gerekli kaynakların sağlandığını doğrulayın. \n 3. Zip paketinin geçerli ve hatasız olduğundan emin olun. \n 4. Hata iletisi, kimlik doğrulama hatası veya ağ sorunu gibi bir neden belirtiyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin. \n 5. Hata devam ederse, paketi şu bağlantıdaki yönergeleri izleyerek el ile dağıtmayı deneyebilirsiniz: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "'%s' konumu için dağıtım durumu şu hata nedeniyle denetlenemiyor: %s. Sorun devam ederse lütfen olası sorunları belirlemek için Azure portalda dağıtım günlüklerini (Dağıtım -> Dağıtım merkezi -> Günlükler) gözden geçirin.", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "Paket '%s' konumu için Azure’a başarıyla dağıtıldı, ancak uygulama şu hata nedeniyle başlatılamıyor: %s.\n Neden açıkça belirtilmemişse sorunu gidermek için uygulayabileceğiniz öneriler aşağıdadır:\n 1. Uygulama günlüklerini denetleyin: Sorunun kök nedenini belirlemek için uygulama günlüklerinin hata iletilerini veya yığın izlemelerini denetleyin.\n 2. Azure yapılandırmasını denetleyin: Bağlantı dizeleri ve uygulama ayarları dahil Azure yapılandırmasının doğru olduğundan emin olun.\n 3. Uygulama kodunu denetleyin: Soruna neden olan herhangi bir söz dizimi veya mantık hatası olup olmadığını görmek için kodu gözden geçirin.\n 4. Bağımlılıkları denetleyin: Uygulama için gerekli tüm bağımlılıkların doğru şekilde yüklenip güncelleştirildiğini doğrulayın.\n 5. Uygulamayı yeniden başlatın: Sorunun çözülüp çözülmediğini görmek için uygulamayı Azure'da yeniden başlatmayı deneyin.\n 6. Kaynak ayırmayı denetleyin: Azure örneği için kaynak ayırmanın uygulama ve iş yükü için uygun olduğundan emin olun.\n 7. Azure desteğinden yardım alın: Sorun devam ederse daha fazla yardım için Azure desteğine başvurun.", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Betik yürütme zaman aşımı: %s. YAML'de 'timeout' parametresini ayarlayın veya betiğinizin verimliliğini geliştirin.", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Betik ('%s') yürütme hatası: %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "'%s' Azure Depolama Hesabındaki blob dosyaları temizlenemiyor. Daha fazla bilgi için [Çıkış paneli](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) bölümüne başvurun.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "'%s' Azure Depolama Hesabında blob dosyaları temizlenemiyor. Azure'dan gelen hata yanıtları şunlardır:\n %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "'%s' yerel klasörü, '%s' Azure Depolama Hesabına yüklenemiyor. Daha fazla bilgi için [Çıkış paneli](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) bölümüne başvurun.", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "'%s' kapsayıcısının özellikleri, '%s' Azure Depolama hesabında şu hata nedeniyle alınamıyor: %s. Azure'dan gelen hata yanıtları şunlardır:\n %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "'%s' kapsayıcısının özellikleri '%s' Azure Depolama Hesabında şu nedenle ayarlanamıyor: %s. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [Çıkış paneline](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) başvurun.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "'%s' Azure Depolama hesabında '%s' kapsayıcısının özellikleri, %s hatası nedeniyle ayarlanamıyor. Azure'dan gelen hata yanıtları şunlardır:\n %s. \nHata iletisinde neden belirtiliyorsa hatayı düzeltip yeniden deneyin.", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Bildiri kimliği şu yoldan yüklenemiyor: %s. Önce provizyonu çalıştırmalısınız.", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Uygulama kimliği bulunamıyor: %s. Geçerli M365 hesabınızda izin yok veya uygulama silinmiş olabilir." + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hans.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hans.json index 1dbdc8c51e..72f9d110dd 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hans.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hans.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "预配", - "core.provision.learnMore": "了解详细信息", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure 帐户: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365 帐户: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "根据使用情况可能会产生费用。是否要使用上面列出的帐户在 %s 环境中预配资源?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "是否要在 %s 环境中部署资源?", "core.provision.viewResources": "查看预配的资源", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "已成功部署 Azure Active Directory 应用程序。单击 \"了解详细信息\" 以检查如何查看 Azure Active Directory 应用程序。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "已成功更新 Azure Active Directory 应用程序。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "了解详细信息", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "若要对 azure 中的机器人应用程序进行故障排除,请单击“了解详细信息”以获取文档。", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "了解详细信息", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "部署", "core.option.confirm": "确认", - "core.option.cancel": "取消", - "core.option.learnMore": "了解详细信息", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "升级", "core.option.moreInfo": "详细信息", "core.progress.create": "创建", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "正在下载应用模板。", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "正在下载示例 %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "部署", "core.progress.publish": "发布", "core.progress.provision": "预配", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "正在配置 Azure 存储,请启用静态网站设置。", "core.progress.runCommand": "在 %s 运行命令 %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "正在将 %s 部署到 %s。", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "了解详细信息", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "请确认升级", "core.migrationV3.Message": "升级 Teams 工具包项目以与最新版本保持兼容。备份目录将与升级摘要一起创建。", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "升级解决方案以与最新的 Teams 工具包版本保持兼容。升级后将生成一个备份目录,其中包含一份升级报告。", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json 不存在。你可能正在尝试升级由 Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v3.x/Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x/Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3 创建的项目。请安装 Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v4.x/Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x/Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4,并首先运行升级。", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json 无效。", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "此项目仅用于预览,并将不受 Teams 工具包支持。请通过创建新项目来试用 Teams 工具包", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams 工具包的预发布版本支持新的项目配置,与以前的版本不兼容。请通过创建新项目进行尝试,或先运行“teamsfx 升级”以升级项目。", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "TeamFx CLI 版本较旧,不支持当前项目,请使用以下命令升级到最新版本:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "当前项目与已安装的 Teams 工具包版本不兼容。", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "解决方案中的项目是使用 Teams 工具包预览功能 - Teams 应用配置改进创建的。可以启用预览功能以继续。", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "已成功部署 ARM 模板。资源组名称: %s。部署名称: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "“列出 Microsoft 365 应用所有者“成功,可以在[输出通道](%s) 中查看。", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "授予权限", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "协作者的电子邮件不能为 null 或与当前用户相同", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "在当前租户中找不到用户,请检查你的电子邮件地址是否正确", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "授予用户 %s 的权限", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "要授予权限的帐户: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "正在开始授予环境的相关权限: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "租户 ID: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "权限已授予 ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ",资源 ID: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "列出 Microsoft 365 权限\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "用于检查的帐户: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\n正在开始列出环境的所有团队应用所有者: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\n正在开始列出环境的所有 Azure Active Directory 应用所有者: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams 应用(ID: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO AAD 应用(ID: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams 应用所有者: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory 应用所有者: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "正在开始检查环境的相关权限: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "资源 ID: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "未定义", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ",资源名称: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ",权限: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "无法从已下载的 Teams 应用 %s 的包中找到清单。", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "框架", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "SharePoint 框架 Web 部件的名称", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "文件夹r %s 已存在。请为组件选择其他名称。", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s 与模式 %s 不匹配", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint 框架", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "选择基架选项", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "使用全局安装的 SPFx (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "使用全局安装的 SPFx", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s 或更高版本", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "在 Teams 工具包目录中本地安装最新的 SPFx (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "在 Teams 工具包目录中本地安装最新的 SPFx", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint 解决方案", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "创建新的 SPFx 解决方案", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "使用 SPFx Web 部件创建 Teams Tab 应用程序", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "导入现有 SPFx 解决方案", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "将 SPFx 客户端 Web 部件作为 Microsoft Teams 选项卡或个人应用公开", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint 包 %s 已成功部署到 [%s](%s)。", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "找不到 SharePoint 包 %s", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "无法获取 SPO 访问令牌", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "无法获取图形访问令牌", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "无法将包上载并部署到应用程序目录 %s。需要组织 Microsoft 365 租户管理员权限。可以从 [Microsoft 365 开发人员计划](%s) 获取免费的 Microsoft 365 租户以用于测试目的。", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "无法创建租户应用目录,原因为 %s,堆栈: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "由于 %s,无法上传应用包", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "生成 SharePoint 包", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "上传和部署 SharePoint 包", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "基架项目", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "由于 %s,无法运行 'npm install'", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "无法验证包 %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "SPFx 项目中没有 .yo-rc.json 文件,请添加配置文件,然后重试。", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "SPFx 开发环境尚未正确设置。可以单击“获取帮助”按照指南设置正确的环境。", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "正在检查依赖项...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "正在安装依赖项。这可能需要超过 5 分钟才能完成。", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "使用 Yeoman CLI 生成 SPFx 项目", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "更新 Web 部件清单", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "无法获取租户 %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "在 %s 文件夹中设置 SPFx 环境时遇到未知问题。可以遵循[设置 SharePoint 框架开发环境 | Microsoft Learn](%s)来设置全局 SPFx 环境。", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "项目创建失败。可能是由 Yeoman SharePoint 生成器导致的。有关详细信息,请检查[输出窗格](%s)。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "无法检索现有的 SPFx 解决方案信息。请确保 SPFx 解决方案有效。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "未能复制现有 SPFx 解决方案: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "无法使用现有 SPFx 解决方案更新项目模板: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "无法将现有 SPFx 解决方案导入 Teams 工具包: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "导入 SPFx 解决方案", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "正在复制现有 SPFx 解决方案...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "正在根据解决方案信息生成模板...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "正在更新模板...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "SPFx 解决方案已成功导入到 %s。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams 工具包已成功导入 SPFx 解决方案。可在 %s 中找到导入详细信息的完整日志。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams 工具包无法导入 SPFx 解决方案。可在 %s 中找到导入详细信息的完整日志。", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "请检查你的网络连接。", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "检查你是否对文件系统具有读/写权限。", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "检查你是否对 Azure 存储帐户具有权限。", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "可能会收到过期的凭据,请检查系统时间是否正确。", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "重试当前步骤。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "已在 [本地地址](%s)成功生成 Teams 包。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "Teams 包已在 %s 成功生成。", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "正在生成 Teams 应用包...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "清单验证失败!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "正在验证清单...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "正在验证应用包...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "转到管理门户", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] 已成功发布到管理门户(%s)。批准后,你的应用将可供组织使用。从 %s 了解详细信息。", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "是否要提交新更新?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams 应用已创建 %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams 应用已更新 %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "你的 Teams 应用程序清单已成功部署。单击“在开发人员门户中查看”,在 Teams 开发人员门户中查看应用程序。", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "你的 Teams 应用程序清单已成功部署到 ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "清单文件配置已修改。是否要继续重新生成清单文件并更新到 Teams 平台?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "自上次更新以来,Teams 平台上的清单文件已更改。是否要继续更新和覆盖 Teams 平台上的清单文件?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "应用 %s 已提交到租户应用程序目录。\n状态: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "上次修改时间: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "仅供预览", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "审阅并更新", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "覆盖并更新", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "在应用 %s 的包中找不到任何文件。", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams 工具包未处理 %s。", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "在开发人员门户中查看", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "选择触发器", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "选择触发器", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "托管在 Azure Functions 上的正在运行的函数可以侦听 HTTP 请求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP 触发器", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "托管在 Azure Functions 上正在运行的函数可以侦听 HTTP 请求并根据特定计划进行响应。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP 和计时器触发器", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify 服务器", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "Azure 应用服务上托管的正在运行的 restify 服务器可以侦听 HTTP 请求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP 触发器", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web API 服务器", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "Azure 应用服务上托管的正在运行的 Web API 服务器可以侦听 HTTP 请求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP 触发器", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "托管在 Azure Functions 上运行的函数可以根据特定计划进行响应。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "计时器触发器", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "未打开任何项目,可以创建新项目或打开现有项目。", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "环境名称只能包含字母、数字、_、-。", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "如果尚未准备好升级,请继续使用旧版本的 Teams 工具包", - "error.InvalidInputError": "输入无效: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "项目环境 %s 已存在。", - "error.NotImplementedError": "未实现的方法: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "无法从资源 ID: \"%s\" 获取 \"%s\"", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "找不到订阅。", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "用户已取消。若要使 Teams 信任工具包使用的自签名 SSL 证书,必须将自签名证书添加到证书存储中。", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams 工具包不支持远程视频筛选器应用。请检查项目根文件夹中的 README.md 文件。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "由于 %s,无法在 Teams 开发人员门户中创建 Teams 应用", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "由于 %s,无法在 Teams 开发人员门户中更新 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "API 调用开发人员门户失败。有关详细信息,请查看[输出面板](命令:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "对开发人员门户的 API 调用失败: %s,%s,API 名称: %s,X-Correlation-ID: %s。这可能来自一些间歇性服务错误。请等待几分钟,然后重试当前步骤。", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "对开发人员门户的 API 调用失败: %s、%s、请求路径: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "无法发布 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用。", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Teams 包生成失败!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "检查权限失败。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "授予权限失败。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "列表协作者失败。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "找不到 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用。在将清单更新到 Teams 平台之前,必须先运行调试或预配。", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "功能无效: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "无法添加功能 %s,它达到了上限。", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "找不到实体 ID 为 %s 的静态选项卡,无法更新。", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "功能 %s 在清单中不存在,无法更新。", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "在清单查找中找到的 ID 无效。", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "无法从 %s 获取架构,消息: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "未定义清单架构", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "请尝试从“Zip Teams 应用包”生成包,然后重试。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "无法创建 Teams 应用,出现 409 冲突错误。这可能因为你的应用 ID 与租户中的另一个应用冲突。单击“获取帮助”以了解详细信息。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "组织应用商店中已存在具有该 ID 的 Teams 应用。请手动更新应用 ID,然后重试。", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "不允许当前帐户获取 botframework 令牌。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework 预配因尝试创建机器人注册返回禁止的结果。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework 预配因尝试创建机器人注册返回冲突结果。", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "无法下载 zip 包并打开本地 zip 包。", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "无法找到模板: %s。", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "无法找到示例: %s。", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "无法从 %s 下载 zip 包。", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "无法解压缩模板并写入磁盘。", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "无法找到键 %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "由于带宽限制,无法下载示例。请在速率限制重置后稍后重试(这可能需要长达 1 小时)。或者,可以转到 %s 手动操作 git clone 储库", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "由于网络错误,无法下载示例。请检查网络连接并重试。或者,可以转到 %s 手动操作 git clone 存储库", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "无法分析 url %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "无法从“%s”获取 OpenAI 插件清单。", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "无法将 Teams 应用扩展到 Microsoft 365。使用 \"teamsApp/extendToM365\" 操作将 Teams 应用扩展到 Microsoft 365。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "应用程序名称必须以字母开头,并且至少包含两个字母或数字。不能包含某些特殊字符。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "应用程序名称长于最大长度 30。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "路径存在: %s。选择其他应用程序名称。", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "选择编程语言。", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx 目前仅支持 TypeScript。", "core.option.tutorial": "打开教程", "core.option.github": "打开 GitHub 指南", - "core.option.inProduct": "打开产品内指南", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "选项卡", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "导入现有 Outlook 加载项项目", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "正在复制文件", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "正在转换项目", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "正在修改清单", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "基于 UI 的应用", "core.TabOption.detail": "Microsoft Teams 中嵌入的 Teams 感知网页", "core.DashboardOption.label": "仪表板", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "包含用于显示重要信息的卡片和小组件的画布", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "基本机器人", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "轻松实现可随时自定义的 Echo Bot", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "链接展开", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "将 URL 粘贴到撰写消息区域时显示信息和操作", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "收集表单输入和处理数据", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "消息扩展", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "用户在 Teams 中撰写邮件时的自定义 UI", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "获取用户输入,对其执行一些操作,然后将自定义结果发送回来", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "聊天通知消息", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "通过 Teams 聊天中显示的消息通知和通报", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "聊天命令", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "使用 SharePoint 框架生成 UI", "core.TabNonSso.label": "“基本”选项卡", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "轻松实现可随时自定义的 Web 应用", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams 工具包已检查 API 规范:\n\n摘要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams 工具包已检查 OpenAI 插件清单:\n\n摘要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s 失败", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "我们检测到 OpenAPI 规范文件存在以下问题:\n %s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s 缓解: 不需要,已自动生成 operationId 并将其添加到“%s”文件中。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "“%s”不得超过 %s 个字符。 ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "缺少完整说明。 ", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "缓解: 更新“%s”中的“%s”字段。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "命令“%s”中缺少“%s”。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " 缓解: 在“%s”中创建自适应卡片模板,然后将“%s”字段更新为“%s”中的相对路径。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "功能", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "选择功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "在 Windows 上预览", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "在 Teams 和 Outlook 中工作", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "在 Teams、Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 应用中工作", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "在 Teams、Outlook 和 Copilot 中工作", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "可自动执行重复性任务的聊天或信息性聊天体验", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "机器人", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "使用机器人的应用功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "从 Teams 和 Outlook 的聊天撰写区域搜索或启动操作", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "使用消息扩展的应用功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "使用 Web 内容自定义功能区和任务窗格", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook 外接程序", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "使用 Outlook 加载项的应用功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "在 Teams、Outlook 和 Micosoft 365 应用中嵌入自己的 Web 内容", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "使用选项卡的应用功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "创建插件以使用 API 扩展 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Copilot 的插件", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Copilot 的插件", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "选择一个选项", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "新建项目", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "从新的 API 开始", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "从 Azure Functions 创建具有新 API 的插件", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "从 OpenAPI 规范开始", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "基于现有 API 创建插件", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "从 OpenAI 插件开始", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "将 OpenAI 插件转换为 Microsoft 365 Copilot 插件", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI 规范", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "输入 OpenAPI 规范 URL", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "输入 OpenAPI 规范位置", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI 插件清单", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "输入网站域", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "请输入有效的 URL", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "请输入有效的域", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "选择操作", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "仅列出具有单个参数且未列出身份验证的 GET 和 POST 方法", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "manifest.json 中定义的方法未列出", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "API 规范无效。检查输出面板以了解详细信息。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "API 规范无效。有关详细信息,请查看 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "OpenAI 插件清单无效。检查输出面板以了解详细信息。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "OpenAI 插件清单无效。有关详细信息,请查看 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "“%s”中缺少 URL。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "不支持身份验证类型。支持的身份验证类型:“%s”。", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "AI 聊天机器人", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "使用 Teams AI 库的聊天机器人", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx 解决方案文件夹", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "选择包含 SPFx 解决方案的文件夹", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "选择环境", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "新环境名称", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "新环境名称", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "环境名称只能包含字母、数字、_、-。", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "无法创建环境 \"%s\"", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "无法列出 env 配置", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "项目环境 %s 已存在。", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "选择要创建副本的环境", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "选择资源组", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "新资源组名称", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "新资源组名称", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "名称只能包含字母数字字符或符号 ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "新资源组的位置", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "工作区文件夹", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "选择将包含项目根文件夹的文件夹", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "新建应用", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "使用 Teams 工具包创建新的 Teams 应用程序。", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "从示例开始", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "使用现有示例作为新应用程序的起点。", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "快速 JavaScript 服务器运行时", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "免费、跨平台、开源。", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams 工具包: 为应用选择运行时", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "从示例开始", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "选择示例", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "查看示例", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "创建用于调试的新机器人", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "取消选择以保留 botId 的原始值", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "在 manifest.json 中将 botId %s 更新为“${{BOT_ID}}”", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "在 manifest.json 中将 botId %s 更新为“${{BOT_ID}}”", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "机器人", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "配置用于调试的网站 URL", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "将内容 URL 从 %s 更新到 %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "将网站 URL 从 %s 更新为 %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "取消选择以保留原始 URL", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "单一登录", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "为 Teams 启动页面和机器人功能开发单一登录功能", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "将所有者添加到同一 Microsoft 365 租户下该帐户的 Teams/AAD 应用(电子邮件)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "电子邮件地址不能为 null 或为空", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "请将 [UserName] 更改为实际用户名", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "无法加载 .env 文件。原因: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "选择 Azure Active Directory manifest.json 文件", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "选择 Teams manifest.json 文件", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "选择 Teams 应用包文件", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "选择本地 Teams manifest.json 文件", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "选择要用于管理协作者的应用", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "选择验证方法", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "使用清单架构进行验证", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "使用清单架构进行验证", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "使用验证规则验证应用包", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "使用验证规则验证应用包", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "确认已正确选择清单", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory 应用", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "用于单一登录的 Azure Active Directory 应用", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams 应用", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "你的 Teams 应用", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "使用 Fluent UI 进行响应", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "使用 Fluent UI React 组件获取 Teams 外观的 Web 应用", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "自定义搜索结果", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "直接在搜索或聊天区域的 Teams 和 Outlook 搜索结果中显示数据", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "直接在搜索或聊天区域的 Teams 搜索结果中显示数据", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "平台", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "选择要预览应用的平台", "core.options.separator.additional": "其他功能", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "已成功准备 Teams 应用。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "已在预配阶段成功执行 %s/%s 操作。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "已成功在部署阶段执行 %s/%s 操作。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "已成功在发布阶段执行 %s/%s 操作。", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams 桌面,移动客户端 ID", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams Web 客户端 ID", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "桌面版 Microsoft 365 应用客户端 ID", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook 桌面客户端 ID", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook Web Access 客户端 ID 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook Web Access 客户端 ID 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "已取消操作。", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "不支持低于 3.0.0 的 OpenAPI 版本。", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "在 OpenAPI 规范文件中找不到服务器信息。", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "在 OpenAPI 规范文件中找到多个服务器信息。", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "不支持远程引用: %s。", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "缺少 operationId: %s。", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "在 OpenAPI 规范文件中找不到支持的 API。", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "“additionalProperties”不受支持,将被忽略。", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "不支持“oneOf”、“anyOf”和“not”架构: %s。", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "未知架构: %s。", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "服务器 URL 不正确: 协议 %s 不受支持,应改用 https 协议。", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "服务器 URL 不正确: 不支持相对服务器 URL。", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "导入现有 Outlook 加载项", "core.importAddin.detail": "升级加载项项目并将其添加到最新的应用清单和项目结构", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "任务窗格", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "在任务窗格中使用按钮和嵌入内容自定义功能区", "core.summary.actionDescription": "操作 %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "%s 已成功执行。", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "环境文件创建时间:", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "%s 已成功添加到 %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "正在加载选项...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "正在加载默认值...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "缺少名称\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess is missing\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions 缺失\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications is missing\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion 为 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "缺少 optionalClaims\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims 访问令牌不包含 idtyp 声明\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "AAD 清单存在以下问题,可能会破坏 Teams 应用: \n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "启用现有权限后,无法更新或删除该权限。一个可能的原因是所选环境的 ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID 环境变量已更改。请确保权限 ID 与实际 AAD 应用程序相同,然后重试。\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "未知 resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "未知 resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "未知 resourceAccess id: %s,如果你正在将权限用作 resourceAccess id,请尝试改用权限 ID。", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "项目路径为空", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "无法为 add sso 创建文件。详细信息错误: %s。", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "电子邮件地址无效", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "建议: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s 无效,值为: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "缺少 %s。", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "无法预配 %s。", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "无法更新 %s 的配置", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "未找到 botId 为 %s 的机器人注册。单击“获取帮助”按钮以了解有关如何检查机器人注册的详细信息。", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "%s 上已存在机器人资源,请跳过机器人资源创建。", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "无法检索 Azure 凭据。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "正在预配机器人注册。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "已成功预配机器人注册。", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "请检查登录输出面板并尝试解决此问题。", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "开发人员门户机器人注册", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "无法从 github 获取最新模板,请尝试使用本地模板。", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "手动安装所需的依赖项。", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "了解更多", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "必须安装 NPM 才能调试本地函数。", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "安装后无法验证 Azure Functions Core Tools。", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "符号链接的目标已存在", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "你的 Node.js (@NodeVersion)与 Teams 工具包 Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion)不兼容。", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "版本 %s 的格式无效。", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools 安装不完整。", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Azure Functions Core Tools (%s) 的版本与指定的版本范围 (%s) 不兼容。", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "已成功安装 @NameVersion。", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "下载并安装可移植版本的 @NameVersion,该版本将安装到 @InstallDir,不会影响环境。", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "下载并安装可移植版本的 @NameVersion,该版本将安装到 @InstallDir,不会影响环境。", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "已成功安装 @NameVersion。", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "使用 PATH 中的 dotnet:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "dotnet-install 命令失败,没有错误退出代码,但出现非空标准错误。", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "dotnet-install 命令失败。", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "找不到 Node.js。在 package.json 中指定了支持的节点版本。转到 %s 以安装受支持的 Node.js。安装完成后,重启所有 Visual Studio Code 实例。", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s)不是官方支持的版本(%s)。你的项目可能会继续工作,但我们建议安装支持的版本。在 package.json 中指定了支持的节点版本。转到 %s 以安装受支持的 Node.js。", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) 不是 LTS 版(%s)。转到 %s 以安装 LTS Node.js。", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "找不到 @NameVersion。有关需要 .NET SDK 的详细信息,请参阅 @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "找不到 @SupportedPackages。\n\nTeams Toolkit 需要这些依赖项。\n\n单击“安装”以安装 @InstallPackages。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "找不到@SupportedPackages。手动安装@SupportedPackages 并重启 Visual Studio Code。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "找不到 @SupportedPackages。\n\nTeams Toolkit 需要这些依赖项。", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "无法从 \"@Url\" 下载文件,HTTP 状态为“@Status”。", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "视频扩展性测试应用先决条件检查器的参数无效。请检查 tasks.json 文件。", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "安装后无法验证视频扩展性测试应用。", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Teams 应用测试工具的版本(%s)与指定的版本范围(%s)不兼容。", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "安装后无法验证 Teams 应用测试工具。%s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "未定义输出环境变量名称。", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "创建 Azure Active Directory 应用以对用户进行身份验证", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "将 Azure Active Directory 应用清单应用于现有应用", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "未设置环境变量 %s。", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "无法生成客户端密码。", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Azure Active Directory 应用清单中缺少字段 %s 或该字段无效。", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "正在创建 Azure Active Directory 应用程序...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "正在更新 Azure Active Directory 应用程序...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "正在执行操作 %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "已成功执行操作 %s", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "无法执行操作 %s。错误消息: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "环境变量 %s 不存在,正在创建新的 Azure Active Directory 应用...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "已创建对象 ID 为 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 应用程序", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "环境变量 %s 已存在,正在跳过新的 Azure Active Directory 应用创建步骤。", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "环境变量 %s 不存在,正在生成 Azure Active Directory 应用的客户端密码...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "已为对象 ID 为 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 应用程序生成客户端密码", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "环境变量 %s 已存在,正在跳过 Azure Active Directory 应用客户端机密生成步骤。", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "生成 Azure Active Directory 应用清单已完成,应用清单内容已写入 %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "已将清单 %s 应用于对象 ID 为 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 应用程序", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "正在创建机器人 aad 应用...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "正在创建机器人 Azure Active Directory 应用。", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "已成功创建机器人 Azure Active Directory 应用。", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "已跳过创建机器人 Azure Active Directory 应用。", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "创建新的或重用现有的机器人 Azure Active Directory 应用。", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "正在执行操作 %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "已成功执行操作 %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "无法执行操作 %s。错误消息: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "已创建客户端 ID 为 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 应用程序。", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "已使用客户端 ID 为 %s 的现有 Azure Active Directory 应用程序。", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "机器人密码为空。将其添加到 env 文件中或清除机器人 ID,以重新生成机器人 ID/密码对。操作: %s。", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "将给定的 ARM 模板部署到 Azure。", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "正在将 ARM 模板部署到 Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "要在 Teams 中调试应用程序,localhost 服务器必须在 HTTPS 上。\n如果要让 Teams 信任工具包使用的自签名 SSL 证书,必须将自签名证书添加到证书存储。\n可以跳过此步骤,但在 Teams 中调试应用时,必须在新的浏览器窗口中手动信任安全连接。\n有关详细信息,请访问 “https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate”。", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " 安装证书时,系统可能要求你提供帐户凭据。", "debug.install": "安装", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "将 SPFx 包部署到 SharePoint 应用目录。", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "将 SPFx 包部署到你的租户应用程序目录。", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "跳过以创建 SharePoint 应用程序目录。", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "将 SPFx 包上传到你的租户应用程序目录。", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint 租户应用程序目录 %s 已创建,请等待几分钟以便激活。", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "找不到租户应用程序目录,请重试: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "创建后无法获取应用程序目录网站 URL。可能需要等待几分钟,然后重试。", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "租户中不存在有效的应用目录。如果希望 Teams 工具包为你创建属性,则可以将 %s 中的属性 “createAppCatalogIfNotExist” 更新为 true,或者可以自行创建。", "driver.spfx.add.description": "将其他 Web 部件添加到 SPFx 项目", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web 部件 %s 已成功添加到项目中。", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "基架 Web 部件", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "使用 Yeoman CLI 生成 SPFx Web 部件", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "无法检查并安装 Azure Functions Core Tools。", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "无法检查和安装 .NET Core SDK。", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "无法检查并安装 Teams 应用测试工具。", "driver.prerequisite.description": "正在安装依赖项", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "正在检查和安装开发工具。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "已安装 localhost 的开发证书。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "已生成 localhost 的开发证书。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "跳过对 localhost 的开发证书的信任。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "已在 %s 安装 Azure Functions Core Tools。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "已安装 Azure Functions Core Tools。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "已在 %s 安装 .NET Core SDK。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "已安装 .NET Core SDK。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "将变量创建或更新到环境文件。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "变量已成功生成到 %s。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "已在 %s 中安装 Teams 应用测试工具。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "已安装 Teams 应用测试工具。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "创建或更新 JSON 文件。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "json 文件已成功生成到 %s。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "正在生成 json 文件...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "正在生成环境变量...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "无法重新启动 Web 应用。\n如果应用无法正常工作,请尝试手动重启 Web 应用。", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "部署到 Azure 应用服务需要很长时间。请考虑参考本文档来优化部署:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "部署准备工作已完成。可以在 `%s` 中找到包", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "已成功将 `%s` 部署到 Azure 应用服务。", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "已成功将 `%s` 部署到 Azure Functions。", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "已成功将 `%s` 部署到 Azure 存储。", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure 存储成功启用静态网站。", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "将项目部署到 Azure 应用服务。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "将项目部署到 Azure Functions。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "将项目部署到 Azure 存储。", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "在 Azure 存储中启用静态网站设置。", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "请重试。", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "由于远程服务错误,无法检索 Azure 凭据。", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "正在运行 dotnet 命令。", "driver.script.npmDescription": "正在运行 npm 命令。", "driver.script.npxDescription": "正在运行 npx 命令。", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "在 `%s` 成功执行了 `%s` 命令。", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "使用应用包获取 Microsoft 365 标题", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "正在使用应用包获取 Microsoft 365 标题...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "已成功获取 Microsoft 365 标题游戏(%s)。", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "将生成的 Teams 应用包复制到 SPFx 解决方案。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "创建 Teams 应用。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "更新 Teams 应用。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "将 Teams 应用发布到租户应用目录。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "验证 Teams 应用。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "生成 Teams 应用包。", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "正在将 Teams 应用包复制到 SPFx 解决方案…", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "正在创建 Teams 应用...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "正在更新 Teams 应用...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "检查 Teams 应用是否已提交到租户应用目录", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "更新已发布的 Teams 应用", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "正在发布 Teams 应用...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用已存在,已跳过创建新的 Teams 应用。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "组织的应用商店中已存在 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "组织应用商店中不存在 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "已成功将 Teams 应用 %s 发布到管理门户。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "已将 Teams 应用 %s 成功复制到 %s。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "%s 个图标已在 %s 下成功更新。", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams 工具包已根据所有验证规则进行检查:\n\n摘要:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n可在 %s 中找到完整的验证日志", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams 工具包已检查清单及其架构:\n\nTeams 工具包:\n%s。\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s 已通过", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s 失败", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "全部", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams 工具包已根据验证规则完成应用包检查。%s。", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams 工具包已根据验证规则完成应用包检查。%s。有关详细信息,请检查 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "由于 %s,Teams 应用包验证失败", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Teams 应用包验证失败。有关详细信息,请查看[输出面板](命令:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Teams 开发人员门户中不存在 ID 为 %s 的 Teams 应用。", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Teams 应用 ID %s无效,必须是 GUID。", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "在 dev.botframework.com 上创建或更新机器人注册", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "已成功创建机器人注册(%s)。", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "机器人注册已成功更新(%s)。", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "生命周期“%s”未定义,yaml 文件: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "无法完成 \"%s\" 操作,因为以下参数: %s 缺失或在提供的 yaml 文件中具有无效值: %s。请确保提供所需的参数并具有有效值,然后重试。", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "无法安装 %s。如果在 Visual Studio Code 中使用工具包,则可以手动安装该工具包并重启 Visual Studio Code。", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "程序无法继续,因为缺少以下环境变量: \"%s\",这是文件 %s 所必需的。请确保通过编辑具有正确名称和值的 .env 文件 \"%s\",或使用正确的名称和值设置系统环境变量来设置所需的变量。如果正在使用 Teams 工具包创建的新项目进行开发,则运行预配或调试将为这些环境变量注册正确的值。", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "此命令仅适用于 Teams 工具包创建的项目。", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "找不到文件或目录: '%s'。检查是否存在,以及你是否有权访问。", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON 语法错误:%s。请检查 JSON 语法以确保其格式正确。", "error.common.ReadFileError": "由于原因 %s,无法读取文件", "error.common.UnhandledError": "执行 %s 任务时发生意外错误。%s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "无法写入文件,原因: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "不允许执行文件操作,请确保你具有必要的权限: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "缺少必需的输入: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "输入 \"%s\" 验证失败: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "找不到 .env 文件。", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "缺少 %s 必需文件“%s”", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "执行 %s 任务时发生 http 客户端错误。错误响应为: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "执行 %s 任务时发生 http 服务器错误。请稍后重试。错误响应为: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "上一个任务仍在运行。请等待上一个任务完成,然后重试。", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "此项目已是最新项目,无需升级。", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "由于缺少“id”键,无法处理清单文件 ('%s')。若要正确标识应用程序,请确保清单文件中存在 “id”键。", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "无法加载清单文件。原因: %s。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "无法获取 Azure 凭据。请确保你的 Azure 帐户经过了正确的身份验证,然后重试。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure 订阅 \"%s\" 在当前帐户中不可用。确保已使用正确的 Azure 帐户登录,并且具有访问订阅所需的权限。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "订阅 \"%s\" 中已存在资源组 \"%s\"。请考虑为任务选择其他名称或使用现有资源组。", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "无法选择当前帐户中的订阅。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "在订阅 \"%s\" 中找不到资源组 \"%s\"。", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "由于错误: %s,无法在订阅 \"%s\" 中创建资源组 \"%s\"。 \n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "由于错误: %s,无法检查订阅 \"%s\" 中是否存在资源组 \"%s\"。 \n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "由于以下错误,无法获取订阅 \"%s\" 中的资源组: %s。 \n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "由于出现 %s 错误,无法获取 \"%s\" 订阅中 \"%s\" 资源组的信息。\n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "无法获取订阅 \"%s\" 的可用资源组位置。", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "无法获取 Microsoft 365 令牌的 JSON 对象。请确保帐户有权访问租户,并且令牌 JSON 对象有效。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "无法在令牌 JSON 对象中获取 Microsoft 365 租户 ID。请确保你的帐户有权访问租户,并且令牌 JSON 对象有效。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "身份验证失败。你当前已登录到 Microsoft 365 租户 \"%s\",这与 .env 文件 (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s') 中指定的租户不同。若要解决此问题并切换到当前登录租户,请从 .env 文件中删除 \"%s\" 的值,然后重试。", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "无法编译位于 JSON ARM 模板的 \"%s\" 路径中的 Bicep 文件。返回的错误消息为: %s。请检查 Bicep 文件中是否有任何语法或配置错误,然后重试。", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "无法从 \"%s\" 下载 Bicep cli。错误消息为: %s。修复错误,然后重试。或删除 config 文件 teamsapp.yml 中的 bicepCliVersion 配置,Teams 工具包将在 PATH 中使用 bicep CLI", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "无法在资源组 \"%s\" 中部署部署名称为 \"%s\" 的 ARM 模板。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "无法在资源组 \"%s\" 中部署部署名称为 \"%s\" 的 ARM 模板,原因: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "由于以下原因,无法在资源组 \"%s\" 中部署部署名称为 \"%s\" 的 ARM 模板: %s。 \n由于以下原因,无法获取详细的错误消息: %s。 \n有关部署错误,请参阅门户中的资源组 %s。", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "无法将 ARM 部署结果转换为操作输出,ARM 部署结果中存在重复的密钥 \"%s\"。", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "无法在分发文件夹中找到任何文件: \"%s\"。请确保该文件夹不为空,并且已包括所有必要的文件。", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "由于进程超时,无法检查部署状态。检查 Internet 连接,然后重试。如果问题仍然存在,请查看 Azure 门户中的部署日志(部署 -> 部署中心 -> 日志),以确定可能出现的任何问题。", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "无法获取资源组 \"%s\" 中应用 \"%s\" 的发布凭据。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "由于以下原因,无法获取资源组 \"%s\" 中应用 \"%s\" 的发布凭据:\n %s。\n 建议:\n 1. 验证应用名称和资源组名称是否拼写正确且有效。 \n 2. 验证 Azure 帐户是否具有访问 API 所需的权限。可能需要提升角色或向管理员请求其他权限。 \n 3. 如果错误消息包含特定原因(例如身份验证失败或网络问题),请专门调查该问题以解决该错误,然后重试。 \n 4. 可在此页中测试 API: \"%s\"", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "无法将 zip 包部署到终结点: \"%s\"。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel),然后重试。", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "无法将 zip 包部署到 Azure 中的终结点 \"%s\",因为出现错误: %s。 \n建议:\n 1. 验证 Azure 帐户是否具有访问 API 所需的权限。 \n 2. 验证终结点是否已在 Azure 中正确配置,以及是否已预配所需的资源。 \n 3. 确保 zip 包有效且没有错误。 \n 4. 如果错误消息指定了原因(如身份验证失败或网络问题),请修复错误并重试。 \n 5. 如果错误仍然存在,可以尝试按照以下链接中的准则手动部署包: \"%s\"", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "由于错误: %s,无法检查位置 \"%s\" 的部署状态。如果问题仍然存在,请查看 Azure 门户中的部署日志(部署 -> 部署中心 -> 日志),以确定可能出现的任何问题。", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "包已成功部署到 Azure 中的位置: \"%s\",但由于错误 %s,应用程序无法启动。\n 如果未明确指定原因,下面是一些疑难解答建议:\n 1.检查应用程序日志: 在应用程序日志中查找任何错误消息或堆栈跟踪,以确定问题的根本原因。\n 2. 检查 Azure 配置: 确保 Azure 配置正确,包括连接字符串和应用程序设置。\n 3. 检查应用程序代码: 查看代码以查看是否存在可能导致该问题的语法或逻辑错误。\n 4. 检查依赖项: 验证应用程序所需的所有依赖项是否已正确安装和更新。\n 5. 重新启动应用程序: 尝试在 Azure 中重新启动应用程序,查看这是否解决了该问题。\n 6. 检查资源分配: 确保 Azure 实例的资源分配适用于应用程序及其工作负荷。\n 7. 寻求 Azure 支持的帮助: 如果问题仍然存在,请联系 Azure 支持部门以获得进一步的帮助。", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "脚本执行超时: %s。调整 yaml 中的 \"timeout\" 参数或提高脚本的效率。", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "脚本(“%s”)执行错误: %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "无法清除 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\" 中的 blob 文件。有关详细信息,请参阅[输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "无法清除 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\" 中的 blob 文件。来自 Azure 的错误响应为:\n %s。 \n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "无法将本地文件夹 \"%s\" 上传到 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\"。有关详细信息,请参阅[输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "无法获取 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\" 中容器 \"%s\" 的属性,因为出现错误: %s。来自 Azure 的错误响应为:\n %s。 \n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "无法在 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\" 中设置容器 \"%s\" 的属性,因为出现错误: %s。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 [输出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "由于出现 %s 错误,无法在 Azure 存储帐户 \"%s\" 中设置 \"%s\" 容器的属性。来自 Azure 的错误响应为:\n %s。\n如果错误消息指定了原因,请修复错误并重试。", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "无法从路径 %s 加载清单 ID。必须先运行预配。", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "找不到应用 ID: %s。也许你当前的 M365 帐户没有权限,或者应用已被删除。" + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hant.json b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hant.json index e61bdace8a..e24dba8737 100644 --- a/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hant.json +++ b/packages/fx-core/resource/package.nls.zh-Hant.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { + "core.addApi.confirm": "Teams Toolkit will modify files in your \"%s\" folder based on the new OpenAPI document you provided. To avoid losing unexpected changes, back up your files or use git for change tracking before proceeding.", + "core.addApi.continue": "Add", "core.provision.provision": "佈建", - "core.provision.learnMore": "深入了解", + "core.provision.learnMore": "More info", "core.provision.azureAccount": "Azure 帳戶: %s", "core.provision.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶: %s", "core.provision.m365Account": "Microsoft 365 帳戶: %s", - "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "根據使用量可能會產生費用。是否要使用上述帳戶在 %s 環境中佈建資源?", + "core.provision.confirmEnvAndCostNotice": "Costs may apply based on usage. Do you want to provision resources in %s environment using listed accounts?", "core.deploy.confirmEnvNoticeV3": "是否要在 %s 環境中部署資源?", "core.provision.viewResources": "檢視佈建的資源", - "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "已成功部署您的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式。請按一下 [深入了解] 以查看如何檢視您的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "已成功更新您的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式。", - "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "深入了解", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "若要疑難排解 Azure 中的 Bot 應用程式,請按一下 [深入了解] 以取得文件。", - "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "深入了解", + "core.deploy.aadManifestSuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been deployed successfully. To view that, click \"More info\"", + "core.deploy.aadManifestOnCLISuccessNotice": "Your Microsoft Entra app has been updated successfully.", + "core.deploy.aadManifestLearnMore": "More info", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot": "To troubleshoot your bot application in Azure, click \"More info\" for documentation.", + "core.deploy.botTroubleShoot.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.deploy": "部署", "core.option.confirm": "確認", - "core.option.cancel": "取消", - "core.option.learnMore": "深入了解", + "core.option.learnMore": "More info", "core.option.upgrade": "升級", "core.option.moreInfo": "更多資訊", "core.progress.create": "建立", - "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "正在下載應用程式範本。", - "core.progress.createFromSample": "正在下載範例 %s", + "core.progress.createFromTemplate": "App template download in progress...", + "core.progress.createFromSample": "Sample %s download in progress...", "core.progress.deploy": "部署", "core.progress.publish": "發佈", "core.progress.provision": "佈建", "core.progress.configureAzureStorage": "正在設定 Azure 儲存體,啟用靜態網站設定。", "core.progress.runCommand": "在 %s 執行命令 %s", "core.progress.deployToAzure": "正在將 %s 部署至 %s。", - "core.Notification.ReadMore": "閱讀更多", "core.migrationV3.confirmOnly.Message": "請確認升級", "core.migrationV3.Message": "升級您的 Teams 工具組專案,以與最新版本保持相容。備份目錄會與升級摘要一起建立。", "core.migrationV3.VS.Message": "升級您的解決方案,以保持與最新的 Teams 工具組版本相容。將產生備份目錄,其中會包含升級報告。", @@ -35,199 +35,214 @@ "core.migrationV3.manifestNotExist": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json 不存在。您可能正嘗試升級由 Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3 建立的專案。請安裝 Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4,並先執行升級。", "core.migrationV3.manifestInvalid": "templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json 無效。", "core.migrationV3.abandonedProject": "此專案僅供預覽,且 Teams Toolkit 不會予以支援。請建立新專案以試用 Teams Toolkit", - "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams 工具組的發行前版本支援新的專案設定,而且與舊版不相容。請嘗試建立新專案,或執行 「teamsfx 升級」 以先升級您的專案。", - "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "您的 TeamsFx CLI 版本太舊,而且並不支援目前的專案,請使用下列命令升級至最新版本:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest", + "core.migrationV3.notAllowedMigration": "Teams Toolkit's Pre-Release version supports new project configuration and is incompatible with previous versions. Try it by creating a new project or run \"teamsapp upgrade\" to upgrade your project first.", + "core.projectVersionChecker.cliUseNewVersion": "Your Teams Toolkit CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:\nnpm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@latest", "core.projectVersionChecker.incompatibleProject": "目前的專案與已安裝的 Teams 工具組版本不相容。", "core.projectVersionChecker.vs.incompatibleProject": "解決方案中的專案是使用 Teams 工具組預覽功能建立 - Teams 應用程式組態改進。您可以開啟預覽功能以繼續。", - "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "已成功部署 ARM 範本。資源群組名稱: %s。部署名稱: %s", - "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "[列出 Microsoft 365 應用程式擁有者] 成功,您可以在 [輸出面板](%s) 中檢視。", + "core.deployArmTemplates.ActionSuccess": "ARM templates are deployed successfully. Resource group name: %s. Deployment name: %s", + "core.collaboration.ListCollaboratorsSuccess": "List of Microsoft 365 App owners is successful, you can view it in [Output panel](%s).", "core.collaboration.GrantingPermission": "正在授與權限", - "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "共同作業者的電子郵件不可為 Null 或與目前的使用者相同", - "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "在目前的租用戶中找不到使用者,請檢查您的電子郵件地址是否正確", + "core.collaboration.EmailCannotBeEmptyOrSame": "Provide collaborator's email and make sure it's not the current user's email.", + "core.collaboration.CannotFindUserInCurrentTenant": "User not found in current tenant. Provide correct email address", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionForUser": "授與使用者 %s 權限", "core.collaboration.AccountToGrantPermission": "要授與權限的帳號: ", "core.collaboration.StartingGrantPermission": "開始授與環境的權限: ", "core.collaboration.TenantId": "租用戶識別碼: ", - "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "權限已授與 ", + "core.collaboration.PermissionHasBeenGrantTo": "Permission granted to ", "core.collaboration.GrantPermissionResourceId": ",資源識別碼: ", "core.collaboration.ListingM365Permission": "正在列出 Microsoft 365 權限\n", "core.collaboration.AccountUsedToCheck": "用來檢查的帳戶: ", "core.collaboration.StartingListAllTeamsAppOwners": "\n開始列出環境的所有 Teams 應用程式擁有者: ", - "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\n開始列出環境的所有 Azure Active Directory 應用程式擁有者: ", + "core.collaboration.StartingListAllAadAppOwners": "\nStarting to list all Microsoft Entra app owners for environment: ", "core.collaboration.M365TeamsAppId": "Microsoft 365 Teams 應用程式 (識別碼: ", - "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO AAD 應用程式 (識別碼: ", + "core.collaboration.SsoAadAppId": "SSO Microsoft Entra App (ID: ", "core.collaboration.TeamsAppOwner": "Teams 應用程式擁有者: ", - "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Azure Active Directory 應用程式擁有者: ", + "core.collaboration.AadAppOwner": "Microsoft Entra App Owner: ", "core.collaboration.StaringCheckPermission": "開始檢查環境的權限: ", "core.collaboration.CheckPermissionResourceId": "資源識別碼: ", "core.collaboration.Undefined": "未定義", "core.collaboration.ResourceName": ",資源名稱: ", "core.collaboration.Permission": ",權限: ", - "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "從已下載的套件中找不到 Teams 應用程式 %s 的資訊清單。", + "core.developerPortal.scaffold.CannotFindManifest": "Manifest not found from the downloaded package for Teams app %s.", "plugins.spfx.questions.framework.title": "架構", - "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "Name for SharePoint Framework Web Part", + "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName": "SharePoint 架構網頁組件的名稱", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.duplicate": "foler %s 已經存在。請為您的元件選擇不同的名稱。", "plugins.spfx.questions.webpartName.error.notMatch": "%s 不符合模式: %s", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.title": "SharePoint 架構", - "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "選取 Scaffolding 的選項", + "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.placeholder": "Select option for scaffolding", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.withVersion.label": "使用全域安裝的 SPFx (%s)", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.noVersion.label": "使用全域安裝的 SPFx", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.useGlobalPackage.detail": "SPFx %s 或更新版本", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.withVersion.label": "在 Teams 工具組目錄中本機安裝最新的 SPFx (%s) ", "plugins.spfx.questions.packageSelect.installLocally.noVersion.label": "在 Teams 工具組目錄中本機安裝最新的 SPFx ", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.title": "SharePoint 解決方案", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "建立新的 SPFx 解決方案", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "使用 SPFx 網頁組件建立 Teams 索引標籤應用程式", - "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "匯入現有的 SPFx 解決方案", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew": "Create New SPFx Solution", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.createNew.detail": "Create Teams Tab application using SPFx web parts", + "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting": "Import Existing SPFx Solution", "plugins.spfx.questions.spfxSolution.importExisting.detail": "以 Microsoft Teams 索引標籤或個人應用程式公開 SPFx 用戶端網頁組件", - "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint 套件 %s 已成功部署至 [%s](%s)。", - "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "找不到 SharePoint 套件 %s", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "無法取得 SPO 存取權杖", - "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "無法取得 Graph 存取權杖", - "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "無法上傳並部署套件至應用程式目錄 %s。您需要貴組織的 Microsoft 365 租用戶系統管理員存取權限。您可以從 [Microsoft 365 開發人員計畫](%s 取得免費 Microsoft 365 租用戶),以供測試用途之用。", - "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "無法建立租用戶應用程式目錄,因為 %s,堆疊: %s", - "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "無法上傳應用程式套件,因為 %s", + "plugins.spfx.deployNotice": "SharePoint package %s deployed successfully to [%s](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.cannotFindPackage": "Unable to find SharePoint package %s", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetSPOToken": "Unable to get SPO access token", + "plugins.spfx.cannotGetGraphToken": "Unable to get Graph access token", + "plugins.spfx.insufficientPermission": "To upload and deploy package to App Catalog %s, you need org's Microsoft 365 tenant admin permissions. Get free Microsoft 365 tenant from [Microsoft 365 developer program](%s) for testing.", + "plugins.spfx.createAppcatalogFail": "Unable to create tenant app catalog due to %s, stack: %s", + "plugins.spfx.uploadAppcatalogFail": "Unable to upload app package due to %s", "plugins.spfx.buildSharepointPackage": "建置 SharePoint 套件", "plugins.spfx.deploy.title": "上傳並部署 SharePoint 套件", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.title": "Scaffolding 專案", - "plugins.spfx.error.npmInstallFailed": "無法執行 'npm install',原因為 %s", "plugins.spfx.error.invalidDependency": "無法驗證套件 %s", "plugins.spfx.error.noConfiguration": "您的 SPFx 專案中沒有 .yo-rc.json 檔案,請新增組態檔,然後再試一次。", - "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "SPFx 開發環境未正確設定。您可以按一下 [取得協助] 以遵循指南來設定正確的環境。", + "plugins.spfx.error.devEnvironmentNotSetup": "Your SPFx development environment is not set up correctly. Click \"Get Help\" to set up the right environment.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyCheck": "正在檢查相依性...", - "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "正在安裝相依性。可能需要 5 分鐘以上的時間才能完成。", + "plugins.spfx.scaffold.dependencyInstall": "Installing dependencies. This may take more than 5 minutes.", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.scaffoldProject": "使用 Yeoman CLI 產生 SPFx 專案", "plugins.spfx.scaffold.updateManifest": "更新網頁組件資訊清單", - "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "無法取得租用戶 %s %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "在 %s 資料夾中設定 SPFx 環境時遇到未知問題。您可以遵循 [設定 SharePoint 架構開發環境 | Microsoft Learn](%s) 以設定全域 SPFx 環境。", - "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "專案建立失敗。可能的原因可能來自 Yeoman SharePoint 產生器。如需詳細資料,請檢查 [輸出面板](%s)。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "無法擷取現有的 SPFx 解決方案資訊。請確定您的 SPFx 解決方案有效。", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "無法複製現有的 SPFx 解決方案: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "無法使用現有的 SPFx 解決方案更新專案範本: %s", - "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "無法將現有的 SPFx 解決方案匯入 Teams 工具組: %s", + "plugins.spfx.GetTenantFailedError": "Unable to get tenant %s %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installLatestDependencyError": "Unable to set up SPFx environment in %s folder. To set up global SPFx environment, follow [Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment | Microsoft Learn](%s).", + "plugins.spfx.error.scaffoldError": "Project creation is unsuccessful, which may be due to Yeoman SharePoint Generator. Check [Output panel](%s) for details.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.retrieveSolutionInfo": "Unable to get existing SPFx solution information. Ensure your SPFx solution is valid.", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.copySPFxSolution": "Unable to copy existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.updateSPFxTemplate": "Unable to update project templates with existing SPFx solution: %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.import.common": "Unable to import existing SPFx solution to Teams Toolkit: %s", "plugins.spfx.import.title": "正在匯入 SPFx 解決方案", "plugins.spfx.import.copyExistingSPFxSolution": "正在複製現有的 SPFx 解決方案...", "plugins.spfx.import.generateSPFxTemplates": "正在根據解決方案資訊產生範本...", "plugins.spfx.import.updateTemplates": "正在更新範本...", - "plugins.spfx.import.success": "您的 SPFx 解決方案已成功匯入 %s。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams 工具組已成功匯入您的 SPFx 解決方案。您可以在 %s 中找到完整的匯入詳細資料記錄。", - "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams 工具組無法匯入您的 SPFx 解決方案。您可以在 %s 中找到完整的匯入詳細資料記錄。", + "plugins.spfx.import.success": "Your SPFx solution is successfully imported to %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.success": "Teams Toolkit has successfully imported your SPFx solution. Find complete log of import details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.import.log.fail": "Teams Toolkit is unable to import your SPFx solution. Find complete log of important details in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmInstall": "SPFx %s version in your solution isn't installed on your machine. Do you want to install it in Teams Toolkit directory to continue adding web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.install": "Install", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.confirmUpgrade": "Teams Toolkit is using SPFx version %s and your solution has SPFx version %s. Do you want to upgrade it to version %s in Teams Toolkit directory and add web parts?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.upgrade": "Upgrade", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continueConfirm": "SPFx version %s in your solution isn't installed on this machine. Teams Toolkit uses the SPFx installed in its directory by default (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Do you still want to continue?", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.help": "Help", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.continue": "Continue", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s globally and %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default (%s) by Teams Toolkit. The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.versionMismatch.localOnly.output": "SPFx version in your solution is %s. You've installed %s in Teams Toolkit directory, which is used as default in Teams Toolkit (%s). The version mismatch may cause unexpected error. Find possible solutions in %s.", + "plugins.spfx.addWebPart.cannotFindSolutionVersion": "Unable to find SPFx version in your solution in %s", + "plugins.spfx.error.installDependencyError": "It looks like you're facing problem setting up SPFx environment in %s folder. Follow %s to install %s for global SPFx environment setup.", "plugins.frontend.checkNetworkTip": "請檢查您的網路連線。", "plugins.frontend.checkFsPermissionsTip": "檢查您是否有檔案系統的讀取/寫入權限。", "plugins.frontend.checkStoragePermissionsTip": "檢查您是否有 Azure 儲存體帳戶的權限。", - "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "您可能取得過期的認證,請檢查您的系統時間是否正確。", + "plugins.frontend.checkSystemTimeTip": "Incorrect system time may lead to expired credentials. Make sure your system time is correct.", "suggestions.retryTheCurrentStep": "請重試目前的步驟。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice": "已成功在 [本機位址](%s) 建立 Teams 封裝。", "plugins.appstudio.buildSucceedNotice.fallback": "已成功在 %s 建立 Teams 封裝。", "plugins.appstudio.createPackage.progressBar.message": "正在建置 Teams 應用程式套件...", - "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "資訊清單驗證失敗!", + "plugins.appstudio.validationFailedNotice": "Manifest Validation is unsuccessful!", "plugins.appstudio.validateManifest.progressBar.message": "正在驗證資訊清單...", "plugins.appstudio.validateAppPackage.progressBar.message": "正在驗證應用程式套件...", + "plugins.appstudio.syncManifestFailedNotice": "Unable to sync manifest!", "plugins.appstudio.adminPortal": "移至管理入口網站", - "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] 已成功發佈至管理員入口網站 (%s)。核准後,貴組織即可使用您的應用程式。於 %s 深入了解。", + "plugins.appstudio.publishSucceedNotice.cli": "[%s] is published successfully to Admin Portal (%s). After approval, your app will be available for your organization. Get more info from %s.", "plugins.appstudio.updatePublihsedAppConfirm": "是否要提交新的更新?", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams 應用程式已建立 %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams 應用程式已更新 %s", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "已成功部署您的 Teams 應用程式資訊清單。按一下 [在開發人員入口網站中檢視] 以在 Teams 開發人員入口網站中檢視您的應用程式。", - "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "您的 Teams 應用程式資訊清單已成功部署至 ", - "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "資訊清單檔案設定已修改。是否要繼續重新產生資訊清單檔案並更新至 Teams 平台?", - "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "自您上次更新後,Teams 平台上的資訊清單檔案已變更。是否要繼續更新及覆寫 Teams 平台上的資訊清單檔案?", - "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "已將應用程式 %s 提交至租用戶應用程式目錄。\n狀態s: %s\n", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppCreatedNotice": "Teams app %s created successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedLog": "Teams app %s updated successfully", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedNotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully. To see your app in Teams Developer Portal, click \"View in Developer Portal\".", + "plugins.appstudio.teamsAppUpdatedCLINotice": "Your Teams app manifest is deployed successfully to ", + "plugins.appstudio.updateManifestTip": "The manifest file configurations are already modified. Do you want to regenerate the manifest file and update to Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.updateOverwriteTip": "The manifest file on Teams platform is modified since your last update. Do you want to update and overwrite it on Teams platform?", + "plugins.appstudio.pubWarn": "The app %s is already submitted to tenant App Catalog.\nStatus: %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.lastModified": "上次修改時間 %s\n", "plugins.appstudio.previewOnly": "僅限預覽", "plugins.appstudio.previewAndUpdate": "預覽並更新", "plugins.appstudio.overwriteAndUpdate": "覆寫並更新", - "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "在應用程式 %s 的套件中找不到任何檔案。", - "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams 工具組未處理 %s。", + "plugins.appstudio.emptyAppPackage": "Unable to find any files in the app %s package.", + "plugins.appstudio.unprocessedFile": "Teams Toolkit did not process %s.", "plugins.appstudio.viewDeveloperPortal": "在開發人員入口網站中檢視", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "選擇觸發程序", - "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "選擇觸發程序", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.title": "Select triggers", + "plugins.bot.questionHostTypeTrigger.placeholder": "Select triggers", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "裝載於 Azure Functions 上的執行中函數可以接聽 HTTP 要求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-functions.label": "HTTP 觸發程序", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "裝載於 Azure Functions 的執行中函式可以根據特定排程接聽 HTTP 要求和回應。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond to HTTP requests based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-and-timer-functions.label": "HTTP 與計時器觸發程序", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.description": "Restify 伺服器", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "裝載於 Azure App Service 上的執行中 restify 伺服器可以接聽 HTTP 要求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.detail": "A restify server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-restify.label": "HTTP 觸發程序", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.description": "Web API 伺服器", - "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "裝載於 Azure App Service 上的執行中 Web API 伺服器可以接聽 HTTP 要求。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.detail": "A Web API server running on Azure App Service can respond to HTTP requests.", "plugins.bot.triggers.http-webapi.label": "HTTP 觸發程序", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.description": "Azure Functions", - "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "裝載於 Azure Functions 的執行中函數可以根據特定排程回應。", + "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.detail": "A function running on Azure Functions can respond based on a specific schedule.", "plugins.bot.triggers.timer-functions.label": "計時器觸發程序", - "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "未開啟任何專案,您可以建立新專案或開啟現有的專案。", - "error.InvalidEnvNameError": "環境名稱只能包含字母、數字、_ 和 -。", - "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "如果您還沒有準備好升級,請繼續使用舊版 Teams 工具組", - "error.InvalidInputError": "輸入無效: %s", - "error.ProjectEnvAlreadyExistError": "專案環境 %s 已存在。", - "error.NotImplementedError": "未實作方法: %s", + "error.NoProjectOpenedError": "No project is currently open. Create a new project or open an existing one.", + "error.UpgradeV3CanceledError": "Don't want to upgrade? Continue using old version of Teams Toolkit", "error.FailedToParseResourceIdError": "無法從以下資源識別碼取得 '%s': '%s'", "error.NoSubscriptionFound": "找不到訂用帳戶。", - "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "使用者已取消。如需 Teams 信任工具組所使用的自我簽署 SSL 憑證,必須將自我簽署憑證新增至您的憑證存放區。", - "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams 工具組不支援遠端的影片篩選應用程式。請檢查專案根資料夾中的 README.md 檔案。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "由於 %s,無法在開發人員入口網站中建立 Teams 應用程式", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "由於 %s,無法在 Teams 開發人員入口網站中更新識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "對開發人員入口網站的 API 呼叫失敗。如需詳細資料,請檢查 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "開發人員入口網站的 API 呼叫失敗: %s、%s、API 名稱: %s、X-Correlation-ID: %s。這可能來自一些間歇性服務錯誤。請稍候幾分鐘,然後重試目前的步驟。", - "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "對開發人員入口網站的 API 呼叫失敗: %s、%s、要求路徑: %s", + "error.TrustCertificateCancelError": "User canceled. For Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add the certificate to your certificate store.", + "error.VideoFilterAppNotRemoteSupported": "Teams Toolkit doesn't support video filter app in remote. Check the README.md file in project root folder.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppRequiredPropertyMissing": "Missing required property \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateFailed": "Unable to create Teams app in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppUpdateFailed": "Unable to update Teams app with ID %s in Teams Developer Portal due to %s", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "error.appstudio.apiFailed.telemetry": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, API name: %s, X-Correlation-ID: %s. This may be due to a temporary service error. Try again after a few minutes.", + "error.appstudio.authServiceApiFailed": "Unable to make API call to Developer Portal: %s, %s, Request path: %s", "error.appstudio.publishFailed": "無法發佈識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式。", - "error.appstudio.buildError": "Teams 套件建置失敗!", - "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "檢查權限失敗。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "授與權限失敗。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "清單共同作業者失敗。原因: %s", - "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "找不到識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式。您必須先執行偵錯或佈建,才能將資訊清單更新至 Teams 平台。", + "error.appstudio.buildError": "Unable to build Teams Package!", + "error.appstudio.checkPermissionFailed": "Unable to check permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.grantPermissionFailed": "Unable to grant permission. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.listCollaboratorFailed": "Unable to list collaborators. Reason: %s", + "error.appstudio.updateManifestInvalidApp": "Unable to find Teams app with ID %s. Run debug or provision before updating manifest to Teams platform.", "error.appstudio.invalidCapability": "無效功能: %s", - "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "無法新增功能 %s,已達限制。", - "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "找不到實體識別碼為 %s 的靜態索引標籤,無法更新。", - "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "資訊清單中沒有功能 %s,無法更新。", - "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "在資訊清單尋找中找到不正確識別碼。", + "error.appstudio.capabilityExceedLimit": "Unable to add capability %s as it has reached its limit.", + "error.appstudio.staticTabNotExist": "As static tab with entity ID %s is not found, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.capabilityNotExist": "As capability %s doesn't exist in manifest, we can't update it.", + "error.appstudio.noManifestId": "Invalid ID found in manifest find.", "error.appstudio.validateFetchSchemaFailed": "無法從 %s 取得結構描述,訊息: %s", "error.appstudio.validateSchemaNotDefined": "未定義清單結構描述", - "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "請嘗試從「Zip Teams 應用程式套件」產生套件,然後再試一次。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "由於發生 409 衝突錯誤,無法建立 Teams 應用程式。發生原因可能是您的應用程式識別碼與租用戶中的其他應用程式相衝突。按一下 [取得協助] 以深入了解。", - "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "具有該識別碼的 Teams 應用程式已存在於貴組織的 App Store 中。請手動更新應用程式識別碼,然後再試一次。", - "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "不允許目前的帳戶取得 Botframework 權杖。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework 佈建傳回嘗試建立 Bot 註冊的禁止結果。", - "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework 佈建會傳回嘗試建立 Bot 註冊所產生的衝突結果。", - "error.generator.TemplateZipFallbackError": "無法下載 zip 套件及開啟本機 zip 封裝。", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestInvalidInput": "Input is invalid. Project path and env should not be empty.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoTeamsAppId": "Unable to load Teams app ID from the env file.", + "error.appstudio.syncManifestNoManifest": "Manifest downloaded from Teams Developer Portal is empty", + "error.appstudio.publishInDevPortalSuggestionForValidationError": "Generate package from \"Zip Teams app package\" and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflict": "Unable to create Teams app, which may be because your app ID is conflicting with another app's ID in your tenant. Click 'Get Help' to resolve this issue.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppCreateConflictWithPublishedApp": "Teams app with the same ID already exists in your organization's app store. Update the app and try again.", + "error.appstudio.teamsAppPublishConflict": "Unable to publish Teams app because Teams app with this ID already exists in staged apps. Update the app ID and try again.", + "error.appstudio.NotAllowedToAcquireBotFrameworkToken": "This account can't get a botframework token.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsForbiddenResult": "Botframework provisioning returns forbidden result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.appstudio.BotProvisionReturnsConflictResult": "Botframework provisioning returns conflict result when attempting to create bot registration.", + "error.generator.ScaffoldLocalTemplateError": "Unable to scaffold template based on local zip package.", "error.generator.TemplateNotFoundError": "找不到範本: %s。", "error.generator.SampleNotFoundError": "找不到範例: %s。", - "error.generator.FetchZipFromUrlError": "無法從 %s 下載 zip 套件。", - "error.generator.UnzipError": "無法解壓範本及寫入磁碟。", + "error.generator.UnzipError": "Unable to extract templates and save them to disk.", "error.generator.MissKeyError": "找不到金鑰 %s", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "因為節流,無法下載樣本。請在重設速率限制之後稍後再試 (這最多可能需要 1 小時)。或者,您可以前往 %s 手動 git clone 存放庫", - "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "由於網路錯誤,無法下載樣本。請檢查您的網路連線,然後再試一次。或者,您可以前往 %s 手動 git clone 存放庫", - "error.generator.ParseUrlError": "無法剖析 URL %s", - "error.copilotPlugin.openAiPluginManifest.CannotGetManifest": "無法從 '%s' 取得 OpenAI 外掛程式資訊清單。", - "error.copilotPlugin.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "No API can be added. Only GET and POST methods with single parameter and no auth are supported. Methods defined in manifest.json are not listed.", + "error.generator.FetchSampleInfoError": "Unable to fetch sample info", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleApiLimitError": "Unable to download sample due to rate limitation. Try again in an hour after rate limit reset or you can manually clone the repo from %s.", + "error.generator.DownloadSampleNetworkError": "Unable to download sample due to network error. Check your network connection and try again or you can manually clone the repo from %s", + "error.copilotPlugin.apiSpecNotUsedInPlugin": "\"%s\" is not used in the plugin.", + "error.apime.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because only GET and POST methods are supported, with a maximum of 5 required parameters and no authentication. Also, methods defined in the manifest are not listed.", + "error.copilot.noExtraAPICanBeAdded": "Unable to add API because no authentication is supported. Also, methods defined in the current OpenAPI description document are not listed.", "error.m365.NotExtendedToM365Error": "無法將 Teams 應用程式延伸至 Microsoft 365。使用 'teamsApp/extendToM365' 動作將 Teams 應用程式延伸至 Microsoft 365。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "應用程式名稱必須以字母開頭,且至少包含兩個字母或數字。不能包含某些特殊字元。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "應用程式名稱超過長度 30 的上限。", - "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "路徑存在: %s。選取不同的應用程式名稱。", - "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "選取程式設計語言。", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pattern": "App name needs to begin with letters, include minimum two letters or digits, and exclude certain special characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.maxlength": "App name is longer than the 30 characters.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.pathExist": "Path exists: %s. Select a different app name.", + "core.QuestionAppName.validation.lengthWarning": "Your app name may exceed 30 characters due to a \"local\" suffix added by Teams Toolkit for local debugging. Please update your app name in \"manifest.json\" file.", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.title": "Programming Language", + "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder": "Select a programming language", "core.ProgrammingLanguageQuestion.placeholder.spfx": "SPFx 目前僅支援 TypeScript。", "core.option.tutorial": "開啟教學課程", "core.option.github": "開啟 GitHub 指南", - "core.option.inProduct": "開啟產品內指南", + "core.option.inProduct": "Open an in-product guide", "core.TabOption.label": "索引標籤", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "正在匯入現有的 Outlook 增益集專案", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "正在複製檔案", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "正在轉換專案", - "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "正在修改資訊清單", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.title": "Importing Existing Outlook Add-in Project", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.copyFiles": "Copying files...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.convertProject": "Converting project...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importProject.updateManifest": "Modifying manifest...", + "core.generator.officeAddin.importOfficeProject.title": "Importing Existing Office Add-in Project", "core.TabOption.description": "UI 型應用程式", "core.TabOption.detail": "內嵌在 Microsoft Teams 中的 Teams 感知網頁", "core.DashboardOption.label": "儀表板", "core.DashboardOption.detail": "有卡片和小工具可顯示重要資訊的畫布", "core.BotNewUIOption.label": "基本 Bot", - "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "回應機器人的簡易實作,其已準備好進行自訂", + "core.BotNewUIOption.detail": "A simple implementation of an echo bot that's ready for customization", "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.label": "連結正在展開", - "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "當 URL 貼到撰寫訊息區域時顯示資訊和動作", + "core.LinkUnfurlingOption.detail": "Display information and actions when a URL is pasted into the text input field", "core.MessageExtensionOption.labelNew": "收集表單輸入及處理資料", "core.MessageExtensionOption.label": "訊息延伸模組", "core.MessageExtensionOption.description": "使用者在 Teams 中撰寫訊息時自訂 UI", - "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "取得使用者輸入、對該項目執行操作,然後將自訂結果傳回", + "core.MessageExtensionOption.detail": "Receive user input, process it, and send customized results", "core.NotificationOption.label": "聊天通知訊息", "core.NotificationOption.detail": "使用顯示在 Teams 聊天中的訊息來通知和知會", "core.CommandAndResponseOption.label": "聊天命令", @@ -238,82 +253,171 @@ "core.TabSPFxOption.detailNew": "使用 SharePoint 架構建置 UI", "core.TabNonSso.label": "基本索引標籤", "core.TabNonSso.detail": "簡易實作準備好自訂的 Web 應用程式", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams 工具組已檢查您的 API 規格:\n\n摘要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", - "core.copilotPlugin.validate.openAIPluginManifest.summary": "Teams 工具組已檢查您的 OpenAI 外掛程式資訊清單:\n\n摘要:\n%s。\n%s\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.noAuth": "No authentication", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.apiKeyAuth": "API Key authentication(Bearer token authentication)", + "core.copilotPlugin.api.oauth": "OAuth(Authorization code flow)", + "core.copilotPlugin.validate.apiSpec.summary": "Teams Toolkit has checked your OpenAPI description document:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.failed": "%s 失敗", "core.copilotPlugin.validate.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", - "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "我們偵測到您的 OpenAPI 規格檔案發生下列問題:\n%s", + "core.copilotPlugin.list.unsupportedBecause": "is unsupported because:", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary": "We have detected the following issues for your OpenAPI description document:\n%s", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.operationId": "%s 風險降低: 不需要,已自動產生 operationId 並新增至 \"%s\" 檔案。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.swaggerVersion": "The OpenAPI description document is on Swagger version 2.0. Mitigation: Not required. The content has been converted to OpenAPI 3.0 and saved in \"%s\".", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.lengthExceeding": "\"%s\" 不能超過 %s 個字元。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingFullDescription": "遺漏完整描述。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.mitigation": "風險降低: 更新 \"%s\" 中的 \"%s\" 欄位。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate": "命令 \"%s\" 中遺漏 \"%s\"。", "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.teamsManifest.missingCardTemlate.mitigation": " 風險降低: 在 \"%s\" 中建立調適型卡片範本,然後將 \"%s\" 欄位更新為 \"%s\" 中的相對路徑。", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly": "There is no required parameter defined in API \"%s\". The first optional parameter is set as the parameter for command \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.api.optionalParametersOnly.mitigation": " Mitigation: If \"%s\" is not what you need, edit the parameter of command \"%s\" in \"%s\". The parameter name should match what's defined in \"%s\".", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription": "Description for function \"%s\" is missing.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.missingFunctionDescription.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\"", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding": "Description for function \"%s\" shortened to %s characters to meet the length requirement.", + "core.copilotPlugin.scaffold.summary.warning.pluginManifest.functionDescription.lengthExceeding.mitigation": " Mitigation: Update description for \"%s\" in \"%s\" so that Copilot can trigger the function.", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.titleNew": "功能", "core.createCapabilityQuestion.placeholder": "選取功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.previewOnWindow": "在 Windows 上預覽", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.preview": "Preview", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlook": "在 Teams 和 Outlook 中運作", "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookM365": "在 Teams、Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 應用程式中運作", + "core.createProjectQuestion.option.description.worksInOutlookCopilot": "使用 Teams、Outlook 和 Copilot 工作", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.detail": "可自動化重複工作的交談或資訊聊天體驗", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.label": "Bot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.bot.title": "使用 Bot 的應用程式功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "從 Teams 和 Outlook 的聊天撰寫區域搜尋或初始化動作", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.detail": "Search and take actions from the text input box in Teams and Outlook", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.copilotEnabled.detail": "Search or initiate actions from the message composing area of Teams, Outlook and Copilot", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.messageExtension.title": "使用訊息延伸模組的應用程式功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "使用網頁內容自訂功能區與工作窗格", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.detail": "Customize the ribbon and Task Pane with your web content for seamless user experience", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.label": "Outlook 增益集", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.outlookAddin.title": "使用 Outlook 增益集的應用程式功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "在 Teams、Outlook 和 Micosoft 365 應用程式中內嵌您自己的 Web 內容", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.detail": "Extend Office apps to interact with content in Office documents and Outlook mails", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.label": "Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.title": "App Features Using an Office Add-in", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.title": "Framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.officeAddin.framework.placeholder": "Select a framework", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.detail": "Embed your own web content in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app", "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.tab.title": "使用 Tab 的應用程式功能", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "建立外掛程式以使用您的 API 擴充 Copilot", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "Copilot 的外掛程式", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.title": "Copilot 的外掛程式", - "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.placeholder": "選取一個選項", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.label": "Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.title": "App Features using Copilot Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.detail": "Create declarative Copilot, API plugin, or both with Microsoft Copilot orchestrator and LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.detail": "Create a plugin to extend Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using your APIs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotPlugin.label": "API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotExtension.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.detail": "Build intelligent chatbot with Teams AI Library where you manage orchestration and provide your own LLM.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.label": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.title": "App Features Using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.customCopilot.placeholder": "Select an option", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.label": "Don't know how to start? Use GitHub Copilot Chat", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotHelp.detail": "Chat with GitHub Copilot and get step-by-step instructions to develop your Teams app", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.copilotGroup.title": "Use Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.createGroup.title": "Create", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.label": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.projectType.declarativeCopilot.detail": "Create your own Copilot by declaring instructions, actions, & knowledge to suit your needs.", "core.createProjectQuestion.title": "新增專案", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.label": "Start with a Bot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.botMessageExtension.detail": "Create a message extension using Bot Framework", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.label": "從新的 API 開始", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginNewApiOption.detail": "使用來自 Azure Functions 的新 API 建立外掛程式", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "從 OpenAPI 規格開始", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionNewApiOption.detail": "Create a message extension with a new API from Azure Functions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.label": "Start with an OpenAPI Description Document", "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginApiSpecOption.detail": "從您現有的 API 建立外掛程式", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.label": "從 OpenAI 外掛程式開始", - "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.copilotPluginAIPluginOption.detail": "將 OpenAI 外掛程式轉換為 Microsoft 365 Copilot 外掛程式", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI 規格", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "輸入 OpenAPI 規格 URL", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "輸入 OpenAPI 規格位置", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.title": "OpenAI 外掛程式資訊清單", - "core.createProjectQuestion.AIPluginManifest.placeholder": "輸入您的網站網域", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "請輸入有效的 URL", - "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidDomain.message": "請輸入有效的網域", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "選取作業", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder": "只會列出具有單一參數且沒有驗證的 GET 與 POST 方法", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.messageExtensionApiSpecOption.detail": "Create a message extension from your existing API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.label": "Basic AI Chatbot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotBasicOption.detail": "Build a basic AI chatbot in Teams", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.label": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagOption.detail": "Expand AI bot's knowledge with your content to get accurate answers to your questions", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.label": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantOption.detail": "Build an AI agent in Teams that can make decisions and perform actions based on LLM reasoning", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.label": "Customize", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomizeOption.detail": "Decide how to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.label": "Azure AI Search", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagAzureAISearchOption.detail": "Load your data from Azure AI Search service", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.label": "Custom API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagCustomApiOption.detail": "Load your data from custom APIs based on OpenAPI description document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.label": "Microsoft 365", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRagMicrosoft365Option.detail": "Load your data from Microsoft Graph and SharePoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.title": "Chat With Your Data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotRag.placeholder": "Select an option to load your data", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.label": "Build from Scratch", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantNewOption.detail": "Build your own AI Agent from scratch using Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.label": "Build with Assistants API", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistantAssistantsApiOption.detail": "Build an AI agent with OpenAI Assistants API and Teams AI Library", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.title": "AI Agent", + "core.createProjectQuestion.capability.customCopilotAssistant.placeholder": "Choose how you want to manage your AI tasks", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.title": "Service for Large Language Model (LLM)", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.placeholder": "Select a service to access LLMs", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.label": "OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceOpenAIOption.detail": "Access LLMs developed by OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.label": "Azure OpenAI", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmServiceAzureOpenAIOption.detail": "Access powerful LLMs in OpenAI with Azure security and reliability", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.title": "OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.openAIKey.placeholder": "Input OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.title": "Azure OpenAI Key", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIKey.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service key now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.title": "Azure OpenAI Endpoint", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.title": "Azure OpenAI Deployment Name", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIEndpoint.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI service endpoint now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.llmService.azureOpenAIDeploymentName.placeholder": "Input Azure OpenAI deployment name now or set it later in the project", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.title": "OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.placeholder": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document URL", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpecInputUrl.label": "Enter OpenAPI Description Document Location", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKey": "Enter API Key in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.ApiKeyConfirm": "Teams Toolkit will upload the API key to Teams Developer Portal. The API key will be used by Teams client to securely access your API in runtime. Teams Toolkit will not store your API key.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientId": "Enter client id for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecret": "Enter client secret for OAuth registration in OpenAPI Description Document", + "core.createProjectQuestion.OauthClientSecretConfirm": "Teams Toolkit uploads the client id/secret for OAuth Registration to Teams Developer Portal. It is used by Teams client to securely access your API at runtime. Teams Toolkit doesn't store your client id/secret.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.title": "Authentication Type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiMessageExtensionAuth.placeholder": "Select an authentication type", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidApiKey.message": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.invalidUrl.message": "Enter a valid HTTP URL without authentication to access your OpenAPI description document.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.title": "Select Operation(s) Teams Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.copilotOperation.title": "Select Operation(s) Copilot Can Interact with", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.apikey.placeholder": "GET/POST methods with at most 5 required parameter and API key are listed", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.plugin.placeholder": "Unsupported APIs are not listed, check the output channel for reasons", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.invalidMessage": "%s API(s) selected. You can select at least one and at most %s APIs.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleAuth": "Your selected APIs have multiple authorizations %s which are not supported.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.multipleServer": "Your selected APIs have multiple server URLs %s which are not supported.", "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.operation.placeholder.skipExisting": "未列出 manifest.json 中定義的方法", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "API 規格無效。如需詳細資料,請查看輸出面板。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "API 規格無效。如需詳細資料,請查看[輸出面板](命令: fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.message": "OpenAI 外掛程式資訊清單無效。如需詳細資料,請查看輸出面板。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "OpenAI 外掛程式資訊清單無效。如需詳細資料,請查看[輸出面板](命令: fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.missingApiUrl": "\"%s\" 中遺漏 URL。", - "core.createProjectQuestion.openAiPluginManifest.validationError.authNotSupported": "不支援驗證類型。支援的驗證類型: \"%s\"。", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check output panel for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.apiSpec.multipleValidationErrors.vscode.message": "Incompatible OpenAPI description document. Check [output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "core.createProjectQuestion.meArchitecture.title": "Architecture of Search Based Message Extension", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.title": "Create Declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.declarativeCopilot.placeholder": "Add API plugin to your declarative Copilot", + "core.createProjectQuestion.createApiPlugin.title": "Create API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.title": "Add API Plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addApiPlugin.placeholder": "Select how to add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.label": "No plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.noPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot only", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.label": "Add plugin", + "core.createProjectQuestion.addPlugin.detail": "Create declarative Copilot with API plugin", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.label": "AI Agent Bot", + "core.aiAssistantBotOption.detail": "A custom AI Agent bot in Teams using Teams AI library and OpenAI Assistants API", "core.aiBotOption.label": "AI 聊天機器人", - "core.aiBotOption.detail": "使用 Teams AI 程式庫的聊天機器人", + "core.aiBotOption.detail": "A basic AI chat bot in Teams using Teams AI library", "core.spfxFolder.title": "SPFx 解決方案資料夾", - "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "選取包含 SPFx 解決方案的資料夾", + "core.spfxFolder.placeholder": "Select the folder containing your SPFx solution", "core.QuestionSelectTargetEnvironment.title": "選取環境", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.title": "新增環境名稱", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.placeholder": "新增環境名稱", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation1": "環境名稱只能包含字母、數字、_ 和 -。", - "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "無法建立環境 '%s'", + "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation3": "Unable to create an environment '%s'", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation4": "無法列出 env 設定", "core.getQuestionNewTargetEnvironmentName.validation5": "專案環境 %s 已存在。", "core.QuestionSelectSourceEnvironment.title": "選取要建立複本的環境", "core.QuestionSelectResourceGroup.title": "選取資源群組", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.placeholder": "新增資源群組名稱", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.title": "新增資源群組名稱", - "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "名稱只可包含英數字元或符號 ._-()", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupName.validation": "The name can only contain alphanumeric characters or symbols ._-()", "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.title": "新資源群組的位置", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "工作區資料夾", - "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "選取將包含專案根資料夾的資料夾", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.recommended": "Recommended", + "core.QuestionNewResourceGroupLocation.group.others": "Others", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.title": "Workspace Folder", + "core.question.workspaceFolder.placeholder": "Choose the folder where your project root folder will be located", + "core.question.appName.title": "Application Name", + "core.question.appName.placeholder": "Input an application name", "core.ScratchOptionYes.label": "建立新的應用程式", - "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "使用 Teams 工具組來建立新的 Teams 應用程式。", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "從範本開始", - "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "使用現有範例作為新應用程式的起點。", + "core.ScratchOptionYes.detail": "Use the Teams Toolkit to create a new Teams app.", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.label": "Start with a sample", + "core.ScratchOptionNo.detail": "Start your new app with an existing sample.", "core.RuntimeOptionNodeJS.detail": "快速 JavaScript 伺服器執行階段", "core.RuntimeOptionDotNet.detail": "免費。跨平台。開放原始碼。", "core.getRuntimeQuestion.title": "Teams 工具組: 為您的應用程式選取執行階段", @@ -322,8 +426,15 @@ "core.SampleSelect.title": "從範本開始", "core.SampleSelect.placeholder": "選取範例", "core.SampleSelect.buttons.viewSamples": "檢視範例", + "core.question.pluginAvailability.title": "Select Plugin Availability", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilot": "Declarative Copilot", + "core.pluginAvailability.copilotForM365": "Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.pluginAvailability.declarativeCopilotAndM365": "Both declarative Copilot and Copilot for Microsoft 365", + "core.addPlugin.success": "Plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addAction.success": "Action \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", + "core.addActionAndPlugin.success": "Action \"%s\" and plugin \"%s\" added to the project successfully.", "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.title": "設定用於偵錯的新 Bot", - "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "取消選取以保留 botId 的原始值。", + "core.updateBotIdsQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original botId value", "core.updateBotIdForBot.description": "將 manifest.json 中的 botId %s 更新為「${{BOT_ID}}」", "core.updateBotIdForMessageExtension.description": "將 manifest.json 中的 botId %s 更新為「${{BOT_ID}}」", "core.updateBotIdForBot.label": "Bot", @@ -332,40 +443,41 @@ "core.updateWebsiteUrlQuestion.title": "設定用於偵錯的網站 URL", "core.updateContentUrlOption.description": "將內容 URL 從 %s 更新為 %s", "core.updateWebsiteUrlOption.description": "將網站 URL 從 %s 更新為 %s", - "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "取消選取以保留原始 URL", + "core.updateUrlQuestion.placeholder": "Deselect to keep the original URL", "core.SingleSignOnOption.label": "單一登入", "core.SingleSignOnOption.detail": "為 Teams 啟動頁面和 Bot 功能開發單一登入功能", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "將相同 Microsoft 365 租用戶下之帳戶的擁有者新增至 Teams/AAD 應用程式 (電子郵件)", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "電子郵件地址不可為 Null 或空白", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "請將 [UserName] 變更為實際使用者名稱", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.title": "Add owner to Teams/Microsoft Entra app for the account under the same Microsoft 365 tenant (email)", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation1": "Enter email address", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation2": "Change [UserName] to the real user name", "core.collaboration.error.failedToLoadDotEnvFile": "無法載入您的 .env 檔案。原因: %s", - "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "選取 Azure Active Directory manifest.json 檔案", - "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "選取 Teams manifest.json 檔案", - "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "選取 Teams 應用程式套件檔案", + "core.selectAadAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Microsoft Entra manifest.json file", + "core.selectTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "Select Teams manifest.json File", + "core.selectTeamsAppPackageQuestion.title": "Select Teams App Package File", "core.selectLocalTeamsAppManifestQuestion.title": "選取本機 Teams manifest.json 檔案", - "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "選取您想要管理共同作業者的應用程式", + "core.selectCollaborationAppTypeQuestion.title": "Select the app for which you want to manage collaborators", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.selectTitle": "選取驗證方法", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOption": "使用資訊清單結構描述驗證", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.schemaOptionDescription": "使用資訊清單結構描述驗證", "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOption": "使用驗證規則驗證應用程式套件", - "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.appPackageOptionDescription": "使用驗證規則驗證應用程式套件", - "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "確認資訊清單已正確選取顯示", - "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Azure Active Directory 應用程式", - "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "適用於單一登入的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOption": "Validate all integration test cases before publishing", + "core.selectValidateMethodQuestion.validate.testCasesOptionDescription": "Comprehensive tests to ensure readiness", + "core.confirmManifestQuestion.placeholder": "Confirm you've selected the correct manifest file", + "core.aadAppQuestion.label": "Microsoft Entra app", + "core.aadAppQuestion.description": "Your Microsoft Entra app for Single Sign On", "core.teamsAppQuestion.label": "Teams 應用程式", "core.teamsAppQuestion.description": "您的 Teams 應用程式", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.label": "以 Fluent UI 傳送表情符號", "core.M365SsoLaunchPageOptionItem.detail": "使用 Fluent UI React 元件來取得 Teams 外觀和風格的 Web 應用程式", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.label": "自訂搜尋結果", "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "直接在搜尋或聊天區域的 Teams 和 Outlook 搜尋結果中顯示資料", + "core.M365SearchAppOptionItem.copilot.detail": "Display data directly in Teams chat, Outlook email, and Copilot response from search results", "core.SearchAppOptionItem.detail": "直接在搜尋或聊天區域的 Teams 搜尋結果中顯示資料", "core.M365HostQuestion.title": "平台", "core.M365HostQuestion.placeholder": "選取平台以預覽應用程式", "core.options.separator.additional": "其他功能", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "已成功準備 Teams 應用程式。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "已成功在佈建階段執行 %s/%s 個動作。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "已成功在部署階段執行 %s/%s 個動作。", - "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "已成功在發佈階段執行 %s/%s 個動作。", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.prepareTeamsApp": "Teams app prepared successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.provision": "%s/%s actions in provision stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.deploy": "%s/%s actions in deploy stage executed successfully.", + "core.common.LifecycleComplete.publish": "%s/%s actions in publish stage executed successfully.", "core.common.TeamsMobileDesktopClientName": "Teams 桌面,行動用戶端識別碼", "core.common.TeamsWebClientName": "Teams Web 用戶端識別碼", "core.common.OfficeDesktopClientName": "適用於桌面用戶端識別碼的 Microsoft 365 應用程式", @@ -374,18 +486,51 @@ "core.common.OutlookDesktopClientName": "Outlook 桌面用戶端識別碼", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName1": "Outlook Web 存取用戶端識別碼 1", "core.common.OutlookWebClientName2": "Outlook Web 存取用戶端識別碼 2", - "core.common.CancelledMessage": "已取消作業。", - "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "不支援低於 3.0.0 的 OpenAPI 版本。", - "core.common.NoServerInformation": "OpenAPI 規格檔案中找不到任何伺服器資訊。", - "core.common.MultipleServerInformation": "OpenAPI 規格檔案中找到多個伺服器資訊。", + "core.common.CancelledMessage": "Operation is canceled.", + "core.common.SwaggerNotSupported": "Swagger 2.0 is not supported. Convert it to OpenAPI 3.0 first.", + "core.common.SpecVersionNotSupported": "OpenAPI version %s is not supported. Use version 3.0.x.", + "core.common.AddedAPINotInOriginalSpec": "APIs added to the project need to originate from the original OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.NoServerInformation": "No server information is found in the OpenAPI description document.", "core.common.RemoteRefNotSupported": "不支援遠端參照: %s。", "core.common.MissingOperationId": "遺漏 operationIds: %s。", - "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "OpenAPI 規格檔案中找不到支援的 API。", - "core.common.AdditionalPropertiesNotSupported": "不支援 'additionalProperties',將予以忽略。", - "core.common.SchemaNotSupported": "不支援 'oneOf'、'anyOf' 和 'not' 結構描述: %s。", - "core.common.UnknownSchema": "未知的結構描述: %s。", + "core.common.NoSupportedApi": "No supported API found in the OpenAPI document.\nFor more information visit: \"https://aka.ms/build-api-based-message-extension\". \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.NoSupportedApiCopilot": "No supported API is found in the OpenAPI description document. \nReasons for API incompatibility are listed below:\n%s", + "core.common.invalidReason.AuthTypeIsNotSupported": "authorization type is not supported", + "core.common.invalidReason.MissingOperationId": "operation id is missing", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainMultipleMediaTypes": "post body contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseContainMultipleMediaTypes": "response contains multiple media types", + "core.common.invalidReason.ResponseJsonIsEmpty": "response json is empty", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodySchemaIsNotJson": "post body schema is not json", + "core.common.invalidReason.PostBodyContainsRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "post body contains required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainRequiredUnsupportedSchema": "params contain required unsupported schema", + "core.common.invalidReason.ParamsContainsNestedObject": "params contain nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.RequestBodyContainsNestedObject": "request body contains nested object", + "core.common.invalidReason.ExceededRequiredParamsLimit": "exceeded required params limit", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoParameter": "no parameter", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIInfo": "no API info", + "core.common.invalidReason.MethodNotAllowed": "method not allowed", + "core.common.invalidReason.UrlPathNotExist": "url path does not exist", + "core.common.invalidReason.NoAPIs": "No APIs were found in the OpenAPI description document.", + "core.common.invalidReason.CircularReference": "circular reference inside API definition", + "core.common.UrlProtocolNotSupported": "伺服器 URL 不正確: 不支援通訊協定 %s,請改為使用 HTTPs 通訊協定。", + "core.common.RelativeServerUrlNotSupported": "伺服器 URL 不正確: 不支援相對伺服器 URL。", + "core.common.ErrorFetchApiSpec": "Your OpenAPI description document should be accessible without authentication, otherwise download and start from a local copy.", + "core.common.SendingApiRequest": "Sending API request: %s. Request body: %s", + "core.common.ReceiveApiResponse": "Received API response: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid file. Supported format: %s.", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFile.errorMessage": "Invalid file. %s", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorLog": "\"%s\" is an invalid function. Supported function: \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.unsupportedFunction.errorMessage": "Invalid function. %s", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorLog": "The parameter \"%s\" of function \"%s\" is invalid. Please provide a valid file path wrapped by '' or an environment variable name in \"${{}}\" format.", + "core.envFunc.invalidFunctionParameter.errorMessage": "Invalid parameter of function \"%s\". %s", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorLog": "Unable to read from \"%s\" due to \"%s\".", + "core.envFunc.readFile.errorMessage": "Unable to read from \"%s\". %s", + "core.error.checkOutput.vsc": "Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", "core.importAddin.label": "匯入現有的 Outlook 增益集", "core.importAddin.detail": "將增益集專案升級至最新的應用程式資訊清單和專案結構", + "core.importOfficeAddin.label": "Import an Existing Office Add-ins", + "core.officeContentAddin.label": "Content Add-in", + "core.officeContentAddin.detail": "Create new objects for Excel or PowerPoint", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.label": "工作窗格", "core.newTaskpaneAddin.detail": "在工作窗格中使用按鈕和內嵌內容來自訂 [功能區]", "core.summary.actionDescription": "動作 %s%s", @@ -398,6 +543,47 @@ "core.summary.actionSucceeded": "已成功執行 %s。", "core.summary.createdEnvFile": "環境檔案已建立於下列位置: ", "core.copilot.addAPI.success": "已成功將 %s 新增至 %s", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectAPIKeyActionFailed": "Inject API key action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.copilot.addAPI.InjectOAuthActionFailed": "Inject OAuth action to teamsapp.yaml file unsuccessful, make sure the file contains teamsApp/create action in provision section.", + "core.uninstall.botNotFound": "Cannot find bot using the manifest ID %s", + "core.uninstall.confirm.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s will be uninstalled. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s will be removed. Please confirm.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.tdp": "Removal of app registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.m365App": "Uninstallation of Microsoft 365 Application is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.confirm.cancel.bot": "Removal of Bot framework registration is canceled.", + "core.uninstall.success.tdp": "App registration of manifest ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.success.m365App": "Microsoft 365 Application of Title ID: %s successfully uninstalled.", + "core.uninstall.success.delayWarning": "The uninstallation of the Microsoft 365 Application may be delayed.", + "core.uninstall.success.bot": "Bot framework registration of bot ID: %s successfully removed.", + "core.uninstall.failed.titleId": "Unable to find the Title ID. This app is probably not installed.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestId": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.env": "Environment", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleId": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseMode": "Choose a way to clean up resources", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode": "Manifest ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.manifestIdMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with Manifest ID. This includes app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded to Microsoft 365. You can find the Manifest ID in the environment file (default environment key: Teams_App_ID) in the project created by Teams Toolkit.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode": "Environment in Teams Toolkit Created Project", + "core.uninstallQuestion.envMode.detail": "Clean up resources associated with a specific environment in the Teams Toolkit created project. Resources include app registration in Teams Developer Portal, bot registration in Bot Framework Portal, and custom apps uploaded in Microsoft 365 apps.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode": "Title ID", + "core.uninstallQuestion.titleIdMode.detail": "Uninstall the uploaded custom app associated with Title ID. The Title ID can be found in the environment file in the Teams Toolkit created project.", + "core.uninstallQuestion.chooseOption": "Choose resources to uninstall", + "core.uninstallQuestion.m365Option": "Microsoft 365 Application", + "core.uninstallQuestion.tdpOption": "App registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.botOption": "Bot framework registration", + "core.uninstallQuestion.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.projectPath": "Project path", + "core.syncManifest.env": "Target Teams Toolkit Environment", + "core.syncManifest.teamsAppId": "Teams App ID (optional)", + "core.syncManifest.addWarning": "New properties added to the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. New Value %s.", + "core.syncManifest.deleteWarning": "Something was deleted from the manifest template. Manually update the local manifest. Diff Path: %s. Old Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editKeyConflict": "Conflict in placeholder variable in the new manifest. Manually update the local manifest. Variable name: %s, value 1: %s, value 2: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNonVarPlaceholder": "The new manifest has non-placeholder changes. Manually update your local manifest. Old value: %s. New value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.editNotMatch": "Value doesn't match the template placeholders. Manually update the local manifest. Template value: %s. New Value: %s.", + "core.syncManifest.updateEnvSuccess": "%s environment file updated successfully. New values: %s", + "core.syncManifest.success": "Manifest synced to environment: %s successfully.", + "core.syncManifest.noDiff": "Your manifest file is already up-to-date. Sync completed.", + "core.syncManifest.saveManifestSuccess": "Manifest file saved to %s successfully.", "ui.select.LoadingOptionsPlaceholder": "正在載入選項...", "ui.select.LoadingDefaultPlaceholder": "正在載入預設值...", "error.aad.manifest.NameIsMissing": "遺漏名稱\n", @@ -405,89 +591,100 @@ "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessIsMissing": "requiredResourceAccess 遺失\n", "error.aad.manifest.Oauth2PermissionsIsMissing": "oauth2Permissions 遺失\n", "error.aad.manifest.PreAuthorizedApplicationsIsMissing": "preAuthorizedApplications 遺失\n", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAppIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in requiredResourceAccess misses resourceAppId property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessIdIsMissing": "Some item(s) in resourceAccess misses id property.", + "error.aad.manifest.ResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "resourceAccess should be an array.", + "error.aad.manifest.RequiredResourceAccessShouldBeArray": "requiredResourceAccess should be an array.", "error.aad.manifest.AccessTokenAcceptedVersionIs1": "accessTokenAcceptedVersion 為 1\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsIsMissing": "optionalClaims 遺失\n", "error.aad.manifest.OptionalClaimsMissingIdtypClaim": "optionalClaims 存取權杖未包含 idtyp 宣告\n", - "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "AAD 資訊清單發生下列問題,可能會中斷 Teams 應用程式:\n", - "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "啟用時,無法更新或刪除現有的權限。其中一個可能的原因是所選環境的 ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID 環境變數已變更。請確認您的權限識別碼與實際 AAD 應用程式相同,然後再試一次。\n", + "error.aad.manifest.AADManifestIssues": "Microsoft Entra manifest has following issues that may potentially break the Teams App:\n", + "error.aad.manifest.DeleteOrUpdatePermissionFailed": "Unable to update or delete an enabled permission. It may be because the ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID environment variable is changed for selected environment. Make sure your permission id(s) match the actual Microsoft Entra application and try again.\n", + "error.aad.manifest.HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain": "Unable to set identifierUri because the value is not on verified domain: %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAppId": "未知的 resourceAppId %s", "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessType": "未知的 resourceAccess: %s", - "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "未知的 resourceAccess 識別碼: %s,如果您使用權限做為 resourceAccess 識別碼,請嘗試改用權限識別碼。", + "error.aad.manifest.UnknownResourceAccessId": "Unknown resourceAccess id: %s, try to use permission id instead of resourceAccess id.", "core.addSsoFiles.emptyProjectPath": "Project路徑是空的", "core.addSsoFiles.FailedToCreateAuthFiles": "無法為新增 sso 建立檔案。詳細錯誤: %s。", - "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "電子郵件地址不正確", + "core.getUserEmailQuestion.validation3": "Email address is invalid", "plugins.bot.ErrorSuggestions": "建議: %s", "plugins.bot.InvalidValue": "%s 無效,值: %s", - "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "遺漏 %s。", + "plugins.bot.SomethingIsMissing": "%s is not available.", "plugins.bot.FailedToProvision": "無法佈建 %s。", "plugins.bot.FailedToUpdateConfigs": "無法更新 %s 的設定", - "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "找不到 botId 為 %s 的 Bot 註冊。按一下 [取得協助] 按鈕,深入了解如何檢查 Bot 註冊。", + "plugins.bot.BotRegistrationNotFoundWith": "Bot registration was not found with botId %s. Click 'Get Help' button to get more info about how to check bot registrations.", "plugins.bot.BotResourceExists": "Bot 資源已存在於 %s,請略過建立 Bot 資源。", "plugins.bot.FailRetrieveAzureCredentials": "無法擷取 Azure 認證。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "佈建 Bot 註冊。", - "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "已成功佈建 Bot 註冊。", - "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "請檢查登入輸出面板,並嘗試修正此問題。", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistration": "Bot registration provisioning in progress...", + "plugins.bot.ProvisionBotRegistrationSuccess": "Bot registration provisioned successfully.", + "plugins.bot.CheckLogAndFix": "Please check log-in Output panel and try to fix this issue.", "plugins.bot.AppStudioBotRegistration": "開發人員入口網站 Bot 註冊", - "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "無法從 Github 取得最新的範本,正在嘗試使用本機範本。", - "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "手動安裝必要的相依性。", - "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "深入了解", + "plugins.function.getTemplateFromLocal": "Unable to get latest template from GitHub, trying to use the local template.", + "error.depChecker.DefaultErrorMessage": "Install required dependencies manually.", + "depChecker.learnMoreButtonText": "Get more info", "depChecker.needInstallNpm": "您必須安裝 NPM 才能對本機函式進行偵錯。", "depChecker.failToValidateFuncCoreTool": "安裝後無法驗證 Azure Functions Core Tools。", - "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "symlink 的目的地已存在", - "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "您的 Node.js (@NodeVersion) 與 Teams 工具組 Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion) 不相容。", - "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "版本 %s 的格式無效。", - "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools 安裝未完成。", + "depChecker.symlinkDirAlreadyExist": "Symlink (%s) destination already exists, remove it and try again.", + "depChecker.portableFuncNodeNotMatched": "Your Node.js (@NodeVersion) is not compatible with Teams Toolkit Azure Functions Core Tools (@FuncVersion).", + "depChecker.invalidFuncVersion": "Version %s format is invalid.", + "depChecker.noSentinelFile": "Azure Functions Core Tools installation is unsuccessful.", "depChecker.funcVersionNotMatch": "Azure Functions Core Tools 的版本 (%s) 與指定的版本範圍 (%s) 不相容。", - "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "已成功安裝 @NameVersion。", - "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "正在下載並安裝可攜式版本的 @NameVersion,此版本將會安裝到 @InstallDir,不會影響您的環境。", + "depChecker.finishInstallBicep": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", + "depChecker.downloadDotnet": "Downloading and installing the portable version of @NameVersion, which will be installed to @InstallDir and won't affect your environment.", "depChecker.downloadBicep": "正在下載並安裝可攜式版本的 @NameVersion,此版本將會安裝到 @InstallDir,不會影響您的環境。", - "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "已成功安裝 @NameVersion。", + "depChecker.finishInstallDotnet": "@NameVersion installed successfully.", "depChecker.useGlobalDotnet": "從 PATH 使用 dotnet:", "depChecker.dotnetInstallStderr": "dotnet-install 命令失敗,沒有錯誤結束代碼,但發生非空白的標準錯誤。", "depChecker.dotnetInstallErrorCode": "dotnet-install 命令失敗。", "depChecker.NodeNotFound": "找不到 Node.js。已在 package.json 中指定支援的節點版本。移至 %s 以安裝支援的 Node.js。安裝完成後,請重新啟動所有 Visual Studio Code 執行個體。", "depChecker.V3NodeNotSupported": "Node.js (%s) 不是正式支援的版本 (%s)。您的專案可能仍可繼續運作,但建議您安裝支援的版本。已在 package.json 中指定支援的節點版本。請移至 %s 以安裝支援的 Node.js。", "depChecker.NodeNotLts": "Node.js (%s) 不是 LTS 版本 (%s)。請移至 %s 以安裝 LTS Node.js。", - "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "找不到 @NameVersion。有關為何需要 .NET SDK 的詳細資料,請參閱 @HelpLink", - "depChecker.depsNotFound": "找不到 @SupportedPackages。\n\nTeams 工具組需要這些相依性。\n\n按一下 [安裝] 以安裝 @InstallPackages。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "找不到 @SupportedPackages。手動安裝 @SupportedPackages 並重新啟動 Visual Studio Code。", - "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "找不到 @SupportedPackages。\n\nTeams 工具組需要這些相依性。", + "depChecker.dotnetNotFound": "Unable to find @NameVersion. To know why .NET SDK is needed, refer @HelpLink", + "depChecker.depsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.\n\nClick \"Install\" to install @InstallPackages.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFound": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages. Install @SupportedPackages manually and restart Visual Studio Code.", + "depChecker.linuxDepsNotFoundHelpLinkMessage": "Unable to find @SupportedPackages.\n\nTeams Toolkit requires these dependencies.", "depChecker.failToDownloadFromUrl": "無法從 '@Url' 下載檔案,HTTP 狀態為 '@Status'。", - "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "影片擴充性測試應用程式必要條件檢查程式的引數無效。請檢查 tasks.json 檔案。", + "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestAppInstallOptions": "Invalid argument for video extensibility test app prerequisites checker. Please review tasks.json file to ensure all arguments are correctly formatted and valid.", "depChecker.failToValidateVxTestApp": "無法在安裝後驗證影片擴充性測試應用程式。", + "depChecker.testToolVersionNotMatch": "Teams App 測試工具的版本 (%s) 與指定的版本範圍 (%s) 不相容。", + "depChecker.failedToValidateTestTool": "安裝後無法驗證 Teams 應用程式測試工具。%s", "error.driver.outputEnvironmentVariableUndefined": "未定義輸出環境變數名稱。", - "driver.aadApp.description.create": "建立 Azure Active Directory 應用程式以驗證使用者", - "driver.aadApp.description.update": "將 Azure Active Directory 應用程式資訊清單套用到現有的應用程式", + "driver.aadApp.description.create": "Create a Microsoft Entra app to authenticate users", + "driver.aadApp.description.update": "Apply Microsoft Entra app manifest to an existing app", "driver.aadApp.error.missingEnv": "未設定環境變數 %s。", "driver.aadApp.error.generateSecretFailed": "無法產生用戶端密碼。", - "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Azure Active Directory 應用程式資訊清單中的欄位 %s 遺失或無效。", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "正在建立 Azure Active Directory 應用程式...", - "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "正在更新 Azure Active Directory 應用程式...", + "driver.aadApp.error.invalidFieldInManifest": "Field %s is missing or invalid in Microsoft Entra app manifest.", + "driver.aadApp.error.appNameTooLong": "The name for this Microsoft Entra app is too long. The maximum length is 120.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialInvalidLifetimeAsPerAppPolicy": "The client secret lifetime is too long for your tenant. Use a shorter value with the clientSecretExpireDays parameter.", + "driver.aadApp.error.credentialTypeNotAllowedAsPerAppPolicy": "Your tenant doesn't allow creating a client secret for Microsoft Entra app. Create and configure the app manually.", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.createAadAppTitle": "Creating Microsoft Entra application...", + "driver.aadApp.progressBar.updateAadAppTitle": "Updating Microsoft Entra application...", "driver.aadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "正在執行動作 %s", "driver.aadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "動作 %s 已成功執行。", "driver.aadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "無法執行動作 %s。錯誤訊息: %s", - "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "環境變數 %s 不存在,正在建立新的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "已建立物件識別碼為 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "環境變數 %s 已存在,正在略過新的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式產生步驟。", - "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "環境變數 %s 不存在,正在產生 Azure Active Directory 應用程式的用戶端密碼...", - "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "已產生物件識別碼為 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式的用戶端密碼", - "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "環境變數 %s 已存在,正在略過 Azure Active Directory 應用程式用戶端密碼產生步驟。", - "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "已完成建置 Azure Active Directory 應用程式資訊清單,且已將應用程式資訊清單內容寫入 %s。", - "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "已將資訊清單 %s (具有物件識別碼 %s) 套用到 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", - "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "正在建立 Bot AAD 應用程式...", - "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "正在建立 Bot Azure Active Directory 應用程式。", - "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "已成功建立 Bot Azure Active Directory 應用程式。", - "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "略過 Bot Azure Active Directory 應用程式的建立。", - "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "建立新的或重複使用現有的 Bot Azure Active Directory 應用程式。", + "driver.aadApp.log.startCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s does not exist, creating a new Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successCreateAadApp": "Created Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipCreateAadApp": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping new Microsoft Entra app creation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.startGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s does not exist, generating client secret for Microsoft Entra app...", + "driver.aadApp.log.successGenerateClientSecret": "Generated client secret for Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.skipGenerateClientSecret": "Environment variable %s already exist, skipping Microsoft Entra app client secret generation step.", + "driver.aadApp.log.outputAadAppManifest": "Build Microsoft Entra app manifest completed, and app manifest content is written to %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.successUpdateAadAppManifest": "Applied manifest %s to Microsoft Entra application with object id %s", + "driver.aadApp.log.deleteAadAfterDebugging": " (Teams toolkit will delete the Microsoft Entra application after debugging)", + "botRegistration.ProgressBar.creatingBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app...", + "botRegistration.log.startCreateBotAadApp": "Creating bot Microsoft Entra app.", + "botRegistration.log.successCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app created successfully.", + "botRegistration.log.skipCreateBotAadApp": "Bot Microsoft Entra app creation skipped.", + "driver.botAadApp.create.description": "create a new or reuse an existing bot Microsoft Entra app.", "driver.botAadApp.log.startExecuteDriver": "正在執行動作 %s", "driver.botAadApp.log.successExecuteDriver": "動作 %s 已成功執行。", "driver.botAadApp.log.failExecuteDriver": "無法執行動作 %s。錯誤訊息: %s", - "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "已建立用戶端識別碼為 %s 的 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", - "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "已使用用戶端識別碼為 %s 的現有 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", + "driver.botAadApp.log.successCreateBotAad": "Created Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", + "driver.botAadApp.log.useExistingBotAad": "Used existing Microsoft Entra application with client id %s.", "driver.botAadApp.error.unexpectedEmptyBotPassword": "Bot 密碼是空的。將其新增到 env 檔案或清除 Bot 識別碼,以重新產生 Bot 識別碼/密碼組。動作: %s。", "driver.arm.description.deploy": "將指定的 ARM 範本部署到 Azure。", "driver.arm.deploy.progressBar.message": "正在將 ARM 範本部署至 Azure...", - "debug.warningMessage": "若要偵錯 Teams 中的應用程式,您的 localhost 伺服器必須位於 HTTPS 上。\n若要讓 Teams 信任工具組所使用的自我簽署 SSL 憑證,自我簽署憑證必須新增至您的憑證存放區。\n 您可以略過此步驟,但您必須在 Teams 中對應用程式進行偵錯時,在新的瀏覽器視窗中手動信任安全連線。\n如需詳細資訊 \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\"。", + "debug.warningMessage": "To debug applications in Teams, your localhost server need to be on HTTPS.\nFor Teams to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used by the toolkit, add a self-signed certificate to your certificate store.\n You may skip this step, but you'll have to manually trust the secure connection in a new browser window when debugging your apps in Teams.\nFor more information \"https://aka.ms/teamsfx-ca-certificate\".", "debug.warningMessage2": " 安裝憑證時,可能會要求您提供帳戶憑證。", "debug.install": "安裝", "driver.spfx.deploy.description": "將 SPFx 套件部署至 SharePoint 應用程式目錄。", @@ -496,81 +693,99 @@ "driver.spfx.deploy.deployPackage": "將 SPFx 套件部署到您的租用戶應用程式目錄。", "driver.spfx.deploy.skipCreateAppCatalog": "略過建立 SharePoint 應用程式目錄。", "driver.spfx.deploy.uploadPackage": "將 SPFx 套件上傳到您的租用戶應用程式目錄。", - "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "已建立 SharePoint 租用戶應用程式目錄 %s,請稍候數分鐘以啟用。", - "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "找不到租用戶應用程式目錄,請重試: %s", - "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "建立後無法取得應用程式目錄網站 URL。您可能需要等候數分鐘,然後再試一次。", + "driver.spfx.info.tenantAppCatalogCreated": "SharePoint tenant app catalog %s is created. Please wait a few minutes for it to be active.", + "driver.spfx.warn.noTenantAppCatalogFound": "No tenant app catalog found, try again: %s", + "driver.spfx.error.failedToGetAppCatalog": "Unable to get app catalog site url after creation. Wait a few minutes and try again.", "driver.spfx.error.noValidAppCatelog": "您的租用戶中沒有有效的應用程式目錄。如果您希望 Teams 工具組為您建立屬性,或者您可以自行建立,您可以將 %s 中的屬性 'createAppCatalogIfNotExist' 更新為 true。", "driver.spfx.add.description": "將其他網頁組件新增至 SPFx 專案", - "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "網頁組件 %s 已成功新增至專案中。", + "driver.spfx.add.successNotice": "Web part %s was successfully added to the project.", "driver.spfx.add.progress.title": "Scaffolding 網頁組件", "driver.spfx.add.progress.scaffoldWebpart": "使用 Yeoman CLI 產生 SPFx 網頁組件", "driver.prerequisite.error.funcInstallationError": "無法檢查及安裝 Azure Functions Core Tools。", "driver.prerequisite.error.dotnetInstallationError": "無法檢查和安裝 .NET Core SDK。", + "driver.prerequisite.error.testToolInstallationError": "無法檢查並安裝 Teams 應用程式測試工具。", "driver.prerequisite.description": "正在安裝相依性", "driver.prerequisite.progressBar": "檢查並安裝開發工具。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.trusted.succuss": "已安裝 localhost 的開發憑證。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.notTrusted.succuss": "已產生 localhost 的開發憑證。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.devCert.skipped": "略過信任 localhost 的開發憑證。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "在 %s 安裝 Azure Functions Core Tools。", - "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "安裝 Azure Functions Core Tools。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installedWithPath": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed at %s.", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.func.installed": "Azure Functions Core Tools are installed.", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installedWithPath": "已在 %s 安裝 .NET Core SDK。", "driver.prerequisite.summary.dotnet.installed": "已安裝 .NET Core SDK。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "建立變數或將變數更新至環境檔案。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "已成功將變數產生至 %s。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installedWithPath": "已於 %s 安裝 Teams 應用程式測試工具。", + "driver.prerequisite.summary.testTool.installed": "已安裝 Teams 應用程式測試工具。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.description": "Create or update variables to env file.", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile.summary": "Variables have been generated successfully to %s.", "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.description": "建立或更新 JSON 檔案。", - "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "已成功將 json 檔案產生至 %s。", + "driver.file.createOrUpdateJsonFile.summary": "Json file has been successfully generated to %s.", "driver.file.progressBar.appsettings": "正在產生 json 檔案...", "driver.file.progressBar.env": "正在產生環境變數...", - "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "無法重新啟動 Web 應用程式。\n如果應用程式無法正常運作,請嘗試手動重新啟動 Web 應用程式。", - "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "部署至 Azure App Service 需要很長的時間。請考慮參考此文件來最佳化您的部署:", + "driver.deploy.error.restartWebAppError": "Unable to restart web app.\nPlease try to restart it manually.", + "driver.deploy.notice.deployAcceleration": "Deploying to Azure App Service takes a long time. Refer this document to optimize your deployment:", "driver.deploy.notice.deployDryRunComplete": "部署準備已完成。您可以在 '%s' 找到套件", - "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "已成功將 '%s' 部署至 Azure App Service。", - "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "已成功將 '%s' 部署到 Azure Functions。", - "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "已成功將 '%s' 部署到 Azure 儲存體。", - "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure 儲存體成功啟用靜態網站。", - "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "deploy the project to the Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureAppServiceDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure App Service.", + "driver.deploy.azureFunctionsDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Functions.", + "driver.deploy.azureStorageDeployDetailSummary": "`%s` deployed to Azure Storage.", + "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteSummary": "Azure Storage enable static website.", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentTokenSummary": "Get the deployment token for Azure Static Web Apps.", + "driver.deploy.deployToAzureAppServiceDescription": "將專案部署到 Azure App Service。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureFunctionsDescription": "將專案部署到 Azure Functions。", "driver.deploy.deployToAzureStorageDescription": "將專案部署到 Azure 儲存體。", + "driver.deploy.getSWADeploymentToken": "Get the deployment token from Azure Static Web Apps.", "driver.deploy.enableStaticWebsiteInAzureStorageDescription": "在 Azure 儲存體中啟用靜態網站設定。", "driver.common.suggestion.retryLater": "請再試一次。", "driver.common.FailRetrieveAzureCredentialsRemoteError": "由於遠端服務錯誤,因此無法擷取 Azure 認證。", "driver.script.dotnetDescription": "正在執行 dotnet 命令。", "driver.script.npmDescription": "部署 npm 命令。", "driver.script.npxDescription": "正在執行 npx 命令。", - "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "在 '%s' 成功執行 '%s' 命令。", - "driver.m365.acquire.description": "使用應用程式套件取得 Microsoft 365 標題", + "driver.script.runCommandSummary": "`%s` command executed at `%s`.", + "driver.m365.acquire.description": "acquire Microsoft 365 title with the app package", "driver.m365.acquire.progress.message": "正在使用應用程式套件取得 Microsoft 365 標題...", - "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "已成功取得 Microsoft 365 標題 (%s)。", + "driver.m365.acquire.summary": "Microsoft 365 title acquired successfully (%s).", "driver.teamsApp.description.copyAppPackageToSPFxDriver": "將產生的 Teams 應用程式套件複製到 SPFx 解決方案。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "建立 Teams 應用程式。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "更新 Teams 應用程式。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "將 Teams 應用程式發佈到租用戶應用程式目錄。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "驗證 Teams 應用程式。", - "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "建置 Teams 應用程式套件。", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createDriver": "create Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.updateDriver": "update Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.publishDriver": "publish Teams app to tenant app catalog.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.validateDriver": "validate Teams app.", + "driver.teamsApp.description.createAppPackageDriver": "build Teams app package.", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.copyAppPackageToSPFxStepMessage": "正在將 Teams 應用程式套件複製到 SPFx 解決方案...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.createTeamsAppStepMessage": "正在建立 Teams 應用程式...", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.updateTeamsAppStepMessage": "正在更新 Teams 應用程式...", - "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "正在檢查 Teams 應用程式是否已提交至租用戶應用程式目錄", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep1": "Checking if the Teams app is already submitted to tenant App Catalog", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.1": "更新已發佈的 Teams 應用程式", "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.publishTeamsAppStep2.2": "正在發佈 Teams 應用程式...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases": "Submitting validation request...", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.step": "Validation request submitted, status: %s. You will be notified when the result is ready or you can check all your validation records in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", + "driver.teamsApp.progressBar.validateWithTestCases.conflict": "A validation is currently in progress, please submit later. You can find this existing validation in [Teams Developer Portal](%s).", "driver.teamsApp.summary.createTeamsAppAlreadyExists": "具有識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式已存在,略過建立新的 Teams 應用程式。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppExists": "識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式已存在於組織的 App Store 中。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppNotExists": "識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式不存在於組織的 App Store 中。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.publishTeamsAppSuccess": "已成功將 Teams 應用程式 %s 發佈到系統管理入口網站。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyAppPackageSuccess": "已成功將 Teams 應用程式 %s 複製到 %s。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.copyIconSuccess": "已順利在 %s 下更新 %s 圖示。", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit 已針對所有驗證規則進行檢查:\n\n摘要總結:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n您可以在 %s 中找到完整的驗證記錄", - "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams 工具組已檢查包含其摘要的資訊清單:\n\n摘要:\n%s\n%s\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate": "Teams Toolkit has checked against all validation rules:\n\nSummary:\n%s.\n%s%s\n%s\n\nA complete log of validations can be found in %s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams app package at %s.\n", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateManifest": "Teams Toolkit has checked manifest(s) with the corresponding schema:\n\nSummary:\n%s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateTeamsManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Teams manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateDeclarativeCopilotManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your Declarative Copilot manifest at %s.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validatePluginManifest.checkPath": "You can check and update your API Plugin manifest at %s.", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.succeed": "%s 已通過", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.failed": "%s 失敗。", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.warning": "%s 警告", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.skipped": "%s skipped", "driver.teamsApp.summary.validate.all": "全部", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases": "Validation request completed, status: %s. \n\nSummary:\n%s. View the result from: %s.%s", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result": "Validation request completed, status: %s. %s. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for details.", + "driver.teamsApp.summary.validateWithTestCases.result.detail": "%s Validation title: %s. Message: %s", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result": "Teams 工具組已完成針對驗證規則檢查您的應用程式套件。%s。", "driver.teamsApp.validate.result.display": "Teams 工具組已完成檢查您的應用程式套件與驗證規則。%s。請查看 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) 以尋找詳細資料。", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed": "Teams 應用程式套件驗證失敗,因為 %s", "error.teamsApp.validate.apiFailed.display": "Teams 應用程式套件驗證失敗。如需詳細資料,請檢查 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", + "error.teamsApp.validate.details": "File path: %s, title: %s", "error.teamsApp.AppIdNotExistError": "Teams 開發人員入口網站中不存在識別碼為 %s 的 Teams 應用程式。", "error.teamsApp.InvalidAppIdError": "Teams 應用程式識別碼 %s 無效,必須是 GUID。", + "error.teamsApp.createAppPackage.invalidFile": "%s is invalid, it should be in the same directory as manifest.json or a subdirectory of it.", "driver.botFramework.description": "在 dev.botframework.com 上建立或更新 Bot 註冊", "driver.botFramework.summary.create": "已成功建立 Bot 註冊 (%s)。", "driver.botFramework.summary.update": "已成功更新 Bot 註冊 (%s)。", @@ -585,53 +800,62 @@ "error.yaml.LifeCycleUndefinedError": "生命週期 '%s' 未定義,yaml 檔案: %s", "error.yaml.InvalidActionInputError": "無法完成 '%s' 動作,因為下列參數: %s,在提供的 yaml 檔案中遺失或具有無效值: %s。請確定已提供所需的參數,且具有有效的值,然後再試一次。", "error.common.InstallSoftwareError": "無法安裝 %s。如果您使用 Visual Studio Code 中的工具組,您可以手動安裝並重新啟動 Visual Studio Code。", - "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "程式無法繼續,因為下列環境變數遺失: '%s',這是檔案: %s 所需的變數。請確定使用正確的名稱和值編輯 .env 檔案 '%s',或使用正確的名稱和值設定系統內容變數,來設定必要的變數。如果您是使用 Teams 工具組所建立的新專案進行開發,執行佈建或偵錯將為這些環境變數註冊的正確值。", - "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "此命令僅適用於由 Teams 工具組建立的專案。", + "error.common.VersionError": "Unable to find a version satisfying the version range %s.", + "error.common.MissingEnvironmentVariablesError": "Missing environment variables '%s' for file: %s. Please edit the .env file '%s' or '%s', or adjust system environment variables. For new Teams Toolkit projects, make sure you've run provision or debug to set these variables correctly.", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. 'teamsapp.yml' or 'teamsapp.local.yml' not found", + "error.common.InvalidProjectError.display": "This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. Yaml file not found: %s", "error.common.FileNotFoundError": "找不到檔案或目錄: '%s'。請檢查它是否存在,以及您是否有存取它的權限。", "error.common.JSONSyntaxError": "JSON 語法錯誤: %s。請檢查 JSON 語法,以確保其格式正確。", "error.common.ReadFileError": "無法讀取檔案的原因: %s", "error.common.UnhandledError": "執行 %s 工作時發生未預期的錯誤。%s", "error.common.WriteFileError": "無法寫入檔案的原因: %s", - "error.common.FilePermissionError": "不允許檔案作業,請確認您有必要的權限: %s", + "error.common.FilePermissionError": "File operation is not permitted, make sure you have the necessary permissions: %s", "error.common.MissingRequiredInputError": "缺少必要的輸入: %s", - "error.common.InputValidationError": "輸入 '%s' 驗證失敗: %s", + "error.common.InputValidationError": "Input '%s' validation unsuccessful: %s", "error.common.NoEnvFilesError": "找不到 .env 檔案。", "error.common.MissingRequiredFileError": "遺失 %s 必要的檔案 `%s`", - "error.common.HttpClientError": "執行 %s 工作時發生 HTTP 用戶端錯誤。錯誤回應為: %s", - "error.common.HttpServerError": "執行 %s 工作時發生 HTTP 伺服器錯誤。請稍後再試。錯誤回應為: %s", + "error.common.HttpClientError": "A http client error occurred while performing the %s task. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.HttpServerError": "A http server error occurred while performing the %s task. Try again later. The error response is: %s", + "error.common.AccessGithubError": "Access GitHub (%s) Error: %s", "error.common.ConcurrentError": "先前的工作仍在執行中。請等候上一個工作完成,然後再試一次。", - "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "此專案已是最新狀態,不需要升級。", - "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "由於缺少 'id' 金鑰,因此無法處理您的資訊清單檔 ('%s')。若要正確識別您的應用程式,請確定資訊清單檔中有 'id' 金鑰。", + "error.common.NetworkError": "Network error: %s", + "error.common.NetworkError.EAI_AGAIN": "DNS cannot resolve domain %s.", + "error.upgrade.NoNeedUpgrade": "This is the latest project, upgrade not required.", + "error.collaboration.InvalidManifestError": "Unable to process your manifest file ('%s') due to absence of the 'id' key. To identify your app correctly, make sure the 'id' key is present in the manifest file.", "error.collaboration.FailedToLoadManifest": "無法載入資訊清單檔。原因: %s。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "無法取得您的 Azure 認證。請確認您的 Azure 帳戶已經過正確驗證,然後再試一次。", - "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "您目前的帳戶中沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶 '%s'。請確認已使用正確的 Azure 帳戶來登入,而且您擁有存取訂用帳戶的必要權限。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "資源群組 '%s' 已存在訂用帳戶 '%s' 中。請考慮為任務選擇不同的名稱,或是使用現有的資源群組。", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureCredentialError": "Unable to obtain your Azure credentials. Make sure your Azure account is properly authenticated and try again.", + "error.azure.InvalidAzureSubscriptionError": "Azure subscription '%s' is not available in your current account. Make sure you've signed in with the correct Azure account and have necessary permissions to access the subscription.", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupConflictError": "Resource group '%s' already exists in subscription '%s'. Choose a different name or use the existing resource group for your task.", "error.azure.SelectSubscriptionError": "無法選取目前帳戶中的訂用帳戶。", - "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "在訂用帳戶 '%s' 中找不到資源群組 '%s'。", + "error.azure.ResourceGroupNotExistError": "Unable to find the resource group '%s' in subscription '%s'.", "error.azure.CreateResourceGroupError": "無法建立訂用帳戶 '%s' 中的資源群組 '%s' ,因為發生錯誤: %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.azure.CheckResourceGroupExistenceError": "無法檢查訂用帳戶 '%s' 中資源群組 '%s' 是否存在,因為發生錯誤: %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupsError": "無法取得訂用帳戶 '%s' 中的資源群組 '%s' ,因為發生錯誤: %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.azure.GetResourceGroupError": "無法取得訂閱 '%s' 中資源群組 '%s' 的資訊,因為發生錯誤: %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定了原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.azure.ListResourceGroupLocationsError": "無法取得訂用帳戶 '%s' 的可用資源群組位置。", - "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "無法取得 Microsoft 365 權杖的 JSON 物件。請驗證您的帳戶已獲授權可存取租用戶,且權杖 JSON 物件有效。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "無法取得權杖 JSON 物件中的 Microsoft 365 租用戶識別碼。請確認您的帳戶已獲授權可存取租用戶,且權杖 JSON 物件有效。", - "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "驗證失敗。您目前已登入 Microsoft 365 租用戶 '%s',這不同於 .env 檔案 (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s') 中指定的租用戶。若要解決此問題並切換到您目前的已登入租用戶,請從 .env 檔案移除 '%s' 的值,然後再試一次。", + "error.m365.M365TokenJSONNotFoundError": "Unable to obtain JSON object for Microsoft 365 token. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotFoundInTokenError": "Unable to obtain Microsoft 365 tenant ID in token JSON object. Make sure your account is authorized to access the tenant and the token JSON object is valid.", + "error.m365.M365TenantIdNotMatchError": "Authentication unsuccessful. You're currently signed in to Microsoft 365 tenant '%s', which is different from the one specified in the .env file (TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID='%s'). To resolve this issue and switch to your current signed-in tenant, remove the values of '%s' from the .env file and try again.", "error.arm.CompileBicepError": "無法編譯位於 JSON ARM 範本 '%s' 路徑中的 Bicep 檔案。傳回的錯誤訊息是: %s。請檢查 Bicep 檔案是否有任何語法或設定錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.arm.DownloadBicepCliError": "無法從 '%s' 下載 Bicep cli。錯誤訊息是: %s。請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。或移除設定檔 teamsapp.yml 中的 bicepCliVersion 設定,Teams 工具組將在 PATH 中使用 bicep CLI", - "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "部署名稱: '%s' 的 ARM 範本無法在資源群組 '%s' 中部署。請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) 以查看詳細資料。", - "error.arm.DeployArmError": "無法在資源群組 '%s' 中部署名稱為 '%s' 的 ARM 範本,原因為: %s", - "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "部署名稱 '%s' 的 ARM 範本無法部署在資源群組 '%s' 中,原因: %s。\n無法取得詳細的錯誤訊息,原因: %s。\n請參閱入口網站中的資源群組 %s,以尋找部署錯誤。", - "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "無法將 ARM 部署結果轉換為動作輸出,ARM 部署結果中有重複的金鑰 '%s'。", - "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "在發佈資料夾中找不到任何檔案: '%s'。請確保資料夾不是空的,且已包含所有必要的檔案。", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "無法檢查部署狀態,因為程式已逾時。請檢查您的網際網路連線,然後再試一次。如果問題持續發生,請查閱 Azure 入口網站中的部署記錄 (部署 -> 部署中心 -> 記錄),以識別任何可能發生的問題。", + "error.arm.DeployArmError.Notification": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s'. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "error.arm.DeployArmError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s", + "error.arm.GetArmDeploymentError": "The ARM templates for deployment name: '%s' couldn't be deployed in resource group '%s' for reason: %s. \nUnable to get detailed error message due to: %s. \nRefer to the resource group %s in portal for deployment error.", + "error.arm.ConvertArmOutputError": "Unable to convert ARM deployment result into action output. There is a duplicated key '%s' in ARM deployment result.", + "error.deploy.DeployEmptyFolderError": "Unable to locate any files in the distribution folder: '%s'. Make sure the folder includes all necessary files.", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusTimeoutError": "Unable to check deployment status because the process timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileError": "Unable to zip the artifact folder as its size exceeds the maximum limit of 2GB. Reduce the folder size and try again.", + "error.deploy.ZipFileTargetInUse": "Unable to clear the distribution zip file in %s as it may be currently in use. Close any apps using the file and try again.", "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError.Notification": "無法取得資源群組 '%s' 中應用程式 '%s' 的發佈認證。請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) 以了解更多資訊。", - "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "無法取得資源群組 '%s' 中應用程式 '%s' 的發佈認證,原因: \n %s。\n 建議:\n 1. 確認應用程式名稱和資源群組名稱的拼字正確且有效。\n 2. 確認您的 Azure 帳戶具有存取 API 的必要權限。您可能需要提升您的角色,或向系統管理員要求其他權限。\n 3. 如果錯誤訊息包含特定原因 (例如驗證失敗或網路問題),請特別調查該問題以解決錯誤,然後再試一次。\n 4. 您可以在此頁面測試 API: '%s'", + "error.deploy.GetPublishingCredentialsError": "Unable to obtain publishing credentials of app '%s' in resource group '%s' for reason:\n %s.\n Suggestions:\n 1. Make sure the app name and resource group name are spelled correctly and are valid. \n 2. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. You may need to elevate your role or request additional permissions from an administrator. \n 3. If the error message includes a specific reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, investigate that issue specifically to resolve the error and try again. \n 4. You can test the API in this page: '%s'", "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError.Notification": "無法將 zip 封裝部署至端點: '%s'。請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) 以查看詳細資料,然後再試一次。", - "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "無法將 zip 套件部署至 Azure 中的端點 '%s',因為發生錯誤: %s。\n建議: \n 1. 確認您的 Azure 帳戶具有存取 API 的必要權限。\n 2. 確認已在 Azure 中正確設定端點,且已提供所需的資源。\n 3. 確保 zip 套件有效且沒有錯誤。\n 4. 如果錯誤訊息指定原因 ,例如驗證失敗或網路問題,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。\n 5. 如果錯誤持續發生,您可以嘗試按照下列連結中的指導方針手動部署套件: '%s'", - "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "無法檢查位置: '%s' 的部署狀態,因為發生錯誤: %s。如果問題持續發生,請查閱 Azure 入口網站中的部署記錄 (部署 -> 部署中心 -> 記錄),以識別任何可能發生的問題。", - "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "套件已成功部署到 Azure 的位置: '%s',但應用程式無法啟動,因為發生錯誤: %s。\n 如果原因未清楚指定,以下是一些疑難排解建議:\n 1. 檢查應用程式記錄檔: 在應用程式記錄檔中尋找任何錯誤訊息或堆疊追蹤,以找出問題的根本原因。\n 2. 檢查 Azure 設定: 確認 Azure 設定正確,包括連接字串和應用程式設定。\n 3. 檢查應用程式程式碼: 檢閱程式碼,以查看是否有可能導致問題的語法或邏輯錯誤。\n 4. 檢查相依性: 確認應用程式所需的所有相依性都正確安裝及更新。\n 5. 重新啟動應用程式: 嘗試在 Azure 中重新啟動應用程式,看看這是否解決了問題。\n 6. 檢查資源配置: 確定 Azure 執行個體的資源配置適用於應用程式及其工作負載。\n 7. 向 Azure 支援尋求協助: 如果問題持續發生,請與 Azure 支援服務連絡以取得進一步的協助。", - "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "指令碼執行逾時: %s。調整 yaml 中的 'timeout' 參數或改善指令碼的效率。", - "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "指令碼 ('%s') 執行錯誤: %s", + "error.deploy.DeployZipPackageError": "Unable to deploy zip package to endpoint '%s' in Azure due to error: %s. \nSuggestions:\n 1. Make sure your Azure account has necessary permissions to access the API. \n 2. Make sure the endpoint is properly configured in Azure and the required resources have been provisioned. \n 3. Make sure the zip package is valid and free of errors. \n 4. If the error message specifies the reason, such as an authentication failure or a network issue, fix the error and try again. \n 5. If the error still persists, deploy the package manually following the guidelines in this link: '%s'", + "error.deploy.CheckDeploymentStatusError": "Unable to check deployment status for location: '%s' due to error: %s. If the issue persists, review the deployment logs (Deployment -> Deployment center -> Logs) in Azure portal to identify any issues that may have occurred.", + "error.deploy.DeployRemoteStartError": "The package deployed to Azure for location: '%s', but the app is not able to start due to error: %s.\n If the reason is not clearly specified, here are some suggestions to troubleshoot:\n 1. Check the app logs: Look for any error messages or stack traces in the app logs to identify the root cause of the problem.\n 2. Check the Azure configuration: Make sure the Azure configuration is correct, including connection strings and application settings.\n 3. Check the application code: Review the code to see if there are any syntax or logic errors that could be causing the issue.\n 4. Check the dependencies: Make sure all dependencies required by the app are correctly installed and updated.\n 5. Restart the application: Try restarting the application in Azure to see if that resolves the issue.\n 6. Check the resource allocation: Make sure the resource allocation for the Azure instance is appropriate for the app and its workload.\n 7. Get help from Azure support: If the issue persists, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency. Script: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptTimeoutError.Notification": "Script execution timeout. Adjust 'timeout' parameter in yaml or improve your script's efficiency.", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError": "Unable to execute script action. Script: `%s`. Error: `%s`", + "error.script.ScriptExecutionError.Notification": "Unable to execute script action. Error: `%s`. Refer to the [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError.Notification": "無法清除 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s' 中的 BLOb 檔案。如需詳細資料,請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageClearBlobsError": "無法清除 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s' 中的 Blob 檔案。來自 Azure 的錯誤回應為: \n %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageUploadFilesError.Notification": "無法將本機資料夾 '%s' 上傳至 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s'。如需詳細資料,請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", @@ -642,6 +866,38 @@ "error.deploy.AzureStorageGetContainerPropertiesError": "無法取得 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s' 中的容器 '%s' 屬性,因為發生錯誤: %s。來自 Azure 的錯誤回應為: \n %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError.Notification": "無法在 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s' 中設定容器 '%s' 的屬性,因為發生錯誤: %s。請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) 以查看詳細資料。", "error.deploy.AzureStorageSetContainerPropertiesError": "無法在 Azure 儲存體帳戶 '%s' 中設定容器 '%s' 的屬性,因為發生錯誤: %s。來自 Azure 的錯誤回應為:\n %s。\n如果錯誤訊息指定了原因,請修正錯誤,然後再試一次。", - "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "無法從路徑 %s 載入資訊清單識別碼。您必須先執行佈建。", - "error.core.appIdNotExist": "找不到應用程式識別碼: %s。可能是您目前的 M365 帳戶沒有權限,或是已刪除應用程式。" + "error.core.failedToLoadManifestId": "Unable to load manifest id from path: %s. Run provision first.", + "error.core.appIdNotExist": "Unable to find app id: %s. Either your current M365 account doesn't have permission, or the app has been deleted.", + "driver.apiKey.description.create": "Create an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.create": "Creating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.description.update": "Update an API key on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.aadApp.apiKey.title.update": "Updating API key...", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipUpdateApiKey": "Skip updating API key as the same property exists.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successUpdateApiKey": "API key updated successfully!", + "driver.apiKey.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.apiKey.info.update": "API key updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s", + "driver.apiKey.log.startExecuteDriver": "Executing action %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.skipCreateApiKey": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.apiKey.log.apiKeyNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve API key from Developer Portal. Check manually if API key exists.", + "driver.apiKey.error.nameTooLong": "The name for API key is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretInvalid": "Invalid client secret. It should be 10 to 512 characters long.", + "driver.apiKey.error.domainInvalid": "Invalid domain. Please follow these rules: 1. Max %d domain(s) per API key. 2. Use comma to separate domains.", + "driver.apiKey.error.failedToGetDomain": "Unable to get domain from API specification. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.apiKey.error.clientSecretFromScratchInvalid": "Invalid client secret. If you start with a new API, refer to the README file for details.", + "driver.apiKey.log.successCreateApiKey": "Created API key with id %s", + "driver.apiKey.log.failedExecuteDriver": "Unable to execute action %s. Error message: %s", + "driver.oauth.description.create": "Create an OAuth registration on Developer Portal for authentication in Open API spec.", + "driver.oauth.title.create": "Creating OAuth registration...", + "driver.oauth.log.skipCreateOauth": "Environment variable %s exists. Skip creating API key.", + "driver.oauth.log.oauthNotFound": "Environment variable %s exists but unable to retrieve OAuth registration from Developer Portal. Check manually if it exists.", + "driver.oauth.error.nameTooLong": "The OAuth name is too long. The maximum character length is 128.", + "driver.oauth.error.oauthDisablePKCEError": "Turning off PKCE for OAuth2 is not supported in the oauth/update action.", + "driver.oauth.error.OauthIdentityProviderInvalid": "Invalid identity provider 'MicrosoftEntra'. Ensure the OAuth authorization endpoint in the OpenAPI specification file is for Microsoft Entra.", + "driver.oauth.log.successCreateOauth": "OAuth registration created successfully with id %s!", + "driver.oauth.error.domainInvalid": "Maximum %d domains allowed per OAuth registration.", + "driver.apiKey.error.oauthAuthInfoInvalid": "Unable to parse OAuth2 authScheme from spec. Make sure your API specification is valid.", + "driver.oauth.log.skipUpdateOauth": "Skip updating OAuth registration as the same property exists.", + "driver.oauth.confirm.update": "The following parameters will be updated:\n%s\nDo you want to continue?", + "driver.oauth.log.successUpdateOauth": "OAuth registration updated successfully!", + "driver.oauth.info.update": "OAuth registration updated successfully! The following parameters have been updated:\n%s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.cs.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.cs.json index b3164552b5..51a5dab645 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.cs.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.cs.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "ÚČET AZURE \nSada nástrojů Teams může k nasazení prostředků Azure pro váš projekt vyžadovat předplatné Azure.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "ÚČET Microsoft 365 \nSada nástrojů Teams Toolkit vyžaduje účet organizace Microsoft 365, ve kterém Teams běží a je zaregistrovaný.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Další informace", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) je ve vašem účtu Microsoft 365 zakázán. Obraťte se na správce Teams a vyřešte tento problém nebo získejte testovacího tenanta.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Zkušební načtení před prodejem povoleno", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Oprávnění ke zkušebnímu načtení před prodejem už máte. Aplikaci si můžete nainstalovat do Teams!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Kontrola zkušebního načtení selhala.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Oprávnění tohoto účtu k načítání na vedlejší síť není známo z důvodu problému se sítí nebo službou. Později jej prosím znovu obnovte a zkontrolujte.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Zkušební načtení před prodejem zakázáno", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Správce účtu Microsoft 365 nemá povolené oprávnění k zkušebnímu načítání.\n Pokud chcete tento problém vyřešit, obraťte se na správce Teams. Navštivte: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites·\n Postupujte podle pokynů v nápovědě k účtu a vytvořte si bezplatného testovacího tenanta. Pokyny najdete kliknutím na popisek „Sideloading disabled“ (Zakázáno zkušební načtení) pod vaším účtem.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: Probíhá přihlašování…", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Přihlašování...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: Přepínání…", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Vytvořit testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Přihlášení bylo zrušeno. Sada nástrojů Teams Toolkit vyžaduje Microsoft 365 (účet organizace) s možností zkušebního načtení.\nPokud váš účet není připravený, vytvořte si bezplatného testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365 pro vývoj aplikací Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Sada nástrojů Teams Toolkit vyžaduje účet organizace Microsoft 365, ve kterém Teams běží a je zaregistrovaný. V případě potřeby si můžete vytvořit bezplatný testovací účet z programu pro vývojáře Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Nepovedlo se najít předplatné.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Sada nástrojů Teams vyžaduje k nasazení prostředků Azure pro váš projekt účet Azure a předplatné. Bez dalšího potvrzení vám nebude účtován žádný poplatek.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "předplatné", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Nedá se nastavit předplatné. Vyberte předplatné, ke kterému máte přístup.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Není možné načíst ID domovského účtu z mezipaměti, vyčistěte mezipaměť účtu. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Token není možné přečíst z mezipaměti, vyčistěte mezipaměť účtu. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Není možné uložit ID domovského účtu do mezipaměti, vyčistěte mezipaměť účtu. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Token není možné uložit do mezipaměti, vyčistěte mezipaměť účtu. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Token není možné zapsat do mezipaměti, vyčistěte mezipaměť účtu. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Rozšíření Sada nástrojů Teams nabízí v nedůvěryhodných pracovních prostorech jen omezené funkce.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Nedá se získat přihlašovací kód pro výměnu tokenů. Přihlaste se pomocí jiného účtu.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "přihlášení", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Nedají se načíst přihlašovací údaje uživatele. Přihlaste se pomocí jiného účtu.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Při čekání na port pro přihlášení vypršel časový limit. Zkuste to znovu.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Při čekání na přihlášení vypršel časový limit. Zkuste to znovu.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Soubor výsledků se nenašel.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Nepovedlo se načíst token bez upozornění. Pokud k tomuto problému dojde vícekrát, můžete odstranit %s, zavřít všechny instance Visual Studio Code a zkusit to znovu. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Vypadá to, že jste offline. Zkontrolujte připojení k síti.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Tento soubor je spravován sadou Teams Toolkit, neupravujte ho, prosím.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Přidat další API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Otevřít schéma", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Tento soubor je spravován sadou Teams Toolkit, neupravujte ho, prosím.", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Účty", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Další informace o účtech", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Přidání vlastníků aplikace Microsoft 365 Teams (s aplikací AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Vytvoření účtu Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Zadarmo", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Vytvořit testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Vytvořit účet", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Vytvořit nové prostředí", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Vytvoření nové aplikace", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Výběr a spuštění ladění aplikace Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Nasadit", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Aktualizovat aplikaci Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Další informace o životním cyklu", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Další informace o vývoji", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Portál pro vývojáře pro Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Dokumentace", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Další informace o prostředích", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Další informace o nápovědě a zpětné vazbě", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Výpis vlastníků aplikace Microsoft 365 Teams (s aplikací AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Správa spolupracovníků aplikace M365 Teams (s aplikací AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Ladit", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portál Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Upgrade sady Teams JS SDK a odkazy na kód", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Upgradovat manifest Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Další informace", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Otevření na portálu", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Otevření schématu manifestu", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Náhled souboru manifestu AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Náhled aplikace", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Zřizování", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Publikovat", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Začínáme", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Aktualizovat", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Nahlášení problémů na GitHubu", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Zobrazit průvodce postupy", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Odhlásit", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Aktualizovat aplikaci Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Aktualizovat aplikaci Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Upgrade projektu", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Přidat webovou část SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Vytvořit nový soubor prostředí", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Přidat prostředí", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "Přihlášený účet Azure nemá oprávnění pro přístup k předplatnému %s použitému v předchozím zřízení. Odhlaste se prosím a přihlaste se pomocí správného účtu Azure.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Není přihlášený žádný účet Azure. Přihlaste se prosím k Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Při sestavování balíčku není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu po dokončení sestavování.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Vytváří se balíček...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Vytvoření aplikace Teams do balíčku pro publikování", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Zazipovat balíček aplikace Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Při vytváření není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu po dokončení vytváření.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Vytváření nového testovacího prostředí...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Vytvořte novou aplikaci úplně od začátku nebo začněte u ukázkové aplikace.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Vytvoření nové aplikace", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Při nasazení není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu po dokončení nasazení.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Nasazování do cloudu...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Spuštění fáze životního cyklu nasazení v teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Nasadit", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Zjistěte, jak pomocí sady nástrojů vytvářet aplikace Teams.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Dokumentace", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Při inicializaci není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu po dokončení inicializace.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Inicializuje se existující aplikace...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Inicializace existující aplikace", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Inicializace existující aplikace", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Přihlášený účet Microsoft 365 neodpovídá tenantovi Microsoft 365 použitému v předchozím zřízení. Odhlaste se prosím a přihlaste se pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Není přihlášený žádný účet Microsoft 365. Přihlaste se prosím k Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Při otevírání projektu z portálu pro vývojáře příkaz nejde spustit. Zkuste to znovu, až se vytváření dokončí.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Náhled a vytvoření Adaptivních karet přímo v editoru Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Náhled a ladění Adaptivních karet", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Ladění a náhled aplikace Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Náhled aplikace Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Při zřizování není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu, až se operace zřizování dokončí.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Zřizování…", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Spuštění fáze životního cyklu zřizování v teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Zřizování", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Při publikování balíčku není možné spustit příkaz. Zkuste to znovu po dokončení publikování.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publikování…", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Spuštění fáze životního cyklu publikování v teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Otevřít vývojářský portál pro publikování", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Publikování ve vaší organizaci na vývojářském portálu", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Publikovat", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Začínáme", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Nahlaste všechny problémy a dejte nám vědět svůj názor.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Nahlášení problémů na GitHubu", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Rádi bychom znali váš názor", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Začněte s ukázkou z naší ukázkové galerie.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Zobrazení ukázek", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Správa registrace aplikace Teams a přístup k dalším nástrojům", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Zobrazit kurzy s asistencí", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Zobrazit praktické průvodce postupy", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Správa spolupracovníka", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Správa spolupracovníků aplikace M365 Teams (s aplikací AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Přidat webovou část SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Další informace", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Přihlásit se", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Odhlásit se", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Doporučené", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Pokud chcete pokračovat, přihlaste se prosím ke svému účtu Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Pokud chcete pokračovat, přihlaste se ke správnému účtu Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Počkejte prosím, než se dokončí zpracování předchozí žádosti.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Kontroluje se účet Microsoft 365…", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Zkuste to prosím znovu z portálu pro vývojáře a nezapomeňte se přihlásit pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Sadě nástrojů Teams se nepodařilo získat vaši aplikaci Teams. Zkuste to prosím znovu z portálu pro vývojáře a nezapomeňte se přihlásit pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Neplatný odkaz", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Přepnout účet", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Přihlášení se zrušilo. Abyste mohli pokračovat, musíte se přihlásit pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365. Zkuste to prosím znovu z portálu pro vývojáře.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Přepínání účtu se zrušilo. Abyste mohli pokračovat, musíte se přihlásit pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365. Zkuste to prosím znovu z portálu pro vývojáře.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Přihlásit se pomocí účtu Azure.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Přihlaste se pomocí správného účtu Azure / Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Přihlaste se pomocí správného účtu Microsoft 365", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Úspěšně jste se přihlásili k účtu Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Úspěšně jste se odhlásili z účtu Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Načítá se základní modul.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Měli byste vytvořit novou aplikaci nebo otevřít existující aplikaci a otevřít soubor README.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Vytvoření nové aplikace", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Úprava hodnoty dešifrovaného tajného kódu", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Vaše aplikace", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s se nenašel, nedá se otevřít.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Nepovedlo se najít prostředí projektu %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Neplatné argumenty: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Získat pomoc", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Účet %s se přidal do prostředí %s jako vlastník aplikace Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Přidal se účet %s jako vlastník aplikace Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Pokud přidaný uživatel nemá přístup k prostředkům Azure, musíte zásady přístupu nastavit ručně přes Azure Portal. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Pokud přidaný uživatel není správcem webu Katalogu aplikací SharePointu, musíte zásady přístupu nastavit ručně přes Centrum pro správu SharePointu. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Pokud chcete zobrazit náhled a ladit Adaptivní karty, doporučujeme použít rozšíření Adaptive Card Studio.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Nepovedlo se ladit aplikaci Teams. Projekt není platným projektem Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] byl úspěšně vytvořen na [local address](%s). Můžete pokračovat v ladění aplikace.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] byl úspěšně vytvořen na %s. Můžete pokračovat v ladění aplikace.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Ladit", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] byl úspěšně vytvořen na [local address](%s). Můžete pokračovat ve verzi Preview aplikace.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] byl úspěšně vytvořen na %s. Můžete pokračovat ve verzi Preview aplikace.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Místní náhled", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Přihlášení selhalo, operace se ukončila.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Přihlášení k účtu Microsoft 365 proběhlo úspěšně.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Odhlášení z účtu Microsoft 365 proběhlo úspěšně.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Nepovedlo se získat token přihlašovacího účtu z mezipaměti. Můžete se zkusit odhlásit a znovu přihlásit ke svému účtu Azure pomocí stromového zobrazení sady nástrojů Teams nebo palety příkazů.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Žádný otevřený pracovní prostor", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Otevřít složku", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Operace se nepodporuje: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Rozhraní příkazového řádku pro Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Ve svém projektu používáte starší verzi nástroje SPFx, zatímco aktuální verze sady Teams Toolkit podporuje SPFx v%s. Pokud chcete použít SPFx v%s, upgradujte podle pokynů v cli pro Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Upgradovat", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "V projektu používáte novější verzi nástroje SPFx, zatímco aktuální verze sady Teams Toolkit podporuje spFx v%s. Upozorňujeme, že některé novější funkce SPFx nemusí být podporované. Pokud nepoužíváte nejnovější verzi sady Teams Toolkit, zvažte upgrade.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Další podrobnosti najdete na tomto odkazu: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Nahlásit problém", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Podobné problémy", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Nedají se načíst informace %s pro prostředí %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Přihlásit se k Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Přihlásit se k Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Odhlásit se z Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Odhlásit se z Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Soubor stavu nebyl v prostředí %s nalezen. Pokud chcete vygenerovat související soubor stavu, musíte nejprve spustit příkaz „Provision“.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Stavový soubor se v prostředí %s nenašel. Pokud chcete vygenerovat související stavový soubor, musíte nejdřív spustit ladění.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Soubor šablony manifestu se v %s nenašel. Rozhraní příkazového řádku můžete použít s vlastním souborem šablony.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Soubor balíčku aplikace nebyl v %s nalezen. Rozhraní příkazového řádku můžete použít s vlastním souborem balíčku aplikace.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Nepovedlo se zkontrolovat stav.: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Další informace", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že po registraci vašeho vývojářského nájemce do cílové verze Office 365 může trvat několik dní, než se registrace projeví. Další informace o nastavení vývojářského prostředí pro rozšíření aplikací Teams v rámci Microsoft 365 získáte kliknutím na tlačítko Další informace.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Úloha %s selhala. Podrobné informace o chybě najdete v okně terminálu %s. Pokud chcete problém nahlásit, klikněte na tlačítko Nahlásit problém.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Otevřít nastavení", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s se už používá. Zavřete tento port a zkuste to znovu.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Porty %s se už používají. Zavřete tyto porty a zkuste to znovu.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Změna portů v package.json může přerušit ladění. Kliknutím na tlačítko Další informace se ujistěte, že všechny změny portů jsou očekávané, nebo se podívejte do dokumentace. (umístění package.json %s: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Kontrola předpokladů se nezdařila. Pokud si přejete obejít kontrolu a instalaci jakýchkoli předběžných podmínek, můžete je zakázat v nastavení Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Ověření a instalace požadovaných součástí se nezdařila.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Výstupní panel", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminál", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Podrobnosti najdete v %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Teď používáte jiného tenanta Microsoft 365 než dříve.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "Hodnota %s není pro úlohu typu teamsfx platná", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Úkol se zrušil.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Existuje několik spuštěných místních služeb tunelování. Zavřete všechny redundantní úlohy, abyste zabránili konfliktům.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Není spuštěna žádná místní služba tunelování. Ujistěte se, že se místní služba tunelování spustila.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok se zastavil s ukončovacím kódem %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Nelze spustit ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "TeamsFx nenainstaloval ngrok. Informace o instalaci ngroku najdete v tématu teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Nelze nainstalovat Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Služba tunelování se nespustila. Počkejte chvíli nebo restartujte místní úlohu tunelování.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Nelze najít koncový bod tunelu. Sada nástrojů Teams se pokusila získat první adresu URL HTTPS z %s a selhala.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Nelze uložit proměnné prostředí.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Nelze spustit úlohu služby místního tunelování.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Nepovedlo se spustit operaci vývojového tunelu %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Spuštění úlohy Visual Studio Code: Spustit místní tunel", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Sada nástrojů Teams Toolkit spouští místní službu tunelování, která přesměrovává veřejnou adresu URL na místní port a kontroluje provoz. Podrobnosti zobrazíte otevřením okna terminálu.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Shrnutí:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Další informace o úloze Spustit místní tunel najdete na adrese %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Přeposílá se adresa URL %s do %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Přeposílá se adresa URL %s do %s. Uloženo [%s] do %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Za %s sekund se spustila místní služba tunelování.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Spouští se služba vývojového tunelu", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Spouští se služba ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Přeskočit kontrolu a instalaci nástroje ngrok, protože uživatel zadal cestu ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Značka vývojového tunelu: %s", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Byl odstraněn vývojový tunel %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Překročení limitu tunelu pro vývojáře. Zavřete ostatní relace ladění, vyčistěte nepoužívané tunely pro vývojáře a zkuste to znovu. Další podrobnosti najdete na [output channel](%s).", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Dosáhli jste maximálního počtu tunelů vytvořených pomocí účtu Microsoft 365. Vývojářské tunely ve vašem účtu:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Odstranit všechny tunely", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Zrušit", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Nepovedlo se spustit webového klienta Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Úloha spuštění webového klienta Teams byla zastavena s ukončovacím kódem %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Upgrade manifestu Teams pro rozšíření v Outlooku a v aplikaci Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Vyberte manifest Teams, který se má upgradovat.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Vyberte manifest Teams, který se má upgradovat.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Manifest Teams %s se úspěšně upgradoval.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Aktualizace manifestu Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Upgradovat", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Sada nástrojů Teams se aktualizuje v místě souboru manifestu Teams, který jste vybrali pro práci v Outlooku a aplikaci Microsoft 365. Před upgradem doporučujeme použít Git pro lepší sledování změn souborů.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Upgrade aplikace karty Teams pro rozšíření v Outlooku a aplikaci Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Vyberte aplikaci karty Teams, která se má upgradovat.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Vyberte aplikaci karty Teams, která se má upgradovat.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Aplikace karty Teams %s se úspěšně upgradovala.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Nepovedlo se aktualizovat soubor %s. Kód: %s, zpráva: %s", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Aktualizace %d souborů se nezdařila: %s atd. Další podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Aktualizace %d souborů neproběhla úspěšně: %s", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "V %s se nenašla žádná závislost @microsoft/teams-js. Není co upgradovat.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "V %s se aktualizuje kód %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Aktualizují se kódy tak, aby používaly @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Aktualizuje se package.json tak, aby používal @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Upgradovat", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Sada nástrojů Teams se aktualizuje v místě aplikace karty Teams, kterou jste vybrali, aby používala sadu SDK klienta Teams v2. Před upgradem doporučujeme použít Git pro lepší sledování změn souborů.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Připravit úlohu", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s/%s/%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Podrobnosti najdete ve [výstupním panelu](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Mezerníkem zaškrtnete / zrušíte zaškrtnutí)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Ověřování…", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Řekněte nám, co si myslíte o sadě Teams Toolkit.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Znovu nezobrazovat", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Připomenout později", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Zapojte se do průzkumu", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Funkce", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Integrace cloudové služby", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Vývoj", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Scénář", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Otevřít průvodce GitHubem", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Otevřít průvodce produktem", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Bránu rozhraní API je možné použít ke správě rozhraní API vytvořených pro aplikace Teams a jejich publikování za účelem využívání v jiných aplikacích, jako jsou Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Integrace s Azure API Management", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Bezserverové řešení pro vytváření webových rozhraní API pro back-end aplikací Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Integrace s Azure Functions", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Vývoj prostředí jednotného přihlašování v Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Webové stránky s podporou Teams vložené v Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Konfigurace funkce karty", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatizujte opakující se pracovní postupy pro běžné obchodní procesy v konverzaci", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Zahájit sekvenční pracovní postupy v Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Přehled šablony Notification Bot", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatizujte pracovní postup vývoje při sestavování aplikace Teams pro GitHub, Azure DevOps a Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatizace kanálů CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Umožňuje spustit a ladit aplikaci Teams v klientovi pro iOS nebo Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Spustit a ladit na mobilním klientovi", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Povolte podporu více tenantů pro aplikaci Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Podpora pro více tenantů", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatizujte opakující se úlohy pomocí jednoduchého příkazu a odpovědi v konverzaci.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Reakce na příkazy chatu v Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Připojte k rozhraní API s podporou ověřování pomocí sady TeamsFx SDK.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Připojit se k rozhraní API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Vložení plátna obsahujícího více karet, které poskytují přehled o datech nebo obsahu v Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Vložení plátna řídicího panelu do Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Odesílejte oznámení do Teams z webových služeb pomocí robota nebo příchozího webhooku.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Odeslat oznámení do Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Sada nástrojů Teams se aktualizovala na v%s – podívejte se, co je nového!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Vyberte balíček aplikace Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Vyberte balíček aplikace Teams nebo ho můžete vytvořit z balíčku aplikace Zip Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Potvrzení správného výběru souboru ZIP", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Protokol změn", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Ukázky", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Průzkum k sadě nástrojů Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Nápověda k účtu", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Ověřte požadavky.\n Podrobnosti a postup přizpůsobení argumentů najdete na https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Spusťte místní službu tunelování.\n Podrobnosti a postup přizpůsobení argumentů najdete na https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Spustit životní cyklus zřizování.\n Podrobnosti a postup přizpůsobení argumentů najdete na https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Spustit životní cyklus nasazení.\n Podrobnosti a postup přizpůsobení argumentů najdete na https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Spustit webového klienta Teams. \n Podrobnosti a postup přizpůsobení argumentů najdete na https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Povolené požadavky.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Ověřte, jestli je nainstalovaná Node.js.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Zobrazí se výzva k přihlášení k účtu Microsoft 365 a ověření, jestli má účet povolené oprávnění k zkušebnímu načtení.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Zkontrolujte dostupnost portů pro použití ladění.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Čísla portů, která se mají ověřit", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Název prostředí", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Klíče proměnných prostředí domény tunelu a koncového bodu tunelu", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Klíč proměnné prostředí domény tunelu.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Klíč proměnné prostředí koncového bodu tunelu.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protokol pro port.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Řízení přístupu pro tunel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Přidat vlastníky aplikace", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Přidejte vlastníky do vaší aplikace Teams a registrace aplikací Azure Active Director, aby mohli provádět změny.", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Vypsat vlastníky aplikace", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Vypíše všechny vlastníky, kteří můžou provádět změny v registracích aplikací Teams a Azure Active Director.", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Správa uživatelů, kteří můžou provádět změny ve vaší aplikaci", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Upgrade projektu](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nUpgradujte projekt sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit a zůstaňte kompatibilní s nejnovější verzí. Vytvoří se záložní adresář se souhrnem upgradu. [Další informace](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nPokud teď nechcete upgradovat, používejte dál sadu nástrojů Teams Toolkit verze 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Přejděte přímo do sady Teams Toolkit a získejte přehled o základech. Další informace najdete v článku [Začínáme](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\n Projděte si kroky k vytvoření reálné aplikace Teams.\n [Dokumentace](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n [Návody](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n Vytvořte projekt nebo prozkoumejte naše ukázky.\n [Vytvořit novou aplikaci](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n [Zobrazit ukázky](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Přejděte přímo do sady nástrojů Teams Toolkit a získejte přehled o základech.\n[Začínáme](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nVytvořte projekt nebo prozkoumejte naše ukázky.\n[Vytvořit novou aplikaci](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Zobrazit ukázky](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nProjděte si kroky k vytvoření reálné aplikace Teams.\n[Dokumentace](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Praktičtí průvodci](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Věnujte nám 2 minuty a pomozte nám zlepšovat se. Vaše zpětná vazba je důležitá!\n[Rádi bychom znali váš názor](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Rychlé zprovoznění prostředí pro vývoj aplikací Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Začněte s možnostmi aplikace [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) nebo [doplňku pro Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) a vytvořte svou první aplikaci.\nMůžete ji vytvořit úplně od začátku nebo prozkoumat naše ukázky, které vám pomůžou rychle začít s reálnými příklady a strukturami kódu.\n[Vytvořit novou aplikaci Teams](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[Zobrazit ukázky](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Vytvořit první aplikaci", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Vytvořte si bezplatného testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365 pro instalaci a zobrazení náhledu aplikací Teams v Teams.\n Pokud už máte účet Microsoft 365 organizace, [přihlaste se k Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) a ověřte, že [sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) je povolen.\n [Vytvoření testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Vytvořit testovacího tenanta Microsoft 365 zdarma", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Prostředky můžete zřídit v cloudu a nasadit kód aplikace do zřízených prostředků. Nakonec svou první aplikaci distribuujte do Teams.\n[Otevřít příkazy životního cyklu](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Další informace k tématu [Životní cyklus](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Nasadit aplikace Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Vývoj aplikace Teams s jazykem JavaScript nebo TypeScript vyžaduje NPM a Node.js. Zkontrolujte své prostředí a připravte se na vývoj své první aplikace Teams.\n[Spustit kontrolu požadovaných součástí](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Příprava prostředí", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Návody, README.md a dokumentace", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Tady je několik doporučení, jak pokračovat v práci se sadou nástrojů Teams Toolkit.\n • Prozkoumejte [praktické průvodce](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22Through%22%5D) a získejte praktičtější pokyny\n • Otevřete soubor [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22Through%22%5D) a podívejte se, jak vyvíjet tuto aplikaci\n • Přečtěte si naši [dokumentaci](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22UrlThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Co dál?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Stiskněte [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) nebo na panelu aktivit zjistěte panel [Spustit a ladit](command:workbench.view.debug) a kliknutím na ikonu přehrát místně zobrazte náhled aplikace v kontextu Teams.\n [Spustit místní náhled (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Tip: Pokud chcete spustit místní verzi Preview, přihlaste se k Microsoft 365 (účet organizace) pomocí možnosti zkušebního načtení.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Místní náhled aplikace Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Začínáme se sadou Teams Toolkit" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Začínáme se sadou Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.de.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.de.json index efd7d52ea0..4d338f00ad 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.de.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.de.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE-KONTO \nDas Teams Toolkit erfordert möglicherweise ein Azure-Abonnement, um die Azure-Ressourcen für Ihr Projekt bereitzustellen.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365-KONTO \n Das Teams-Toolkit erfordert ein Microsoft 365-Organisationskonto, auf dem Teams ausgeführt wird und registriert wurde.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Weitere Informationen", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn- on-custom-app-uploading) ist in Ihrem Microsoft 365-Konto deaktiviert. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Teams-Administrator, um dieses Problem zu beheben, oder erhalten Sie einen Testmandanten.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Querladen aktiviert", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Sie verfügen bereits über Querladeberechtigungen. Sie können Ihre App jetzt in Teams installieren!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Fehler bei der Überprüfung von Querladen", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Die Querladeberechtigung dieses Kontos ist aufgrund eines Netzwerk- oder Dienstproblems unbekannt. Bitte aktualisieren Sie später erneut, um dies zu überprüfen.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Querladen deaktiviert", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Der Microsoft 365-Kontoadministrator verfügt nicht über eine aktivierte Berechtigung zum Querladen.\n· Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Teams-Administrator, um dieses Problem zu beheben. Besuchen Sie: „https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites“\n· Befolgen Sie unsere Anleitung zur Kontohilfe, um einen kostenlosen Testmandanten zu erstellen. Die Anleitung finden Sie, indem Sie unter Ihrem Konto auf die Bezeichnung „Querladen deaktiviert“ klicken.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: Anmeldung...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Anmeldung wird ausgeführt...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: Wechseln...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Microsoft 365-Testmandanten erstellen", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Anmeldung abgebrochen. Das Teams-Toolkit erfordert ein Microsoft 365-Organisationskonto mit Querladeoption.\nWenn Ihr Konto noch nicht bereit ist, erstellen Sie einen kostenlosen Microsoft 365-Testmandanten, um mit der Entwicklung Ihrer Teams-App zu beginnen.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Das Teams-Toolkit erfordert ein Microsoft 365-Organisationskonto, auf dem Teams ausgeführt wird und registriert wurde. Sie können bei Bedarf ein kostenloses Testkonto über das Microsoft 365-Entwicklerprogramm erstellen.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Es wurde kein Abonnement gefunden.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Das Teams Toolkit erfordert ein Azure-Konto und ein Abonnement, um die Azure-Ressourcen für Ihr Projekt bereitzustellen. Ohne weitere Bestätigung fallen keine Gebühren an.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "Abonnement", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Abonnement kann nicht festgelegt werden. Wählen Sie ein Abonnement aus, auf das Sie Zugriff haben.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Home-Account-ID kann nicht aus Cache gelesen werden, Account-Cache bereinigen. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Das Token kann nicht aus dem Cache gelesen werden. Bereinigen Sie den Kontocache. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Home-Account-ID kann nicht im Cache gespeichert werden, Account-Cache bereinigen. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Token kann nicht im Cache gespeichert werden, bereinigen Sie den Konto-Cache. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Token kann nicht in Cache geschrieben werden, Account-Cache bereinigen. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Die Teams Toolkit-Erweiterung unterstützt eingeschränkte Features in nicht vertrauenswürdigen Arbeitsbereichen.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Der Anmeldecode für den Tokenaustausch kann nicht abgerufen werden. Melden Sie sich mit einem anderen Konto an.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Anmeldename", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Die Benutzeranmeldungsinformationen können nicht abgerufen werden. Melden Sie sich mit einem anderen Konto an.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Zeitüberschreitung beim Warten auf den Anmeldeport. Versuchen Sie es nochmal.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Timeout beim Warten auf die Anmeldung. Wiederholen.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "Anmeldungstimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Die Eingabedatei wurde nicht gefunden.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Fehler beim automatischen Abrufen des Tokens. Wenn dieses Problem mehrmals auftritt, können Sie „%s“ löschen, alle Visual Studio Code-Instanzen schließen und es noch einmal versuchen. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Sie scheinen offline zu sein. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Diese Datei wird von Teams Toolkit verwaltet, bitte ändern Sie sie nicht", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Weitere API hinzufügen", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Schema öffnen", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Diese Datei wird von Teams Toolkit verwaltet, bitte ändern Sie sie nicht", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Konten", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Weitere Informationen zu Konten", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Besitzer der Microsoft 365 Teams-App (mit AAD-App) hinzufügen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure-Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Erstellen eines Azure-Kontos", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Kostenlos", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Microsoft 365-Testmandanten erstellen", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Konto erstellen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Neue Umgebung erstellen", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Neue App erstellen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Auswählen und Debuggen der Teams-App starten", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Bereitstellen", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Azure Active Directory-App aktualisieren", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Weitere Informationen zum Lebenszyklus", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Weitere Informationen zur Entwicklung", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Entwicklerportal für Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Dokumentation", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Weitere Informationen zu Umgebungen", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Weitere Informationen zu Hilfe und Feedback", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Besitzer der Microsoft 365 Teams-App (mit AAD-App) auflisten", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Verwalten von Projektmitarbeitern der M365 Teams-App (mit AAD-App)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Debuggen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365-Portal", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Teams JS-SDK und Codeverweise aktualisieren", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Teams-Manifest aktualisieren", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Weitere Informationen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Im Portal öffnen", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Manifestschema öffnen", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Vorschau der AAD-Manifestdatei anzeigen", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Vorschau der App anzeigen", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Bereitstellung", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Veröffentlichen", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Los geht's", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Aktualisieren", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Probleme auf GitHub melden", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Schrittanleitungen anzeigen", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Abmelden", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Teams-App aktualisieren", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Teams-App aktualisieren", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Upgrade für das Projekt durchführen", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "SPFx-Webpart hinzufügen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Neue Umgebungsdatei erstellen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Umgebung hinzufügen", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "Das angemeldete Azure-Konto verfügt nicht über die Berechtigung zum Zugriff auf das Abonnement '%s', das in der vorherigen Bereitstellung verwendet wird. Melden Sie sich ab und mit dem richtigen Azure-Konto an.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Es ist kein Azure-Konto angemeldet. Melden Sie sich bei Azure an.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann beim Erstellen des Pakets nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn der Bau abgeschlossen ist.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Baupaket...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Erstellen Sie Ihre Teams-App in einem Paket zur Veröffentlichung.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Teams-App-Paket zippen", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann beim Erstellen nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn die Erstellung abgeschlossen ist.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Neue App wird erstellt...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Erstellen Sie eine neue App von Grund auf, oder beginnen Sie mit einer Beispiel-App.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Neue App erstellen", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann beim Bereitstellen nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn die Bereitstellung abgeschlossen ist.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Bereitstellung in der Cloud...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Ausführen der Lebenszyklusphase „Bereitstellen“ in teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Bereitstellen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Toolkit zum Erstellen von Teams-Apps verwenden.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Dokumentation", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann beim Initialisieren nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn die Initialisierung abgeschlossen ist.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Initialisieren einer bestehenden Anwendung...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "+ Vorhandene Anwendung auswählen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "+ Vorhandene Anwendung auswählen", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Das angemeldete Microsoft 365-Konto stimmt nicht mit dem Microsoft 365-Mandanten überein, der in der vorherigen Bereitstellung verwendet wurde. Melden Sie sich ab und mit dem richtigen Microsoft 365-Konto an.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Es ist kein Microsoft 365-Konto angemeldet. Melden Sie sich bei Microsoft 365 an.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Der Befehl kann beim Öffnen des Projekts über das Entwicklerportal nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn die Erstellung abgeschlossen ist.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Vorschau und Erstellung Adaptive Karten direkt in Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Vorschau und debuggen Adaptive Karten", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Debuggen und Anzeigen einer Vorschau Ihrer Teams-App", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Vorschau Ihrer Teams-App anzeigen (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann während der Bereitstellung nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn der Bereitstellungsvorgang abgeschlossen ist.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Wird bereitgestellt...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Ausführen der Lebenszyklusphase „Bestimmen“ in teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Bereitstellung", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Befehl kann beim Veröffentlichen des Pakets nicht ausgeführt werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut, wenn die Veröffentlichung abgeschlossen ist.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Wird veröffentlicht...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Ausführen der Lebenszyklusphase „Veröffentlichen“ in teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Entwicklerportal zum Veröffentlichen öffnen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Im Entwicklerportal Ihrer Organisation veröffentlichen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Veröffentlichen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Los geht's", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Melden Sie alle Probleme, und teilen Sie uns Ihr Feedback mit.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Probleme auf GitHub melden", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Wir würden uns über Ihr Feedback freuen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Erste Schritte mit einem Beispiel aus unserem Beispielkatalog", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Beispiele anzeigen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Verwalten Sie Ihre Teams-App-Registrierung, und greifen Sie auf weitere Tools zu.", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Sehen Sie sich geführte Tutorials an", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Schrittanleitungen anzeigen", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Projektmitarbeiter verwalten", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Verwalten von Projektmitarbeitern der M365 Teams-App (mit AAD-App)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "SPFx-Webpart hinzufügen", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Weiterlesen", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Anmelden", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Ausloggen", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Empfohlen", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Microsoft 365-Konto an, um fortzufahren.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Melden Sie sich beim richtigen Microsoft 365 Konto an, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Warten Sie, bis die Verarbeitung der vorherigen Anforderung abgeschlossen ist.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Das Microsoft 365-Konto wird überprüft...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut über das Entwicklerportal und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich mit dem richtigen Microsoft 365-Konto anmelden.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Das Teams-Toolkit konnte Ihre Teams-App nicht abrufen. Versuchen Sie es erneut über das Entwicklerportal, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich mit dem richtigen Microsoft 365-Konto anmelden.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Ungültiger Link", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Konto wechseln", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Die Anmeldung wurde abgebrochen. Sie müssen sich mit dem richtigen Microsoft 365 Konto anmelden, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen. Versuchen Sie es erneut über das Entwicklerportal.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Das Wechseln des Kontos wurde abgebrochen. Sie müssen sich mit dem richtigen Microsoft 365 Konto anmelden, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen. Versuchen Sie es erneut über das Entwicklerportal.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem richtigen Azure-Konto an", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem richtigen Azure-/Microsoft 365-Konto an", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem richtigen Microsoft 365-Konto an", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Die Anmeldung beim Azure-Konto war erfolgreich.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Erfolgreich vom Azure-Konto abgemeldet.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Das Kernmodul wird geladen.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Sie sollten eine neue App erstellen oder eine vorhandene App öffnen, um die INFODATEI zu öffnen.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Neue App erstellen", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Entschlüsselten Geheimen Wert bearbeiten", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Ihre App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s nicht gefunden, kann nicht geöffnet werden.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Die Projektumgebung %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Ungültige Argumente: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Hilfe", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Konto hinzugefügt: '%s' der Umgebung '%s' als Besitzer der Teams-App.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Konto hinzugefügt: \"%s\" als Besitzer der Teams-App.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Wenn der hinzugefügte Benutzer nicht auf Azure-Ressourcen zugreifen kann, müssen Sie die Zugriffsrichtlinie manuell über Azure-Portal einrichten. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Wenn der hinzugefügte Benutzer kein Site-Administrator des SharePoint-App-Katalogs ist, müssen Sie die Zugriffsrichtlinie manuell über das SharePoint Admin Center einrichten. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Um Adaptive Karten in der Vorschau anzuzeigen und zu debuggen, empfehlen wir die Verwendung der Erweiterung \"Adaptive Card Studio\".", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Fehler beim Debuggen der Teams-App. Das Projekt ist kein gültiges Teams-Projekt.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] wurde erfolgreich unter [lokale Adresse](%s) erstellt. Sie können Ihre App weiterhin debuggen.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] wurde erfolgreich um %s erstellt. Sie können Ihre App weiterhin debuggen.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Debuggen", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] wurde erfolgreich unter [lokale Adresse](%s) erstellt. Sie können weiterhin eine Vorschau Ihrer App anzeigen.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] wurde erfolgreich um %s erstellt. Sie können Ihre App weiterhin in der Vorschau anzeigen.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Lokale Vorschau", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Fehler bei der Anmeldung. Der Vorgang wurde beendet.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Die Anmeldung beim Microsoft 365-Konto war erfolgreich.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Die Abmeldung vom Microsoft 365-Konto war erfolgreich.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Das Token für das Anmeldekonto konnte nicht aus dem Cache abgerufen werden. Sie können versuchen, sich abzumelden und wieder bei Ihrem Azure-Konto anzumelden, indem Sie die Teams Toolkit-Strukturansicht oder die Befehlspalette verwenden", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Kein offener Arbeitsbereich", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Ordner öffnen", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Vorgang nicht unterstützt: {0}", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "CLI für Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Sie verwenden in Ihrem Projekt eine Legacyversion von SPFx, während die aktuelle Version des Teams-Toolkits SPFx v%s unterstützt. Wenn Sie SPFx v%s verwenden möchten, folgen Sie der Anleitung in „CLI für Microsoft 365“, um ein Upgrade durchzuführen.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Upgrade", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Sie verwenden in Ihrem Projekt eine neuere Version von SPFx, während die aktuelle Version des Teams-Toolkits SPFx v%s unterstützt. Beachten Sie, dass einige der neueren SPFx-Funktionen möglicherweise nicht unterstützt werden. Wenn Sie nicht die neueste Version des Teams-Toolkits verwenden, erwägen Sie ein Upgrade.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter diesem Link: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Problem melden", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Ähnliche Probleme", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "%s-Informationen für Umgebung %s können nicht geladen werden.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Bei Microsoft 365 anmelden", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Bei Azure anmelden", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Bei Azure abmelden: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Von Microsoft 365 abmelden: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Statusdatei in Umgebung %s nicht gefunden. Sie müssen zuerst „Provision“ ausführen, um die zugehörige Statusdatei zu generieren.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Zustandsdatei in Umgebung %s nicht gefunden. Sie müssen zuerst „debug“ ausführen, um die zugehörige Statusdatei zu generieren.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Die Manifestvorlagendatei wurde in %s nicht gefunden. Sie können die CLI mit Ihrer eigenen Vorlagendatei verwenden.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Die App-Paketdatei wurde in %s nicht gefunden. Sie können die CLI mit Ihrer eigenen App-Paketdatei verwenden.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Fehler beim Überprüfen: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Lern mehr", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Bitte beachten Sie, dass es nach der Registrierung Ihres Entwicklermandanten in der Office 365-Zielversion einige Tage dauern kann, bis die Registrierung wirksam wird. Bitte klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Weitere Informationen“, um weitere Informationen zum Einrichten der Entwicklungsumgebung zum Erweitern von Teams-Apps auf Microsoft 365 zu erhalten.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Fehler beim '%s' der Aufgabe. Detaillierte Fehlerinformationen finden Sie im '%s' Terminalfenster, oder klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \"Problem melden\", um das Problem zu melden.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Einstellungen öffnen", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port : %s wird bereits verwendet. Schließen Sie diesen Port, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports: %s werden bereits verwendet. Schließen Sie diese Ports, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Durch das Ändern von Ports in package.json wird das Debuggen möglicherweise unterbrochen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Portänderungen erwartet werden, oder lesen Sie die Dokumentation, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche \"Weitere Informationen\" klicken. (%s package.json-Speicherort: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prüfung der Voraussetzungen fehlgeschlagen. Wenn Sie die Überprüfung und Installation von Voraussetzungen umgehen möchten, können Sie diese in den Visual Studio Code-Einstellungen deaktivieren.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Überprüfen und Fehler bei der Installation der erforderlichen Komponenten.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Ausgabebereich", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "Terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Klicken Sie auf %s, um die Details anzuzeigen.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Sie verwenden jetzt einen anderen Microsoft 365-Mandanten als den, den Sie zuvor verwendet haben.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "Der Wert von „%s“ ist für die Aufgabe vom Typ „teamsfx“ ungültig.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Die Aufgabe wurde abgebrochen.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Es werden mehrere lokale Tunneldienste ausgeführt. Schließen Sie redundante Tasks, um Konflikte zu vermeiden.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Es wird kein lokaler Tunneldienst ausgeführt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der lokale Tunneldienst gestartet wurde.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok wurde mit dem Exitcode „%s“ beendet.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "ngrok kann nicht gestartet werden.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Ngrok wird nicht von TeamsFx installiert. Informationen zum Installieren von ngrok finden Sie unter teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Ngrok kann nicht installiert werden.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Der Tunneldienst wurde nicht gestartet. Warten Sie einen Moment, oder starten Sie den lokalen Tunneltask neu.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Der Tunnelendpunkt kann nicht gefunden werden. Das Teams-Toolkit hat versucht, die erste HTTPS-URL von %s abzurufen. Dies ist fehlgeschlagen.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Die Umgebungsvariablen können nicht gespeichert werden.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Der Lokale Tunneling-Diensttask kann nicht gestartet werden.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Der Entwicklertunnelvorgang \"%s\" kann nicht ausgeführt werden.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Visual Studio Code-Task wird ausgeführt: „Lokalen Tunnel starten“", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Das Teams-Toolkit startet den lokalen Tunneldienst, um die öffentliche URL an den lokalen Port weiterzuleiten und den Datenverkehr zu untersuchen. Öffnen Sie das Terminalfenster, um die Details anzuzeigen.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Zusammenfassung:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Besuchen Sie %s, um weitere Informationen zum Task „Lokalen Tunnel starten“ zu erhalten.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "URL %s wird an %s weitergeleitet.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "URL %s wird an %s weitergeleitet. [%s] wurde in %s gespeichert.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Der lokale Tunneldienst wurde in %s Sekunden gestartet.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Der Dev-Tunneldienst wird gestartet.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Der ngrok-Dienst wird gestartet", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Überprüfung und Installation von ngrok überspringen, weil der Benutzer den ngrok-Pfad (%s) angegeben hat.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Dev-Tunneltag: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Der Entwicklungstunnel „%s“ wurde gelöscht.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Das Limit für Entwicklungstunnel wurde überschritten. Schließen Sie andere Debugsitzungen, bereinigen Sie nicht verwendete Entwicklungstunnel, und versuchen Sie es noch mal. Weitere Details finden Sie unter [Ausgabekanal](%s).", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Tunneln erreicht, die mit Ihrem Microsoft 365-Konto erstellt wurden. Die Entwicklungstunnel in Ihrem Konto:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Alle Tunnel löschen", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Abbrechen", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Fehler beim Starten des Teams-Webclients.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Die Aufgabe zum Starten des Teams-Webclients wurde mit dem Exitcode \"%s\" beendet.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Teams-Manifest zur Erweiterung in Outlook und in der Microsoft 365-App aktualisieren", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Teams-Manifest für Upgrade auswählen", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Teams-Manifest für Upgrade auswählen", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Das %s des Teams-Manifests wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Aktualisieren Sie das Teams-Manifest.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Upgrade", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Das Teams-Toolkit wird an der Stelle aktualisiert, an der die Teams-Manifestdatei, die Sie für die Arbeit in Outlook und die Microsoft 365-App ausgewählt haben, ausgeführt wird. Es wird empfohlen, Git zu verwenden, um Dateiänderungen vor dem Upgrade besser nachverfolgen zu können.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Aktualisieren der Teams-Registerkarten-App zum Erweitern in Outlook und der Microsoft 365-App", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Teams-Registerkarten-App für Upgrade auswählen", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Teams-Registerkarten-App für Upgrade auswählen", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Die Teams-Registerkarten-App %s wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der datei %s, Code: %s, Meldung: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren von %d Dateien: %s usw. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren %d Dateien: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "Keine @microsoft/Teams-JS-Abhängigkeit in %s gefunden. Nichts zum Upgrade vorhanden.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "%s Code wird in %s aktualisiert.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Codes werden aktualisiert, um @microsoft/teams-js v2 zu verwenden.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Aktualisieren von „package.json“ zur Verwendung von „@microsoft/teams-js v2“.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Upgrade", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Das Teams Toolkit wird an der Stelle aktualisiert, an der die Teams-Registerkarten-App, die Sie für die Verwendung des Teams-Client-SDK v2 ausgewählt haben, ausgeführt wird. Es wird empfohlen, Git für eine bessere Nachverfolgung von Dateiänderungen vor dem Upgrade zu verwenden.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Aufgabe vorbereiten.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Ausgabebereich](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Zu aktivierende/zu deaktivierende Leertaste)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Wird überprüft...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "BenutzerGefragt", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung zum Teams-Toolkit mit.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "UserCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Nicht erneut anzeigen", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Erinnere mich später", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "TakeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "An der Umfrage teilnehmen", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Funktionalität", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Clouddienstintegration", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Entwicklung", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Szenario", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "GitHub-Anleitung öffnen", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Produktinterne Anleitung öffnen", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Ein API-Gateway kann verwendet werden, um APIs zu verwalten, die für Teams-Anwendungen erstellt wurden, und um sie für andere Anwendungen wie Power Apps zu veröffentlichen.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "In Azure API Management integrieren", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Eine serverlose Lösung zum Erstellen von Web-APIs für das Backend Ihrer Teams-Anwendungen.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "In Azure Functions integrieren", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Oberfläche für das einmalige Anmelden in Teams entwickeln", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Teams-fähige Webseiten, die in Microsoft Teams eingebettet sind.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Registerkartenfunktion konfigurieren", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatisieren Sie sich wiederholende Workflows für allgemeine Geschäftsprozesse in der Konversation", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Sequenzielle Workflows in Teams initiieren", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Übersicht über die Benachrichtigungsbotvorlage", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatisieren Sie den Entwicklungs-Workflow beim Erstellen von Teams-Anwendungen für GitHub, Azure DevOps und Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "CI/CD-Pipelines automatisieren", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Führen Sie Ihre Teams-Anwendung auf dem iOS- oder Android-Client aus, und debuggen Sie sie.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Ausführen und Debuggen auf mobilem Client", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Aktivieren Sie die mehrinstanzenfähige Unterstützung für die Teams-App.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Mehrinstanzenfähige Unterstützung", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatisieren Sie sich wiederholende Aufgaben mit einem einfachen Befehl und einer einfachen Antwort in der Konversation.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Auf Chatbefehle in Teams antworten", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Stellen Sie mithilfe des TeamsFx-SDK eine Verbindung mit einer API mit Authentifizierungsunterstützung her.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Verbinden Sie sich mit einer API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Bereich mit mehreren Karten einbetten, die einen Überblick über Daten oder Inhalte in Microsoft Teams bieten", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Dashboard-Bereich in Teams einbetten", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Senden Sie Benachrichtigungen von Ihren Webdiensten mit Bot oder eingehendem Webhook an Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Benachrichtigungen an Teams senden", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Das Teams Toolkit wurde auf v%s aktualisiert – sehen Sie sich das Änderungsprotokoll an!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Teams-App-Paket auswählen", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Wählen Sie Ihr Teams-App-Paket aus, oder erstellen Sie eins aus \"Zip Teams-App-Paket\".", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Bestätigen, dass die ZIP-Datei richtig ausgewählt ist", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Änderungsprotokoll", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Beispiele", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Umfrage zum Teams Toolkit", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Kontohilfe", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Überprüfen Sie die Voraussetzungen.\n Ausführliche Informationen und wie Sie Argumente anpassen finden Sie unter ttps://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Starten Sie den lokalen Tunneldienst.\n Ausführliche Informationen und wie Sie Argumente anpassen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Führen Sie den Bereitstellungslebenszyklus aus.\n Ausführliche Informationen und wie Sie Argumente anpassen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Führen Sie den Bereitstellungslebenszyklus aus.\n Ausführliche Informationen und wie Sie Argumente anpassen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Starten Sie den Teams-Webclient. \n Ausführliche Informationen und wie Sie Argumente anpassen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Die aktivierten Voraussetzungen.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Überprüfen Sie, ob Node.js installiert ist.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Fordern Sie zur Anmeldung für das Microsoft 365-Konto und zur Validierung auf, wenn für das Konto Querladeberechtigungen aktiviert sind.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Überprüfen Sie die Portverfügbarkeit für die Debugverwendung.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Die zu überprüfenden Portnummern", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Der Umgebungsname.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Die Schlüssel der Umgebungsvariablen der Tunneldomäne und des Tunnelendpunkts.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Der Schlüssel der Umgebungsvariablen für die Tunneldomäne.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Der Schlüssel der Umgebungsvariablen für den Tunnelendpunkt.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protokoll für den Port.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Zugriffssteuerung für den Tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "App-Besitzer hinzufügen", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Registrierungen für Ihre Teams-App und Azure Active Director-App Besitzer hinzufügen, damit sie Änderungen vornehmen können", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "App-Besitzer auflisten", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Alle Besitzer auflisten, die Änderungen an Registrierungen für Ihre Teams- und Azure Active Director-App vornehmen können", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Verwalten, wer Änderungen an Ihrer App vornehmen kann", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "Upgradeprojekt](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nFühren Sie ein Upgrade Ihres Teams Toolkit-Projekts durch, um mit der neuesten Version kompatibel zu bleiben. Ein Sicherungsverzeichnis wird zusammen mit einer Upgradezusammenfassung erstellt. [Weitere Informationen](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nWenn Sie jetzt kein Upgrade durchführen möchten, verwenden Sie das Teams Toolkit, Version 4.x.x, weiter.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Steigen Sie direkt in das Teams-Toolkit ein, und verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über die Grundlagen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter [Erste Schritte](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nFühren Sie die Schritte zum Erstellen einer realen Teams-App durch.\n [Dokumentation](befehl:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n [Anleitungen](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nErstellen Sie ein Projekt, oder erkunden Sie unsere Beispiele.\n[Neue App erstellen](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Beispiele anzeigen](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Steigen Sie direkt in das Teams-Toolkit ein, und verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über die Grundlagen.\n[Erste Schritte](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nErstellen Sie ein Projekt, oder erkunden Sie unsere Beispiele.\n[Neue App erstellen](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Beispiele anzeigen](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nFühren Sie die Schritte zum Erstellen einer realen Teams-App durch.\n[Dokumentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Schrittanleitungen](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Nehmen Sie sich 2 Minuten Zeit, um uns bei der Verbesserung zu unterstützen. Ihr Feedback ist wichtig!\n[Wir würden uns über Ihr Feedback freuen](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Schnellstart für Ihre Teams-App-Entwicklungsumgebung", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Beginnen Sie mit der Funktion [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) oder [Outlook-Add-In](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities), um Ihre erste App zu erstellen.\nSie können sie von Grund auf neu erstellen oder unsere Beispiele erkunden, die Ihnen beim schnellen Einstieg in die realen Beispiele und Codestrukturen helfen.\n[Neue App erstellen](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[Beispiele anzeigen](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Erstellen Sie Ihre erste App", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Erstellen Sie einen kostenlosen Microsoft 365-Testmandanten, um Ihre Teams-Apps in Teams zu installieren und eine Vorschau anzuzeigen.\nWenn Sie bereits über ein Microsoft 365-Organisationskonto verfügen, [Melden Sie sich bei Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) an, und überprüfen Sie [Querladen](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading).\n[Microsoft 365-Testmandanten erstellen](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Microsoft 365-Testmandanten kostenlos erstellen", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Sie können Ressourcen in der Cloud bereitstellen und den Code Ihrer App für die bereitgestellten Ressourcen bereitstellen. Verteilen Sie schließlich Ihre erste App an Teams.\n[Lebenszyklusbefehle öffnen](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Tipp: Weitere Informationen zu [„Lebenszyklus“](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Teams-Apps bereitstellen", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Für die Entwicklung einer Teams-Anwendung mit JavaScript oder TypeScript sind NPM und Node.js erforderlich. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Umgebung, und bereiten Sie sich auf ihre erste Teams-App-Entwicklung vor.\n[Voraussetzungsprüfung ausführen](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Umgebung vorbereiten", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Schrittanleitungen, README.md und Dokumentation", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Hier finden Sie einige Empfehlungen, um Ihre Reise mit dem Teams-Toolkit fortzusetzen.\n • Erkunden Sie [Schrittanleitungen](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D), und erhalten Sie weitere praktische Anleitungen.\n • Öffnen Sie [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D), um zu verstehen, wie Sie diese App entwickeln.\n • Lesen Sie unsere [Dokumentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D).", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Nächste Schritte", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Drücken Sie [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D), oder ermitteln Sie den Bereich \"[Ausführen und debuggen](command:workbench.view.debug)\" auf der Aktivitätsleiste, und klicken Sie auf das Wiedergabesymbol, um eine lokale Vorschau Ihrer App im Teams-Kontext anzuzeigen.\n[Lokale Vorschau ausführen (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Tipp: Um die lokale Vorschau auszuführen, melden Sie sich beim Microsoft 365-(Organisationskonto) mit der Option zum Querladen an.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Lokale Vorschau Ihrer Teams-App anzeigen", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Erste Schritte mit Teams-Toolkit" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Erste Schritte mit Teams-Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.es.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.es.json index f01d617c63..467e356a7a 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.es.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.es.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "CUENTA DE AZURE \nEl kit de herramientas de Teams puede requerir una suscripción de Azure para implementar los recursos de Azure para el proyecto.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "CUENTA de Microsoft 365 \nEl kit de herramientas de Teams requiere una Microsoft 365 cuenta organizativa en la que Teams se ejecuta y se ha registrado.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Más información", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) está deshabilitado en su cuenta de Microsoft 365. Póngase en contacto con el administrador de Teams para resolver este problema u obtener un inquilino de prueba.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Instalación de prueba habilitada", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Ya tiene permiso de instalación de prueba. Ya está listo para instalar la aplicación en Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Error en la comprobación de instalación de prueba", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Se desconoce el permiso de instalación de prueba de esta cuenta debido a un problema de red o servicio. Actualice de nuevo más tarde para comprobarlo.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Instalación de prueba deshabilitada", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "El administrador de la cuenta de Microsoft 365 no tiene habilitado el permiso de instalación de prueba.\n· Póngase en contacto con el administrador de Teams para resolver este problema. Visite: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Siga las instrucciones de la Ayuda de la cuenta para crear un espacio empresarial de prueba gratuito. Para encontrar la guía, haga clic en la etiqueta \"Instalación de prueba deshabilitada\" en su cuenta.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: iniciando sesión...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Iniciando sesión...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: cambiando...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Crear un inquilino de prueba de Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Inicio de sesión cancelado. El kit de herramientas de Teams requiere una (cuenta de organización) de Microsoft 365 con la opción de instalación de prueba.\nSi su cuenta no está lista, cree un inquilino de pruebas de Microsoft 365 gratuito para iniciar el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "El kit de herramientas de Teams requiere una Microsoft 365 cuenta organizativa en la que Teams se ejecuta y se ha registrado. Puede crear una cuenta de prueba gratuita desde el Programa de desarrolladores de Microsoft 365 si es necesario.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "No se pudo encontrar una suscripción.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "El kit de herramientas de Teams requiere una cuenta de Azure y una suscripción para implementar los recursos de Azure para el proyecto. No se le cobrará sin confirmación adicional.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "suscripción", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "No se puede establecer la suscripción. Seleccione una suscripción a la que tenga acceso.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "No se puede leer el id. de cuenta principal de la memoria caché. Limpie la memoria caché de la cuenta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "No se puede leer el token de la memoria caché. Limpie la memoria caché de la cuenta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "No se puede guardar el id. de cuenta principal en la memoria caché; limpie la memoria caché de la cuenta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "No se puede guardar el token en la memoria caché; limpie la memoria caché de la cuenta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "No se puede escribir el token en la memoria caché; limpie la memoria caché de la cuenta. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "La extensión Kit de herramientas de Teams admite características limitadas en áreas de trabajo que no son de confianza.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "No se puede obtener el código de inicio de sesión para el intercambio de tokens. Inicie sesión con otra cuenta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "inicio de sesión", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "No se puede recuperar la información de inicio de sesión del usuario. Inicie sesión con otra cuenta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Se agotó el tiempo de espera para el puerto de inicio de sesión. Vuelve a intentarlo.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Tiempo de espera de inicio de sesión. Vuelve a intentarlo.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "No se encontró el archivo de resultados.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "No se pudo recuperar el token de forma silenciosa. Si encuentra este problema varias veces, puede eliminar \"%s\", cerrar todas las instancias de Visual Studio Code e intentarlo de nuevo. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Parece que está desconectado. Compruebe la conexión de red.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Este archivo se mantiene con kit de herramientas de Teams Toolkit; no lo modifique", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Agregar otra API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Abrir esquema", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Este archivo se mantiene con kit de herramientas de Teams Toolkit; no lo modifique", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Cuentas", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Más información sobre las cuentas", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Agregar propietarios de la aplicación Microsoft 365 Teams (con la aplicación AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Cree una cuenta de Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Gratis", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Crear un inquilino de prueba de Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Crear una cuenta", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Crear nuevo entorno", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Crear una aplicación nueva", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Seleccionar e iniciar la depuración de la aplicación de Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Implementar", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Actualizar la aplicación Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Más información sobre el ciclo de vida", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Más información sobre el desarrollo", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Portal para desarrolladores para Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Documentación", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Más información sobre los entornos", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Más información sobre ayuda y comentarios", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Enumerar propietarios de la aplicación Microsoft 365 Teams (con la aplicación AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Administrar colaboradores de la aplicación M365 Teams (con la aplicación AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Depurar", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portal de Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Actualizar Teams SDK de JS y referencias de código", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Actualizar manifiesto de Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Más información", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Abrir en el portal", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Abrir esquema de manifiesto", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Vista previa del archivo de manifiesto de AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Vista previa de la aplicación", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Aprovisionar", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Publicar", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Introducción", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Actualizar", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Notificar problemas en GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Ver guías de procedimientos", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Cerrar sesión", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Actualizar aplicación de Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Actualizar aplicación de Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Actualizar proyecto", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Agregar elemento web SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Crear un nuevo archivo de entorno", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Agregar entorno", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "La cuenta de Azure que ha iniciado sesión no tiene permiso para acceder a la suscripción \"%s\" usada en el aprovisionamiento anterior. Cierre sesión e inicie sesión con la cuenta de Azure correcta.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Ninguna cuenta de Azure ha iniciado sesión. Inicie sesión en Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al compilar el paquete. Inténtelo de nuevo cuando finalice la compilación.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Compilando paquete...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Compilar la aplicación de Teams en un paquete para su publicación", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Comprimir paquete de aplicación de Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al crear. Inténtelo de nuevo cuando finalice la creación.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Creando una nueva aplicación...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Crear una nueva aplicación desde cero o empezar desde una aplicación de ejemplo", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Crear una aplicación nueva", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al implementar. Vuelva a intentarlo cuando finalice la implementación.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Implementando en la nube...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Ejecución de la fase del ciclo de vida de \"implementación\" en teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Implementar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Obtenga información sobre cómo usar el kit de herramientas para crear aplicaciones de Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Documentación", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al inicializar. Inténtelo de nuevo cuando finalice la inicialización.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Inicializando una aplicación ya existente...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Inicialización de una aplicación existente", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Inicialización de una aplicación existente", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "La cuenta de Microsoft 365 que ha iniciado sesión no coincide con el inquilino de Microsoft 365 usado en el aprovisionamiento anterior. Cierre sesión e inicie sesión con la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Ninguna cuenta de Microsoft 365 ha iniciado sesión. Inicie sesión en Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al abrir el proyecto desde el Portal para desarrolladores. Inténtelo de nuevo cuando finalice la creación.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Obtenga una vista previa y cree Tarjetas adaptables directamente en Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Vista previa y depuración de Tarjetas adaptables", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Depurar y obtener una vista previa de la aplicación de Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Vista previa de la aplicación de Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al aprovisionar. Vuelva a intentarlo cuando finalice la operación de aprovisionamiento.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Aprovisionamiento en curso...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Ejecución de la fase del ciclo de vida de \"aprovisionamiento\" en teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Aprovisionar", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "No se puede ejecutar el comando al publicar el paquete. Vuelva a intentarlo cuando finalice la publicación.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publicando...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Ejecución de la fase del ciclo de vida de \"publicación\" en teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Abrir Portal para desarrolladores para publicar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Publicar en su organización en el Portal para desarrolladores", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Publicar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Introducción", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Notifique cualquier problema y háganos saber sus comentarios", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Notificar problemas en GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Nos encantaría conocer su opinión", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Introducción a un ejemplo de nuestra galería de ejemplos", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Ver muestras", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Administrar el registro de aplicaciones de Teams y acceder a más herramientas", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Ver tutoriales guiados", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Ver guías de procedimientos", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Administrar colaborador", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Administrar colaboradores de la aplicación M365 Teams (con la aplicación AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Agregar elemento web SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Leer más", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Iniciar sesión", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Cerrar sesión", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Recomendaciones", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Microsoft 365 para continuar.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Inicie sesión en la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta para continuar.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Espere hasta que finalice el procesamiento de la solicitud anterior.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Comprobando cuenta de Microsoft 365...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Vuelva a intentarlo desde el Portal para desarrolladores y asegúrese de iniciar sesión con la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "El kit de herramientas de Teams no pudo obtener la aplicación de Teams. Vuelva a intentarlo desde el Portal para desarrolladores y asegúrese de iniciar sesión con la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Vínculo no válido", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Cambiar cuenta", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Se canceló el inicio de sesión. Debe iniciar sesión con la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta para continuar. Vuelva a intentarlo desde el Portal para desarrolladores.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Se canceló el cambio de cuenta. Debe iniciar sesión con la cuenta de Microsoft 365 correcta para continuar. Vuelva a intentarlo desde el Portal para desarrolladores.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Inicie sesión con su cuenta correcta de Azure", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Inicie sesión con su cuenta correcta de Azure o Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Inicie sesión con su cuenta correcta de Microsoft 365", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Sesión iniciada correctamente en la cuenta de Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Se cerró correctamente la sesión de la cuenta de Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "El módulo principal se está cargando", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Debe crear una nueva aplicación o abrir una existente para abrir el archivo Léame.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Crear una aplicación nueva", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Editar el valor del secreto descifrado", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Tu aplicación", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "No se encontró %s, no se puede abrir.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "No se encuentra el entorno de proyecto %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Argumentos no válidos: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Obtener ayuda", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Se ha agregado la cuenta \"%s\" al entorno \"%s\" como propietario de la aplicación de Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Se ha agregado la cuenta \"%s\" como propietario de la aplicación de Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Si el usuario agregado no puede acceder a los recursos de Azure, debe configurar manualmente la directiva de acceso a través de Azure Portal. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Si el usuario agregado no es un administrador del sitio del catálogo de aplicaciones de SharePoint, debe configurar manualmente la directiva de acceso a través del Centro de administración de SharePoint. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Para obtener una vista previa y depurar Tarjetas adaptables, se recomienda usar la \" Estudio de tarjetas adaptables> Extensión.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "No se pudo depurar la aplicación de Teams. El proyecto no es un proyecto de Teams válido.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] se creó correctamente en [local address](%s). Puede seguir depurando la aplicación.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] se creó correctamente en %s. Puede seguir depurando la aplicación.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Depurar", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] se creó correctamente en [local address](%s). Puede continuar con la vista previa de la aplicación.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] se creó correctamente en %s. Puede continuar con la vista previa de la aplicación.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Vista previa local", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Error de inicio de sesión. La operación ha finalizado.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Sesión iniciada correctamente en la cuenta de Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Se cerró correctamente la sesión en la cuenta de Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "No se pudo obtener el token de la cuenta de inicio de sesión de la memoria caché. Puede intentar cerrar la sesión y volver a iniciarla en su cuenta de Azure mediante la vista de árbol del kit de herramientas de Teams o la paleta de comandos.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "No hay ningún área de trabajo abierta", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Abrir carpeta", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Operación no admitida: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "CLI para Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Está usando una versión heredada de SPFx en el proyecto, mientras que la versión actual del kit de herramientas de Teams es compatible con SPFx v%s. Si desea usar SPFx v%s, siga \"CLI para Microsoft 365\" para actualizar.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Actualizar", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Está usando una versión más reciente de SPFx en el proyecto, mientras que la versión actual del kit de herramientas de Teams es compatible con SPFx v%s. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que algunas de las características más recientes de SPFx no se admitan. Si no está utilizando la última versión del kit de herramientas de Teams, considere la posibilidad de actualizarla.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Consulte este vínculo para obtener más detalles: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Notificar problema", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Problemas similares", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "No se puede cargar la información de %s para el entorno %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Iniciar sesión en Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Iniciar sesión en Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Cierre sesión en Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Cerrar sesión en Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "No se encontró el archivo de estado en el entorno %s. Primero debe ejecutar \"Provision\" para generar el archivo de estado relacionado.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "No se encontró el archivo de estado en el entorno %s. Primero debe ejecutar \"debug\" para generar el archivo de estado relacionado.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "No se encontró el archivo de plantilla de manifiesto en %s. Puede usar la CLI con su propio archivo de plantilla.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Archivo de paquete de aplicación no encontrado en %s. Puede usar la CLI con su propio archivo de paquete de aplicaciones.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Error al comprobar: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Más información", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Tenga en cuenta que, después de inscribir el inquilino del desarrollador en versión de destino de Office 365, la inscripción puede tardar un par de días en surtir efecto. Haga clic en el botón \"Más información\" para obtener más información sobre la configuración del entorno de desarrollo para ampliar aplicaciones de Teams en Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Error en la tarea '%s'. Consulte la ventana de terminal \"%s\" para obtener información detallada sobre el error o haga clic en el botón \"Notificar problema\" para informar del problema.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Abrir configuración", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "El puerto %s ya está en uso. Cierre este puerto e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Puertos: %s ya están en uso. Cierre estos puertos e inténtelo de nuevo.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "El cambio de puertos en package.json puede interrumpir la depuración. Asegúrese de que se esperan todos los cambios de puerto o consulte la documentación haciendo clic en el botón \"Más información\". (%s ubicación de package.json: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Error en la comprobación de requisitos previos. Si desea omitir la comprobación e instalación de los requisitos previos, puede deshabilitarlos en la configuración de Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Error al validar e instalar los requisitos previos.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Panel de salida", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Compruebe %s para ver los detalles.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Ahora está utilizando un inquilino de Microsoft 365 diferente al que usó anteriormente.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "El valor de \"%s\" no es válido para la tarea de tipo \"teamsfx\"", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Se canceló la tarea.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Hay varios servicios de tunelización local en ejecución. Cierre las tareas redundantes para evitar conflictos.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No se está ejecutando el servicio de tunelización local. Asegúrese de que se ha iniciado el servicio de tunelización local.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok se ha detenido con el código de salida '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "No se puede iniciar ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "TeamsFx no instala Ngrok. Consulte teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites para obtener información sobre cómo instalar ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "No se puede instalar Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "El servicio de tunelización no se ha iniciado. Espere un momento o reinicie la tarea de tunelización local.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "No se encuentra el extremo de túnel. El kit de herramientas de Teams intentó obtener la primera dirección URL HTTPS de %s y se ha producido un error.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "No se pueden guardar las variables de entorno.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "No se puede iniciar la tarea de servicio de tunelización local.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "No se puede ejecutar la operación de túnel de desarrollo \"%s\".", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Ejecutando tarea de Visual Studio Code: 'Iniciar túnel local'", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "El kit de herramientas de Teams está iniciando el servicio de tunelización local para reenviar la dirección URL pública al puerto local e inspeccionar el tráfico. Abra la ventana de terminal para ver los detalles.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Resumen:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visite %s para obtener más información sobre la tarea 'Iniciar túnel local'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Reenviando dirección URL %s a %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Reenviando dirección URL %s a %s. Se guardó [%s] en %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Se inició el servicio de tunelización local en %s segundos.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Iniciando el servicio de túnel de desarrollo", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Iniciando el servicio ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Omitir la comprobación e instalación de ngrok porque el usuario ha especificado la ruta de acceso de ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Etiqueta de túnel de desarrollo: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Se eliminó el túnel de desarrollo '%s'.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Se ha superado el límite del túnel de desarrollo. Cierre otras sesiones de depuración, limpie los túneles de desarrollo sin usar y vuelva a intentarlo. Compruebe [canal de salida](%s) para obtener más detalles.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Ha alcanzado el número máximo de túneles creados con su cuenta de Microsoft 365. Los túneles de desarrollo de la cuenta:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Eliminar todos los túneles", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Cancelar", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Error al iniciar el cliente web de Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "La tarea para iniciar el cliente web de Teams se detuvo con el código de salida \"%s\".", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Actualizar el manifiesto de Teams para ampliarlo en Outlook y la aplicación de Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Seleccionar manifiesto de Teams para actualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Seleccionar manifiesto de Teams para actualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "El manifiesto de Teams %s se actualizó correctamente.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Actualizar el manifiesto de Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Actualizar", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Kit de herramientas de Teams actualizará en contexto el archivo de manifiesto de Teams que seleccionó para trabajar en Outlook y la aplicación de Microsoft 365. Se recomienda usar Git para realizar un mejor seguimiento de los cambios de los archivos antes de actualizar.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Actualizar la aplicación de pestaña de Teams para ampliarla en Outlook y en la aplicación de Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Seleccionar aplicación de pestaña de Teams para actualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Seleccionar aplicación de pestaña de Teams para actualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "La aplicación de pestaña de Teams %s se actualizó correctamente.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "No se pudo actualizar el archivo %s, código: %s, mensaje: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "No se pudieron actualizar %d archivos: %s, etc. Consulte [Panel de salida](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obtener más detalles.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "No se pudieron actualizar %d archivos: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "No se encontró ninguna dependencia @microsoft/teams-js en %s. No hay nada que actualizar.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Actualizando el código %s en %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Actualizando códigos para usar @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Actualizando package.json para usar @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Actualizar", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "El kit de herramientas de Teams actualizará en contexto la aplicación de pestaña de Teams que seleccionó para usar el SDK de cliente de Teams v2. Se recomienda usar Git para realizar un mejor seguimiento de los cambios de los archivos antes de actualizar.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Preparar tarea.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Para obtener más información, Consulte [Panel de salida](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Tecla de espacio para activar o desactivar)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Validando...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Cuéntenos su opinión sobre el Kit de herramientas de Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "No volver a mostrar", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Recordármelo más tarde", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Realizar la encuesta", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Funcionalidad", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Integración del servicio en la nube", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Desarrollo", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Escenario", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Abrir una guía de GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Abrir una guía en el producto", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Se puede usar una puerta de enlace de API para administrar las API creadas para las aplicaciones de Teams y publicarlas para usarlas en otras aplicaciones, como Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Integrar con Azure API Management", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Una solución sin servidor para crear API web para el back-end de las aplicaciones de Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Integrar con Azure Functions", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Desarrollar una experiencia de inicio de sesión único en Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Páginas web compatibles con Teams insertadas en Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Configurar la funcionalidad de la pestaña", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatizar flujos de trabajo repetitivos para procesos empresariales comunes en la conversación", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Iniciar flujos de trabajo secuenciales en Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Información general sobre la plantilla de bot de notificación", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatice el flujo de trabajo de desarrollo al crear aplicaciones de Teams para GitHub, Azure DevOps y Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatización de canalizaciones de CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Ejecute y depure la aplicación de Teams en el cliente de iOS o Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Ejecutar y depurar en el cliente móvil", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Habilite la compatibilidad multiinquilino para la aplicación teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Compatibilidad con varios inquilinos", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatizar las tareas repetitivas con un comando y una respuesta simples en la conversación.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Responder a los comandos de chat en Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Conectar a una API que admita la autenticación mediante el SDK de TeamsFx.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Conectar a una API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Insertar un lienzo que contenga varias tarjetas que proporcionen información general sobre datos o contenido en Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Insertar un panel de lienzo en Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Enviar notificaciones a Teams desde los servicios web con bot o webhook entrante.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Enviar notificaciones a Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "El kit de herramientas de Teams se ha actualizado a v%s > echa un vistazo al registro de cambios.", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Seleccionar el paquete de la aplicación de Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Seleccione su paquete de la aplicación de Teams o puede compilar uno desde \"Paquete de la aplicación de Teams comprimido\"", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Confirmar que el archivo ZIP está seleccionado correctamente", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Registro de cambios", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Ejemplos", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Encuesta sobre el kit de herramientas de Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Ayuda de la cuenta", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Valide los requisitos previos.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites para obtener más información y saber cómo personalizar los argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Inicie el servicio de tunelización local.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel para obtener más información y saber cómo personalizar los argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Ejecutar ciclo de vida de aprovisionamiento.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision para obtener más información y saber cómo personalizar los argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Ejecutar ciclo de vida de implementación.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy para obtener más información y saber cómo personalizar los argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Inicie el cliente web de Teams. \n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client para obtener más información y saber cómo personalizar los argumentos.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Requisitos previos habilitados.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Valide si Node.js está instalado.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Solicite el inicio de sesión de la cuenta de Microsoft 365 y valide si la cuenta tiene habilitado el permiso de instalación de prueba.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Compruebe la disponibilidad de los puertos para el uso de depuración.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Números de puerto que se van a validar", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Nombre del entorno.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Las claves de las variables de entorno del dominio de túnel y el punto de conexión de túnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Clave de la variable de entorno del dominio de túnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Clave de la variable de entorno del punto de conexión de túnel.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protocolo para el puerto.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Control de acceso para el túnel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Agregar propietarios de la aplicación", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Agregar propietarios a la aplicación de Teams y a los registros de aplicaciones de Azure Active Director para que puedan realizar cambios", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Enumerar propietarios de la aplicación", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Enumerar todos los propietarios que pueden realizar cambios en los registros de aplicaciones de Teams y Azure Active Director", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Administrar quién puede realizar cambios en la aplicación", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Actualizar proyecto](comando:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n Actualice el proyecto del kit de herramientas de Teams para que siga siendo compatible con la versión más reciente. Se creará un directorio de copia de seguridad junto con un resumen de actualización. [Más información](comando:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\n Si no desea actualizar ahora, siga usando la versión 4.x.x del kit de herramientas de Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Vaya directamente al Kit de herramientas de Teams y obtenga información general sobre los aspectos básicos. Para obtener más información, visite [Comenzar](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nGuía detallada para crear una aplicación de Teams para el mundo real.\n[Documentación](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Guías paso a paso](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCree un proyecto o explore nuestras muestras.\n[Crear una nueva app](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Ver muestras](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Vaya directamente al Kit de herramientas de Teams y obtenga información general sobre los aspectos básicos.\n[Comenzar](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCree un proyecto o explore nuestros ejemplos.\n[Crear una nueva aplicación](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Ver muestras](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nGuía paso a paso para crear una aplicación de Teams para el mundo real.\n[Documentación](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Guías paso a paso](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Tómese 2 minutos para ayudarnos a mejorar, sus comentarios son importantes.\n [Nos encantaría recibir sus comentarios](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Iniciar la experiencia de desarrollo de aplicaciones de Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Comience con la funcionalidad [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) o [complemento de Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) para crear su primera aplicación.\nPuede crearla desde cero o explorar nuestras muestras para ayudarle a empezar rápidamente con los ejemplos reales y estructuras de código.\n[Cree una nueva aplicación](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[Ver muestras](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Crear su primera aplicación", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Cree un espacio empresarial de prueba de Microsoft 365 gratuito para instalar y obtener una vista previa de las aplicaciones de Teams en Teams.\n Si ya tiene una cuenta de organización de Microsoft 365, [inicie sesión en Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22 PassThrough%22%5D) y valide si [la instalación de prueba](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) está habilitada.\n[Cree un espacio empresarial de pruebas de Microsoft 365](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Crear un espacio empresarial de prueba de Microsoft 365 gratis", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Puede aprovisionar recursos en la nube e implementar el código de la aplicación en los recursos aprovisionados. Por último, distribuya su primera aplicación a Teams.\n[Abrir los comandos de ciclo de vida](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22ThroughThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Más información sobre ['Ciclo de vida'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Implementar aplicaciones de Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "El Kit de herramientas de Teams requiere principalmente NPM y Node.js. Compruebe su entorno y prepárese para el primer desarrollo de aplicaciones de Teams.\n[Ejecute el comprobador de requisitos](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Preparar el entorno", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Guías de procedimientos, README.md y documentación", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Estas son algunas recomendaciones para que continúe su recorrido con el kit de herramientas de Teams.\n • Explore las [Guías paso a paso](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) y obtenga instrucciones más prácticas\n • Abra [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) para comprender cómo desarrollar esta aplicación.\n • Lea nuestra [Documentación](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "¿Cuál es el siguiente paso?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Presione [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22 PassThrough%22%5D) o encuentre el panel \"[Ejecutar y depurar](command:workbench.view.debug)\" en la barra de actividades y haga clic en el icono de reproducción para obtener una vista previa local de la aplicación en el contexto de Teams.\n[Ejecutar vista previa local (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22ThroughThrough%22%5D)\n__Sugerencia: para ejecutar la versión preliminar local, inicie sesión en Microsoft 365 (cuenta de la organización) con la opción de instalación de prueba.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Obtener una vista previa de la aplicación Teams localmente", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introducción al Kit de herramientas de Teams" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introducción al Kit de herramientas de Teams", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.fr.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.fr.json index 7388c3f92d..921eef546b 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.fr.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.fr.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "COMPTE AZURE \nLa boîte à outils Teams peut nécessiter une souscription Azure pour déployer les ressources Azure pour votre projet.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "COMPTE Microsoft 365 \nLa boîte à outils Teams nécessite un compte d’organisation Microsoft 365 sur lequel Teams s’exécute et a été enregistré.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "En savoir plus", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) est désactivé dans votre compte Microsoft 365. Contactez votre administrateur Teams pour résoudre ce problème ou obtenir un client de test.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Chargement indépendant activé", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Vous disposez déjà d'une autorisation de chargement indépendant. Vous êtes prêt à installer votre application dans Teams !", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Échec de la vérification du chargement de version test", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "L’autorisation de chargement indépendant de ce compte est inconnue en raison d’un problème réseau ou de service. Veuillez actualiser ultérieurement pour le vérifier.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Chargement latéral désactivé", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "L’administrateur de compte Microsoft 365 n’a pas d’autorisation de chargement indépendant activée.\n· Contactez votre administrateur Teams pour résoudre ce problème. Visitez : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Suivez notre guide d’aide au compte pour créer un locataire d’essai gratuit. Vous trouverez ces conseils en cliquant sur l’étiquette « chargement indépendant désactivé » sous votre compte.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure : connexion en cours...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365 : connexion en cours...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365 : basculement en cours...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Créer un client de test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Connexion annulée. Le Kit de ressources Teams nécessite un Microsoft 365 (compte d’organisation) avec option de chargement indépendant.\nSi votre compte n’est pas prêt, créez un client de test Microsoft 365 gratuit pour démarrer le développement de votre application Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Le Kit de ressources Teams nécessite un compte d’organisation Microsoft 365 où Teams est en cours d’exécution et a été inscrit. Si nécessaire, vous pouvez créer un compte de test gratuit à partir de Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Impossible de trouver une souscription.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "La boîte à outils Teams nécessite un compte et une souscription Azure pour déployer les ressources Azure pour votre projet. Vous ne serez pas débité sans autre confirmation.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "souscription", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Impossible de définir la souscription. Sélectionnez un abonnement auquel vous avez accès.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Impossible de lire l’ID de compte personnel à partir du cache. Nettoyez le cache du compte. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Impossible de lire le jeton à partir du cache. Nettoyez le cache du compte. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Impossible d’enregistrer l’ID de compte personnel dans le cache. Nettoyez le cache du compte. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Impossible d’enregistrer le jeton dans le cache. Nettoyez le cache du compte.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Impossible d’écrire le jeton dans le cache. Nettoyez le cache du compte.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "L’extension Teams Toolkit prend en charge des fonctionnalités limitées dans les espaces de travail non approuvés.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Impossible d’obtenir le code de connexion pour l’échange de jetons. Connectez-vous avec un autre compte.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "connexion", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Impossible de récupérer les informations de connexion de l’utilisateur. Connectez-vous avec un autre compte.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Délai d’attente du port de connexion. Réessayer.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Délai d’attente de connexion. Réessayer.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Fichier de résultat introuvable.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Échec de la récupération silencieuse du jeton. Si vous rencontrez ce problème plusieurs fois, vous pouvez supprimer « %s », fermer toutes les instances Visual Studio Code et réessayer. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Vous semblez être hors connexion. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion réseau.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Ce fichier est conservé par le kit de ressources Teams, ne le modifiez pas.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Ajouter une autre API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Ouvrir un schéma", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Ce fichier est conservé par le kit de ressources Teams, ne le modifiez pas.", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Comptes", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "En savoir plus sur les comptes", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Ajouter les propriétaires d’applications Teams Microsoft 365 (avec l’application AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Portail Azure", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Créer un compte Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Gratuit", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Créer un locataire de test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Créer un compte", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Créer un environnement", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Créez une application", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Sélectionner et démarrer le débogage de l’application Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Déployer", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Mettre à jour l’application Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "En savoir plus sur le cycle de vie", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "En savoir plus sur le développement", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Video Indexer Developer Portal pour Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Documentation", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "En savoir plus sur les environnements", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "En savoir plus sur l’aide et les commentaires", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Répertorier les propriétaires d’applications Teams Microsoft 365 (avec l’application AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Gérer les collaborateurs de l’application Teams M365 (avec l’application AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Déboguer", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portail Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Mettre à niveau le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) JS Teams et les références de code", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Mettre à niveau le manifeste Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "En savoir plus", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Ouvrir dans le portail", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Ouvrir le schéma du manifeste", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Aperçu du fichier manifeste AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Version d’évaluation de l’application", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Approvisionner", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Publier", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Démarrer", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Actualiser", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Signaler des problèmes sur GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Afficher les guides pratiques", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Se déconnecter", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Mettre à jour l’application Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Mettre à jour l’application Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Mettre à niveau le projet", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Ajouter un composant WebPart SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Créer un fichier d’environnement", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Ajouter un environnement", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "Le compte Azure connecté n’est pas autorisé à accéder à la souscription « %s » utilisé dans la fourniture précédente. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous connecter avec le bon compte Azure.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Aucun compte Azure connecté. Veuillez vous connecter à Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de la génération du package. Réessayez une fois la génération terminée.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Génération du package...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Créer votre application Teams dans un package pour la publication", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Package d’application Zip Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de la création. Réessayez une fois la création terminée.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Création d’une application...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Créer une application à partir de zéro ou démarrer à partir d’un exemple d’application", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Créez une application", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors du déploiement. Réessayez une fois le déploiement terminé.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Déploiement dans le cloud...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Exécuter l’étape de cycle de vie « déployer » dans teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Déployer", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Découvrez comment utiliser la boîte à outils pour créer des applications Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Documentation", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de l’initialisation. Réessayez une fois l’initialisation terminée.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Initialisation d’une application existante...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Initialiser une application existante", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Initialiser une application existante", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Le compte Microsoft 365 connecté ne correspond pas au locataire Microsoft 365 utilisé dans l’approvisionnement précédent. Déconnectez-vous et connectez-vous avec le compte Microsoft 365 correct.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Aucun compte Microsoft 365 connecté. Connectez-vous à Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de l’ouverture du projet à partir de Developer Portal. Réessayez une fois la création terminée.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Prévisualisez et créez des cartes adaptatives directement dans Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Aperçu et débogage des cartes adaptatives", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Déboguer et afficher un aperçu de votre application Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Afficher un aperçu de votre application Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de l’approvisionnement. Réessayez une fois l’opération d’approvisionnement terminée.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Approvisionnement...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Exécuter l’étape de cycle de vie « provisionner » dans teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Approvisionner", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Impossible d’exécuter la commande lors de la publication du package. Réessayez une fois la publication terminée.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publication...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Exécuter l’étape de cycle de vie « publier » dans teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Ouvrir Developer Portal pour publier", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Publier dans votre organisation dans Developer Portal", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Publier", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Démarrer", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Signaler les problèmes et nous faire part de vos commentaires", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Signaler des problèmes sur GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Nous aimerions avoir votre avis", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Commencer avec un échantillon de notre galerie d’échantillons", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Afficher des exemples", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Gérez votre inscription à l’application Teams et accédez à plus d’outils", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Afficher les didacticiels guidés", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Afficher les guides pratiques", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Gérer le collaborateur", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Gérer les collaborateurs de l’application Teams M365 (avec l’application AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Ajouter un composant WebPart SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "En savoir plus", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Connexion", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Se déconnecter", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Recommandé", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Connectez-vous à votre compte Microsoft 365 pour continuer.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Connectez-vous au compte Microsoft 365 approprié pour continuer.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Veuillez patienter jusqu’à la fin du traitement de la demande précédente.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Vérification du compte Microsoft 365...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Réessayez à partir de Developer Portal et veillez à vous connecter avec le compte Microsoft 365 approprié.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Le Kit de ressources Teams n’a pas pu récupérer votre application Teams. Réessayez à partir de Developer Portal et veillez à vous connecter avec le compte Microsoft 365 approprié.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Lien non valide", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Changer de compte", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Connexion annulée. Vous devez vous connecter avec le compte Microsoft 365 approprié pour continuer. Veuillez réessayer à partir de Developer Portal.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Annulation du changement de compte. Vous devez vous connecter avec le compte Microsoft 365 approprié pour continuer. Veuillez réessayer à partir de Developer Portal.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Vous connecter avec votre compte Azure correct", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Connectez-vous avec votre compte Azure/Microsoft 365 correct", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Connectez-vous avec votre compte Microsoft 365 correct", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Connexion réussie au compte Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Déconnexion réussie du compte Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Le module de base est en cours de chargement", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Vous devez créer une application ou en ouvrir une existante pour ouvrir le fichier README.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Créez une application", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Modifier la valeur secrète déchiffrée", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Votre application", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s introuvable, impossible de l’ouvrir.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Impossible de trouver l’environnement de projet %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Arguments non valides : %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Obtenir de l’aide", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Compte ajouté : '%s' à l’environnement '%s' en tant que propriétaire de l’application Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Compte ajouté : ’%s’ en tant que propriétaire de l’application Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Si l’utilisateur ajouté ne peut pas accéder aux ressources Azure, vous devez configurer manuellement la stratégie d’accès via le portail Microsoft Azure. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Si l’utilisateur ajouté n’est pas un administrateur de site SharePoint Online App Catalog, vous devez configurer manuellement la politique d’accès via le centre d’administration SharePoint. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Pour prévisualiser et déboguer les cartes adaptatives, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’extension \"Adaptive Card Studio\".", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Échec du débogage de l’application Teams. Le projet n’est pas un projet Teams valide.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] a été créé au [local address](%s). Vous pouvez continuer à déboguer votre application.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] a été créé à %s. Vous pouvez continuer à déboguer votre application.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Déboguer", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] a été créé au [local address](%s). Vous pouvez continuer à déboguer votre application.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] a été créé à %s. Vous pouvez continuer à afficher un aperçu de votre application.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Préversion locale", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "La connexion a échoué, l’opération est terminée.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Connexion réussie au compte Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Déconnexion réussie de Microsoft 365 compte.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Échec de l’obtention du jeton de compte de connexion à partir du cache. Vous pouvez essayer de vous déconnecter et de vous reconnecter à votre compte Azure à l’aide de l’arborescence du Kit de ressources Teams ou de la palette de commandes", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Pas d’espace de travail ouvert", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Ouvrir un dossier", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Opération non prise en charge : %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Interface CLI pour Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Vous utilisez une version héritée de SPFx dans votre projet alors que la version actuelle de Teams Toolkit prend en charge SPFx v%s. Si vous voulez utiliser SPFx v%s, suivez « CLI pour Microsoft 365 » pour effectuer la mise à niveau.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Mettre à niveau", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Vous utilisez une version plus récente de SPFx dans votre projet alors que la version actuelle de Teams Toolkit prend en charge SPFx v%s. Notez que certaines fonctionnalités SPFx plus récentes ne sont peut-être pas prises en charge. Si vous n’utilisez pas la dernière version de Teams Toolkit, envisagez une mise à niveau.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Veuillez vous référer à ce lien pour plus de détails : ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Signaler un problème", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Problèmes similaires", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Impossible de charger les informations de %s pour les %s d’environnement.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Se connecter à Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Connectez-vous à Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Se déconnecter d’Azure : ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Se déconnecter de Microsoft 365 : ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Fichier d’état introuvable dans l’environnement %s. Vous devez d’abord exécuter ’Provision’ pour générer le fichier d’état associé.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Fichier d’état introuvable dans l’environnement %s. Vous devez d’abord exécuter `debug` pour générer le fichier d’état associé.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Fichier de modèle de manifeste introuvable dans %s. Vous pouvez utiliser l’interface CLI avec votre propre fichier de modèle.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Fichier du package de l’application introuvable dans %s. Vous pouvez utiliser l’interface CLI avec votre propre fichier de package de l’application.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Échec de la vérification : [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "En savoir plus", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Notez qu’après avoir inscrit votre client de développeur dans Office 365 version cible, l’application de l’inscription peut prendre quelques jours. Cliquez sur le bouton « En savoir plus » pour plus d’informations sur la configuration de l’environnement de développement pour étendre les applications Teams à Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "La tâche '%s' a échoué. Veuillez vous référer à la fenêtre du terminal '%s' pour des informations détaillées sur l’erreur ou cliquez sur le bouton 'Signaler un problème' pour signaler le problème.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Ouvrez les Paramètres", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Le port : %s est déjà utilisé. Fermez ce port et réessayez.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports : %s sont déjà utilisés. Fermez ces ports et réessayez.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "La modification du ou des ports dans package.json peut interrompre le débogage. Vérifiez que toutes les modifications de port sont attendues ou reportez-vous à la documentation en cliquant sur le bouton « En savoir plus ». (%s emplacement package.json : %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Échec de la vérification des prérequis. Si vous souhaitez ignorer la vérification et l’installation des prérequis, vous pouvez les désactiver dans Visual Studio Code paramètres.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Échec de la validation et de l’installation des composants requis.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Panneau de sortie", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Vérifiez le %s pour afficher les détails.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Vous utilisez désormais un client Microsoft 365 différent de celui que vous avez utilisé précédemment.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "La valeur de '%s' n’est pas valide pour la tâche de type 'teamsfx'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "La tâche est annulée.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Il existe plusieurs services de tunneling locaux en cours d’exécution. Fermez toutes les tâches redondantes pour éviter des conflits.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Aucun service de tunneling local n’est en cours d’exécution. Vérifiez que le service de tunneling local a été démarré.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok a été arrêté avec le code de sortie '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Impossible de démarrer ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Ngrok n’est pas installé par TeamsFx. Consultez teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites pour savoir comment installer le ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Impossible d’installer Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Le service de tunneling n’a pas été démarré. Veuillez patienter quelques instants ou redémarrer la tâche de tunneling locale.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Le point de terminaison de tunnel est introuvable. Le kit de ressources Teams a essayé d’obtenir la première URL HTTPS à partir de %s et a échoué.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Impossible d’enregistrer les variables d’environnement.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Impossible de démarrer la tâche de service de tunneling local.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Impossible d’exécuter l’opération de tunnel de développement '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Exécution d’une tâche Visual Studio Code : « Démarrer le tunnel local »", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Le kit de ressources Teams démarre le service de tunneling local pour transférer l’URL publique vers le port local et inspecter le trafic. Ouvrez la fenêtre du terminal pour voir les détails.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Résumé :", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visitez %s pour en savoir plus sur la tâche « Démarrer le tunnel local ».", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Transfert de l’URL %s vers %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Transfert de l’URL de %s vers %s. [%s] est enregistré dans %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Service de tunneling local démarré en %s secondes.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Démarrage du service du tunnel de développement", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Démarrage du service ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Ignorer la vérification et l’installation de ngrok, car l’utilisateur a spécifié le chemin ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Balise du tunnel de développement : %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Suppression du '%s' de tunnel de développement.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Limite de tunnel de développement dépassée. Fermez d’autres sessions de débogage, nettoyez les tunnels de développement inutilisés et réessayez. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [canal de sortie](%s).", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de tunnels créés avec votre compte Microsoft 365. Tunnels de développement dans votre compte :", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Supprimer tous les tunnels", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Annuler", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Échec du lancement du client web Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "La tâche de lancement du client web Teams s’est arrêtée avec le code de sortie '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Mettre à niveau le manifeste Teams pour l’étendre à Outlook et à l’application Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Sélectionner le manifeste Teams à mettre à niveau", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Sélectionner le manifeste Teams à mettre à niveau", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Mise à niveau réussie du manifeste Teams %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Mettre à jour le manifeste Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Mettre à niveau", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit met à jour sur place le fichier manifeste Teams que vous avez sélectionné pour fonctionner dans Outlook et l’application Microsoft 365. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser Git pour mieux suivre les modifications apportées aux fichiers avant la mise à niveau.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Mettre à niveau l’application onglet Teams pour l’étendre dans Outlook et l’application Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Sélectionner l’application de l’onglet Teams à mettre à niveau", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Sélectionner l’application de l’onglet Teams à mettre à niveau", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Mise à niveau réussie de l’application Teams Tab %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Échec de la mise à jour du fichier %s, code : %s, message : %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Échec de la mise à jour de %d fichiers : %s, etc. Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Panneau de sortie](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Échec de la mise à jour de %d fichiers : %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "Aucune dépendance @microsoft/teams-js trouvée dans %s. Rien à mettre à jour.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Mise à jour du code %s dans %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Mise à jour des codes pour utiliser @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Mise à jour de package.json pour utiliser @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Mettre à niveau", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit mettra à jour l’application Teams Tab que vous avez sélectionnée pour utiliser le client Teams SDK v2. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser git pour un meilleur suivi des modifications de fichiers avant la mise à niveau.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Préparer la tâche.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s/%s/%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Pour plus d’informations, consultez [Output panel](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Touche espace pour cocher/décocher)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Validation...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Dites-nous ce que vous pensez du Kit de ressources Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Ne plus afficher", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Me rappeler plus tard", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Répondre à l’enquête", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Capacité", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Intégration du service cloud", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Développement", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Scénario", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Ouvrir un guide GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Ouvrir un guide dans le produit", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Une passerelle API peut être utilisée pour administrer les API créées pour les applications Teams et les publier pour les utiliser sur d'autres applications, telles que les applications Power.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Intégration avec Azure API Management", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Une solution sans serveur pour créer des API Web pour le backend de vos applications Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Intégration avec Azure Functions", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Développer une expérience d’authentification unique dans Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Pages Web compatibles avec Teams intégrées dans Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Configurer la capacité de l'onglet", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatiser les workflows répétitifs pour les processus métier courants dans la conversation", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Lancer des workflows séquentiels dans Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Vue d’ensemble du modèle bot de notification", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatisez le workflow de développement tout en créant une application Teams pour GitHub, Azure DevOps et Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatiser les pipelines CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Exécutez et déboguez votre application Teams sur le client iOS ou Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Exécuter et déboguer sur le client mobile", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Activer la prise en charge multi-locataires pour l'application Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Prise en charge multi-locataires", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatiser les tâches répétitives à l’aide d’une simple commande et d’une réponse dans la conversation.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Répondre aux commandes de conversation dans Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Connecter à une API avec prise en charge de l’authentification à l’aide du Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) TeamsFx.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Connecter à une API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Intégrer un canevas contenant plusieurs cartes qui fournissent un aperçu des données ou du contenu dans Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Intégrer un canevas de tableau de bord dans Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Envoyer des notifications à Teams à partir de vos services web avec bot ou webhook entrant.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Envoyer des notifications à Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Le kit de ressources Teams a été mis à jour vers v%s pour consulter le journal des modifications !", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Sélectionner votre package d’application Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Sélectionner votre package de l’application Teams ou créez-en un à partir de « Zip Package de l’application Teams »", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Confirmer que le fichier zip est correctement sélectionné", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Journal des modifications", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Exemples", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Enquête sur la boîte à outils des équipes", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Aide sur le compte", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Validez les prérequis.\n Consultez https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites pour plus d’informations et pour savoir comment personnaliser les arguments.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Démarrez le service de tunneling local.\n Consultez https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel pour plus d’informations et pour savoir comment personnaliser les arguments.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Exécuter le cycle de vie de provisionnement.\n Consultez https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision pour plus d’informations et pour savoir comment personnaliser les arguments.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Exécuter le cycle de vie du déploiement.\n Consultez https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy pour plus d’informations et pour savoir comment personnaliser les arguments.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Lancez le client web Teams. \n Consultez https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client pour plus d’informations et pour savoir comment personnaliser les arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Prérequis activés.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Vérifiez si Node.js est installé.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Invite à vous connecter à un compte Microsoft 365 et vérifier si l’autorisation de chargement indépendant est activée sur le compte.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Vérifiez la disponibilité des ports pour l’utilisation du débogage.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Numéros de port à valider", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Nom de l’environnement.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Clés des variables d’environnement du domaine de tunnel et du point de terminaison de tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Clé de la variable d’environnement du domaine de tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Clé de la variable d’environnement du point de terminaison de tunnel.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protocole du port.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Contrôle d’accès pour le tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Ajouter des propriétaires d’applications", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Ajoutez des propriétaires à votre application Teams et aux inscriptions de l’application Azure Active Director afin qu’ils puissent apporter des modifications.", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Répertorier les propriétaires d’applications", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Répertorier tous les propriétaires qui peuvent apporter des modifications à vos inscriptions d’applications Teams et Azure Active Director", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Gérez les personnes autorisées à apporter des modifications à votre application", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Projet de mise à niveau](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nMettez à niveau votre projet Teams Toolkit pour rester compatible avec la dernière version. Un répertoire de sauvegarde va être créé avec un récapitulatif de mise à niveau. [More Info](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nSi vous ne voulez pas effectuer la mise à niveau maintenant, continuez à utiliser Teams Toolkit version 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Accédez directement au kit de ressources Teams et obtenez une vue d’ensemble des notions de base. Pour plus d’informations, visitez [Get Started](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nSuivez les étapes pour créer une application Teams réelle.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCréez un projet ou explorez nos exemples.\n[Create a new app](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Accédez directement au kit de ressources Teams et obtenez une vue d’ensemble des principes de base.\n[Démarrer](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCréez un projet ou explorez nos exemples.\n[Créer une nouvelle application](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Afficher les exemples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nSuivez les étapes pour créer une application Teams réelle.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Prenez 2 minutes pour nous aider à nous améliorer, vos commentaires sont importants !\n[Nous aimerions avoir vos commentaires](command:fx-extension.openSurration)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Renforcez votre expérience en matière de développement d’applications Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Commencez par [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) ou [Complément Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) pour créer votre première application.\n Vous pouvez le créer à partir de zéro ou explorer nos exemples pour vous aider à prendre rapidement en main les exemples réels et les structures de code.\n [Créer une application](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough ?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Afficher les exemples](command:fx-extension.openSamples ?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Créer votre première application", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Créez un locataire de test Microsoft 365 gratuit pour installer et afficher un aperçu de vos applications Teams dans Teams.\n Si vous avez déjà un compte d’organisation Microsoft 365, [sign in to Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22 DiagonalThrough%22%5D) et validez [sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) est activé.\n[Create a Microsoft 365 testing tenant](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Créer gratuitement un locataire de test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Vous pouvez approvisionner des ressources dans le cloud et déployer le code de votre application vers les ressources approvisionnées. Enfin, distribuez votre première application vers Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle commands](command:fx-extension.openLyfecycleTreeview?%5B%22 TilThrough%22%5D)\n__Conseil : en savoir plus sur [« Cycle de vie »](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Déployer des applications Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Le développement d'une application Teams avec JavaScript ou TypeScript nécessite NPM et Node.js. Vérifiez votre environnement et préparez-vous pour le développement de votre première application Teams.\n[Exécuter la vérification de conditions requises](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22Through%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Préparez votre environnement", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Guides pratiques, README.md et documentation", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Voici quelques recommandations pour poursuivre votre parcours avec le kit de ressources Teams.\n • Explorez [How-to guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) et obtenez des conseils plus pratiques\n • Ouvrez [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22Through%22%5D) pour comprendre comment développer cette application\n • Lisez notre [Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22Through%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Quelle est la prochaine étape ?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Appuyez sur [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22 TilThrough%22%5D) ou découvrez le panneau « [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) » dans la barre d’activités, puis cliquez sur l’icône de lecture pour afficher localement l’aperçu de votre application dans le contexte Teams.\n[Run local preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Conseil : pour exécuter la préversion locale, connectez-vous à Microsoft 365 (compte d’organisation) avec chargement indépendant option.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Afficher un aperçu de votre application Teams localement", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Démarrer avec le kit de ressources Teams" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Démarrer avec le kit de ressources Teams", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.it.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.it.json index 9db6b0602d..2bd95f6613 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.it.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.it.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "ACCOUNT AZURE \nIl Toolkit di Teams potrebbe richiedere una sottoscrizione di Azure per distribuire le risorse di Azure per il progetto.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "ACCOUNT Microsoft 365 \nIl Toolkit di Teams richiede un account aziendale Microsoft 365 in cui Teams è in esecuzione ed è stato registrato.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Altre informazioni", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) è disabilitato nell'account Microsoft 365. Contattare l’amministratore di Teams per risolvere il problema o ottenere un tenant di test.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Trasferimento locale abilitato", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Si dispone già dell'autorizzazione per il sideload. È possibile installare l'app in Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Controllo trasferimento locale non riuscito", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "L'autorizzazione per il sideload di questo account è sconosciuta a causa di un problema di rete o del servizio. Aggiornare più tardi per controllarlo.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Trasferimento locale disabilitato", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "L'amministratore dell'account Microsoft 365 non ha abilitato l'autorizzazione di sideload.\n· Contatta l'amministratore di Teams per risolvere il problema. Visita: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Segui le indicazioni della Guida dell'account per creare un tenant di test gratuito. Le indicazioni sono disponibili facendo clic sull'etichetta \"Sideload disabilitato\" nell'account.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: accesso in corso...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: accesso in corso...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: Switching...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Crea un tenant di test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Accesso annullato. Il Toolkit di Teams richiede un (account aziendale) Microsoft 365 con l'opzione di trasferimento locale.\nSe l'account non è pronto, creare un tenant di test Microsoft 365 gratuito per avviare lo sviluppo di app di Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Il Toolkit di Teams richiede un account aziendale Microsoft 365 in cui Teams è in esecuzione ed è stato registrato. Se necessario, è possibile creare un account di test gratuito dal Programma per sviluppatori Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Non è stato possibile trovare una sottoscrizione.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Il Toolkit di Teams richiede un account e una sottoscrizione Azure per la distribuzione delle risorse Azure per il progetto. Non verrà addebitato alcun importo senza ulteriore conferma.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "sottoscrizione", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Non è possibile impostare la sottoscrizione. Selezionare una sottoscrizione a cui si ha accesso.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Non è possibile leggere l'ID account home dalla cache. Pulire la cache dell'account. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Non è possibile leggere il token dalla cache. Pulire la cache dell'account. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Non è possibile salvare l'ID account home nella cache. Pulire la cache dell'account. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Non è possibile salvare il token nella cache. Pulire la cache dell'account. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Non è possibile scrivere il token nella cache. Pulire la cache dell'account. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "L'estensione Teams Toolkit supporta funzionalità limitate nelle aree di lavoro non attendibili.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Non è possibile ottenere il codice di accesso per lo scambio di token. Accedere con un altro account.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "accesso", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le informazioni di accesso dell’utente. Accedere con un altro account.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Timeout in attesa della porta di accesso. Riprovare.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Timeout in attesa di accesso. Riprovare.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "File risultati non trovato.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token in modo automatico. Se il problema si verifica più volte, è possibile eliminare `%s`, chiudere tutte le istanze Visual Studio Code e riprovare. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "L'utente è offline. Verificare la connessione di rete.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Il file è gestito da Teams Toolkit, non modificarlo", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Aggiungi un'altra API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Apri schema", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Il file è gestito da Teams Toolkit, non modificarlo", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Account", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Altre informazioni sugli account", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Aggiungere i proprietari dell'app Teams di Microsoft 365 (con l'app AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Portale di Azure", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Creare un account Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Disponibile", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Creare un tenant di test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Crea un account", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Crea nuovo ambiente", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Crea una nuova app", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Selezionare e avviare il debug dell'app di Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Distribuisci", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Aggiorna l'app Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Altre informazioni sul ciclo di vita", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Altre informazioni sullo sviluppo", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Portale per sviluppatori di Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Documentazione", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Altre informazioni sugli ambienti", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Altre informazioni su Guida e feedback", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Elencare i proprietari dell'app Teams di Microsoft 365 (con l'app AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Gestire i collaboratori dell'app M365 Teams (con l'app AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Debug", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portale di Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Aggiorna l’SDK JS di Teams e i riferimenti al codice", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Aggiorna il manifesto di Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Altre informazioni", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Apri nel portale", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Apri schema manifesto", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Visualizza in anteprima del file manifesto di AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Anteprima app", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Effettua il provisioning", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Pubblica", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Introduzione", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Aggiorna", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Segnala problemi in GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Visualizza le guide pratiche", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Esci", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Aggiorna l'app Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Aggiorna l'app Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Aggiorna progetto", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Aggiungere la web part SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Creare un nuovo file ambiente", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Aggiungi ambiente", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "L'account Azure connesso non dispone dell’autorizzazione per l’accesso alla sottoscrizione '%s' usata nel provisioning precedente. Disconnettersi e accedere con l'account Azure corretto.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Nessun account Azure connesso. Accedi ad Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Non è possibile eseguire il comando durante la compilazione del pacchetto. Riprovare al termine della compilazione.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Creazione del pacchetto in corso...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Crea la tua app di Teams in un pacchetto per la pubblicazione", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Comprimi il pacchetto dell'app Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Impossibile eseguire il comando durante la creazione. Riprovare al termine della creazione.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Creazione di una nuova app in corso...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Crea una nuova app da zero o inizia da un'app di esempio", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Crea una nuova app", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Non è possibile eseguire il comando durante la distribuzione. Riprovare al termine della distribuzione.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Distribuzione nel cloud in corso...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Eseguire la fase del ciclo di vita 'deploy' in teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Distribuire", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Informazioni su come usare il Toolkit per creare le app di Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Documentazione", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Impossibile eseguire il comando durante l'inizializzazione. Riprovare al termine dell'inizializzazione.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Inizializzazione di un'applicazione esistente in corso...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Inizializza un'applicazione esistente", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Inizializza un'applicazione esistente", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "L'account di Microsoft 365 connesso non corrisponde al tenant di Microsoft 365 usato nel provisioning precedente. Disconnettersi e accedere con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Nessun account Microsoft 365 connesso. Accedi a Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Impossibile eseguire il comando durante l'apertura del progetto da portale per sviluppatori. Riprovare al termine della creazione.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Visualizza in anteprima e crea schede adattive direttamente in Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Anteprima e debug delle schede adattive", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Eseguire il debug e visualizzare in anteprima l'app Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Visualizza in anteprima l'app Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Impossibile eseguire il comando durante il provisioning. Riprovare al termine dell'operazione di provisioning.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Eseguire la fase del ciclo di vita \"provisioning\" in teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Effettuare il provisioning", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Impossibile eseguire il comando durante la pubblicazione del pacchetto. Riprovare al termine della pubblicazione.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Pubblicazione...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Eseguire la fase del ciclo di vita \"publish\" in teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Apri portale per sviluppatori per pubblicare", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Pubblica nell'organizzazione in portale per sviluppatori", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Pubblicare", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Inizia", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Segnala eventuali problemi e invia il tuo feedback", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Segnala problemi in GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "La tua opinione è importante per noi", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Inizia con un esempio della raccolta di esempi", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Visualizza esempi", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Gestisci la registrazione dell'app Teams e accedi ad altri strumenti", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Visualizzare esercitazioni guidate", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Visualizza le guide pratiche", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Gestisci collaboratore", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Gestire i collaboratori dell'app M365 Teams (con l'app AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Aggiungere web part SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Altre informazioni", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Accedi", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Disconnetti", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Consigliato", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Accedere all'account Microsoft 365 per continuare.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Accedere all'account Microsoft 365 corretto per continuare.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Attendere il completamento dell'elaborazione della richiesta precedente.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Controllo dell'account Microsoft 365 in corso...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Riprova da portale per sviluppatori e assicurati di accedere con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Il toolkit di Teams non è riuscito a ottenere l'app Teams. Riprovare da portale per sviluppatori e assicurarsi di accedere con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Collegamento non valido", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Cambia account", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Accesso annullato. Per continuare, è necessario accedere con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto. Riprovare da portale per sviluppatori.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Cambio account annullato. Per continuare, è necessario accedere con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto. Riprova da portale per sviluppatori.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Accedere con l'account Azure corretto", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Accedi con l'account Azure/Microsoft 365 corretto", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Accedi con l'account Microsoft 365 corretto", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Accesso all'account Azure completato.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Disconnessione dall'account Azure completata.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Caricamento del modulo principale in corso", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "È consigliabile creare una nuova app o aprirne una esistente per aprire il file LEGGIMI.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Crea una nuova app", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Modifica il valore del segreto decrittografato", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "App personale", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s non trovato, non è possibile aprirlo.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Non è possibile trovare l'ambiente del progetto %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Argomenti non validi: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Richiedi supporto", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Account aggiunto: '%s' all'ambiente '%s' come proprietario dell'app di Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Account aggiunto: '%s' come proprietario dell'app Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Se l'utente aggiunto non può accedere alle risorse di Azure, è necessario configurare manualmente i criteri di accesso tramite il portale di Azure. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Se l'utente aggiunto non è amministratore del sito Catalogo app di SharePoint, è necessario configurare manualmente i criteri di accesso tramite l'interfaccia di amministrazione di SharePoint. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Per visualizzare in anteprima ed eseguire il debug delle schede adattive, è consigliabile usare l'estensione \"Adaptive Card Studio\".", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Non è stato possibile eseguire il debug dell'app di Teams. Il progetto non è un progetto Teams valido.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "Creazione di [%s] completata in [indirizzo locale](%s). È possibile continuare a eseguire il debug dell'app.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "Creazione di [%s] completata in %s. È possibile continuare a eseguire il debug dell'app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Debug", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "Creazione di [%s] completata in [indirizzo locale](%s). È possibile continuare a visualizzare l'anteprima dell'app.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "Creazione di [%s] completata in %s. È possibile continuare a visualizzare l'anteprima dell'app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Anteprima locale", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Accesso non riuscito. L'operazione è terminata.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Accesso all'account Microsoft 365 completato.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Disconnessione dall'account Microsoft 365 completata.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il token dell'account di accesso dalla cache. È possibile provare a disconnettersi e ad accedere di nuovo all'account Azure usando la visualizzazione albero o il riquadro comandi di Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Nessuna area di lavoro aperta", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Apri cartella", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Operazione non supporta: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Interfaccia della riga di comando di Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Si usa una versione legacy di SPFx nel progetto, mentre la versione corrente di Teams Toolkit supporta SPFx v%s. Se si vuole usare SPFx v%s, seguire l'interfaccia della riga di comando per Microsoft 365' per eseguire l'aggiornamento.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Aggiorna", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Si sta usando una versione più recente di SPFx nel progetto, mentre la versione corrente di Teams Toolkit supporta SPFx v%s. Si noti che alcune delle funzionalità più recenti di SPFx potrebbero non essere supportate. Se non si usa la versione più recente di Teams Toolkit, è consigliabile eseguire l'aggiornamento.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Per altri dettagli, fare riferimento a questo collegamento: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Segnala problema", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Problemi simili", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Non è possibile caricare le informazioni di %s per l'ambiente %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Accedi a Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Accedi ad Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Disconnetti da Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Disconnetti da Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "File di stato non trovato nell'ambiente %s. È necessario eseguire prima 'Effettua il provisioning' per generare il file di stato correlato.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "File di stato non trovato nell'ambiente %s. È necessario eseguire prima 'Debug' per generare il file di stato correlato.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Il file del modello di manifesto non è stato trovato in %s. È possibile usare l'interfaccia della riga di comando con il proprio file modello.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Il file del pacchetto dell'app non è stato trovato in %s. È possibile usare l'interfaccia della riga di comando con il proprio file di pacchetto dell'app.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Impossibile controllare: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Altre informazioni", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Si noti che dopo aver registrato il tenant dello sviluppatore in Office 365 Versione di destinazione, potrebbero essere necessari due giorni prima che la registrazione diventi effettiva. Fare clic sul pulsante 'Altre informazioni' per altre informazioni sulla configurazione dell'ambiente di sviluppo per estendere le app di Teams in Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "L'attività '%s' non è riuscita. Per informazioni dettagliate sull'errore, vedere la finestra del terminale '%s' oppure fare clic sul pulsante 'Segnala problema' per segnalare il problema.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Apri impostazioni", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "La porta %s è già in uso. Chiudere la porta e riprovare.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Le porte %s sono già in uso. Chiudere tali porte e riprovare.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "La modifica delle porte in package.json può interrompere il debug. Assicurarsi che tutte le modifiche di porta siano previste o fare riferimento alla documentazione facendo clic sul pulsante 'Altre informazioni'. (%s percorso package.json: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Controllo dei prerequisiti non riuscito. Se si desidera ignorare il controllo e l'installazione di eventuali prerequisiti, è possibile disabilitarli nelle impostazioni Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Convalida dei prerequisiti di installazione non riuscita.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Pannello di output", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminale", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Controllare il %s per visualizzare i dettagli.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Si sta usando un tenant di Microsoft 365 diverso da quello usato in precedenza.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "Il valore di '%s' non è valido per l'attività di tipo 'teamsfx'", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "L'attività viene annullata.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Sono disponibili più servizi di tunneling locale in esecuzione. Chiudere tutte le attività ridondanti per evitare conflitti.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Nessun servizio di tunneling locale in esecuzione. Verificare che il servizio di tunneling locale sia stato avviato.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok è stato arrestato con codice di uscita '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Non è possibile avviare ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Ngrok non è installato da TeamsFx. Per informazioni su come installare ngrok, vedere teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Non è possibile installare Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Il servizio di tunneling non è stato avviato. Attendere qualche istante o riavviare l'attività di tunneling locale.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'endpoint del tunnel. Teams Toolkit ha tentato di ottenere il primo URL HTTPS da %s e l’operazione non è riuscita.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Non è stato possibile salvare le variabili di ambiente.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Impossibile avviare l'attività del servizio di tunneling locale.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Non è possibile eseguire l'operazione di tunnel dev '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Esecuzione dell'attività Visual Studio Code: 'Avvia tunnel locale'", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit sta avviando il servizio di tunneling locale per inoltrare l'URL pubblico alla porta locale ed esaminare il traffico. Aprire la finestra del terminale per visualizzare i dettagli.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Riepilogo:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visitare %s per altre informazioni sull'attività 'Avvia tunnel locale'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Inoltro dell'URL %s a %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Inoltro dell'URL %s a %s. Salvato [%s] in %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Il servizio di tunneling locale si avvierà tra %s secondi.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Avvio del servizio tunnel di sviluppo", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Avvio del servizio ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Ignorare il controllo e l'installazione di ngrok perché l'utente ha specificato il percorso ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Tag del tunnel di sviluppo: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Il tunnel di sviluppo '%s' è stato eliminato.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "È stato superato il limite del tunnel di sviluppo. Chiudere altre sessioni di debug, pulire i tunnel di sviluppo inutilizzati e riprovare. Per altri dettagli, vedere [canale di output](%s).", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "È stato raggiunto il numero massimo di tunnel creati con l'account Microsoft 365. I tunnel di sviluppo nell'account:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Elimina tutti i tunnel", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Annulla", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Non è stato possibile avviare il client Web di Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "L'attività di avvio del client Web di Teams è stata arrestata con il codice di uscita '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Aggiornare il manifesto di Teams per estenderlo in Outlook e nell'app Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Seleziona il manifesto di Teams da aggiornare", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Seleziona il manifesto di Teams da aggiornare", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Aggiornamento del manifesto di Teams %s completato.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Aggiorna il manifesto di Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Aggiorna", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit aggiornerà sul posto il file manifesto di Teams selezionato per lavorare in Outlook e nell'app Microsoft 365. È consigliabile usare Git per tenere traccia delle modifiche ai file prima dell'aggiornamento.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Aggiornare l'app Teams Tab da estendere in Outlook e nell'app Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Seleziona l'app Teams Tab da aggiornare", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Seleziona l'app Teams Tab da aggiornare", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Aggiornamento dell'app Teams Tab %s completato.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare il file %s, codice: %s, messaggio: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare %d file: %s e così via. Per altri dettagli, vedere[Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i file %d: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "Non è stata trovata alcuna dipendenza @microsoft/teams-js trovata in %s. Nessun elemento da aggiornare.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Aggiornamento del codice %s in %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Aggiornamento dei codici per l'uso di @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Aggiornamento di package.json per l'uso di @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Aggiorna", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit aggiornerà sul posto l'app Teams Tab selezionata per l’uso del client di Teams SDK v2. È consigliabile usare Git per tenere traccia delle modifiche ai file prima dell'aggiornamento.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Prepara attività.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Per informazioni dettagliate, vedere [Pannello di output](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Barra spaziatrice da selezionare/deselezionare)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Convalida...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Fai sapere cosa ne pensi di Teams Toolkit.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Non visualizzare più questo messaggio", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Ricordamelo più tardi", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Partecipa al sondaggio", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Capacità", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Integrazione del servizio cloud", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Sviluppo", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Scenario", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Aprire una guida di GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Aprire una guida nel prodotto", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "È possibile usare un gateway API per amministrare le API create per le applicazioni Teams e pubblicarle per utilizzarle in altre applicazioni, ad esempio Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Integrazione con Gestione API di Azure", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Soluzione serverless per creare API Web per il back-end delle applicazioni Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Integrazione con Funzioni di Azure", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Sviluppa un'esperienza Single Sign-On in Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Pagine Web compatibili con Teams incorporate in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Configura la funzionalità scheda", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatizzare i flussi di lavoro ripetitivi per i processi aziendali comuni in una conversazione", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Avviare flussi di lavoro sequenziali in Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Panoramica del modello di bot di notifica", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatizzare il flusso di lavoro di sviluppo durante la compilazione dell'applicazione Teams per GitHub, Azure DevOps e Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatizza le pipeline CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Eseguire ed eseguire il debug dell'applicazione Teams nel client iOS o Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Esecuzione ed esecuzione del debug nel client per dispositivi mobili", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Abilita il supporto multi-tenant per l'app Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Supporto multi-tenant", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatizza le attività ripetitive con un semplice comando e una risposta nella conversazione.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Rispondi ai comandi della chat in Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Connettersi a un'API con il supporto per l'autenticazione usando TeamsFx SDK.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Connessione a un'API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Incorporare un'area di disegno contenente più schede che forniscono una panoramica dei dati o del contenuto in Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Incorpora un'area di disegno dashboard in Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Inviare notifiche a Teams dai servizi Web con bot o webhook in ingresso.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Invia notifiche a Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Il Toolkit di Teams è stato aggiornato a v%s — controlla il log delle modifiche!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Seleziona il pacchetto dell'app Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Seleziona il pacchetto dell'app Teams oppure crearne uno da \"Pacchetto dell'app Zip Teams\"", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Conferma che il file ZIP sia selezionato correttamente", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Log delle modifiche", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Esempi", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Sondaggio sul toolkit di Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Guida account", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Convalidare i prerequisiti.\n Per informazioni dettagliate e su come personalizzare gli argomenti, vedere https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Avviare il servizio di tunneling locale.\n Per informazioni dettagliate e su come personalizzare gli argomenti, vedere https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Eseguire il ciclo di vita del provisioning.\n Per informazioni dettagliate e su come personalizzare gli argomenti, vedere https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Eseguire il ciclo di vita della distribuzione.\n Per informazioni dettagliate e su come personalizzare gli argomenti, vedere https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Avviare il client Web di Teams. \n Per informazioni dettagliate e su come personalizzare gli argomenti, vedere https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Prerequisiti abilitati.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Verificare se Node.js è installato.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Richiedere l'accesso per l’account Microsoft 365 e verificare se per l'account è abilitata l'autorizzazione di sideload.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Controllare la disponibilità delle porte per l'uso del debug.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Numeri di porta da convalidare", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Nome dell'ambiente.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Chiavi delle variabili di ambiente del dominio del tunnel e dell'endpoint tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Chiave della variabile di ambiente per il dominio del tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Chiave della variabile di ambiente per l'endpoint del tunnel.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protocollo per la porta.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Controllo di accesso per il tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Aggiungi proprietari dell'app", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Aggiungi proprietari alle registrazioni dell'app Teams e Azure Active Director in modo che possano apportare modifiche", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Elenca proprietari dell'app", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Elenca tutti i proprietari che possono apportare modifiche alle registrazioni delle app Teams e Azure Active Director", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Gestisci chi può apportare modifiche all'app", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Progetto di aggiornamento](comando:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nAggiornare il progetto Teams Toolkit per mantenere la compatibilità con la versione più recente. Verrà creata una directory di backup insieme a un riepilogo dell'aggiornamento. [Altre informazioni](comando:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nSe non si vuole eseguire l'aggiornamento adesso, continuare a usare Teams Toolkit versione 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Passa direttamente al toolkit di Teams e ottieni una panoramica dei concetti fondamentali. Per altre informazioni, visita [Get Started](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nSeguire i passaggi per creare un'app Teams reale.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCrea un progetto o esplora gli esempi.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Passa direttamente al toolkit di Teams e ottieni una panoramica dei concetti fondamentali.\n[Get Started](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCrea un progetto o esplora gli esempi.\n[Create a new app](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nSegui i passaggi per creare un'app di Teams reale.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Prenditi 2 minuti per aiutarci a migliorare. Il tuo feedback è importante!\n[We Would Love Your Feedback](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Avvia subito l'esperienza di sviluppo delle app di Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Iniziare con la funzionalità [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) o [componente aggiuntivo di Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) per creare la tua prima app di Teams.\nPuoi crearla da zero o esplorare gli esempi per iniziare rapidamente a usare le strutture di codice e gli esempi reali.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Crea la prima app", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Crea un tenant di test Microsoft 365 gratuito per installare e visualizzare in anteprima le app di Teams in Teams.\n Se disponi già di un account aziendale Microsoft 365, [Sign in to Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) e convalida [sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) è abilitato.\n[Create a Microsoft 365 Testing Tenant](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Crea gratuitamernte un tenant di test Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "È possibile effettuare il provisioning delle risorse nel cloud e distribuire il codice dell'app nelle risorse di cui è stato effettuato il provisioning. Infine, distribuire la prima app in Teams.\n [Comandi apri ciclo di vita](comando:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Consiglio: altre informazioni su [’Ciclo di vita'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Distribuisci app di Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Lo sviluppo di applicazioni Teams con JavaScript o TypeScript richiede NPM e Node.js. Controllare l'ambiente e prepararsi per il primo sviluppo di app di Teams.\n[Run Prerequisite Checker](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Prepara l'ambiente", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Guide pratiche, README.md e documentazione", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Ecco alcuni consigli per continuare il tuo percorso con Il toolkit di Teams.\n • Esplora [Guide pratiche](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) e ottieni indicazioni più pratiche\n • Apri [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) per comprendere come sviluppare questa app\n • Leggi il [Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Passaggi successivi", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Premi [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) o individua il pannello '[Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug)' sulla barra attività e fai clic sull'icona di riproduzione per visualizzare l'anteprima locale dell'app nel contesto di Teams.\n[Esegui anteprima locale (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: per eseguire l'anteprima locale, accedi a Microsoft 365 (account aziendale) con l’opzione trasferimento locale option.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Anteprima dell'app Teams in locale", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introduzione a Teams Toolkit" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introduzione a Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ja.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ja.json index d189646dd6..10bff07e39 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ja.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ja.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nTeams ツールキットでは、プロジェクトの Azure リソースをデプロイするために Azure サブスクリプションが必要になる場合があります。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nTeams ツールキットには、Teams が実行されていて登録されている Microsoft 365 の組織アカウントが必要です。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[サイドローディング](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) は Microsoft 365 アカウントで無効です。この問題を解決するか、テスト テナントを取得するには、Teams 管理者にお問い合わせください。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "サイドローディングが有効", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "サイドローディング アクセス許可は既に持っています。アプリを Teams にインストールすることをお勧めします。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "サイドローディング チェックに失敗しました", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "ネットワークまたはサービスの問題により、このアカウントのサイドローディングのアクセス許可は不明です。後でもう一度更新して、確認してください。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "サイドローディングが無効", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 アカウント管理者には、有効なサイドローディングのアクセス許可がありません。\n· この問題を解決するには、Teams 管理者にお問い合わせください。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites にアクセスしてください\n· 無料のテスト テナントを作成するには、アカウント ヘルプのガイダンスに従ってください。ガイダンスは、アカウントの下にある [サイドローディングが無効] ラベルをクリックすると確認できます。", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: サインインしています...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: サインインしています...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: 切り替えています...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成する", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "サインインを取り消しました。Teams Toolkit には、サイドローディング オプション付きの Microsoft 365 (組織アカウント) が必要です。\nアカウントの準備ができていない場合、無料の Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成して、Teams アプリ開発を開始します。", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams ツールキットには、Teams が実行され、登録されている Microsoft 365 の組織アカウントが必要です。必要に応じて、Microsoft 365 開発者プログラムから無料のテスト アカウントを作成できます。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "サブスクリプションが見つかりませんでした。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Teams ツールキットには、プロジェクトの Azure リソースをデプロイするための Azure アカウントとサブスクリプションが必要です。それ以上の確認を行わなければ課金されません。", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "サブスクリプション", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "サブスクリプションを設定できません。アクセスできるサブスクリプションを選択します。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "ホーム アカウント ID をキャッシュから読み取れませんでした。アカウント キャッシュをクリーンアップしてください。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "トークンをキャッシュから読み取れませんでした。アカウント キャッシュをクリーンアップしてください。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "ホーム アカウント ID をキャッシュに保存できませんでした。アカウント キャッシュをクリーンアップしてください。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "トークンをキャッシュに保存できませんでした。アカウント キャッシュをクリーンアップしてください。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "トークンをキャッシュに書き込めませんでした。アカウント キャッシュをクリーンアップしてください。 ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Teams Toolkit 拡張機能は、信頼されていないワークスペースで制限された機能をサポートします。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "トークン交換のログイン コードを取得できません。別のアカウントでログインします。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "ログイン", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "ユーザー ログイン情報を取得できません。別のアカウントでログインします。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "ログイン ポートの待機中にタイムアウトが発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "ログインの待機中にタイムアウトしました。もう一度やり直してください。", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "結果ファイルが見つかりません。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "暗黙的にトークンを取得できませんでした。この問題が複数回発生した場合は、'%s' を削除し、すべてのVisual Studio Code インスタンスを閉じてから、もう一度お試しください。%s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "オフラインのようです。ネットワーク接続を確認してください。", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "このファイルは Teams ツールキットによって管理されています。変更しないでください", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "別の API を追加する", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "スキーマを開く", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "このファイルは Teams ツールキットによって管理されています。変更しないでください", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "アカウント", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "アカウントに関する詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams アプリ (AAD アプリを使用) 所有者を追加する", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Azure アカウントを作成する", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "無料", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成する", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "アカウントの作成", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "新しい環境の作成", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "新しいアプリを作成する", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Teams アプリの選択と Teams アプリのデバッグの開始", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "デプロイ", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Azure Active Directory アプリの更新", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "ライフサイクルに関する詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "開発に関する詳細情報", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Teams の開発者ポータル", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "ドキュメント", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "環境に関する詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "ヘルプとフィードバックに関する詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams アプリ (AAD アプリを使用) 所有者を一覧表示する", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "M365 Teams アプリ (AAD アプリあり) コラボレーターの管理", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "デバッグ", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365 ポータル", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Teams JS SDK とコード リファレンスのアップグレード", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Teams マニフェストのアップグレード", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "詳細情報", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Portal で開く", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "マニフェスト スキーマを開く", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "AAD マニフェスト ファイル をプレビューする", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "プレビュー アプリ", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "プロビジョニング", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "発行", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "開始", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "最新の情報に更新", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "GitHub で問題を報告する", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "使用法ガイドを表示する", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "サインアウト", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Teams アプリを更新する", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Teams アプリを更新する", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "プロジェクトのアップグレード", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "SPFx Web パーツの追加", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "新しい環境ファイルを作成する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "環境を追加する", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "サインインしている Azure アカウントには、前のプロビジョニングで使用したサブスクリプション '%s' にアクセスするためのアクセス許可がありません。サインアウトし、正しい Azure アカウントでサインインしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "サインインしている Azure アカウントはありません。Azure にサインインしてください。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "パッケージのビルド中はコマンドを実行できません。ビルドが完了したらもう一度お試しください。", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "パッケージをビルドしています...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "公開用のパッケージに Teams アプリをビルドする", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Teams アプリ パッケージの圧縮", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "作成中はコマンドを実行できません。作成が完了したらもう一度お試しください。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "新しいアプリを作成しています...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "新しいアプリを最初から作成するか、サンプル アプリから開始する", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "新しいアプリを作成する", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "展開中はコマンドを実行できません。展開が完了したらもう一度お試しください。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "クラウドに展開しています...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "teamsapp.yml で 'デプロイする' ライフサイクル ステージを実行する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "配置", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "ツールキットを使用して Teams アプリをビルドする方法について説明します", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "ドキュメント", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "初期化中はコマンドを実行できません。初期化が完了したらもう一度お試しください。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "既存のアプリケーションを初期化しています...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "既存のアプリケーションを初期化する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "既存のアプリケーションを初期化する", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "サインインしている Microsoft 365 アカウントが、前のプロビジョニングで使用された Microsoft 365 テナントと一致しません。サインアウトし、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "サインインしている Microsoft 365 アカウントがありません。Microsoft 365 にサインインしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "開発者ポータルからプロジェクトを開くときにコマンドを実行することはできません。作成が完了したら、もう一度お試しください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Visual Studio Code でアダプティブ カードを直接プレビューおよび作成する", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "アダプティブ カードのプレビューとデバッグ", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Teams アプリのデバッグとプレビュー", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Teams アプリのプレビュー (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "プロビジョニング中はコマンドを実行できません。プロビジョニング操作が完了したらもう一度お試しください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "プロビジョニング中...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "teamsapp.yml で 'プロビジョニング' ライフサイクル ステージを実行する", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "準備", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "パッケージの公開中はコマンドを実行できません。公開が完了したらもう一度お試しください。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "公開しています...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "teamsapp.yml で '公開' ライフサイクル ステージを実行する", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "公開する開発者ポータルを開く", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "開発者ポータルで組織に公開する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "公開", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "開始", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "問題を報告し、フィードバックをお寄せください", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "GitHub で問題を報告する", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "ぜひフィードバックをお寄せください", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "サンプル ギャラリーのサンプルを使用して開始する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "サンプルを表示", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Teams アプリの登録を管理し、その他のツールにアクセスする", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "ガイド付きチュートリアルを確認する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "使用法ガイドを表示する", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "コラボレーターの管理", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "M365 Teams アプリ (AAD アプリあり) コラボレーターの管理", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "SPFx Web Part の追加", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "関連資料", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "サインイン", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "サインアウト", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "おすすめ", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "続行するには、Microsoft 365 アカウントにログインしてください。", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "続行するには、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントにログインしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "前の要求の処理が完了するまでお待ちください。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Microsoft 365 アカウントを確認しています...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "開発者ポータルからもう一度やり直して、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit で Teams アプリを取得できませんでした。開発者ポータルからもう一度やり直して、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインしてください。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "無効なリンク", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "アカウントの切り替え", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "サインインが取り消されました。続行するには、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインする必要があります。開発者ポータルからもう一度お試しください。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "サインインが取り消されました。続行するには、正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインする必要があります。開発者ポータルからもう一度お試しください。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "正しい Azure アカウントでサインインする", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "正しい Azure / Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインする", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "正しい Microsoft 365 アカウントでサインインする", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Azure アカウントに正常にサインインしました。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Azure アカウントから正常にサインアウトしました。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "コア モジュールが読み込まれています", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "README ファイルを開くには、新しいアプリを作成するか、既存のアプリを開く必要があります。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "新しいアプリを作成する", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "暗号化解除されたシークレット値を編集する", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "アプリ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s が見つかりません。開けません。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "プロジェクト環境 %s が見つかりません。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "無効な引数: %s。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "ヘルプを受ける", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Teams アプリの所有者として環境 '%s' にアカウント '%s' を追加しました。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Teams アプリの所有者としてアカウント '%s' を追加しました。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "追加されたユーザーが Azure リソースにアクセスできない場合は、Azure portal を使用してアクセス ポリシーを手動で設定する必要があります。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "追加されたユーザーが SharePoint アプリ カタログ サイト管理者でない場合は、SharePoint 管理センターを使用してアクセス ポリシーを手動でセットアップする必要があります。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "アダプティブ カードをプレビューおよびデバッグするには、\"Adaptive Card Studio\" 拡張機能を使用することをお勧めします。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Teams アプリをデバッグできませんでした。プロジェクトは有効な Teams プロジェクトではありません。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] が [ローカル アドレス](%s) で正常に作成されました。アプリのデバッグを続行できます。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] が %s で正常に作成されました。アプリのデバッグを続行できます。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "デバッグ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] が [ローカル アドレス](%s) で正常に作成されました。アプリのプレビューを続行できます。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] が %s で正常に作成されました。アプリのプレビューを続行できます。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "ローカル プレビュー", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "ログインに失敗しました。操作は終了します。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Microsoft 365 アカウントに正常にサインインしました。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Microsoft 365 アカウントから正常にサインアウトしました。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "キャッシュからログイン アカウント トークンを取得できませんでした。Teams Toolkit ツリー ビューまたはコマンド パレットを使用して、サインアウトしてから Azure アカウントにもう一度サインインしてみることができます", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "開いているワークスペースがありません", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "フォルダーを開く", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "操作はサポートされていません: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "CLI for Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "プロジェクトでレガシ バージョンの SPFx を使用していますが、現行バージョンの Teams Toolkit では SPFx v%s がサポートされています。SPFx v%s を使用したい場合は、\"CLI for Microsoft 365\" に従ってアップグレードしてください。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "アップグレード", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "現行バージョンの Teams Toolkit は SPFx v%s をサポートしていますが、プロジェクトで新しいバージョンの SPFx を使用しています。新しい SPFx 機能の一部がサポートされていない可能性があります。Teams Toolkit の最新バージョンを使用していない場合は、アップグレードを検討してください。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "詳細については、このリンクを参照してください。 ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "問題を報告", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "類似の問題", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "環境 %s の %s 情報を読み込めません。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Microsoft 365 にサインインする", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Azure にサインイン", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Azure からサインアウトする: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Microsoft 365 からサインアウトする: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "状態ファイルが環境 %s に見つかりません。関連する状態ファイルを生成するには、まず 'プロビジョニング' を実行する必要があります。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "状態ファイルが環境 %s に見つかりません。関連する状態ファイルを生成するには、まず 'デバッグ' を実行する必要があります。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "マニフェスト テンプレート ファイルが %s で見つかりません。独自のテンプレート ファイルで CLI を使用できます。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "%s にアプリ パッケージ ファイルが見つかりません。独自のアプリ パッケージ ファイルで CLI を使用できます。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "[%s] を確認できませんでした。 ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "詳細情報", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Office 365 ターゲット リリースに開発者テナントを登録した後、登録が有効になるまで、数日かかる場合があることに注意してください。Teams アプリをMicrosoft 365 全体に拡張するための開発環境の設定の詳細については、[詳細情報] ボタンをクリックしてください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "タスク '%s' が失敗しました。詳細なエラー情報については、'%s' ターミナル ウィンドウを参照するか、[問題の報告] ボタンをクリックして問題を報告してください。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "設定を開く", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "ポート: %s は既に使用されています。このポートを閉じてから、もう一度やり直してください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "ポート: %s は既に使用されています。これらのポートを閉じてから、もう一度やり直してください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "package.json でポートを変更すると、デバッグが中断される可能性があります。[詳細情報] ボタンをクリックして、すべてのポートの変更が想定されていることを確認するか、ドキュメントを参照してください。(%s package.json の場所: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "前提条件の確認に失敗しました。前提条件の確認とインストールをバイパスする場合は、Visual Studio Code 設定で無効にすることができます。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "前提条件の検証とインストールに失敗しました。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "出力パネル", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "ターミナル", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "%s をチェックして、詳細を確認してください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "以前使用したテナントとは別の Microsoft 365 テナントを使用しています。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "'%s' の値は、種類が 'teamsfx' のタスクに対して無効です", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "タスクは取り消されました。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "複数の実行中のローカル トンネリング サービスがあります。重複するタスクをすべて閉じて、競合を防ぎます。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "実行中のローカル トンネリング サービスがありません。ローカル トンネリング サービスが開始されていることを確認します。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok は終了コード '%s' で停止しました。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "ngrok を開始できません。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "TeamsFx で Ngrok がインストールされていません。ngrok のインストール方法については、teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites を参照してください。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Ngrok をインストールできません。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "トンネル サービスを開始していません。しばらくお待ちいただくか、ローカル トンネル タスクを再起動してください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "トンネル エンドポイントが見つかりませんでした。Teams ツールキットが %s から最初の HTTPS URL を取得しようとして失敗しました。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "環境変数を設定できません。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "ローカル トンネリング サービス タスクを開始できません。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "開発トンネル操作 '%s' を実行できません。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Visual Studio Code タスクを実行しています: 'ローカル トンネルの開始'", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit は、パブリック URL をローカル ポートに転送し、トラフィックを検査するために、ローカル トンネリング サービスを開始しています。ターミナル ウィンドウを開いて詳細を表示します。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "概要:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "'ローカル トンネルの開始' タスクの詳細については、%s にアクセスしてください。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "URL %s を %s に転送しています。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "URL %s を %s に転送しています。[%s] を %s に保存しました。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "ローカル トンネリング サービスを %s 秒で開始しました。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "開発トンネル サービスを開始しています", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "ngrok サービスを開始しています", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "ユーザーが ngrok パス (%s) を指定したため、ngrok のチェックとインストールをスキップします。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "開発トンネル タグ: %s。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "開発トンネル '%s' を削除しました。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "開発トンネルの制限を超えました。他のデバッグ セッションを閉じ、未使用の開発トンネルをクリーンアップしてから、もう一度お試しください。詳細については、[出力チャネル](%s) を確認してください。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Microsoft 365 アカウントで作成されたトンネルの最大数に達しました。アカウントの開発トンネル:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "すべてのトンネルの削除", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "キャンセル", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Teams Web クライアントを起動できませんでした。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Teams Web クライアントを起動するタスクが終了コード '%s' で停止しました。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Teams マニフェストをアップグレードして Outlook と Microsoft 365 アプリで拡張する", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "アップグレードする Teams マニフェストの選択", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "アップグレードする Teams マニフェストの選択", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Teams マニフェスト %s が正常にアップグレードされました。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Teams マニフェストを更新します。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "アップグレード", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit では、選択した Teams マニフェスト ファイルが、Outlook と Microsoft 365 アプリで動作するように更新されます。アップグレードする前に、ファイルの変更をより適切に追跡するために Git を使用することをお勧めします。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Outlook と Microsoft 365 アプリで Teams タブ アプリをアップグレードして拡張する", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "アップグレードする Teams タブ アプリの選択", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "アップグレードする Teams タブ アプリの選択", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Teams タブ アプリ %s が正常にアップグレードされました。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "ファイル %s コード: %s、メッセージ: %s で更新できませんでした。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "%d ファイルを更新できませんでした: %s など。詳細については、[出力パネル](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) を参照してください。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "%d ファイルを更新できませんでした: %s。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "%s に @microsoft/teams-js 依存関係が見つかりませんでした。アップグレードするものはありません。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "%s で %s コードを更新しています。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "@microsoft/teams-js v2 を使用するようにコードを更新しています。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "@microsoft/teams-js v2 を使用するように package.json を更新しています。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "アップグレード", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams ツールキットは、Teams クライアント SDK v2 を使用するように選択した Teams タブ アプリをインプレースで更新します。アップグレードする前に、ファイルの変更をより適切に追跡するために Git を使用することをお勧めします。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " タスクを準備します。", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "詳細については、[出力パネル](%s) を確認してください。", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (チェック/チェックを外すには Space キー)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "検証しています...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Teams ツールキットについてご意見をお寄せください", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "今後表示しない", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "後で通知する", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "アンケートを受ける", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "機能", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "クラウド サービス統合", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "開発", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "シナリオ", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "GitHub ガイドを開く", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "製品内ガイドを開く", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "API ゲートウェイを使用して、Teams アプリケーション用に作成された API を管理し、Power Apps などの他のアプリケーションで使用するために公開できます。", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Azure API Management との統合", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Teams アプリケーション バックエンド用の Web API を作成するためのサーバーレス ソリューション。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Azure Functions との統合", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Teams でシングル サインオン エクスペリエンスを開発する", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Microsoft Teams に埋め込まれた Teams 対応の Web ページ。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "タブ機能の構成", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "会話で一般ビジネス プロセスの反復的なワークフローを自動化します", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Teams でシーケンシャル ワークフローを開始する", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "通知ボット テンプレートの概要", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "GitHub、Azure DevOps、Jenkins 用の Teams アプリケーションを構築しながら、開発ワークフローを自動化します。", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "CI/CD パイプラインの自動化", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "iOS または Android クライアントで Teams アプリケーションを実行してデバッグします。", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "モバイル クライアントでの実行とデバッグ", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Teams アプリのマルチテナント サポートを有効にします。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "マルチテナントのサポート", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "会話で簡単なコマンドと応答を使用して繰り返し発生するタスクを自動化します。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Teams でチャット コマンドに応答する", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "TeamsFx SDK を使用して認証サポート付きの API に接続します。", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "API に接続する", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Microsoft Teams のデータまたはコンテンツの概要を提供する複数のカードを含むキャンバスを埋め込む", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Teams にダッシュボード キャンバスを埋め込む", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "ボットまたは受信 Webhook を使用して Web サービスから Teams に通知を送信します。", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Teams に通知を送る", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams ツールキットが v%s に更新されました - 変更ログをご確認ください。", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Teams アプリ パッケージの選択", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Teams アプリ パッケージを選択してください。または、\"Zip Teams アプリ パッケージ\" から作成することもできます", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "zip ファイルが正しく選択されていることを確認する", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "変更ログ", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "サンプル", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Teams ツールキットに関するアンケート", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "アカウントのヘルプ", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "前提条件を確認します。\n 詳細と引数のカスタマイズ方法については、https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites を参照してください。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "ローカル トンネル サービスを開始します。\n 詳細と引数をカスタマイズする方法については、https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel を参照してください。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "プロビジョニング ライフサイクルを実行します。\n 詳細と引数のカスタマイズ方法については、https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision を参照してください。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "展開ライフサイクルを実行します。\n 詳細と引数のカスタマイズ方法については、https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy を参照してください。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Teams Web クライアントを起動します。\n 詳細と引数のカスタマイズ方法については、https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client を参照してください。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "有効な前提条件。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Node.js がインストールされているかどうかを検証します。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Microsoft 365 アカウントのサインインを求め、アカウントでサイドローディングアクセス許可が有効になっているかどうかを検証します。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "デバッグで使用できるポートを確認します。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "検証するポート番号", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "環境名。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "トンネル ドメインとトンネル エンドポイントの環境変数のキー。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "トンネル ドメインの環境変数のキー。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "トンネル エンドポイントの環境変数のキー。", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "ポートのプロトコル。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "トンネルのアクセス制御。", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "アプリの所有者の追加", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Teams アプリと Azure Active Director アプリの登録に所有者を追加して、変更できるようにします", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "アプリの所有者の一覧表示", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Teams と Azure Active Director アプリの登録を変更できるすべての所有者を一覧表示します", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "アプリに変更を加えるユーザーを管理します", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[プロジェクトのアップグレード](コマンド:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nTeams ツールキット プロジェクトをアップグレードして、最新バージョンとの互換性を維持します。バックアップ ディレクトリは、アップグレードの概要と共に作成されます。[詳細情報](コマンド:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\n今すぐアップグレードしない場合は、Teams ツールキット バージョン 4.x.x を引き続き使用してください。", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Teams ツールキットに直接移動して、基本の概要を取得します。詳細については、[開始する](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) を参照してください。\n実世界の Teams アプリを構築するための手順を確認します。\n[ドキュメント](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[使用法ガイド](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nプロジェクトを作成するか、サンプルをご確認ください。\n[新しいアプリを作成する](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[サンプルを表示](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Teams ツールキットに直接移動して、基本の概要を取得します。\n[開始する](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nプロジェクトを作成するか、サンプルをご確認ください。\n[新しいアプリの作成](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[サンプルを表示](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n実世界の Teams アプリを構築するための手順を確認します。\n[ドキュメント](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[使用法ガイド](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "改善のため 2 分間ご協力ください。お客様からのフィードバックは重要です。\n[フィードバックをお寄せください](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Teams アプリ開発エクスペリエンスをすぐに開始する", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "[Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) または [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) 機能を開始して、最初のアプリを構築します。\n最初から作成したり、サンプルを探したりして、実際の例やコード構造をすぐに使い始めることができます。\n[新しいアプリの作成](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[サンプルを表示](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "最初のアプリをビルド", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "無料の Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成して、Teams で Teams アプリをインストールしてプレビューします。\n Microsoft 365 組織アカウントを既にお持ちの場合は、[Microsoft 365 にサインイン](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)、[サイドローディング](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) が有効になっていることを検証します。\n[Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成する](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "無料で Microsoft 365 テスト テナントを作成する", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "クラウド内のリソースをプロビジョニングし、プロビジョニングされたリソースにアプリのコードをデプロイできます。最後に、最初のアプリを Teams に配布します。\n[ライフサイクル コマンドを開く](コマンド:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: ['Lifecycle'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Teams アプリのデプロイ", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "JavaScript または TypeScript を使用して Teams アプリケーションを開発するには、NPM と Node.js が必要です。環境を確認して、最初の Teams アプリ開発の準備を行います。\n[前提条件チェッカーを実行する](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "環境を準備する", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "使用法ガイド、README.md、ドキュメント", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Teams ツールキットを使用して体験を続行するための推奨事項をいくつか示します。\n • [使用法ガイド](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) を探索し、より実用的なガイダンスを入手します\n • このアプリの開発方法を理解するには、[Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) を開きます\n • [ドキュメント](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) をお読みください", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "次の手順", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "[F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) を押すか、アクティビティ バーの '[実行とデバッグ](command:workbench.view.debug)' パネルを見つけ、プレイ アイコンをクリックして Teams コンテキストでアプリをローカルでプレビューします。\n[ローカル プレビューの実行 (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__ヒント: ローカル プレビューを実行するには、サイドローディング optionを使用して Microsoft 365 (組織アカウント) にサインインします。__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Teams アプリをローカルでプレビューする", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams ツールキットで開始する" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams ツールキットで開始する", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ko.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ko.json index 69451910e8..251696d84d 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ko.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ko.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE 계정 \n에서 프로젝트에 대한 Azure 리소스를 배포하기 위해 Azure 구독이 필요할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 계정 \nTeams Toolkit에는 Teams가 실행 중이고 등록된 Microsoft 365 조직 계정이 필요합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "더 알아보기", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "Microsoft 365 계정에서 [테스트용 로드](https://docs.microsoft.com/ko-kr/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading)의 사용이 비활성화된 상태입니다. 이 문제를 해결하거나 테스트 테넌트를 가져오려면 Teams 관리자에게 문의하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "테스트용 로드 사용", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "테스트용 로드 권한이 이미 있습니다. Teams에 앱을 설치할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "테스트용 로드 검사 실패", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "네트워크 또는 서비스 문제로 인해 이 계정의 테스트용 로드 권한을 알 수 없습니다. 확인하려면 나중에 다시 새로 고침하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "테스트용 로드 사용 안 함", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 계정 관리자가 테스트용 로드 권한을 사용하도록 설정하지 않았습니다.\n· 이 문제를 해결하려면 Teams 관리자에게 문의하세요. 방문 사이트: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· 무료 테스트 테넌트를 만들려면 계정 도움말 지침을 따르세요. 계정에서 \"테스트용 로드 사용 안 함\" 레이블을 클릭하면 지침이 표시됩니다.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: 로그인 중...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: 로그인 중...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: 전환 중...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트 만들기", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "로그인이 취소되었습니다. Teams 도구 키트에는 사이드로드 옵션이 있는 Microsoft 365(조직 계정)가 필요합니다.\n 계정이 준비되지 않은 경우 무료 Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트를 만들어 Teams 앱 개발을 시작하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit에는 Teams가 실행 중이고 등록된 Microsoft 365 조직 계정이 필요합니다. 필요한 경우 Microsoft 365 개발자 프로그램에서 무료 테스트 계정을 만들 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "구독을 찾지 못했습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit를 사용하려면 프로젝트에 대한 Azure 리소스를 배포하기 위해 Azure 계정 및 구독이 필요합니다. 추가 확인 없이 요금이 청구되지는 않습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "구독", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "구독을 설정할 수 없습니다. 액세스할 수 있는 구독을 선택합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "캐시에서 홈 계정 ID를 읽을 수 없습니다. 계정 캐시를 정리하세요. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "캐시에서 토큰을 읽을 수 없습니다. 계정 캐시를 정리하세요. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "캐시에 홈 계정 ID를 저장할 수 없습니다. 계정 캐시를 정리하세요. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "캐시에 토큰을 저장할 수 없습니다. 계정 캐시를 정리하세요. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "캐시에 토큰을 쓸 수 없습니다. 계정 캐시를 정리하세요. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Teams 도구 키트 확장은 신뢰할 수 없는 작업 영역에서 제한된 기능을 지원합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "토큰 교환에 대한 로그인 코드를 가져올 수 없습니다. 다른 계정으로 로그인합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "로그인", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "사용자 로그인 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 다른 계정으로 로그인합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "로그인 포트를 기다리는 동안 시간이 초과되었습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "로그인을 기다리는 동안 시간이 초과되었습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "결과 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "토큰을 자동으로 검색하지 못했습니다. 이 문제가 여러 번 발생하면 `%s`을(를) 삭제하고 모든 Visual Studio Code 인스턴스를 닫은 후 다시 시도할 수 있습니다. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "오프라인 상태인 것으로 보입니다. 네트워크 연결을 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "이 파일은 Teams 도구 키트에서 유지 관리하므로 수정하지 마세요.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "다른 API 추가", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "스키마 열기", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "이 파일은 Teams 도구 키트에서 유지 관리하므로 수정하지 마세요.", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "계정", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "계정에 대한 자세한 정보", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams 앱(AAD 앱 포함) 소유자 추가", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Azure 계정 만들기", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "무료", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트 만들기", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "계정 만들기", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "새 환경 만들기", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "새 앱 만들기", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "디버깅 Teams 앱 선택 및 시작", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "배포", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Azure Active Directory 앱 업데이트", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "수명 주기에 대해 자세히 알아보기", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "개발에 대한 자세한 정보", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Teams용 개발자 포털", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "설명서", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "환경에 대한 자세한 정보", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "도움말 및 피드백에 대한 자세한 정보", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams 앱 나열(AAD 앱 포함) 소유자", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "M365 Teams 앱 관리(AAD 앱 사용) 공동 작업자", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "디버그", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365 포털", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Teams JS SDK 및 코드 참조 업그레이드", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Teams 매니페스트 업그레이드", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "자세한 정보", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Portal에서 열기", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "매니페스트 스키마 열기", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "AAD 매니페스트 파일 미리 보기", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "앱 미리 보기", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "프로비전", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "게시", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "시작", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "새로 고침", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "GitHub에서 이슈 보고", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "방법 가이드 보기", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "로그아웃", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Teams 앱 업데이트", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Teams 앱 업데이트", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "프로젝트 업그레이드", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "SPFx 웹 파트 추가", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "새 환경 파일 만들기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "환경 추가", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "로그인한 Azure 계정에 이전 프로비저닝에 사용된 구독 '%s'에 액세스할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다. 로그아웃했다가 올바른 Azure 계정으로 로그인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "로그인한 Azure 계정이 없습니다. Azure에 로그인하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "패키지 빌드 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 빌드가 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "패키지 빌드 중...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Teams 앱을 게시용 패키지로 빌드", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Teams 앱 패키지 압축", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "생성 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 생성이 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "새 앱을 만드는 중...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "새 앱 처음부터 만들기 또는 샘플 앱에서 시작", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "새 앱 만들기", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "배포 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 배포가 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "클라우드에 배포하는 중...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "teamsapp.yml에서 '배포' 수명 주기 단계 실행", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "배포", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Toolkit를 사용하여 Teams 앱을 빌드하는 방법 알아보기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "설명서", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "초기화 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 초기화가 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "기존 애플리케이션 초기화 중...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "기존 애플리케이션 초기화", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "기존 애플리케이션 초기화", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "로그인한 Microsoft 365 계정이 이전 프로비전에 사용된 Microsoft 365 테넌트와 일치하지 않습니다. 로그아웃하고 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "로그인한 Microsoft 365 계정이 없습니다. Microsoft 365에 로그인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "개발자 포털에서 프로젝트를 열 때 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 생성이 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Visual Studio Code에서 직접 적응형 카드 미리 보기 및 작성", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "적응형 카드 미리 보기 및 디버그", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Teams 앱 디버그 및 미리 보기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Teams 앱 미리 보기(F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "프로비전하는 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 프로비전 작업이 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "프로비전 중...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "teamsapp.yml에서 '프로비전' 수명 주기 단계 실행", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "프로비전", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "패키지 게시 중에 명령을 실행할 수 없습니다. 게시가 완료되면 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "게시 중...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "teamsapp.yml에서 '게시' 수명 주기 스테이지 실행", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "게시할 개발자 포털 열기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "개발자 포털 조직에 게시", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "게시", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "시작", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "문제를 보고하고 의견을 알려주세요.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "GitHub에서 이슈 보고", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "피드백을 보내 주세요", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "샘플 갤러리에서 샘플 시작", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "샘플 보기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Teams 앱 등록 관리 및 추가 도구 액세스", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "단계별 자습서 보기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "방법 가이드 보기", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "공동 작업자 관리", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "M365 Teams 앱 관리(AAD 앱 사용) 공동 작업자", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "SPFx 웹 파트 추가", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "자세히 알아보기", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "로그인", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "로그아웃", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "권장", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "계속하려면 Microsoft 365 계정에 로그인하세요.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "계속하려면 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정에 로그인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "이전 요청 처리가 완료될 때까지 기다리세요.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Microsoft 365 계정 확인 중...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "개발자 포털에서 다시 시도하고 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인했는지 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams 도구 키트에서 Teams 앱을 가져오지 못했습니다. 개발자 포털에서 다시 시도하고 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인했는지 확인하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "유효하지 않은 링크", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "계정 전환", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "로그인을 취소했습니다. 계속하려면 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인해야 합니다. 개발자 포털에서 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "계정 전환이 취소되었습니다. 계속하려면 올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인해야 합니다. 개발자 포털에서 다시 시도하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "올바른 Azure 계정으로 로그인", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "올바른 Azure/Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인합니다.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "올바른 Microsoft 365 계정으로 로그인", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Azure 계정에 로그인했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Azure 계정에서 로그아웃했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "코어 모듈을 로드하는 중", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "추가 정보 파일을 열려면 새 앱을 만들거나 기존 앱을 열어야 합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "새 앱 만들기", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "암호 해독된 비밀 값 편집", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "내 앱", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 열 수 없습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "프로젝트 환경 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "잘못된 인수: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "도움말 보기", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "계정 '%s'을(를) '%s' 환경에 Teams 앱 소유자로 추가했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Teams 앱 소유자로 '%s' 계정을 추가했습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "추가된 사용자가 Azure 리소스에 액세스할 수 없는 경우 Azure Portal을 통해 액세스 정책을 수동으로 설정해야 합니다. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "추가된 사용자가 SharePoint 앱 카탈로그 사이트 관리자가 아닌 경우 SharePoint 관리 센터를 통해 액세스 정책을 수동으로 설정해야 합니다. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "적응형 카드를 미리 보고 디버그하려면 \"Adaptive Card Studio\" 확장 프로그램을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Teams 앱을 디버그하지 못했습니다. 프로젝트가 올바른 Teams 프로젝트가 아닙니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s]이(가) [local address](%s)에 만들어졌습니다. 이어서 앱 디버그를 진행할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s]이(가) %s에 성공적으로 생성되었습니다. 계속해서 앱을 디버그할 수 있습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "디버그", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s]이(가) [local address](%s)에 만들어졌습니다. 이어서 앱 미리 보기를 진행할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s]이(가) %s에 만들어졌습니다. 이어서 앱 미리 보기를 진행할 수 있습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "로컬 미리 보기", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "로그인하지 못했습니다. 작업이 종료됩니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Microsoft 365 계정에 로그인했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Microsoft 365 계정에서 로그아웃했습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "캐시에서 로그인 계정 토큰을 가져오지 못했습니다. Teams 도구 키트 트리 보기 또는 명령 팔레트를 사용하여 Azure 계정에서 로그아웃했다가 다시 로그인할 수 있습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "열려 있는 작업 영역 없음", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "폴더 열기", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "작업이 지원되지 않음: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Microsoft 365용 CLI", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "현재 버전의 Teams 도구 키트가 SPFx v%s을(를) 지원하는 동안 프로젝트에서 레거시 버전의 SPFx를 사용하고 있습니다. SPFx v%s을(를) 사용하려면 'CLI for Microsoft 365'를 따라 업그레이드하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "업그레이드", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "현재 버전의 Teams 도구 키트가 SPFx v%s을(를) 지원하는 동안 프로젝트에서 최신 버전의 SPFx를 사용하고 있습니다. 일부 최신 SPFx 기능은 지원되지 않을 수 있습니다. 최신 버전의 Teams 도구 키트를 사용하지 않는 경우 업그레이드를 고려하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "자세한 내용은 다음 링크를 참조하세요. ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "문제 보고", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "유사한 문제", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "%s 정보를 환경 %s에 대해 로드할 수 없습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Microsoft 365에 로그인", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Azure 로그인", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Azure에서 로그아웃: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Microsoft 365에서 로그아웃: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "%s 환경에서 상태 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 관련 상태 파일을 생성하려면 먼저 `프로비전`을 실행해야 합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "%s 환경에서 상태 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 관련 상태 파일을 생성하려면 먼저 `디버그`를 실행해야 합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "%s에서 매니페스트 템플릿 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 고유한 템플릿 파일과 함께 CLI를 사용할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "%s에서 앱 패키지 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 자체 앱 패키지 파일과 함께 CLI를 사용할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "[%s]을(를) 확인하지 못했습니다. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "자세한 정보", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Office 365 대상 릴리스에서 개발자 테넌트를 등록한 후 등록이 적용되는 데 며칠이 걸릴 수 있습니다. Microsoft 365 전반에 걸쳐 Teams 앱을 확장하기 위해 필요한 개발 환경 설정에 대해 더 알아보려면 '자세한 정보' 단추를 클릭하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "작업 '%s'이(가) 실패했습니다. 자세한 오류 정보는 '%s' 터미널 창을 참조하거나 ‘문제 보고’ 단추를 클릭하여 문제를 보고하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "설정 열기", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "포트: %s이(가) 이미 사용 중입니다. 이 포트를 닫고 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "포트 %s이(가) 이미 사용 중입니다. 이러한 포트를 닫고 다시 시도하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "package.json에서 포트를 변경하면 디버그가 중단될 수 있습니다. 모든 포트 변경이 예상되는지 확인하거나 `자세히 알아보기` 버튼을 클릭하여 설명서를 참조하세요. (%s package.json 위치: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "필수 구성 요소 확인에 실패했습니다. 필수 구성 요소를 확인하고 설치하지 않으려면 Visual Studio Code 설정에서 비활성화할 수 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "필수 구성 요소의 유효성 검사 및 설치에 실패했습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "출력 패널", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "단말기", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "자세한 내용을 보려면 %s을(를) 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "이제 이전에 사용한 것과 다른 Microsoft 365 테넌트를 사용하고 있습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "'teamsfx' 유형의 작업에 대해 '%s' 값이 잘못되었습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "작업이 취소됩니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "실행 중인 로컬 터널링 서비스가 여러 개 있습니다. 중복 작업을 닫아 충돌을 방지합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "실행 중인 로컬 터널링 서비스가 없습니다. 로컬 터널링 서비스가 시작되었는지 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok이 종료 코드 '%s'과(와) 함께 중지되었습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "ngrok를 시작할 수 없습니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Ngrok은 TeamsFx에 의해 설치되지 않습니다. ngrok을 설치하는 방법은 teamfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites를 참조하세요.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Ngrok를 설치할 수 없습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "터널링 서비스가 시작되지 않았습니다. 잠시 기다리거나 로컬 터널링 작업을 다시 시작하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "터널 엔드포인트를 찾을 수 없습니다. Teams 도구 키트가 %s에서 첫 번째 HTTPS URL을 가져오려고 했지만 실패했습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "환경 변수를 저장할 수 없습니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "로컬 터널링 서비스 작업을 시작할 수 없습니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "'%s' 개발 터널 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Visual Studio Code 작업 실행: '로컬 터널 시작'", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit은 공용 URL을 로컬 포트로 전달하고 트래픽을 검사하기 위해 로컬 터널링 서비스를 시작합니다. 세부 정보를 보려면 터미널 창을 엽니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "요약:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "'로컬 터널 시작' 작업에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 %을(를) 방문하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "URL %s을(를) %s(으)로 전달합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "URL %s을(를) %s(으)로 전달합니다. [%s]을(를) %s에 저장했습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "%s초에 로컬 터널링 서비스를 시작했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "개발 터널 서비스 시작", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "ngrok 서비스 시작", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "사용자가 ngrok 경로(%s)를 지정했기 때문에 ngrok 확인 및 설치를 건너뜁니다.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "개발 터널 태그: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "개발 터널 '%s'을(를) 삭제했습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "개발 터널 제한을 초과했습니다. 다른 디버깅 세션을 닫고 사용하지 않는 개발 터널을 정리한 후 다시 시도하세요. 자세한 내용은 [출력 채널](%s)을 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Microsoft 365 계정으로 만든 최대 터널 수에 도달했습니다. 계정의 개발 터널:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "모든 터널 삭제", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "취소", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Teams 웹 클라이언트를 시작하지 못했습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Teams 웹 클라이언트를 시작하는 작업이 중지되었습니다. 종료 코드: '%s'", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Outlook 및 Microsoft 365 앱에서 확장하려면 Teams Manifest를 업그레이드하세요.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "업그레이드할 Teams 매니페스트 선택", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "업그레이드할 Teams 매니페스트 선택", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Teams 매니페스트 %s을(를) 업그레이드했습니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Teams 매니페스트를 업데이트합니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "업그레이드", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams 도구 키트는 Outlook 및 Microsoft 365 앱에서 작업하기 위해 선택한 Teams 매니페스트 파일을 바로 업데이트합니다. 업그레이드하기 전에 파일 변경 내용을 더 잘 추적하려면 git을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Outlook 및 Microsoft 365 앱에서 확장되도록 Teams 탭 앱 업그레이드", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "업그레이드할 Teams 탭 앱 선택", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "업그레이드할 Teams 탭 앱 선택", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Teams 탭 앱 %s을(를) 업그레이드했습니다.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "%s 파일을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 코드: %s, 메시지: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "%d 파일(%s 등)을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)을 참조하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "%d 파일을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "%s에서 @microsoft/teams-js 종속성을 찾을 수 없습니다. 업그레이드할 항목이 없습니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "%s 코드를 %s에서 업데이트하는 중입니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "@microsoft/teams-js v2를 사용하도록 코드를 업데이트하는 중입니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "@microsoft/teams-js v2를 사용하도록 package.json을 업데이트하는 중입니다.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "업그레이드", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit는 Teams 클라이언트 SDK v2를 사용하도록 선택한 Teams 탭 앱을 바로 업데이트합니다. 업그레이드하기 전에 파일 변경 내용을 더 잘 추적하려면 git을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " 작업을 준비합니다.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "자세한 내용은 [출력 패널](%s)을 확인하세요.", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (선택/선택 취소하기 위한 스페이스바 키)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "유효성 검사 중...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Teams 도구 키트에 대한 의견을 알려주세요.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "다시 표시 안 함", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "나중에 알림", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "설문 조사 참여", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "기능", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "클라우드 서비스 통합", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "개발", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "시나리오", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "GitHub 가이드 열기", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "제품 내 가이드 열기", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "API 게이트웨이를 사용하여 Teams 애플리케이션용으로 만든 API를 관리하고 Power Apps와 같은 다른 애플리케이션에서 사용하도록 게시할 수 있습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Azure API Management와 통합", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Teams 애플리케이션 백 엔드용 웹 API를 만드는 서버리스 솔루션입니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Azure Functions와 통합", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Teams에서 Single Sign-On 환경 개발", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Microsoft Teams에 포함된 Teams 인식 웹 페이지입니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "탭 기능 구성", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "대화에서 일반적인 비즈니스 프로세스에 대한 반복 워크플로 자동화", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Teams에서 순차 워크플로 시작", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "알림 봇 템플릿 개요", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "GitHub, Azure DevOps, Jenkins용 Teams 애플리케이션을 빌드하는 동안 개발 워크플로를 자동화합니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "CI/CD 파이프라인 자동화", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "iOS 또는 Android 클라이언트에서 Teams 애플리케이션을 실행하고 디버그합니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "모바일 클라이언트에서 실행 및 디버그", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Teams 앱에 다중 테넌트 지원을 활성화합니다.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "다중 테넌트 지원", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "대화에서 간단한 명령과 응답을 사용하여 반복적인 작업을 자동화합니다.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Teams에서 채팅 명령에 응답", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "TeamsFx SDK를 사용하는 인증 지원을 통해 API에 연결합니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "API에 연결", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Microsoft Teams의 데이터 또는 콘텐츠 개요를 제공하는 여러 카드가 포함된 캔버스 포함", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Teams에 대시보드 캔버스 포함", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "봇 또는 수신 웹후크를 사용하여 웹 서비스에서 Teams에 알림을 보냅니다.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Teams에 알림 전송", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams 도구 키트가 v%s(으)로 업데이트되었습니다. 변경 로그를 확인해 보세요.", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Teams 앱 패키지 선택", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Teams 앱 패키지를 선택하거나 \"Zip Teams 앱 패키지\"에서 패키지를 빌드할 수 있습니다.", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "zip 파일이 올바르게 선택되었는지 확인", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "변경 로그", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "샘플", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Teams Toolkit 설문 조사", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "계정 도움말", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "필수 구성 요소를 확인합니다.\n 자세한 내용 및 인수를 사용자 지정하는 방법은 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites를 참조하세요.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "로컬 터널링 서비스를 시작합니다.\n 자세한 내용 및 인수를 사용자 지정하는 방법은 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel을 참조하세요.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "프로비전 수명 주기를 실행합니다.\n 자세한 내용 및 인수를 사용자 지정하는 방법은 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision을 참조하세요.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "배포 수명 주기를 실행합니다.\n 자세한 내용 및 인수를 사용자 지정하는 방법은 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy를 참조하세요.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Teams 웹 클라이언트를 시작합니다. \n 자세한 내용 및 인수를 사용자 지정하는 방법은 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client를 참조하세요.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "사용하도록 설정된 필수 구성 요소입니다.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Node.js가 설치되어 있는지 확인합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Microsoft 365 계정에 로그인하라는 메시지를 표시하고 계정에 테스트용 로드 권한이 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "디버그 사용을 위해 포트 가용성을 확인하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "확인할 포트 번호", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "환경 이름입니다.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "터널 도메인 및 터널 엔드포인트의 환경 변수 키입니다.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "터널 도메인에 대한 환경 변수의 키입니다.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "터널 엔드포인트에 대한 환경 변수의 키입니다.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "포트에 대한 프로토콜입니다.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "터널에 대한 액세스 제어.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "앱 소유자 추가", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Teams 앱 및 Azure Active Director 앱 등록에 소유자를 추가하여 이들이 변경할 수 있도록 합니다.", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "앱 소유자 나열", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Teams 및 Azure Active Director 앱 등록을 변경할 수 있는 모든 소유자 나열", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "앱을 변경할 수 있는 사용자 관리", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[프로젝트 업그레이드](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n최신 버전과 계속 호환되도록 Teams 도구 키트 프로젝트를 업그레이드하세요. 업그레이드 요약과 함께 백업 디렉터리가 만들어집니다. [추가 정보](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\n지금 업그레이드하지 않으려면 4.x.x 버전의 Teams 도구 키트를 계속 사용하세요.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Teams 도구 키트로 바로 이동하여 기본 사항 개요를 확인합니다. 자세한 내용은 [시작](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)을 참조합니다.\n단계별 실행에 따라 실제 Teams 앱을 빌드합니다.\n[설명서](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[방법 가이드](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n프로젝트를 만들거나 샘플을 탐색합니다.\n[새 앱 만들기](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[샘플 보기](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Teams 도구 키트로 바로 이동하여 기본 사항 개요를 확인합니다.\n[시작](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n프로젝트를 만들거나 샘플을 탐색합니다.\n[새 앱 만들기](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[샘플 보기](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n단계별 실행에 따라 실제 Teams 앱을 빌드합니다.\n[설명서](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[방법 가이드](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "2분 정도 시간을 내어 사용자 환경을 개선해 주세요. 여러분의 피드백은 큰 도움이 됩니다!\n[피드백을 보내 주세요.](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Teams 앱 개발 환경 바로 시작", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "먼저 [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) 기능 또는 [Outlook 추가 기능](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities)으로 첫 번째 앱을 빌드합니다.\n앱을 처음부터 만들거나, 샘플을 살펴보고 실제 예제 및 코드 구조를 사용해 빠르게 시작하는 데 도움을 얻을 수 있습니다.\n[새 앱 만들기](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[샘플 보기](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "첫 번째 앱 빌드", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "무료 Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트를 만들어 Teams에 Teams 앱을 설치하고 미리 봅니다.\n Microsoft 365 조직 계정이 이미 있는 경우 [Microsoft 365에 로그인](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)하여 [테스트용 로드](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading)가 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다.\n[Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트 만들기](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "무료로 Microsoft 365 테스트 테넌트 만들기", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "클라우드에서 리소스를 프로비저닝하고 앱의 코드를 프로비저닝된 리소스에 배포할 수 있습니다. 마지막으로 첫 번째 앱을 Teams에 배포합니다.\n[수명 주기 명령 열기](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__팁: ['수명 주기'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Teams 앱 배포", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "JavaScript 또는 TypeScript로 Teams 애플리케이션을 개발하려면 NPM 및 Node.js가 필요합니다. 사용자 환경을 확인하고 첫 번째 Teams 앱 개발을 준비하세요.\n[필수 구성 요소 검사기 실행](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22SourceThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "환경 준비", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "방법 가이드, README.md 및 설명서", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Teams 도구 키트를 계속 사용하는 데 필요한 몇 가지 권장 사항은 다음과 같습니다.\n • [방법 가이드](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22RoughThrough%22%5D)를 탐색하고 더 많은 실용적인 지침 확인\n • [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22 사용자 연결%22%5D)를 열어 이 앱을 개발하는 방법 이해\n • [설명서](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22RoughThrough%22%5D) 읽기", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "다음 단계", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "[F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)를 누르거나 작업 표시줄에서 '[실행 및 디버그](command:workbench.view.debug)' 패널을 찾고, 재생 아이콘을 클릭하여 Teams 컨텍스트에서 앱을 로컬로 미리 봅니다.\n[로컬 미리 보기 실행(F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__팁: 로컬 미리 보기를 실행하려면 테스트용 로드 옵션을 사용하여 Microsoft 365(조직 계정)에 로그인합니다.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "로컬에서 Teams 앱 미리 보기", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams 도구 키트 시작" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams 도구 키트 시작", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pl.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pl.json index 2d5048e88c..bc9d4cbdab 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pl.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pl.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "KONTO PLATFORMY AZURE \nZestaw narzędzi Teams może wymagać subskrypcji platformy Azure w celu wdrożenia zasobów platformy Azure dla Twojego projektu.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Konto Microsoft 365 \nZestaw narzędzi usługi Teams wymaga konta organizacyjnego platformy Microsoft 365, na którym działa usługa Teams i została zarejestrowana.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Pobieranie lokalne](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) jest wyłączone na Twoim koncie Microsoft 365. Skontaktuj się z administratorem aplikacji Teams, aby rozwiązać ten problem, lub uzyskaj dzierżawę testową.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Włączono pobieranie lokalne", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Masz już uprawnienia do ładowania bezpośredniego. Możesz zainstalować aplikację w Teamsach.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Kontrola pobierania lokalnego nie powiodła się", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Uprawnienie pobierania lokalnego tego konta jest nieznane z powodu problemu z siecią lub usługą. Odśwież ponownie później, aby to sprawdzić.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Wyłączono pobieranie lokalne", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Administrator konta platformy Microsoft 365 nie ma włączonego uprawnienia pobierania bezpośredniego.\n· Skontaktuj się z administratorem usługi Teams, aby rozwiązać ten problem. Odwiedź stronę: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites.· Postępuj zgodnie z naszymi wskazówkami dotyczącymi Pomocy dotyczącej konta, aby utworzyć bezpłatną dzierżawę testową. Wskazówki można znaleźć, klikając etykietę „Ładowanie bezpośrednie wyłączone” w obszarze konta.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: trwa logowanie...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Trwa logowanie...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Platforma Microsoft 365: trwa przełączanie...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Utwórz dzierżawę testową platformy Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Anulowano logowanie. Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams wymaga platformy Microsoft 365 (konta organizacyjnego) z opcją pobierania lokalnego.\nJeśli Twoje konto nie jest gotowe, utwórz bezpłatną dzierżawę testową platformy Microsoft 365, aby rozpocząć tworzenie aplikacji Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams wymaga konta organizacyjnego platformy Microsoft 365, na którym działa usługa Teams i została zarejestrowana. W razie potrzeby możesz utworzyć bezpłatne konto testowe w programie dla deweloperów platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Nie można odnaleźć subskrypcji.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Aby wdrożyć zasoby platformy Azure dla projektu, zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams wymaga konta platformy Azure i subskrypcji. Opłata nie zostanie pobrana bez dodatkowego potwierdzenia.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "subskrypcja", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Nie można ustawić subskrypcji. Wybierz subskrypcję, do której masz dostęp.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Nie można zapisać identyfikatora konta macierzystego w pamięci podręcznej. Wyczyść pamięć podręczną konta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Nie można odczytać tokenu z pamięci podręcznej. Wyczyść pamięć podręczną konta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Nie można zapisać identyfikatora konta macierzystego w pamięci podręcznej. Wyczyść pamięć podręczną konta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Nie można zapisać tokenu w pamięci podręcznej. Wyczyść pamięć podręczną konta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Nie można zapisać tokenu w pamięci podręcznej. Wyczyść pamięć podręczną konta. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Rozszerzenie zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams obsługuje ograniczone funkcje w niezaufanych obszarach roboczych.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Nie można pobrać kodu logowania dla wymiany tokenów. Zaloguj się przy użyciu innego konta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "zaloguj", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Nie można pobrać informacji logowania użytkownika. Zaloguj się przy użyciu innego konta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Przekroczono limit czasu oczekiwania na port logowania. Spróbuj ponownie.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Przekroczono limit czasu oczekiwania na zalogowanie. Próbuj ponownie.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Nie znaleziono pliku wyników.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Nie można dyskretnie pobrać tokenu. Jeśli ten problem występuje wielokrotnie, możesz usunąć „%s”, zamknąć wszystkie wystąpienia edytora Visual Studio Code i spróbować ponownie. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Wygląda na to, że jesteś w trybie offline. Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Ten plik jest obsługiwany przez zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams. Nie modyfikuj go", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Dodaj kolejny interfejs API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Otwórz schemat", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Ten plik jest obsługiwany przez zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams. Nie modyfikuj go", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Konta", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o kontach", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Dodawanie właścicieli aplikacji Teams na platformie Microsoft 365 (z aplikacją AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Utwórz konto systemu Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Bezpłatne", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Utwórz dzierżawę testową platformy Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Tworzenie konta", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Tworzenie nowego środowiska", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Tworzenie nowej aplikacji", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Wybieranie i rozpoczynanie debugowania aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Wdrażanie", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Aktualizuj aplikację usługi Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o cyklu życia", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o tworzeniu", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Portal deweloperów dla aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Dokumentacja", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o środowiskach", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o pomocy i opiniach", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Wyświetl listę właścicieli aplikacji Teams na platformie Microsoft 365 (z aplikacją AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Zarządzanie współpracownikami w usłudze Teams na platformie M365 (z aplikacją AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Debugowanie", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portal platformy Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Uaktualnianie zestawu SDK JS i odwołań do kodu aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Uaktualnianie manifestu aplikacji Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Otwórz w portalu", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Otwieranie schematu manifestu", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Podgląd pliku manifestu usługi AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Aplikacja w wersji zapoznawczej", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Inicjowanie obsługi", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Publikowanie", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Wprowadzenie", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Odśwież", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Zgłaszanie problemów w usłudze GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Wyświetl przewodniki z instrukcjami", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Wyloguj", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Aktualizowanie aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Aktualizowanie aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Uaktualnianie projektu", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Dodaj składnik Web Part SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Utwórz nowe środowisko plików", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Dodaj środowisko", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "Zalogowane konto platformy Azure nie ma uprawnień dostępu do subskrypcji '%s' używanej w poprzedniej aprowizacji. Wyloguj się i zaloguj się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Azure.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Nie zalogowano się do żadnego konta platformy Azure. Zaloguj się na platformie Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas kompilowania pakietu. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu kompilowania.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Trwa kompilowanie pakietu...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Zbuduj aplikację Teams w pakiecie do publikacji", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Pakiet Zip aplikacji Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas tworzenia. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu tworzenia.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Trwa tworzenie nowej aplikacji...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Twórz nowe aplikacje od podstaw lub rozpoczynaj od przykładowej aplikacji", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Tworzenie nowej aplikacji", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas wdrażania. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu wdrażania.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Trwa wdrażanie w chmurze...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Wykonaj etap cyklu życia wdrażania w pliku teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Wdróż", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Dowiedz się, jak używać zestawu narzędzi do tworzenia aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Dokumentacja", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas inicjowania. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu inicjowania.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Trwa inicjowanie istniejącej aplikacji...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Inicjuj istniejącą aplikację", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Inicjuj istniejącą aplikację", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Zalogowane konto platformy Microsoft 365 nie jest zgodne z dzierżawą platformy Microsoft 365 używaną w poprzedniej aprowizacji. Wyloguj się i zaloguj się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Nie zalogowano się do żadnego konta platformy Microsoft 365. Zaloguj się na platformie Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas otwierania projektu z portalu deweloperów. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu tworzenia.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Wyświetlanie podglądu i tworzenie kart adaptacyjnych bezpośrednio w programie Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Podgląd i debugowanie kart adaptacyjnych", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Debugowanie i wyświetlanie podglądu aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Podgląd aplikacji Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas zastrzegania. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu operacji zastrzegania.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Trwa zastrzeganie...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Wykonaj etap cyklu życia inicjowania obsługi w pliku teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Aprowizuj", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Nie można uruchomić polecenia podczas publikowania pakietu. Spróbuj ponownie po zakończeniu publikowania.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Trwa publikowanie...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Wykonaj etap cyklu życia publikowania w pliku teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Otwórz Portal deweloperów, aby opublikować", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Opublikuj w swojej organizacji w Portalu deweloperów", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Opublikuj", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Wprowadzenie", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Zgłaszaj wszelkie problemy i przekazuj nam swoją opinię", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Zgłaszanie problemów w usłudze GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Będziemy wdzięczni za Twoją opinię", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Wprowadzenie do przykładu z naszej przykładowej galerii", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Wyświetl próbki", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Zarządzaj rejestracją aplikacji Teams i uzyskuj dostęp do dodatkowych narzędzi", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Wyświetl samouczki z przewodnikiem", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Wyświetl przewodniki z instrukcjami", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Zarządzanie współpracownikiem", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Zarządzanie współpracownikami w usłudze Teams na platformie M365 (z aplikacją AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Dodaj składnik Web Part SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Więcej informacji", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Zaloguj", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Wyloguj", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Zalecane", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Aby kontynuować, zaloguj się do konta platformy Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Aby kontynuować, zaloguj się do prawidłowego konta platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Zaczekaj na zakończenie przetwarzania poprzedniego żądania.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Trwa sprawdzanie konta platformy Microsoft 365...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Spróbuj ponownie z portalu deweloperów i upewnij się, że logujesz się przy użyciu prawidłowego konta platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams nie może pobrać aplikacji Teams. Spróbuj ponownie z portalu deweloperów i upewnij się, że logujesz się przy użyciu prawidłowego konta platformy Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Nieprawidłowy link", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Przełącz konto", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Anulowano logowanie. Aby kontynuować, musisz zalogować się przy użyciu prawidłowego konta platformy Microsoft 365. Spróbuj ponownie z portalu deweloperów.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Anulowano przełączanie konta. Aby kontynuować, musisz zalogować się przy użyciu prawidłowego konta platformy Microsoft 365. Spróbuj ponownie z portalu deweloperów.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Zaloguj się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Azure", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Zaloguj się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Azure/platformy Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Zaloguj się przy użyciu poprawnego konta platformy Microsoft 365", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Pomyślnie zalogowano się do konta platformy Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Pomyślnie wylogowano się z konta platformy Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Trwa ładowanie modułu podstawowego", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Utwórz nową aplikację lub otwórz istniejącą, aby otworzyć plik README.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Tworzenie nowej aplikacji", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Edytuj odszyfrowaną wartość wpisu tajnego", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Twoja aplikacja", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "Nie znaleziono elementu %s, nie można go otworzyć.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Nie można odnaleźć środowiska projektu %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Nieprawidłowe argumenty: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Uzyskaj pomoc", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Dodano konto: '%s' do środowiska '%s' jako właściciela aplikacji Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Dodano konto „%s” jako właściciela aplikacji Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Jeśli dodany użytkownik nie może uzyskać dostępu do zasobów platformy Azure, musisz ręcznie skonfigurować zasady dostępu za pośrednictwem witryny Azure Portal. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Jeśli dodany użytkownik nie jest administratorem witryny wykazu aplikacji programu SharePoint, musisz ręcznie skonfigurować zasady dostępu za pośrednictwem Centrum administracyjnego usługi SharePoint Online. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Aby wyświetlić podgląd i debugować karty adaptacyjne, zalecamy użycie rozszerzenia „Karty adaptacyjnej Studio”.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Nie można debugować aplikacji Teams. Projekt nie jest prawidłowym projektem aplikacji Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "Pomyślnie utworzono element [%s] w [local address](%s). Możesz kontynuować debugowanie aplikacji.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "Pomyślnie utworzono element [%s] w %s. Możesz kontynuować debugowanie aplikacji.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Debugowanie", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "Pomyślnie utworzono element [%s] w [local address](%s). Możesz kontynuować przegląd aplikacji.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "Pomyślnie utworzono element [%s] w %s. Możesz kontynuować przegląd aplikacji.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Podgląd lokalny", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Logowanie nie powiodło się, operacja została przerwana.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Pomyślnie zalogowano się do konta platformy Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Pomyślnie wylogowano się z konta platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Nie można pobrać tokenu konta logowania z pamięci podręcznej. Możesz spróbować wylogować się i zalogować ponownie do konta platformy Azure przy użyciu widoku drzewa zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams lub palety poleceń", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Brak otwartego obszaru roboczego", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Otwieranie folderu", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Operacja nie jest obsługiwana: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Interfejs wiersza polecenia dla platformy Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Używasz starszej wersji programu SPFx w projekcie, podczas gdy bieżąca wersja zestawu narzędzi Teams obsługuje program SPFx v%s. Jeśli chcesz użyć programu SPFx v%s, wykonaj polecenie „Interfejs wiersza polecenia dla platformy Microsoft 365”, aby przeprowadzić uaktualnienie.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Uaktualnij", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Używasz nowszej wersji programu SPFx w projekcie, podczas gdy bieżąca wersja zestawu narzędzi Teams obsługuje program SPFx v%s. Pamiętaj, że niektóre nowsze funkcje SPFx mogą nie być obsługiwane. Jeśli nie używasz najnowszej wersji zestawu narzędzi Teams Toolkit, rozważ uaktualnienie.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skorzystaj z tego linku: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Zgłoś problem", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Podobne problemy", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Nie można załadować %s informacji dla środowiska %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Zaloguj się do platformy Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Zaloguj się do platformy Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Wyloguj się z platformy Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Wyloguj się z platformy Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Nie znaleziono pliku stanu w środowisku %s. Aby wygenerować powiązany plik stanu, należy najpierw uruchomić polecenie inicjowania obsługi.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Nie znaleziono pliku stanu w środowisku %s. Aby wygenerować powiązany plik stanu, należy najpierw uruchomić polecenie „debug”.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Nie znaleziono pliku szablonu manifestu w lokalizacji %s. Możesz użyć interfejsu wiersza polecenia z własnym plikiem szablonu.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Nie znaleziono pliku pakietu aplikacji w %s. Możesz użyć interfejsu wiersza polecenia z własnym plikiem pakietu aplikacji.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Nie można sprawdzić: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Pamiętaj, że po zarejestrowaniu dzierżawy dewelopera w wersji docelowej usługi Office 365, rejestracja może potrwać kilka dni. Kliknij przycisk „Dowiedz się więcej”, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat konfigurowania środowiska deweloperskiego na potrzeby rozszerzania aplikacji Teams w ramach platformy Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Zadanie '%s' nie powiodło się. Szczegółowe informacje o błędzie znajdziesz w oknie terminalu '%s' lub kliknij przycisk „Zgłoś problem”, aby zgłosić problem.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Otwórz ustawienia", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port: %s jest już używany. Zamknij ten port i spróbuj ponownie.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Porty: %s są już używane. Zamknij te porty i spróbuj ponownie.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Zmiana portów w pliku package.json może spowodować przerwanie debugowania. Upewnij się, że wszelkie zmiany portów są oczekiwane, lub zapoznaj się z dokumentacją, klikając przycisk „Dowiedz się więcej”. (lokalizacja pliku package.json %s: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Nie można sprawdzić wymagań wstępnych. Jeśli chcesz całkowicie pominąć sprawdzanie i instalowanie wstępnie wymaganego oprogramowania, możesz wyłączyć te funkcje w ustawieniach programu Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Weryfikacja i instalowanie wstępnie wymaganego oprogramowania nie powiodły się.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Panel wyjściowy", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Sprawdź %s, aby wyświetlić szczegóły.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Teraz używasz innej dzierżawy platformy Microsoft 365 niż wcześniej używana.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "Wartość „%s” jest nieprawidłowa dla zadania typu „teamsfx”", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Zadanie zostało anulowane.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Istnieje wiele działających lokalnych usług tunelowania. Zamknij wszystkie nadmiarowe zadania, aby zapobiec konfliktom.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Nie ma uruchomionej lokalnej usługi tunelowania. Upewnij się, że lokalna usługa tunelowania została uruchomiona.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Narzędzie ngrok zostało zatrzymane z kodem zakończenia „%s”.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Nie można uruchomić aplikacji Ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Narzędzie Ngrok nie jest instalowane przez usługę TeamsFx. Zobacz teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites, aby uzyskać informacje o sposobie instalowania narzędzia ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Nie można zainstalować aplikacji Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Usługa tunelowania nie została uruchomiona. Poczekaj chwilę lub uruchom ponownie lokalne zadanie tunelowania.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Nie można odnaleźć punktu końcowego tunelu. Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams próbował uzyskać pierwszy adres URL protokołu HTTPS z obszaru %s — próba zakończyła się niepowodzeniem.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Nie można zapisać zmiennych środowiskowych.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Nie można uruchomić lokalnego zadania usługi tunelowania.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Nie można wykonać operacji tunelu deweloperskiego „%s”.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Uruchamianie zadania programu Visual Studio Code: „Uruchom tunel lokalny”", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams uruchamia lokalną usługę tunelowania, aby przekazywać publiczny adres URL do portu lokalnego i sprawdzać ruch. Otwórz okno terminalu, aby wyświetlić szczegóły.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Podsumowanie:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Odwiedź stronę %s, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o zadaniu „Uruchom tunel lokalny”.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Przesyłanie dalej adresu URL %s do %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Przesyłanie dalej adresu URL %s do %s. Zapisano plik [%s] w lokalizacji %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Uruchomiono lokalną usługę tunelowania w ciągu %s s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Uruchamianie usługi tunelowania deweloperskiego", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Uruchamianie narzędzia ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Pomiń sprawdzanie i instalowanie narzędzia ngrok, ponieważ użytkownik określił ścieżkę ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Tag tunelu deweloperskiego: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Usunięto tunel deweloperski „%s”.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Przekroczono limit tunelu deweloperskiego. Zamknij inne sesje debugowania, wyczyść nieużywane tunele deweloperskie i ponów próbę. Sprawdź [kanał wyjściowy](%s), aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę tuneli utworzonych za pomocą konta platformy Microsoft 365. Tunele deweloperskie na Twoim koncie:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Usuń wszystkie tunele", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Anuluj", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Nie można uruchomić klienta internetowego usługi Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Zadanie uruchomienia klienta internetowego usługi Teams zostało zatrzymane z kodem zakończenia „%s”.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Uaktualnianie manifestu usługi Teams do rozszerzenia w programie Outlook i aplikacji Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Wybierz manifest aplikacji Teams do uaktualnienia", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Wybierz manifest aplikacji Teams do uaktualnienia", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Pomyślnie uaktualniono manifest aplikacji Teams %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Zaktualizuj manifest aplikacji Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Uaktualnij", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams zaktualizuje plik manifestu aplikacji Teams wybrany do pracy w programie Outlook i aplikacji Microsoft 365. Rekomendujemy użycie systemu Git w celu lepszego śledzenia zmian plików przed uaktualnieniem.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Uaktualnianie aplikacji Teams Tab do rozszerzenia w programie Outlook i aplikacji Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Wybierz aplikację karty Teams do uaktualnienia", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Wybierz aplikację karty Teams do uaktualnienia", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Pomyślnie uaktualniono aplikację Teams Tab %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Nie można zaktualizować pliku %s. Kod: %s, komunikat: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Nie można zaktualizować plików %d: %s itd. Aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów, zapoznaj się z informacjami w [panelu danych wyjściowych](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Nie można zaktualizować %d plików: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "Nie znaleziono zależności @microsoft/teams-js. Brak elementów do uaktualnienia.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Aktualizowanie kodu %s w %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Aktualizowanie kodów w celu użycia @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Aktualizowanie pliku package.json w celu użycia @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Uaktualnij", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Zestaw narzędzi aplikacji Teams zostanie zaktualizowany w miejscu aplikacji Teams Tab wybranej do korzystania z zestawu SDK klienta aplikacji Teams w wersji 2. Zalecamy użycie narzędzia git w celu lepszego śledzenia zmian plików przed uaktualnieniem.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Przygotuj zadanie.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s/%s/%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Sprawdź [panel danych wyjściowych](%s), aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Klawisz spacji do sprawdzenia/usunięcia zaznaczenia)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Sprawdzanie poprawności...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Przekaż nam swoją opinię na temat zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Nie pokazuj ponownie", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Przypomnij mi później", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Udział w ankiecie", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Możliwość", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Integracja usługi w chmurze", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Programowanie", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Scenariusz", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Otwórz przewodnik usługi GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Otwórz przewodnik po produkcie", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Brama interfejsu API może służyć do administrowania interfejsami API utworzonymi dla aplikacji Teams i publikowania ich do użycia w innych aplikacjach, takich jak aplikacje Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Integruj z usługą Azure API Management", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Rozwiązanie bezserwerowe do tworzenia internetowych interfejsów API dla zaplecza aplikacji Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Integruj z usługą Azure Functions", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Opracowywanie środowiska logowania jednokrotnego w aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Strony internetowe obsługujące usługę Teams osadzone w usłudze Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Konfiguruj możliwość karty", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatyzuj powtarzalne przepływy pracy dla typowych procesów biznesowych w konwersacji", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Inicjuj sekwencyjne przepływy pracy w usłudze Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Omówienie szablonu bota powiadomień", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatyzuj przepływ pracy programowania podczas tworzenia aplikacji Teams dla usług GitHub, Azure DevOps i Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatyzuj potoki ciągłej integracji/ciągłego wdrażania", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Uruchom i debuguj aplikację Teams na kliencie systemu iOS lub Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Uruchom i debuguj na kliencie mobilnym", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Włącz obsługę wielu dzierżaw dla aplikacji Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Obsługa wielu dzierżaw", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatyzuj powtarzające się zadania za pomocą prostego polecenia i odpowiedzi w konwersacji.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Odpowiadanie na polecenia czatu w aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Połącz się z interfejsem API z obsługą uwierzytelniania przy użyciu zestawu SDK TeamsFx.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Nawiąż połączenie z interfejsem API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Osadź kanwę zawierającą wiele kart udostępniających przegląd danych lub zawartości w usłudze Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Osadź kanwę pulpitu nawigacyjnego w usłudze Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Wysyłaj powiadomienia do usługi Teams z usług sieci internetowych za pomocą bota lub przychodzącego elementu webhook.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Wyślij powiadomienia do usługi Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Zestaw narzędzi usługi Teams został zaktualizowany do wersji v%s — sprawdź dziennik zmian.", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Wybierz pakiet aplikacji Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Wybierz pakiet aplikacji Teams lub możesz utworzyć go z poziomu „Pakiet aplikacji Teams w formacie zip”", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Potwierdź, że plik zip jest poprawnie wybrany", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Dziennik zmian", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Przykłady", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Ankieta dotycząca Zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Pomoc dotycząca konta", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Zweryfikuj wymagania wstępne.\n Zobacz https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje i sposób dostosowywania argumentów.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Uruchom lokalną usługę tunelowania.\n Zobacz https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje i sposób dostosowywania argumentów.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Wykonaj cykl życia aprowizacji.\n Zobacz https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje i sposób dostosowywania argumentów.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Wykonaj cykl życia wdrażania.\n Zobacz https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje i sposób dostosowywania argumentów.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Uruchom klienta internetowego usługi Teams. \n Zobacz https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje i sposób dostosowywania argumentów.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Włączone wymagania wstępne.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Sprawdź, czy środowisko Node.js jest zainstalowane.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Monituj o zalogowanie się do konta platformy Microsoft 365 i sprawdź, czy konto ma włączone uprawnienie ładowania bezpośredniego.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Sprawdź dostępność portów na potrzeby debugowania.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Numery portów do zweryfikowania", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Nazwa środowiska.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Klucze zmiennych środowiskowych domeny tunelu i punktu końcowego tunelu.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Klucz zmiennej środowiskowej dla domeny tunelu.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Klucz zmiennej środowiskowej dla punktu końcowego tunelu.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protokół portu.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Kontrola dostępu dla tunelu.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Dodaj właścicieli aplikacji", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Dodaj właścicieli do swojej aplikacji Teams i rejestracji aplikacji usługi Azure Active Directory, aby mogli wprowadzać zmiany", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Wyświetl listę właścicieli aplikacji", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Wyświetl listę wszystkich właścicieli, którzy mogą wprowadzać zmiany w rejestracjach usługi Teams i Azure Active Directory", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Zarządzaj tym, kto może wprowadzać zmiany w aplikacji", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Uaktualnij projekt](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22Pasek_boczny%22%5D)\nUaktualnij projekt zestawu narzędzi Teams Toolkit, aby zachować zgodność z najnowszą wersją. Zostanie utworzony katalog kopii zapasowej wraz z podsumowaniem uaktualnienia. [Więcej informacji](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nJeśli nie chcesz teraz uaktualniać, nadal używaj zestawu narzędzi Teams Toolkit w wersji 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Przejdź bezpośrednio do zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams i zapoznaj się z omówieniem podstaw. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź stronę [Wprowadzenie](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nZapoznaj się z krokami tworzenia rzeczywistej aplikacji Teams.\n[Dokumentacja](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Przewodniki z instrukcjami](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nUtwórz projekt lub zapoznaj się z naszymi przykładami.\n[Utwórz nową aplikację](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Wyświetl przykłady](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Przejdź bezpośrednio do zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams i zapoznaj się z omówieniem podstaw.\n [Wprowadzenie](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n Utwórz projekt lub zapoznaj się z naszymi przykładami.\n [Utwórz nową aplikację](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n [Wyświetl przykłady](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n Zapoznaj się z krokami tworzenia rzeczywistej aplikacji Teams.\n [Dokumentacja](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n [Przewodniki z instrukcjami](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Poświęć 2 minuty, aby pomóc nam się rozwijać, Twoja opinia ma znaczenie!\n [Chcielibyśmy poznać Twoją opinię](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Szybko rozpocznij tworzenie aplikacji Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Zacznij od możliwości usługi [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) lub [dodatku programu Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities), aby utworzyć pierwszą aplikację.\nMożesz utworzyć ją od podstaw lub zapoznać się z naszymi przykładami, aby szybko rozpocząć pracę z rzeczywistymi modelami i strukturami kodu.\n[Utwórz nową aplikację](command:fx-extension.createFromThrough?%5B%22Through%22%5D)\n[Wyświetl przykłady](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22Through%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Stwórz swoją pierwszą aplikację", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Utwórz bezpłatną dzierżawę testową platformy Microsoft 365, aby zainstalować i wyświetlić podgląd aplikacji Teams w usłudze Teams.\n Jeśli masz już konto organizacyjne platformy Microsoft 365, [zaloguj się do platformy Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) i zweryfikuj czy opcja [pobieranie lokalne](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) jest włączona.\n[Tworzenie dzierżawy testowej platformy Microsoft 365](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Utwórz bezpłatnie dzierżawę testową platformy Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Możesz aprowizować zasoby w chmurze i wdrażać kod aplikacji w aprowizowanych zasobach. Na koniec rozpowszechnij swoją pierwszą aplikację w usłudze Teams.\n[Otwórz polecenia cyklu życia](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22Through%22%5D)\n__Porada: dowiedz się więcej o [”Cyklu życia”](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Wdrażanie aplikacji Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Tworzenie aplikacji Teams przy użyciu języka JavaScript lub TypeScript wymaga oprogramowania NPM i Node.js. Sprawdź swoje środowisko i przygotuj się do tworzenia pierwszej aplikacji Teams.\n[Uruchom narzędzie sprawdzania wymagań wstępnych](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22Through%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Przygotowywanie środowiska", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Przewodniki, README.md i dokumentacja z instrukcjami", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Poniżej przedstawiono kilka zaleceń dotyczących kontynuowania podróży za pomocą zestawu narzędzi aplikacji Teams.\n• Poznaj [Przewodniki z instrukcjami](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) i uzyskaj bardziej praktyczne wskazówki\n• Otwórz [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D), aby dowiedzieć się, jak opracować tę aplikację\n• Przeczytaj naszą [Dokumentację](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Co dalej?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Naciśnij klawisz [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) lub znajdź panel „[Uruchom i debuguj](command:workbench.view.debug)” na pasku aktywności i kliknij ikonę odtwarzania, aby lokalnie wyświetlić podgląd aplikacji w kontekście usługi Teams.\n[Uruchom lokalną wersję zapoznawczą (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Porada: aby uruchomić lokalną wersję zapoznawczą, zaloguj się na platformie Microsoft 365 (konto organizacyjne) z opcją pobierania lokalnego.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Wyświetl podgląd aplikacji Teams lokalnie", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Wprowadzenie do zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Wprowadzenie do zestawu narzędzi usługi Teams", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pt-BR.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pt-BR.json index 72bc8cc2ea..640f422561 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pt-BR.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.pt-BR.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "CONTA DO AZURE \nO Kit de ferramentas doTeams pode exigir uma assinatura do Azure para implantar os recursos do Azure para seu projeto.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "CONTA do Microsoft 365 \nO Kit de Ferramentas do Teams exige uma conta organizacional do Microsoft 365 na qual o Teams está sendo executado e foi registrado.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Saiba Mais", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) está desabilitado na sua conta do Microsoft 365. Contate o administrador do Teams para resolver esse problema ou obter um locatário de teste.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Sideload Habilitado", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Você já tem permissão de sideload.Você está pronto para instalar seu aplicativo no Teams!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Falha na Verificação de Sideload", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "A permissão de sideload dessa conta é desconhecida devido a problemas de rede ou de serviço. Atualize novamente mais tarde para verificar.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Sideload Desabilitado", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "O administrador da conta Microsoft 365 não tem a permissão de sideload habilitada.\n· Entre em contato com o administrador do Teams para resolver esse problema. Visite: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Siga nossas diretrizes de Ajuda da Conta para criar um locatário de teste gratuito. As diretrizes podem ser encontradas clicando no rótulo \" Sideload desabilitado\" em sua conta.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: Entrando...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Entrando...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: Alternando...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Criar um Locatário de Teste do Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Entrada cancelada. O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams exige uma opção do Microsoft 365 (conta organizacional) com sideload.\nSe sua conta não estiver pronta, crie um locatário de testes gratuito do Microsoft 365 para iniciar o desenvolvimento do Aplicativo do Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams exige uma conta organizacional do Microsoft 365 onde o Teams está sendo executado e foi registrado. Você pode criar uma conta de testes gratuita a partir do Programa para Desenvolvedores do Microsoft 365, se necessário.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Falha ao localizar uma assinatura.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "O Kit de ferramentas do Teams requer uma conta e uma assinatura do Azure para implantar recursos do Azure para seu projeto. Você não será cobrado sem confirmação adicional.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "assinatura", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Não é possível definir a assinatura. Selecione uma assinatura à qual você tenha acesso.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Não é possível ler a ID da conta inicial a partir do cache, limpe o cache da conta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Não é possível ler o token do cache, limpe o cache da conta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Não é possível salvar a ID da conta inicial no cache, limpar o cache da conta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Não é possível salvar o token no cache, limpar o cache da conta. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Não é possível gravar o token no cache, limpar o cache da conta. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "A extensão Kit de Ferramentas do Teams dá suporte a recursos limitados em workspaces não confiáveis.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Não é possível obter o código de logon para troca de token. Faça logon com outra conta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "logon", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Não é possível recuperar as informações de logon do usuário. Faça logon com outra conta.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Tempo limite de porta de conexão. Tente novamente.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Tempo limite de conexão. Tente novamente.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Arquivo de resultados não encontrado.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Falha ao recuperar o token silenciosamente. Se você encontrar esse problema várias vezes, poderá excluir ''%s'', fechar todas as instâncias do Visual Studio Code e tentar novamente. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Você parece estar offline. Verifique sua conexão de rede.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Este arquivo é mantido pelo Kit de Ferramentas do Microsoft Teams, não o modifique", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Adicionar outra API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Abrir esquema", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Este arquivo é mantido pelo Kit de Ferramentas do Microsoft Teams, não o modifique", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Contas", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Saiba Mais Sobre Contas", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Adicionar Proprietários do Aplicativo do Microsoft 365 Teams (com o Aplicativo do AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Portal do Azure", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Crie uma conta do Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Gratuito", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Criar um locatário de teste do Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Criar uma Conta", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Criar Novo Ambiente", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Criar um Novo Aplicativo", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Selecionar e Iniciar a Depuração do Aplicativo Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Implantar", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Atualizar aplicativo do Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Saber mais sobre Ciclo de Vida", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Saiba Mais Sobre Desenvolvimento", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Portal do Desenvolvedor do Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Documentação", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Saiba Mais Sobre Ambientes", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Saiba Mais Sobre Ajuda e Comentários", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Listar Proprietários do Aplicativo do Microsoft 365 Teams (com o Aplicativo do AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Gerenciar Colaboradores do Aplicativo Teams do M365 (com o aplicativo AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Depurar", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Portal do Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Atualizar o SDK JS do Teams e as Referências de Código", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Atualizar o Manifesto do Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Saiba Mais", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Abrir no Portal", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Abrir Esquema de Manifesto", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Versão Prévia do Arquivo de Manifesto do AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Aplicativo de Pré-visualização", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Provisionar", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Publicar", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Introdução", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Relatar Problemas no GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Exibir as guias de instruções", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Sair", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Atualizar o Aplicativo Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Atualizar o Aplicativo Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Atualizar Projeto", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Adicione a web part do SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Criar um novo arquivo de ambiente", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Adicionar Ambiente", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "A conta assinada do Azure não tem permissão para acessar as '%s' de assinatura usadas na provisão anterior. Saia e entre com a conta Azure correta.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Nenhuma conta do Azure conectada. Entre no Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando durante a criação do pacote. Tente novamente quando a criação estiver concluída.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Criando o pacote...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Compilar seu aplicativo Teams em um pacote para publicação", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Zipar Pacote de Aplicativo do Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando ao criar. Tente novamente quando a criação estiver concluída.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Criando um novo site...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Criar um novo aplicativo do zero ou começar a partir de um aplicativo de exemplo", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Criar um Novo Aplicativo", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando durante a implantação. Tente novamente quando a implantação estiver concluída.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Implantando para a nuvem...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Executar o estágio de ciclo de vida 'fornecer' no teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Implantar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Saiba como usar o Kit de ferramentas para compilar aplicativos do Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Documentação", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando ao inicializar. Tente novamente quando a inicialização estiver concluída.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Inicializando um aplicativo existente...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Inicializar um aplicativo existente", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Inicializar um aplicativo existente", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "A conta do Microsoft 365 conectada não corresponde ao locatário do Microsoft 365 usado na provisão anterior. Saia e entre com a conta correta do Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Nenhuma conta do Microsoft 365 conectada. Entre no Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando ao abrir o projeto a partir do Portal do Desenvolvedor. Tente novamente quando a criação for concluída.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Pré-visualizar e criar Cartões Adaptáveis diretamente no Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Pré-visualizar e Depurar Cartões Adaptáveis", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Depurar e visualizar seu aplicativo Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Versão Prévia do Seu Aplicativo Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando durante o provisionamento. Tente novamente quando a operação de provisão estiver concluída.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisionando...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Executar o estágio de ciclo de vida de \"provisionamento\" no teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Provisionar", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Não é possível executar o comando ao publicar o pacote. Tente novamente quando a publicação estiver concluída.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publicando...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Executar o estágio de ciclo de vida 'publicar' no teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Abra o Portal do Desenvolvedor para publicar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Publique em sua organização no Portal do Desenvolvedor", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Publicar", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Introdução", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Relate qualquer problema e nos informe seus comentários", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Relatar Problemas no GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Adoraríamos seu comentário", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Introdução a uma amostra de nossa galeria de amostras", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Exibir Exemplos", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Gerencie o registro de seu aplicativo Teams e acesse mais ferramentas", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Exibir os tutoriais guiados", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Exibir as guias de instruções", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Gerenciar Colaborador", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Gerenciar Colaboradores do Aplicativo Teams do M365 (com o aplicativo AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Adicionar a Web Part do SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Leia mais", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Entrar", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Sair", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Recomendações", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Faça logon na sua conta do Microsoft 365 para continuar.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Faça logon na conta do Microsoft 365 correta para continuar.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Aguarde até concluir o processamento da solicitação anterior.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Verificando a conta do Microsoft 365...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Tente novamente a partir Portal do Desenvolvedor e certifique-se de entrar com a conta do Microsoft 365 correta.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams não conseguiu obter o aplicativo Teams. Tente novamente a partir do Portal do Desenvolvedor e entre com a conta do Microsoft 365 correta.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Link inválido", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Alternar Conta", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Entrada cancelada. Você precisa entrar com a conta do Microsoft 365 correta para continuar. Tente novamente a partir do Portal do Desenvolvedor.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Alternância de conta cancelada. Você precisa entrar com a conta do Microsoft 365 correta para continuar. Tente novamente a partir do Portal do Desenvolvedor.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Entrar com sua conta do Azure correta", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Entrar com sua conta correta do Azure / Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Entre com sua conta Microsoft 365 correta", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Conectado com êxito à conta Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Desconectado com êxito da conta Azure.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "O módulo principal está carregando", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Você deve criar um novo aplicativo ou abrir um já existente para abrir o arquivo README.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Criar um Novo Aplicativo", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Editar o valor secreto descriptografado", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Seu Aplicativo", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s não encontrado, não pode ser aberto.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Não é possível encontrar o ambiente do projeto %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Argumentos inválidos: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Obter ajuda", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Conta adicionada: '%s' ao ambiente '%s' como o proprietário do aplicativo Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Conta adicionada: '%s' como proprietário do aplicativo do Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Se o usuário adicionado não pode acessar os recursos do Azure, você precisa configurar manualmente a política de acesso através do portal do Azure. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Se o usuário adicionado não for um administrador do site do Catálogo de Aplicativos do SharePoint, você precisa configurar manualmente a política de acesso através do Centro de administração do SharePoint. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Para pré-visualizar e depurar Cartões Adaptáveis, recomendamos usar a extensão \"Adaptive Card Studio\".", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Falha ao depurar o Aplicativo Teams. O projeto não é um projeto válido do Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] foi criado com êxito em [endereço local](%s). Você pode continuar a depurar seu aplicativo.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] foi criado com êxito em %s. Você pode continuar a depurar seu aplicativo.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Depurar", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] foi criado com êxito no [endereço local](%s). Você pode continuar a visualizar seu aplicativo.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] foi criado com êxito em %s. Você pode continuar a visualizar seu aplicativo.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Visualização Local", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Falha no logon. A operação foi encerrada.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Conectado com êxito à conta do Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Saiu com êxito da conta do Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Falha ao obter o token da conta de logon do cache. Você pode tentar sair e entrar novamente em sua Conta do Azure usando o modo de exibição de árvore do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams ou a paleta de comandos", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Sem espaço de trabalho aberto", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Abrir Pasta", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Operação sem suporte: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "CLI para Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Você está usando uma versão herdada da SPFx em seu projeto, enquanto a versão atual do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams suporta SPFx v%s. Se desejar usar a SPFx v%s, siga 'CLI para Microsoft 365' para atualizar.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Você está usando uma versão mais recente da SPFx em seu projeto, enquanto a versão atual do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams suporta SPFx v%s. Observe que alguns dos recursos SPFx mais recentes podem não ser suportados. Se você não estiver usando a versão mais recente do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams, considere atualizar.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Consulte este link para obter mais detalhes: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Relatar Problema", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Problemas Semelhantes", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Não é possível carregar Informações de %s para ambiente %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Entrar no Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Entrar no Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Sair do Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Sair do Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "O arquivo de estado não foi encontrado no ambiente %s. Execute ''Provisionar'' primeiro para gerar o arquivo de estado relacionado.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "O arquivo de estado não foi encontrado no ambiente %s. Execute `debug` primeiro para gerar o arquivo de estado relacionado.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Arquivo de modelo de manifesto não encontrado %s. Você pode usar a CLI com seu próprio arquivo de modelo.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Arquivo de pacote do aplicativo não encontrado em %s. Você pode usar a CLI com seu próprio arquivo de pacote do aplicativo.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Falha ao verificar: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Saiba Mais", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Observe que, após o registro do seu locatário de desenvolvedor na Versão de Destino do Office 365, pode levar alguns dias para que o registro entre em vigor. Clique no botão 'Saiba mais' para obter mais informações sobre a configuração do ambiente de desenvolvimento para estender os aplicativos do Teams através do Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Falha na tarefa '%s'. Consulte a janela do terminal '%s' para obter informações detalhadas sobre o erro ou clique no botão 'Relatar Problema' para relatar o problema.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Abrir Configurações", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Porta: %s já está em uso. Feche esta porta e tente novamente.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Portas: %s já estão em uso. Feche estas portas e tente novamente.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "A alteração de portas em package.json pode interromper a depuração local. Verifique se todas as alterações de porta são esperadas ou consulte a documentação clicando no botão ` `Saiba Mais`'. (%s local de package.json: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "A Verificação de Pré-requisitos Falhou. Se você quiser ignorar a verificação e a instalação de qualquer pré-requisito, você pode desabilitá-los nas configurações do Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Falha ao validar e instalar os pré-requisitos.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Painel de saída", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Verifique %s para ver os detalhes.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Agora você está usando um locatário do Microsoft 365 diferente do usado anteriormente.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "O valor de '%s' é inválido para a tarefa do tipo 'teamsfx'", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "A tarefa foi cancelada.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Há vários serviços de tunelamento local em execução. Feche todas as tarefas redundantes para evitar conflitos.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Não há nenhum serviço de tunelamento local em execução. Verifique se o serviço de tunelamento local foi iniciado.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "O Ngrok foi interrompido com o código de saída '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Não foi possível iniciar o ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "O Ngrok não é instalado pelo TeamsFX. Consulte teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites para saber como instalar o ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Não foi possível instalar o Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "O serviço de tunelamento não foi iniciado. Aguarde um momento ou reinicie a tarefa de tunelamento local.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Não é possível encontrar o ponto final do túnel. O kit de ferramentas do Teams tentou obter a primeira URL HTTPS de %s e falhou.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Não foi possível salvar as variáveis de ambiente.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Não é possível iniciar a tarefa de serviço de tunelamento local.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Não foi possível executar a operação de túnel do desenvolvimento '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Executando a tarefa do Visual Studio Code tarefa: \"Iniciar túnel local\"", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams está iniciando o serviço de tunelamento local para encaminhar o URL público para a porta local e inspecionar o tráfego. Abra a janela do terminal para ver os detalhes.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Resumo:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visite %s para saber mais sobre a tarefa \"Iniciar tunelamento local\".", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Encaminhando o URL %s para %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Encaminhando o URL %s para %s. [%s] salvo no %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Serviço de tunelamento local iniciado em %s segundos.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Iniciando o serviço de túnel de desenvolvimento", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Iniciando o serviço do ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Ignore a verificação e a instalação do ngrok, já que o usuário especificou o caminho do ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Tag do túnel de desenvolvimento: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Túnel de desenvolvimento '%s' excluído.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Limite de túnel de desenvolvimento excedido. Feche outras sessões de depuração, limpo os túneis de desenvolvimento não usado e tente novamente. Verifique [output channel](%s) para obter mais detalhes.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Você atingiu o número máximo de túneis criados com sua Microsoft 365 conta. Os túneis de desenvolvimento em sua conta:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Excluir Todos os Túneis", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Cancelar", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Falha ao iniciar o cliente Web do Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Tarefa para iniciar o cliente Web do Teams interrompida com o código de saída '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Faça o upgrade do Manifesto do Teams para que seja executado no Outlook e no aplicativo Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Selecione o Manifesto do Teams para Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Selecione o Manifesto do Teams para Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "O manifesto do Teams foi atualizado com êxito %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Atualize o Manifesto do Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Atualizar", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams será atualizado no lugar do arquivo de manifesto do Teams que você selecionou para trabalhar no Outlook e no aplicativo do Microsoft 365. Recomendamos usar o git para melhor acompanhamento de alterações de arquivo antes da atualização.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Atualizar o Aplicativo de Guia do Teams para Estender no Outlook e no aplicativo do Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Selecione o Aplicativo de Guia do Teams para Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Selecione o Aplicativo de Guia do Teams para Atualizar", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "O aplicativo Guia do Teams foi atualizado com êxito %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Falha ao atualizar o arquivo %s, código: %s, mensagem: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar %d arquivos: %s etc. Consulte [Painel de saída](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) para obter mais detalhes.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Falha ao atualizar %d arquivos: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "Nenhuma dependência @microsoft/teams-js encontrada em %s. Nada para atualizar.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Atualizando código %s em %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Atualizando códigos para usar @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Atualizando pacote.json para usar @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Atualizar", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams será atualizado no lugar do aplicativo Guia do Teams que você selecionou para usar o cliente Teams SDK v2. Recomendamos usar o git para melhor controle de alterações de arquivo antes da atualização.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Preparar tarefa.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Verifique [Painel de saída](%s) para obter detalhes.", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Tecla de espaço para marcar/desmarcar)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Validando...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Diga-nos o que achou do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Não Mostrar Novamente", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Me Lembrar Mais Tarde", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Fazer a Pesquisa", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Funcionalidade", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Integração de serviços em nuvem", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Desenvolvimento", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Cenário", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Abrir um guia do GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Abrir um guia no produto", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Um gateway de API pode ser usado para administrar APIs criadas para aplicativos do Teams e publicá-las para serem consumidas em outros aplicativos, como o Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Integrar com o Gerenciamento de API do Azure", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Uma solução sem servidor para criar APIs Web para o back-end de aplicativos do Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Integrar com o Azure Functions", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Desenvolver Experiência de Logon Único no Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Páginas Web compatíveis com o Teams incorporadas ao Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Configurar capacidade da guia", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automatizar fluxos de trabalho repetitivos para processos de negócios comuns durante a conversa.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Iniciar fluxos de trabalho sequenciais em equipes", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Visão geral do Modelo de Bot de Notificação", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Automatize o fluxo de trabalho de desenvolvimento ao compilar o aplicativo Teams para GitHub, Azure DevOps e Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Automatize pipelines de CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Execute e depure seu aplicativo Teams no cliente iOS ou Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Executar e Depurar no Cliente Móvel", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Habilite o suporte de multilocatário no aplicativo do Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Suporte a Vários Locatários", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automatize tarefas repetitivas com um comando e uma resposta simples durante a conversa.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Responder aos Comandos de Chat no Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Conecte-se a uma API com suporte a autenticação usando o SDK do TeamsFx.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Conecte-se a uma API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Insira uma tela contendo vários cartões que forneçam uma visão geral dos dados ou conteúdo no Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Incorporar uma tela de painel no Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Envie notificações para o Teams a partir dos seus serviços Web com um Bot ou webhook de entrada.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Enviar notificações para o Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "O Kit de Ferramentas do Teams foi atualizado para v%s – confira o log de mudanças!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Selecione o pacote de aplicativos do Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Selecione o pacote de aplicativos do Teams ou você pode criar um em \"Pacote de aplicativos Zip Teams\"", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Confirme se o arquivo zip está selecionado corretamente", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Log de mudanças", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Amostras", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Pesquisa do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Ajuda da Conta", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Valide os pré-requisitos.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites para obter detalhes e saber como personalizar os argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Inicie o serviço de túnel local.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel para obter detalhes e saber como personalizar os argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Executar o ciclo de vida de provisionamento.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision para obter detalhes e como personalizar os argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Executar o ciclo de vida de implantação.\n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy para obter detalhes e como personalizar os argumentos.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Iniciar o cliente Web do Teams. \n Consulte https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client para obter detalhes e saber como personalizar os argumentos.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Os pré-requisitos habilitados.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Valide se o Node.js está instalado.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Seguir o prompt para entrar na conta do Microsoft 365 e validar se a permissão da conta para fazer o sideload está habilitada.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Verificar a disponibilidade de portas para uso na depuração.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Os números de portas a validar", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "O nome do ambiente.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "As chaves das variáveis de ambiente do domínio de túnel e do ponto de extremidade de túnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "A chave da variável de ambiente do domínio de túnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "A chave da variável de ambiente do ponto de extremidade do túnel.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Protocolo para a porta.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Controle de acesso para o túnel.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Adicionar proprietários de aplicativos", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Adicionar proprietários ao seu aplicativo do Teams e registros de aplicativo do Azure Active Directory para que eles possam fazer alterações", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Listar proprietários de aplicativos", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Listar todos os proprietários que podem fazer alterações nos registros de aplicativo do Teams e do Azure Active Directory", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Gerenciar quem pode fazer alterações em seu aplicativo", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Atualizar Projeto](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nAtualize seu projeto do Kit de Ferramentas do Teams para manter compatível com a última versão. Um diretório de backup será criado junto com um Resumo de Atualização. [Mais informações](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nSe você não deseja atualizar agora, continue usando o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams versão 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Vá diretamente para o Kit de Ferramentas do Teams e obtenha uma visão geral dos conceitos básicos. Para obter mais informações, visite [Introdução](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nPercorra as etapas para criar um aplicativo do Teams no mundo real.\n[Documentação](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Guias de instruções](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCrie um projeto ou explore nossos exemplos.\n[Criar um novo aplicativo](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Visualizar exemplos](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Vá direto para o Teams Toolkit e obtenha uma visão geral dos fundamentos.\n[Começar](comando:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCrie um projeto ou explore nossas amostras.\n[Criar um novo aplicativo](comando:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Exibir amostras](comando:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nPercorra as etapas para criar um aplicativo do Teams do mundo real.\n[Documentação](comando:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Guias de instruções](comando:fx-extension.selectTutoriais?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Dedique 2 minutos para nos ajudar a melhorar, seu comentário é importante!\n[Adoraríamos seu feedback](comando:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Inicie rapidamente sua experiência de desenvolvimento de aplicativos do Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Comece com a funcionalidade do [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) ou [suplemento do Outlook](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) para criar seu primeiro aplicativo.\n Você pode criar do zero ou explorar nossos exemplos para ajudá-lo a começar rapidamente com os exemplos do mundo real e estruturas de código.\n [Criar um Novo Aplicativo](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Exibir Exemplos](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Criar seu primeiro aplicativo", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Crie um locatário de teste gratuito do Microsoft 365 para instalar e visualizar seus aplicativos do Teams no Teams.\n Se você já tem uma conta organizacional do Microsoft 365, [Entrar no Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22Through%22%5D) e valide [sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) está habilitado.\n[Criar um locatário de teste do Microsoft 365](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Crie um locatário Microsoft 365 de teste gratuito", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Você pode provisionar recursos na nuvem e implantar o código do seu aplicativo nos recursos provisionados. Para terminar, distribua seu primeiro aplicativo para o Teams.\n[Abrir comandos de ciclo de vida](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Dica: Saiba mais sobre [\"Ciclo de vida\"](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Implantar aplicativos do Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "O desenvolvimento do aplicativo Teams com JavaScript ou TypeScript requer NPM e Node.js. Verifique seu ambiente e prepare-se para o desenvolvimento do seu primeiro aplicativo Teams.\n[Executar o verificador de pré-requisitos](comando:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Prepare seu ambiente", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Guias de instruções, README.md e documentação", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Aqui estão algumas recomendações para continuar sua jornada com o Teams Toolkit.\n • Explore [How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) e obtenha orientações mais práticas\n • Abra [Readme.md](comando:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) para entender como desenvolver este aplicativo\n • Leia nossa [Documentação](comando:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "O que vem a seguir?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Pressione [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) ou descubra o painel '[Executar e Depurar](command:workbench.view.debug)' na barra de atividades e clique no ícone reproduzir para visualizar localmente seu aplicativo no contexto do Teams.\n [Executar visualização local (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n __Dica: para executar a visualização local, entre no Microsoft 365 (conta organizacional) com a opção de sideload.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Visualizar seu aplicativo do Teams localmente", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introdução ao Kit de Ferramentas do Teams" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Introdução ao Kit de Ferramentas do Teams", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ru.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ru.json index ea76c63b71..b3de5c2d45 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ru.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.ru.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "УЧЕТНАЯ ЗАПИСЬ AZURE \nДля набора средств Teams может потребоваться подписка Azure для развертывания ресурсов Azure для вашего проекта.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "УЧЕТНАЯ ЗАПИСЬ Microsoft 365 \nДля набора средств Teams требуется учетная запись Microsoft 365 организации, в которой запущены и зарегистрированы Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Подробнее", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Загрузка неопубликованного приложения](https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) отключена в вашей учетной записи Microsoft 365. Обратитесь к администратору Teams, чтобы устранить эту проблему или получить клиент тестирования.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Загрузка неопубликованного приложения включена", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "У вас уже есть разрешение на загрузку неопубликованного приложения. Вы можете установить приложение в Teams!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Сбой проверки загрузки неопубликованного приложения", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Разрешение этой учетной записи на загрузку неопубликованного приложения неизвестно из-за проблемы с сетью или службой. Обновите страницу позже, чтобы проверить его.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Загрузка неопубликованного приложения отключена", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Для учетной записи Microsoft 365 не включено разрешение на загрузку неопубликованных приложений.\n· Чтобы устранить эту проблему, обратитесь к администратору Teams. См. страницу: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Следуйте инструкциям из справки по учетной записи, чтобы создать бесплатный тестовый клиент. Для перехода к инструкциям щелкните метку \"Загрузка неопубликованных приложений отключена\" в вашей учетной записи.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: выполняется вход...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: вход...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: переключение...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Создать клиент тестирования Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Вход отменен. Для набора средств Teams требуется учетная запись организации для Microsoft 365 с возможностью загрузки неопубликованных приложений.\nЕсли ваша учетная запись не готова, создайте бесплатный клиент тестирования Microsoft 365, чтобы начать разработку приложения Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Для набора средств Teams требуется учетная запись организации Microsoft 365, в которой запущены и зарегистрированы Teams. При необходимости вы можете создать бесплатную тестовую учетную запись в программе Microsoft 365 для разработчиков.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Не удалось найти подписку.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Для набора средств Teams требуется учетная запись Azure и подписка для развертывания ресурсов Azure для вашего проекта. С вас не будет взиматься плата без дополнительного подтверждения.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "подписка", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Не удается задать подписку. Выберите подписку, к которой у вас есть доступ.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Не удается прочитать идентификатор домашней учетной записи из кэша. Очистите кэш учетной записи. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Не удается прочитать токен из кэша. Очистите кэш учетной записи. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Не удается сохранить идентификатор домашней учетной записи в кэше. Очистите кэш учетной записи. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Не удается сохранить токен в кэше. Очистите кэш учетной записи. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Не удается записать токен в кэш. Очистите кэш учетной записи. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Расширение Набора средств Teams поддерживает ограниченные возможности в недоверенных рабочих областях.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Не удается получить код входа для обмена маркерами. Войдите с помощью другой учетной записи.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "имя для входа", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Не удается получить данные для входа пользователя. Войдите с помощью другой учетной записи.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Время ожидания входа в порт истекло. Повторите попытку.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Время ожидания входа истекло. Повторите попытку.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Файл результатов не найден.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Не удалось получить маркер автоматически. Если эта проблема возникла несколько раз, вы можете удалить \"%s\", закрыть все экземпляры Visual Studio Code и повторить попытку. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Вы не в сети. Проверьте сетевое подключение.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Этот файл поддерживается набором средств Teams. Не изменяйте его", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Добавить другой API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Открыть схему", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Этот файл поддерживается набором средств Teams. Не изменяйте его", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Учетные записи", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Дополнительные сведения об учетных записях", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Добавление владельцев приложения Microsoft 365 Teams (с приложением AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Портал Azure", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Создание учетной записи Azure", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Бесплатно", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Создание клиента тестирования Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Создать учетную запись", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Создать среду", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Создать приложение", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Выберите и запустите отладку приложения Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Развертывание", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Обновить приложение Azure Active Directory", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Подробнее о жизненном цикле", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Дополнительные сведения о разработке", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Портал разработчика для Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Документация", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Дополнительные сведения о средах", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Дополнительные сведения о справке и отзывах", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Получение списка владельцев приложения Microsoft 365 Teams (с приложением AAD)", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Управление участниками совместной работы приложения Teams M365 (с помощью приложения AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Отладка", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Портал Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Обновить пакет SDK JS для Teams и ссылки на код", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Обновить манифест Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Подробнее", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Открыть на портале", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Открыть схему манифеста", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Просмотреть файл манифеста AAD", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Предварительная версия приложения", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Подготовка", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Публикация", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Начать", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Обновить", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "Сообщить о проблемах в GitHub", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Просмотреть руководства", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Выйти", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Обновить приложение Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Обновить приложение Teams", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Обновить проект", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "Добавить веб-часть SPFx", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Создать файл среды", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Добавить среду", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "У учетной записи Azure, вошедшей в систему, нет разрешения на доступ к подписке «%s», которая использовалась в предыдущей версии. Выйдите и войдите с помощью правильной учетной записи Azure.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Вход ни в одну учетную запись Azure не выполнен. Войдите в Azure.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при сборке пакета. Повторите попытку после завершения сборки.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Сборка пакета…", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Сборка приложения Teams в пакете для публикации", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Архивировать пакет приложения Teams", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при создании. Повторите попытку после завершения создания.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Создание нового приложения...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Создайте новое приложение с нуля или начните с примера приложения", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Создать приложение", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при развертывании. Повторите попытку после завершения развертывания.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Развертывание в облаке…", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "Выполнить этап жизненного цикла \"Развернуть\" в teamsapp.yml", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Развернуть", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Узнайте, как использовать набор инструментов для создания приложений Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Документация", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при инициализации. Повторите попытку после завершения инициализации.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Инициализация существующего приложения…", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Инициализация существующего приложения", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Инициализация существующего приложения", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Учетная запись Microsoft 365 вошедшего в систему пользователя не соответствует клиенту Microsoft 365, который использовался в предыдущей настройке. Выйдите и войдите с правильной учетной записью Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Вход в учетную запись Microsoft 365 не выполнен. Войдите в Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при открытии проекта из Портала разработчика. Повторите попытку после завершения создания.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Предварительный просмотр и создание адаптивных карточек непосредственно в Visual Studio Code", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Предварительный просмотр и отладка адаптивных карточек", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Отладка и предварительный просмотр приложения Teams", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Предварительный просмотр приложения Teams (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при подготовке. Повторите попытку после завершения операции подготовки.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Подготовка…", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Выполнить этап жизненного цикла \"Подготовить к работе\" в teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Подготовить к работе", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Не удается выполнить команду при публикации пакета. Повторите попытку после завершения публикации.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Публикация…", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Выполнить этап жизненного цикла \"Опубликовать\" в teamsapp.yml", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Откройте Портал разработчика Индексатора видео для публикации", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Публикация в организации на Портале разработчика Индексатора видео", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Опубликовать", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Начало работы", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Сообщите о любых проблемах и поделитесь с нами отзывом", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "Сообщить о проблемах в GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Мы будем рады получить ваш отзыв", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Начните с образца из коллекции примеров", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Просмотреть примеры", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Управляйте регистрацией приложения Teams и получайте доступ к дополнительным инструментам", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Просмотр интерактивных учебников", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Просмотреть руководства", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Управление участником совместной работы", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Управление участниками совместной работы приложения Teams M365 (с помощью приложения AAD)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "Добавить веб-часть SPFx", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Дополнительные сведения", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Вход", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Выход", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Рекомендуем", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Для продолжения войдите в свою учетную запись Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Для продолжения войдите в правильную учетную запись Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Дождитесь завершения обработки предыдущего запроса.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Проверка учетной записи Microsoft 365...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Повторите попытку из Портала разработчика и убедитесь, что вошли с помощью правильной учетной записи Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Набору средств Teams не удалось получить приложение Teams. Повторите попытку из Портала разработчика и убедитесь, что вошли с помощью правильной учетной записи Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Недопустимая ссылка", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Переключить учетную запись", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Вход отменен. Для продолжения необходимо войти с помощью правильной учетной записи Microsoft 365. Повторите попытку из Портала разработчика.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Переключение учетной записи отменено. Для продолжения необходимо войти с помощью правильной учетной записи Microsoft 365. Повторите попытку из Портала разработчика", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Войти с помощью соответствующей учетной записи Azure", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Войдите с помощью правильной учетной записи Azure или Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Войдите с помощью правильной учетной записи Microsoft 365", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Вход в учетную запись Azure успешно выполнен.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Выход из учетной записи Azure успешно завершен.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Выполняется загрузка основного модуля", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Вам необходимо создать новое приложение или открыть существующее для открытия файла README.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Создать приложение", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Изменить значение расшифрованного секрета", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Ваше приложение", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s не найден, не удается его открыть.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Не удается найти среду проекта %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Недопустимые аргументы: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Техническая поддержка", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "Добавлена учетная запись: «%s» в среду «%s» в качестве владельца приложения Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Добавлена учетная запись: \"%s\" в качестве владельца приложения Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Если добавленный пользователь не может получить доступ к ресурсам Azure, необходимо вручную настроить политику доступа через портал Azure. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Если добавленный пользователь не является администратором сайта каталога приложений SharePoint, необходимо вручную настроить политику доступа через Центр администрирования SharePoint. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Для предварительного просмотра и отладки адаптивных карточек рекомендуется использовать расширение Adaptive Card Studio.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Не удалось выполнить отладку приложения Teams. Проект не является допустимым проектом Teams.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "Создание [%s] по [локальному адресу](%s) выполнено. Вы можете продолжить отладку приложения.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "Создание [%s] по адресу %s. Вы можете продолжить отладку приложения.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Отладка", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "Создание [%s] по [локальному адресу](%s). Вы можете продолжить просмотр приложения.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "Создание [%s] по адресу %s. Вы можете продолжить предварительный просмотр приложения.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Локальный просмотр", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Ошибка входа, операция завершена.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Вы успешно вошли в учетную запись Microsoft 365.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Вы успешно вышли из учетной записи Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Не удалось получить токен учетной записи входа из кэша. Вы можете попробовать выйти из учетной записи Azure и снова войти в нее с помощью представления в виде дерева набора средств Teams или палитры команд", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Нет открытой рабочей области", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Открыть папку", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Операция не поддерживается: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "CLI для Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "В проекте используется устаревшая версия SPFx, а текущая версия Teams Toolkit поддерживает SPFx v%s. Если вы хотите использовать SPFx v%s, выполните обновление с помощью интерфейса командной строки для Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Обновить", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Вы используете более новую версию SPFx в своем проекте, а текущая версия Teams Toolkit поддерживает SPFx v%s. Обратите внимание, что некоторые из новых функций SPFx могут не поддерживаться. Если вы не используете последнюю версию Teams Toolkit, подумайте об обновлении.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Дополнительные сведения можно найти по этой ссылке: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Сообщить об ошибке", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Похожие проблемы", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Не удается загрузить сведения %s для среды %s.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Войти в Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Войти в Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Выйти из Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Выйти из Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Файл состояния не найден в среде %s. Необходимо создать связанный файл состояния, сначала запустив \"Подготовку\".", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Файл состояния не найден в среде %s. Необходимо сначала запустить отладку, чтобы создать соответствующий файл состояния.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Файл шаблона манифеста не найден в %s. Вы можете использовать CLI с собственным файлом шаблона.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Файл пакета приложения не найден в %s. Вы можете использовать CLI с собственным файлом пакета приложения.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Не удалось проверить: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Подробнее", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Обратите внимание, что после регистрации клиента разработчика в целевом выпуске Office 365 может потребоваться несколько дней, чтобы регистрация вступила в силу. Нажмите кнопку \"Подробнее\", чтобы получить дополнительные сведения о настройке среды разработки для расширения приложений Teams в Microsoft 365.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Сбой задачи «%s». Подробные сведения об ошибке см. в окне терминала «%s» или нажмите кнопку «Сообщить о проблеме», чтобы сообщить о проблеме.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Открыть параметры", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Порт: %s уже используется. Закройте этот порт и повторите попытку.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Порты: %s уже используются. Закройте эти порты и повторите попытку.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Изменение портов в package.json может нарушить отладку. Убедитесь, что ожидаются все изменения портов, или обратитесь к документации, нажав кнопку \"Подробнее\". (расположение %s package.json: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Сбой проверки на наличие необходимых компонентов. Если вы хотите обойти проверку и установку необходимых компонентов, отключите их в параметрах Visual Studio Code.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Сбой проверки и установки необходимых компонентов.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Панель выходных данных", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "терминал", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Для просмотра сведений проверьте %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Теперь вы используете клиент Microsoft 365, отличный от того, который вы использовали ранее.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "Недопустимое значение \"%s\" для задачи типа \"teamsfx\"", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Задача отменена.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Запущено несколько локальных служб туннелирования. Закройте все избыточные задачи, чтобы избежать конфликтов.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Отсутствует запущенная локальная служба туннелирования. Запустите локальную службу туннелирования.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok остановлен с кодом выхода \"%s\".", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "Не удалось запустить ngrok.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Приложение TeamsFx не установлен ngrok. Инструкции по установке ngrok см. в разделе teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Не удалось установить Ngrok.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Служба туннелирования не запущена. Подождите немного или перезапустите задачу локального туннелирования.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Не удалось найти конечную точку туннеля. Набору средств Teams не удалось получить первый URL-адрес HTTPS из %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Не удалось сохранить переменные среды.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Не удалось запустить задачу локальной службы туннелирования.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "Не удалось выполнить операцию туннеля разработки \"%s\".", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Выполнение задачи Visual Studio Code: \"Запуск локального туннеля\"", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Набор средств Teams запускает локальную службу туннелирования для пересылки общедоступного URL-адреса на локальный порт и проверки трафика. Откройте окно терминала, чтобы просмотреть подробные сведения.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Сводка:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Посетите %s, чтобы узнать больше о задаче \"Запуск локального туннеля\".", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "Пересылка URL-адреса %s в %s.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Пересылка URL-адреса %s в %s. [%s] сохранено в %s.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Локальная служба туннелирования запущена через %s с.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Запуск службы туннеля разработки", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "Запуск службы ngrok", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Пропустить проверку и установку ngrok, так как пользователь указал путь ngrok (%s).", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Тег туннеля разработки: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "Удален туннель разработчика \"%s\".", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Превышен лимит туннеля разработки. Закройте другие сеансы отладки, очистите неиспользуемые туннели разработки и повторите попытку. Проверьте [выходной канал](%s) для получения дополнительной информации.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Вы достигли максимального количества туннелей, созданных с вашей учетной записью Microsoft 365. Туннели разработчиков в вашем аккаунте:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Удалить все туннели", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "Отмена", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Не удалось запустить веб-клиент Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Задача запуска веб-клиента Teams остановлена с кодом выхода \"%s\".", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Обновление манифеста Teams для расширения в Outlook и приложение Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Выберите манифест Teams для обновления", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Выберите манифест Teams для обновления", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "Манифест Teams %s успешно обновлен.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Обновление манифеста Teams.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Обновить", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit обновит файл манифеста Teams, который вы выбрали для работы в Outlook и приложении Microsoft 365. Мы рекомендуем использовать Git для лучшего отслеживания изменений файлов перед обновлением.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Обновление приложения вкладки Teams для расширения в Outlook и приложения Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Выберите приложение вкладки Teams для обновления", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Выберите приложение вкладки Teams для обновления", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "Приложение вкладки Teams %s успешно обновлено.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "Не удалось обновить файл %s, код: %s, сообщение: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "Не удалось обновить файлы %d: %s и т. д. Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели выходных данных](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel).", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "Не удалось обновить файлы %d: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "В %s не найдена зависимость @microsoft/teams-js. Обновления отсутствуют.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "Обновление кода %s в %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "Обновление кодов для использования @microsoft/teams-js версии 2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "Обновление package.json для использования @microsoft/teams-js v2.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Обновить", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Набор инструментов Teams обновит вместо приложения вкладки Teams, которое вы выбрали для использования клиентского пакета SDK версии 2 Teams. Рекомендуется использовать GIT для лучшего отслеживания изменений файлов перед обновлением.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Подготовка задачи.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s/%s/%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Дополнительные сведения см. на [панели выходных данных](%s).", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (Пробел, чтобы поставить/снять флажок)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Проверка...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Расскажите нам, что вы думаете о наборе средств Teams", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Больше не показывать", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Напомнить позже", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Пройти опрос", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Возможность", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Интеграция с облачными сервисами", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Разработка", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Сценарий", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Открытие руководства GitHub", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Открыть руководство по продукту", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "Шлюз API можно использовать с целью администрирования API, созданных для приложений Teams, и их публикации для использования в других приложениях, например Power Apps.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Интеграция с Управлением API Azure", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Бессерверное решение, чтобы создавать веб-API для сервера приложений Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Интеграция с Функциями Azure", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Разработка интерфейса единого входа в Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Веб-страницы с поддержкой Teams, внедренные в Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Настройка возможности вкладки", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Автоматизация повторяющихся рабочих процессов для общих бизнес-процессов в беседе", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Инициация последовательных рабочих процессов", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Обзор шаблона бота уведомлений", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "Автоматизация рабочего процесса разработки при создании приложения Teams для GitHub, Azure DevOps и Jenkins.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "Автоматизация конвейеров CI/CD", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Запускайте и отлаживайте приложение Teams в клиенте iOS или Android.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Запуск и отладка в мобильном клиенте", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Включите поддержку нескольких клиентов для приложения Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Поддержка нескольких клиентов", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Автоматизация повторяющихся задач с помощью простой команды и ответа в беседе", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Отклики на команды чата в Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "Подключение к API с поддержкой проверки подлинности с помощью пакета SDK TeamsFx", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "Подключение к API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Внедрение холста, содержащего несколько карточек, которые предоставляют обзор данных или контента в Microsoft Teams", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Внедрить холст панели мониторинга в Teams", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Отправка уведомлений в Teams из веб-служб с помощью бота или входящего веб-перехватчика", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Отправлять уведомления в Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Набор средств Teams обновлен до версии %s — ознакомьтесь с журналом изменений!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Выберите пакет приложения Teams", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Выберите свой пакет приложений Teams или создайте его из пакета приложений Zip Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Подтвердите правильность выбора ZIP-файла", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Журнал изменений", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Примеры", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Опрос по набору средств Teams", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Справка по учетной записи", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Проверка необходимых условий.\n См. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites для получения подробных сведений и руководства по настройке аргументов.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Запуск локальной службы туннелирования.\n См. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel для получения подробных сведений и руководства по настройке аргументов.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Выполнение жизненного цикла предоставления.\n См. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision для получения подробных сведений и руководства по настройке аргументов.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Выполнение жизненного цикла развертывания.\n См. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy для получения подробных сведений и руководства по настройке аргументов.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Запуск веб-клиента Teams.\n См. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client для получения подробных сведений и руководства по настройке аргументов.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Включенные предварительные условия.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Проверьте, установлен ли Node.js.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Запросите вход в учетную запись Microsoft 365 и проверьте, включено ли в учетной записи разрешение на загрузку без публикации.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Проверьте доступность портов для использования отладки.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Номера портов для проверки", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Имя среды.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Ключи переменных среды домена туннеля и конечной точки туннеля.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Ключ переменной среды для домена туннеля.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Ключ переменной среды конечной точки туннеля.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Протокол для порта.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Управление доступом для туннеля.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Добавить владельцев приложений", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Добавьте владельцев в свое приложение Teams и регистрацию приложений Azure Active Directory, чтобы они могли вносить изменения", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Список владельцев приложений", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Список всех владельцев, которые могут вносить изменения в регистрацию вашего приложения Teams и Azure Active Directory", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Управляйте тем, кто может вносить изменения в ваше приложение", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Обновить проект](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nОбновите проект набора средств Teams, чтобы обеспечить совместимость с последней версией. Будет создан резервный каталог и сводка обновления. [Дополнительные сведения](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nЕсли вы не хотите обновлять сейчас, продолжайте использовать набор средств Teams версии 4.x.x.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Перейдите прямо в набор средств Teams и ознакомьтесь с основными параметрами. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе [Get Started](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nВыполните действия по созданию реального приложения Teams.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nСоздайте проект или просмотрите примеры.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Перейдите прямо в набор средств Teams и ознакомьтесь с основными параметрами.\n[Начало работы](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nСоздайте проект или просмотрите примеры.\n[Создать приложение](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Просмотреть примеры](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nВыполните действия по созданию реального приложения Teams.\n[Документация](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Руководства](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Потратьте 2 минуты, чтобы помочь нам стать лучше, ваш отзыв важен для нас!\n[Мы будем рады вашему отзыву](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Перейдите к разработке приложений Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Запустите [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) или [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities), чтобы создать свое первое приложение.\nВы можете создать его с нуля или изучить наши образцы, которые помогут вам быстро приступить к работе с реальными примерами и структурами кода.\nCreate a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "Создать первое приложение", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Создайте бесплатный тестовый клиент Microsoft 365, чтобы установить и просмотреть приложения Teams в экземпляре Teams.\n Если у вас уже есть учетная запись организации Microsoft 365, [Sign in to Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) и убедитесь, что включена [sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is enabled).\n[Create a Microsoft 365 Testing Tenant](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Бесплатное создание тестового клиента Microsoft 365", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Вы можете подготовить ресурсы в облаке и развернуть код приложения в подготовленных ресурсах. Наконец, отправьте свое первое приложение в Teams.\n[Открыть команды жизненного цикла](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Совет. Подробнее о [\"Жизненном цикле\"](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Развертывание приложений Teams", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "Для разработки приложения Teams с помощью JavaScript или TypeScript требуются NPM и Node.js. Проверьте свою среду и подготовьтесь к разработке своего первого приложения Teams.\n[Run Prerequisite Checker](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Подготовьте свою среду", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Руководства, README.md и документация", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Вот несколько рекомендаций, чтобы продолжить работу с набором средств Teams.\n • Ознакомьтесь с [руководствами](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) и получите практические инструкции\n • Откройте [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D), чтобы понять, как разрабатывать это приложение\n • Ознакомьтесь с [документацией](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Что дальше?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Нажмите [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) или откройте панель \"[Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug)\" на панели действий и нажмите кнопку воспроизведения значок для локального предварительного просмотра вашего приложения в контексте Teams.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Совет. Чтобы запустить локальную предварительную версию, войдите в Microsoft 365 (учетная запись организации) с параметром загрузки неопубликованных приложений.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Локальный предварительный просмотр приложения Teams", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Начало работы с набором средств Teams" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Начало работы с набором средств Teams", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.tr.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.tr.json index ea931ac13b..229a80a58d 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.tr.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.tr.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE HESABI \nTeams Araç Seti, projeniz için Azure kaynaklarını dağıtmak üzere bir Azure aboneliği gerektirebilir.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 HESABI \nTeams Araç Kutusu, Teams’in çalıştığı ve kayıtlı olduğu bir Microsoft 365 kurumsal hesabı gerektirir.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) Microsoft 365 hesabınızda devre dışı bırakıldı. Bu sorunu çözmek veya bir test kiracısı almak için Teams yöneticinize başvurun.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Dışarıdan Yükleme Etkin", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "Dışarıdan yükleme izniniz zaten var. Uygulamanızı Teams'e yüklemek için hazırsınız!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Dışarıdan Yükleme Denetimi Başarısız Oldu", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "Ağ veya hizmet sorunu nedeniyle bu hesabın dışarıdan yükleme izni bilinmiyor. Kontrol etmek için lütfen daha sonra tekrar yenileyin.", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Dışarıdan Yükleme Devre Dışı", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 hesap yöneticisi etkin dışarıdan yükleme iznine sahip değil.\n· Bu sorunu çözmek için Teams yöneticinize başvurun. Şu bağlantıyı ziyaret edin: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· Ücretsiz test kiracısı oluşturmak için Hesap Yardımı kılavuzumuzu izleyin. Kılavuzu hesabınızın altındaki “Dışarıdan yükleme devre dışı” etiketine tıklayarak bulabilirsiniz.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: Oturum açılıyor...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: Oturum açılıyor...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: Değiştiriliyor...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Microsoft 365 Test Kiracısı Oluştur", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Oturum açma iptal edildi. Teams Araç Kutusu dışarıdan yükleme seçeneğine sahip bir Microsoft 365 (kuruluş hesabı) gerektirir.\nHesabınız hazır değilse Teams Uygulama Geliştirme deneyiminizi başlatmak için ücretsiz bir Microsoft 365 test kiracısı oluşturun.", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Araç Kutusu, Teams’in çalıştığı ve kayıtlı olduğu bir Microsoft 365 kurumsal hesabı gerektirir. Gerekirse Microsoft 365 Geliştirici Programı'ndan ücretsiz bir test hesabı oluşturabilirsiniz.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "Abonelik bulunamadı.", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Teams Araç Seti, projeniz için Azure kaynaklarını dağıtmak üzere bir Azure hesabı ve aboneliği gerektirir. Daha fazla onay olmadan ücret alınmaz.", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "abonelik", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "Abonelik ayarlanamıyor. Erişiminiz olan bir abonelik seçin.", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Giriş hesabı kimliği önbellekten okunamıyor, hesap önbelleğini temizleyin. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Belirteç önbellekten okunamıyor, hesap önbelleğini temizleyin. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Giriş hesabı kimliği önbelleğe kaydedilemiyor, hesap önbelleğini temizleyin. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Belirteç önbelleğe kaydedilemiyor, hesap önbelleğini temizleyin. ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Önbelleğe belirteç yazamıyor, hesap önbelleğini temizleyin. ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Teams Araç Seti uzantısının, güvenilmeyen çalışma alanlarında desteklediği özellikler sınırlıdır.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Belirteç değişimi için oturum açma kodu alınamıyor. Başka bir hesapla oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "oturum aç", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Kullanıcı oturum açma bilgileri alınamıyor. Başka bir hesapla oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "Oturum açma bağlantı noktası beklenirken zaman aşımı oluştu. Yeniden deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Oturum açma beklenirken zaman aşımı oluştu. Yeniden deneyin.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "Sonuç dosyası bulunamadı.", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Belirteç sessizce alınamadı. Bu sorunla birden çok kez karşılaşırsanız '%s' öğesini silip tüm Visual Studio Code örneklerini kapatarak yeniden deneyebilirsiniz. %s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "Çevrimdışı görünüyorsunuz. Lütfen ağ bağlantınızı denetleyin.", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Bu dosya Teams Araç Seti tarafından korunmaktadır, lütfen dosyayı değiştirmeyin", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "Başka bir API ekle", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "Şemayı aç", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "Bu dosya Teams Araç Seti tarafından korunmaktadır, lütfen dosyayı değiştirmeyin", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "Hesaplar", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Hesaplar Hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams Uygulaması (AAD Uygulaması ile) Sahiplerini Ekleme", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure Portal", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "Bir Azure hesabı oluşturun", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "Ücretsiz", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Microsoft 365 test kiracısı oluşturun", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Hesap Oluştur", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "Yeni Ortam Oluştur", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Yeni Uygulama Oluştur", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "Teams Uygulamasını Seçin ve Uygulamada Hata Ayıklamaya Başlayın", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "Dağıt", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Azure Active Directory Uygulamasını Güncelleştir", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Yaşam Döngüsü Hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Geliştirme Hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "Teams için Geliştirici Portalı", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "Belgeler", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Ortamlar Hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Yardım ve Geri Bildirim Hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams Uygulaması (AAD Uygulaması ile) Sahiplerini Kaydetme", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Microsoft 365 Teams Uygulaması (AAD uygulaması ile) Ortak Çalışanlarını Yönetin", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "Hata Ayıklama", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365 Portalı", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "Teams JS SDK’yi ve Kod Başvurularını Yükselt", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "Teams Bildirimini Yükselt", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "Portalda Aç", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "Bildirim Şemasını Aç", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "AAD Bildirim Dosyasını Önizle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "Uygulamanın Önizlemesini Görüntüle", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "Sağla", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "Yayımla", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "Kullanmaya Başlayın", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "Yenile", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "GitHub'da Sorunları Bildirin", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzlarını görüntüleyin", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "Oturumu Kapat", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "Teams Uygulamasını Güncelleştir", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "Teams Uygulamasını Güncelleştir", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "Projeyi Yükselt", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "SPFx web bölümü ekleyin", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "Yeni ortam dosyası oluştur", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "Ortam Ekleme", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "Oturum açmış Azure hesabının, önceki sağlamada kullanılan '%s' aboneliğine erişim izni yok. Lütfen oturumu kapatın ve doğru Azure hesabıyla oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "Oturum açmış Azure hesabı yok. Lütfen Azure'da oturum açın.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "Paket derleniyorken komut çalıştırılamaz. Derleme tamamlandığında yeniden deneyin.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "Paket oluşturuluyor...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "Teams uygulamanızı yayımlama paketi olarak oluşturun", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Zip Teams Uygulama Paketi", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Oluşturulurken komut çalıştırılamıyor. Oluşturma işlemi tamamlandığında yeniden deneyin.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "Yeni uygulama oluşturuluyor...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Sıfırdan yeni bir uygulama oluşturun veya örnek bir uygulamayla başlayın", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Yeni Uygulama Oluştur", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Dağıtımda komut çalıştırılamaz. Dağıtım tamamlandığında yeniden deneyin.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "Buluta dağıtılıyor...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "teamsapp.yml dosyasında 'dağıt' yaşam döngüsü aşamasını yürütün", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "Dağıtma", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "Teams uygulamaları oluşturmak için Araç Setini kullanmayı öğrenin", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "Belgeler", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Başlatma sırasında komut çalıştırılamaz. Başlatma tamamlandığında yeniden deneyin.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "Mevcut bir uygulama başlatılıyor...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "Mevcut uygulamayı başlatın", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "Mevcut uygulamayı başlatın", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "Oturum açmış Microsoft 365 hesabı, önceki sağlamada kullanılan Microsoft 365 kiracısı ile eşleşmiyor. Lütfen oturumu kapatın ve doğru Microsoft 365 hesabıyla oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "Oturum açmış Microsoft 365 hesabı yok. Lütfen Microsoft 365’te oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Geliştirici Portalı’ndan proje dosyası açılırken komut çalıştırılamaz. Oluşturma işlemi tamamlandığında tekrar deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Doğrudan Visual Studio Code içinde Uyarlamalı Kartların önizlemesini görüntüleyin ve bunları yazın", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "Uyarlamalı Kartların Önizlemesini Görüntüle ve Hatalarını Ayıkla", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "Teams uygulamanızın hatalarını ayıklayın ve önizlemesini görüntüleyin", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "Teams Uygulamanızı Önizleyin (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Sağlama işlemi tamamlanıyorken komut çalıştırılamaz. Sağlama işlemi tamamlandığında yeniden deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Sağlanıyor...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "teamsapp.yml dosyasında 'sağla' yaşam döngüsü aşamasını yürütün", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "Sağlama", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Paket yayımlanırken komut çalıştırılamıyor. Yayımlama bittiğinde yeniden deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Yayımlanıyor...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "teamsapp.yml dosyasında 'yayımla' yaşam döngüsü aşamasını yürütün", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "Yayımlamak için Geliştirici Portalı’nı Açın", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "Geliştirici Portalı'nda kuruluşunuza yayımlayın", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "Yayımlama", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "Kullanmaya Başlayın", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "Tüm sorunları bildirin ve geri bildiriminizi belirtin", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "GitHub'da Sorunları Bildirin", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "Geri Bildiriminizi Almak İsteriz", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "Örnek galerimizden bir örnekle kullanmaya başlayın", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "Örnekleri Görüntüle", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "Teams uygulama kaydınızı yönetin ve daha fazla araca erişin", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "Kılavuzlu öğreticileri görüntüleme", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzlarını Görüntüleyin", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "Ortak Çalışanı Yönetme", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Microsoft 365 Teams Uygulaması (AAD uygulaması ile) Ortak Çalışanlarını Yönetin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "SPFx Web Bölümü Ekle", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "Oturum aç", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "Oturumu kapat", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "Önerilen", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "Devam etmek için lütfen Microsoft 365 hesabınızla oturum açın.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "Devam etmek için lütfen doğru Microsoft 365 hesabınızla oturum açın.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Lütfen önceki isteği işlemeyi bitirene kadar bekleyin.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "Microsoft 365 hesabı denetleniyor...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Lütfen Geliştirici Portalı’ndan tekrar deneyin ve doğru Microsoft 365 hesabı ile oturum açtığınızdan emin olun.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Araç Seti, Teams uygulamanızı alamadı. Lütfen Geliştirici Portalı’ndan tekrar deneyin ve doğru Microsoft 365 hesabı ile oturum açtığınızdan emin olun.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "Geçersiz bağlantı", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "Hesap Değiştir", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Oturum açma iptal edildi. Devam etmek için doğru Microsoft 365 hesabıyla oturum açmanız gerekiyor. Lütfen Geliştirici Portalı’ndan tekrar deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "Hesap değiştirme iptal edildi. Devam etmek için doğru Microsoft 365 hesabıyla oturum açmanız gerekiyor. Lütfen Geliştirici Portalı’ndan tekrar deneyin.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "Doğru Azure hesabınızla oturum açın", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "Doğru Azure/Microsoft 365 hesabınızla oturum açın", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "Doğru Microsoft 365 hesabınızla oturum açın", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "Azure hesabında başarıyla oturum açıldı.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "Azure hesabının oturumu başarıyla kapatıldı.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "Çekirdek modül yükleniyor", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "BENİOKU dosyasını açmak için yeni bir uygulama oluşturmalı veya mevcut bir uygulamayı açmalısınız.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Yeni Uygulama Oluştur", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "Şifresi çözülen gizli dizi değerini düzenle", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "Uygulamanız", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "%s bulunamadı, açılamıyor.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "%s proje ortamı bulunamadı.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "Geçersiz bağımsız değişkenler: %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "Yardım Alın", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "'%s' hesabı '%s' ortamına Teams uygulaması sahibi olarak eklendi.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "Hesap eklendi: Teams uygulaması sahibi olarak '%s'.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "Eklenen kullanıcı Azure kaynaklarına erişemezse, erişim ilkesini Azure portal aracılığıyla kendiniz ayarlamanız gerekir. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "Eklenen kullanıcı bir SharePoint Uygulama Kataloğu site yöneticisi değilse, erişim ilkesini SharePoint yönetim merkezi aracılığıyla kendiniz ayarlamanız gerekir. ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "Uyarlamalı Kartların önizlemesini görüntülemek ve hatalarını ayıklamak için \"Uyarlamalı Kart Stüdyosu\" uzantısını kullanmanız önerilir.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Teams Uygulaması’nda hata ayıklanamadı. Proje geçerli bir Teams projesi değil.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s], [yerel adres](%s) konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu. Uygulamanızın hatalarını ayıklamaya devam edin.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s], %s konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu. Uygulamanızda hata ayıklamaya devam edebilirsiniz.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "Hata Ayıklama", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s], [yerel adres](%s) konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu. Uygulamanızı önizlemeye devam edebilirsiniz.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s], %s konumunda başarıyla oluşturuldu. Uygulamanızı önizlemeye devam edebilirsiniz.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "Yerel Önizleme", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Oturum açma başarısız oldu, işlem sonlandırıldı.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "Microsoft 365 hesabında başarıyla oturum açıldı.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "Microsoft 365 hesabında başarıyla oturum kapatıldı.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Oturum açma hesabı belirteci önbellekten alınamadı. Oturumu kapatabilir ve Teams Araç Seti ağaç görünümünü veya komut paletini kullanarak Azure Hesabınızda tekrar oturum açmayı deneyebilirsiniz.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "Açık çalışma alanı yok", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "Klasörü Aç", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "İşlem desteklenmiyor: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Microsoft 365 için CLI", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "Teams Toolkit'in güncel sürümü SPFx v%s'yi desteklerken projenizde eski bir SPFx sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz. SPFx v%s kullanmak istiyorsanız, yükseltmek için “Microsoft 365 için CLI”yi takip edin.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "Yükselt", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "Teams Toolkit'in mevcut sürümü SPFx v%s'yi desteklerken projenizde SPFx'in daha yeni bir sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz. Lütfen bazı yeni SPFx özelliklerinin desteklenmeyebileceğini unutmayın. Teams Toolkit'in en son sürümünü kullanmıyorsanız yükseltmeyi düşünün.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "Daha fazla ayrıntı için lütfen bu bağlantıya bakın: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "Sorun Raporla", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "Benzer Sorunlar", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "%s ortamı için %s bilgileri yüklenemiyor.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "Microsoft 365’te oturum açın", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "Azure'da oturum aç", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "Azure oturumunu kapat: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "Microsoft 365 oturumunu kapatın: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "Durum dosyası %s ortamında bulunamadı. İlgili durum dosyasını oluşturmak için önce 'Provision' komutunu çalıştırmanız gerekiyor.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "Durum dosyası %s ortamında bulunamadı. İlgili durum dosyasını oluşturmak için önce `hata ayıkla` komutunu çalıştırmanız gerekiyor.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Bildirim şablon dosyası %s konumunda bulunamadı. CLI'ı kendi şablon dosyanız ile birlikte kullanabilirsiniz.", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "Uygulama paketi dosyası %s konumunda bulunamadı. CLI'ı kendi uygulama paketi dosyanız ile birlikte kullanabilirsiniz.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Denetlenemedi: [%s]. ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "Geliştirici kiracınızı Office 365 Hedef Sürümü'ne kaydettikten sonra kaydın etkin olmasının birkaç gün sürebileceğini unutmayın. Microsoft 365 boyunca Teams uygulamalarını genişletmek amacıyla geliştirme ortamı ayarlama hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen 'Daha Fazla Bilgi' düğmesine tıklayın.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "'%s' görevi başarısız oldu. Ayrıntılı hata bilgileri için '%s' terminal penceresine başvurun veya sorunu bildirmek için 'Sorun Bildir' düğmesine tıklayın.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "Ayarları Aç", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "%s bağlantı noktası zaten kullanımda. Bu bağlantı noktasını kapatın ve yeniden deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Bağlantı noktaları (%s) zaten kullanımda. Bu bağlantı noktalarını kapatın ve yeniden deneyin.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "package.json dosyasındaki bağlantı noktalarının değiştirilmesi hata ayıklamayı kesebilir. Tüm bağlantı noktası değişikliklerinin beklendiğinden emin olun veya `Daha Fazla Bilgi` düğmesine tıklayarak belgelere başvurun. (%s package.json konumu: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Önkoşul Denetimi Başarısız Oldu. Denetimi atlamak ve önkoşulları yüklemek isterseniz, bunları Visual Studio Code ayarlarından devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Önkoşulları doğrulama ve yükleme görevi başarısız oldu.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "Çıkış paneli", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "terminal", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "Lütfen ayrıntıları görmek için %s öğesini kontrol edin.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "Artık daha önce kullandığınızdan farklı bir Microsoft 365 kiracısı kullanıyorsunuz.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "'%s' değeri, 'teamsfx' türündeki görev için geçersiz", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "Görev iptal edildi.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Çalışan birden fazla yerel tünel hizmeti var. Çakışmaları önlemek için gereksiz görevleri kapatın.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "Çalışan yerel tünel hizmeti yok. Yerel tünel hizmetinin başlatılmış olduğundan emin olun.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok, '%s' çıkış koduyla durduruldu.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "ngrok başlatılamıyor.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "Ngrok TeamsFx tarafından yüklenmedi. ngrok yüklemesi için bkz. teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "Ngrok yüklenemiyor.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "Tünel hizmeti başlatılmadı. Biraz bekleyin veya yerel tünel görevini yeniden başlatın.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Tünel uç noktası bulunamıyor. Teams araç seti, %s kaynağından ilk HTTPS URL'sini almayı denerken başarısız oldu.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "Ortam değişkenleri kaydedilemiyor.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "Yerel tünel hizmeti görevi başlatılamıyor.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "'%s' geliştirme tüneli işlemi yürütülemiyor.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "Şu Visual Studio Code görevi çalıştırılıyor: 'Yerel tüneli başlat'", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Araç Seti, genel URL'yi yerel bağlantı noktasına iletip trafiği incelemek için yerel tünel hizmetini başlatıyor. Ayrıntıları görmek için terminal penceresini açın.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "Özet:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "'Yerel tüneli başlat' görevi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için %s sayfasını ziyaret edin.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "%s URL’si %s konumuna iletiliyor.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "%s URL’si %s konumuna iletiliyor. [%s] %s konumuna kaydedildi.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "Yerel tünel hizmeti %s saniye içinde başlatıldı.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "Geliştirme tüneli hizmeti başlatılıyor", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "ngrok hizmeti başlatılıyor", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "Kullanıcı ngrok yolunu (%s) belirttiği için ngrok’u denetlemeyi ve yüklemeyi atla.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "Geliştirme tüneli etiketi: %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "'%s' geliştirme tüneli silindi.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Geliştirme tüneli sınırı aşıldı. Diğer hata ayıklama oturumlarını kapatın, kullanılmayan geliştirme tünellerini temizleyin ve yeniden deneyin. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [çıkış kanalını](%s) kontrol edin.", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "Microsoft 365 hesabınızla oluşturulan tünel sayısı üst sınırına ulaştınız. Hesabınızdaki geliştirme tünelleri:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "Tüm Tünelleri Sil", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "İptal", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Teams web istemcisi başlatılamadı.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "Teams web istemcisinin '%s' çıkış kodu ile durdurulmasını başlatma görevi.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "Outlook’ta ve Microsoft 365 uygulamasında genişletmek için Teams Bildirimini yükseltin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "Yükseltilecek Teams Bildirimini Seçin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "Yükseltilecek Teams Bildirimini Seçin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "%s Teams bildirimi başarıyla yükseltildi.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "Teams Bildirimini güncelleştirin.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "Yükselt", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Araç Seti, Outlook ve Microsoft 365 uygulamasında çalışmak için seçtiğiniz Teams bildirim dosyasının yerinde güncelleştirilir. Yükseltmeden önce dosya değişikliklerini daha iyi izlemek için Git'i kullanmanız önerilir.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "Outlook’ta ve Microsoft 365 uygulamasında Genişletmek için Teams Sekme Uygulamasını Yükseltin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "Yükseltilecek Teams Sekme Uygulamasını Seçin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "Yükseltilecek Teams Sekme Uygulamasını Seçin", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "%s Teams Sekmesi uygulaması başarıyla yükseltildi.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "%s dosyası güncelleştirilemedi, kod: %s, ileti: %s.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "%d dosya güncelleştirilemedi: %s vb. Daha fazla ayrıntı için [Çıkış paneline](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) başvurun.", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "%d dosyaları güncelleştirilemedi: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "%s içinde @microsoft/teams-js bağımlılığı bulunamadı. Yükseltilecek öğe yok.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "%s içindeki %s kodu güncelleştiriliyor.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "@microsoft/teams-js v2 kullanmak için kodlar güncelleştiriliyor.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "@microsoft/teams-js v2 kullanmak için package.json güncelleştiriliyor.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "Yükselt", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Araç Seti, Teams istemci SDK v2'yi kullanmak için seçtiğiniz Teams Sekmesi uygulamasının yerinde güncelleştirilir. Yükseltmeden önce dosya değişikliklerini daha iyi izlemek için Git'i kullanmanız önerilir.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " Görevi hazırlayın.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "Ayrıntılar için [Çıkış paneline](%s) başvurun.", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (işaretlemek/işareti kaldırmak için boşluk tuşu)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "Doğrulanıyor...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Teams Araç Seti hakkındaki görüşlerinizi bize bildirin.", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "Tekrar Gösterme", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "Daha Sonra Anımsat", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "Ankete Katılın", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "Yetenek", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "Bulut hizmeti tümleştirmesi", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "Geliştirme", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "Senaryo", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "GitHub kılavuzu aç", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Ürün içi kılavuz aç", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "API ağ geçidi, Teams uygulamaları için oluşturulan API'leri yönetmek ve bunları Power uygulamaları gibi diğer uygulamalarda kullanmak üzere yayımlamak için kullanılabilir.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "Azure API Management ile tümleştirme", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "Teams uygulamalarınızın arka ucu için web API'leri oluşturan sunucusuz bir çözüm.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "Azure İşlevleri ile tümleştirme", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "Teams'de Çoklu Oturum Açma Deneyimi Geliştirme", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Microsoft Teams'e eklenen Teams kullanan web sayfaları.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "Sekme Yeteneğini Yapılandırma", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Sohbetteki yaygın iş süreçleri için tekrarlayan iş akışlarını otomatikleştirme", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "Teams'de Sıralı İş Akışlarını Başlatma", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "Bildirim Botu Şablonuna Genel Bakış", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "GitHub, Azure DevOps Jenkins için Teams uygulaması derlerken geliştirme iş akışını otomatikleştirin.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "CI/CD İşlem Hatlarını Otomatikleştirme", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "Teams uygulamanızı iOS veya Android istemcide çalıştırın ve hatalarını ayıklayın.", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "Mobil İstemcide Çalıştır ve Hatalarını Ayıkla", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Teams uygulaması için çok Kiracılı desteği etkinleştirin.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "Çok Kiracılı Destek", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Konuşmada basit bir komut ve yanıt ile yinelenen görevleri otomatikleştirin.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "Teams'de Sohbet Komutlarını Yanıtlama", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "TeamsFx SDK kullanarak kimlik doğrulaması desteğiyle API'ye bağlanma.", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "API'ye bağlanma", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Microsoft Teams'de veri veya içeriğe genel bakış sağlayan için birden çok kart içeren bir tuval ekleyin.", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "Teams'de Pano Tuvali Ekleme", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "Bot veya gelen web kancası ile web hizmetlerinizden Teams'e bildirim gönderin.", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "Teams'e Bildirim Gönderme", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Ekipler Araç Seti v%s olarak güncellendi; değişiklik günlüğüne göz atın!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "Teams Uygulama Paketinizi seçin", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Teams uygulama paketini seçin veya \"Zip Teams uygulama paketi\"nden bir tane oluşturabilirsiniz", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "Zip dosyasının doğru seçildiğini onaylayın", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "Değişiklik Günlüğü", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "Örnekler", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Teams Araç Seti Anketi", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "Hesap Yardımı", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "Önkoşulları doğrulayın.\n Ayrıntılar ve bağımsız değişkenleri özelleştirme hakkında bilgi edinmek için bkz. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "Yerel tünel hizmetini başlatın.\n Ayrıntılar ve bağımsız değişkenleri özelleştirme hakkında bilgi edinmek için bkz. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "Sağlama yaşam döngüsünü yürütün.\n Ayrıntılar ve bağımsız değişkenleri özelleştirme hakkında bilgi edinmek için bkz. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "Dağıtım yaşam döngüsünü yürütün.\n Ayrıntılar ve bağımsız değişkenleri özelleştirme hakkında bilgi edinmek için bkz. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "Teams web istemcisini başlatın. \n Ayrıntılar ve bağımsız değişkenleri özelleştirme hakkında bilgi edinmek için bkz. https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "Etkinleştirilen önkoşullar.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Node.js'nin kurulu olup olmadığını doğrulayın.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Microsoft 365 hesabı için oturum açma bilgilerini isteyin ve hesabın dışarıdan yükleme izninin etkin olup olmadığını doğrulayın.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Bağlantı noktalarının hata ayıklama için kullanılabilirliğini kontrol edin.", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Doğrulanacak bağlantı noktası numaraları", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "Ortam adı.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "Tünel etki alanının ve tünel uç noktasının ortam değişkenlerinin anahtarları.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "Tünel etki alanı için ortam değişkeninin anahtarı.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "Tünel uç noktası için ortam değişkeninin anahtarı.", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "Bağlantı noktası için protokol.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "Tünel için erişim denetimi.", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "Uygulama Sahipleri Ekle", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Değişiklik yapabilmeleri için Teams uygulamanıza ve Azure Active Director uygulama kayıtlarına sahip ekleyin", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "Uygulama Sahiplerini Listele", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "Teams ve Azure Active Director uygulama kayıtlarınızı değiştirebilen tüm sahipleri listeleyin", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "Uygulamanızda kimlerin değişiklik yapabileceğini yönetin", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[Projeyi Yükselt](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nEn son sürümle uyumlu kalmak için Teams Toolkit projenizi yükseltin. Bir Yükseltme Özeti ile birlikte bir yedekleme dizini oluşturulacaktır. [Daha Fazla Bilgi](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\nŞimdi yükseltmek istemiyorsanız lütfen Teams Toolkit sürüm 4.x.x'i kullanmaya devam edin.", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Doğrudan Teams Araç Seti'ni kullanmaya başlayın ve temel özelliklere genel bir bakış edinin. Daha fazla bilgi için şuraya gidin: [Kullanmaya Başlayın](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D).\nGerçek bir Teams uygulaması oluşturmak için adımları izleyin.\n[Belgeler](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzları](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nBir proje oluşturun veya örneklerimizi keşfedin.\n[Yeni Uygulama Oluşturun](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Örnekleri Görüntüleyin](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Hemen Teams Araç Seti'ni kullanmaya başlayın ve temel özelliklere dair genel bir bakış edinin.\n[Kullanmaya Başlayın](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nBir proje oluşturun veya örneklerimizi keşfedin.\n[Yeni Uygulama Oluştur](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Örnekleri Görüntüle](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nGerçek bir Teams uygulaması oluşturmak için adımları izleyin.\n[Belgeler](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzları](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "Uygulamayı iyileştirmemize yardımcı olmak için 2 dakikanızı ayırın, geri bildiriminiz bizim için önemlidir!\n[Geri Bildiriminizi Almak İsteriz](command:fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "Teams uygulaması geliştirme deneyiminize hemen başlayın", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "İlk uygulamanızı oluşturmak için [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) veya [Outlook eklentisi](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) ile başlayın.\nSıfırdan uygulama oluşturabilir veya gerçek örneklerle kod yapılarını hızlı bir şekilde kullanmaya başlamanıza yardımcı olması için örneklerimizi keşfedebilirsiniz.\n[Yeni Uygulama Oluşturun](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[Örnekleri Görüntüle](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "İlk uygulamanızı oluşturun", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "Teams uygulamalarınızı Teams’e yüklemek ve önizlemek için ücretsiz bir Microsoft 365 test kiracısı oluşturun.\n Zaten bir Microsoft 365 kuruluş hesabınız varsa [Microsoft 365’te oturum açın](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) ve [dışarıdan yükleme](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) özelliğinin etkinleştirildiğinden emin olun.\n[Microsoft 365 Test Kiracısı Oluşturun](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Ücretsiz Microsoft 365 test kiracısı oluşturun", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Kaynakları bulutta sağlayabilir ve uygulamanızın kodunu sağlanan kaynaklara dağıtabilirsiniz. Son olarak, ilk uygulamanızı Teams'e dağıtın.\n[Yaşam Döngüsü Komutlarını Aç](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__İpucu: ['Yaşam Döngüsü'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision) hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "Teams Uygulamalarını dağıtma", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "JavaScript veya TypeScript ile Teams uygulaması geliştirmek için NPM ve Node.js gerekir. Ortamınızı denetleyin ve ilk Teams uygulamanızı geliştirmeye hazır olun.\n[Önkoşul Denetleyicisini Çalıştır](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "Ortamınızı hazırlayın", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzu, README.md ve Belgeler", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "Teams Araç Seti ile yolculuğunuza devam etmeniz için bazı öneriler:\n • [Nasıl Yapılır Kılavuzlarını](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) keşfedin ve daha fazla pratik rehberlik edinin\n • Bu uygulamayı nasıl geliştireceğinizi anlamak için [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) dosyasını açın\n • [Belgelerimizi](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) okuyun", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "Sırada ne var?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "[F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) tuşuna basarak veya etkinlik çubuğundaki '[Çalıştır ve Ayıkla](command:workbench.view.debug)' panelini kullanarak, uygulamanızı Teams bağlamında yerel olarak önizlemek için yürüt simgesine tıklayın.\n[Yerel Önizlemeyi Çalıştır (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__İpucu: Yerel önizlemeyi çalıştırmak için dışarıdan yükleme seçeneğiyle Microsoft 365’te (kuruluş hesabı) oturum açın.__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "Teams uygulamanızın yerel olarak önizleyin", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams Araç Seti’ni Kullanmaya Başlayın" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams Araç Seti’ni Kullanmaya Başlayın", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hans.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hans.json index 959dbb979a..362b9ccfe6 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hans.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hans.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \n Teams 工具包可能需要 Azure 订阅才能为项目部署 Azure 资源。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 帐户 \nTeams 工具包需要运行且已注册 Teams 的 Microsoft 365 组织帐户。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "了解详细信息", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[旁加载](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading)已在 Microsoft 365 帐户中禁用。请与 Teams 管理员联系以解决此问题或获取测试租户。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "已启用旁加载", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "你已具有旁加载权限。你最好将应用安装到 Teams!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "旁加载检查失败", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "由于网络或服务问题,此帐户的旁加载权限未知。请稍后再次刷新以进行检查。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "已禁用旁加载", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 帐户管理员没有启用旁加载权限。\n·请与 Teams 管理员联系以解决此问题。访问:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n·按照我们的帐户帮助指南创建免费测试租户。可通过单击帐户下的“禁用旁加载”标签来找到指南。", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: 正在登录...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: 正在登录...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: 正在切换...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "创建 Microsoft 365 测试租户", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "已取消登录。Teams 工具包需要具有旁加载选项的 Microsoft 365 (组织帐户)。\n如果你的帐户未就绪,请创建一个免费的 Microsoft 365 测试租户以启动 Teams 应用开发。", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams 工具包需要正在运行且已注册 Teams 的 Microsoft 365 组织帐户。如果需要,可以从 Microsoft 365 开发人员计划创建免费测试帐户。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "找不到订阅。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Teams 工具包需要 Azure 帐户和订阅才能为项目部署 Azure 资源。如果不进一步确认,将不会向你收费。", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "订阅", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "无法设置订阅。请选择有权访问的订阅。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "无法从缓存中读取家庭帐户 ID,请清理帐户缓存。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "无法从缓存中读取令牌,请清理帐户缓存。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "无法将家庭帐户 ID 保存到缓存,请清理帐户缓存。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "无法将令牌保存到缓存,请清理帐户缓存。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "无法将令牌写入缓存,请清理帐户缓存。 ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Teams 工具包扩展在不受信任的工作区中支持有限的功能。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "无法获取令牌交换的登录代码。请使用另一个帐户登录。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "登录名", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "无法检索用户登录信息。请使用另一个帐户登录。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "等待登录端口超时。再试一次。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "等待登录的超时。再试一次。", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "找不到结果文件。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "无法以静默方式检索令牌。如果多次遇到此问题,则可以删除“%s”,关闭所有 Visual Studio Code 实例,然后重试。%s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "你似乎处于脱机状态。请检查网络连接。", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "此文件由 Teams 工具包维护,请勿对其进行修改", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "添加另一个 API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "打开架构", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "此文件由 Teams 工具包维护,请勿对其进行修改", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "帐户", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "了解有关帐户的详细信息", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "添加 Microsoft 365 Teams 应用(使用 AAD 应用)所有者", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure 门户", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "创建 Azure 帐户", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "免费", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "创建 Microsoft 365 测试租户", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "创建帐户", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "创建新环境", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "新建应用", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "选择并开始调试 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "部署", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "更新 Azure Active Directory 应用", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "详细了解生命周期", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "了解有关开发的详细信息", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "适用于 Teams 的开发人员门户", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "文档", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "详细了解环境", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "详细了解帮助和反馈", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "列出 Microsoft 365 Teams 应用(使用 AAD 应用)所有者", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "管理 M365 Teams 应用(通过 AAD 应用)协作者", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "调试", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365 门户", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "升级 Teams JS SDK 和代码引用", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "升级 Teams 清单", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "了解详细信息", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "在门户中打开", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "打开清单架构", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "预览 AAD 清单文件", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "预览应用", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "预配", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "发布", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "入门", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "刷新", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "在 GitHub 上报告问题", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "查看操作指南", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "注销", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "更新 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "更新 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "升级项目", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "添加 SPFx Web 部件", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "创建新环境文件", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "添加环境", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "已登录的 Azure 帐户无权访问上一预配中使用的订阅 \"%s\"。请注销并使用正确的 Azure 帐户登录。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "没有已登录的 Azure 帐户。请登录到 Azure。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "生成包时无法运行命令。请于生成完成后重试。", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "正在生成包...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "将 Teams 应用生成到包中以供发布", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "Zip Teams 应用包", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "创建时无法运行命令。创建完成后重试。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "正在创建新站点 {0}。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "从头开始创建新的应用或从示例应用开始", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "新建应用", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "部署时无法运行命令。请在部署完成后重试。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "正在部署到云...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中执行“部署”生命周期阶段", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "部署", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "了解如何使用工具包生成 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "文档", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "初始化时无法运行命令。初始化完成后重试。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "正在初始化现有应用程序...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "初始化现有应用程序", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "初始化现有应用程序", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "已登录 Microsoft 365 帐户与上一预配中使用的 Microsoft 365 租户不匹配。请注销并使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "没有登录任何 Microsoft 365 帐户。请登录到 Microsoft 365。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "从开发人员门户打开项目时无法运行命令。请在创建完成后重试。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "直接在 Visual Studio Code 中预览和创作自适应卡片", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "预览和调试自适应卡片", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "调试和预览 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "预览 Teams 应用(F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "预配时无法运行命令。请于完成预配操作后重试。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "正在预配...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中执行“预配”生命周期阶段", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "预配", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "发布包时无法运行命令。请于发布完成后重试。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "正在发布...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中执行“发布”生命周期阶段", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "打开开发人员门户以发布", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "在开发人员门户中发布到组织", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "发布", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "入门", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "报告任何问题,并告诉我们你的反馈", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "在 GitHub 上报告问题", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "欢迎提供反馈", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "从示例库的示例开始入门", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "查看示例", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "管理 Teams 应用注册并访问更多工具", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "查看引导式教程", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "查看操作指南", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "管理协作者", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "管理 M365 Teams 应用(通过 AAD 应用)协作者", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "添加 SPFx Web 部件", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "了解详细信息", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "登录", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "注销", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "推荐", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "请登录到 Microsoft 365 帐户以继续操作。", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "请登录到正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户以继续操作。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "请等到处理完上一个请求。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "正在检查 Microsoft 365 帐户...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "请从开发人员门户重试,并确保使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams 工具包无法获取 Teams 应用。请从开发人员门户重试,并确保使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "链接无效", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "切换帐户", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "已取消登录。需要使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录才能继续。请从开发人员门户重试。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "已取消切换帐户。需要使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录才能继续。请从开发人员门户重试。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "使用正确的 Azure 帐户登录", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "使用正确的 Azure/Microsoft 365 帐户登录", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "使用正确的 Microsoft 365 帐户登录", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "已成功登录到 Azure 帐户。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "已成功注销 Azure 帐户。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "核心模块正在加载", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "应创建新的应用或打开现有应用以打开自述文件。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "新建应用", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "编辑解密的机密值", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "你的应用", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "找不到 %s,无法打开它。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "找不到项目环境 %s。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "参数无效: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "获取帮助", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "已将帐户 \"%s\" 作为 Teams 应用所有者添加到环境 \"%s\"。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "已将帐户“%s”添加为 Teams 应用所有者。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "如果添加的用户无法访问 Azure 资源,则需要通过 Azure 门户手动设置访问策略。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "如果添加的用户不是 SharePoint 应用程序目录网站管理员,则需要通过 SharePoint 管理中心手动设置访问策略。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "若要预览和调试自适应卡片,建议使用“自适应卡片工作室”扩展。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "无法调试 Teams 应用。该项目不是有效的 Teams 项目。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] 已在 [本地地址](%s) 成功创建。可以继续调试应用。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] 已在 %s 成功创建。可以继续调试应用。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "调试", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] 已在 [本地地址](%s) 成功创建。可以继续预览应用。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] 已在 %s 成功创建。可以继续预览应用。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "本地预览", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "登录失败,操作已终止。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "已成功登录到 Microsoft 365 帐户。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "已成功注销 Microsoft 365 帐户。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "无法从缓存中获取登录帐户令牌。可以尝试使用 Teams 工具包树视图或命令面板注销并重新登录到 Azure 帐户", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "没有打开的工作区", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "打开文件夹", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "操作不支持: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "适用于 Microsoft 365 的 CLI", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "你正在项目中使用旧版本的 SPFx,而当前版本的 Teams 工具包支持 SPFx v%s。若要使用 SPFx v%s,请按照“适用于 Microsoft 365 的 CLI”中的说明进行升级。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "升级", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "你正在项目中使用较新版本的 SPFx,而当前版本的 Teams 工具包支持 SPFx v%s。请注意,某些较新的 SPFx 功能可能不受支持。如果你未使用最新版本的 Teams 工具包,请考虑升级。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "有关更多详细信息,请参阅此链接: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "报告问题", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "类似的问题", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "无法加载环境 %s 的 %s 信息。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "登录 Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "登录 Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "注销 Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "注销 Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "在环境 %s 中找不到状态文件。必须先运行“预配”才能生成相关状态文件。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "在环境 %s 中找不到状态文件。必须先运行 `调试` 才能生成相关状态文件。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "在 %s 中找不到清单模板文件。可以将 CLI 与自己的模板文件一起使用。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "在 %s 中找不到应用包文件。可以将 CLI 与你自己的应用包文件一起使用。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "未能检查: [%s]。 ", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "了解详细信息", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "请注意,在 Office 365 目标版本中注册开发人员租户后,可能需要几天时间才能使注册生效。有关设置开发环境以跨 Microsoft 365 扩展 Teams 应用的详细信息,请单击“了解更多”按钮。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "任务 \"%s\" 失败。有关详细错误信息,请参阅 \"%s\" 终端窗口,或单击“报告问题”按钮以报告问题。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "打开设置", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "端口: %s 已在使用中。关闭此端口,然后重试。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "端口: %s 已在使用中。请关闭这些端口,然后重试。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "更改 package.json 中的端口可能会中断调试。请确保所有端口更改都是预期的,或通过单击 `了解详细信息` 按钮来参考文档。(%s package.json 位置: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "先决条件检查失败。如果要绕过检查并安装任何先决条件,则可以在 Visual Studio Code 设置中禁用它们。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "验证和安装先决条件失败。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "输出面板", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "终端", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "请检查 %s 以查看详细信息。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "你现在使用的 Microsoft 365 租户与以前使用的租户不同。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "“%s”的值对于 “teamsfx” 类型的任务无效", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "任务已取消。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "有多个正在运行的本地隧道服务。请关闭任何冗余任务以防止冲突。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "没有正在运行的本地隧道服务。确保已启动本地隧道服务。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok 已停止,退出代码为“%s”。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "无法启动 ngrok。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "TeamsFx 未安装 Ngrok。有关如何安装 ngrok,请参阅 teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "无法安装 Ngrok。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "隧道服务尚未启动。请稍等片刻或重启本地隧道任务。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "未能找到隧道终结点。Teams 工具包尝试从 %s 获取第一个 HTTPS URL,但失败。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "无法保存环境变量。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "无法启动本地隧道服务任务。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "无法执行开发隧道操作 \"%s\"。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "正在运行 Visual Studio Code 任务:“启动本地隧道”", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams 工具包正在启动本地隧道服务,以将公共 URL 转发到本地端口并检查流量。请打开终端窗口以查看详细信息。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "摘要:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "访问 %s 以详细了解“启动本地隧道”任务。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "正在将 URL %s 转发到 %s。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "正在将 URL %s 转发到 %s。已将 [%s] 保存到 %s。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "已在 %s 秒内启动本地隧道服务。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "正在启动开发隧道服务", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "正在启动 ngrok 服务", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "跳过检查并安装 ngrok,因为用户已指定 ngrok 路径(%s)。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "开发隧道标记: %s。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "已删除开发隧道 '%s'。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "已超出开发隧道限制。关闭其他调试会话,清理未使用的开发隧道,然后重试。有关详细信息,请查看 [output channel](%s)。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "已达到使用 Microsoft 365 帐户创建的最大隧道数。帐户中的开发隧道:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "删除所有隧道", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "取消", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "未能启动 Teams Web 客户端。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "启动 Teams Web 客户端的任务已停止,退出代码为“%s”。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "升级 Teams 清单以在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 应用中扩展", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "选择要升级的 Teams 清单", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "选择要升级的 Teams 清单", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "已成功升级 Teams 清单 %s。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "更新 Teams 清单。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "升级", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams 工具包将就地更新你选定在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 应用中工作的 Teams 清单文件。建议在升级之前使用 git 更好地跟踪文件更改。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "升级 Teams 选项卡应用以在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 应用中扩展", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "选择要升级的 Teams 选项卡应用", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "选择要升级的 Teams 选项卡应用", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "已成功升级 Teams Tab 应用 %s。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "无法更新文件 %s,代码: %s,消息: %s。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "无法更新 %d 个文件: %s 等。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 [输出面板](command: fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "未能更新 %d 个文件: %s。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "在 %s 中找不到 @microsoft/teams-js 依赖项。没有要升级的功能。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "正在更新 %s 中的 %s 代码。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "更新代码以使用 @microsoft/teams-js v2。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "正在更新 package.json 以使用 @microsoft/teams-js v2。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "升级", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams 工具包将就地更新你选定使用 Teams 客户端 SDK v2 的 Teams Tab 应用。建议在升级之前使用 git 更好地跟踪文件更改。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " 准备任务。", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "有关详细信息,请检查 [输出面板](%s)。", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (用空格键选中/取消选中)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "正在验证...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "告诉我们你对 Teams 工具包的看法。", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "不再显示", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "稍后提醒我", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "进入调查", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "能力", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "云服务集成", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "开发", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "方案", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "打开 GitHub 指南", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "打开产品内指南", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "API 网关可用于管理为 Teams 应用程序创建的 API,并将其发布到其他应用程序(如 Power Apps)上使用。", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "与 Azure API Management 集成", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "用于为 Teams 应用程序后端创建 Web API 的无服务器解决方案。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "与 Azure Functions 集成", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "在 Teams 中开发单一登录体验", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "Microsoft Teams 中嵌入的 Teams 感知网页。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "配置选项卡功能", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "在对话中自动执行常见业务流程的重复性工作流", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "在 Teams 中启动顺序工作流", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "通知机器人模板概述", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "为 GitHub、Azure DevOps 和 Jenkins 生成 Teams 应用程序时,自动执行开发工作流。", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "自动执行 CI/CD 管道", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "在 iOS 或 Android 客户端上运行和调试 Teams 应用程序。", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "在移动客户端上运行和调试", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "为 Teams 应用启用多租户支持。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "多租户支持", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "在对话中使用简单的命令和响应自动执行重复性任务。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "在 Teams 中响应聊天命令", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "使用 TeamsFx SDK 连接到支持身份验证的 API。", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "连接到 API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "嵌入包含多个卡片的画布,这些卡片提供 Microsoft Teams 中的数据或内容概述", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "在 Teams 中嵌入仪表板画布", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "使用机器人或传入 Webhook 从 Web 服务向 Teams 发送通知。", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "向 Teams 发送通知", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams 工具包已更新为 v%s–查看更改日志!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "选择 Teams 应用包", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "选择 Teams 应用包,或者可以根据“Zip Teams 应用包”生成一个", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "确认已正确选择 zip 文件", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "更改日志", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "示例", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Teams 工具包调查", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "帐户帮助", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "验证先决条件。\n 有关详细信息以及如何自定义参数,请参阅 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "启动本地隧道服务。\n 有关详细信息以及如何自定义参数,请参阅 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "执行预配生命周期。\n 有关详细信息以及如何自定义参数,请参阅 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "执行部署生命周期。\n 有关详细信息以及如何自定义参数,请参阅 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "启动 Teams Web 客户端。\n 有关详细信息以及如何自定义参数,请参阅 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "已启用的先决条件。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "验证是否已安装 Node.js。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "提示登录 Microsoft 365 帐户,并验证帐户是否已启用旁加载权限。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "检查端口可用性以供调试使用。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "要验证的端口号", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "环境名称。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "隧道域和隧道终结点的环境变量的键。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "隧道域的环境变量的键。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "隧道终结点的环境变量的键。", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "端口的协议。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "隧道的访问控制。", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "添加应用所有者", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "向 Teams 应用和 Azure Active Director 应用注册添加所有者,以便他们可以进行更改", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "列出应用所有者", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "列出可对 Teams 和 Azure Active Director 应用注册进行更改的全部所有者", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "管理谁可以对你的应用进行更改", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[升级项目](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n升级 Teams 工具包项目以与最新版本保持兼容。备份目录将与升级摘要一起创建。[更多信息](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\n如果不想立即升级,请继续使用 Teams 工具包版本 4.x.x。", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "直接跳转到 Teams 工具包并概览基础知识。有关详细信息,请访问 [开始](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)。\n浏览生成真实 Teams 应用的步骤。\n[文档](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n创建项目或浏览我们的示例。\n[创建新应用](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[查看示例](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "直接跳转到 Teams 工具包并概览基础知识。\n[Get Started](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n创建项目或浏览我们的示例。\n[Create a new app](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n浏览生成真实 Teams 应用的步骤。\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "请花 2 分钟时间来帮助我们改进,你的反馈非常重要!\n[欢迎提供反馈](command: fx-extension.openSurvey)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "快速启动 Teams 应用开发体验", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "从 [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) 或 [Outlook 加载项](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities)功能开始生成你的第一个应用。\n你可以从头开始创建它,或浏览我们的示例来帮助你快速开始使用实际示例和代码结构。\n[创建新应用](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[查看示例](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "生成第一个应用", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "创建免费的 Microsoft 365 测试租户,以在 Teams 中安装和预览 Teams 应用。\n 如果已有 Microsoft 365 组织帐户,[请登录 Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)并验证是否已启用[旁加载](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading)。\n[创建 Microsoft 365 测试租户](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "免费创建 Microsoft 365 测试租户", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "你可以在云中预配资源,并将应用代码部署到预配的资源。最后,将你的第一个应用分发到 Teams。\n[打开生命周期命令](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__提示: 详细了解[“生命周期”](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "部署 Teams 应用", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "使用 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 开发 Teams 应用程序需要 NPM 和 Node.js。请检查环境并准备好进行第一个 Teams 应用开发。\n[运行先决条件检查程序](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "准备好你的环境", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "操作指南、README.md 和文档", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "以下是使用 Teams 工具包继续你旅程的一些建议。\n • 浏览 [操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)并获取更多实用指南\n • 打开 [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)了解如何开发此应用\n • 阅读我们的 [Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "下一步是什么?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "按 [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)或在活动栏上发现“[运行并调试](command:workbench.view.debug)”面板,然后单击播放图标以在 Teams 上下文中本地预览应用。\n[运行本地预览版(F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__提示: 若要运行本地预览版,请使用旁加载选项登录 Microsoft 365 (组织帐户)。__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "在本地预览 Teams 应用", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams 工具包入门" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "Teams 工具包入门", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hant.json b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hant.json index d18527716c..b5c9521d4f 100644 --- a/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hant.json +++ b/packages/vscode-extension/package.nls.zh-Hant.json @@ -1,83 +1,103 @@ { - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE 帳戶 \nTeams 工具組可能需要 Azure 訂用帳戶,才能為您的專案部署 Azure 資源。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 帳戶 \nTeams 工具箱需要 Teams 執行中且已註冊的 Microsoft 365 組織帳戶。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "深入了解", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Sideloading](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) 已在您的 Microsoft 365 帳戶中停用。請連絡您的 Teams 系統管理員以解決此問題,或取得測試租用戶。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "側載已啟用", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "您已經有側載權限。您可以將您的應用程式安裝到 Teams!", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "側載檢查失敗", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "由於網路或服務問題,此帳戶的側載權限不明。請稍後再重新整理以進行檢查。", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "側載已停用", - "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 帳戶系統管理員沒有啟用側載權限。\n· 請連絡 Teams 系統管理員以解决此問題。請瀏覽: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· 遵循我們的帳戶説明指引建立免費測試租用戶。可以透過按一下帳戶下的 [側載已停用] 標籤找到指引。", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.azureAccountTooltip": "AZURE ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires Azure subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotEnroll": "Enroll for Early Access", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotMessage": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPass": "Copilot Access Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotPassTooltip": "You already have Copilot access.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknown": "Copilot Access Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm copilot access status. Please try again after some time.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarning": "Copilot Access Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.copilotWarningTooltip": "Microsoft 365 account administrator hasn't enabled Copilot access for this account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue by enrolling in Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access program. Visit: https://aka.ms/PluginsEarlyAccess", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.m365AccountTooltip": "Microsoft 365 ACCOUNT \nThe Teams Toolkit requires a Microsoft 365 organizational account with Teams running and registered.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingLearnMore": "Get more info", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingMessage": "[Custom app upload](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) is disabled in your Microsoft 365 account. Contact your Teams administrator to resolve this issue or get a testing tenant.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPass": "Custom App Upload Enabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingPassTooltip": "You already have permission to upload custom apps. Feel free to install your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknown": "Custom App Upload Check Failed", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingStatusUnknownTooltip": "We're unable to confirm your custom app upload permission now. Please try again later.", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarning": "Custom App Upload Disabled", + "teamstoolkit.accountTree.sideloadingWarningTooltip": "Your Microsoft 365 account admin hasn't enabled custom app upload permission.\n· Contact your Teams admin to fix this. Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/m365-apps/prerequisites\n· For help, visit the Microsoft Teams documentation. To create a free testing tenant, click \"Custom App Upload Disabled\" label under your account.", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInAzure": "Azure: 正在登入...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.signingInM365": "Microsoft 365: 正在登入...", "teamstoolkit.accountTree.switchingM365": "Microsoft 365: 切換中...", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "建立 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "登入已取消。Teams 工具箱需要具有側載選項的 Microsoft 365 (組織帳戶)。\n如果您的帳戶尚未就緒,請建立免費的 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶以開始您的 Teams 應用程式開發。", - "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams 工具組需要 Teams 執行中且已註冊的 Microsoft 365 組織帳戶。如有需要,您可以從 Microsoft 365 開發人員計畫建立免費的測試帳戶。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "找不到訂用帳戶。", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "Teams 工具組需要 Azure 帳戶和訂用帳戶,才能為您的專案部署 Azure 資源。未進一步確認,將不會向您收費。", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.createM365TestingTenant": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.loginCancel": "Sign-in canceled. Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program).", + "teamstoolkit.appStudioLogin.message": "Teams Toolkit needs a Microsoft 365 account with custom app upload permission. If you're a Visual Studio subscriber, create a developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.failToFindSubscription": "We couldn't find a subscription.", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.message": "The Teams Toolkit will use Microsoft authentication to sign in Azure account and subscription to deploy the Azure resources for your project. You won't be charged until you confirm.", "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.subscription": "訂閱", - "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "無法設定訂用帳戶。選取您有權存取的訂用帳戶。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "無法讀取來自快取的住家帳戶識別碼,請清除帳戶快取。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "無法讀取來自快取的權杖,請清除帳戶快取。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "無法將住家帳戶識別碼儲存到快取,請清除帳戶快取。", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "無法將權杖儲存到快取,請清除帳戶快取。 ", - "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "無法將權杖寫入到快取,請清除帳戶快取。 ", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.selectSubscription": "Select Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.azureLogin.unknownSubscription": "We're unable to set this subscription. Select a subscription you have access to.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to read home account id from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.readTokenFail": "Unable to read token from cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveHomeAccountIdFail": "Unable to save home account id to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.saveTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.cacheAccess.writeTokenFail": "Unable to save token to cache. Clear your account cache and try again.", "teamstoolkit.capabilities.untrustedWorkspaces.description": "Teams 工具組延伸模組在不受信任的工作區中支援有限的功能。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "無法取得權杖交換的登入碼。請使用其他帳戶登入。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "LoginCodeFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "登入", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "無法擷取使用者登入資訊。請使用其他帳戶登入。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "LoginFail", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "等候登入連接埠逾時。請再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "LoginPortConflict", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "等候登入逾時。請再試一次。", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureDescription": "Unable to get login code for token exchange. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginCodeFlowFailureTitle": "Login Code Error", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginComponent": "Log In", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureDescription": "Unable to get user login information. Log in with another account.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginFailureTitle": "Login unsuccessful", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictDescription": "There was a delay in finding a login port. Please try again.", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginPortConflictTitle": "Login Port Delay", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutDescription": "Login took too long. Please try again.", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.loginTimeoutTitle": "LoginTimeout", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.resultFileNotFound": "找不到結果檔案。", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "無法以無訊息方式擷取權杖。如果您數次遇到此問題,可以將 '%s' 刪除、關閉所有 Visual Studio Code 執行個體,然後再試一次。%s", - "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "CheckOnlineFail", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.silentAcquireToken": "Unable to retrieve token without displaying an error. If this occurs repeatedly, delete '%s', close all Visual Studio Code instances, and try again. %s", + "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailTitle": "Online Check Unsuccessful", "teamstoolkit.codeFlowLogin.checkOnlineFailDetail": "您似乎已離線。請檢查您的網路連線。", - "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "此檔案由 Teams 工具箱維護,請勿加以修改", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.copilotPluginAddAPI": "新增其他 API", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.decryptSecret": "Decrypt secret", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.generateManifestGUID": "Generate Manifest GUID", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.deployMicrosoftEntraManifest": "Deploy Microsoft Entra manifest file", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editDeprecatedMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is auto-generated, so edit the manifest template file.", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.editMicrosoftEntraManifestTemplate": "This file is deprecated, so use the Microsoft Entra manifest template.", "teamstoolkit.codeLens.openSchema": "開啟結構描述", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.preview": "Preview", + "teamstoolkit.codeLens.projectSettingsNotice": "此檔案由 Teams 工具箱維護,請勿加以修改", "teamstoolkit.commands.accounts.title": "帳戶", - "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "深入了解帳戶", - "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "新增 Microsoft 365 Teams 應用程式 (與 AAD 應用程式) 擁有者", + "teamstoolkit.commands.accountsLink.title": "Get More Info About Accounts", + "teamstoolkit.commands.addAppOwner.title": "Add Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccountSettings.title": "Azure 入口網站", + "teamstoolkit.commands.azureAccount.signOutHelp": "Azure account Sign Out is moved to the Accounts section on the bottom left panel. To sign out of Azure, hover on your Azure account email and click Sign Out.", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.azure": "建立 Azure 帳戶", "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.free": "免費", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "建立 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "建立帳戶", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.m365": "Create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.requireSubscription": "Requires Visual Studio Subscription", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createAccount.title": "Create Account", "teamstoolkit.commands.createEnvironment.title": "建立新的環境", - "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "建立新的應用程式", + "teamstoolkit.commands.createProject.title": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.commands.debug.title": "選取並開始偵錯 Teams 應用程式。", "teamstoolkit.commands.deploy.title": "部署", - "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "更新 Azure Active Directory 應用程式", - "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "深入了解生命週期", - "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "深入了解程式開發", + "teamstoolkit.commands.updateAadAppManifest.title": "Update Microsoft Entra App", + "teamstoolkit.commands.lifecycleLink.title": "Get More Info About Lifecycle", + "teamstoolkit.commands.developmentLink.title": "Get More Info About Development", "teamstoolkit.commands.devPortal.title": "適用於 Teams 的開發人員入口網站", "teamstoolkit.commands.document.title": "文件", - "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "深入了解環境", - "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "深入了解說明與意見反應", - "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "列出 Microsoft 365 Teams 應用程式 (與 AAD 應用程式) 擁有者", - "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "管理 M365 Teams 應用程式 (使用 AAD 應用程式) 共同作業者者", + "teamstoolkit.commands.environmentsLink.title": "Get More Info About Environments", + "teamstoolkit.commands.feedbackLink.title": "Get More Info About Help and Feedback", + "teamstoolkit.commands.listAppOwner.title": "List Microsoft 365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra App) Owners", + "teamstoolkit.commands.manageCollaborator.title": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", "teamstoolkit.commands.localDebug.title": "偵錯", + "teamstoolkit.commands.debugInTestTool.title": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.commands.m365AccountSettings.title": "Microsoft 365 入口網站", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateApp.title": "升級 Teams JS SDK 與程式碼參考", "teamstoolkit.commands.migrateManifest.title": "升級 Teams 資訊清單", - "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "深入了解", + "teamstoolkit.commands.openDocumentLink.title": "Get More Info", "teamstoolkit.commands.openInPortal.title": "在入口網站中開啟", "teamstoolkit.commands.openManifestSchema.title": "開啟資訊清單結構描述", - "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "預覽 AAD 資訊清單檔", + "teamstoolkit.commands.previewAadManifest.title": "Preview Microsoft Entra Manifest File", "teamstoolkit.commands.previewApp.title": "預覽應用程式", "teamstoolkit.commands.provision.title": "佈建", "teamstoolkit.commands.publish.title": "發佈", "teamstoolkit.commands.getstarted.title": "開始使用", + "teamstoolkit.commands.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Build intelligent apps", "teamstoolkit.commands.refresh.title": "重新整理", "teamstoolkit.commands.reportIssue.title": "回報 GitHub 的問題", "teamstoolkit.commands.selectTutorials.title": "檢視操作指南", "teamstoolkit.commands.signOut.title": "登出", + "teamstoolkit.commands.checkCopilotAccess.title": "Check Copilot Access", "teamstoolkit.commands.updateManifest.title": "更新 Teams 應用程式", "teamstoolkit.commands.deployManifest.ctxMenu.title": "更新 Teams 應用程式", "teamstoolkit.commands.upgradeProject.title": "升級專案", @@ -88,47 +108,48 @@ "teamstoolkit.commmands.addWebpart.description": "新增 SPFx 網頁組件", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentDescription": "建立新環境檔案", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addEnvironmentTitle": "新增環境", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "已登入的 Azure 帳戶沒有權限,無法存取先前佈建中所使用的訂用帳戶 '%s'。請登出並使用正確的 Azure 帳戶登入。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "沒有 Azure 帳戶登入。請登入 Azure。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotMatch": "This Azure account doesn't have permission to access the previous subscription '%s'. Sign in with the correct Azure account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.azureAccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed in to Azure. Please sign in.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.blockTooltip": "建置封裝時無法執行命令。建置完成後請再試一次。", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackage.running": "正在建置封裝...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageDescription": "將您的 Teams 應用程式建置為套件進行發佈", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.buildPackageTitle": "壓縮 Teams 應用程式套件", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "建立時無法執行命令。建立完成後請再試一次。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during creation. Try again after creation completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProject.running": "正在建立新應用程式...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "從頭建立新的應用程式或從範例應用程式開始", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "建立新的應用程式", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "部署時無法執行命令。部署完成後請再試一次。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectDescription": "Create a new app from scratch or begin with a sample app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during deployment. Please try again after deployment completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deploy.running": "正在部署至雲端...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中執行 'deploy' 生命週期階段", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.deployTitle": "部署", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationDescription": "了解如何使用工具組建置 Teams 應用程式", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.documentationTitle": "文件", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "初始化時無法執行命令。初始化完成後請再試一次。", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during initialization. Try again when initialization completes.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProject.running": "正在初始化現有應用程式...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectDescription": "初始化現有應用程式", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.initProjectTitleNew": "初始化現有應用程式", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "已登入的 Microsoft 365 帳戶不符合先前佈建中使用的 Microsoft 365 租用戶。請登出並使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "沒有任何 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入。請登入 Microsoft 365。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "從開發人員入口網站開啟專案時無法執行命令。請在建立完成時再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "直接在 Visual Studio Code 中預覽並製作調適型卡片", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotMatch": "This Microsoft 365 account doesn't match the previous Microsoft 365 tenant. Sign in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.m365AccountNotSignedIn": "You're not signed into Microsoft 365 account. Please sign in.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openFromTdp.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command when creating project from Developer Portal. Try again after creation completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewACDescription": "Preview and create Adaptive Cards directly in Visual Studio Code.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewAdaptiveCard": "預覽與偵錯調適型卡片", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewDescription": "對 Teams 應用程式進行預覽和預覽", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.previewTitle": "預覽您的 Teams 應用程式 (F5)", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "佈建時無法執行命令。佈建作業完成後請再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "正在佈建...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中執行 'provision' 生命週期階段", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpTitle": "Get help from GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getCopilotHelpDescription": "Chat with GitHub Copilot to know what you can do with your Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during provisioning. Try again after provisioning completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provision.running": "Provisioning in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionDescription": "Run the 'provision' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.provisionTitle": "佈建", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "發佈封裝時無法執行命令。發佈完成後請再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "正在發佈...", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "在 teamsapp.yml 中執行 'publish' 生命週期階段", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.blockTooltip": "Unable to run command during package publishing. Try again after publishing completes.", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publish.running": "Publishing in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishDescription": "Run the 'publish' lifecycle stage in teamsapp.yml file.", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalTitle": "開啟開發人員入口網站以發佈", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishInDevPortalDescription": "在開發人員入口網站中發佈至貴組織", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishTitle": "發佈", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.getStartedTitle": "開始使用", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesDescription": "回報任何問題,並讓我們知道您的意見反應", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.reportIssuesTitle": "回報 GitHub 的問題", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.openSurveyTitle": "我們歡迎您提供意見反應。", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesDescription": "開始使用範例庫中的範例", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.samplesTitle": "檢視範例", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.teamsDevPortalDescription": "管理您的 Teams 應用程式註冊並存取更多工具", @@ -138,8 +159,36 @@ "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideDescription": "檢視引導式教學課程", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.guideTitle": "檢視操作指南", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorTitle": "管理共同作業者", - "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "管理 M365 Teams 應用程式 (使用 AAD 應用程式) 共同作業者者", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.manageCollaboratorDescription": "Manage M365 Teams App (with Microsoft Entra app) Collaborators", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginTitle": "Add Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPluginDescription": "Add plugin in declarative copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addPlugin.running": "Adding plugin...", "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.addWebpartTitle": "新增 SPFx 網頁組件", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployTitle": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevDeployDescription": "Deploy", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceTitle": "Publish", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.publishAppSourceDescription": "Link to the wiki about how to publish the add-in to AppSource", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInTitle": "Create a New App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.createOfficeAddInDescription": "Create a new add-in project of Word, Excel, or Powerpoint", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesTitle": "Check and Install Dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.checkAndInstallDependenciesDescription": "Check and install dependencies", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugTitle": "Preview Your Office Add-in (F5)", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeDevLocalDebugDescription": "Local debug your Add-in App", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestTitle": "Validate Manifest File", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.validateManifestDescription": "Validate the manifest file of Office add-ins project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabTitle": "Script Lab", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.scriptLabDescription": "Open Script Lab introduction page", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryTitle": "View Prompts for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.promptLibraryDescription": "Open Office Prompt Library for GitHub Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterTitle": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.officePartnerCenterDescription": "Open Partner Center", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedTitle": "Get Started", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.getStartedDescription": "Get more info about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationTitle": "Documentation", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.documentationDescription": "The documentation about how to create Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugTitle": "Stop Previewing Your Office Add-in", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.officeAddIn.stopDebugDescription": "Stop debugging the Office Add-in project", + "teamstoolkit.commandsTreeViewProvider.syncManifest": "Sync Manifest", "teamstoolkit.common.readMore": "閱讀更多", "teamstoolkit.common.signin": "登入", "teamstoolkit.common.signout": "登出", @@ -148,14 +197,14 @@ "teamstoolkit.common.recommended": "建議", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioLogin.message": "請登入您的 Microsoft 365 帳戶以繼續。", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.appStudioSwitchAccount.message": "請登入正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶以繼續。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "請等候完成前一個要求的處理。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.blockingMessage": "Please wait for the previous request to complete.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.checkM365Account.progressTitle": "正在檢查 Microsoft 365 帳戶...", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "請從開發人員入口網站再試一次,並務必使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams 工具組無法取得您的 Teams 應用程式。請從開發人員入口網站再試一次,並務必使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.generalError.message": "Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.getTeamsAppError.message": "Teams Toolkit couldn't retrieve your Teams app. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.invalidLink": "連結無效", "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccount": "切換帳戶", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "已取消登入。您必須使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入才能繼續。請從開發人員入口網站再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "已取消切換帳戶。您必須使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入才能繼續。請從開發人員入口網站再試一次。", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.signInCancel.message": "Sign-in canceled. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", + "teamstoolkit.devPortalIntegration.switchAccountCancel.message": "An attempt to switch account was interrupted. Please try again from Developer Portal by signing in with the correct Microsoft 365 account.", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAccount": "使用您的正確 Azure 帳戶登入", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingAzureAndM365Account": "使用正確的 Azure / Microsoft 365 帳戶登入", "teamstoolkit.envTree.missingM365Account": "使用正確的 Microsoft 365 帳戶登入", @@ -164,82 +213,103 @@ "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignIn": "已成功登入 Azure 帳戶。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.azureSignOut": "已成功登出 Azure 帳戶。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.coreNotReady": "正在載入核心模組", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "您應該建立新的應用程式,或開啟現有的應用程式以開啟讀我檔案。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "建立新的應用程式", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectNotification": "Create a new app or open an existing one to open the README file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.createProjectTitle": "Create New App", "teamstoolkit.handlers.editSecretTitle": "編輯解密的祕密值", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fallbackAppName": "您的應用程式", "teamstoolkit.handlers.fileNotFound": "找不到 %s,無法開啟。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "找不到專案環境 %s。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.findEnvFailed": "Unable to find project environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidArgs": "無效的引數: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.getHelp": "取得協助", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.debugInTestTool": "Debug in Test Tool", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceeded": "已以 Teams 應用程式擁有者身分將帳戶: '%s' 新增至環境 '%s'。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionSucceededV3": "已新增帳戶: '%s' 作為 Teams 應用程式擁有者。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "如果新增的使用者無法存取 Azure 資源,您必須透過 Azure 入口網站手動設定存取原則。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "如果新增的使用者不是 SharePoint 應用程式目錄網站系統管理員,您必須透過 SharePoint 系統管理中心手動設定存取原則。 ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "若要預覽並偵錯調適型卡片,建議您使用「調適型卡片工作室」擴充功能。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "無法對 Teams 應用程式偵錯。專案不是有效的 Teams 專案。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "已成功在 [本機位址](%s) 建立 [%s]。您可以繼續偵錯您的應用程式。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "已成功在%s 建立 [%s]。您可以繼續偵錯您的應用程式。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarning": "If an added user can't access Azure resources, set up access policy manually via Azure portal.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.grantPermissionWarningSpfx": "If an added user a SharePoint App Catalog site admin, set up access policy manually via SharePoint admin center.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "To preview and debug Adaptive Cards, we recommend to use the \"Adaptive Card Previewer\" extension.", + "_teamstoolkit.handlers.installAdaptiveCardExt": "product name, no need to translate 'Adaptive Card Previewer'.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.autoInstallDependency": "Dependency installation in progress...", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.adaptiveCardExtUsage": "Type \"Adaptive Card: Open Preview\" in command pallete to start previewing current Adaptive Card file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.invalidProject": "Unable to debug Teams App. This is not a valid Teams project.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugDescription.enabledTestTool.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to debug your app in Test Tool or Teams.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localDebugTitle": "偵錯", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "已成功在 [本機位址](%s) 建立 [%s]。您可以繼續預覽您的應用程式。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "已成功在%s 建立 [%s]。您可以繼續預覽您的應用程式。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to preview your app.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.localPreviewTitle": "本機預覽", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "登入失敗,操作已終止。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginFailed": "Unable to log in. The operation is terminated.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignIn": "已成功登入 Microsoft 365 帳戶。", "teamstoolkit.handlers.m365SignOut": "已成功登出 Microsoft 365 帳戶。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "無法從快取取得登入帳戶權杖。您可以使用 Teams 工具組樹狀檢視或命令選擇區,嘗試登出並重新登入您的 Azure 帳戶", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.loginCacheFailed": "Unable to get login account token from cache. Sign in to your Azure account using Teams Toolkit tree view or command palette.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.noOpenWorkspace": "沒有開啟工作區", "teamstoolkit.handlers.openFolderTitle": "開啟資料夾", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "不支援作業: %s", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.operationNotSupport": "Action is not supported: %s", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.title": "Microsoft 365 的 CLI", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "您正在專案中使用舊版 SPFx,但目前版本的 Teams 工具組支援 SPFx v%s。若要使用 SPFx v%s,請遵循 「Microsoft 365 的 CLI」進行升級。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeProject.description": "You are using old SPFx version in your project and the current Teams Toolkit supports SPFx v%s. To upgrade, follow 'CLI for Microsoft 365'.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.title": "升級", "teamstoolkit.handlers.promptSPFx.upgradeToolkit.description": "您正於專案中使用較新版本的 SPFx,但目前的 Teams 工具組版本支援 SPFx v%s。請注意,可能不支援某些較新的 SPFx 功能。如果您未使用最新版的 Teams 工具組,請考慮升級。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription": "[%s] is successfully created at [local address](%s). Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionDescription.fallback": "[%s] is successfully created at %s. Continue to provision and then you can preview the app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.provisionTitle": "Provision", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired": "[%s] is created at [local address](%s). Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequired.fallback": "[%s] is created at %s. Follow the instructions in README file to preview your app.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.manualStepRequiredTitle": "Open README", "teamstoolkit.handlers.referLinkForMoreDetails": "如需詳細資料,請參閱此連結: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.reportIssue": "回報問題", "teamstoolkit.handlers.similarIssues": "相似的問題", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "無法載入環境 %s 的 %s 資訊。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.resourceInfoNotFound": "Unable to load %s info for environment %s.", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signIn365": "登入 Microsoft 365", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signInAzure": "登入 Azure", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfAzure": "登出 Azure: ", "teamstoolkit.handlers.signOutOfM365": "登出 Microsoft 365: ", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "在環境 %s 中找不到狀態檔案。您必須先執行 [佈建] 以產生相關的狀態檔案。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "在環境 %s 中找不到狀態檔案。您必須先執行 [偵錯] 以產生相關的狀態檔案。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "在 %s 中找不到資訊清單範本檔案。您可以在自己的範本檔案中使用 CLI。", - "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "在 %s 中找不到應用程式套件檔案。您可以將 CLI 與自己的應用程式套件檔案一起使用。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "無法檢查狀: [%s]。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "深入了解", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "請注意,在 Office 365 目標版本中註冊開發人員租用戶之後,可能需要幾天的時間註冊才會生效。如需設定開發環境以在所有 Microsoft 365 中擴充 Teams 應用程式的詳細資訊,請按一下 [深入了解] 按鈕。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "工作 '%s' 失敗。如需詳細錯誤資訊,請參閱 '%s' 終端機視窗,或按一下 [回報問題] 按鈕來回報問題。", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.stateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run 'Provision' to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.localStateFileNotFound": "State file not found in environment %s. Firstly, run `debug` to generate related state file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultManifestTemplateNotExists": "Manifest template file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own template file.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.defaultAppPackageNotExists": "App package file not found in %s. Use CLI with your own app package file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failedCheckers": "Unable to check: [%s].", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallOfficeAddinDependency": "Install dependencies for Office Add-in?", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installOfficeAddinDependencyCancelled": "Dependency installation is canceled, but you can install dependencies manually by clicking the 'Development - Check and Install Dependencies' button on the left side.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.learnMore": "Get More Info", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.m365TenantHintMessage": "After enrolling your developer tenant in Office 365 Target Release, enrollment may come into effect in couple of days. Click 'Get More Info' button for details on setting up dev environment to extend Teams apps across Microsoft 365.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot": "To use GitHub Copilot, install its extension first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.install": "Install", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.askInstallCopilot.cancel": "Cancel", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installExtension.output": "You need to install %s following \"%s\" first.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.installCopilotError": "Unable to install GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.chatTeamsAgentError": "Unable to automatically focus GitHub Copilot Chat. Open GitHub Copilot Chat and start with \"%s\"", + "teamstoolkit.handlers.verifyCopilotExtensionError": "Unable to verify GitHub Copilot Chat. Install it manually following %s and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.npmInstallFailedHintMessage": "Task '%s' did not complete successfully. For detailed error information, check '%s' terminal window and to report the issue, click 'Report Issue' button.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.openSettings": "開啟設定", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "連接埠: %s 已在使用中。關閉此連接埠,然後再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "連接埠: %s 已在使用中。請關閉這些連接埠,然後再試一次。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "在 package.json 中變更連接埠可能會中斷偵錯。請按一下 [深入了解] 按鈕,確認所有連接埠變更皆為預期變更或參閱文件。(%s package.json 位置: %s)", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "必要條件檢查失敗,如果您想要略過檢查並安裝任何必要條件,可以在 Visual Studio Code 設定中停用它們。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "驗證與安裝必要條件失敗。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portAlreadyInUse": "Port %s is already in use. Close it and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portsAlreadyInUse": "Ports %s are already in use. Close them and try again.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.portWarning": "Changing port(s) in package.json may interrupt debugging. Ensure all port changes are intentional or click 'Get More Info' button for documentation. (%s package.json location: %s)", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckFailure": "Prerequisites check was unsuccessful. To bypass checking and installing prerequisites, disable them in Visual Studio Code settings.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.prerequisitesCheckTaskFailure": "Prerequisites validation and installation was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.outputPanel": "輸出面板", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.terminal": "終端機", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.showDetail": "請檢查 %s 以查看詳細資料。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "您現在使用的 Microsoft 365 租用戶與您先前使用的租用戶不同。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "'%s' 的值對類型 'teamsfx' 的工作無效", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.switchM365AccountWarning": "You've switched to a different Microsoft 365 tenant than the one you previously used.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskDefinitionError": "The value '%s' is not valid for the 'teamsfx' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.taskCancelError": "工作已取消。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "有多個正在執行的本機通道服務。關閉所有多餘的工作以防止衝突。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "沒有正在執行的本機通道服務。請確保本機通道服務已開始。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok 已停止,結束代碼為 '%s'。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.multipleTunnelServiceError": "Multiple local tunneling services are running. Close duplicate tasks to avoid conflicts.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.noTunnelServiceError": "No running local tunneling service found. Make sure the service is started.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokStoppedError": "Ngrok has stopped with exit code '%s'.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokProcessError": "無法啟動 ngrok。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokNotFoundError": "TeamsFx 未安裝 ngrok。請參閱 teamsfx-debug-tasks#debug-check-prerequisites,了解如何安裝 ngrok。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.ngrokInstallationError": "無法安裝 Ngrok。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "通道服務尚未啟動。請稍候片刻,或重新啟動本機通道工作。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "找不到通道端點。Teams 工具組已嘗試從 %s 取得第一個 HTTPS URL,但已失敗。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelServiceNotStartedError": "The tunneling service isn't running. Wait a moment or restart the local tunneling task.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEndpointNotFoundError": "Unable to find the tunnel endpoint. Teams toolkit tried getting the first HTTPS URL from %s but was unsuccessful.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.tunnelEnvError": "無法儲存環境變數。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startTunnelError": "無法啟動本機通道服務工作。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.devTunnelOperationError": "無法執行開發者隧道作業 '%s'。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.title": "正在執行 Visual Studio Code 工作:「啟動本機通道」", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams 工具組正在啟動本機通道服務,以將公用 URL 轉寄至本機連接埠並檢查流量。開啟終端視窗以查看詳細資料。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.checkNumber": "Teams Toolkit is starting local tunneling service to forward public URL to local port. Open the terminal window for details.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.summary": "摘要:", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "造訪 %s 以深入了解「啟動本機通道」工作。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.learnMore": "Visit %s to get more info about 'Start local tunnel' task.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummary": "正在將 URL 轉寄至 %s。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "正在將 URL %s 轉寄至 %s。已將 [%s] 儲存至 %s。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.successSummaryWithEnv": "Forwarding URL %s to %s and saved [%s] to %s.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.duration": "已在 %s 秒內啟動本機通道服務。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startDevTunnel": "正在啟動開發人員通道服務", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.startNgrokMessage": "正在啟動 ngrok 服務", @@ -248,32 +318,47 @@ "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.skipInstallMessage": "跳過檢查和安裝 ngrok,因為使用者已指定 ngrok 路徑 (%s)。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.createDevTunnelMessage": "開發人員通道標籤: %s。", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.deleteDevTunnelMessage": "已刪除開發通道 '%s'。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "超過開發人員通道限制。關閉其他偵錯工作階段,清除未使用的開發人員通道,然後再試一次。請查看 [輸出通道](%s) 以了解更多詳細資料。", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "您已達到使用 Microsoft 365 帳戶建立的最大通道數目。您帳戶中的開發人員通道:", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceededMessage": "Exceeded dev tunnel limit. Close other debugging sessions, clean up unused dev tunnels and try again. Check [output channel](%s) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelListMessage": "You've reached the maximum number of tunnels allowed for your Microsoft 365 account. Your current dev tunnels:", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.deleteAllTunnels": "刪除所有通道", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.output.tunnel.devTunnelLimitExceeded.cancel": "取消", - "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "無法啟動 Teams Web 用戶端。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientError": "Unable to launch Teams web client.", "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsWebClientStoppedError": "啟動 Teams Web 用戶端的工作已停止,結束代碼 '%s'。", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.useTestTool": "Alternatively, you can skip this step by choosing the %s option.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientError": "Unable to launch Teams desktop client.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientStoppedError": "Task to launch Teams desktop client stopped with exit code '%s'.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadProcess": "Start deleting Microsoft Entra application process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.updatingLocalEnvFile": "Start updating local env files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successUpdateLocalEnvFile": "Successfully updated the local user files.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingAadApp": "Start deleting the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadApp": "Successfully deleted the Microsoft Entra application: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadApp": "Failed to delete Microsoft Entra application: %s, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteAadProcess": "Successfully completed the Microsoft Entra application deletion process.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.failDeleteAadProcess": "Failed to complete the Microsoft Entra application deletion process, error: %s", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.deleteAadNotification": "Teams Toolkit will try to delete the Microsoft Entra application created for local debugging to resolve security issues.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.startDeletingNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Start updating notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.successDeleteNotificationLocalStoreFile": "Successfully updated notification local store file.", + "teamstoolkit.localDebug.launchTeamsDesktopClientMessage": "Before proceeding, make sure your Teams desktop login matches your current Microsoft 365 account%s used in Teams Toolkit.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.progressTitle": "升級 Teams 資訊清單以在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 應用程式中延伸", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.name": "選取要升級的 Teams 資訊清單", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.selectFileConfig.title": "選取要升級的 Teams 資訊清單", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.success": "已成功升級 Teams 資訊清單 %s。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.updateManifest": "更新 Teams 資訊清單。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.upgrade": "升級", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit 會就地更新您選取要在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 應用程式中運作的 Teams 資訊清單檔。建議您在升級前使用 GIT 來更完善地追蹤檔案變更。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsManifest.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams manifest file to work in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.progressTitle": "升級 Teams 索引標籤應用程式以在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 應用程式中延伸", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.name": "選取要升級的 Teams 索引標籤應用程式", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.selectFolderConfig.title": "選取要升級的 Teams 索引標籤應用程式", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.success": "已成功升級 Teams 索引標籤應用程式 %s。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "無法更新檔案 %s,代碼: %s,訊息: %s。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "無法更新 %d 個檔案: %s 等等。如需詳細資料,請參閱 [輸出面板](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel)。", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "無法更新 %d 個檔案: %。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodeError": "We couldn't update file %s, code: %s, message: %s.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorMessage": "We couldn't update %d files: %s, etc. Check [Output panel](command:fx-extension.showOutputChannel) for more details.", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updateCodesErrorOutput": "We couldn't update %d files: %s.", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatePackageJsonWarning": "在 %s 中找不到 @microsoft/teams-js 相依性。沒有要升級的內容。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCode": "正在更新 %s 中的 %s 代碼。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingCodes": "正在更新代碼以使用 @microsoft/teams-js v2。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.updatingPackageJson": "正在更新 package.json 以使用 @microsoft/teams-js v2。", "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.upgrade": "升級", - "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams 工具組將就地更新您選取要使用 Teams 用戶端 SDK v2 的 Teams 索引標籤應用程式。建議您在升級前使用 GIT 來更完善地追蹤檔案變更。", + "teamstoolkit.migrateTeamsTabApp.warningMessage": "Teams Toolkit will update the selected Teams Tab app to use Teams client SKD v2. Use git to track file changes before upgrading.", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.prepareTask": " 準備工作。", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.reloadNotice": "%s%s%s", "teamstoolkit.progressHandler.showOutputLink": "如需詳細資料,請參閱 [輸出面板](%s)。", @@ -285,21 +370,21 @@ "teamstoolkit.qm.multiSelectKeyboard": " (用於核取/取消核取的空格鍵)", "teamstoolkit.qm.validatingInput": "正在驗證...", "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.message": "userAsked", - "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "告訴我們您對 Teams 工具組的想法。", - "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "userCancelled", - "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "dontShowAgain", + "teamstoolkit.survey.banner.title": "Share your thoughts on the Teams Toolkit! Your feedback helps us improve.", + "teamstoolkit.survey.cancelMessage": "User canceled", + "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.message": "Don't show this again", "teamstoolkit.survey.dontShowAgain.title": "不要再顯示", - "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "remindMeLater", + "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.message": "Remind me later", "teamstoolkit.survey.remindMeLater.title": "稍後再提醒我", - "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "takeSurvey", + "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.message": "Share your thoughts with us by taking the survey.", "teamstoolkit.survey.takeSurvey.title": "填寫問卷", "teamstoolkit.guide.capability": "功能", "teamstoolkit.guide.cloudServiceIntegration": "雲端服務整合", "teamstoolkit.guide.development": "開發", "teamstoolkit.guide.scenario": "案例", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "開啟 GitHub 指南", - "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "開啟產品內指南", - "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "API 閘道可用來管理為 Teams 應用程式建立的 API,並將它們發佈以在其他應用程式上使用,例如 Power 應用程式。", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.github": "Open GitHub guide.", + "teamstoolkit.guide.tooltip.inProduct": "Open in-product guide", + "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.detail": "An API gateway manages APIs for Teams apps, making them available for consumption by other apps like Power Apps.", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureAPIM.label": "與 Azure API 管理整合", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.detail": "可為 Teams 應用程式後端建立 Web API 的無伺服器解決方案。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addAzureFunction.label": "與 Azure Functions 整合", @@ -317,42 +402,45 @@ "teamstoolkit.guides.addSso.label": "在 Teams 中開發單一登入體驗", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.detail": "內嵌在 Microsoft Teams 中的 Teams 感知網頁。", "teamstoolkit.guides.addTab.label": "設定索引標籤功能", - "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "在交談中自動化常見商務程序的重複工作流程。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.detail": "Automate routine business tasks through conversation.", "teamstoolkit.guides.cardActionResponse.label": "在 Teams 中起始循序工作流程", "teamstoolkit.guides.notificationBot.label": "通知 Bot 範本的概觀", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.detail": "為 GitHub、Azure DevOps 和 Jenkins 建置 Teams 應用程式時,將開發工作流程自動化。", "teamstoolkit.guides.cicdPipeline.label": "自動化 CI/CD Pipelines", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.detail": "在 iOS 或 Android 用戶端上執行和偵錯您的 Teams 應用程式。", "teamstoolkit.guides.mobilePreview.label": "在行動用戶端上執行和偵錯", - "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "啟用 Teams 應用程式的多租用戶支援。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.detail": "Enable Multi-Tenant support for Teams app.", "teamstoolkit.guides.multiTenant.label": "多租用戶支援", - "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "使用交談中的簡單命令和回應以自動化執行重複性工作。", + "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.detail": "Automate routine tasks using simple commands in a chat.", "teamstoolkit.guides.commandAndResponse.label": "在 Teams 中回應聊天命令", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.detail": "使用 TeamsFx SDK 連線到具有驗證支援的 API。", "teamstoolkit.guides.connectApi.label": "連線到 API", - "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "內嵌包含多張卡片的創作區,以在 Microsoft Teams 中提供資料或內容的概觀", + "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.detail": "Embed a canvas with multiple cards for data or content overview in Microsoft Teams.", "teamstoolkit.guides.dashboardApp.label": "在 Teams 中內嵌儀表板創作區", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.detail": "使用 Bot 或傳入 Webhook 以從您的 Web 服務傳送通知至 Teams。", "teamstoolkit.guides.sendNotification.label": "傳送通知到 Teams", - "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams 工具組已更新為 v%s - 查看變更記錄!", + "teamstoolkit.upgrade.banner": "Teams Toolkit is updated to v%s — see the changelog!", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.title": "選取您的 Teams 應用程式套件", - "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "選取您的 Teams 應用程式套件,或可以從「Zip Teams 應用程式套件」建置套件", + "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.selectFile.placeholder": "Select your Teams app package or build one from \"Zip Teams app package\"", "teamstoolkit.publishInDevPortal.confirmFile.placeholder": "確認已正確選取 zip 檔案", "teamstoolkit.upgrade.changelog": "變更記錄", "teamstoolkit.webview.samplePageTitle": "範例", - "teamstoolkit.webview.surveyPageTitle": "Teams 工具組問卷", "teamstoolkit.webview.accountHelp": "帳戶説明", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.prerequisites.description": "驗證必要條件。\n 如需詳細資料及如何自訂引數,請參閱 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/check-prerequisites。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.startLocalTunnel.description": "啟動本機通道服務。\n 如需詳細資料及如何自訂引數,請參閱 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.provision.description": "執行佈建生命週期。\n 如需詳細資料及如何自訂引數,請參閱 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/provision。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.deploy.description": "執行部署生命週期。\n 如需詳細資料及如何自訂引數,請參閱 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/deploy。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchWebClient.description": "啟動 Teams Web 用戶端。\n 如需詳細資料及如何自訂引數,請參閱 https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-web-client。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.command.launchDesktopClient.description": "Launch Teams desktop client. \n See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/launch-desktop-client for details and how to customize the arguments.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.copilotAccessTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if you have Copilot access.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.title": "已啟用的必要條件。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "驗證是否已安裝 Node.js。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "提示登入 Microsoft 365 帳戶並驗證帳戶是否已啟用側載權限。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "檢查連接埠可用性以供偵錯使用。", - "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "要驗證的連接埠號碼", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.nodejsTitle": "Check if Node.js is installed.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.m365AccountTitle": "Prompt to sign in with your Microsoft 365 account and check if side-loading permission is enabled for the account.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.prerequisites.portsTitle": "Check if the ports are available for debugging.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.portOccupancy.title": "Check the port numbers.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.env.title": "環境名稱。", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.url.title": "The Teams app URL.", + "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.expiration.title": "The tunnel will be deleted if inactive for 3600 seconds.", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.title": "通道網域和通道端點之環境變數的索引鍵。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.domain.title": "通道網域的環境變數之索引鍵。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.writeToEnvironmentFile.endpoint.title": "通道端點的環境變數之索引鍵。", @@ -362,27 +450,95 @@ "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.protocol.title": "連接埠的通訊協定。", "teamstoolkit.taskDefinitions.args.ports.access.title": "通道的存取控制。", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.label": "新增應用程式擁有者", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "將擁有者新增至您的 Teams 應用程式和 Azure Active Director 應用程式註冊中,以便他們可以進行變更", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.grantPermission.description": "Add owners to your Teams app and Microsoft Entra app registrations so they can make changes", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.label": "列出應用程式擁有者", - "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "列出可以變更您 Teams 和 Azure Active Director 應用程式註冊的所有擁有者", + "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.listCollaborator.description": "List all the owners who can make changes to your Teams and Microsoft Entra app registrations", "teamstoolkit.manageCollaborator.command": "管理可以對您的應用程式進行變更的人員", "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-project-and-check-upgradeV3.content": "[升級專案](command:fx-extension.checkProjectUpgrade?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n升級您的 Teams 工具組專案,以與最新版本保持相容。備份目錄會與升級摘要一起建立。[詳細資訊](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%2C%22learnmore%22%5D)\n如果您不想現在升級,請繼續使用 Teams 工具組 4.x.x 版。", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "直接進入 Teams Toolkit 並取得基礎概觀。如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 [使用者入門](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)。\n逐步說明建置真實 Teams 應用程式的步驟。\n[文件](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n建立專案或探索我們的樣本。\n[建立新的應用程式](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[檢視樣本](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "直接進入 Teams Toolkit,取得基礎概觀。\n[開始](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n建立專案或探索我們的樣本。\n[建立新的應用程式](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[檢視樣本](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n逐步執行建置真實 Teams 應用程式的步驟。\n[文件](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", - "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-feedback.content": "請花 2 分鐘協助我們改進,您的意見反應對我們來說很重要!\n[我們歡迎您提供意見反應](command:fx-extension.openSur)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.viewsWelcome.teamsfx-empty-project-new-user-with-chat-with-api-copilot-plugin.content": "Jumpstart right into Teams Toolkit and [get an overview of the fundamentals](command:fx-extension.openWelcome?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) or start [building an intelligent app for Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.buildIntelligentAppsWalkthrough?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D) today.\nCreate a project or explore our samples.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.create?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nWalk through the steps to build a real-world Teams app.\n[Documentation](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\n[How-to Guides](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)\nCreate your new app effortlessly with GitHub Copilot.\n[Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22SideBar%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.description": "快速開始使用 Teams 應用程式開發體驗", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "使用 [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) 或 [Outlook 增益集](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) 功能開始建置您的第一個應用程式。\n您可以從頭建立,或探索我們的樣本以協助您使用真實範例和程式碼結構快速開始建置。\n[建立新應用程式](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[檢視樣本](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.withChat.description": "Jumpstart your Teams app development experience or use @teams in GitHub Copilot Extension", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildAppWithChat.description": "Start building your first app with [Teams](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-capabilities-overview) or [Outlook add-in](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-outlook-add-in-capabilities) capabilities. Create it from scratch or explore our samples for real-world examples and code structures.\nEnhance your Teams extension experiences wtih GitHub Copilot.\n[Create a New App](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n[View Samples](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n [Create App with GitHub Copilot](command:fx-extension.invokeChat?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: You need to have a GitHub subscription to use GitHub Copilot.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitBuildApp.title": "組建您的第一個應用程式", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "建立免費的 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶,以便在 Teams 中安裝和預覽您的 Teams 應用程式。\n 如果您已經擁有 Microsoft 365 組織帳戶,[登入 Microsoft 365](command:fx-extension.signinM365?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) 並驗證 [側載](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant#enable-custom-teams-apps-and-turn-on-custom-app-uploading) 已啟用。\n[建立 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "免費建立 Microsoft 365 測試租用戶", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "您可以在雲端中佈建資源,並將應用程式的程式碼部署到佈建的資源。最後,將您的第一個應用程式散發至 Teams。\n[開啟生命週期命令](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__提示: 深入了解 ['生命週期'](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision)。__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.description": "To build app for Teams, you need a Microsoft account with custom app upload permissions. Don't have one? Create a Microsoft developer sandbox with the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.\n Notice that Microsoft 365 Developer Program requires Visual Studio subscriptions. [Get more info about Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program)\n[Join Microsoft 365 Developer Program](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitCreateFreeAccount.title": "Create Microsoft 365 developer sandbox", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.description": "Set up cloud resources, deploy your app's code to these resources, and distribute your app to Teams.\n[Open Lifecycle Commands](command:fx-extension.openLifecycleTreeview?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: Get more info about [Lifecycle](https://aka.ms/teamsfx-provision).__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitDeploy.title": "部署 Teams 應用程式", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.description": "使用 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 開發 Teams 應用程式需要 NPM 和 Node.js。請檢查您的環境,並為您的第一個 Teams 應用程式開發做好準備。\n[執行必要條件檢查工具](command:fx-extension.validate-getStarted-prerequisites?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitEnvironment.title": "讓您的環境準備就緒", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.altText": "操作指南,README.md 和文件", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.description": "以下是繼續使用 Teams Toolkit 的一些建議。\n • 探索 [操作指南](command:fx-extension.selectTutorials?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) 並取得更多實用指導\n • 開啟 [Readme.md](command:fx-extension.openReadMe?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) 以了解如何開發此應用程式\n • 閲讀 [文件](command:fx-extension.openDocument?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitExploreMore.title": "下一步是什麼?", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "按 [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) 或探索活動列上的 '[執行和偵錯](command:workbench.view.debug)' 面板,並按一下播放圖示以在 Teams 內容中本機預覽您的應用程式。\n[執行本機預覽 (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__提示: 若要執行本機預覽,請使用側載選項登入 Microsoft 365 (組織帳戶)。__", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.description": "Press [F5](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D) or discover [Run and Debug](command:workbench.view.debug) panel on the activity bar, and click the play icon to locally preview your app in Teams context.\n[Run Local Preview (F5)](command:fx-extension.selectAndDebug?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)\n__Tip: To run local preview, sign in to Microsoft 365 (organizational account) with custom app upload option.__", "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.steps.teamsToolkitPreview.title": "在本機預覽您的 Teams 應用程式", - "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "開始使用 Teams Toolkit" + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.title": "開始使用 Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.installDependency": "Installing dependency...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.validateManifest": "Validating manifest...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.stopDebugging": "Stopping debugging...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.generateManifestGUID": "Generating manifest GUID...", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.terminate": "* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.terminal.manifest.notfound": "Manifest xml file not found", + "teamstoolkit.officeAddIn.workspace.invalid": "Invalid workspace path", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.teams.description": "Use this Copilot extension to ask questions about Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.description": "Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.whatsNext": "What should I do next?", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.sample": "Scaffold this sample", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.template": "Create this template", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.tooGeneric": "Your app description is too generic. To find relevant templates or samples, give specific details of your app's capabilities or technologies.\n\nE.g. Instead of saying 'create a bot', you could specify 'create a bot template' or 'create a notification bot that sends user the stock updates'.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.oneMatched": "We've found 1 project that matches your description. Take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.multipleMatched": "We've found %d projects that match your description. Take a look at them below.\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noMatched": "I cannot find any matching templates or samples. Refine your app description or explore other templates.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Teams app that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @teams /create a Teams app that will notify my team about new GitHub pull requests.\n\n@teams /create I want to create a ToDo Teams app.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.nextStep.noPromptAnswer": "This command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. If you're unsure what to do after creating a project, simply ask Copilot by using @teams /nextstep.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.default.noConceptualAnswer": "This is a procedural question, @teams can only answer questions regarding descriptions or concepts for now. You could try these commands or get more info from [Teams Toolkit documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/toolkit/teams-toolkit-fundamentals).\n\n • /create: Use this command to find relevant templates or samples to build your Teams app as per your description. E.g. @teams /create create an AI assistant bot that can complete common tasks.\n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Teams app development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.description": "Use this command to ask questions about Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.description": "Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the Office Add-ins that you want to build.\n\nE.g. @office /create an Excel hello world Add-in.\n\n@office /create a Word Add-in that inserts comments.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.projectMatched": "We've found a project that matches your description. Please take a look at it below.\n\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.quickPick.workspace": "Current workspace", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.title": "Choose the location to save your project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.selectFolder.label": "Select Folder", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.successfullyCreated": "Project successfully created in current workspace.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.failToCreate": "Unable to create the project.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.create.project": "Create this project", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.description": "Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.nextStep.promptAnswer": "This `/nextstep` command provides guidance on your next steps based on your workspace.\n\nE.g. To use this command, simply ask Copilot by using `@office /nextstep`.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.description": "Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.noPromptAnswer": "Use this command to provide description and other details about the code snippets you want to try.\n\nE.g. @office /generatecode @office /generatecode create a chart based on the selected range in Excel.\n\n@office /generatecode @office /generatecode insert a content control in a Word document.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.harmfulInputResponse": "Sorry, I can't assist with that.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noConceptualAnswer": "Currently, `@office` can only answer questions regarding add-in concepts or descriptions. For specific tasks, you could try the following commands by typing in `/`:\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.noJSAnswer": "This is question is not relevant with Office JavaScript Add-ins, @office can only answer questions regarding Office JavaScript Add-ins. You could try these commands or get more info from [Office Add-ins documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins).\n\n • /create: Use this command to build your Office Add-ins as per your description. \n\n • /generatecode: Use this command to generate code for the Office Add-ins. \n\n • /nextstep: Use this command to move to the next step at any stage of your Office Add-ins development.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.default.canNotAssist": "I can't assist you with this request.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.issueDetector.fixingErrors": "Attempting to fix code errors... ", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.intro": "For your question:", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.codeIntro": "Here is a code snippet using Office JavaScript API and TypeScript to help you get started:\n", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.outputTemplate.ending": "The above code is powered by AI, so mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify the generated code or suggestions.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.printer.raiBlock": "The response is filtered by Responsible AI service.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.hint": "Generating code...", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.complex": "This is a complex task and may take longer, please be patient.", + "teamstoolkit.chatParticipants.officeAddIn.generateCode.simple": "One moment, please.", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.title": "Get Started with Building Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.description": "Jumpstart your intelligent app development for Microsoft 365 with Teams Toolkit", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.title": "Two Paths to Intelligent Apps", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.twoPathsToIntelligentApps.description": "Build your intelligent apps with Microsoft 365 in two ways:\n🎯 Extend Microsoft Copilot with a plugin, Or\n✨ Build your own Copilot in Teams using Teams AI Library and Azure services", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.title": "API Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.copilotPlugin.description": "Transform your app into a plugin to enhance Copilot's skills and boost user productivity in daily tasks and workflows. Explore [Copilot Extensibility](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-copilot/extensibility/)\n[Check Copilot Access](command:fx-extension.checkCopilotAccess?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.title": "Build a Plugin", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildPlugin.description": "Expand, enrich, and customize Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors in any of the following ways\n[OpenAPI Description Document](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22project-type%22%3A%20%22copilot-extension-type%22%2C%20%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22api-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Teams Message Extension](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22search-app%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22me-type%22%2C%20%22me-architecture%22%3A%20%22bot-plugin%22%7D%5D)\n[Graph Connector](command:fx-extension.openSamples?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%22gc-nodejs-typescript-food-catalog%22%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.title": "Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.customCopilot.description": "Build your intelligent, natural language-driven experiences in Teams, leveraging its vast user base for collaboration. \nTeams toolkit integrates with Azure OpenAI and Teams AI Library to streamline copilot development and offer unique Teams-based capabilities. \nExplore [Teams AI Library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview) and [Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/overview)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.title": "Build Custom Engine Copilot", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.buildCustomCopilot.description": "Build an AI agent bot for common tasks or an intelligent chatbot to answer specific questions\n[Build a Basic AI Chatbot](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-basic%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build an AI Agent](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-agent%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)\n[Build a Bot to Chat with Your Data](command:fx-extension.createFromWalkthrough?%5B%22WalkThrough%22%2C%20%7B%22capabilities%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-rag%22%2C%20%22project-type%22%3A%20%22custom-copilot-type%22%7D%5D)", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.title": "Intelligent App Resources", + "teamstoolkit.walkthroughs.buildIntelligentApps.intelligentAppResources.description": "Explore these resources to build intelligent apps and enhance your development projects\n🗒️ [Generative AI for Beginners](https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners/tree/main)\n✨ [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/retrieval-augmented-generation-overview)\n📚 [AI Learning and Community Hub](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/)", + "teamstoolkit.m365.needSignIn.message": "You need to sign in your Microsoft 365 account." } \ No newline at end of file