diff --git a/langs/en_US/ecommerce.lang b/langs/en_US/ecommerce.lang index 226ff09..0404318 100755 --- a/langs/en_US/ecommerce.lang +++ b/langs/en_US/ecommerce.lang @@ -1,780 +1,893 @@ -# Dolibarr language file - en_Us - magento +# Dolibarr language file - en_US - ECommerce CHARSET=UTF-8 ##PERMISSIONS## -Permission107101=Read the synchronization status of e-commerce sites -Permission107102=Synchronizing the e-commerce sites -Permission107103=Configuring the e-commerce sites +Permission107101 =Lire les statuts de synchronisation des sites e-commerce +Permission107102 =Synchroniser les sites e-commerce +Permission107103 =Configurer les sites e-commerce ##ADMIN## -Module107100Name=Woosync -Module107100Desc=Synchronization module between the Dolibarr and WooCommerce platforms -NothingToSetup=Activate the module to access its configuration +Module107100Name =WooSync +Module107100Desc =Synchronization module between Dolibarr and WooCommerce e-commerce platforms +BackToListOfSites =Back to list of sites +#not used# NothingToSetup =Activate the module to access its configuration ##MENU## -ECommerceMenuMain=WooSync -ECommerceMenuSites=ECommerce Sync -ECommerceMenuSetup=Setup ECommerce sites +ECommerceMenuMain =WooSync +ECommerceMenuSites =Synchronization +ECommerceMenuSetup =Sites setup ##SETUP## -ECommerceNgSelectSite=Selection du site -ECommercePriceType=Imported prices' types -ECommercePriceTypeHT=Tax excluded -ECommercePriceTypeTTC=Tax included -ECommercePriceTypeDescription=Define the VAT application on E-Commerce's imported products' prices (TE or TI) -ECommerceMagentoUseSpecialPriceDescription=Check to import Magento's special prices instead of public prices (public price will be imported only if special price is not defined) -ECommerceMagentoUseSpecialPrice=Use Magento's special price -ECommerceDashboard=ECommerce synchronization management dashboard -ECommerceSetup=Ecommerce module configuration -ECommerceAddNewSite=Add a new Ecommerce site -ECommerceCreateSite=Create a new Ecommerce site -ECommerceSetupSite=Ecommerce configuration -ECommerceSiteName=Ecommerce name -ECommerceCatProduct=Products category -ECommerceCatSociete=Customers category -ECommerceFilterLabel=Filter label -ECommerceFilterValue=Filter value -ECommerceSiteType=Ecommerce type -ECommerceSiteAddress=URL for Magento SOAP services -ECommercAuthenticationType =Type d'authentification -ECommercAuthenticationTypeDescription =Choissiez le type de connexion à WooCommerce -ECommercAuthenticationTypeOauth =Oauth 1 (Les informations de connection sont passées dans l'entête de la requête) -ECommercAuthenticationTypeBasic =Basic (Les informations de connection sont passées dans l'entête de la requête) -ECommercAuthenticationTypeQuery =Url (Les informations de connection sont passées en clair dans l'url de la requête) -ECommerceUserName=Username (for SOAP services) -ECommerceUserPassword=API key (for SOAP services) -ECommerceUserPasswordRetype=Retype API key -ECommerceConfirmDelete=Are you sure to delete this site ? -ECommerceConfirmReset=Are you sure you want to truncate synchronization data? (Care! Any data synchronized will be dropped) -ECommerceSetupSaved=Settings have been saved. -ECommerceSetupErrorDb=An error occured while saving into database. -ECommerceDeleteOk=The site has been deleted. -ECommerceSetupPasswordNotSame=Password must be identical in the 2 fields. -ECommerceSetupNameEmpty=Site's name is required. -ECommerceSiteNameDescription=Example : "My Big online Shop" or "Magento Prod" -ECommerceCatProductDescription=Select a product category to use to tags products in Dolibarr to mark them as products presents in Ecommerce too.
Note: Module Tag/Categories must be activated. -ECommerceCatSocieteDescription=Select a customer category to use to tags thirparties in Doliarr to mark them as customers presents in Ecommerce too
Note: Module Tags/Categories must be activated. -ECommerceFilterLabelDescription=Indicate a filter (exemple : store_id) -ECommerceFilterValueDescription=Indicate a value du filtre (exemple : *) -ECommerceSiteTypeDescription=Select a site type -ECommerceSiteAddressDescription=Check before into your eCommerce admin that services are enabled.
Exemple : http://www.localhost.com/api/?wsdl, http://mymagentoserver/index.php/api/?wsdl -ECommerceUserNameDescription=Exemple : soapuser -ECommerceUserPasswordDescription=Exemple : myapikey -ECommerceSite=Site -ECommerceLastUpdate=Last Ecommerce->Dolibarr sync -ECommerceNoUpdateSite=This site has never been synchronized -ECommerceUpdateSite=Detailed synchronization of this site -ECommerceUpdateAll=Synchronize all for this site -ECommerceReset=Delete all links and Dolibarr linked record -ECommerceResetLink=Delete all link records between Dolibarr and Ecommerce -ECommerceSetupCatProductEmpty=Product category is required. -ECommerceSetupCatSocieteEmpty=Customer category is required. -ECommerceSetupTypeEmpty=Site type is required. -ECommerceSetupAddressEmpty=Address site is required. -ECommerceConnectErrorCheckUsernamePasswordAndAdress=Error login, please check connection settings. -ECommerceSociete=Customer third parties -ECommerceSiteSynchro=Synchronizing Site -ECommerceProducts=Products -ECommerceCommande=Orders -ECommerceFacture=Invoices -ECommerceObjectToUpdate=Items to synchronize -ECommerceCountToUpdate=Nb of items modified in eCommerce and not yet synchronized -ECommerceSiteErrorConnect=Error connecting. Please retry. -ECommerceSynchronizeSociete = Synchronize thirdparties -ECommerceSynchronizeProduct = Synchronize products -ECommerceSynchronizeCommande = Synchronize orders -ECommerceSynchronizeFacture = Synchronize bills -ECommerceSynchronizeNewSociete = Synchronize new thirdparties -ECommerceSynchronizeNewProduct = Synchronize new products -ECommerceSynchronizeNewCommande = Synchronize new orders -ECommerceReboot=Please disable this module, re-able it and then try again. -ECommerceAnonymousCreateFailed=Failed to create the synchronization object corresponding to the anonymous third party. -ECommerceNoDbAnonymous=Anonymous third party doesn't exists in database. -ECommerceResetDolFactureSuccess=bills imported have been deleted. -ECommerceResetSynchFactureSuccess=bills synchronization mapping data have been deleted. -ECommerceResetDolCommandeSuccess=commands imported have been deleted. -ECommerceResetSynchCommandeSuccess=commands synchronization mapping data have been deleted. -ECommerceResetDolProductSuccess=products imported have been deleted. -ECommerceResetSynchProductSuccess=products synchronization mapping data have been deleted. -ECommerceResetDolSocpeopleSuccess=contacts imported have been deleted. -ECommerceResetSynchSocpeopleSuccess=contacts synchronization mapping data have been deleted. -ECommerceResetDolSocieteSuccess=companies imported have been deleted. -ECommerceResetSynchSocieteSuccess=companies synchronization mapping data have been deleted. -ECommerceResetDolCategorySuccess=categories imported have been deleted (this quantity can be higher by including categories' children). -ECommerceResetSynchCategorySuccess=categories synchronization mapping data have been deleted (this quantity can be higher by including mappings' children). -ECommerceSynchronizeCategoryProduct=Synchronize product categories -ECommerceSynchCategoryError=Error while synchronizing categories. -ECommerceSynchCategorySuccess=categories have been synchronized. -ECommerceSynchCategoryNoImportRoot=Categories synchronization has been aborted because dolibarr's import category doesn't exists. Please define it in synchronization configuration view before trying again -ECommerceSynchCategoryConnectError=A connexion error occurs during categories' synchronization. Please try again. -ECommerceSynchSocieteSuccess=companies have been synchronized. -ECommerceSynchProductSuccess=products have been synchronized. -ECommerceSynchCommandeSuccess=orders have been synchronized. -ECommerceSynchFactureSuccess=bills have been synchronized. -ECommerceSynchSocieteFailed=%s erreurs se sont produites lors de la synchronisation. -ECommerceSynchCommandeError=Error during synchronization of orders -ECommerceCheckIfCategoryDoesNotExistsTwice=Try to make name of your categories unique on your eCommerce platform -ECommerceSynchSocieteErrorCreateUpdateSociete=Failed to synchronize thirdparty - -ECommerceSyncheCommerceSocpeopleCreateError=An error occured while saving contact (company ID: %s; first name: %s; last name: %s). -ECommerceSyncheCommerceProductCreateError=Error creating the link between Dolibarr product and eCommerce product -ECommerceSyncheCommerceCommandeCreateError=Error creating the link between Dolibarr order and eCommerce order -ECommerceSyncheCommerceCategoryUpdateError=Error while updating a category. -ECommerceSyncheCommerceCategoryCreateError=Error while creating a category. - -ECommerceTimeout=Timeout of synchronize -ECommerceSetupTimeoutEmpty=Timeout empty -ECommerceSetupTimeoutMustBeInt=Timeout must be int -ECommerceTimeoutDescription=Timeout to use when doing synchronization -ECommerceClickUrlToTestUrl=Click here to test URL (an XML file must appear) -ECommerceCategoriesProducts=Product categories -ECommerceStockProduct=Warehouse for stock initialization -ECommerceStockProductDescription=When previous option %s is set to eCommerce to Dolibarr, this is warehouse to use for stock change/init when a product is created/modified into Dolibarr by an eCommerce synchronization. Note that stock change on Dolibarr occurs during step of synchronization of products and not during synchronization of orders/bills. - -ECommerceErrorGetSocieteToUpdate=Error failed to retrieving companies list. Please retry. -ECommerceErrorGetProduitsToUpdate=Error failed while retrieving products list. Please retry. -ECommerceErrorGetCategoryToUpdate=Error failed while retrieving categories list. Please retry. -ECommerceErrorGetCommandeToUpdate=Error failed while retrieving orders list. Please retry. -ECommerceErrorGetFactureToUpdate=Error dailed while retrieving bills list. Please retry. - -ECommerceErrorsynchProduct=Error during synchronization of products - -ECommerceSynchFactureErrorSocieteNotExists=Error, the customer with remote_id = %s was not yet synchronized. Complete synchronizing of thirdparties first. -ECommerceSynchFactureErrorCommandeNotExists=Error, the order with remote_id = %s was not yet synchronized. Complete synchronizing of orders first. - -WarningStockProductNotFilled=Warehouse for stock is not defined. It means you won't be able to create products into Dolibarr from eCommerce if you choose the 'Stock synchronization direction' to value 'From ecommerce to dolibarr' and if stock is not empty on eCommerce side. -SyncCategFirst=Synchronize categories first -SyncSocieteFirst=Synchronize thirdparties first -SyncCommandeFirst=Synchronize orders first -OnlyProductsIn=Only products with category %s or sub-categories of '%s' are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento -NbInDolibarr=Nb into ERP -NbInDolibarrLinkedToE=Nb of links between ERP and eCommerce -RefreshCount=Refresh counting -ModuleCustomerOrderDisabled=Not supported (module Customer Order disabled) -ECommerceLastCompleteSync=Last synchronize from %s to Dolibarr done COMPLETELY (no more elements to synchronize) -SyncIsAutomaticInRealTime=Synchronization from Dolibarr to %s is done automatically in real time. -WithMagentoThirdIsModifiedIfAddressModified=With Magento, a third party is also flagged as modified if one of its contact/address is modified -OnlyProductCategIn=Only sub-categories under the product category '%s' are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento -OnlyThirdPartyIn=Only thirdparties with thirdparty category '%s' are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento -OnlyThirdPartyWithTags=Nb of thirdparties with tag '%s' (so that should be common with the online ecommerce shop) -WarningSoapCacheIsOn=Warning: WSDL cache is on into directory '%s'. -WarningSoapCacheIsOn2=Changing %s or its content may not be seen by PHP. -SoapCacheIsOff=Your PHP WSDL cache is off. -SetupOfWarehouseNotDefinedForThisSite=A new or modified product were found on eCommerce shop with a different stock level than into Dolibarr. To be able to create/update them in Dolibarr, you must setup the warehouse to initialize. -ECommerceStockSyncDirection=Stock synchronisation direction -ECommerceStockSyncDirectionDescription=Define if you want to see stock decrease in Dolibarr when stock decrease on Magento (rare), or overwrite Magento stock when stock in Dolibarr is modified (common choice) -ECommerceValidOrderWarehouse =Validation d'une commande -ECommerceValidOrderWarehouseDescription =Entrepot utilisé par défaut lors de la validation d'une commande pendant une synchronisation de E-Commerce vers Dolibarr -ECommerceValidInvoiceWarehouse =Validation d'une facture -ECommerceValidInvoiceWarehouseDescription =Entrepot utilisé par défaut lors de la validation d'une facture pendant une synchronisation de E-Commerce vers Dolibarr -MainSyncSetup=Main synchronization setup -StockSyncSetup=Stock synchronization setup -ErrorModuleSoapRequired=Error: PHP module SOAP is required to have this module working. -SyncAll=Synchronize All -DangerZone=Danger Zone -AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteLinks=Are you sure you want to delete mapping links between Dolibarr and eCommerce objects ? -AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAll=Are you sure you want to delete mapping links between Dolibarr and eCommerce objects but also objects found in Dolibarr ? -BackToListOfSites=Back to list of ecommerce sites +ECommerceNgSelectSite =Site selection +#not used# magento =Magento +#not used# woocommerce =WooCommerce +ECommerceToDolibarr =From E-Commerce to Dolibarr +DolibarrToECommerce =From Dolibarr to E-Commerce +ECommercePriceType =Imported prices type +ECommercePriceTypeHT =Excluding Taxe +ECommercePriceTypeTTC =All taxes included +ECommercePriceTypeDescription =Defines the application of VAT to prices of imported E-Commerce products (excl. or incl. VAT) +#not used# ECommerceMagentoUseSpecialPriceDescription =Cocher pour importer en priorité les prix spéciaux Magento des produits au lieu des prix publics (le prix public ne sera importé que si le prix spécial n'est pas renseigné) +#not used# WarningStockProductNotFilled =L'entrepôt n'est pas renseigné +#not used# ECommerceMagentoUseSpecialPrice =Utiliser le prix spécial Magento +ECommerceDashboard =E-Commerce synchronization management +ECommerceSetup =E-Commerce module configuration +ECommerceAddNewSite =Add à new site +#not used# ECommerceCreateSite =Création d'un nouveau site +#not used# ECommerceSetupSite =Configuration du site +ECommerceSiteName =Site name +ECommerceCatProduct =Products category +ECommerceCatSociete =Customers category +#not used# ECommerceFilterLabel =Libellé du filtre +#not used# ECommerceFilterValue =Valeur du filtre +#not used# ECommerceSiteType =Type de site +ECommerceSiteAddress =Site address +ECommerceApiVersion =API version +ECommerceApiVersionDescription =Select API version +ECommerceAuthenticationType =Authentication type +ECommerceAuthenticationTypeDescription =Choose your WooCommerce connection type
- Oauth 1 (Header) (Connection information is passed in the request header)
- Oauth 1 (Url) (Connection information is passed in plain text in the request url)
- Basic (Connection information is passed in the request header)
- Url (Connection information is passed in clear text in the request url) +ECommerceAuthenticationTypeOauth1Header =Oauth 1 (Header) +ECommerceAuthenticationTypeOauth1Query =Oauth 1 (Url) +ECommerceAuthenticationTypeBasic =Basic +ECommerceAuthenticationTypeQuery =Url +ECommerceUserName =WooCommerce API client key +ECommerceUserPassword =Secret key WooCommerce API +#not used# ECommerceUserPasswordRetype =Clé secret API WooCommerce - confirmation +ECommerceTimeout =WooCommerce API access timeout +ECommerceTimeoutDescription =WooCommerce API access timeout, in seconds (30 seconds if empty) +ECommerceDebug =Debug Mode +ECommerceDebugDescription =Enable detailed debugging when connecting to the WooCommerce API +ECommerceConfirmDelete =Are you sure you want to delete this site? +#not used# ECommerceConfirmReset =Êtes vous sûre de vouloir purger les données synchronisées liées à ce site ? (Attention : cette action est irréversible, toute les données synchronisées seront perdues) +#not used# ECommerceSetupSaved =La configuration a bien été enregistrée. +#not used# ECommerceSetupErrorDb =Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement dans la base de données. +#not used# ECommerceDeleteOk =Le site a bien été supprimé. +#not used# ECommerceSetupPasswordNotSame =Le mot de passe doit être identique dans les deux champs. +#not used# ECommerceSetupNameEmpty =Le nom du site est obligatoire. +ECommerceSiteNameDescription =Enter the name that will be displayed in the list of e-commerce sites in Dolibarr (example: My Site). +ECommerceCatProductDescription =Select the Dolibarr mother product category that hosts the product categories to be synchronized with the e-commerce platform (e.g. Eboutique products). To be created once the Dolibarr Categories module has been activated. +ECommerceCatSocieteDescription =Select the Dolibarr Third-party customer category to mark e-commerce customers (example: Eboutique customers). To be created once the Dolibarr Categories module has been activated. +#not used# ECommerceFilterLabelDescription =Indiquez un filtre (exemple : store_id) +#not used# ECommerceFilterValueDescription =Indiquez la valeur du filtre (exemple : *) +#not used# ECommerceSiteTypeDescription =Sélectionnez un type de site +ECommerceSiteAddressDescription =WooCommerce site URL. (Note: localhost access may not work) +ECommerceUserNameDescription =Account to be created in WooCommerce via the Settings > advanced menu. +ECommerceUserPasswordDescription =Account to be created in WooCommerce via the Settings > advanced menu. +ECommerceSite =Site +ECommerceLastUpdate =Last update +ECommerceNoUpdateSite =This site has never been fully synchronized (no items left to synchronize) +ECommerceUpdateSite =Detailed site synchronization +ECommerceUpdateAll =Synchronize everything for this site +ECommerceStockProduct =Warehouse +ECommerceStockProductDescription =If you set the previous option of %s on E-Commerce to Dolibarr, products created or modified from the E-Commerce platform will be synchronized in Dolibarr in this warehouse
Caution : The Dolibarr stocks are modified when products are synchronized, not when orders or invoices are synchronized. +ECommerceReset =Delete from Dolibarr all data from E-Commerce store synchronization +ECommerceResetLink =Delete link records between Dolibarr and the E-Commerce store +#not used# ECommerceSetupCatProductEmpty =A product category is mandatory +#not used# ECommerceSetupCatSocieteEmpty =A customer category is mandatory +#not used# ECommerceSetupTypeEmpty =A site type is mandatory +#not used# ECommerceSetupAddressEmpty =The site URL is mandatory +ECommerceConnectErrorCheckUsernamePasswordAndAdress =Connection error, please check connection settings. +ECommerceSociete =Third-party customers +ECommerceSiteSynchro =Site synchronization +#not used# ECommerceProducts =Products +ECommerceCommande =Orders +ECommerceFacture =Invoices +ECommerceObjectToUpdate =Items to be synchronized +ECommerceCountToUpdate =Number of items to synchronize (modified on E-Commerce side, not updated in Dolibarr) +ECommerceSiteErrorConnect =A connection problem has occurred. Please try again. +#not used# ECommerceSynchronizeSociete =Synchroniser les tiers clients et contacts de tiers +ECommerceSynchronizeProduct =Synchronize third-party customers and contacts +ECommerceSynchronizeCommande =Synchronize orders +ECommerceSynchronizeFacture =Synchronize invoices +ECommerceSynchronizeNewSociete =Synchronize new third-party customers and contacts +ECommerceSynchronizeNewProduct =Synchronize new products +ECommerceSynchronizeNewCommande =Synchronize new orders +#not used# ECommerceSynchSocieteErrorCreateUpdateSociete =Erreur dans le synchronisation du client +ECommerceErrorGetSocieteToUpdate =A connection problem occurred while retrieving clients. Please try again. +#not used# ECommerceErrorGetProduitsToUpdate =A connection problem occurred while retrieving the products. Please try again. +ECommerceErrorGetCategoryToUpdate =A connection problem occurred when retrieving categories. Please try again. +ECommerceErrorGetCommandeToUpdate =A connection problem occurred while retrieving orders. Please try again. +ECommerceErrorGetFactureToUpdate =A connection problem occurred while retrieving invoices. Please try again. +ECommerceReboot =Please deactivate the module and reactivate it before trying again. +ECommerceAnonymousCreateFailed =Creation of synchronization object corresponding to anonymous third party fails. +ECommerceNoDbAnonymous =The anonymous third party does not exist in the database. +ECommerceResetDolFactureSuccess =imported invoices have been deleted. +ECommerceResetSynchFactureSuccess =invoice synchronization references have been deleted. +ECommerceResetDolCommandeSuccess =imported orders have been deleted. +ECommerceResetSynchCommandeSuccess =références de synchronisation de commandes ont bien été supprimées. +ECommerceResetDolProductSuccess =produits importés ont bien été supprimés. +ECommerceResetSynchProductSuccess =order synchronization references have been removed. +ECommerceResetDolSocpeopleSuccess =imported contacts have been deleted. +ECommerceResetSynchSocpeopleSuccess =contact synchronization references have been deleted. +ECommerceResetDolSocieteSuccess =imported third-party customers have been deleted +ECommerceResetSynchSocieteSuccess =third-party customer synchronization references have been deleted. +ECommerceResetDolCategorySuccess =imported categories have been deleted (this number may be higher than the one shown if children of deleted categories are included). +ECommerceResetSynchCategorySuccess =category synchronization references have been deleted (this number may be higher than the one indicated when including the children of deleted references). +ECommerceSyncheCommerceCategoryUpdateError =Error updating a category. +ECommerceSyncheCommerceCategoryCreateError =Erreur lors de la création d'une catégorie. +ECommerceSynchronizeCategoryProduct =Error when creating a category. +ECommerceSynchCategoryError =Erreur lors de la synchronisation des catégories. +ECommerceSynchCategorySuccess =Error synchronizing categories. +ECommerceSynchCategoryNoImportRoot =Category synchronization has been cancelled because the Dolibarr import category is not defined. Please define it in the synchronization configuration before trying again. +ECommerceSynchCategoryConnectError =A connection error occurred while synchronizing categories. Please try again. +#not used# ECommerceSynchSocieteSuccess =customers have been synchronized. +ECommerceSynchProductSuccess =products have been synchronized. +#not used# ECommerceSynchCommandeSuccess =orders have been synchronized. +ECommerceSynchFactureSuccess =invoices have been synchronized. +#not used# ECommerceSynchSocieteFailed =%s errors occurred during synchronization. +ECommerceSynchECommerceSocpeopleCreateError =An error occurred during contact registration (Third party ID: %s; first name: %s; last name: %s). +ECommerceClickUrlToTestUrl =Click here to test the URL (an XML or JSON file should be displayed) +ECommerceCategoriesProducts =Product categories +SyncCategFirst =Synchronize categories first +ECommerceSynchCommandeError =Error during command synchronization +OnlyThirdPartyWithTags =No. of third parties linked to the %s category (i.e. supposed to be shared with the online store) +NbInDolibarr =Nb in Dolibarr +NbInDolibarrLinkedToE =Nb in Dolibarr related to the online store +ModuleCustomerOrderDisabled =Not managed (“Commands” module not activated) +ECommerceLastCompleteSync =Date of last synchronization from %s to Dolibarr completed (no more items to synchronize) +WithMagentoThirdIsModifiedIfAddressModified =With WooCommerce, a third party will also be considered modified if one of its contacts/addresses has been modified. +SyncSocieteFirst =Synchronize customers first +SyncCommandeFirst =Synchronize orders first +OnlyProductsIn =Only products in the %s category and its subcategories are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento or WooCommerce. +RefreshCount =Refresh count +SyncIsAutomaticInRealTime =Synchronization from Dolibarr to %s is performed in real time. +OnlyProductCategIn =Only the %s category and its subcategories are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento or WooCommerce. +OnlyThirdPartyIn =Only thirds of the %s category and its subcategories are synchronized from Dolibarr to Magento or WooCommerce. +WarningSoapCacheIsOn =Warning: WSDL cache active on %s directory. +#not used# WarningSoapCacheIsOn2 =Changing %s or its contents may not be seen by PHP. +SoapCacheIsOff =Your PHP WSDL cache is inactive. +SetupOfWarehouseNotDefinedForThisSite =A new or modified product has been found on the E-Commerce store with a stock level different from that in Dolibarr. In order to create/update them in Dolibarr, you need to set up the warehouse to be initialized. +ECommerceStockSyncDirection =Stock synchronization +ECommerceStockSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines:
- Whether the stock should be decremented in Dolibarr following a decrement of the E-Commerce stock (rare) or
- Whether the E-Commerce stock should be replaced by the Dolibarr stock following its modification (common choice). +ECommerceValidOrderWarehouse =Order validation +ECommerceValidOrderWarehouseDescription =Warehouse used by default for order validation during synchronization from E-Commerce to Dolibarr +ECommerceValidInvoiceWarehouse =Invoice validation +ECommerceValidInvoiceWarehouseDescription =Warehouse used by default when validating an invoice during synchronization from E-Commerce to Dolibarr +#not used# MainSyncSetup =General synchronization +#not used# StockSyncSetup =Stock synchronization +#not used# ErrorModuleSoapRequired =Error: the PHP REST module is required for the module to function correctly. +SyncAll =General synchronization +DangerZone =Hazardous area +ShowDebugTools =Display init/purge/debug tools +ECommerceShipping =Shipping costs +ECommercePriceLevel =Price level +ECommercePriceLevelDescription =Only this price level will be synchronized between Dolibarr and E-Commerce +ECommerceUpdateLevelPrice =Price level update +ECommerceConfirmUpdatePriceLevel =Price level updateYou have modified the price level. The products on the E-Commerce site will be updated. This operation may take some time, please confirm. +ThirdPartyForNonLoggedUsers =Generic third party for collecting customers with no account created +SynchUnkownCustomersOnThirdParty =Generic third party to which orders from customers without an account will be attached +ECommerceDontSearchCompanyByNameAndZip =Search by name and zip code +ECommerceDontSearchCompanyByNameAndZipDescription =Do not search for the Dolibarr third party using the name and postal code provided by WooCommerce +ECommerceDontUpdateDolibarrCompany =Third-party update +ECommerceDontUpdateDolibarrCompanyDescription =Do not update the Dolibarr third party when it already exists in Dolibarr + +AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAll =Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les liens de mapping entre Dolibarr et les objets eCommerce mais aussi les objets trouvés dans Dolibarr ? +AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteLinks =Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les liens entre Dolibarr et les objets eCommerce ? ClearLinks=Delete links ClearData=Delete links and Dolibarr linked records -ShowDebugTools=Show init/purge/debug tools -ECommerceShipping=Shipping -ECommercePriceLevel=Price level -ECommercePriceLevelDescription=Only this price level are synchronized between Dolibarr and eCommerce -ECommerceUpdateLevelPrice =Mise à jour du niveau de prix -ECommerceConfirmUpdatePriceLevel=You have changed the price level and the products on the eCommerce will be updated.\nThis may take a long time, please confirm. -SeeECommerceConfFileIfKo=See content of file %s, on your eCommerce server, if this URL does not work. -RestrictNbInSync=Restrict number of record of same object to synchronize in same request -SynchUnkownCustomersOnThirdParty=Use the following thirdparty for orders done on unknown customers (non logged customers) -ThirdPartyForNonLoggedUsers=Third party for anonymous/non logged users -ECommerceDontUpdateDolibarrCompany =Mise a jour du tiers -ECommerceDontUpdateDolibarrCompanyDescription =Ne pas mettre à jour le tiers sur Dolibarr lorsqu'il existe déja dans dolibarr - -## OAuth Setup ## -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationSetup =Connexion sur WordPress (Allez sur cette page , puis configurer la connexion) -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationType =Type d'authentification -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeDescription =Choissiez entre la connexion interne Wordpress avec un mot de passe d'application situé sur un utilisateur
Ou une authentification JWT grâçe à l'extension "WordPress REST API Authentication" de miniOrange -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeWordpressApplication =Mot de passe d'application (Wordpress) -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeJWTAuthentication =Authentification JWT -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationLogin =Identifiant +Direction = +Development = +ECommerceErrorElementNotSupportedForLinesMovementStockOnDifferentWarehouse = +ECommerceErrorFetchObjectLinked = +ECommerceErrorGetCategoryIdsAlreadyLinked = +ECommerceErrorGetCommandeLastUpdateDate = +ECommerceErrorGetFactureLastUpdateDate = +ECommerceErrorGetNbCategoriesToUpdate = +ECommerceErrorGetNbSocieteToUpdate = +ECommerceErrorGetProductLastUpdateDate = +ECommerceErrorGetProductToUpdate = +ECommerceErrorGetSocieteLastUpdateDate = +ECommerceErrorInvoiceSetBankAccount = +ECommerceErrorInvoiceValidateWarehouseNotConfigured = +ECommerceErrorrCeateRemoteLivraison = +ECommerceErrorSearchContact = +ECommerceErrorSetCorrectAmount = +ECommerceErrorSetCorrectAmountLine = +ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateCustomer = +ECommerceErrorSetRemoteProductLineIdIntoImportKey = +ECommerceErrorSkuNeededCheckModuleConfiguration = +ECommerceErrorsynchCategory = +ECommerceErrorsynchFacture = +ECommerceErrorsynchSocpeople = +ECommerceErrorThirdPartyCategoryNotConfigured = +ECommerceErrorUpdateProductMultiLanguages = +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeContact = +ECommerceNoSite = +ECommerceProcessingWebHooksSynchronisationSince = +ECommerceSiteError = +ECommerceSynchContactCreateError = +ECommerceSynchContactFetchError = +ECommerceSynchContactUpdateError = +ECommerceSyncheCommerceFactureCreateError = +ECommerceSyncheCommerceFactureUpdateError = +ECommerceSyncheCommerceSocpeopleUpdateError = +ECommerceSynchFactureErrorCommandeNotExists = +ECommerceSynchFactureErrorFactureSynchExistsButNotFacture = +ECommerceSynchFactureErrorSocieteNotExists = +ECommerceSynchronizeStockToSite = +ECommerceSynchSocieteErrorBetweenECommerceSocpeopleAndContact = +ECommerceSynchSocpeopleErrorCreateUpdateSocpeople = +ECommerceUpdateProduct = +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteCategoryParentNotFound = +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetRemoteRefund = +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorMissingParentRemoteDate = +ECommerceWoocommerceGetProduct = +ECommerceWoocommerceGetProductVariation = +Experimental = +ModuleDisabled = +SeeECommerceConfFileIfKo = + + +## Wordpress Setup ## +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationOptions =WordPress connection settings +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationSetup =(Go to this page , then configure the connection) +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationType =Authentication type +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeDescription =Choose between internal Wordpress login with an application password located on a user
Or JWT authentication with the “WordPress REST API Authentication” extension from miniOrange +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeWordpressApplication =Application password (Wordpress) +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationTypeJWTAuthentication =JWT authentication +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationLogin =Identifier ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationLoginDescription =Identifiant de connexion -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationPassword =Mot de passe -ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationPasswordDescription =Mot de passe de connexion - -ECommerceOrderStatusSetup=Order status synchronization -ECommerceOrderStatusSetupDescription=Choose the corresponding status when synchronizing. -ECommerceOrderStatusDtoECheckLvlStatus=Ne change le statut que si le niveau est plus élevé que le statut précédant -ECommerceOrderStatusDtoECheckLvlStatusDescription=Le niveau du statut se renseigne dans les valeurs de l'attribut complémentaire du statut de la commande (Index sous la forme: niveau_statut,libellé). ex: 0_on-hold,En attente - -ECommerceSynchronizeProductImages=Synchronize images -ECommerceProductImagesSynchronized=Images synchronized. - -ECommerceRemoteAccessConnect=Error connecting to the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrCommande=Error retrieving orders on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProduct=Error retrieving products on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProductVariations=Error retrieving variants of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSociete=Error retrieving companies on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSocpeople=Error retrieving companies (for contacts/adresses) on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessCreateRemoteProduct=Error creating the product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessCreateRemoteProductLink=Error creating the link of the product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessGetCategoryData=Error retrieving date from the remote category 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessGetCommandeToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of orders to be updated on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessGetProductToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of products to be updated on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessGetRemoteCategoryTree=Error retrieving the list of categories to be updated on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessGetSocieteToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of companies to be updated on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessSendFileForCommande=Error linking the file to the remote order 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessSendFileForCommandeInWordpress=Error sending the file for the remote order 'id:%s' in the WordPress media on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteCommande=Error updating the remote order 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProduct=Error updating the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductGetRemoteProduct=Error retrieving the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductSendImage=Error sending an image for the remote product 'id:%s' in the WordPress media on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductVariation=Error updating the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteSociete=Error updating the remote company 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteSocpeople=Error updating the contacts/adresses of the remote company 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteStockProduct=Error updating the inventory of the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteStockProductVariation=Error updating the inventory of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s - -ECommerceSyncheCommerceProductDownloadImageError=Error retrieving the image (%s) for the product 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s' - -ECommerceNoDescForProductLine=The API could not retrieve the description of the product - -ECommerceUpdateRemoteCompanyLink=Error updating the company link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceUpdateRemoteSocpeopleLink=Error updating the contact link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceUpdateRemoteProductLink=Error updating the product link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceCreateRemoteProductLink=Error updating the product link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceUpdateRemoteOrderLink=Error updating the order link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceUpdateRemoteInvoiceLink=Error updating the bill link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s - -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceThirdParty =Synchronisation du tiers en temps réel de Dolibarr vers E-Commerce -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceThirdPartyDescription =Synchronisation du tiers dans le site E-Commerce à la modification de celui lié dans Dolibarr -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceContact =Synchronisation du contact en temps réel de Dolibarr vers E-Commerce -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceContactDescription =Synchronisation du contact dans le site E-Commerce à la modification de celui lié dans Dolibarr -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceProduct =Synchronisation du produit en temps réel de Dolibarr vers E-Commerce -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceProductDescription =Synchronisation du produit dans le site E-Commerce à la modification de celui lié dans Dolibarr -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceOrder =Synchronisation de la commande en temps réel de Dolibarr vers E-Commerce -ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceOrderDescription =Synchronisation de la commande dans le site E-Commerce à la modification de celui lié dans Dolibarr - -ECommercePaymentCondition = Payment conditions -ECommercePaymentConditionDescription = Default payment conditions when retrieving the order from the ECommerce site - -ECommerceCountToUpdateDtoE = Number of elements to synchronize (Product with the category of the site and not linked or newer) -SyncProductFirst = Synchronize the products first - -ECommerceCreateRemoteCategoryLink = Error creating the category link 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s - -ECommerceSyncheCommerceMotherCategoryCreateError=Error creating the root category link for the remote category '%s' 'id:%s' on the site '%s'. -ECommerceNGUpdateElementDateMoreRecent=Also includes elements whose update date is more recent than the synchronization date -ProductsSyncSetup=Products synchronization -AllDirection=In both directions -ECommerceProductImageSyncDirection=Images synchronization -ECommerceProductImageSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the images are updated -ECommerceProductRefSyncDirection=Reference synchronization -ECommerceProductRefSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the reference is updated -ECommerceProductDescriptionSyncDirection=Description synchronization -ECommerceProductDescriptionSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the description is updated -ECommerceProductShortDescriptionSyncDirection=Short description synchronization -ECommerceProductShortDescriptionSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the short description is updated -ECommerceProductWeightSyncDirection=Product weight synchronization -ECommerceProductWeightSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the product weight is updated -ECommerceProductDimensionSyncDirection =Synchronisation des dimensions du produit -ECommerceProductDimensionSyncDirectionDescription =Ce paramètre détermine le sens de mise à jour des dimensions du produit -ECommerceProductTaxSyncDirection=VAT classes of the store synchronization -ECommerceProductTaxSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the VAT classes of the store are updated -ECommerceProductStatusSyncDirection=Status on the store synchronization -ECommerceProductStatusSyncDirectionDescription=This parameter determines the direction in which the status on the store is updated - -ECommerceProductWeightUnits=Unit of weight in the store -ECommerceProductWeightUnitsDescription=This parameter determines the unit of weight in the store -ECommerceProductDimensionUnits =Unité des dimensions sur la boutique -ECommerceProductDimensionUnitsDescription =Ce paramètre détermine l'unité des dimensions sur la boutique - -ECommerceExportProductsPrices=Export of product prices (WooSync) -ECommerceImportProductsPrices=Import of product prices (WooSync) (Does not support the addition of new products, the update is only supported by the CSV) - -EcommerceNGUnlinkToECommerce=Remove the product from the ECommerce site -EcommerceNGConfirmUnlinkToECommerce=Are you sure you want to remove this product from the ECommerce site ? -ECommerceResetCategoriesProductSuccess=categories of the site on products have been removed. - -EcommerceUpdateCompanyFromECommerce = Update from the ECommerce site -EcommerceConfirmUpdateCompanyFromECommerce = Are you sure you want to update this third party from this ECommerce site ? -EcommerceUpdateCompanyFromECommerceSuccess = This third party has been updated. -EcommerceSiteNotFound = The site with the ID %s could not be loaded - -ECommerceSynchProductError=Error during the synchronization of the remote product: - -ECommerceOnlyNew = Only the new ones - -ECommerceUpdateRemoteCompanyLinkWhenMergeCompany = Error updating tje links of the company 'id:%s' during the merger with the company 'id:%s': %s -ECommerceSynchronizeStockToECommerce=Synchronization of the product stock on the site %s. - -ECommerceCreateOrder = Create the order -ECommerceCreateOrderDescription = Activer la création de la commande a la synchronisation de la commande -ECommerceCreateInvoice = Create the bill -ECommerceCreateInvoiceDescription =Activer la création de la facture a la synchronisation de la commande -ECommerceCreateInvoiceType =Type la facture -ECommerceCreateInvoiceTypeDescription =Type la facture créée a la synchronisation de la commande +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationPassword =Login ID +ECommerceWordpressAuthenticationPasswordDescription =Login password +ECommerceWordpressTimeout =Wordpress API access timeout +ECommerceWordpressTimeoutDescription =Wordpress API access timeout, in seconds (30 seconds if empty) +ECommerceWordpressDebug =Debug +ECommerceWordpressDebugDescription =Enable detailed debugging when connecting to the Wordpress API + +ECommerceOrderStatusSetup =Order status synchronization +ECommerceOrderStatusSetupDescription =Select the corresponding status when synchronizing. +ECommerceOrderStatusDtoECheckLvlStatus =Changes status only if level is higher than previous status +ECommerceOrderStatusDtoECheckLvlStatusDescription =The status level is indicated in the values of the complementary order status attribute (Index in the form: status_level,label). ex: 0_on-hold,Waiting + +ECommerceSynchronizeProductImages =Synchronize images +ECommerceProductImagesSynchronized =The images were synchronized. + +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConnect =Connection error to site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrCommande =Order retrieval error on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProduct =Error uploading image for remote product 'id:%s' to Wordpress media on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProductVariations =Error retrieving remote product 'id:%s' from site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSociete =Error updating remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSocpeople =Error updating remote command 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessCreateRemoteProduct =Error sending file for remote command 'id:%s' to Wordpress media on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessCreateRemoteProductLink =Error linking file with remote command 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessGetCategoryData =Error retrieving customer list to be updated on '%s' site: %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessGetCommandeToUpdate =Error retrieving list of categories to be updated on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessGetProductToUpdate =Error retrieving list of products to be updated on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessGetRemoteCategoryTree =Error retrieving list of commands to be updated for site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessGetSocieteToUpdate =Error retrieving data from remote category 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessSendFileForCommande =Link creation error for product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessSendFileForCommandeInWordpress =Error creating product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteCommande =Customer retrieval error (for contacts/addresses) on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProduct =Customer recovery error on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductGetRemoteProduct =Remote product variation recovery error 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductSendImage =Error retrieving products from site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteProductVariation =Error updating variation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteSociete =Error updating remote company 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteSocpeople =Error updating remote company contacts/addresses 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteStockProduct =Stock update error for variation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceRemoteAccessUpdateRemoteStockProductVariation =Stock update error for remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s + +#not used# ECommerceSyncheCommerceProductDownloadImageError =Image recovery error (%s) for product 'id:%s' from remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s'. + +#not used# ECommerceNoDescForProductLine =The API was unable to retrieve the product description + +ECommerceUpdateRemoteCompanyLink =Error updating company link 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +ECommerceUpdateRemoteSocpeopleLink =Error updating contact link 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +ECommerceUpdateRemoteProductLink =Error updating product link 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +ECommerceCreateRemoteProductLink =Error creating product link 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s +ECommerceUpdateRemoteOrderLink =Error updating the 'id:%s' command link on the '%s' site: %s +ECommerceUpdateRemoteInvoiceLink =Error updating invoice link 'id:%s' on site '%s': %s + +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceThirdParty =Real-time third-party synchronization from Dolibarr to E-Commerce +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceThirdPartyDescription =Synchronization of the third party in the E-Commerce site when modifying the one linked in Dolibarr +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceContact =Real-time contact synchronization from Dolibarr to E-Commerce +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceContactDescription =Synchronization of the contact in the E-Commerce site when modifying the one linked in Dolibarr +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceProduct =Real-time product synchronization from Dolibarr to E-Commerce +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceProductDescription =Synchronization of the product in the E-Commerce site when modifying the one linked in Dolibarr +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceOrder =Real-time order synchronization from Dolibarr to E-Commerce +ECommerceRealTimeSynchroDolibarrToECommerceOrderDescription =Synchronization of the order in the E-Commerce site when the linked site is modified in Dolibarr + +#not used# ECommercePaymentCondition =Terms of payment +#not used# ECommercePaymentConditionDescription =Default payment terms when retrieving the order from the E-Commerce site + +ECommerceCountToUpdateDtoE =Number of items to synchronize (Product with site category and unrelated or newer) +SyncProductFirst =Synchronize products first + +ECommerceCreateRemoteCategoryLink =Error creating the 'id:%s' category link on the '%s' site: %s + +ECommerceSyncheCommerceMotherCategoryCreateError =Error creating root category link for remote category '%s' 'id:%s' on site '%s'. +ECommerceNGUpdateElementDateMoreRecent =Also includes items whose update date is more recent than the synchronization date. +ProductsSyncSetup =Product synchronization +AllDirection =In both directions +ECommerceProductImageSyncDirection =Synchronisation des images +ECommerceProductImageSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which images are updated. +ECommerceProductRefSyncDirection =Reference synchronization +ECommerceProductRefSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which the reference is updated. +ECommerceProductDescriptionSyncDirection =Description synchronization +ECommerceProductDescriptionSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which the description is updated. +ECommerceProductShortDescriptionSyncDirection =Short description synchronization +ECommerceProductShortDescriptionSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which the short description is updated. +ECommerceProductWeightSyncDirection =Product weight synchronization +ECommerceProductWeightSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the product weight update direction. +ECommerceProductDimensionSyncDirection =Product dimensions synchronization +ECommerceProductDimensionSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which product dimensions are updated. +ECommerceProductTaxSyncDirection =E-Commerce VAT class synchronization +ECommerceProductTaxSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which the VAT class is updated on the E-Commerce site. +ECommerceProductStatusSyncDirection =Status synchronization on E-Commerce site +ECommerceProductStatusSyncDirectionDescription =This parameter determines the direction in which the status is updated on the E-Commerce site. + +ECommerceProductWeightUnits =E-Commerce weight unit +ECommerceProductWeightUnitsDescription =This parameter determines the weight unit on the E-Commerce site. +ECommerceProductDimensionUnits =Dimension units on the E-Commerce site +ECommerceProductDimensionUnitsDescription =This parameter determines the unit of dimensions on the E-Commerce site. + +ECommerceExportProductsPrices =Export product prices (WooSync) +ECommerceImportProductsPrices =Import product prices (WooSync) (does not support the addition of new products, updating is only supported by a .csv file) + +EcommerceNGUnlinkToECommerce =Remove product from E-Commerce site +EcommerceNGConfirmUnlinkToECommerce =Are you sure you want to remove this product from the e-commerce site? +ECommerceResetCategoriesProductSuccess =Product categories have been removed. + +EcommerceUpdateCompanyFromECommerce =Update from the E-Commerce site +EcommerceConfirmUpdateCompanyFromECommerce =Are you sure you want to update this third party from this E-Commerce site? +EcommerceUpdateCompanyFromECommerceSuccess =This third party has been updated. +EcommerceSiteNotFound =Site with ID %s could not be loaded + +#not used# ECommerceSynchProductError =Error synchronizing remote product: + +ECommerceOnlyNew =Only new + +ECommerceUpdateRemoteCompanyLinkWhenMergeCompany =Error updating links of company 'id:%s' when merging with company 'id:%s': %s +#not used# ECommerceSynchronizeStockToECommerce =Synchronization of product stock on %s site. + +ECommerceCreateOrder =Create command +ECommerceCreateOrderDescription =Activate order creation at order synchronization +ECommerceCreateInvoice =Create invoice +ECommerceCreateInvoiceDescription =Activate invoice creation when order is synchronized +ECommerceCreateInvoiceType =Invoice type +ECommerceCreateInvoiceTypeDescription =Type of invoice created when order is synchronized ECommerceCreateInvoiceDepositType = ECommerceCreateInvoiceDepositTypeDescription = -ECommerceCreateInvoiceDepositValue =Montant ou pourcentage +ECommerceCreateInvoiceDepositValue =Amount or percentage ECommerceCreateInvoiceDepositValueDescription = -CommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromFee = Create the supplier bill from the charges -ECommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromFeeDescription =Créer la facture fournisseur à partir des frais lors de la creation de la facture -ECommerceFeeLineAsItemLine = The fee line is as the service line -ECommerceFeeLineAsItemLineDescription =Considérer les lignes de frais comme des lignes de services lors de la création de la commande/facture -ECommerceSendInvoiceByMail = Send the bill by email -ECommerceSendInvoiceByMailDescription =Envoyer la facture par courriel après la création avec succes de la facture -ECommerceCreateOrderDescription = Related actions when retrieving WooCommerce orders (Enter the payment methods associated with WooCommerce) -ECommerceCreateInvoiceIfAmount0 =Créer la facture même si le montant est égale à 0 -ECommerceCreateInvoiceIfAmount0Description =Créer la facture même si le montant est nul lors de la synchronisation de la commande - -ECommercePaymentGatewaysCorrespondence = Correspondence of the payment methods with the site -ECommercePaymentGatewayLabel = Payment method on the site -ECommerceUpdatePaymentGateways = Update of payment methods -ECommerceConfirmUpdatePaymentGateways = Confirm the update of payment methods for this site ? -ECommercePaymentGatewaysUpdated = Payment methods from the site updated. -ECommerceCreateAssociatePaymentForInvoice = Create the associated payment for the bill -ECommerceSelectMailModelForSendInvoice = Choice of email template for bill sending -ECommerceProductForFee = Product for the supplier bill fees -ECommerceCreateAssociatePaymentForSupplierInvoice = Create the associated payment for the supplier bill -ECommerceOrderNoteIntoPublicNote =Note de la commande -ECommerceOrderNoteIntoPublicNoteDescription =L'insérer dans la note publique au lieu de la note privée (par défaut) - -ECommerceCreateOrderSalesRepresentativeFollowByDefault = Customer care manager -ECommerceCreateOrderSalesRepresentativeFollowByDefaultDescription = User type "Manager of the tracking of order/bill/... client" assigned by default when synchronizing an order from the site - -RestrictSyncForRecordBetween = Limit data synchronization (is based on the registration date for customers, the publication date for products and the creation for orders) to -RestrictSyncToCompanyRemoteID = Limit customer synchronization to the following remote IDs (customer_id, customer_id, ...) -RestrictSyncToProductRemoteID = Limit product synchronization to the following remote IDs (product_id, product_id|variation_id, ...) -RestrictSyncToOrderRemoteID = Limit order synchronization to the following remote IDs (order_id, order_id, ...) -DontSyncProductWhenSyncOrders = Do not synchronize products when synchronizing orders - -ECommerceSiteWebHooksSetup = Webhooks configuration -ECommerceSiteWebHooksUrl = Delivery URL -ECommerceSiteWebHooksUrlDescription = URL on which the Webhook connection is delivered -ECommerceSiteWebHooksSecret = Secret -ECommerceSiteWebHooksSecretDescription = The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered Webhook specified in the request headers -ECommerceSiteWebHooksVolumetryAlert =Alerte volumétrie -ECommerceSiteWebHooksVolumetryAlertDescription =Envoie un email grace a une tache planifié si le nombre de hooks en attente de traitement depasse cette valeur (0 signifie qu'il n'y a pas de verification) -ECommerceShippingService = Shipping costs -ECommerceShippingServiceDescription = Service used to manage shipping costs -ECommerceDiscountCodeService = Promotional codes -ECommerceDiscountCodeServiceDescription = Service used to manage promotional codes -ECommercePwGiftCardsService = Gift cards -ECommercePwGiftCardsServiceDescription = Service used to manage gift cards (extension WooCommerce: PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro) -ECommerceAcfwStoreCreditsService =Crédits boutique -ECommerceAcfwStoreCreditsServiceDescription =Service utilisé pour la gestion des Crédits boutique (extension WooCommerce: Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free) -ECommerceFeeService =Frais annexe -ECommerceFeeServiceDescription =Service utilisé pour la gestion des frais annexes - -ECommerceProcessPendingWebHooks = Processing of all orders delivered by Webhook -ECommerceSynchronizeWebHooksSuccess = Synchronization of the queue of received Webhooks has been successfully completed -ECommerceAlreadyProcessingWebHooksSynchronization = The synchronization of the queue of received Webhooks is already being processed -ECommerceSince = Since -ECommerceSynchronizeCustomersSuccess = %s clients (third parties/contacts) have successfully synchronized -ECommerceUpdateThirdPartyFromSiteNote = Third parties updated from Woosync on the %s (Site: %s; remote ID: %s) -ECommerceCreateThirdPartyFromSiteNote = Third parties created from Woosync (Site: %s) -ECommerceSynchronizeProductsSuccess = %s products have been successfully synchronized(%s have been updated) -ECommerceUpdateProductFromSiteNote = Product updated from Woosync on the %s (Site: %s; remote ID: %s) -ECommerceCreateProductFromSiteNote = Prodcut created from Woosync (Site: %s) -ECommerceStockInitFromWooSync = Stock initialized by Woosync -ECommerceStockUpdateFromWooSync = Stock updated by WooSync -ECommerceSynchronizeOrdersSuccess = %s orders have been successfully synchronized -ECommerceUpdateOrderFromSiteNote = Order updated from Woosync on the %s (Site: %s; remote ID: %s) -ECommerceCreateOrderFromSiteNote = Order created from WooSync (Site: %s) -ECommerceCreateInvoiceFromSiteNote = Bill created from WooSync (Site: %s) -ECommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromSiteNote = Supplier bill created from WooSync (Site: %s) -ECommerceFirstNameLastNameNotInformed = No name filled in -ECommerceLastNameNotInformed = [Name not filled in] - -ECommerceOrdersSyncSetup = Order synchronization -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFirstDateForECommerceToDolibarr = Recovery date -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFirstDateForECommerceToDolibarrDescription = Orders whose creation date is earlier will be ignored - -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarr = Metadata on product line -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarrDescription = Adds WooCommerce order product line metadata to the product line description in the Dolibarr order
The WooCommerce product line metadata must have the 'display_key' and 'display_value' for this feature to work -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFilterMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarr = Metadata on product line -ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFilterMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarrDescription = List of metadata keys to include or not in the description (separated by commas) -ECommerceExclude = Exclude -ECommerceInclude = Include +ECommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromFee =Create supplier invoices from charges +ECommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromFeeDescription =Create supplier invoice from charges at time of invoice creation +ECommerceFeeLineAsItemLine =Treat expense lines as service lines +ECommerceFeeLineAsItemLineDescription =Treat expense lines as service lines when creating the order/invoice +ECommerceSendInvoiceByMail =Send invoice by e-mail +ECommerceSendInvoiceByMailDescription =Send invoice by e-mail after successful invoice creation +ECommerceCreateOrderDescription =Associated actions when retrieving WooCommerce orders (enter payment methods associated with WooCommerce) +ECommerceCreateInvoiceIfAmount0 =Create invoice even if amount is zero +ECommerceCreateInvoiceIfAmount0Description =Create invoice even if amount is zero when order is synchronized + +ECommerceRemoteWarehousesCorrespondence =Correspondence between warehouse and site ( ignored if warehouse is not configured ) +ECommerceWarehouseSetToZeroEvenIfEmptyStock =Defines stock even if quantity is zero +ECommerceWarehouseOldEntry =Old warehouse +ECommerceUpdateRemoteWarehouses =Remote warehouse updates +ECommerceConfirmUpdateRemoteWarehouses =Confirm the update of remote warehouses for this site ? +ECommerceRemoteWarehousesUpdated =Remote warehouses from the site have been updated. +ECommerceRemoteID =Remote ID + +ECommerceMovementStockOnValidateOrderOrInvoice =Warehouse settings for %s validation +ECommerceSearchWarehouseOrder =Warehouse search order to be used during validation for the product line: +ECommerceSearchWarehouseByMultiWarehouseCorrespondence =
- According multi-store configuration +ECommerceSearchWarehouseByShippingMethodCorrespondence =
- According the configuration of transport modes +ECommerceSearchWarehouseByDefaultWarehouse =
- According default configuration + +ECommerceRemoteShippingZoneMethodsCorrespondence =Correspondence between warehouses and transport modes +ECommerceUpdateRemoteShippingZoneMethods =Update remote transport modes +ECommerceUpdateRemoteShippingMethods =Update remote transport modes +ECommerceConfirmUpdateRemoteShippingMethods =Confirm the update of remote transport modes for this site? +ECommerceEnableWarehouseDependingOnShippingZoneMethodSupport =Warehouse selection by mode of transport +ECommerceEnableWarehouseDependingOnShippingZoneMethodSupportDescription =Define the warehouse used during validation according to the mode of transport
(if the order has several modes of transport, only the first to be met will be taken into account). +ECommerceRemoteShippingZoneMethodsUpdated =Remote modes of transport from the site have been updated. +ECommerceShippingMethodOldEntry =Old mode of transport + +ECommercePaymentGatewaysCorrespondence =Matching payment methods with the site +ECommercePaymentGatewayLabel =Payment methods on the site +ECommerceUpdatePaymentGateways =Payment methods update +ECommerceConfirmUpdatePaymentGateways =Confirm updated payment methods for this site? +ECommercePaymentGatewaysUpdated =Payment methods from the updated website. +ECommerceCreateAssociatePaymentForInvoice =Create the associated payment for the invoice +ECommerceSelectMailModelForSendInvoice =Choice of e-mail template for invoice dispatch +ECommerceProductForFee =Product for supplier invoice charges +ECommerceCreateAssociatePaymentForSupplierInvoice =Create the associated payment for the supplier invoice +ECommerceOrderNoteIntoPublicNote =Order note +ECommerceOrderNoteIntoPublicNoteDescription =Insert it in the public note instead of the private note (default) + +ECommerceCreateOrderSalesRepresentativeFollowByDefault =Customer care manager +ECommerceCreateOrderSalesRepresentativeFollowByDefaultDescription =User type “Order/invoice/customer follow-up manager” assigned by default when an order is synchronized from the E-Commerce site. + +RestrictSyncForRecordBetween =Limit data synchronization (based on registration date for customers, publication date for products and creation date for orders) from the +RestrictSyncToCompanyRemoteID =Restrict customer synchronization to the following remote IDs (customer_id, customer_id, ...) +RestrictSyncToProductRemoteID =Restrict product synchronization to the following remote IDs (product_id, product_id|variation_id, ...) +RestrictSyncToOrderRemoteID =Restrict order synchronization to the following remote IDs (order_id, order_id, ...) +DontSyncProductWhenSyncOrders =Do not synchronize products when synchronizing orders +RestrictNbInSync =Limit the number of records of the same object to be synchronized in a single query + +ECommerceSiteWebHooksSetup =Configuring Web hooks +ECommerceSiteWebHooksUrl =Delivery URL +ECommerceSiteWebHooksUrlDescription =URL to which the Web hook connection is delivered +ECommerceSiteWebHooksSecret =Secret +ECommerceSiteWebHooksSecretDescription =he secret key is used to generate a hash of the Web hook delivered and indicated in the request headers. +ECommerceSiteWebHooksVolumetryAlert =Volume alert +ECommerceSiteWebHooksVolumetryAlertDescription =Sends an email via a scheduled task if the number of hooks waiting to be processed exceeds this value (0 means no check) +ECommerceShippingService =Shipping costs +ECommerceShippingServiceDescription =Service used to manage shipping costs +ECommerceDiscountCodeService =Promo code +ECommerceDiscountCodeServiceDescription =Service used to manage coupon codes +ECommercePwGiftCardsService =Gift cards +ECommercePwGiftCardsServiceDescription =Service used to manage Gift Cards (WooCommerce extension: PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro) +ECommerceAcfwStoreCreditsService =Store credits +ECommerceAcfwStoreCreditsServiceDescription =Service used to manage Shop Credits (WooCommerce extension: Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free) +ECommerceFeeService =Ancillary costs +ECommerceFeeServiceDescription =Service used to manage ancillary costs + +ECommerceProcessPendingWebHooks =Processing of all orders delivered via Web hooks +ECommerceSynchronizeWebHooksSuccess =Synchronization of the web hook queue has been successfully completed +ECommerceAlreadyProcessingWebHooksSynchronization =Synchronization of the queue of web hooks received is already being processed. +ECommerceSince =Since +ECommerceSynchronizeCustomersSuccess =%s customers (third parties/contacts) successfully synchronized +ECommerceUpdateThirdPartyFromSiteNote =Third party updated from WooSync on %s (Site: %s; Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceCreateThirdPartyFromSiteNote =Third party created from WooSync (Site: %s) +ECommerceSynchronizeProductsSuccess =%s products have successfully synchronized (%s have been updated) +ECommerceUpdateProductFromSiteNote =Product updated from WooSync on %s (Site: %s; Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceCreateProductFromSiteNote =Product created from WooSync (Site: %s) +ECommerceStockInitFromWooSync =Stock initialized by WooSync +ECommerceStockUpdateFromWooSync =Stock update by WooSync +ECommerceSynchronizeOrdersSuccess =%s commands successfully synchronized +ECommerceUpdateOrderFromSiteNote =Command updated from WooSync on %s (Site: %s; Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceCreateOrderFromSiteNote =Command created from WooSync (Site: %s) +ECommerceCreateInvoiceFromSiteNote =Invoice created from WooSync (Site: %s) +ECommerceCreateSupplierInvoiceFromSiteNote =Supplier invoice created from WooSync (Site: %s) +ECommerceFirstNameLastNameNotInformed =No name entered +ECommerceLastNameNotInformed =[No name entered] + +#not used# ECommerceOrdersSyncSetup =Order synchronization +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFirstDateForECommerceToDolibarr =Maximum data recovery date +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFirstDateForECommerceToDolibarrDescription =Orders with an earlier creation date will be ignored. + +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarr =Product line metadata +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarrDescription =Adds product line metadata from the WooCommerce order to the product line description in the Dolibarr order
Product line metadata from WooCommerce orders must have the 'display_key' and 'display_value' properties for this feature to work. +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFilterMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarr =Product line metadata +ECommerceWoocommerceOrderFilterMetaDataInProductLineToDescriptionForECommerceToDolibarrDescription =Comma-separated list of metadata keys to be included or excluded from the description. +ECommerceExclude =Exclude +ECommerceInclude =Include ECommerceSynchronize =Synchronize ECommerceTotalDelta =WooSync Total Delta -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits achetés (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits achetés dans la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits achetés et importés hors de la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits vendus (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits vendus dans la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les produits vendus et exportés hors de la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche produit ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services achetés (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services achetés dans la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services achetés et importés hors de la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services vendus (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services vendus dans la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) -ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Compte comptable par défaut pour les services vendus et exportés hors de la CEE (utilisé si non défini dans la fiche service ou dans dolibarr) - -StockableProduct = Stock management -StockableProductDescription = If this option is enabled, the stock modification for this element is retained. If disabled, the stock modification for this element is not retained. +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for purchased products (used if not defined in product file or Dolibarr) +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for products purchased in EEC (used if not defined in product sheet or Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for products purchased and imported outside EEC (used if not defined in product data sheet or Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT = Default account for products sold (used if not defined in product file or Dolibarr) +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Default account for products sold in EEC (used if not defined in product data sheet or Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Default account for products sold and exported outside EEC (used if not defined in the product file or in Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for purchased services (used if not defined in service file or Dolibarr) +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for services purchased in the EEC (used if not defined in the service file or in Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Default account for services purchased and imported outside EEC (used if not defined in the service file or in Dolibarr). +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for services sold (used if not defined in the service file or in Dolibarr) +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT = Default accounting account for services sold (used if not defined in services file or Dolibarr) +ECOMMERCE_ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT = Default account for services sold and exported outside EEC (used if not defined in the service file or in Dolibarr). + +StockableProduct = Activate stock management +StockableProductDescription = Si cette option est désactivée, la modification du stock pour cet élément n'est pas prise en compte. Les mouvements de stock ne seront pas pris en compte dans les commandes client, commande fournisseur, expédition, réception, ordre de fabrication.
Dans les faits, cette option se comporte comme une activation/désactivation du module stock mais à l'échelle du produit/service StockDisabled = Stock disabled -StockEnabled = Stock enabled +StockEnabled = Stock activated ############################################################################################ # Web Hooks ############################################################################################ -ECommerceMenuWebHooks = WebHooks - -ECommerceWebHooksStatusNotProcessed = Pending processing -ECommerceWebHooksStatusProcessed = Processed -ECommerceWebHooksStatusError = Error -ECommerceWebHooksStatusWarning = Warning -ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortNotProcessed = Pending processing -ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortProcessed = Processed -ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortError = Error -ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortWarning = Warning - -ECommerceWebHooks = WebHooks -ECommerceListOfWebHooks = WebHooks list -ECommerceDeliveryId = Delivery Id -ECommerceWebHookId = Id -ECommerceWebHookTopic = Topic -ECommerceWebHookResource = Resource -ECommerceWebHookEvent = Event -ECommerceWebHookSignature = Signature -ECommerceWebHookSource = Source -ECommerceWebHookData = Data -ECommerceProcessedDate = Processing date -ECommerceErrorMessage = Error message - -ECommerceWebHooksSetToProcess = Reschedule for processing -ECommerceWebHooksSetProcessed = Consider as processed - -ECommerceConfirmMassSetToProcess = Confirmation of mass processing -ECommerceConfirmMassSetToProcessQuestion = Are you sure you want to re-process the %s selected record(s) ? -ECommerceConfirmMassSetProcessed = Confirmation of mass processing -ECommerceConfirmMassSetProcessedQuestion = Are you sure you want to process the %s selected record(s) ? - -ECommerceBoxWebHooks = WooSync - WebHooks -ECommerceNoRecordedWebHooks = No WebHooks registered - -ECommerceCheckWebHooksStatus = WebHooks status check -ECommerceSuccessCheckWebHooksStatus = The %s WebHooks of the site "%s" (ID: %s) are activated -ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksStatus = Sending of error notification mails -ECommerceNotifyEmailCheckWebHooksStatusErrorSubject = [WooSync] Error while checking the status of the WebHooks -ECommerceCheckWebHooksStatusSuccess = The verification of the status of the WebHooks has been successfully completed - -ECommerceCheckWebHooksVolumetry =Vérification de la volumétrie des crochet Web (WebHooks) -ECommerceErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetry =Le nombre de crochet WEB (WebHook) en attentes de traitements du site "%s" (ID : %s) a dépassé la volumétrie (%s / %s) -ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetry =Envoie du mails de notification des dépassements de volumétrie des crochet Web (WebHooks) -ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetryErrorSubject =[WooSync] Erreur lors de la vérification de la volumétrie des crochet Web (WebHooks) -ECommerceCheckWebHooksVolumetrySuccess =La vérification de la volumétrie des crochet Web (WebHooks) s'est terminé avec succes - -ECommerceSynchronizeStocksToSite = Mise à jour des stocks réalisées -ECommerceSynchronizeStocksToSiteSuccess = Mise à jour des stocks terminée avec succès -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeStocksToSite = Des erreurs ce sont produites lors de la mise à jour des stocks - - -ECommerceWoocommerceConnect=Error connecting to site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrCommande=Error retrieving orders on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProduct=Error retrieving products on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProductVariations=Error retrieving variations of remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceCheckRemoteProductExist =Erreur lors de la verification de l'existance du produit %s sur le site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSociete=Erreor retrieving companies on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSocpeople=Error retrieving companies (for contact/adresses) on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProduct=Error creating the product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProductLink=Error creating the link for the product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceGetCategoryData=Error retrieving data from the remote category 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetCommandeToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of orders to be updated on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetProductToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of products to be updated on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetRemoteCategoryTree=Error retrieving the list of categories to be updated on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetSocieteToUpdate=Error retrieving the list of companies to be updated on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceSendFileForCommande=Error linking the file with the remote order 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceSendFileForCommandeInWordpress=Error sending the file for the remote order 'id:%s' in the Wordpress media on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteCommande=Error updating the remote order 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProduct=Error updating the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteTranslatedProduct=Error updating the translation 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductGetRemoteProduct=Error retrieving the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductSendImage=Error sending an image for the product 'id:%s' in the Wordpress media on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductVariation=Error updating the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteTranslatedProductVariation=Error updating the translation 'id:%s' of the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s' -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteSociete=Error updating the remote company 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteSocpeople=Error updating contacts/adresses of the remote company 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockProduct=Error updating inventory (%s) of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockTranslatedProduct=Error updating inventory (%s) of the translation 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockProductVariation=Error updating inventory (%s) of the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockTranslatedProductVariation=Error updating inventory (%s) of the translation 'id:%s' of the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site -ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceAttributes =Erreur de récupération des données des attributs sur le site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceAttributeTerms =Erreur de récupération des données de l'attribut '%s' sur le site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceTaxClass=Error retrieving tax class data from the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetWoocommerceTaxes=Erreur retrieving tax data from the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProductSendImage=Error sending an image for the prodcut 'ref:%s' in the Wordpress media on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommercePaymentGateways=Error retrieving payment gateways data from the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceGetTranslatedProductVariation=Error retrieving the translation 'id:%s' of the variant 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetRemoteProduct =Erreur de récupération du produit distant 'id:%s' sur le site '%s': - -ECommerceWoocommerceStatusProductSupported = Statuts supportés -ECommerceWoocommerceStatusProductSupportedDescription = Liste des statuts supportés pour la synchronisation.(vide pour tous les statuts; liste de valeurs séparées par des virgules)
Seules les valeurs retournées par l'API sont supportées. ex: draft, pending, private, publish, ... - -ECommercengWoocommerceStatus=Site status [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceDescription=Store description -ECommercengWoocommerceShortDescription=Store short description -ECommercengWoocommerceOnlinePayment=Online payment -ECommercengWoocommerceTaxClass=VAT class for the site [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceManageStock=Stock management for the site [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceDontUpdateStock=Do not update the stock with the site [%s] - -ECommercengWoocommerceDictAttribute=List of attributes on WooCommerce -ECommercengWoocommerceDictAttributesUpdated=Dictionary of attributes from WooCommerce updated -ECommerceWoocommerceConfirmUpdateDictAttributes=Confirm the update of attributes dictionary for this site ? -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateDictAttributes=Update of attributes dictionary -ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxClass=List of VAT classes on WooCommerce -ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxClassUpdated=Dictionary of VAT classes from WooCommerce updated -ECommerceWoocommerceConfirmUpdateDictTaxClasses=Confirm the update of the VAT class dictionary for this site ? -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateDictTaxClasses=Update of the VAT classes dictionary -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxClass=Error of deactivation of a VAT class, code:"%s", error:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxClass=Error adding a VAT class, code:"%s", name:"%s", error:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxClass=Error updating a VAT class, code:"%s", error:"%s" - -ECommercengWoocommerceDictLang=List of languages on WooCommerce - -ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxRate=List of VAT rates on Woocommerce -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxClass=Error of deactivation of a VAT rate, ID:"%s", error:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxClass=Error adding a VAT rate, ID:"%s", erreur:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxClass=Error updating a VAT rate, ID:"%s", error:"%s" - -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictAttribute =Erreur de désactivation d'un attribut, slug:"%s", erreur:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictAttribute =Erreur d'ajout d'un attribut, slug:"%s", nom:"%s", erreur:"%s" -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictAttribute =Erreur de mise a jour d'un attribut, slug:"%s", erreur:"%s" - -ECommercengWoocommerceStatusDraft=Draft -ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPending=Awaiting review -ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPrivate=Private -ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPublish=Published - -ECommercengWoocommerceWithoutFirstnameLastname=No name filled in -ECommercengWoocommerceLastnameNotInformed=[Name not filled in] - -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatus=Site status [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusPending=Pending payment -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusProcessing=In progress -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusOnHold=On hold -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusCompleted=Completed -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusCancelled=Cancelled -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusRefunded=Refunded -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusFailed=Failed -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusTrash=Trash - -ECommercengWoocommerceOrderLink=Link to the site order [%s] - -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsOf = Paramètrage des attributs supplémentaires : %s -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsMetaData = Méta-données de Woocommerce -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsAttribute = Attribut WooCommerce -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsDefaultValueDescription = Valeur par default de l'attribut supplémentaire (Si vide celui définie dans la configuration de celui-ci) -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsMetaDataDescription = Renseigner le nom de la méta-donnée correspondant à cet attribut supplémentaire -ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsAttributeDescription = Les valeurs du champ complémentaire Dolibarr doit être sous la forme "Nom,Nom" exemple: "Jaune,Jaune" - -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteCategoryParentNotCreated = Error for the site '%s' when searching for the parent ID of the category '%s' (slug: '%s') -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchCategories = Error creating categories by batch on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchProducts = Error creating products by batch on the site '%s': %s - -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchCategory = Error crating the category (slug : %s) on the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchProduct = Error creating the product (sku : %s) on the site '%s': %s -ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteBatchProduct = Error updating the product (sku : %s) on the site '%s': %s - -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorBaseTypeOfProductWithSiteParameter = Error of price basis (HT/TTC) for the entry of the product price '%s', it must be in '%s' for the site '%s'. - -ECommerceWoocommerceProductSyncPrice = Synchronization of selling prices -ECommerceWoocommerceProductSyncPriceDescription = This parameter determines which type of price in WooCommerce should be synchronized with the selling price in Dolibarr -ECommerceWoocommerceRegularPrice = Standard price -ECommerceWoocommerceSellingPrice = Selling price - -ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationMode = Variant synchronization -ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationOneToOne = One => one -ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationAllToOne = All => one -ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationModeDescription = Chose how to synchronize variants
'One => one' will create one product for each variant of the WooCommerce product
'All => one' will create one and only one for the variant product with the parent information and meta-data of the first variant - -ECommercengWoocommerceRegularPrice = Standard price for the site [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceSalePrice = Promotional price for the site [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceDateOnSaleFrom = Start date of the promotion for the site [%s] -ECommercengWoocommerceDateOnSaleTo = End date of the promotion for the site [%s] - -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole = Role for the site "%s" -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_administrator = Administrator -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_author = Author -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_contributor = Contributor -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_customer = Customer -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_editor = Editor -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_subscriber = Subscriber -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_shop_manager = Shop manager -ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_ = No role for this site - -ECommerceWoocommerceCustomerRolesSupported = Supported user roles -ECommerceWoocommerceCustomerRolesSupportedDescription = Role supported for synchronization.(empty for all roles)
Only values returned by the API are supported. e.g.: customer, administrator, author, contributor, editor, subscriber, shop_manager, ...
Only user in the defined role will be processed
Only guest orders or whose client is synchronized will be processed - -ECommerceWooCommerceBundleComposite = Composition du kit : - -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorDiscountCodeServiceNotConfigured = The service managing coupon codes has not been configured in the settings of the site "%s". -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorOrderStatusNotConfigured = The correspondence of the status "%s" of the order is not set in the configuration of the site (it may be necessary to add it in the additional field of the order "Site status [%s]") -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorPwGiftCardsServiceNotConfigured = The service managing the gift cards has not been configured in the settings of the site "%s". - -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxClass = Error deactivating the tax class line (Code: %s): %s -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxClass = Erreur updating the tax class line (Code: %s): %s -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxClass = Erreur adding the tax class line (Code: %s): %s -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxRate = Error deactivating the tax rate line (ID: %s): %s -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxRate = Erreur updating the tax rate line (ID: %s): %s -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxRate = Erreur adding the tax rate line (ID: %s): %s -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorTaxNotFound = Error the tax was not found in the synchronized one (ID: %s) -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorDontSupportMultiTaxes = The module does not currently support multi-taxation. -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetWoocommerceWebHooks = Error retrieving webhooks from the site '%s': -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorTaxClassNotFoundFromTaxRate = La taxe '%s' n'est pas trouver dans le dictionnaire de taxe du module WooSync pour le site '%s' pour le produit '%s' -ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetOrderData = Erreur lors de la récupération des données de la commande distante '%s' du site '%s' -ECommerceWooCommerceErrorLanguageMatchNotFound = La correspondance de langue pour le code '%s' et site ID '%s' n'as pas été trouvée dans le dictionnaire 'Liste des langues sur Woocommerce' - -ECommerceWoocommerceGetRemoteProduct = Récupération du produit distant (ID distant: %s) sur le site '%s' -ECommerceErrorWarehouseIdNotSpecifiedForTheLine = L'entrepôt distant n'a pas été trouver pour la ligne de produit %s -ECommerceErrorWarehouseIdNotConfiguredForRemoteWarehouse = L'entrepôt dolibarr n'as pas été configuré pour l'entrepôt distant (ID: %s) sur le site '%s' -ECommerceErrorWhenMovementStockOnDifferentWarehouse = Erreur lors de la mise a jour des stocks des produits sur differents entrepots -ECommerceErrorValidOrderWarehouseNotConfigured = L'entrepot par defaut pour la validation de la commande n'est pas configuré pour le site '%s' -ECommerceErrorGetImportKeyOfLine = Erreur lors de la recuperation de la clé d'import de la ligne '%s' de la pièce '%s' - -ECommerceWooCommerceStoreCredit = Store Credits +ECommerceMenuWebHooks =Web hooks + +ECommerceWebHooksStatusNotProcessed =Waiting to be processed +ECommerceWebHooksStatusProcessed =Processed +ECommerceWebHooksStatusError =Error +ECommerceWebHooksStatusWarning =Caution +ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortNotProcessed =Waiting to be processed +ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortProcessed =Processed +ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortError =Error +ECommerceWebHooksStatusShortWarning =Caution + +ECommerceWebHooks =Web hooks +ECommerceListOfWebHooks =Web hooks List +ECommerceDeliveryId =Delivery ID +ECommerceWebHookId =ID +ECommerceWebHookTopic =Subject +ECommerceWebHookResource =Resource +ECommerceWebHookEvent =Event +ECommerceWebHookSignature =Signature +ECommerceWebHookSource =Source +ECommerceWebHookData =Data +ECommerceProcessedDate =Processing date +ECommerceErrorMessage =Error message + +ECommerceWebHooksSetToProcess =Reschedule for processing +ECommerceWebHooksSetProcessed =Consider as treated + +ECommerceConfirmMassSetToProcess =Confirmation of mass processing +ECommerceConfirmMassSetToProcessQuestion =Are you sure you want to reprocess the %s selected record(s)? +ECommerceConfirmMassSetProcessed =Confirmation of mass processing +ECommerceConfirmMassSetProcessedQuestion =Are you sure you want to process the %s selected record(s)? + +ECommerceBoxWebHooks =WooSync - Web hooks +ECommerceNoRecordedWebHooks =No Web hooks registered + +ECommerceCheckWebHooksStatus =Web hook status check (WebHooks) +ECommerceSuccessCheckWebHooksStatus =The %s WebHooks of the “%s” site (ID: %s) are enabled +ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksStatus =Send error notification e-mail +ECommerceNotifyEmailCheckWebHooksStatusErrorSubject =[WooSync] Error checking Web hook status +ECommerceCheckWebHooksStatusSuccess =WebHooks status check completed successfully + +ECommerceCheckWebHooksVolumetry =Verification of Web hook volume +ECommerceErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetry =The number of WebHooks waiting to be processed on the “%s” site (ID: %s) has exceeded the volume (%s / %s). +ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetry =WebHooks volume overrun notification email sent +ECommerceSendEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetryErrorSubject =[WooSync] Error checking Web hooks volume (WebHooks) +ECommerceCheckWebHooksVolumetrySuccess =WebHooks volumetric check successfully completed + +#not used# ECommerceSynchronizeStocksToSite = Stocks update +ECommerceSynchronizeStocksToSiteSuccess = Stock update successfully completed +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeStocksToSite = Errors occurred when updating stocks + + +#not used# ECommerceWoocommerceConnect =Connection error to site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrCommande =Order retrieval error on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProduct =Error retrieving products on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrProductVariations =Error retrieving variations of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceCheckRemoteProductExist =Error when checking the existence of product %s on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSociete =Error retrieving companies on site '%s': +#not used# ECommerceWoocommerceConvertRemoteObjectIntoDolibarrSocpeople =Error retrieving companies (for contacts/addresses) on site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProduct =Error creating product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +#not used# ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProductLink =Error creating the link for product 'id:%s' for site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceGetCategoryData =Error retrieving data from remote category 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetCommandeToUpdate =Error retrieving the list of orders to update on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetProductToUpdate =Error retrieving the list of products to update on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetRemoteCategoryTree =Error retrieving the list of categories to update on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetSocieteToUpdate =Error retrieving the list of companies to update on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceSendFileForCommande =Error linking file with remote command 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceSendFileForCommandeInWordpress =Error sending file for remote command 'id:%s' in Wordpress media on site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteCommande =Error updating remote command 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProduct =Error updating remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteTranslatedProduct =Error updating translation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductGetRemoteProduct =Error retrieving remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductSendImage =Error sending an image for remote product 'id:%s' in Wordpress media to site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteProductVariation =Error updating variation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteTranslatedProductVariation =Error updating translation 'id:%s' of variation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s' +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteSociete =Error updating remote company 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteSocpeople =Error updating contacts/addresses of remote company 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockProduct =Error updating stocks (%s) of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockTranslatedProduct =Error updating stocks (%s) of translation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockProductVariation =Stock update error (%s) of variation 'id:%s' of remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteStockTranslatedProductVariation =Error updating stocks (%s) of the translation 'id:%s' of the variation 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceAttributes =Error retrieving attribute data on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceAttributeTerms =Error retrieving data for attribute '%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceTaxClass =Error retrieving tax class data on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetWoocommerceTaxes =Error retrieving tax data on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteProductSendImage =Error sending an image for product 'ref:%s' in Wordpress media on site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommercePaymentGateways =Error retrieving payment method data on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceRemoteWarehouses =Error retrieving data from remote warehouses on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetTranslatedProductVariation =Error recovering the translation 'id:%s' of the variation 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s': +#not used# ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetRemoteProduct =Error retrieving remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceRemoteShippingModes =Error retrieving data from remote transport zones on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceGetAllWoocommerceRemoteShippingZoneMethods =Erreur de récupération des données des modes de transport distants sur le site '%s' et la zone (ID distant : %s): + +ECommerceWoocommerceStatusProductSupported = Supported statuses +ECommerceWoocommerceStatusProductSupportedDescription = List of supported statuses for synchronization. (empty for all statuses; list of values ​​separated by commas)
Only values ​​returned by the API are supported. ex: draft, pending, private, publish, ... + +ECommercengWoocommerceStatus =Status for site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceDescription =Store description +ECommercengWoocommerceShortDescription =Short shop description +ECommercengWoocommerceOnlinePayment =Online payment +ECommercengWoocommerceTaxClass =VAT class for site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceManageStock =Stock management for the site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceDontUpdateStock =Do not update stock with site [%s] + +ECommercengWoocommerceDictAttribute =List of attributes on Woocommerce +ECommercengWoocommerceDictAttributesUpdated =Attributes dictionary since Woocommerce update. +ECommerceWoocommerceConfirmUpdateDictAttributes =Confirm the update of the attribute dictionary for this site? +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateDictAttributes =Updating the attribute dictionary +ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxClass =List of VAT classes on Woocommerce +ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxClassUpdated =Dictionary of VAT classes from Woocommerce updated. +ECommerceWoocommerceConfirmUpdateDictTaxClasses =Confirm the update of the VAT class dictionary for this site? +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateDictTaxClasses =Updating the VAT class dictionary +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxClass =Error deactivating a VAT class, code: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxClass =Error adding a VAT class, code: "%s", name: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxClass =Error updating a VAT class, code: "%s", error: "%s" + +ECommercengWoocommerceDictLang =List of languages ​​on Woocommerce + +ECommercengWoocommerceDictTaxRate =List of VAT rates on Woocommerce +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxRate =Error deactivating a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxRate =Error adding a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxRate =Error updating a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" + +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictAttribute =Error deactivating a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictAttribute =Error adding a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictAttribute =Error updating a VAT rate, ID: "%s", error: "%s" + +ECommerceUpdateVirtualStock = Virtual stocks +ECommerceUpdateVirtualStockDescription = Updating site stock with virtual stock instead of physical stock +ECommerceWoocommerceEnableWarehousePluginSupport = Warehouse Management Extension +ECommerceWoocommerceEnableWarehousePluginSupportDescription = Select the supported extension managing warehouses installed on WooCommerce +ECommerceWoocommerceWarehousePluginStockLocationForWooCommerce = Stock Locations for WooCommerce +ECommerceWoocommerceWarehousePluginWooCommerceMultiLocationsInventoryManagement = WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management + +ECommerceWoocommerceEnableProductWpmlPluginSupport = WPML +ECommerceWoocommerceEnableProductWpmlPluginSupportDescription = Enables support for the “WPML” extension installed on WooCommerce + +ECommercengWoocommerceStatusDraft =Draft +ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPending =Waiting for proofreading +ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPrivate =Private +ECommercengWoocommerceStatusPublish =Published + +#not used# ECommercengWoocommerceWithoutFirstnameLastname =No last name/first name provided +#not used# ECommercengWoocommerceLastnameNotInformed =[Name not provided] + +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatus =Status on site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusPending =Waiting for payment +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusProcessing =In progress +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusOnHold =On hold +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusCompleted =Completed +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusCancelled =Canceled +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusRefunded =Refunded +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusFailed =Failed +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderStatusTrash =Basket + +ECommercengWoocommerceOrderLink =Link to site order [%s] + +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsOf = Setting additional attributes: %s +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsMetaData = Woocommerce metadata +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsAttribute = WooCommerce attribute +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsDefaultValueDescription = Default value of the additional attribute (If empty the one defined in its configuration) +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsMetaDataDescription = Enter the name of the metadata corresponding to this additional attribute +ECommercengWoocommerceExtrafieldsOptionsAttributeDescription = The values ​​of the Dolibarr complementary field must be in the form "Name, Name" example: "Yellow, Yellow" + +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteCategoryParentNotCreated = Error for site '%s' when searching for parent ID of category '%s' (slug: '%s') +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchCategories = Error creating categories in batch on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchProducts = Error creating batch products on site '%s': %s + +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchCategory = Error creating category (slug: %s) on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceCreateRemoteBatchProduct = Error creating the product (SKU: %s) on site '%s': %s +ECommerceWoocommerceUpdateRemoteBatchProduct = Error updating product (SKU: %s) on site '%s': %s + +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorBaseTypeOfProductWithSiteParameter = Price base error (excluding tax/tax included) for entering the price of product '%s', it must be in '%s' for site '%s'. + +ECommerceWoocommerceProductSyncPrice = Sales price synchronization +ECommerceWoocommerceProductSyncPriceDescription = This setting determines what type of price in WooCommerce should be synchronized with the sale price in Dolibarr +ECommerceWoocommerceRegularPrice = Regular price +ECommerceWoocommerceSellingPrice = Selling price + +ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationMode = Synchronization of variations +ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationOneToOne = One => one +ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationAllToOne = All => one +ECommerceWoocommerceProductVariationModeDescription = Choose how we synchronize the variations
'One => one' will create a product for each variation of the WooCommerce product
'All => one' will create one product and only one for the varying product with the parent information and the meta-data of the first variation + +ECommercengWoocommerceRegularPrice = Regular price for site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceSalePrice = Promotional price for the site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceDateOnSaleFrom = Promotion start date for site [%s] +ECommercengWoocommerceDateOnSaleTo = Promotion end date for site [%s] + +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole = Role for site “%s” +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_administrator = Administrator +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_author = Author +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_contributor = Contributor +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_customer = Customer +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_editor = Editor +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_subscriber = Subscriber +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_shop_manager = Store manager +ECommercengWoocommerceCompanyRole_ = No role on this site + +ECommerceWoocommerceCustomerRolesSupported = Supported user roles +ECommerceWoocommerceCustomerRolesSupportedDescription = User role supported for synchronization. (empty for all roles)
Only values ​​returned by the API are supported. ex: customer, administrator, author, contributor, editor, subscriber, shop_manager, ...
Only users of the defined role will be processed
Only guest orders or whose customer is synchronized will be processed + +ECommerceWooCommerceBundleComposite =Composition of the kit: + +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorOrderStatusNotConfigured = The correspondence of the "%s" status of the order is not configured in the site configuration (it may be necessary to add it in the additional field of the order "Status on the site [%s]") +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorDiscountCodeServiceNotConfigured = The service managing promotional codes has not been configured in the settings of the “%s” site. +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorPwGiftCardsServiceNotConfigured = The service managing gift cards has not been configured in the site settings "%s". + +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxClass = Error when deactivating the tax class line (Code: %s): %s +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxClass = Error updating tax class line (Code: %s): %s +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxClass = Error adding tax class line (Code: %s): %s +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorDisableDictTaxRate = Error disabling tax rate line (ID: %s): %s +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorUpdateDictTaxRate = Error updating tax rate line (ID: %s): %s +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorAddDictTaxRate = Error adding tax rate line (ID: %s): %s +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorTaxNotFound = Error the tax was not found in those synchronized (ID: %s) +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorDontSupportMultiTaxes = The module does not currently support multi-tax. +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetWoocommerceWebHooks = Error retrieving web hooks on site '%s': +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorTaxClassNotFoundFromTaxRate = Tax '%s' not found in tax dictionary of WooSync module for site '%s' for product '%s' +ECommerceWoocommerceErrorGetOrderData = Error retrieving data from remote command '%s' from site '%s' +ECommerceWooCommerceErrorLanguageMatchNotFound = The language match for code '%s' and site ID '%s' was not found in the dictionary 'List of languages ​​on Woocommerce' + +ECommerceWoocommerceGetRemoteProduct = Retrieving the remote product (remote ID: %s) from site '%s' +ECommerceErrorWarehouseIdNotSpecifiedForTheLine = The remote warehouse was not found for product line %s +ECommerceErrorWarehouseIdNotConfiguredForRemoteWarehouse = The dolibarr warehouse has not been configured for the remote warehouse (ID: %s) on site '%s' +ECommerceErrorWhenMovementStockOnDifferentWarehouse = Error when updating product stocks in different warehouses +ECommerceErrorValidOrderWarehouseNotConfigured = The default warehouse for order validation is not configured for site '%s' +ECommerceErrorGetImportKeyOfLine = Error retrieving the import key for line '%s' of part '%s' + +ECommerceWooCommerceStoreCredit = Shop Credit + +####################################################################### +# API +####################################################################### +ECommerceRequestData = Query data +ECommerceRequestProtocolVersion = Protocol version +ECommerceRequestUri = Url +ECommerceRequestMethod = Method +ECommerceRequestTarget = Target +ECommerceRequestHeaders = Headers +ECommerceRequestBody = Body +ECommerceResponseData = Response data +ECommerceResponseProtocolVersion = Protocol version +ECommerceResponseCode = Coded +ECommerceResponseReasonPhrase = Reason +ECommerceResponseHeaders = Headers +ECommerceResponseBody = Body +ECommerceErrorBadConvertResult = Wrong format of API query response ############################################################################################ # Errors ############################################################################################ -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCustomers = Errors occured while synchronizing the clients (third parties/contacts) -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeProducts = Errors occured while synchronizing the products -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrders = Errors occured while synchronizing the orders -ECommerceErrorFetchThirdPartyLinkByRemoteId = Error loading third party synchronization link (remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorAnonymousThirdPartyNotConfigured = The third party for anonymous users (not logged in) is not configured (Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchThirdParty = Error loading the third party (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorUpdateThirdParty = Error when updating the third party in Dolibarr (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorCreateThirdParty = Error when creating a third party in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorMoveContactsInAnonymousThirdPartyToNewOrFoundThirdParty = Error while moving contacts from the third party for anonymous users (not logged in) to the new third party found (ID: %s) thanks to the email : %s -ECommerceErrorUpdateThirdPartyLink = Error when updating the third party synchronization link -ECommerceErrorCreateThirdPartyLink = Error when creating the third party synchronization link -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCustomer = Error while synchronizing the client (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorProductRefMandatory = The product reference must be filled in on your remote product -ECommerceErrorFetchProductLinkByRemoteId = Error loading the product synchronization link (remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchProduct = Error loading the product (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchProductByRef = Error loading the product (Ref: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchProductLinkByProductId = Error loading the product synchronization link (ID: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorProductAlreadyLinkedWithRemoteProduct = The product with ref %s is already linked to the remote product ID: %s -ECommerceErrorUpdateProduct = Error when updating the product in Dolibarr (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorCreateProduct = Error when creating the product in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorUpdateProductPrice = Error when updating the product price in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorUpdateProductStock = Error when updating the product stock in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorSetProductUpdateDate = Error when updating the modification date of the product in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorProductCategoryNotConfigured = The category of synchronized products is not configured (Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCategories = Errors occurred when synchronizing product categories -ECommerceErrorNumberCategoryToLinkMismatched = Not all product categories to be linked (%s) were found in the synchronized ones (%s) -ECommerceErrorDownloadProductImage = Error recovering image (%s) for the product 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s' -ECommerceErrorRemoveObsoleteProductImage = Error deleting obsolete images for product 'id:%s' of the remote product 'id:%s' on the site '%s' -ECommerceErrorUpdateProductLink = Error when updating the product synchronization link -ECommerceErrorCreateProductLink = Error while creating the product synchronization link -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeProduct = Error while synchronizing the product (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenConvertProductData = Error when converting product data (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchOrderLinkByRemoteId = Error loading order synchronization link (remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchOrder = Error loading order (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorFetchOrderByRefExt = Error loading order (Ref ext: %s) -ECommerceErrorUpdateOrder = Error when updating the order in Dolibarr (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorCreateOrder = Error when creating the order in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorUpdateTotalOrder = Error when updating the correct prices of the order in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorOrderDefineBuyPrice = Error when updating the price in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Price: %s) -ECommerceErrorOrderAddLine = Error when adding a product line in the order -ECommerceErrorOrderAddDeliveryLine = Error when adding a delibery line in the order -ECommerceErrorValidOrder = Error during the validation of the order -ECommerceErrorSetStatusOrderValidated = Error when updating the order status to 'Validated' -ECommerceErrorSetStatusOrderShipmentOnProcess = Error when updating the order status to 'Ongoing' -ECommerceErrorCancelOrder = Error when updating the order status to 'Cancelled' -ECommerceErrorCloseOrder = Error when updating the order status to 'Delivered' -ECommerceErrorClassifyOrderBilled = Error when updating the order status to 'Processed' -ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysNotFound = The payment method (%s, %s) was not found in the synchronized ones -ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysPaymentMethodNotConfigured = The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr payment method -ECommerceErrorWhenFetchPaymentMethodByLabel = Error loading the payment method (%s) using its name -ECommerceErrorOrderSetPaymentMethods = Error when updating the payment method of the order -ECommerceErrorUpdateOrderLink = Error when updating the synchronization link of the order -ECommerceErrorCreateOrderLink = Error when creating the synchronization link of the order -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrder = Error when synchronization the order (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenConvertOrderData = Error when converting order data (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreate = Error when creating the bill in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorUpdateTotalInvoice = Error when updating the correct prices of the bill in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorInvoiceInsertDiscount = Error when inserting the discount on the bill in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorInvoiceDiscountCreate = Error when creating the discount for the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddLine = Error when adding a product line in the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetOrderInternalContacts = Error when retrieving the internal contacts of the control (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetOrderExternalContacts = Error when retrieving external contacts from the order (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddContact = Error when adding a contact (ID: %s, Type: %s, Source: %s) in the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceDefineBuyPrice = Erreur lors de la mise a jour du prix dans Dolibarr (ID: %s, Price: %s) -ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddLine = Error when adding a product line in the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddDeliveryLine = Error when adding a delivery line in the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceSetPaymentMethods = Error when updating the payment method of the bill -ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysBankAccountNotConfigured = The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorInvoiceValidate = Error during the validation of the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreatePayment = Error when creating the payment on the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddPaymentToBank = Error when adding the payment on the bank for the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceSetPaid = Error in the classification of the bill as paid -ECommerceErrorInvoiceGenerateDocument = Error while creating the bill document -ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysSupplierNotConfigured = The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr third party supplier -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceCreate = Error when creating the supplier bill in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceAddLine = Error when adding a product line in the supplier bill -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceValidate = Error during the validation of the supplier bill -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceCreatePayment = Error when creating the payment on the supplier bill -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceAddPaymentToBank = Error when adding the payment on the bank for the supllier bill -ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceGenerateDocument = Error when creating the supplier bill document -ECommerceErrorCustomerEmailEmptyForSendInvoiceByEmail = Error, the email of the remote order is empty for the sending of the bill by email -ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysMailModelNotConfigured = The synchronized payment method (%s, %s, language: %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr mail template -ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreateMail = Error when creating the email to send the bill -ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetExternalContacts = Error when retrieving external contacts from the bill (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreateSendMailEvent = Error when creating the event of sending the bill by email -ECommerceErrorInvoiceSendByMail = Error when sending the bill by email -ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrderToInvoice = Error when synchronizing the bill from the order (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorSearchThirdPartyByEmail = Error when searching for a third party by email (Email: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorTooManyThirdPartyFoundDueToEmail = Too many third party found through email(Email: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenSearchThirdPartyByName = Error when searching for a third party by name (Name: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorTooManyThirdPartyFoundDueToName = Too many third parties found through name (Name: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorThirdPartyFoundDueToNameIsTheAnonymousThirdParty = Error, the third party found by name is the third party for anonymous users (not logged in) -ECommerceErrorUpdateContact = Error when updating the contact in Dolibarr (Line ID: %s, ID: %s, Type ID: %s, Statut: %s) -ECommerceErrorAddContact = Error when adding a contact in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Type: %s, Source: %s) -ECommerceErrorGetPaymentGateways = Error loading synchronized payment methods (Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorGetProductCategories = Error loading Dolibarr product categories -ECommerceErrorPrivateThirdPartyTypeNotFound = The third party type "Particulier" with the code "TE_PRIVATE" is not activated or has been deleted from the third party type dictionary -ECommerceErrorSynchronizeWebHook = Error when synchronizing the queue line (ID: %s, Topic: %s) -ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateCustome = Error when updating the date of the most recent client synchronization date for the site (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateProduct = Error when updating the date of the most recent product synchronization date for the site (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateOrder = Error when updating the date of the most recent order synchronization date for the site (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorUpdatePrivateNote = Error while updating the private note -ECommerceErrorGetEMailTemplate = Error while retrieving the mail template -ECommerceErrorWhenCheckOrderExist = Error when testing if the order exists in Dolibarr -ECommerceErrorWhenCheckOrderExistFromData = Error during the test if the order exists in Dolibarr using remote data -ECommerceErrorWhenProcessPendingWebHooks = Error while synchronizing the WebHooks queue -ECommerceErrorWebHooksStatusNotActivated = The WebHook "%s" (remote ID: %s) is not activated (Additional info: %s) -ECommerceErrorCheckWebHooksStatus = Error when cheching the WebHook of the site "%s" (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenCheckingWebHooksStatus = Error when checking the WebHook -ECommerceErrorTooManyProductLinkToTheRemoteID = Too many products (IDs: %s) linked to the same remote product (remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorDeleteProductLink = Error when deleting link with remote product (remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenGetProductToUnlink = Error when retrieving the products to be untied (Site: %s; Data: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductByProductId = Error when deleting the product link (Site: %s; ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductByRemoteId = Error when deleting the product link (Site: %s; remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProduct = Error when deleting the product link (Site: %s; ID: %s; remote ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductCategory = Error when deleting the category on the product (Site: %s; ID: %s; Category ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorUpdateRefProduct = Error when modify the product reference '%s' to new reference '%s' (already exist) -ECommerceErrorFetchProductByRef = Erreur lors du chargement du produit par sa reference (Ref: %s) -ECommerceErrorProductNotFoundByRef = Le produit n'as pas été trouvé par sa reference (Ref: %s) -ECommerceErrorProductRefMandatory2 = Le produit "%s" n'as de reference sur le site -ECommerceErrorSynchronizeProductComponent =Le composant (ID distant: %s, Site ID: %s) n'a pas réussi à se synchroniser -ECommerceErrorFetchProductComponents =Erreur lors de la récupération des composants constituant le produit (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorAddProductComponent =Erreur lors de l'ajout du composant (ID: %s, Qty: %s) constituant le produit (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorUpdateProductComponent =Erreur lors de la mise à jour du composant (ID: %s, Qty: %s) constituant le produit (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorDelProductComponent =Erreur lors de la suppression du composant (ID: %s) constituant le produit (ID: %s) -ECommerceErrorSetOrderCorrectAmount =Erreur lors du forcage du prix TTC de la commande -ECommerceErrorSetInvoiceCorrectAmount =Erreur lors du forcage du prix TTC de la facture +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCustomers =Errors occurred while synchronizing clients (third parties/contacts) +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeProducts =Errors occurred while syncing products +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrders =Errors occurred while syncing orders +ECommerceErrorFetchThirdPartyLinkByRemoteId =Error loading third party sync link (Remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorAnonymousThirdPartyNotConfigured =The third party for anonymous (not logged in) users is not configured (Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchThirdParty =Third party loading error (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorUpdateThirdParty =Error when updating the third party in Dolibarr (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorCreateThirdParty =Error when creating the third party in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorMoveContactsInAnonymousThirdPartyToNewOrFoundThirdParty =Error when moving third party contacts for anonymous users (not logged in) to the new third party found (ID: %s) using email: %s +ECommerceErrorUpdateThirdPartyLink =Error updating third party sync link +ECommerceErrorCreateThirdPartyLink =Error creating third party sync link +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCustomer =Error syncing client (Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorProductRefMandatory =The product reference must be entered on your remote product (e.g. SKU) +ECommerceErrorFetchProductLinkByRemoteId =Error loading product sync link (Remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchProduct =Error loading product (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchProductByRef =Product loading error (Ref.: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchProductLinkByProductId =Error loading product sync link (Product ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchProductLink =Error loading product sync link (Link ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorProductAlreadyLinkedWithRemoteProduct =The product with reference %s is already linked to remote product ID: %s +ECommerceErrorUpdateProduct =Error when updating the product in Dolibarr (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorCreateProduct =Error when creating the product in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorUpdateProductPrice =Error when updating product price in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorUpdateProductStock =Error when updating product stock in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorSetProductUpdateDate =Error when updating product modification date in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorProductCategoryNotConfigured =The synced product category is not configured (Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeCategories =Errors occurred while syncing product categories +ECommerceErrorNumberCategoryToLinkMismatched =Not all categories of products to be linked (%s) were found in those synchronized (%s) +ECommerceErrorDownloadProductImage =Error retrieving image (%s) for product 'id:%s' from remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s' +ECommerceErrorRemoveObsoleteProductImage =Error removing obsolete images for product 'id:%s' from remote product 'id:%s' on site '%s' +ECommerceErrorUpdateProductLink =Error updating product sync link +ECommerceErrorCreateProductLink =Error creating product sync link +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeProduct =Error syncing product (Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenConvertProductData =Error converting product data (remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchOrderLinkByRemoteId =Error loading command sync link (Remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchOrder =Error loading order (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorFetchOrderByRefExt =Error loading order (ext. ref.: %s) +ECommerceErrorUpdateOrder =Error when updating the order in Dolibarr (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorCreateOrder =Error when creating the order in Dolibarr +#not used# ECommerceErrorUpdateTotalOrder =Error updating correct order prices in Dolibarr +#not used# ECommerceErrorOrderDefineBuyPrice =Error when updating the price in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Price: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorOrderAddLine =Error when adding a product line to the order +#not used# ECommerceErrorOrderAddDeliveryLine =Error when adding a delivery line to the order +ECommerceErrorValidOrder =Error during order validation +ECommerceErrorSetStatusOrderValidated =Error passing the order to 'Validated' +ECommerceErrorSetStatusOrderShipmentOnProcess =Error changing command to 'In Progress' +ECommerceErrorCancelOrder =Error changing order to 'Cancelled' +ECommerceErrorCloseOrder =Error changing order to 'Delivered' +ECommerceErrorClassifyOrderBilled =Error changing order to 'Processed' +ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysNotFound =Payment method (%s, %s) was not found in those synchronized +ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysPaymentMethodNotConfigured =The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr payment method +ECommerceErrorWhenFetchPaymentMethodByLabel =Error loading payment method (%s) using its name +ECommerceErrorOrderSetPaymentMethods =Error updating order payment method +ECommerceErrorUpdateOrderLink =Error updating order sync link +ECommerceErrorCreateOrderLink =Error creating order sync link +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrder =Error syncing command (Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenConvertOrderData =Error converting order data (remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreate =Error when creating the invoice in Dolibarr +#not used# ECommerceErrorUpdateTotalInvoice =Error updating correct invoice prices in Dolibarr +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceInsertDiscount =Error when inserting the discount on the invoice in Dolibarr +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceDiscountCreate =Error creating discount for invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddLine =Error when adding a product line in the invoice +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetOrderInternalContacts =Error retrieving the internal contacts of the command (ID: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetOrderExternalContacts =Error retrieving the external contacts of the order (ID: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddContact =Error adding a contact (ID: %s, Type: %s, Source: %s) to the +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceDefineBuyPrice =Error when updating the price in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Price: %s) +ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddLine =Error when adding a product line in the invoice +#not used# ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddDeliveryLine =Error when adding a delivery line to the invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceSetPaymentMethods =Error updating invoice payment method +ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysBankAccountNotConfigured =The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr bank +ECommerceErrorInvoiceValidate =Error validating invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreatePayment =Error creating payment on invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceAddPaymentToBank =Error adding payment to bank for invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceSetPaid =Error classifying the invoice as 'paid' +ECommerceErrorInvoiceGenerateDocument =Error generating invoice document +ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysSupplierNotConfigured =The synchronized payment method (%s, %s) has not been configured for the third-party provider Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceCreate =Error when creating the supplier invoice in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceAddLine =Error when adding a product line to the supplier invoice +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceValidate =Error when validating the supplier invoice +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceCreatePayment =Error creating payment on supplier invoice +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceAddPaymentToBank =Error when adding the payment to the bank for the supplier invoice +ECommerceErrorSupplierInvoiceGenerateDocument =Error generating the supplier invoice document +ECommerceErrorCustomerEmailEmptyForSendInvoiceByEmail =Error, the remote order email is empty for sending the invoice by email +ECommerceErrorPaymentGatewaysMailModelNotConfigured =The synchronized payment method (%s, %s, language: %s) has not been configured for the Dolibarr email template +ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreateMail =Error creating email for sending invoice +ECommerceErrorInvoiceGetExternalContacts =Error retrieving external invoice contacts (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorInvoiceCreateSendMailEvent =Error creating invoice sending event by email +ECommerceErrorInvoiceSendByMail =Error sending invoice by email +ECommerceErrorWhenSynchronizeOrderToInvoice =Error syncing invoice from order (remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorSearchThirdPartyByEmail =Error searching for the third party using their email (email: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorTooManyThirdPartyFoundDueToEmail =Too many third parties found using their email (email: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenSearchThirdPartyByName =Error when searching for the third party using its name (Name: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorTooManyThirdPartyFoundDueToName =Too many third parties found using his name (Name: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorThirdPartyFoundDueToNameIsTheAnonymousThirdParty =Error, the third party found by its name is the third party for anonymous users (not connected) +ECommerceErrorUpdateContact =Error when updating the part contact in Dolibarr (Line ID: %s, ID: %s, Type ID: %s, Status: %s) +ECommerceErrorAddContact =Error when adding the contact to the room in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Type: %s, Source: %s) +ECommerceErrorGetPaymentGateways =Error loading synchronized payment methods (Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorGetProductCategories =Error loading Dolibarr product categories +ECommerceErrorPrivateThirdPartyTypeNotFound =The third party type "Individual" with the code "TE_PRIVATE" is not activated or has been deleted from the third party type dictionaries +ECommerceErrorSynchronizeWebHook =Error synchronizing queue line (ID: %s, Topic: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateCustome =Error updating the most recent client sync date for the site (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateProduct =Error updating the most recent product sync date for the site (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorSetLastSyncDateOrder =Error updating the most recent order sync date for the site (ID: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorUpdatePrivateNote =Error updating private note +ECommerceErrorGetEMailTemplate =Error retrieving email template +ECommerceErrorWhenCheckOrderExist =Error when testing if the order exists in Dolibarr +ECommerceErrorWhenCheckOrderExistFromData =Error when testing if the order exists in Dolibarr using remote data +ECommerceErrorWhenProcessPendingWebHooks =Error syncing web hooks queue +ECommerceErrorWebHooksStatusNotActivated =WebHook "%s" (Remote ID: %s) is not enabled (Additional Info: %s) +ECommerceErrorCheckWebHooksStatus =Error checking web hooks for site "%s" (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenCheckingWebHooksStatus =Error checking web hooks (WebHooks) +ECommerceErrorTooManyProductLinkToTheRemoteID =Too many products (IDs: %s) linked to the same remote product (Remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorDeleteProductLink =Error removing link with remote product (remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenGetProductToUnlink =Error when retrieving products to unbind (Site: %s; Data: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductByProductId =Error removing product link (Site: %s; ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductByRemoteId =Error removing product link (Site: %s; Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProduct =Error removing product link (Site: %s; ID: %s; Remote ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorWhenUnlinkProductCategory =Error deleting category on product (Site: %s; ID: %s; Category ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorUpdateRefProduct =Error when changing the product reference '%s' to the new reference '%s' (it already exists) +ECommerceErrorFetchProductByRef =Error loading the product by its reference (Ref: %s) +ECommerceErrorProductNotFoundByRef =The product was not found by its reference (Ref: %s) +ECommerceErrorProductRefMandatory2 =The product "%s" has no reference on the E-Commerce site +ECommerceErrorSynchronizeProductComponent =Component (Remote ID: %s, Site ID: %s) failed to synchronize +ECommerceErrorFetchProductComponents =Error retrieving the components constituting the product (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorAddProductComponent =Error adding the component (ID: %s, Qty: %s) constituting the product (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorUpdateProductComponent =Error updating the component (ID: %s, Qty: %s) constituting the product (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorDelProductComponent =Error deleting the component (ID: %s) constituting the product (ID: %s) +#not used# ECommerceErrorSetOrderCorrectAmount =Error when forcing the price including tax of the order +#not used# ECommerceErrorSetInvoiceCorrectAmount =Error when forcing the invoice price including tax +ECommerceErrorConnectAPI =Error when forcing the invoice price including tax +ECommerceErrorUpdateThirdPartyLanguage =Error updating third party language (ID: %s) +ECommerceErrorDefineBuyPrice =Error when updating the price in Dolibarr (ID: %s, Price: %s) +ECommerceErrorAddLine =Error adding a product line ############################################################################################ # Warnings ############################################################################################ -ECommerceWarningWrongAmountTTCWithPaid = Attention!! The customer has paid a different amount : %s TTC -ECommerceWarningOrderThirdPartyNotSupported = Attention!! The order (ID: %s) is ignored because it was created by a client (ID: %s) whose type is not allowed in the configuration -ECommerceWarningSynchronizeWebHook = Attention!! When synchronizing the line in the queue (ID: %s, Topic: %s) -ECommerceWarningUpdateOrderNotSynchronized = Attention!! Attempt to update an unsynchronized order -ECommerceWarningNotifyEmailErrorCheckWebHooksStatusNotDefined = Attention!! The global variable ECOMMERCE_NOTIFY_EMAIL_ERRORS_CHECK_WEBHOOKS_STATUS containing the email adresses separated by commas has not been defined -ECommerceWarningNotifyEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetryNotDefined =Attention !! La variable globale ECOMMERCE_NOTIFY_EMAIL_ERRORS_CHECK_WEBHOOKS_VOLUMETRY contenant les adresses emails séparées par des virgules n'a pas été activée +#not used# ECommerceWarningWrongAmountTTCWithPaid =Attention!! The customer paid a different amount: %s including tax +ECommerceWarningOrderThirdPartyNotSupported =Attention!! The order (ID: %s) is ignored because it was created by a customer (ID: %s) whose type is not allowed in the configuration +ECommerceWarningSynchronizeWebHook =Attention!! When synchronizing the queue line (ID: %s, Topic: %s) +#not used# ECommerceWarningUpdateOrderNotSynchronized =Attention!! Attempting to update an order out of sync +ECommerceWarningNotifyEmailErrorCheckWebHooksStatusNotDefined =Attention!! The global variable ECOMMERCE_NOTIFY_EMAIL_ERRORS_CHECK_WEBHOOKS_STATUS (containing email addresses separated by commas) is inactive +ECommerceWarningNotifyEmailErrorCheckWebHooksVolumetryNotDefined =Attention!! The global variable ECOMMERCE_NOTIFY_EMAIL_ERRORS_CHECK_WEBHOOKS_VOLUMETRY (containing email addresses separated by commas) is inactive diff --git a/langs/fr_FR/ecommerce.lang b/langs/fr_FR/ecommerce.lang index bffa182..008a65f 100644 --- a/langs/fr_FR/ecommerce.lang +++ b/langs/fr_FR/ecommerce.lang @@ -145,20 +145,14 @@ NbInDolibarr NbInDolibarrLinkedToE =Nb dans Dolibarr liés à la boutique en ligne ModuleCustomerOrderDisabled =Non géré (module "Commandes" non activé) ECommerceLastCompleteSync =Date de la dernière synchronisation de %s vers Dolibarr réalisée entièrement (plus aucun élément à synchroniser) -WithMagentoThirdIsModifiedIfAddressModified =Avec Magento et WooCommerce, un tiers sera aussi considéré comme modifié si un de ses contacts/adresses a été modifié. +WithMagentoThirdIsModifiedIfAddressModified =Avec WooCommerce, un tiers sera aussi considéré comme modifié si un de ses contacts/adresses a été modifié. SyncSocieteFirst =Synchroniser d'abord les tiers SyncCommandeFirst =Synchroniser d'abord les commandes -OnlyProductsIn =Seuls les produits de la catégorie %s et de ses sous-catégories sont synchronisés de Dolibarr vers Magento ou WooCommerce. -NbInDolibarr =Nb dans Dolibarr -NbInDolibarrLinkedToE =NB dans Dolibarr liés à la boutique +OnlyProductsIn =Seuls les produits de la catégorie %s et de ses sous-catégories sont synchronisés de Dolibarr vers WooCommerce. RefreshCount =Rafraîchir le comptage -ModuleCustomerOrderDisabled =Non pris en charge (les commandes clients ne sont pas activées) -ECommerceLastCompleteSync =Dernière synchronisation de %s vers Dolibarr réalisée entièrement (plus aucun élément à synchroniser) SyncIsAutomaticInRealTime =La synchronisation de Dolibarr vers %s est effectuée en temps réel. -WithMagentoThirdIsModifiedIfAddressModified =Avec Magento, un tiers est également indiqué comme modifié si l'un de ses contact/adresse est modifié -OnlyProductCategIn =Seule la catégorie %s et ses sous-catégories sont synchronisées de Dolibarr vers Magento ou WooCommerce. -OnlyThirdPartyIn =Seuls les tiers de la catégorie %s et de ses sous-catégories sont synchronisés de Dolibarr vers Magento ou WooCommerce. -OnlyThirdPartyWithTags =Nb de tiers de la catégorie '%s' (qui devraient donc être communs avec la boutique E-Commerce) +OnlyProductCategIn =Seule la catégorie %s et ses sous-catégories sont synchronisées de Dolibarr vers WooCommerce. +OnlyThirdPartyIn =Seuls les tiers de la catégorie %s et de ses sous-catégories sont synchronisés de Dolibarr vers WooCommerce. WarningSoapCacheIsOn =Attention : cache WSDL actif sur le répertoire %s. #not used# WarningSoapCacheIsOn2 =Changer %s ou son contenu peut ne pas être vu par PHP. SoapCacheIsOff =Votre cache PHP WSDL est inactif.