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FDB Read and Write Path

Author: Meng Xu
Reviewer: Evan Tschannen, Jingyu Zhou
Audience: FDB developers, SREs and expert users.

This document explains how FDB works at high level in database terms without mentioning FDB internal concepts.

We first discuss the read path and the write path separately for a single transaction. We then describe how the read path and write path work together for a read and write transaction. In the last section, we illustrate how multiple outstanding write transactions are processed and ordered in FDB. The processing order of multiple transactions is important because it affects the parallelism of transaction processing and the write throughput.

The content is based on FDB 6.2 and is true for FDB 6.3. A new timestamp proxy role is introduced in post FDB 6.3, which affects the read path. We will discuss the timestamp proxy role in the future version of this document.



FDB is built on top of several key components. The terms below are common database or distributed system terms, instead of FDB specific terms.

Timestamp generator. It serves logical time, which defines happen-before relation: An event at t1 happens before another event at t2, if t1 < t2. The logic time is used to order events in FDB distributed systems and it is used by concurrency control to decide if two transactions have conflicts. The logical time is the timestamp for a transaction.

  • A read-only transaction has only one timestamp which is assigned when the transaction is created;
  • A read-write transaction has one timestamp at the transaction’s creation time and one timestamp at its commit time.

Concurrency Control. It decides if two transactions can be executed concurrently without violating Strict Serializable Isolation (SSI) property. It uses the Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) mechanism described in [SSI] to achieve that.

Client. It is a library, an FDB application uses, to access the database. It exposes the transaction concept to applications. Client in FDB is a fat client that does multiple complex operations: (1) It calculates read and write conflict ranges for transactions; (2) it batches a transaction's operations and send them all together at commit for better throughput; (3) it automatically retries failed transactions.

Proxies. It is a subsystem that acts like reverse proxies to serve clients’ requests. Its main purposes is:

  • Serve for read request by (1) serving the logical time to client; and (2) providing which storage server has data for a key;
  • Process write transactions on behalf of clients and return the results;

Each proxy has the system’s metadata, called transaction state store (txnStateStore). The metadata decides: (1) which key should go to which storage servers in the storage system; (2) which key should go to which processes in the durable queuing system; (3) is the database locked; etc.

The metadata on all proxies are consistent at any given timestamp. To achieve that, when a proxy has a metadata mutation that changes the metadata at the timestamp V1, the mutation is propagated to all proxies (through the concurrency control component), and its effect is applied on all proxies before any proxy can process transactions after the timestamp V1.

Durable queuing system. It is a queuing system for write traffic. Its producers are proxies that send transaction mutation data for durability purpose. Its consumers are storage systems that index data and serve read request. The queuing system is partitioned for the key-space. A shard (i.e., key-range) is mapped to k log processes in the queuing system, where k is the replication factor. The mapping between shard and storage servers decides the mapping between shard and log processes.

Storage system. It is a collection of storage servers (SS), each of which is a sqlite database running on a single thread. It indexes data and serves read requests. Each SS has an in-memory p-tree data structure that stores the past 5-second mutations and an on-disk sqlite data. The in-memory data structure can serve multiple versions of key-values in the past 5 seconds. Due to memory limit, the in-memory data cannot hold more than 5 seconds’ multi-version key-values, which is the root cause why FDB’s transactions cannot be longer than 5 seconds. The on-disk sqlite data has only the most-recent key-value.

Zookeeper like system. The system solves two main problems:

  • Store the configuration of the transaction system, which includes information such as generations of queuing systems and their processes. The system used to be zookeeper. FDB later replaced it with its own implementation.
  • Service discovery. Processes in the zookeeper-like system serve as well-known endpoints for clients to connect to the cluster. These well-known endpoint returns the list of proxies to clients.

Read path of a transaction

Fig. 1 above shows a high-level view of the read path. An application uses FDB client library to read data. It creates a transaction and calls its read() function. The read() operation will lead to several steps.

  • Step 1 (Timestamp request): The read operation needs a timestamp. The client initiates the timestamp request through an RPC to proxy. The request will trigger Step 2 and Step 3;

    • To improve throughput and reduce load on the server side, each client dynamically batches the timestamp requests. A client keeps adding requests to the current batch until when the number of requests in a batch exceeds a configurable threshold or when the batching times out at a dynamically computed threshold. Each batch sends only one timestamp request to proxy and all requests in the same batch share the same timestamp.
  • Step 2 (Get latest commit version): When the timestamp request arrives at a proxy, the proxy wants to get the largest commit version as the return value. So it contacts the rest of (n-1) proxies for their latest commit versions and uses the largest one as the return value for Step 1.

    • O(n^2) communication cost: Because each proxy needs to contact the rest of (n-1) proxies to serve clients’ timestamp request, the communication cost is n*(n-1), where n is the number of proxies;
    • Batching: To reduce communication cost, each proxy batches clients’ timestamp requests for a configurable time period (say 1ms) and return the same timestamp for requests in the same batch.
  • Step 3 (Confirm proxy’s liveness): To prevent proxies that are no longer a part of the system (such as due to network partition) from serving requests, each proxy contacts the queuing system for each timestamp request to confirm it is still a valid proxy (i.e., not replaced by a newer generation proxy process). This is based on the FDB property that at most one active queuing system is available at any given time.

    • Why do we need this step? This is to achieve consensus (i.e., external consistency). Compared to serializable isolation, Strict Serializable Isolation (SSI) requires external consistency. It means the timestamp received by clients cannot decrease. If we do not have step and network partition happens, a set of old proxies that are disconnected from the rest of systems can still serve timestamp requests to clients. These timestamps can be smaller than the new generation of proxies, which breaks the external consistency in SSI.
    • O(n * m) communication cost: To confirm a proxy’s liveness, the proxy has to contact all members in the queuing system to ensure the queuing system is still active. This causes m network communication, where m is the number of processes in the queuing system. A system with n proxies will have O(n * m) network communications at the step 3. In our deployment, n is typically equal to m;
    • Do FDB production clusters have this overhead? No. Our production clusters disable the external consistency by configuring the knob ALWAYS_CAUSAL_READ_RISKY.
  • Step 4 (Locality request): The client gets which storage servers have its requested keys by sending another RPC to proxy. This step returns a set of k storage server interfaces, where k is the replication factor;

    • Client cache mechanism: The key location will be cached in client. Future requests will use the cache to directly read from storage servers, which saves a trip to proxy. If location is stale, read will return error and client will retry and refresh the cache.
  • Step 5 (Get data request): The client uses the location information from step 4 to directly query keys from corresponding storage servers.
    • Direct read from client’s memory: If a key’s value exists in the client’s memory, the client reads it directly from its local memory. This happens when a client updates a key’s value and later reads it. This optimization reduces the amount of unnecessary requests to storage servers.
    • Load balance: Each data exists on k storage servers, where k is the replication factor. To balance the load across the k replicas, client has a load balancing algorithm to balance the number of requests to each replica.
    • Transaction succeed: If the storage server has the data at the read timestamp, the client will receive the data and return succeed.
    • Transaction too old error: If the read request’s timestamp is older than 5 seconds, storage server may have already flushed the data from its in-memory multi-version data structure to its on-disk single-version data structure. This means storage server does not have the data older than 5 seconds. So client will receive transaction too old error. The client will retry with a new timestamp. One scenario that can lead to the error is when it takes too long for a client to send the read request after it gets the timestamp.
    • Future transaction error: Each storage server pulls data in increasing order of data’s timestamp from the queuing system. Let’s define a storage server’s timestamp as the largest timestamp of data the storage server has. If the read request’s timestamp is larger than the storage server’s timestamp, the storage server will reply future-transaction-error to the client. The client will retry. One scenario that can lead to the error is when the connection between the SS and the queuing system is slow.
    • Wrong shard error: If keys in the request or result depend on data outside this storage server OR if a large selector offset prevents all data from being read in one range read. Client will invalidate its locality cache for the key and retry the read request at the failed key.

Implementation of FDB read path

Write path of a transaction

Suppose a client has a write-only transaction. Fig. 2 below shows the write path in a non-HA cluster. We will discuss how a transaction with both read and write works in the next section.


To simplify the explanation, the steps below do not include transaction batching on proxy, which is a typical database technique to increase transaction throughput.

Read write path of a transaction

This section uses an example transaction to describe how a transaction with both read and write operation works in FDB.

Suppose application creates the following transaction, where Future<int> is an object that holds an asynchronous call and becomes ready when the async call returns, and wait() is a synchronous point when the code waits for futures to be ready. The following code reads key k1 and k2 from database, increases k1’s value by 1 and write back k1’s new value into database.

Example Transaction

Line1: Transaction tr;
Line2: Future<int> fv1 = tr.get(k1);
Line3: Future<int> fv2 = tr.get(k2);
Line4: v1 = wait(fv1);
Line5: v2 = wait(fv2);
Line6: tr.set(v1+v2);
Line7: tr.commit();

The transaction starts with the read path:

  • When tr.get() is called, FDB client issues a timestamp request to proxies if the transaction has not set its start timestamp. The logic is the Step 1 in the read path;
  • Batching timestamp requests. When another tr.get() is called, it will try to get a timestamp as well. If we let every get request to follow the Step 1 in the read path, the performance overhead (especially network communication) will be a lot. In addition, this is not necessary because a transaction has only one start timestamp. To solve this problem, client chooses to batch timestamp requests from the same transaction and only issues one timestamp request when the transaction size reaches a preconfigured threshold or when the transaction duration reaches the batching timeout threshold.
  • Each read request, i.e., tr.get operation in the example, will follow the read path to get data from storage servers, except that they will share the same timestamp;
    • These read requests are sent to FDB cluster in parallel. The ordering of which read request will be ready first depends on requests’ network path and storage servers’ load.
    • In the example, tr.get(k2) may return result earlier than tr.get(k1).
  • Client will likely block at the synchronization point at Line 4, until the value is returned from the cluster.
    • To maximize clients’ performance, a client can issue multiple transactions concurrently. When one transaction is blocked at the synchronization point, the client can switch to work on the other transactions concurrently.
  • Client may or may not block at the synchronization point at Line 5. If tr.get(k2) returns earlier than tr.get(k1), the future fv2 is already ready when the client arrives at Line 5.
  • At Line 6, client starts the write path. Because the transaction already has its start timestamp, client does not need to request for the transaction’s start time any more and can skip the Step 2-2 in the write path.
  • At Line 7, client commits the transaction, which will trigger the operations from Step 2 in the write path.

A transaction can get more complex than the example above.

  • A transaction can have more writes operations between Line 6 and Line 7. Those writes will be buffered in client’s memory, which is the Step 1 in the write path. Only when the client calls commit(), will the rest of steps in the write path will be triggered;
  • A transaction can have reads operations between Line 6 and Line 7 as well.
  • A transaction may return commit_unknown_result, which indicate the transaction may or may not succeed. If application simply retries the transaction, the transaction may get executed twice. To solve this problem, the application can adds a transaction id to the transaction and check if the transaction id exists on the commit_unknown_result error.

Concurrency and ordering of multiple write transactions

FDB orders concurrent transactions in increasing order of the transactions’ commit timestamp. The ordering is enforced in the timestamp generator, the concurrency control component and the durable queuing system.

  • When timestamp generator serves the commit timestamp request from a proxy, the reply includes not only the commit timestamp but also the latest commit timestamp the generator has sent out. For example, the timestamp generator just gave out the commit timestamp 50. When the next request arrives, the generator’s timestamp is 100 and the generator replies (50, 100). When the second request arrives and the generator’s timestamp is 200, the generator replies (100, 200).
  • When a proxy sends conflict resolution requests to concurrency control processes or durable requests to the queuing system, each request includes both the current transaction’s commit timestamp and the previous transaction’s commit timestamp.
  • Each concurrency control process and each process in the queuing system always process requests in the strict order of the request’s commit version. The semantics is do not process a request whose commit timestamp is V2 until the request at its previous commit timestamp V1 has been processed.

We use the following example and draw its swimlane diagram to illustrate how two write transactions are ordered in FDB. The diagram with notes can be viewed at here.



[SSI] Serializable Snapshot Isolation in PostgreSQL.