Projects I made before university (2010-2017)
Some languages I spent time learning included
- C#
- DarkBasic (classic)
- C++
I also developed some stuff in GameMaker, but I don't think I have the files for those anymore.
It's been a really long time and I wanted to see what files I still had, and go down memory lane.
To have a catalog of games I've been writing since I was 10 years old is really incredible.
Some of it is downright embarassing :) but I love having it around anyway.
- <2010 - GameMaker
- 2010-2011 DarkBasic (classic)
- 2013-2015 C++
- 2014-2017 C# (only wrote a few projects here)
# get mono
winetricks --force dotnet40
winetricks vcrun2010
Debug binaries might not run at all since they target debug DLLs. These are not provided with wine.
Many of these were developed under the assumption of a slower machine, so may not be playable due to a fast framerate.
Some of these require DLLs that I chose not to redistribute.
Generally these are some subset of:
- DevIL.dll
- freeglut.dll
- ILU.dll
- ILUT.dll
May not work since some of these programs used questionable scan codes for mapping keys.