diff --git a/test/genetic_algorithm.jl b/test/genetic_algorithm.jl
index d3f424d..a8f7ecc 100644
--- a/test/genetic_algorithm.jl
+++ b/test/genetic_algorithm.jl
@@ -18,12 +18,24 @@ using FTN_PSI_PA.GeneticAlgorithm
     numOfIterations = 100
     population = generatePopulation(populationSize, genesLength, minGene, maxGene)
+    @testset "Elitistic Selection: " begin
+        num_gen, best = getAverage(population, 
+                                   elitistSelection(elitePercent), 
+                                   mutationPercent, 
+                                   makeCrossoverFunc([1;3]), 
+                                   numOfIterations)
-    num_gen, best = getAverage(population, 
-                                    elitistSelection(elitePercent), 
-                                    mutationPercent, 
-                                    makeCrossoverFunc([1;3]), 
-                                    numOfIterations)
+        @test best < 0.1 # Test if the absolute error is smaller than 0.1
+    end
-    @test best < 0.1 # Test if the absolute error is smaller than 0.1
+    @testset "Roulette Wheel Selection: " begin
+        num_gen, best = getAverage(population, 
+                                   rouletteWheelSelection(), 
+                                   mutationPercent, 
+                                   makeCrossoverFunc([1;3]), 
+                                   numOfIterations)
+        @test best < 0.1 # Test if the absolute error is smaller than 0.1
+    end
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