2/20/2017 6:59 PM
adamm_neurable :
Nice piece that shows examples of BCIs in fiction/media http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/main/braincomputerinterface
2/21/2017 5:24 PM
sc :
39 characters per minute (invasive)
2/23/2017 10:11 AM
sc :
2/27/2017 5:22 PM
yannick :
Posted by <@U39KC1V9Q> in <#C0J8Z4KFD|announcements> (moved here)
"Hey guys there is a big global hackathon this week that people might be interested in. http://www.brainhack.org Thursday Friday in Montreal!"
3/3/2017 11:46 PM
sc :
3/7/2017 3:13 PM
a.tech :
3/7/2017 3:13 PM
a.tech :
What a smart use of ERPs!
3/7/2017 6:09 PM
alexandre.barachant :
🙂 , that's what i call (personnaly) a frustration-based BCI. you make random guess and probe for error potential. If present you choose the oposite action, if not you continue 🙂
3/7/2017 6:11 PM
alexandre.barachant :
note that error related potential are "commonly" use to correct mistakes in P300 speller.
3/7/2017 6:11 PM
yannick :
You should coin that term. Write a blog post about it and own it 😉
3/7/2017 6:18 PM
alexandre.barachant :
yep, the idea is that the BCI only works if the feedback does not work 🙂
sometimes, error potential are easier to detect than the actual command, so you don't tell the user but you just give him random feedback and probe for error.
3/7/2017 6:19 PM
alexandre.barachant :
this is vcery frustrating for the user, since everithing he tried to make the feedback correct is actualy pointless
3/7/2017 6:20 PM
alexandre.barachant :
the dataset 013-2015 of BNCI is like that : http://bnci-horizon-2020.eu/database/data-sets (for those who want data)
3/7/2017 6:24 PM
yrenard :
does the 'best efforts' of the user improve the quality of his generated signal patterns ?
3/7/2017 6:24 PM
yrenard :
I guess the lack of rewarding feedback plays against any progress of the user what so ever
3/8/2017 5:58 AM
gabe.ibagon :
using error potentials for external control is a really cool BCI paradigm. like alexandre mentioned, one paradigm is that the BCI guesses randomly, and then the error potential acts as a "critic" of the BCI's. things get really interesting when the BCI uses a learning paradigm, like reinforcement learning / q-learning, to start to figure out which state-action pairs cause error, and eventually converges to adopt the state-action sequence that minimizes these evoked error potentials.
3/8/2017 5:59 AM
gabe.ibagon :
nice paper about it: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep13893
3/8/2017 4:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
3/8/2017 4:42 PM
alexandre.barachant :
I hope they will not kill it ...
3/10/2017 8:50 PM
dano :
Cool new findings from Christof Koch on consciousness: large neurons from the claustrum (thin layer of tissue surrounding the thalamus and insula) that wrap around the entire cortex might be critical for consciousness. Publication coming shortly
3/12/2017 11:56 PM
bryan_j :
Thanks for sharing, dano. The imagery is beautiful isn't it?
3/13/2017 6:30 PM
yannick :
Nice experiment in New York & Los Angeles. 1000 Brains Connected (EEG recorded -> Cloud) while watching a movie (MindGamers is the movie).
3/13/2017 6:31 PM
yannick :
If you are in either NYC or LAX, you should join!
3/13/2017 11:24 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
To view archived text from Slack please visit:
3/14/2017 8:33 PM
igweckay :
Here is an interesting article: http://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/biomedical/bionics/one-small-step-for-a-paraplegic-one-big-step-toward-reversing-paralysis
3/14/2017 8:35 PM
igweckay :
It's about a neuroprosthetic implanted in the spinal cord to reverse paralysis
3/15/2017 10:22 AM
z3 :
Does this works as much as they say?
3/15/2017 2:31 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
z3 without looking too much into it, Halo's product is a bit more respected as the person who is leading it is well known in the field.
3/15/2017 2:32 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'm not sure of any research done on the product outside of the companies own
3/15/2017 3:25 PM
z3 :
ok thanks for the answer sydneyneurotechx
3/15/2017 3:44 PM
eferdinand :
3/15/2017 3:49 PM
alexandre.barachant :
This is a cool award 🙂 It's pretty open but historically they are very biased toward medical application \ rehab and Intracranial recordings
3/15/2017 3:50 PM
alexandre.barachant :
that's probably because it's what works best.
3/15/2017 4:20 PM
yrenard :
I would more bet on the fact that g.tec being the organizer of the award, and g.tec being on that segment, this is what they want to sell - this is marketing after all 😉
3/15/2017 5:36 PM
alexandre.barachant :
They pick the jury for sure so this is some kind of bias but I would like to think they are not too involved in the decision process.
IMO Invasive BCI just give so much impressive results that it is what stick in the end.
3/17/2017 6:00 PM
dano :
The scroll acceleration on that page is annoying, but otherwise beautiful site and branding. Anyone here thinking of submitting?
3/17/2017 7:07 PM
igweckay :
3/17/2017 10:31 PM
perrotta :
Should NTX have person-specific bots? https://latenightcoding.co/i-automated-my-friends/
3/17/2017 11:59 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Haha. Cool idea amine.abdessemed Check it out
3/18/2017 2:49 PM
amine.abdessemed :
sydneyneurotechx really good idea hahaha but neurobot is already person specific, don't hurt his feelings.
3/18/2017 2:55 PM
yannick :
3/19/2017 5:59 PM
yannick :
Is that even legit to run 2 Crowdfunding campaigns with slightly different writing and different countries on 2 different platforms (Kickstarter & Indiegogo) ...
Super Brain II
3/19/2017 6:01 PM
yannick :
(few months apart - before even delivering any device - both successfully funded)
3/19/2017 6:04 PM
alexandre.barachant :
well, those consideration would appears minor when you claim "Dreams from the film Limitless come to reality"
3/21/2017 12:31 AM
yannick :
For those in Research with a Machine Learning component, I might be worth keeping an eye on this: http://distill.pub
3/21/2017 12:33 AM
yannick :
(I mean, when people from Google, from the New York Times, OpenAI, YC Reasearch and Yosha Bengio team up... It's worth looking at!)
3/22/2017 4:19 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
3/27/2017 10:22 AM
vitruvia :
What computer language do you think is best suited for BCI projects? Is python fine or should I learn something else?
3/27/2017 10:49 AM
yannick :
Python is perfect to start with. Then it will be more "contextual" (depending on the team / lab / company) and project specific.
3/27/2017 10:55 AM
igweckay :
3/27/2017 10:55 AM
igweckay :
3/27/2017 11:10 AM
benjamindeleener :
vitruvia I agree with Yannick. Python is a great starting point for BCI projects and you will find a lot of resources online.
3/27/2017 2:04 PM
sc :
3/27/2017 4:30 PM
yannick :
marvinandujar & chriscrawford instead of the Brain-Drone Race at U. of Florida, what about Brain Cyborg Turtle Race? You think Intel would sponsor it? 😛
3/27/2017 4:37 PM
joeyo :
Cockroaches and other insects [Maharbiz], rats [Chapin], bulls [Delgado] and now turtles & what animal will become a cyborg next?!
3/27/2017 4:47 PM
francois :
yannick You mean Brain Cyborg Gator Race 😛 ...
3/27/2017 8:41 PM
vitruvia :
yannick igweckay benjamindeleener Thanks. That's good to hear, because I'm loving python so far
3/28/2017 12:06 AM
sc :
3/28/2017 12:11 AM
yrenard :
Remember that party in the mountains a year ago sc ? looks like you inspired him 😉
3/28/2017 12:13 AM
sc :
Ha ha 🤐
3/28/2017 12:28 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
So is there going to be a Recruiting war between Kernel and Neuralink?
3/28/2017 12:53 AM
sc :
I think Kernel moved away from what Neuralink is talking about, didn't they?
3/28/2017 12:54 AM
sc :
3/28/2017 12:54 AM
sc :
"But it turns out that connecting to the brain isn�t so easy. Six months after launching Kernel amid a media blitz, Johnson says he�s dropped his initial plans for a �memory implant,� switched scientific advisors, hired a new team, and decided to instead invest in developing a more general-purpose technology for recording and stimulating the brain using electrodes."
3/28/2017 3:53 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
ah, so he's going down the eeg/tdcs path? Neuroelectrics and http://Foc.us|Foc.us beat them 😛
3/28/2017 3:59 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Or are they still planning to do an invasive device?
3/28/2017 4:14 AM
marvinandujar :
yannick - lol the turtle race would be fun! Maybe if we put the intel logo on top of the turtle, they would sponsor it
3/28/2017 12:21 PM
wqerwerwerwer :
3/28/2017 1:08 PM
karchie :
quick summary on the Kernel article: switching from one invasive approach to another. (oddly, I know both PIs. Berger is super smart but I never got a sense anything important would come out of his lab. Boyden is the smartest guy I've ever met; at the level of the article, the tech sounds unworkable, but if anyone can make it work it's Boyden.)
3/28/2017 2:39 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Yea, agreed on Boyden. A contact of mine is doing work at the MIT Media Lab under Ed and he has nothing but positive things to say about him. I think Ed has like 5 degrees in different subjects.
3/28/2017 4:09 PM
karchie :
his first Nobel is going to be optogenetics. not sure what else is coming.
3/28/2017 5:21 PM
aj :
Ed Bergen?
3/28/2017 6:25 PM
yannick :
I liked his view on "We need more engineers in neuroscience" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teuKfeEkaKs
(I'm biased, I'm an engineer in (visual) neuroscience :p)
3/29/2017 8:10 PM
yannick :
And what do y'all think about the first Human Head Transplant that should take place in few months from now? (December 2017)
3/29/2017 8:11 PM
yannick :
(talking about implanting chips and going invasive and all with Kernel and Neuralink, but Head Transplant...)
3/29/2017 8:48 PM
igweckay :
I think it is cool, however, if the brain already has a model of the body it contains, I wonder if he will be able to use the body. I am assuming all things go well such as surgery and possible compatibility issues. Also, I am aware of neuroplasticity, but this, I guess, would be the ultimate test. Let's see...
3/29/2017 8:53 PM
tenoke :
Im more curious how it will affect the patient's mind - embodied cognition and all
3/30/2017 7:13 AM
jmhorschig :
I doubt that it'll work, it will either fail catastrophically or be just a vast overstatement of a 'head transplant'. In general, it is however quite fascinating but ethically on the edge. I wonder what will happen to the mind... some people even cannot handle VR probably... ethically and philosophically highly interesting.
3/30/2017 7:17 AM
tenoke :
He hasnt even passed a review by an ethical board, so he is doing it abroad (UK if he managed to pull it off, China otherwise as far as I understand), though I dont see much of an ethical issue myself.
3/30/2017 7:19 AM
tenoke :
and in theory it can work, although the minimal effort spent on applying the relevant techniques on animals first is not too promising
3/31/2017 6:55 AM
jmhorschig :
tenoke: he is fucking with someone's brain and self-representation - if this is not an ethical issue, then I don't know what is...
3/31/2017 8:14 AM
tenoke :
jmhorschig that's true of literally every brain surgery.. ethics isnt so black and white
3/31/2017 9:18 AM
jmhorschig :
There is a difference between a medical necessary, well-renowned brain surgery and putting someones head on another one's body.
Just because something is an ethical issue does not make ethics black and white. Maybe you have a different definition of ethical issue than I do - for me it means that something that needs to be discussed and pro and cons need be weighed up thoroughly and discussing the consequences before going through with it, not just doing it because it might work and sounds like a good idea.
3/31/2017 9:28 AM
tenoke :
okay, to reword, I don't see an ethical problem with it
3/31/2017 2:27 PM
dano :
The dude who's trying to do it has operated out of mainstream medical circles for so long and made so many evidence-less statements that he's deep in 'dangerous quack' territory. I don't think anything good will come of this.
4/1/2017 12:21 PM
yannick :
For those following the kickstarters and crowdfunding campaigns in EEG & BCI, I wrote a piece you might be interested in: https://medium.com/neurotechx/eeg-bci-crowdfunding-landscape-cfdb0da08937
4/3/2017 9:11 AM
jmhorschig :
yannick, nice post! Well done! And I appreciated your view on fNIRS as well! I am not so sure how long it will take until the tech will be ready for the mass market, but http://foc.us|foc.us seems to be starting right now already (not crowdfunded though). I just honestly wonder how they can offer such a device for such a low price, which is the crux with fNIRS currently. But I give it another 2-4 years. Brain stim will definitely be first, and it has already started. That'll be the next big thing (but go and see your doctor first, children! Don't fuck with your brain if you are not an expert.)
4/3/2017 6:36 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Great article. I'm sure a lot of the Academics in here can relate. https://svpow.com/2017/03/17/every-attempt-to-manage-academia-makes-it-worse/
4/4/2017 2:18 PM
copizo :
I got some questions about Engineering literature. Can someone tell me if these two volume are a good starting point for studying Biomedical engineering?
4/4/2017 2:18 PM
copizo :
4/4/2017 3:37 PM
karchie :
caveat: I don't have those books so I can't give a really informed answer. plowing on ahead anyway: no. biomedical engineering is a big enough umbrella that you're just not going to deeply understand that wide a swath; and starting out trying to understand the whole space seems like a recipe for failure. I think the most useful part of a book like that would be the table of contents: look for 2, maybe 3 topics that really intrigue you, then read some surveys of those three topics, and then dig into one in gory detail. Now you're much better equipped to start looking at the other subjects.
4/4/2017 3:38 PM
karchie :
find a mentor, spend six years doing the above, and that's a capsule summary of grad school. 😉
4/4/2017 3:41 PM
karchie :
but I would strongly recommend first making sure your math and physics chops are up to it. hard to see you'd make much sense of any corner of the field without reasonable grasp of multivariate calc, ordinary and probably partial differential eqns, linear algebra, probability and statistics, classical mechanics and electrodynamics.
4/4/2017 3:43 PM
karchie :
(not meaning to overwhelm; but there's a reason practicing engineers generally worked really hard in college.)
4/4/2017 3:57 PM
karchie :
bonus challenge: skim the table of contents, find the subject that sounds least interesting to you, and dive in deep enough to learn why it's important and what the hard problems are. I keep finding that there's all sorts of interesting detail buried in things that made my eyes glaze over at first, second, and third glance.
4/4/2017 4:08 PM
copizo :
Thanks for the replies! Im more into Biorobotics, bionics and Biomimetics, so maybe the topics that would be more interesting are Biomechanics and Bioelectrics!
4/4/2017 4:10 PM
copizo :
For the background, im well equipped about electrodynamics and got the base for calculus, mechanics and such, of course im halfway through the first year as an undergrad, but is it a good idea to start studying bioengineering so soon?
4/4/2017 4:13 PM
karchie :
if you're at a school with a decent graduate BME program, I'd say find out when the seminars are and start attending. maybe sit in on some dissertation defenses. you might start out getting only 20% of what they're saying, but that's actually true of a lot of people in the room (mostly being specialists in some other corner of the field). let it wash over you, listen to the questions, read some recent papers from each speaker
4/4/2017 4:14 PM
karchie :
set up a time to talk to professors (whether or not you're in their classes) about their research. professors are busy but cannot resist the opportunity to talk about their work
4/4/2017 4:15 PM
karchie :
occasionally those conversations turn into working in their lab, summer or school year. usually just support work but being in a lab and listening to what's going on can teach a lot
4/4/2017 4:17 PM
karchie :
if your school has some sort of summer research program, look into that; if not, many other unis do and accept students from other colleges
4/4/2017 4:19 PM
karchie :
setting up time to talk to professors is hard--especially if you're sort of introverted, and lots of engineering types are--and sometimes they'll say no. but I'd say it has the highest potential payoff of any of these.
4/4/2017 4:20 PM
karchie :
at the very least ultimately you'll want letters of recommendation, and it's easier if it's a prof who's seen you outside of class. (go to office hours!)
4/4/2017 4:21 PM
karchie :
and at best, maybe you turn it into some undergrad lab experience. you want that.
4/4/2017 4:28 PM
copizo :
For now, im in automated production engineering at ETS, Montreal Canada. What is nice about this program is that it touches Mechanical, electrical, software and robotic engineering, so you basically have skill in everything, without mastering one topic(beside automation). But, there is course in health and biomedical engineering, so ill attend to that for sure!
4/4/2017 4:29 PM
copizo :
Though there is research lab in BME, how do you suggest would be a good way to approach the professors?
4/4/2017 4:36 PM
karchie :
small advantage if they've seen you around, e.g. at seminars (which is another reason to attend). multiple ways to do this but here's a suggestion: pick one or two profs working on relevant things, send a short email introducing yourself, say you're particularly interested in <something you are interested in that overlaps with their work>, ask if they can recommend a survey article that would be a good introduction. read that in depth; come up with some questions. another email saying you have questions, ask if they have office hours or some other time that would be convenient to drop by. maybe repeat if things go well. (don't push this too hard; profs do have lots of demands on their time.)
4/4/2017 4:37 PM
karchie :
key is that the questions you're asking are actually questions that you're interested in. it must be worth your time even if it doesn't turn into a lab gig (which it usually won't)
4/4/2017 4:47 PM
karchie :
"any suggestions on how I might learn more about <x>" is pretty much always a safe question. there are often journal clubs, usually aimed at grad students but there's nothing wrong with asking politely if you can sit in.
4/4/2017 4:58 PM
karchie :
also (and maybe you're already doing this, given that you're here): the neurotechx core people are local to you. get connected with the student club, talk to whoever's local. don't worry too much about what you don't know yet, go and listen and see what people are up to and how you can get involved with the knowledge and skills you have today.
4/4/2017 4:59 PM
copizo :
Im already in my uni Student club, so that's one step done! Ill look into the research labs in my sector and look for seminar too!
4/4/2017 5:00 PM
karchie :
sounds like you're well on your way already then. good luck!
4/4/2017 5:01 PM
copizo :
Thank you for your input, it help a lot! Im excited to start looking into it! If I get more question, is it ok if I reach for you you on slack?
4/4/2017 5:02 PM
karchie :
sure, no problem. I'm here somewhat irregularly but happy to field questions when I'm on
4/4/2017 5:05 PM
copizo :
Thank you again! 🙂
4/11/2017 7:58 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Credit goes to davidevaleriani for the find : http://myomo.com/
4/12/2017 3:50 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
In ten minutes it will be exactly 3 years before python 2.7 is deprecated https://pythonclock.org/
4/12/2017 3:50 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
4/13/2017 2:29 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Anyone read up on THz radiation as a Brain Imaging method?
4/14/2017 8:55 AM
sc :
4/19/2017 7:33 AM
eliricker :
March for Science in San Francisco this Saturday, April 22: want to put Muse headsets on people? Teach people about EEG? We've still got space at our booth -- ping me if you're interested in volunteering as a researcher or a participant!
4/19/2017 4:17 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
eliricker, I'd suggest posting in the <#C0VTQK7CZ|_san-francisco> channel
4/19/2017 8:09 PM
eliricker :
sydneyneurotechx great, thanks!
4/28/2017 12:56 AM
yannick :
Paper just published in Current Biology (Cell) using the Emotiv EPOC on 12 children at school.
Haven�t read it yet, but definitely caught my attention&
4/28/2017 3:34 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
4/28/2017 4:56 AM
sc :
4/28/2017 11:15 PM
dawnkolpin :
5/6/2017 4:44 AM
sc :
A "stretch" https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604293/using-brainwaves-to-guess-passwords/
5/7/2017 3:55 PM
yannick :
Podcast series on Neural Lace. I haven�t listened yet, so I can�t comment on the quality, but I thought I�d share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRN91RwiYiw&index=1&list=PLkuAPx_OL_kE35pOKBfEd2TIWWX_tfuvM
5/9/2017 6:02 AM
sc :
Listen to: The SF Giants Are Zapping Their Brains With Electricity. Will It Help? - http://one.npr.org/i/527457317:527457319
5/9/2017 5:50 PM
yrenard :
oh my god, "it tickles the skin a little bit, but this is how you know it is working"
5/10/2017 10:54 PM
yannick :
Swag Question: We�d like to re-open a NeuroTechX swag store from which people can buy NTX t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc.
We�d start with basic NeuroTechX branding, but would then like to expand with neurotech-related designs.
Do you know good online stores for custom swag merchandise? (we don�t want to deal with supply & shipping given the international nature of NTX)
Quality matters! I want to buy five NTX t-shirt and not have to worry about what I�m gonna wear ever again 😄
Zuckerberg and Jobs style.
5/10/2017 11:34 PM
ray_cassani :
yannick, petition: embroidered patches !
5/11/2017 5:32 PM
hectordomorozco :
I would so swag up with some hoodies 😍
5/11/2017 6:30 PM
bryan_j :
yannick: did we deactivate the old store?
5/11/2017 6:30 PM
bryan_j :
hectordomorozco: I second this! With the names of all of the chapters mapped out on the back :)
5/11/2017 6:31 PM
yannick :
no, it is still accessible, we just don�t like the quality
5/11/2017 6:32 PM
yannick :
This was the initial swag we had tried
5/11/2017 6:33 PM
yannick :
How could we make it better? If you have any idea, please let me know 🙂
5/12/2017 1:16 PM
hectordomorozco :
Hmmm I don�t know, I have very poor swag taste. But I would love some stuff with like cool brain designs or such. I don�t know if that helps :3
5/16/2017 1:51 PM
bryan_j :
yannick: fair enough. I will think about a new store!
5/18/2017 5:53 PM
rohit :
5/19/2017 8:29 AM
heyxav :
Cool ARM move: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/607893/arm-wants-to-put-its-chips-inside-your-brain/
5/19/2017 11:37 AM
aj :
Very cool! Good share!
5/19/2017 1:31 PM
yannick :
Indeed, very good share 🙂
5/19/2017 1:50 PM
aj :
We need some one from slack to join neurotech x
5/19/2017 1:50 PM
aj :
And give us free slack premium
5/19/2017 1:51 PM
aj :
Is there a list somewhere of the good things that have come out of NeuroTechX?
5/19/2017 1:53 PM
yannick :
Slack is in Vancouver, so a.tech and NeuroTechVAN should contact them to do an event in their office. They throw a nice event with nice speakers, demos, a great vibe and then they�ll love what we do and feel our pain with limited Slack.
5/20/2017 12:55 AM
a.tech :
yannick aj
Oh wow, good point.
Let me see what I can do :)
5/20/2017 12:56 AM
aj :
yannick visionary right there
5/20/2017 12:56 AM
a.tech :
dr.ray welcome to NTX Ray, nice to see you on here. Missed you and Alanna at our last event.
5/20/2017 4:33 AM
dr.ray :
thanks a.tech. some folks on our team may have been there at the event and it would've been good to catch Patrick's talk
5/20/2017 5:31 PM
sc :
5/23/2017 11:23 AM
yannick :
Some of you might be interested in Cohen�s new book:
�MATLAB for Brain and Cognitive Scientists (MIT Press)�
Mike X Cohen is also the author of Analyzis Neural Time Series Data (featured in the Awesome BCI List)
5/23/2017 3:05 PM
francescacoo :
Neuralink explained with food 😮 (appeared on my fb newsfeed) https://www.facebook.com/superdeluxevideo/videos/468470330164189/
5/23/2017 4:08 PM
yrenard :
haha, that was hillarious francescacoo
5/23/2017 4:10 PM
yannick :
Indeed, thanks for sharing. Awesome video haha.
5/25/2017 2:35 AM
yannick :
PhD Position (funded) in �Ethics of Human Enhancement in an International Context� at U. Twente.
Sounds awesome!
5/26/2017 10:18 AM
jmhorschig :
yannick: why not post this in <#C0FNHPCF4|opportunities>?
5/26/2017 11:23 AM
yannick :
Good point! Don�t know why I didn�t do that. I was too excited to share it I guess.
5/26/2017 6:14 PM
rohit :
An engineer's guide to brain
5/27/2017 11:53 PM
a.tech :
May I please request your help in getting yannick nominated for a world class TED talk? This one requires a team effort to make happen :ntx:
I believe that if he had the chance to present our community to TED�s audience, the quality of NTX will solidly increase as passionate people are inspired to join NeuroTechX.
For your convenience, here is a template to expedite the nomination process(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IEPAgBXBI6noQDb3t1ruiqFn-7rwxvTRuZ4DY_IqDdg/edit?usp=sharing)
Thanks a whole lot for your help and for taking the time guys and gals! <!channel>
5/28/2017 3:55 AM
mhough :
For FMRIB I used Zazzle For swag i think in like 2008. I want something I can wash forever
5/30/2017 11:55 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Neurofeedback has become a political topic. http://www.businessinsider.com/adhd-treatments-without-medication-neurofeedback-science-2017-3
5/31/2017 12:11 AM
sheida :
So much work shows it's probably a placebo
5/31/2017 2:17 AM
yrenard :
Not true, there is litterature showing that it works very well when properly executed, the problem in that field used to be that practitioners did not have the background to properly apply the technology to the medical condition, resulting in stupid studies every now and then. There will be studies coming soon showing that it does work efficiently when done properly.
5/31/2017 6:45 PM
yannick :
Hahaha awesome!
5/31/2017 7:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Brain Controlled Spinner
5/31/2017 7:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Make it happen
5/31/2017 7:57 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
We can show all the kids how hip and cool we are
5/31/2017 8:29 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Any good references to share for now yrenard ?
5/31/2017 8:29 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Any good references to share for now yrenard ?
5/31/2017 8:30 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I've been looking into the ADHD Neurofeedback space and many conclusions stat that it's not the most effective method versus a pharmaceutical approach
5/31/2017 8:31 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Some recommendations have been given to merge Neurofeedback with a drug, but that's it.
6/1/2017 1:51 PM
sc :
6/3/2017 2:26 AM
naoto :
is anyone going to Hack the Brain Dublin?
6/3/2017 3:27 AM
nmp256 :
sc thanks for sharing that article, pretty cool
6/3/2017 3:27 AM
nmp256 :
has anyone here tried this?
6/4/2017 8:36 AM
francescacoo :
naoto: I plan to go to the even on Friday, but unfortunately I will be out of the country from SAturday 😞 are you based in Dublin yourself?
6/4/2017 12:35 PM
naoto :
I'm actually flying to Dublin from Montreal :) I will be briefly presenting at the opening on Friday
6/4/2017 11:11 PM
chrisabbott :
Hey guys. I'm currently working through a few bioinformatics courses and am looking for some influential papers in the field. If any of you have experience in this, would you mind PMing me a few suggestions? Thanks!
6/4/2017 11:37 PM
sid_fulminds :
chrisabbott: hey Chris
6/4/2017 11:37 PM
sid_fulminds :
it is a vast field! could you be a little bit more specific as to what domain more specifically you are interested in?
6/4/2017 11:39 PM
chrisabbott :
Yeah, for sure. I'm currently looking at protein structure prediction and gene regulation
6/5/2017 8:18 AM
francescacoo :
aha great, then I will be there to watch your presentation!
6/5/2017 6:48 PM
naoto :
on which channel can I ask questions about openbci/ganglion ?
6/5/2017 6:51 PM
yannick :
6/5/2017 7:01 PM
sid_fulminds :
nothing comes to mind, but I will think about you if I come across anything of interest 🙂
6/5/2017 8:37 PM
yannick :
Is there any neuro-related mailing list worth following? (any mailing list your on and you like)
6/6/2017 4:33 AM
francois :
You should have attended the last meeting of NeurotechX Kitchener-Waterloo last month... That was our topic indeed 😉 ....
6/6/2017 4:34 AM
francois :
Totally agree with Yann and this was our conclusion here as well.
6/6/2017 4:36 AM
francois :
Now in terms of Syd's remark.... it depends what type of drug(s) you are talking about.... Would you prefer one method that will train you after 60+ hours to reduce ADHD symptoms or would you prefer taking 60 hours worth of a drug that might have some very serious side effects ???....
6/6/2017 12:55 PM
davidevaleriani :
6/6/2017 2:11 PM
endoxaneuro :
Hello all, any feedback on the Halo Neuroscience? https://www.haloneuro.com what do you think about it?
6/6/2017 2:51 PM
rgbn :
No proper testing to support claimed effects (extremely wide) => neurobullshit, whether it works or not. Hope at least the sound is ok.
6/6/2017 2:53 PM
alexandre.barachant :
you will have hard time to find clear and consistent evidence supporting the effect of neurostim in general
6/6/2017 3:04 PM
rgbn :
That's the point. I had hard time getting effects in lab conditions, with consumer devices the effects are going to be even weaker.
6/6/2017 3:32 PM
sid_fulminds :
at $700 a piece, don't you think the placebo effect probably has a significant impact ?
6/6/2017 3:33 PM
sid_fulminds :
meaning that if I invest that much, I will most likely use it extensively and/or increase my physical training to try to make the most of it
6/6/2017 3:36 PM
sid_fulminds :
on a related topic, you may want to check that TED talk
6/6/2017 3:36 PM
sid_fulminds :
6/6/2017 5:57 PM
sc :
6/7/2017 12:12 AM
bryan_j :
sydneyneurotechx: LOL. This is the kind of hardware we have been itching to develop.
6/7/2017 12:12 AM
bryan_j :
Snap some photos and share, please!!
6/7/2017 12:33 AM
a.tech :
Am I the only one worried about the radicalization of this group against neurotechnology as it gains media coverage?
6/7/2017 1:16 AM
yannick :
a.tech: Yeah I�ve seen some videos of TIs& Their numbers are growing fast&
6/7/2017 1:22 AM
a.tech :
Yah I had no idea this was a thing until the vice video!
6/7/2017 1:34 AM
yannick :
Funny enough I became aware of them as I was searching information on Faraday Cages and start seeing videos of people building Faraday Cage in their home to protect themselves saying they were being targeted.
6/7/2017 1:36 AM
yannick :
Then watched a couple of her video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1rLEAjACz8
Trying to understand a bit more.
6/8/2017 8:06 AM
mhough :
sid_fulminds rgbn alexandre.barachant ok I see you already responded to this. I posted in devices. Can we just have some boilerplate response for all these that we can just point people to. Yeah I think it should have something about how people who buy it will potentially be some of its most vocal advocates and psychologically why. Not just placebo effects but social psychological and other known mechanisms such as lack of proper metrics and economists understanding of human's temporal blinders. With great claims comes the need for overwhelming evidence not scant. These toy sport devices are not my concern really, I think a prototype, if you will:), of what I am talking about are the binaural, audio-visual and somatosensory devices that are WIDELY used in a number of chronic pain disorders, clinical disorders with no recognized effective treatment and actually RECOMMENDED by PTSD/trauma therapists for whatever you want to call their pain. These people are in a risk category for suicide which is you know sometimes fatal. If you follow me on LinkedIn, you can see that following the temporal interference TES device manufacturer around he seems to be quite cozy with such peddlers. Again, not really my focus, my target being the Amen Clinics as respectable medical facilities, but I want to know how best to respond. Electricity is not a new therapy. It has been used as such almost as soon as Galvani made a frog's leg move. Historically it has been used whenever there is a lack of recognized treatment but it is especially known for treating "diagnoses" that were socially or culturally motivated such as shocking women who were infertile or in the case of my grandmother probably because she was talking just a little too much sense.
6/8/2017 9:43 PM
sid_fulminds :
mhough thanks for sharing! Although in all honesty, I am not sure I understand your point though. Are you saying that in general there is a need to provide hard evidence to healthcare claims that are often much too lightly substantiated ?
6/8/2017 10:46 PM
mhough :
sid_fulminds yes. yes there should be. And not just electrical. I thought that was understood after the Lumosity case. In the cases that are remanded to therapy because no treatment alternatives are available, the same exact rules should apply. That is where the widespread abuse of these treatments takes place in my opinion. Hope that helps
6/8/2017 11:54 PM
mhough :
Here is a copy of what a device manufacturer would like to say constitutes evidence of claims. It was shared publicly on LinkedIn so I feel comfortable posting this. The discussion arose regarding Lymes disease but the manufacturer claims many other disorders can be similarly treated. Lastly before I post this, think about what a device should be shown to do to be an effective treatment for say Lymes disease.
6/8/2017 11:57 PM
mhough :
While you are thinking about that I want to say this person is actually responding and trying to muster something which is pretty rare in my experience so kudos
6/8/2017 11:58 PM
mhough :
Good comments Morgan, I am using audio-visual entrainment at simultaneous SMR/beta frequencies. I highlight three cases in my article and have more cases to add. Here's the link to my article: http://mindalive.com/default/assets/File/AVE%20and%20diffuse%20axonal%20injuries%20for%20publication-Final%20-%20Feb%2023%202017(2).pdf
6/11/2017 2:18 PM
yannick :
Hey sid_fulminds can you post the Fidget Spinner web app you showed me the other day? dano wanted to make a NeuroTechX one 🙂 Let�s fork the github repo and add the :ntxblue:
6/11/2017 7:54 PM
sc :
6/12/2017 1:08 PM
sidksv :
yannick you mean this? http://mannynotfound.github.io/fidget/
6/13/2017 11:26 AM
benjamindeleener :
The Full List of 1000 Slack Communities
They seem to have missed NeuroTechX?! 😧
6/13/2017 2:26 PM
naoto :
yesterday just came back from brain hackathon in Dublin... unfortunately I couldn't make any fancy demo, but I started working on interfacing LSL and creative coding tools like Processing and openFrameworks. For example I made a tool to parse xdf format (EEG/marker streams recorded by LabRecorder) and stream it back to LSL, and then convert them to OSC protocol to make it easier to hook up with Processing. It's groundwork but I hope eventually it will benefit the BCI community https://www.instagram.com/p/BVQD8bMF0PN/
6/13/2017 2:51 PM
francescacoo :
6/13/2017 4:44 PM
dano :
benjamindeleener: they have an office in Toronto. We'll to over there and straighten them out 🙂
6/13/2017 5:22 PM
buanzo :
naoto that is very cool. I enjoy livecoding with fluxus, so it would be very nice to interface with your osc data
6/14/2017 5:01 AM
sid_fulminds :
yannick: hi yannick, I am not sure what is the web app you are referring to... could you please remind me when I showed it to you and whether it looked like I was drunk? 😄🍻
6/14/2017 5:03 AM
sid_fulminds :
sidksv: alright now I know who was drunk when they typed the previous message!... :face_with_rolling_eyes: yannick
6/14/2017 9:18 PM
mattherich :
Oh no, must change that so NueroTechX isn't missed next year 😎
6/20/2017 8:08 PM
frawley_andrew :
Hey folks, what
6/20/2017 8:12 PM
frawley_andrew :
Hey folks,
What are people's thoughts on Kernel's mission to map our neural code?
It would obviously have mega implications and I applaud them for it, but how practical is this to produce something useful in the next decade? Two?
6/20/2017 8:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
frawley_andrew :
It's a complicated problem to solve and it will require multiple innovations. One perspective that I'm agreeing more and more with is that of Thomas C. Südhof
His article argues that curing diseases by a "moonshot" is not very effective as there is a fundamental lack of understanding of how diseases work. I feel that a similar story is happening with neurotech "moon shots". IE not enough focus on understanding how the brain works.
So I'm skeptical of a positive return being there and they may run out of money first.
On the other hand, I believe some innovations will come out of the company and I'm happy that they are investing money into the problem. First movers are not necessarily successful, but they will push the field forward.
6/20/2017 9:00 PM
frawley_andrew :
Really good points I would agree with. 100m won't last to the finish line (unless they grab more of course) but they could break ground on something
Also a really good article there
6/20/2017 9:00 PM
frawley_andrew :
6/20/2017 9:33 PM
wronk :
Good article. At it's core, the issue seems to be that hope and necessity don't directly translate into scientific progress (though they probably help). A lot of people like to point out that the original moon shot worked so well because the space agency recursively broke the problem down into achievable steps that were actually doable (e.g., mercury and gemini projects) before sending our fragile bodies to the moon. I.e., it was a concerted effort to actually follow through on a long-term strategy even in the face of failures/political pressure.
That might be the best path forward for Kernel, neuralink, fb, etc., and it's hard to say if they want to follow that strategy or if they are financially able to (c.f., nation-state != company). Or maybe that strategy worked in the 60s and gives absolutely no bearing in the age of AI and big data... Either way, it's really exciting that we're actually trying.
Also, anyone else get miffed by the fact that every big initiative is dubbed a "moon shot?"
6/21/2017 2:08 AM
naoto :
labstreaminglayer for openFrameworks (work in progress) https://github.com/micuat/ofxLsl
6/21/2017 3:53 AM
dano :
naoto: Nice! LSL definitely seems like the protocol to learn and develop. Some good convo here about using it in NeuroJS, which could be a gateway to web-integrated brain data NeuroJS/eeg-stream-data-model#1
6/21/2017 3:59 AM
naoto :
js implementation sounds very interesting. I think lsl has a lot of potential and it should reach outside "lab"
6/22/2017 12:05 AM
naoto :
also made a small script to read EEG from LSL stream and send power bands back to LSL as well as OSC. Very simple but scalable from Muse to research grade EEG, and ready to use for creative coding platforms https://gist.github.com/micuat/bb0b012a95673151715e7f60f19364a8
6/22/2017 1:17 PM
aj :
6/22/2017 1:46 PM
sid_fulminds :
aj: looks like it was made at KTH 🙂
6/22/2017 10:36 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I have no words
6/23/2017 8:58 PM
sc :
6/24/2017 5:07 AM
sid_fulminds :
you guys have probably seen this already... 👨:skin-tone-2:🔧🚽🍄👸
6/24/2017 5:07 AM
sid_fulminds :
6/24/2017 1:17 PM
manonb :
I am just starting and very new to this exciting world! 🙂. I am a programmer but have no electrical abilities :0. I need to add to the standard Muse electrodes a couple of additional electrodes.
Would someone be interested in doing this and selling me a pair? The technical documentation of the muse states:"Auxiliary electrodes (enabled via [Settings] > [Show Aux Input]) can be connected on the Muse micro USB connector, by pin 4 on the MU-02 (BlueTooth LE) model."
Thanks! Manon
6/24/2017 8:13 PM
urish :
Hi manonb , nice to meet. I am going to try that in a few days, I will probably post my results here
6/24/2017 8:18 PM
sid_fulminds :
Not sure to which extent this is all true and accurate, but we are probably steering in this direction (pun intended)
6/24/2017 9:45 PM
timopheym :
Sorry guys, does anyone knows opensourced control-bases application for openBCI (games, or anything else?) I found http://openbci.com/community/openbci-game-aya/ but there no sources availible. Thanks!
6/25/2017 5:00 PM
manonb :
urish: Good luck! I heard it can make the toolmore accurate
6/25/2017 5:59 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
timopheym aj developed one game with flappy Bird and OpenBCI. Is it available aj?
6/25/2017 7:23 PM
timopheym :
sydneyneurotechx Is it that one https://github.com/niyathic/flappybird_easy/tree/master/flappy_bird_easy ?
6/25/2017 7:23 PM
timopheym :
I found PR with the list https://github.com/niyathic/Docs/blob/69156c2671bff2fc85cc4461b875a2d2ac7d9af7/tutorials/13-Hacking_OpenBCI.md
6/25/2017 7:42 PM
aj :
Could be
6/25/2017 7:43 PM
aj :
Mine was just a little EMG controller game
6/26/2017 9:37 AM
yannick :
dan.rizzuto do you have any comment?
6/28/2017 12:23 PM
jk :
Hello. My name is Jinsu and I just made an iOS app. Right now the goal is to tune your brain using binaural sound. The plan is to integrate it with neurotech in the future. The app is called Zone. https://goo.gl/KjktDe
6/28/2017 12:24 PM
jk :
I appreciate feedbacks from you!
6/29/2017 4:49 PM
dano :
Came across this in an article about the steady-state evoked potential. Best image ever
6/29/2017 4:55 PM
yannick :
hahahaha Love it!!!
6/30/2017 7:54 AM
sc :
6/30/2017 3:45 PM
sc :
6/30/2017 6:06 PM
bryan_j :
sc: gena_cereb
7/1/2017 9:54 PM
sc :
More fun with journalists and BCI https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/07/how-will-we-stop-hackers-from-invading-our-brains-once-were-cyborgs/
7/10/2017 2:40 PM
timopheym :
Hey gusy, who have been already used https://robintibor.github.io/braindecode/ ? Does it worth it?
7/10/2017 3:58 PM
gabe.ibagon :
timopheym I've used pieces of the source code. The paper behind this toolbox is very good, I recommend reading it. I haven't used to toolbox itself, but implementing algorithms from the paper is straightforward using any DL packages (keras, tensorflow, theano, etc). https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.05051
7/10/2017 8:27 PM
sc :
7/11/2017 12:13 AM
mhough :
timopheym thanks for sharing. Looks good
7/11/2017 12:13 AM
mhough :
gabe.ibagon good! Would prefer theano version:)
7/11/2017 3:55 AM
yrenard :
7/11/2017 1:26 PM
sc :
7/11/2017 1:41 PM
alexandre.barachant :
7/11/2017 5:00 PM
samsagaz :
guys which device recommend to start learning BCI? openBCI ones?
7/11/2017 9:26 PM
francescacoo :
I saw them at the opening of Dublin hackatlon!
7/11/2017 10:25 PM
yannick :
samsagaz indeed the OpenBCI is a very good device to learn about BCI and biosignals. The Muse headset is also another good option. They are both great tools to start with.
Have a look at https://github.com/NeuroTechX/awesome-bci for more information on BCI.
7/12/2017 10:38 PM
karinacosta :
does anyone have thoughts on this conference https://mit.applysci.com/ I'm considering going, did enyone ever been to one?
7/13/2017 12:49 AM
joeyo :
That's a strong speaker list
7/13/2017 1:43 AM
dano :
Looks awesome, but that pricing is exclusionarily high. Not for free-wheeling hackers like me.
7/17/2017 12:07 PM
colin.rowat :
samsagaz: you may also want to look at our icibici - see http://icibici.github.io/site|icibici.github.io/site. We've just ordered a batch of new boards.
7/17/2017 7:35 PM
chrisabbott :
Has anyone run into any new/interesting papers highlighting EEG use for disorders of consciousness? I'm currently looking for a few publications in that realm for school. Any suggestions would be helpful!
7/17/2017 8:06 PM
hailey :
Does anyone have recommendations/knowledge of any good PhD/Master�s programs in New England (USA) for neuroscience & technology? (I understand that most programs will be labeled as �computational neuroscience�)
7/18/2017 1:02 AM
mhough :
karinacosta I haven't been to their previous events but they are all pros. Like joeyo says it's a pretty strong line up. Question is whether there will be any new info really. Not a traditional venue to roll stuff out. dano there is too much commercial interest these days. How many advanced r&d groups or spinoffs from advanced r&d groups are represented there. This is pretty much a tech show. If there is something in particular of interest just let me know though.
7/18/2017 1:03 AM
dano :
Will you be going? mhough
7/18/2017 1:05 AM
mhough :
Yeah unless something comes up. A chance to pin down the one interesting thing: openwater
7/18/2017 4:30 PM
dano :
Looks like the new Overwatch hero is wearing a BCI.
Sub-dermal EEG electrodes around F8 and P4, maybe?
7/18/2017 5:06 PM
karletzel :
Anyone else here participate in the Silicon Valley Health2.0 meetups at PnP? I'll be there tonight. Say hi if you are there.
7/18/2017 7:52 PM
yrenard :
karletzel cannot make it for this one but will definitely join a later instance ; are they generally taking place in Sunnyvale or is it moving around the bay area ?
7/20/2017 2:56 PM
karletzel :
yrenard they are always at Plug n Play center in Sunnyvale
7/26/2017 6:03 PM
sc :
A bit fluffy but oh well https://futurism.com/neuroreality-the-new-reality-is-coming-and-its-a-brain-computer-interface/
7/26/2017 7:15 PM
karinacosta :
mhough thank you. That's actually very helpful, I'm learning more about commercial applications of BCI as I run a Techstars accelerator program and I'm interested in the space. I just registered for it. Would love to connect there!
7/27/2017 11:36 PM
bryan_j :
Hi there NeuroTechX community,
I hope that you are well.
I have a favour to ask � my friend Tyler is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto who is working on batteries for wearables, sensors, and other hardware devices. He is in the process of building a company, and would like 15-20 minutes of your time to determine the exact needs of the end user and any potential real-world problems that are � and may be � experienced.
This interaction could be a phone interview or a coffee in-person; whatever works best for you. If you are interested and would like to learn more, feel free to email Tyler at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] to schedule a time to meet.
7/28/2017 1:47 AM
kiret :
i'm in the area - does Tyler have a google scholar profile or something we can take a peek at?
7/28/2017 3:13 PM
dano :
8/15/2017 3:07 PM
jmhorschig :
the last message I got in any channel is from Friday - is something wrong with Slack? Or is it just really, really quiet?
8/15/2017 3:26 PM
yannick :
A little bit more quiet during late summer, just before the back to school and all. And weekend are always a little less active. (especially during summer)
8/15/2017 3:30 PM
yannick :
The green line represent the daily active users. The lower points are Sundays.
(the blue line represent the daily posting users, which is obviously lower than the active ones - which also include people just showing up and/or reading)
8/15/2017 5:00 PM
yrenard :
can definitely see a pattern here 😉
8/15/2017 5:19 PM
yannick :
With no AI? #EnhancedBrain
8/15/2017 5:23 PM
yrenard :
Well, you did the feature extraction job yannick, I was only fed with a perfectly clean dataset, whereas I did not notice that much of a trend on the raw data (understand my reading of Slack) - that must be because I am totally involved in that trend myself 😉
8/15/2017 5:24 PM
yrenard :
8/15/2017 7:01 PM
dano :
So interesting about the high amount of direct messages. I guess that says something about the kind of network we are
8/15/2017 7:01 PM
dano :
Peer-to-peer vs hub and spoke based? something like that probably
8/18/2017 12:54 AM
sc :
8/23/2017 4:14 AM
joshuad :
http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.4399.html?foxtrotcallback=true I'm wondering how they capture neural data.
8/25/2017 3:04 AM
sc :
8/25/2017 3:12 PM
mikhail.sintsov :
Guys, how do you think, is Ph.D. in neuroscience necessary to have a good position in neurohack industry? Should I spend some more year to finish it, or just go straight away looking for a job now?
8/25/2017 3:20 PM
yannick :
Are far along are you in your PhD? In the long run a PhD will certainly open more doors than no PhD, but it is not mandatory, depending on the skillset you bring to the table.
8/25/2017 4:07 PM
yrenard :
it also dependes what type of job you're looking for (in what country, and if it is academia or industry)
8/25/2017 5:39 PM
andreasforsland :
If you want to get into more strategic/advisory work (academic or industry), recommend finishing it. We have a theoretical neuroscientist on our advisory board, but when hiring, would only really look for applied neuroscience folks with hands on perspective and experience working with technologists/engineers. If you had a double CS+Neuroscience background, it makes you quite attractive for a job.
8/25/2017 9:32 PM
andrewjsauer :
somewhat related and just curious, but if you (anybody here) were to start a PhD (or Master's?) in neuroscience today with all that's happening within the industry of neuroTech, what branch of neuroscience would you bet on being highly sought (needed) 10 years from now?
8/26/2017 12:55 AM
sc :
8/26/2017 1:09 AM
yannick :
There seems to be some confusion around the question �is Neuralink raising money?�. Elon Musk retweeted saying that Neuralink is not raising money.
(as mentioned at the end of the article)
8/26/2017 1:09 AM
aj :
they are not raising VC i think
8/26/2017 1:09 AM
aj :
just a casual 27 mil
8/26/2017 1:18 AM
aj :
So weird
8/26/2017 1:18 AM
aj :
I think he is talking in the present
8/26/2017 1:18 AM
aj :
Because he already raised it
8/26/2017 10:04 AM
mikhail.sintsov :
I'm in my last year, however, the results are poor
8/26/2017 10:06 AM
mikhail.sintsov :
I'm in my last year, however, what is frustrating, the results are poor. I'm considering starting from a scratch, but it takes time too.
8/26/2017 12:08 PM
yannick :
My suggestion would be to do both at the same time. While aiming to finish your PhD and focusing primarily on that, nothing prevents you from spending 30-60 min / day looking for opportunities. If your dream job comes knocking at the door, then you�ll know that to do when you see it.
Quitting your PhD to apply to an �ok� job, only to get out of your PhD if you feel like you are in an impasse, would not be the best idea in the long run. The field of NeuroTech is just getting started and with major brain initiatives around the world, chances are that opportunities will continue to increase in years / decades to come. Having a PhD might serve you well in that field. (as opposed to CS related fields like Deep Learning for example)
My 2 cents.
8/26/2017 12:23 PM
jamoonie94 :
what is the main project of Neuralink? The last time I checked it looked like they were trying to create invasive BCIs, but I haven�t really followed up on it
8/26/2017 12:25 PM
alexandre.barachant :
yep, it's invasive BCI. The end goal is a "whole brain" BCI
8/26/2017 3:25 PM
dano :
I'd say the most valuable upcoming neuroscience PhDs will be 'tech-related' (e.x. BCIs, stimulation), 'tools-related' (e.x. developing new optogenetics methods), and computational.
8/27/2017 6:01 AM
andrewjsauer :
oh interesting, yeah that was my intuition but always a good idea to ask around
8/27/2017 1:57 PM
keaton :
Completely agree with dano here. We�re definitely in a tool-building stage atm so computational neuroscience / data science will be needed 10 years out to handle the increasingly large data sets around recording and mapping
8/27/2017 3:21 PM
andrewjsauer :
going to start studying some computational neuroscience now 🧠
8/28/2017 12:29 PM
mikhail.sintsov :
Guys, I have a question. In my lab, I have elaborated a design of a cheap an affordable optical imager of the brain activity in rats in vivo. It is made of diodes, an arduino controller and a camera with some software. The whole setup costs less than 100 bucks. I don't think the novelty is enough for a peer review article. But what other sources should I consider to publish my device?
8/28/2017 12:54 PM
mvdoc :
mixhomx you can definitely consider putting a preprint up. from what you�re describing, biorxiv (http://www.biorxiv.org/) could be a good place.
8/28/2017 2:58 PM
mvdoc :
biorxiv is indexed and appears on google scholar
8/28/2017 3:46 PM
sc :
Emotiv has launched their "EmotivPRO" cloud/subscription-based neuroscience research service https://www.emotiv.com/emotivpro/
8/28/2017 3:50 PM
alexandre.barachant :
8/28/2017 5:42 PM
yannick :
BBC just discovered Neurosky and they seem (overly) excited about it&
8/29/2017 3:00 PM
hectordomorozco :
Lol, my first approach to EEG was also Neurosky and this feels like Hector back in 2014 😂
8/30/2017 11:44 AM
irene.viguix :
Hey! Have you ever heard about "Bioserenity"? What do you think about this French company? http://bioserenity.com/en/
8/30/2017 12:02 PM
mikhail.sintsov :
I assume, this is one of telemedical startups. iot for human healthcare. I wonder which fabric they use. Is it suitable for sports? Because for predictive monitoring in rest there are already technologies from big companies.
8/30/2017 2:49 PM
endoxaneuro :
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/08/ai-and-human-stupidity endoxaneuro
8/30/2017 9:08 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
What are with the shoulder pads? It seems like the vest is just for EKG. I wonder how accurate their system is compared to other textile wearables like Om Signal and Hexoskin
8/31/2017 12:43 PM
yannick :
Nerve Stim for Fat Loss?
9/1/2017 1:46 PM
maya :
yannick But it real or some people with PhDs who hired a fantastic marketing team? Weight loss puts my "gimmick alert" system in the red zone.
9/1/2017 1:51 PM
yannick :
As it should.
I don�t know much about that kind of science (nerve-triggered fat loss), so I can�t really comment on it, but it did put my �gimmick alert� system in the red zone as well.
9/1/2017 4:47 PM
aj :
For real.
9/2/2017 12:43 PM
yannick :
I haven�t listened to it yet, but will do sometime over the weekend&
9/3/2017 8:49 PM
yannick :
For people into sleep & dream EEG recording.
9/4/2017 5:37 PM
yrenard :
or myabe NTX�s slack is an outstanding peer to peer networking platform
9/4/2017 5:52 PM
yannick :
That, it sure is!
9/4/2017 10:04 PM
aj :
can some one advise on why this dang button will not center?
9/4/2017 10:05 PM
aj :
the code is here https://github.com/aj-ptw/OpenBCI_Ganglion_Electron/blob/development/app/index.html
9/4/2017 10:05 PM
w :
I bet the outer div doesn't have a width set
9/4/2017 10:05 PM
w :
Or a position: relative
9/4/2017 10:06 PM
aj :
how many divs should one page have?
9/4/2017 10:06 PM
w :
Gonna look at the code one sec
9/4/2017 10:08 PM
aj :
awesome, no matter what i do that little button stays to the left
9/4/2017 10:11 PM
w :
aj: took a look. Add back the
margin: 0 auto
and also adddisplay: block
to the button
9/4/2017 10:12 PM
w :
but a better practice might be to have a wrapping div around the button
9/4/2017 10:12 PM
aj :
w i owe you a beer
9/4/2017 10:12 PM
w :
also, add class names otherwise all your buttons will be centered
9/4/2017 10:13 PM
aj :
all i needed was a quit button
9/4/2017 10:13 PM
aj :
mvp baby
9/4/2017 10:13 PM
aj :
9/4/2017 10:13 PM
aj :
9/4/2017 10:13 PM
aj :
i should make classes htough
9/4/2017 10:14 PM
w :
9/4/2017 10:17 PM
aj :
okay i put another div in and created a class thanks will!
9/5/2017 12:12 AM
pat :
If it helps: depending on what set of browsers you want to supprt, display:flex solves a lot of layout problems
9/5/2017 12:14 AM
pat :
Although it is a bit of a mental shift for those used to the normal block layout
9/5/2017 11:20 AM
aj :
It's a fixed window electron tray pop-up window so it's essentially a tiny chrome window
9/5/2017 11:20 AM
aj :
What else would I have to use with display:flex? I did try that one!
9/6/2017 4:25 PM
pat :
aj: it depends on how your parent divs are set out. e.g. if you have one parent, and then a child span for the text and a child div for the button, you can make the parent flex-direction:column and align-items: center to make all children go downwards in the middle
9/6/2017 4:26 PM
pat :
This is a really good summary: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
9/8/2017 5:19 PM
jcsoriano :
Here's a fee resource on Flexbox, really fun to use
9/8/2017 5:19 PM
jcsoriano :
9/8/2017 7:17 PM
dano :
There's also flexbox tower defense:
9/9/2017 2:45 PM
aj :
lol dano i can't decide if that's my nightmare or not
9/12/2017 7:19 PM
sc :
9/13/2017 1:39 AM
aj :
Random but ah anyone know anything about drones here?
9/13/2017 1:49 AM
quispiam :
aj not a huge amount, but i've dabbled.. What are you trying to do?
9/13/2017 1:52 AM
aj :
quispiam i'm looking to use a raspberry pi with a flight controller using a pichawk with pymavlink
9/13/2017 2:03 AM
quispiam :
That's a little beyond my experience, but I know a couple of the guys from CanberraUAV and i'd highly recommend jumping on their mailing list and asking there. They may not have experience with the exact setup you're using, but a couple of the main devs for ardupilot/mavlink are on there so they should be able to point you in the right direction!
9/13/2017 2:07 AM
quispiam :
replying in the thread: That's a little beyond my experience, but I know a couple of the guys from CanberraUAV and i'd highly recommend jumping on their mailing list and asking there. They may not have experience with the exact setup you're using, but a couple of the main devs for ardupilot/mavlink are on there so they should be able to point you in the right direction!
9/13/2017 2:15 AM
aj :
okay i will find it thanks!
9/13/2017 2:19 AM
aj :
quispiam found and joined, will send a message tomorrow. Thanks
9/13/2017 3:53 PM
sc :
9/13/2017 10:10 PM
alexandre.barachant :
what do you think ? (full disclosure, i'm joining them soon)
9/14/2017 5:14 PM
vermanikhil96 :
Hello everyone,
This is Nikhil Verma, a Biomedical undergraduate from India.
My aim is to print a number from 0-9 by extracting it from EEG signal.
Please help me!
9/14/2017 5:14 PM
vermanikhil96 :
Is there anyone working on the same?
9/14/2017 5:20 PM
bryan_j :
9/15/2017 2:48 AM
sweetrabh :
brain wearables talk from emotiv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks5-Fh9p6Hg
9/15/2017 8:24 PM
jnaulty :
9/16/2017 5:00 AM
aj :
jnaulty wow that was not click bait
Interesting is right
9/18/2017 9:32 PM
jnaulty :
9/19/2017 4:44 PM
dano :
What the hell? Targeted beams of sound? Psychosomatic illness? So weird
9/19/2017 4:46 PM
dano :
Maybe poison's more likely: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/aug/25/how-could-the-sonic-attack-on-us-diplomats-in-cuba-have-been-carried-out
9/19/2017 4:54 PM
dano :
Woah, it could also be a side effect of intense, radiation-based intelligence tech used to eavesdrop on communications. Apparently things like microwaves, Xrays, and electromagnetic pulses have been used before by US and Russia, and may have already lead to some of these sorts of illnesses in the 70s
9/19/2017 5:47 PM
jnaulty :
dano I am super interested in this news story
and the media's severe lack of interest in investigating other possible causes than just 'sonic attacks' I mean, they even discuss that a sonic attack is severely unlikely because of the infrastructure required to deploy such an attack would be physically evident in the building/rooms...
I was thinking it might be side-affects of a brain manipulation attack
The major assumption I feel comfortable making is that whatever happened is affecting the brain and CNS of the victims
After that I get all dark and think like a conspiracy theorist
what could cause such symptoms?
Perhaps these victims are displaying side-affects of genetic changes introduced by a virus? Kind of in the same vein as weaponized optogenetics, but instead of making neurons/cells respond to light, they are performing some other specific manipulation. What the outcome/purpose of these 'manipulations' are I cannot really fathom.
I really wish there was greater dialogue in the media for weaponization of genetic modification. If McDonald's can patent a specific gene sequence, why can't a nation-state with moonshot-like capital develop a 'weapon of genetic modification'. Perhaps it's surgical, perhaps it's more like a carpet bombing,
9/19/2017 5:49 PM
dano :
Did you read the JustSecurity article? Don't you think overexposure to some kind of electromagnetic radiation used for remote monitoring could explain it?
9/19/2017 5:49 PM
dano :
Considering Cuba's relations with Russia, I think it's more likely that they'd be able to set up their 'heavy duty' listening equipment there
9/19/2017 5:49 PM
jnaulty :
9/19/2017 5:50 PM
jnaulty :
but that would be super easy to detect
9/19/2017 5:51 PM
jnaulty :
you could 'sweep' a room in a heartbeat and detect strong EMFs
9/19/2017 5:51 PM
jnaulty :
like 'wardriving' for vulnerable wifi...
9/19/2017 5:51 PM
jnaulty :
you just scan the airwaves
9/19/2017 5:54 PM
jnaulty :
dano You might find this interesting: http://www.genengnews.com/gen-news-highlights/darpa-awards-65m-to-improve-gene-editing-safety-accuracy/81254686
9/19/2017 5:58 PM
dano :
You're right :thinking_face:
9/19/2017 5:59 PM
jnaulty :
9/19/2017 5:59 PM
jnaulty :
wtf news media
9/19/2017 5:59 PM
jnaulty :
9/19/2017 5:59 PM
jnaulty :
9/21/2017 7:14 PM
psychopomp :
Re: The Cuba phenomenon
They determined it wasn't sonic in nature so far
9/21/2017 7:16 PM
psychopomp :
jnaulty You watch John Sotos' DEFCON talk this year?
9/21/2017 7:17 PM
psychopomp :
The Chief Medical Officer at Intel spoke exactly about genetic modification weaponization from the cancer moonshot project.
9/22/2017 3:21 PM
joeyo :
9/22/2017 7:40 PM
yannick :
9/28/2017 3:03 AM
jnaulty :
I went and saw a few good talks at the biohacking village. I didn't see this one though
9/28/2017 3:08 AM
jnaulty :
trying to find the slides...
9/28/2017 3:11 AM
psychopomp :
It's a great talk
9/28/2017 3:12 AM
psychopomp :
On a side note, your first name wouldn't have to be John would it?
9/28/2017 3:35 AM
jnaulty :
yes, it is
9/28/2017 9:31 AM
psychopomp :
Oh hey. We've met at Berkeley.
10/9/2017 6:39 PM
chrisabbott :
Hey everyone. A friend of mine has a few questions about registering a NPO in Canada, and I figured since this community is so active that there's probably a few people here who have experience with this sort of thing. If you've got the time to answer a few questions, could you send me a DM? Thanks very much! 🙂
10/10/2017 10:30 PM
aj :
Anyone hooked up an ESP8266 into Microsoft Azure?
10/11/2017 5:52 AM
sc :
10/11/2017 5:53 AM
w :
10/11/2017 4:16 PM
bryan :
Thanks for that sc I gave a quick talk on song development in zebra finches a few weeks ago. Definitely sharing that article with my students!
10/11/2017 5:52 PM
pat :
Indeed, the technique looks good and it's nice to see how well it does!
10/11/2017 7:13 PM
pat :
I wonder whether they'll look at a realtime audio generator
10/13/2017 2:02 PM
dano :
Switching to left-handed mousing at work. Dat RSI :S
10/16/2017 3:42 PM
eferdinand :
Wanna attend CES next year, register using the link below:
10/16/2017 9:08 PM
yannick :
A brain-computer interface based on functional transcranial doppler ultrasound using wavelet transform and support vector machines.
10/16/2017 10:33 PM
aj :
i'll be reading this!
10/16/2017 10:33 PM
aj :
10/17/2017 6:53 PM
ben.tam :
Cool to note that dopplers + fnirs + eegs can all be used simultaneously without cross device interference 🙂
10/18/2017 4:18 AM
sweetrabh :
Great article, whoever contributed to it 👍
10/18/2017 4:18 AM
sweetrabh :
10/20/2017 12:26 AM
yannick :
10/21/2017 11:05 AM
sc :
10/23/2017 4:07 AM
pierre :
^ Anybody know what's going on?
10/23/2017 5:05 AM
yrenard :
maybe someone told them they were overpromising ?
10/23/2017 2:59 PM
aj :
Alternative theory, she, they, was successful and is leaving to do something harder.
10/23/2017 5:32 PM
alexandre.barachant :
aj: if i was successful in making a revolutionary brain sensing device that can decode imagined speech at 100WPM, i would double or triple down my bet instead of leaving 🙂
10/23/2017 5:36 PM
alexandre.barachant :
my theory is similar to yrenard. She register on neurotechx and saw all the comments from the community and them feel ashamed and quit
10/23/2017 6:37 PM
jamoonie94 :
Wait what? 100WPM??
10/23/2017 6:39 PM
mrkrause :
That's their goal and it is....ambitious. The best I've found so far was about ~12 wpm using utah arrays!
10/23/2017 6:41 PM
jamoonie94 :
Interesting...would you mind posting the article here? My project deals with imagined speech :p
10/23/2017 6:48 PM
yrenard :
100 WPM was not the only datapoint of the talk, they also talked about automatic translation so that people speaking language X can talk to people speaking language Y, the brain signal decoding would take care of the translation - I liked this one a lot as this basically positions brain decoding ahead of speech recognition 🙂
10/23/2017 7:14 PM
yannick :
+1. It can�t really be because it�s too hard& She obviously knew that. Let�s not be too quick to judge. She was at DARPA before. She knows the state of the art and knew it was ambitious before accepting the position. Something else must have happened.
I think you gave the best lead so far: �she registered on NeuroTechX and saw all the comments [&] and quit� #CantHandleNTXPressureTest
10/23/2017 7:26 PM
alexandre.barachant :
I don't doubt for a second they knew they over-promised and that it gonna be hard to deliver. all joke apart, i don't think she left for any related reason. probably found something better elsewhere.
10/24/2017 7:12 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
10/24/2017 7:13 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
In the above article, they were able to determine what people were seeing using fMRI and Deep Learning
10/24/2017 7:13 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
10/24/2017 7:33 PM
rohit :
CNNs are being extensively used nowadays and their successful application in neurotech has been proven many a times, consider this for example https://www.svds.com/mind-reading-using-artificial-neural-nets-predict-viewed-image-categories-eeg-readings/ where they tried to show how well CNN performs at classifying EEG.
Although highly successful, considering the high training time and other real time classification aspects, how well do you guys think neural networks are fitted for BCI applications?
10/24/2017 7:34 PM
dano :
Current BCIs, at least the active ones, already require a significant amount of user training to get and up and running. With neural networks, the two can meet in the middle.
10/24/2017 7:36 PM
melanie :
seems to performs much less well than previous work done using a baysian decoder http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982211009377
10/25/2017 7:30 AM
pat :
OHBM also had this nice poster on using a variational autoencoder for that sort of stuff too: https://ww5.aievolution.com/hbm1701/index.cfm?do=abs.viewAbs&abs=2542
10/25/2017 7:35 AM
pat :
my gut feeling is that recurrent/VAE is probably the best fit, and that CNNs work well mostly because there's more known about how to do them well. that said, a wavenet-style dilated CNN may be able to capture enough state, but feels like it's missing the recurrent-ness of the brain (assuming that's how it works...)
10/25/2017 11:30 AM
jamoonie94 :
What do you think about extreme learning machines? I read a few papers that seemed to produce good accuracy fairly quickly but I couldn�t be a good judge
10/26/2017 12:52 AM
psoulos :
Hey Pat, is there a full research paper covering the link you posted? It only looks like a poster.
10/30/2017 7:27 PM
sc :
Listen to: In Memory Training Smackdown, One Method Dominates - http://one.npr.org/i/558767704:559454603
11/3/2017 11:37 PM
sc :
Gift of Gaba: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-41847030
11/5/2017 11:55 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
11/6/2017 1:12 AM
ben.tam :
i.e a person with ADHD might have more parallel processes occurring at any given time
11/6/2017 1:11 AM
ben.tam :
"Independent component analysis reveals that about 50 independent processes are at work in human brains performing the complex visuo-motor tasks...implies that parallelism in the brain does not occur on the level of individual neurons but on a much higher structural and functional level, and that there are about 50 of these."
I wonder if this is potential way to quantify the degree of ADHD a person has. Haha.
11/7/2017 2:42 AM
psychopomp :
I thought ADHD was more like an inability to keep on one process rather than having too many processes
11/7/2017 5:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
For those interested, there's a project called Big Brain https://bigbrain.loris.ca/main.php?test_name=bigbrain
which is a very high resolution scan of a brain (highest resolution at 40 micrometers) mhough could share more details on the project 🙂.
11/7/2017 5:14 PM
mhough :
Yeah if people would be interested in making a hacknight where we are looking at it and playing with some of the tools people are developing for working with it including haptics and VR, I would could videconf in and see what we can do
11/7/2017 5:15 PM
mhough :
I'd like to do the same with the HBP too
11/7/2017 5:15 PM
mhough :
I might need fred-simard for some of that:) as it has neuromorphic chips and robotics
11/7/2017 5:16 PM
mhough :
Got to run for now
11/8/2017 4:26 PM
dano :
Yikes, Francois Chollet calling out Dopamine Labs X
11/8/2017 4:27 PM
dano :
Yikes, Francois Chollet calling out Dopamine Labs 😁 dopamine_matt
11/8/2017 5:51 PM
dopamine_matt :
dano all good. we love it
11/9/2017 4:50 AM
sc :
11/9/2017 4:59 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Credit goes to mrkrause for the find. https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-NS-18-014.html
11/9/2017 5:01 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
I wonder what could be some neuro emojis to help explain scientific papers 😄
11/9/2017 6:00 PM
bryan_j :
Awesome 🙂
11/9/2017 8:40 PM
aj :
dopamine_matt that tweet going viral on my feed right now >/
11/9/2017 8:42 PM
dopamine_matt :
aj so weird. the article came out nearly two months ago to the day.
11/9/2017 8:42 PM
dopamine_matt :
we get press ALL THE TIME and in much bigger publications than techcrunch. no idea why this one took off the way that it did
11/12/2017 7:51 PM
aj :
anyone have experience with quantum programming?
11/13/2017 3:24 AM
ben.tam :
aj Brooo I added you to the <#C5RB2U1MW|quantum_systems> channel
11/13/2017 3:26 AM
aj :
11/13/2017 3:27 AM
ben.tam :
11/13/2017 3:28 AM
ben.tam :
D-Wave is the world leader in quantum computing technology. Register for the livestream to hear about the latest advances in quantum computing, software tools, and applications, and how it can be applied to problems in optimization, machine learning, sampling and cyber security.
- The state of quantum computing
- Introduction to the D-Wave 2000Q quantum computer, the most advanced quantum computer in the world
- Software tools and the expanding ecosystem
- Application examples
- Q&A
11/13/2017 3:31 AM
ben.tam :
Some of the board directors of D-wave were actually at our last NeuroTechVan event where we talked about potential of quantum computation occurring naturally within the wetware of the mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qbRBT_WjH4&t=738s
11/13/2017 5:42 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Arivis Imaging has some cool VR demos they have done with different brain mappings. This one was showed at SFN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuDmqgQi2TU&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
11/14/2017 9:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
The DEF CON 25 Biohacking village Talks are up. Some really interesting ones. For example, if you ever plan to get a IOT sex toy, Don't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL9fPq3eQfaaAdFN2gUrSPchLpQklSEdxo&time_continue=2&v=g3lvY5an4-E
11/16/2017 1:48 PM
sc :
11/16/2017 3:20 PM
bryan :
Thanks for sharing. Nice to see an update. My thesis is concerned with designing a BCI to improve memory. This guy, Johnson, is not a scientist, but Ed Boydon, the MIT guy he hired, is good. It looks like they have pivoted to trying to come up with better recording devices, like Musk and Neuralink. This makes them a neural device mfg. Will be interesting to see if they come up with anything useful that can compete with established stalwarts like TDT or Blackrock. I didn't see them at SfN this year, although I could've missed them.
11/16/2017 5:37 PM
rohit :
11/17/2017 2:25 PM
yannick :
neuromobile (BCI Driving) - to be presented on Dec. 13th (2017) in Russia.
(Russian page, but you can translate)
Anyone knows anything about that project?
11/19/2017 9:10 PM
sc :
Microsoft files a rash of patents on computer mind control https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-files-rash-patents-computer-mind-control/
11/19/2017 9:35 PM
yannick :
Very interesting!!! Thanks for sharing!
11/20/2017 4:11 AM
dano :
11/20/2017 1:10 PM
fortin.pasc :
Yes, good find. I find it so annoying how general the big companies can make their patents though... "We'll use "neurological" data to do things, things in a computer and change things in a computer. A computer being anything connected with memory, processing, and instructions that are being executed."
11/21/2017 9:16 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I feel like this is a common bias in the neurotech field 😛 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro-innovation_bias
11/22/2017 2:38 PM
bryan_j :
11/22/2017 5:35 PM
d.adamos :
11/22/2017 5:37 PM
d.adamos :
11/23/2017 9:12 PM
aj :
11/24/2017 3:34 PM
yannick :
(thanks sidksv for sharing)