2/23/2017 4:19 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<@U090L60LE> Do we pay at the door?
2/23/2017 4:21 PM
benjamindeleener :
it�s better if you register prior to the event, so we can manage food provision
2/27/2017 4:02 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
AGE-WELL and HACKING HEALTH have teamed up to launch a national ideation competition. The challenge is focused on identifying and investing in great new ideas (technologies and services) to support healthy aging.
The first national competition of its kind, prizes awarded at the AGE-WELL�HACKING HEALTH National Competition will total $75,000 in prizes.
3/4/2017 12:46 AM
yannick :
Mindset a dépassé le 215k$ de OpenBCI sur Kickstarter... Avec deja 250k$ en 3 jours. Congratz guys 🙂
3/4/2017 12:46 AM
yannick :
(CC: doyond & jacobflood)
3/4/2017 12:47 AM
doyond :
Thanks! On continue le push... il reste plus d'un mois 🙂
3/4/2017 12:50 AM
yannick :
Muse had 288k$
Melon had 290k$
Aurora had 239k$
OpenBCI hab 215k$
--> vous etes entrez dans leur bracket en 3 jours.
next bracket:
Neuroon 438k$
Kokoon 1.9m$
Emotiv Insight 1.6m$
3/4/2017 12:50 AM
yannick :
(EEG Kickstarter / Indiegogo - not the headphones market)
3/4/2017 1:01 AM
jacobflood :
challenge accepted 😉
3/4/2017 1:11 AM
doyond :
We'll try and achieve this in 11 days less than Emotiv, and 25 less than Kokoon 😉 haha
3/13/2017 11:15 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
To view archived text from Slack please visit:
3/16/2017 4:16 AM
hectordomorozco :
3/16/2017 4:17 AM
hectordomorozco :
If you�re interested, DM me 😄
3/16/2017 4:53 AM
eferdinand :
hectordomorozco: hectordomorozco what about the company? Who are they? How can we can get in touch?
3/18/2017 1:38 PM
yannick :
Ubisoft is hiring a Biometric Project Manager.
3/18/2017 1:39 PM
yannick :
(pour détecter le facteur "fun")
4/4/2017 6:30 PM
copizo :
I got a question for McGill people!
4/4/2017 6:30 PM
copizo :
Even if Im a ETS Student, can I attend to McGill's BME seminars?
4/4/2017 6:42 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Can I go as well? Even though I graduated school 4 years ago? It looks really cool
4/5/2017 1:09 PM
melanie :
Yeah for sure! These things are usually open to the public and, even if they aren't, I sincerely doubt anyone would mind
4/5/2017 11:05 PM
copizo :
Thanks for the info! 😄
4/13/2017 5:27 PM
drivas :
Hi everyone, is there a hacknight tonight?
4/13/2017 5:32 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
eferdinand yannick ?
4/13/2017 5:34 PM
eferdinand :
drivas the hacknight is usually on Friday and it is for current team members who are working on projects and have prior experience with BCI,
however You can join us to learn more about what we do, and for future reference about dates and schedules please visit https://www.meetup.com/NeuroTechMTL/
4/14/2017 6:22 PM
yannick :
<!channel>: There is no HackNight tonight (long weekend), we'll see you all next week!
4/18/2017 7:48 PM
eferdinand :
<!channel> if we are keeping the Hack Night on Fridays we will be offering a special Night on the 28th of April
Neuroservo ntremblay_neuroservo Will be joining us bringing 6 devices and devkit for us to hack.
We need qualified experienced BCI geeks to hack the $**t out of it with OpenVibe since we helped developing the Driver.
We'll keep you posted about updates and if we change it to another day, If you're interested please join the event on meetup http://meetu.ps/38G6f6
4/21/2017 9:50 PM
yannick :
naoto you�re coming tonight?
4/21/2017 9:51 PM
naoto :
yannick yes I'm at UQAM now but leaving shortly
4/21/2017 9:52 PM
yannick :
Cool 🙂 See you in a bit.
4/21/2017 9:58 PM
yannick :
ray_cassani you are joining us tonight?
4/22/2017 12:34 AM
ray_cassani :
yes :)
4/22/2017 1:46 PM
eferdinand :
Hope to see you all next week for Neuroservo hacking, 28th same time same place.
4/22/2017 5:50 PM
yannick :
I�ll try other run to see if I can get a better signal, but I reproduced Alex� P300 with the Muse 2014
4/22/2017 5:51 PM
yannick :
Thanks hubertjb for the muse-io --lsl-eeg 😉 it worked.
4/22/2017 5:52 PM
yannick :
alexandre_m it worked!
4/22/2017 5:52 PM
hubertjb :
Awesome yannick! :)
4/23/2017 2:17 PM
graeme :
Wow that's great yannick
4/23/2017 4:41 PM
graeme :
yannick if you have some ten20 or other gel, try putting a bit on the electrodes (including the ears) and you should see a better SNR on the Muse 2014
4/24/2017 12:31 PM
eferdinand :
We re-created this Meetup with NeuroTechMTL http://meetu.ps/e/CKY5J/pCYJj/d
Just to keep track and to avoid confusion, future hacknights will be private only and we will send messages accordingly.
4/24/2017 12:36 PM
yannick :
By private, we mean that we want to control the ratio of newcomers vs experienced / regulars. As seen in other chapters and in Montreal, a high ratio of newcomers during HackNights dilutes the value for everyone. We have less time for the newcomers when many of them show up and the regulars can�t work properly in this demoing/explaining/talking environment. So in order to remain inclusive, but also make the most out of our HackNights for people who actually want to progress on projects, we�ll keep people aware that HackNights are happening and that they can contact us if they are interested, but won�t announce it on Meetup anymore.
4/28/2017 5:11 PM
eferdinand :
We are excited to see the new Neuroservo EEG Hat tonight, We are traveling from the south shore and 'might' be few minutes late, so if you get to D3 and you don't see us there just wait in the Ideation space.
Thank you!
5/5/2017 3:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Hacknights tonight are being moved to another location as D3 will be busy
5/5/2017 3:41 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Figuring out the details now
5/5/2017 3:44 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
New Address will be at the MNI
5/5/2017 3:44 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
3801 university.
5/5/2017 3:45 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
call melanie when you arrive 438 888 1954
5/5/2017 3:45 PM
eferdinand :
/poll "who's coming tonight?" "Me" "Not Me"
5/12/2017 3:06 AM
fred-simard :
With a bit of luck, I should be recording some SSVEP this week.
5/12/2017 3:07 AM
fred-simard :
For the records, this will be done with my own hardware - built around the ADS1299 - and running my python API on Raspberry Pi.
5/12/2017 3:08 AM
fred-simard :
Nothing fancy, just a matter of getting it all to work together
5/12/2017 10:21 PM
benjamin.landry :
Is the neuro hack still going on? I cant find anyone.
5/12/2017 10:09 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Will be there in a bit
5/12/2017 10:41 PM
yannick :
5/16/2017 10:51 PM
copizo :
Hi all! Im from the student club SynapsETS and from the CÉGPA, the Automated Manufacturing Engineering Student Comitee. We're looking for opportunities to organize Shop visit/Lab visit in different branch. So I was wondering if some of you would be interested to show your work to GPA student next semesters, since we got a health technology specialization? <!channel>
5/17/2017 2:06 AM
copizo :
Forgot to mention, from ETS!
5/17/2017 8:30 PM
naoto :
5/17/2017 8:36 PM
naoto :
how long is the sampling rate and time?
5/17/2017 10:56 PM
fred-simard :
250 Hz, recorded for 20 seconds and averaged over 10 trials. I already developed an algorithm to detect ASSR online, As soon as my setup is fully functionnal, i'll flip this in an online decoding demo
5/17/2017 11:01 PM
fred-simard :
and this the channel in Pz, as suggested by yannick i will be trying Oz next time
5/25/2017 8:51 PM
yannick :
Won�t be able to make it to HackNight tomorrow. I�ll sure be there for the next one!
5/26/2017 1:32 PM
naoto :
yannick hey, last time I returned 2 muses but can I borrow one of them again? or do you know if anyone coming tonight has an extra muse?
5/26/2017 1:34 PM
yannick :
Hey naoto check with eferdinand we have some activities in June, check with him for devices.
5/26/2017 1:38 PM
eferdinand :
We are limited on devices for now, unless here are few here and there I don't kniw about, naoto where did you return the devices?
5/26/2017 1:40 PM
naoto :
eferdinand I returned them to yannick. in that case at least I want to have access during hacknight 🙂
5/26/2017 1:40 PM
eferdinand :
Yes you can have access during hacknight, @yannick are the devices at D3?
5/26/2017 1:56 PM
yannick :
5/26/2017 6:00 PM
naoto :
Cool. eferdinand yannick by any chance do you have gold cup electrodes at D3?
5/26/2017 6:18 PM
eferdinand :
Hw many do you want?
5/26/2017 6:18 PM
naoto :
i just need 1
5/26/2017 6:18 PM
eferdinand :
I can take one from the office no problem
5/26/2017 6:18 PM
naoto :
5/26/2017 6:18 PM
eferdinand :
OpenBCI connector?
5/26/2017 6:19 PM
naoto :
I'm not sure what I'm doing but I'm adding a generic header pins to NeuroSky Mindwave
5/27/2017 2:37 AM
naoto :
fred-simard the hacked neurosky seems working. I see pink noise like spectrum. I haven't got ASSR or SSVEP working. Maybe due to the python library's fft (it does binning to output spectrum with 1 hz step) so I will check with raw fft data
5/27/2017 3:13 AM
fred-simard :
naoto One thing you might want to start doing is to record your data and work on your analysis offline. I know you ultimately want an online system, but that will definitely speed up the development of your analysis since you won't depend on a live connection and you'll be free to compare multiple approach on the same data. Only after it works offline, you adapt it for an online application.
5/27/2017 3:16 AM
naoto :
fred-simard: totally makes sense. this is something I always had a problem - since I stopped using mules, I don't have easy way to record/playback eeg signals
5/27/2017 3:17 AM
fred-simard :
naoto python has a csv file object that makes it easy to save/load data. If you can do a FFT, you can write your data to a text file
5/27/2017 3:18 AM
fred-simard :
I don't have right now, but i could share my ssvep analysis, which reads a CSV file
5/27/2017 5:40 PM
benjamindeleener :
<!channel> Call to all neurohackers of Montreal that possess a Muse headband: PolyCortex is participating to the Festival Eurêka as an science outreach to young children. The festival will be hold from June 9 to June 11 and will welcome more than 30000 people at the Vieux-Port. PolyCortex is participating and is going to propose a concentration boat racing game but they would need more Muse headband to be sure to hold all the weekend. If you have a Muse headband and would like to lend some, please contact me as soon as possible. It would be very appreciated!
5/27/2017 5:55 PM
fred-simard :
benjamindeleener I can lend you 3 and could lend you the famous Mindbox if you'd like
5/27/2017 5:56 PM
fred-simard :
I should be at the hacknight next week,et me know if you want to pick them up
5/27/2017 5:58 PM
benjamindeleener :
fred-simard that would be awesome! We are also coming to the hacknight next week. Thank you very much!
5/27/2017 5:58 PM
fred-simard :
see you then ;)
5/28/2017 6:23 PM
naoto :
one thing that benefits me is if you could share raw EEG data files with successful ASSR/SSVEP so that I can play with the data without actual device
5/29/2017 2:59 PM
eferdinand :
We are currently looking for a Sales & Marketing Hunter to help create new partnerships and lines of business for St-RINO Technologies Inc.
If you are good in Building sales pipeline, Networking with small to large businesses, and would like to Increase a rising technology brand image
by developing Marketing and Sales strategies then send me a DM or an e-mail to mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]
5/31/2017 10:59 PM
fred-simard :
naoto: definitely....
5/31/2017 11:05 PM
fred-simard :
This week, I will be recording SSVEP elicited by a stimulus surrounded by 3 distractors -which are also SSVEP-prone stimuli. If everything goes as planned, the (in-fovea + attended) stimulus should trigger a stronger response and I should be able to decode which stimulus was attended by the subject.
6/5/2017 3:58 PM
fred-simard :
I'm ordering cognionics electrodes (http://cognionics.com/index.php/technology). I got a quote for 25$ each, if anyone wants some, now is the time, you won't get them for a cheaper price. Let me know very quickly.
6/5/2017 4:55 PM
naoto :
fred-simard: I just received my OpenBCI 🙂 do you think these electrodes will work with OpenBCI?
6/6/2017 12:01 PM
eferdinand :
I tried them with OpenBCI they work super fine
6/6/2017 8:45 PM
naoto :
fred-simard then I want 4 of them 🙂
6/6/2017 9:21 PM
fred-simard :
i confirmed the order i'll have 4 for you. Next time i see you, i'll show you the VR-EEG headset i've made over the week-end. Surprisingly slick.
6/7/2017 4:14 AM
naoto :
thanks! I won't be at the hacknights for two weeks though (this week Dublin and next week for exhibition at Concordia)
6/7/2017 4:16 AM
naoto :
fred-simard I think I got SSVEP with OpenBCI, Oz, 200 samples per sec, 2000 samples window (=10 sec). sorry for the flashing lights https://www.instagram.com/p/BVBjQNIlZLT
6/7/2017 11:52 AM
fred-simard :
naoto It sure looks like it. You could try to sweep the SSVEP frequency, at a slow rate. That would give you a traveling peak
6/7/2017 12:46 PM
naoto :
fred-simard sweeping will be interesting to see. I wanted to try but I couldn't make the flickering at an arbitrary rate (right now it blinks every N frame)
6/7/2017 1:39 PM
fred-simard :
naoto you will be limited in choice, the frequency needs to be an integer ratio of your frame rate, but i'm sure you can find a few ratios to sweep through.
6/7/2017 2:26 PM
naoto :
fred-simard: of course, you're right. Maybe I will experiment with Arduino + LED so I have more flexible control
6/8/2017 12:37 AM
fred-simard :
naoto You can also sum up and normalize multiple signals to have multiple components, if that's of any interest
6/9/2017 4:15 PM
fred-simard :
naoto I recorded using 4 stimuli at frequencies: 11, 7, 5, 3 Hz. I'm working on the analysiss, but if you need more I would use 13 and 14. This is a 'one hot' coding scheme, but using combinations of frequencies would increase the number of codes exponentially.
6/9/2017 4:44 PM
fred-simard :
I forgot to say that the recording site is Pz. These are only preliminary results, Eventually I plan on writing a white paper, when I'll have the results I want to present.
6/9/2017 9:44 PM
eferdinand :
sidksv yannick I'll be there at 6:30
6/9/2017 9:45 PM
yannick :
I�ll be there slightly after 18h30, gotta grab the Emotiv Insight to test it tonight for tomorrow.
6/9/2017 10:01 PM
sidksv :
See you there
6/10/2017 2:59 AM
eferdinand :
<!channel> join us tomorrow at Eureka Festival 'post 18' going to have some fun
ray_cassani nicomaque.jette melanie fred-simard naoto waiting for you Guys if you can make it...
6/10/2017 12:21 PM
benjamindeleener :
I�ll be there!
6/10/2017 5:59 PM
eferdinand :
We need volunteers to help us animate the workshop next Saturday the 17th http://www.lesateliersneuronix.com/
6/12/2017 8:22 PM
yannick :
Who�s coming to the Neurosymposium?
There�s the HackingHealth Café Big Data & Health Care right after.
I�ll be attending both, let me know if you are attending any of them.
6/12/2017 9:08 PM
hectordomorozco :
yannick I wish people could really organize themselves and not overlap cool ass events like that 😞
6/12/2017 9:14 PM
yannick :
Are you gonna be in Montreal for the events?
6/13/2017 1:51 AM
hectordomorozco :
Imma be in Boston; but I'll be in Montreal in August ❤️
6/13/2017 9:07 PM
naoto :
it's next to the Faubourg building so you can stop by before the hacknight!
6/13/2017 9:45 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
6/13/2017 9:45 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
will drop by
6/13/2017 10:33 PM
naoto :
6/15/2017 11:45 AM
fred-simard :
I'll be missing the hack night this week, but I should be jumping by your exposition naoto
6/16/2017 8:57 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
family emergency and will need to bail tonight. Can be reached on slack. naoto I'll drop by tomorrow instead.
6/16/2017 9:01 PM
sid_fulminds :
hi folks! just wondering if hacknight is happening tonight in Montreal
6/16/2017 9:05 PM
naoto :
sydneyneurotechx: thanks for letting me know, take care!
6/16/2017 9:08 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
sid_fulminds eferdinand should be there tonight
6/16/2017 9:40 PM
eferdinand :
No i don't think i will, sorry for that!
6/16/2017 9:41 PM
sid_fulminds :
ok, then no hacknight tonight?
6/16/2017 11:18 PM
fred-simard :
naoto Thanks for the tip about CVEP, read a paper on the topic and it looks promising.
6/16/2017 11:22 PM
fred-simard :
naoto This correspond to what I had in mind, broad-band stimulus http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0133797
6/16/2017 11:24 PM
fred-simard :
Short-term I'm sticking to SSVEP, but my goal is to leverage these other forms of stimulation to find the sweet spot between perceptual annoyance and information transfer rate.
6/18/2017 10:21 PM
yannick :
6/18/2017 10:22 PM
yannick :
Join us, it�s gonna be a nice casual event to regroup in a non-hacknight setting
6/19/2017 3:52 PM
naoto :
yannick: too bad that July 4th doesn't work for me. please say hi to Etienne!
6/19/2017 7:08 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> District 3 will be closed this friday and next due to St Jean Baptiste and Canada Day
6/19/2017 7:08 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
any recommendations of where to go instead?
6/20/2017 12:34 PM
fred-simard :
sydneyneurotechx I'm dropping the idea, would foulab host us into their space?
6/20/2017 1:47 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
melanie ?
6/20/2017 1:47 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
6/20/2017 3:34 PM
melanie :
6/20/2017 5:02 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Hacknights this week and next will be happening at Foulab https://foulab.org/en/wiki/Index_Page
6/20/2017 5:02 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
There is a doorbell you ring once you get at the building
6/20/2017 5:02 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
It's the bottom doorbell melanie ?
6/20/2017 5:03 PM
melanie :
I believe so. I'm heading there tonight so I'll confirm then
6/21/2017 2:48 PM
melanie :
it is indeed the bottom doorbell. there's a foulab sticker next to it on the wall
6/22/2017 2:07 PM
sid_fulminds :
sydneyneurotechx fred-simard melanie at what time are hacknights happening at Foulab tomorrow and next Friday?
6/22/2017 3:16 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Around 6:30 sid_fulminds
6/22/2017 3:17 PM
sid_fulminds :
cool 👍
6/22/2017 9:24 PM
fred-simard :
i'll be there
6/23/2017 8:45 PM
yannick :
Won�t be making it tonight unfortunately. Have a great HackNight! and a great St-Jean Weekend 🙂
6/27/2017 1:44 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> For July 14th, we will be doing our Hacknight as part of Hacker Nest at Startup Fest. This is a 24 hour hackathon where we will get the opportunity to come together to showcase some of our projects to the larger hacker community. We will have 4 other organizations be there such as Hacking Health, Brico Bio and others. Tickets are 15$. Hope you all can make it 🙂
6/29/2017 5:28 PM
armin :
Hi all, I am new in this group. I am interested to join the Fridays meetings. Can you please guide me? Thanks
6/30/2017 1:34 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
welcome Armin
6/30/2017 1:35 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
We will be doing our Hacknight at Foulab tomorrow
6/30/2017 1:35 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
you can join us there around 6:30
6/30/2017 1:35 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
6/30/2017 3:47 AM
armin :
sydneyneurotechx: Thank you very much. Does it at this address?
6/30/2017 3:47 AM
armin :
Suite 33B, 999 du Collège, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4C 2S3
6/30/2017 3:51 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
yup! The bottom doorbell can be rung to get entrace 🙂
6/30/2017 6:12 AM
hfork :
Oh, I didn't know about this..where can I find a list of all Montreal chapter events?
6/30/2017 7:05 PM
mrkrause :
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for a source for a bunch of misc. electronic parts. Any recommendations for local places?
6/30/2017 7:16 PM
ray_cassani :
https://abra-electronics.com/montreal-store.html , http://www.spikenzielabs.com/Catalog/
6/30/2017 7:21 PM
mrkrause :
Thanks! Don't suppose you also want to volunteer to explain to my fiancee where all the money went? 🙂
6/30/2017 11:15 PM
ray_cassani :
save few dollars for chocolate, that never fails 🙂
7/4/2017 2:19 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Hi <!channel>. Does anyone want to help me for HackerFest? NeuroTechX will be representing at this 24 hour hackathon and I need some help in managing it.
If you are unfamiliar with Hackerfest, it is a hackathon that brings together different communities in Montreal to work on a variety of projects. More details below. Message me if interested.
7/4/2017 2:21 PM
eferdinand :
I may be able to come help on the 14th
7/4/2017 2:21 PM
eferdinand :
From 9 to 5
7/4/2017 2:24 PM
maviperu :
mrkrause: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Addison+Electronics/@45.5694822,-73.6057631,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cc91ec5790d4817:0xa3ce1f8786692589!8m2!3d45.5694822!4d-73.6035744?hl=en Addison excellent place!
7/4/2017 4:00 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
It's start on the Friday at 5 pm
7/4/2017 4:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
7/4/2017 4:02 PM
armin :
Hi Sydney, I am interested to help on Friday or Saturday. What time is appropriate?
7/4/2017 4:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Thanks armin ! I'd need help on the Saturday mostly but you are free to come on both days 🙂. It's 24 hours, but you don't need to stay the whole time. If you were to come from 5-9 on the Friday and then come on the Saturday in the morning until 5-6 ish.
7/4/2017 4:07 PM
armin :
Perfect, I will come for both
7/4/2017 4:07 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
7/4/2017 4:07 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
DM ing you the details
7/4/2017 4:07 PM
armin :
7/5/2017 10:21 AM
yannick :
Thanks for yesterday. It was a great evening. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and met awesome people.
7/5/2017 2:03 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Reminder: Hacknights on Friday at 6:30. Happening at District 3 http://d3center.ca/en/contact/
7/5/2017 8:09 PM
fred-simard :
Hey guys, I've just released my white paper on the topic of SSVEPs, I put it in <#C08PVFWH4|eegdata> so that everyone can benefit from it. It only covers my preliminary results, but more to come as new results pump in.
7/6/2017 3:39 PM
naoto :
fred-simard: awesome! I'll take a look later!
7/6/2017 4:05 PM
fred-simard :
Please do, it works very well to be honest. I was expecting more cross-talk between stimuli.
7/6/2017 4:11 PM
fred-simard :
mrkrause: I recommend Abra, or these guys ship surprisingly fast: http://ca.mouser.com/, or if you spend >= 100$ you can go for http://digikey.ca|digikey.ca. If you don't spend >= 100$, digikey bills 20$ of shipping.
7/7/2017 5:04 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Hacknights at D3 as per the usual. 6:30 pm
7/7/2017 5:04 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Anyone showing up?
7/7/2017 5:38 PM
fred-simard :
sydneyneurotechx I'll be there
7/7/2017 6:20 PM
sidksv :
sydneyneurotechx see you there
7/7/2017 8:25 PM
naoto :
i'll try to come
7/7/2017 9:34 PM
armin :
I will be there
7/7/2017 10:13 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I set up in the classroom. Will be in there
7/10/2017 2:17 PM
maviperu :
Hey guys, the hack night was a lot of fun, it was great meeting you all!
7/11/2017 8:14 PM
fred-simard :
Guys, I published another paper in <#C08PVFWH4|eegdata>, this time I'm reporting my results measuring the alpha wave, a classic. For those who are new to EEG recording and analysis, I suggest you start there, this is the easiest paradigm and can be done with practically any hardware. I've done it with the Muse...
7/11/2017 10:29 PM
yannick :
Thanks again for sharing your work with the community!
7/12/2017 3:43 PM
fred-simard :
And thanks for building a community 😉
7/14/2017 2:24 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
hi <!channel> . Reminder, we will be at Hackerfest tomorrow. Cost are 15 $ but gives you access for 24 hours (includes a breakfast :)) http://www.startupfestival.com/hackerfest/
Come join us!
7/15/2017 3:14 PM
yannick :
Who won?
7/15/2017 3:15 PM
yannick :
7/17/2017 7:08 PM
maviperu :
Will there be hack night this Friday? I would like to bring a couple of friends!
7/17/2017 8:03 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Hey maviperu ! Yes! Happening at District 3 again 🙂 6:30. <!channel> join us
7/17/2017 8:05 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
NeurotechX won in spirit yannick . marley carried our team with a spectacular Corgi Frontal asymmetry project
7/20/2017 2:30 PM
crocodoyle :
I don't think it's legal to require an age range. Just saying.
7/20/2017 3:02 PM
yannick :
It is when these are the requirements of the government offering the salary. 😉
(It�s an internship for younger people to get experience, sponsored by the gov.)
7/20/2017 7:34 PM
maviperu :
In the end I won't be able to join this time 😓, but next Friday I am bringing 2 new people to the community 😄
7/21/2017 9:28 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Reminder. Hacknight at D3
7/21/2017 9:29 PM
armin :
See you at 6:30
7/21/2017 9:29 PM
fred-simard :
unfortunately, i can't be there tonight, will try very much to show up next week.
7/27/2017 1:05 PM
maviperu :
Hack night tomorrow night? I'm bringing 2 new girls to the community!
7/28/2017 12:07 AM
eferdinand :
I don't think there's a hacknight tomorrow, unless there's someone to take the lead on this.
Im super busy tomorrow, sydney is in vegas and yannick in Japan.
7/28/2017 1:25 AM
yannick :
fred-simard ^
7/28/2017 1:26 AM
fred-simard :
Hey guys,
7/28/2017 1:43 AM
yannick :
I think maviperu will be interested in your DIY Dry Headcap. (I'll have to wait to be back before I can try it...)
7/28/2017 1:29 PM
maviperu :
awesome!! We will be there!
7/28/2017 5:28 PM
fred-simard :
naoto Now that I've tested the Cognionics electrodes, I'm more confident in sharing them. I'll show you the cap, the electrode support I've made (3d print) and then you can decide if you still want to get a few for yourself. I know you are busy, don't worry if you can't be here tonight, it can be another day.
7/28/2017 6:27 PM
naoto :
thanks! I'm curious to try it. Unfortunately I'm still in Europe till Aug 23 so I will see you when I'm back!
7/28/2017 7:20 PM
fred-simard :
8/1/2017 6:06 PM
crocodoyle :
Hey hackers, if anyone is interested in deep learning I'm organizing a Deep Brainhack at the end of the month. Check it out: https://brainhack101.github.io/deepbrainhack2017/
8/2/2017 11:18 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Who can come on Friday?
8/2/2017 11:19 PM
fred-simard :
I'm on vacation, taking a leave until Aug. 13th
8/3/2017 1:27 AM
armin :
Hi Sydney, I cannot come this week, but I will come the week after
8/3/2017 1:32 AM
armin :
Wow! That's great. I will participate.
8/3/2017 9:45 PM
sidksv :
I can.
8/4/2017 6:57 PM
sidksv :
sydneyneurotechx will you be at D3 today?
8/4/2017 7:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Yup! I'll be ther
8/4/2017 9:04 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'll be around at 6:30
8/7/2017 5:53 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
ayyy. Who's down for Hacknight this week?
8/7/2017 5:53 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> . yannick is back, so he has no excuse to miss 🙂
8/7/2017 6:26 PM
eferdinand :
Ill come
8/8/2017 12:25 AM
armin :
I will be there
8/8/2017 6:14 PM
maviperu :
I'll join too!
8/9/2017 3:16 PM
eamon :
I'm planning to be there
8/9/2017 4:26 PM
yannick :
benjamindeleener te joins-tu à nous Vendredi?
8/9/2017 4:54 PM
benjamindeleener :
Malheureusement non, je serais en dehors de Montréal pour le weekend
8/17/2017 12:55 AM
fred-simard :
<!channel> Qui.vient ce vendredi?
8/17/2017 12:57 AM
sidksv :
fred-simard Je serai
8/17/2017 1:14 AM
benjamindeleener :
Je serai là aussi 🙂
8/17/2017 1:16 AM
armin :
I will be there 🙂
8/17/2017 1:32 AM
crocodoyle :
Moi je considère venir pour ma première fois!
8/17/2017 1:33 AM
crocodoyle :
C'est àquelle heure?
8/17/2017 1:35 AM
yannick :
18h30, District 3
8/17/2017 1:58 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
oui oui
8/18/2017 10:30 PM
yannick :
crocodoyle are you joining us tonight?
8/18/2017 10:33 PM
crocodoyle :
No something came up, sorry.
8/22/2017 8:53 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> We will be doing Hacknight this Thursday instead of Friday at Deep BrainHack happening at Notman House. Between 17:30- 23:00 h. Hope to see you there!
8/22/2017 8:53 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
8/22/2017 8:58 PM
armin :
8/24/2017 8:30 PM
armin :
Hi Sydney, will we focus on specific study?
8/24/2017 9:04 PM
yannick :
I won�t be able to make it tonight. I�ll be there next week for sure!
8/24/2017 9:39 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'll be there soon. Just picked up the devices
8/24/2017 9:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
armin no, Nothing in particular :)
8/25/2017 1:08 AM
naoto :
I'm back in town but totally forgot about the hacknight... I will come next week for sure
8/25/2017 3:19 PM
fred-simard :
I couldn't be there on Thursday
8/29/2017 9:26 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Who's coming this week?
8/29/2017 9:27 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
On Friday, 6:30 at D3
8/29/2017 9:53 PM
sidksv :
I will.
8/29/2017 11:53 PM
naoto :
8/30/2017 1:19 AM
fred-simard :
I'm planning on it
9/5/2017 6:55 PM
eferdinand :
9/5/2017 6:56 PM
eferdinand :
Who's coming this week? are we doing a hacknight?
9/7/2017 1:34 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
We be always hacking. Same Place and Location (6:30 PM, District 3) <!channel>
9/7/2017 1:53 AM
fred-simard :
I'm skipping this week, but i'll see you soon
9/8/2017 7:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
who'll be there tonight? <!channel> ?
9/8/2017 7:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I know Fred and Yannick are out
9/8/2017 7:08 PM
benjamindeleener :
I�m out too 😞
9/8/2017 7:10 PM
yannick :
I�ll be there next week for sure! I�ll probably be using HackNights to dive a little more in Deep Learning for EEG. Leveraging existing datasets and all. If other people are interested in joining me, let me know 🙂
9/8/2017 7:12 PM
ray_cassani :
It won't be possible, Fridays are sort of difficult days for me
9/8/2017 7:23 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Should we move days to Thursday?
9/8/2017 7:24 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Please fill out 🙂
9/8/2017 7:25 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I guess for tonight. We will cancel hack night
9/12/2017 7:37 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
fred-simard What are the paradigms you are looking at? Still SSVEP?
9/12/2017 8:19 PM
fred-simard :
No SSVEP is mastered. I can't give too many details since this is related to my business work, but it's lying somewhere in the mental effort/focus/attention spectrum.
9/13/2017 1:31 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
9/13/2017 2:28 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
If we do Hacknights this Thursday who can attend? <!channel>?
9/13/2017 3:02 AM
naoto :
probably I'll pass by
9/13/2017 12:02 PM
sidksv :
I'll be there.
9/13/2017 1:18 PM
ray_cassani :
Sounds good to me, I'd go
9/13/2017 6:59 PM
eferdinand :
Ill be there
9/13/2017 8:06 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
9/13/2017 9:21 PM
marley :
should be there!
9/14/2017 12:05 AM
armin :
This week I am very busy
9/14/2017 12:22 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
woot woot. I've book the conference room at D3. We'll do it out of there.
9/14/2017 3:21 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I've booked the room for 6:30 <!channel> . We'll be in the window conference room
9/17/2017 2:38 PM
fred-simard :
A little something I've made in collab with AJ of push the world: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/RaspberryPiADS1299/0.1.0
9/18/2017 6:21 PM
liam_c :
Hi everyone, I'm interested in checking out one of the upcoming hackathons, but I've never been to one before. I'm also not really a hacker/programmer, but they seem like a good way to meet people in the neurotech scene, and hopefully I can contribute in other ways. Where do these happen? what should I expect?
9/19/2017 3:39 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Hey liam_c . We meet every Thursday at District 3 (1250 Guy Street) at 6:30. You could always drop by and talk with us.
9/19/2017 3:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
On that note <!channel> who can show up this Thursday? I won't be available unfortunately as I have a deadline for Saturday. Who will be there?
9/19/2017 3:45 PM
ray_cassani :
I'll be there
9/19/2017 3:47 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I've booked Conference room 3 that you can use
9/19/2017 6:06 PM
armin :
Hi, I would be there this Thursday
9/19/2017 7:14 PM
yannick :
benjamindeleener are you free Thursday? If ray_cassani can bring the NeuralDrift we could maybe move forward on making the example for the Student Club competition.
(ray_cassani: long story short, we want to use the NeuralDrift as an example of a project for the student club competition, I�ll talk to you about the idea Thursday)
9/19/2017 7:22 PM
ray_cassani :
Sure, sounds great, if based only in Muse device, we could modify the code to be independent from MuLES, and why not, from MATLAB
9/19/2017 7:32 PM
yannick :
Let�s talk about it on Thursday then! 😄
9/19/2017 8:06 PM
benjamindeleener :
yannick unfortunately I can't come this week (you know I have something to prepare right? :-D)
9/19/2017 8:06 PM
benjamindeleener :
But I would be happy to advance on this project
9/19/2017 11:10 PM
ray_cassani :
Can you bring (2) Muse first generation? I'll bring the tablet and robot
9/20/2017 2:29 AM
naoto :
I will pass by on Thursday. Btw I'm working on a gestural/kinetic/audiovisual installation which will be exhibited at MAPP_MTL festival at Never Apart gallery from oct 5th. It's free entry so please come see me! (it's nothing to do with neurotech and sorry for shameless advertisement) https://www.mappmtl.com/invisible https://www.facebook.com/events/505854076429482
9/20/2017 7:24 PM
ray_cassani :
<!channel>, at the MuSAE Lab (INRS) we are looking for participants (18 - 49 years old) for a study on fatigue and mental workload estimation from physiological signals (including wearable EEG). There is a $10/hr remuneration for your time; the duration of your participation is ~3 hours. If you are interested in participating in this study or have any questions, please get in touch with us at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]
Thank you.
9/28/2017 2:48 PM
sidksv :
<!channel> is there a hacknight tonight?
9/28/2017 3:38 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> I've booked the space, so yes. I forgot the devices, so please bring your own
9/28/2017 6:00 PM
yannick :
I�m with MENTAL tonight for their NeuroTech event series.
9/28/2017 6:06 PM
yannick :
9/28/2017 7:19 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I've book the window conference room for people to use
9/28/2017 7:19 PM
ray_cassani :
<!channel> I can't this week
9/28/2017 9:52 PM
fred-simard :
teaching a class
9/29/2017 5:21 PM
yannick :
Was it better on Friday? Fred is teaching on Wed/Thursday. Is it just Fred who prefers Fridays?
10/2/2017 12:32 AM
fred-simard :
yannick In parallel to the hacknight schedule, I would be down to work on a project of the kind we discussed. Can you make it this Friday? I would be down to try to train a deep learner on some EEG data, just to see how that plays out. <!channel> Open to everyone obviously.
10/4/2017 6:29 PM
fred-simard :
I didn't get a response, I booked something else in my schedule. If anyone is interested in training a deep learner, please let me know and we'll schedule something
10/5/2017 6:09 PM
sidksv :
<!channel> is there a hacknight tonight?
10/5/2017 6:11 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I can't be there, but I booked the conference room for 6:30
10/5/2017 6:23 PM
naoto :
I don't want to spam but our exhibition is happening tonight 6 pm at never apart (thus I won't be there at hacknight). The gallery is open tomorrow too and every saturdays till beginning of january 🙂
10/10/2017 3:13 PM
fred-simard :
<!channel> I'm looking for a helper to work on my EEG stuff. I'm bound to silence, but it's a very cool project and I've been working on it for about 6 months now so it's not a little thing. There is a remuneration attached to the offer, however this shouldn't be the main factor to apply, since the remuneration will be below any kind of job.
What I'm looking for:
- someone with a lot of autonomy and with prior EEG data analysis experience. Ideally a master/PhD student who wants to build a portfolio around the development of practical EEG applications.
- someone experienced with python, at least enough to develop on his own.
- someone willing to enter a NDA and who will remain discreet on the exact nature of his work, until it goes public.
- someone who lives in Montreal
Be careful, I have no problem to see someone who is in the process of learning applying, however this is not a EEG 101. I'm looking for someone who will collaborate and contribute to the project.
To apply:
Simply send me a private message, with a summary of your qualifications, how much hours/week you think you can contribute.
10/11/2017 5:13 PM
eferdinand :
When do you want to have our next hacknight <!channel>
10/11/2017 5:14 PM
sidksv :
Tomorrow night?
10/11/2017 5:24 PM
naoto :
works for me
10/11/2017 5:32 PM
ray_cassani :
Yeah, tomorrow sounds good
10/11/2017 5:41 PM
eferdinand :
I'm not gonna make it this week if tomorrow, I'll see you next week
10/11/2017 5:41 PM
eferdinand :
Who wants an NTX t-shirt we can order together and save on shipping?
10/16/2017 1:11 PM
eferdinand :
Should we planning hacknight on Thursday or Friday this week?
10/16/2017 1:12 PM
eferdinand :
10/19/2017 6:02 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Most people can't make it today, so I guess it's canceled
10/19/2017 7:41 PM
yannick :
I�ll be there next week.
10/20/2017 12:44 PM
eferdinand :
10/20/2017 12:45 PM
eferdinand :
Thursday or Friday?
10/20/2017 1:29 PM
yannick :
I�ll see what the others prefer. I know that Fred just can�t on Thursdays and we were talking about starting a Deep Learning project during HackNights.
10/21/2017 12:39 AM
eferdinand :
Im better set with Friday too
10/22/2017 3:31 AM
armin :
Hi , anyone has experience of VR development?
10/22/2017 7:14 PM
fred-simard :
A bit, I do.
10/23/2017 1:42 AM
yannick :
naoto: sounds like something you could be interesting in&
Maybe fred-simard would be interested in looking into it.
Maybe a project for HackNights? 😛
10/23/2017 1:42 AM
yannick :
dj_mini ^
10/23/2017 2:00 AM
naoto :
I watched the attached video but this looks quite bad (sorry if any of you know the authors). It seems they just replaced the visual keys of the speller by notes. Fred and I talked about this topic before but perhaps we should use auditory stimulus/feedback for composition
10/23/2017 3:21 AM
fred-simard :
I had an idea along this line a while back, even discussed it with the guys of LANDR. The first step I envisioned was to build a soiund browser, pretty much in the same way as the Neurable works. Sounds would be clustered and the subject would do some kind of gradient descent toward its desired sound.
10/23/2017 3:22 AM
fred-simard :
It's a big project, but it would be exrremely onteresting
10/23/2017 5:17 PM
hectordomorozco :
Guys, have you checked this out? http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/2017/MAIN2017/
10/23/2017 6:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
10/23/2017 6:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
NeuroTechX will be participating in it
10/23/2017 6:40 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
We have the opportunity to showcase some demo's. If anyone wants to show some stuff off, let us know 🙂
10/23/2017 6:41 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Back to Hacknights this Thursday?
10/23/2017 7:05 PM
dj_mini :
10/23/2017 9:12 PM
hectordomorozco :
That�s so awesome; I might come (like 1% chance but still a probability)
10/24/2017 2:17 AM
naoto :
the demo session sounds cool but i dont want to think about it now as i just finished demo at a conference here in quebec city
10/25/2017 10:42 PM
sidksv :
For this week I prefer the hacknight on Friday.
10/26/2017 3:24 PM
dj_mini :
is there a hacknight this week ?
10/26/2017 4:46 PM
armin :
Is there a hacknight today?
10/26/2017 8:52 PM
naoto :
is there?
10/26/2017 9:11 PM
yannick :
I can't make it tonight. I'll be there next week (or tomorrow if people would rather switch)
10/26/2017 10:21 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> My schedule changed as well. I booked the conference room 3 that you can use
10/26/2017 10:21 PM
ray_cassani :
isn't tomorrow for this week?
10/27/2017 12:28 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Friday instead?
10/27/2017 1:20 PM
yannick :
fred-simard are you joining us tonight? I�d love to get started on DL + EEG like we discussed previously.
10/27/2017 3:14 PM
fred-simard :
yannick I need to know ahead of time. I want to participate to hacknights, but I can't commit to an unregular schedule.
10/27/2017 3:15 PM
fred-simard :
more generally, I'm down to work on DN + EEG
10/27/2017 7:23 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Tickets are selling quickly for the AI and Neuroscience conference. Purchase them as soon as possible
10/27/2017 7:23 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
For those in Montreal, there will be a AI and Neuroscience conference happening from November 18-21 Tickets are selling out quick, so reserve today
10/27/2017 7:29 PM
armin :
There is also an interesting talk on Nov 2: https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/channels/event/wilder-penfield-lecture-2017-deep-learning-268630
10/27/2017 7:30 PM
armin :
Wilder Penfield Lecture 2017: Deep Learning by Yoshua Bengio at MNI
10/30/2017 4:36 PM
ben.cuthbert :
I see that this is already full- I'll have to hope for next year! It's not clear to me whether the talks/workshops will be in French or English?
10/30/2017 4:36 PM
ben.cuthbert :
I see that this is already full- I'll have to hope for next year! It's not clear to me whether the talks/workshops will be in French or English?
10/31/2017 6:24 PM
crocodoyle :
I think the deep learning one is going to be in English. Source: I'm helping
10/31/2017 6:52 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Which day this week do you want to Hacknights? Thursday or Friday?
10/31/2017 6:59 PM
sidksv :
10/31/2017 7:09 PM
naoto :
thursday - can you make a poll sydneyneurotechx?
10/31/2017 7:15 PM
eferdinand :
10/31/2017 8:14 PM
armin :
Friday if we can change the time from 6:30 to earlier like 4:30 it would be good
10/31/2017 8:35 PM
fred-simard :
I can only do friday and probably 1 week out of 2
10/31/2017 10:15 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
So we make it this Friday then? Cool with everyone?
11/1/2017 3:35 PM
ray_cassani :
Friday sounds good
11/1/2017 8:51 PM
fred-simard :
Hey fortin.pasc, can't help but notice that you found your way to the Montreal channel.
11/1/2017 8:50 PM
fred-simard :
It will take me 2 weeks to adapt my schedule, but I should be able to show up November 16th. Shall we begin the Deep Learning Project? yannick
11/1/2017 9:10 PM
fortin.pasc :
yes, Yannick pointed me here. My schedule is a bit all over the place but I am hoping to join the meet ups every now and then.
11/1/2017 9:11 PM
fortin.pasc :
not this week though
11/2/2017 12:21 AM
fred-simard :
no rush, participate when you can, it's not a cult ;), but the slack is already a good source of information
11/2/2017 2:34 PM
melanie :
hey all! thought you might be interested : https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/montreal-eeg-research-days-tickets-39194359384
11/3/2017 5:26 PM
yannick :
ray_cassani you coming tonight?
11/3/2017 5:40 PM
ray_cassani :
yes I'm
11/3/2017 6:43 PM
yannick :
I have the Muse Glasses with me and I wanted to try Alex B. P300 experiment. Let�s Nerd Out.
11/3/2017 10:02 PM
yannick :
I might be few minutes late. We're in the conf room
11/3/2017 10:03 PM
yannick :
There is an event going on at D3
11/3/2017 10:26 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
It's the window conference room
11/3/2017 10:29 PM
yannick :
Which onw is that?
11/3/2017 10:29 PM
yannick :
They all have windows
11/3/2017 10:29 PM
eferdinand :
the one next to the window 😛
11/3/2017 10:29 PM
yannick :
The big one?
11/3/2017 10:30 PM
eferdinand :
NTX always big
11/5/2017 7:23 PM
fred-simard :
yannick Regarding the deep net hands-on you suggested. Did you have a framework in mind? and a dataset?
11/5/2017 7:55 PM
yannick :
Nope, that�s what HackNights are for 🙂 Finding what toys we want to play with
11/5/2017 8:39 PM
fred-simard :
Sounds good, I'll try to stay naive then. I'll show up Nov 17, if you start ahead, let me know and I'll make sure to keep up on my own.
11/5/2017 8:40 PM
fred-simard :
Side note, I plan on doing it in python, but that shouldn't restrain anyone from trying something else.
11/5/2017 8:49 PM
yannick :
I�ll also be Pythoning.
11/7/2017 4:29 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> Friday or Thursday this week?
11/7/2017 4:32 PM
sidksv :
11/7/2017 4:32 PM
eferdinand :
11/7/2017 9:21 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
What is the difference between the red and green line?
11/8/2017 2:01 PM
ntremblay :
Hello all, any update about the Hacknight this week, Thursday or Friday?
11/8/2017 7:20 PM
eferdinand :
I'm more leaning towards Friday. depends on what the other members prefer <!channel>
11/8/2017 9:22 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Flexible to both
11/8/2017 9:22 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Should we just stick with Friday?
11/8/2017 9:56 PM
ray_cassani :
Both days are fine for me
11/8/2017 11:54 PM
fred-simard :
I'm looking into the effect of various bias circuit configuration. Red and green arr two different circuits.
11/9/2017 12:05 AM
eferdinand :
Yes sydneyneurotechx i guess Friday is better
11/9/2017 12:43 AM
ntremblay :
So Friday this week?
11/9/2017 5:02 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
11/9/2017 5:02 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Booked it for Friday
11/9/2017 6:13 PM
sidksv :
11/9/2017 6:16 PM
sidksv :
<!channel> hoping to see some Jedis tomorrow night.
11/10/2017 12:31 PM
fortin.pasc :
Hey, I am thinking of joining you guys tonight. Can I have more details for the location/time.
11/10/2017 4:34 PM
crocodoyle :
I think it's usually like
11/10/2017 4:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
11/10/2017 4:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
District 3 innovation center
11/10/2017 4:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
1250 guy Street
11/10/2017 4:56 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Room 600
11/10/2017 4:57 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Window conference room :)
11/10/2017 4:58 PM
fortin.pasc :
Great. Is there anything special I should bring other than my laptop? I sadly have no cool neuro-gadgets (yet).
11/10/2017 6:47 PM
yannick :
No need for anything else. Just bring your laptop, your curiosity and your smile 🙂
11/11/2017 1:11 PM
fortin.pasc :
Thank you all for yesterday evening, it was nice meeting you.
11/14/2017 12:45 AM
naoto :
fortin.pasc did you bring your brain at least?
11/14/2017 1:37 AM
fortin.pasc :
Yep! It was a lot of fun.
11/16/2017 1:30 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
See everyone on Friday at 6:30?
11/16/2017 2:20 AM
fred-simard :
i'll be there
11/17/2017 10:46 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I booked the windows conference room
11/17/2017 10:46 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
gotta work on a presentation so I won't be there
11/17/2017 11:42 PM
sidksv :
The same one? They're people in there
11/17/2017 11:43 PM
yannick :
Im getting a coffee. I'll be there in 5 min
11/18/2017 12:54 AM
eferdinand :
Sorry can't make it tonight guys, had to take care of my son he got sick this afternoon...
11/18/2017 1:22 AM
naoto :
is anyone bringing alcohol swabs to MAIN tomorrow? I forgot my stock at the lab
11/18/2017 7:08 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
I will bring some
11/19/2017 1:50 PM
yannick :
Hey, on Friday night, during HackNight, Fred & I started working on Deep Learning for EEG, we started by reproducing this example: https://github.com/pbashivan/EEGLearn
(Creates an image with the features and train a conv net on it.)
Python, Theano & Lasagne.
In 2 weeks (Friday Dec. 1st), we�ll continue EEG DL, reproducing the BrainDecode example(s).
You are welcome to join our journey to develop Deep Learning for EEG skills (we�re also developing our Python skills along the way, since we are both coming from a C/C++ & Matlab background)
Our short term goal is to (1) train a Deep Net to identify blinks in the EEG signal and then (2) train an EEG generator to be able to remove the blink and replace it it fake plausible EEG data. (no end goal or project, just for fun of developing some skills)
11/19/2017 4:59 PM
fred-simard :
yannick It was a blast, thanks for showing my own to setup and work with anaconda, looking forward to dec 1st.
11/19/2017 5:29 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
yannick Theano will stop be supported soon
11/19/2017 5:30 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
11/19/2017 5:36 PM
yannick :
Hey I know. The next example we will reproduce is with Tensorflow and Keras.
11/20/2017 4:25 PM
melanie :
what time do you usually meet?
11/20/2017 8:44 PM
ben.cuthbert :
11/21/2017 2:58 PM
eferdinand :
DO we have a hack-night this Friday?
11/21/2017 9:03 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
6:30 melanie
11/21/2017 9:03 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'm assuming yes eferdinand
11/21/2017 9:03 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'll book 6:30
11/21/2017 10:50 PM
yannick :
I will not be there this week. I will be there next week however.
11/22/2017 2:30 AM
fred-simard :
same here
11/24/2017 5:56 PM
naoto :
I'll probably come
11/24/2017 5:59 PM
yannick :
Who�s going tonight?
(I know that Fred, Ferd & I are not&)
11/24/2017 7:11 PM
ray_cassani :
I'd like to do some tests in the maker space, sydneyneurotechx are you going to the hacknight?
11/24/2017 8:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
ray_cassani yup!
11/24/2017 8:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
I'll be there
11/24/2017 11:42 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> conference room 3