How to get started with eeg-notebooks:
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
cd ~
source ~ /.bash_profile
conda create -n nbmac python=3
conda activate nbmac
conda install python=3.6
conda install git
git clone
cd ~ /eeg-notebooks
pip install -r requirements_mac.txt
fix pygatt code by replacing with patched version with bug commented out on lines 168-170:
cp ~ /eeg-notebooks/ ~ /miniconda3/envs/nbmac/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygatt/backends/bgapi/
For the “conda create” command, you will be asked to type “y” to confirm that yes, you wish to install the required packages
The above packages may take ~5-10 minutes to install
Ignore the warning that muselsl is not compatible with pygatt version 3.2.0
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
mkdir ~ /.jupyter/
jupyter notebook password
You will then be asked to enter a password. Leave it blank. After pressing , you will be asked to confirm your blank password
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
echo " backend: TkAgg" > ~ /.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
Working with eeg-notebooks
Turn on your MUSE device
Connect the Bluetooth dongle to the USB port of your Mac
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
conda activate nbmac
cd ~ /eeg-notebooks/notebooks
jupyter notebook
Open mac_notebook.ipynb or cueing.ipynb in the browser
The rest of the instructions for running experiments and analyzing data are in the mac_notebook.ipynb or cueing.ipynb notebook