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Circuit Synthesis


Netlist generation requires Synopsys Design Compiler or Yosys-ABC synthesis tools.

Manual for Synopsys Design Compiler

Compile library

[This part is mentioned only for documentation and it is already done, please skip.]

Go to circuit_synthesis/lib/dff_full and compile the library:

	$ cd circuit_synthesis/lib/dff_full
	$ ./compile

Advanced detailed: Let's suppose that our_lib.lib is located in /path/to/our_lib.

  • Go inside /path/to/our_lib and run:
	$ lc_shell
	lc_shell> set search_path [concat /path/to/our_lib/]
	lc_shell> read_lib our_lib.lib
	lc_shell> write_lib our_lib -format db
	lc_shell> exit

[Note: commands starting with "lc_shell>" should be called inside lc_shell. Please ignore "lc_shell>" for them].

Compile a benchmark

Go inside circuit_synthesis/benchmark, where benchmark is the name of the function and compile the benchmark to generate the netlist:

	$ cd benchmark
	$ ./compile

You can edit benchmark.dcsh file to change synthesis parameters.

Advanced detailed: Let's suppose that our_lib.db is compiled and located in /path/to/our_lib and benchmark.v is located in /path/to/benchmark/.

  • Go to /path/to/benchmark/ and run:
	$ design_vision
	design_vision> elaborate benchmark -architecture verilog -library DEFAULT -update
	design_vision> set_max_area -ignore_tns 0
	design_vision> set_flatten false -design *
	design_vision> set_structure -design * false
	design_vision> set_resource_allocation area_only
	design_vision> report_compile_options
	design_vision> compile -ungroup_all -boundary_optimization  -map_effort high -area_effort high -no_design_rule
	design_vision> write -hierarchy -format verilog -output benchmark_syn.v
	design_vision> exit

It creates benchmark_syn.v in the current directory. [Note: commands starting with "design_vision>" should be called inside design_vision. Please ignore "design_vision>" for them.]

Counting number of gates

You can use script/ to count the number of gates in the generated netlist file. For counting gates in /path/to/benchmark/benchmark_syn.v, simply run:

	$ script/ /path/to/benchmark/benchmark_syn.v

Manual for Yosys

Here is how to compile a verilog file named "benchmark.v" using the custom library "asic_cell.lib". We assume that the files are inside a folder named "Synthesis_yosys-abc" inside the "yosys" directory. The final output will be written in "benchmark_syn.v"

	$ cd ~/yosys
	$ ./yosys
	yosys> read_verilog Synthesis_yosys-abc/benchmark.v
	yosys> hierarchy -check -top benchmark
	yosys> proc; opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap; opt;
	yosys> abc -liberty Synthesis_yosys-abc/asic_cell_extended.lib
	yosys> opt
	yosys> write_verilog Synthesis_yosys-abc/benchmark_syn.v
	yosys> exit

[Note: commands starting with "yosys>" should be called inside design_vision. Please ignore "yosys>" for them.]