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Draft: Naming convention for CCPP suites

ligiabernardet edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 10 revisions

DRAFT Rules for Naming Suites

The CCPP Physics contains physical parameterizations, which are used by host models in suites. This page describes the naming convention used for the CCPP v6 public release.

  • Keep suite name as short strings, but have robust documentation about attributes (in CCPP scientific and Technical documentation)
  • Avoid institution name to be more collaborative
  • Clearly convey what is developmental, operational, and post-operational. Post-operational refers to a suite that is used in an operational model but whose content (that is, the actual physical parameterizations code) has marched ahead of what was used in operations. Use the following prefixes to denote the type of suite:
    • Developmental: dev
    • Operational: op
    • Post-operational: plus
  • For UFS-related suites, clearly convey association of a suite with a particular UFS forecast application (if available)
    • If the suite is associated with a particular UFS forecast application
      • Use forecast application name and version in suite name (without underscore or hyphen between application name and application version). Use the Greek alphabet (alpha, beta, etc.) to indicate evolution, that is, how a developmental suite evolves before it is implemented.
    • Else
      • Use distinctive characteristic in suite name
    • Endif
  • Additional decorators may be used to designate variations


  • When will these rules go into effect?

    They will go into effect for the CCPP v6 release planned for June 2022.

  • What are some of the possible "additional decorators" mentioned in the rules?

    coupled (to designate a variant for a coupled model), and ens (to designate an ensemble member)

  • Following this naming convention, what will the names of the suites supported with CCPP v6 be?

    The supported suites will be

    • Operational suites
      • None
    • Post-operational suites
      • plus_GFSv16: suite used in GFS v16 with schemes whose code has been advanced since operational implementation
    • Developmental suites
      • dev_GFSv17_alpha: developmental suite planned for GFS v17, first instantiation (alpha)
      • dev_GFSv17_coupled_alpha: developmental suite planned for GFS v17, first instantiation (alpha)
      • dev_RRFSv1_beta: developmental suite planned for RRFS v1, second instantiation (beta)
      • dev_RRFSv1_beta: developmental suite planned for RRFS v1, second instantiation (beta)
      • dev_WoFSv1_alpha: developmental suite planned for WoFS v1, first instantiation (alpha)
      • dev_HRRR: developmental suite analogous to the NOAA operational HRRR model
      • dev_RAP: developmental suite analogous to the NOAA operational RAP model