v0.1.8 2020-06-20 Added support for inline style attributes. v0.1.7 2020-05-31 Fix regex compatibility issue with PHP < 7.3. v0.1.6 2020-05-23 Fix issue with 'icon' or 'fa' in the middle of a class name. v0.1.5 2020-04-28 Fix placeholder icon sizing for referenced instances. v0.1.4 2020-04-05 Added compatibility with Tailwind CSS class naming. v0.1.3 2019-08-14 Fixed issues with icon width for custom icons. Fixed conflict with Advanced Page Cache - caching no longer breaks icons. v0.1.2 2019-08-12 Fixed issues with icon with in Chrome/Chromium. v0.1.1 2019-08-09 Fixed exception that occurred when there were no icons to replace. v0.1.0 2019-08-08 Implemented embedding of Font Awesome icons and custom icons. Added methods for including custom icons in pages.