Mockgen is an utility for testify which generates the mundane mock initialisation code such as:
- mock classes of all services of a struct;
- type-safe setup methods (
); AssertExpectations
for all services of a struct.
Install the CLI for code generation
go get
//go:generate mockgen impl1:Impl1Service
package mocking
import (
type impl1 struct {
ser1 pkg1.Service1_1
ser2 pkg2.Service2_1
type Impl1Service interface {
func (i *impl1) Foo() {
i.ser1.Foo("string", 12)
i.ser2.Foo("string1", "string2")
This will generate quite a lot of code, so please go to mock_gen_test.go to see what is actually generated.
Unlimited number of services can be passed for generation.
A single entry may be structType
or structType:interfaceType
mockgen service1:Service1 service2:Service2 service3:Service3
Generate mocks for service1, service2 and service3 with interfaces.
mockgen service1:Service1 service2
Generate a mock for service1 with its interface; Generate a mock for service2 without an interface.
Command go mod tidy
will remove the reference of Mockgen by default. In order to keep the reference create a dummy file somewhere and import a dummy type.
package pkg
import ""
var _ mockgen.Reference