diff --git a/docs/Contributor-Quick-Start.md b/docs/Contributor-Quick-Start.md
index 1125e5219de..47a74883610 100644
--- a/docs/Contributor-Quick-Start.md
+++ b/docs/Contributor-Quick-Start.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
## Required Tools
-* Java 11 JDK (e.g. [OpenJDK 11 from AdoptOpenJDK](https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html?variant=openjdk11&jvmVariant=hotspot))
+* Java 17 JDK (e.g. [OpenJDK 17 from Adoptium (Eclipse Foundation)](https://adoptium.net/en-GB/temurin/releases/?version=17&package=jdk&arch=x64&os=any))
* Git Client (e.g. [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) or [GitKraken](https://www.gitkraken.com/))[1](#f1)
* IDE (e.g. [IntelliJ](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download)[2](#f2))
@@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ You can read through the intro topics for more details on exactly how to set up
3 To get all modules that are part of our release, grab the "omega" line-up instead. Please note, that this line-up requires more memory and time for compilation and start-up. Check our `Index` repo to see all available [line-ups](https://github.com/Terasology/Index/tree/master/distros). [↩](#a3)
-4 Please note, that both `gradlew` and `groovyw` are scripts locally present in your workspace root directory. On *nix systems, you can execute them from within the root directory by prefixing them with `./`. [↩](#a4)
\ No newline at end of file
+4 Please note, that both `gradlew` and `groovyw` are scripts locally present in your workspace root directory. On *nix systems, you can execute them from within the root directory by prefixing them with `./`. [↩](#a4)