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Capslock Keybindings


This is my preferred custom set of keybindings to make use of the capslock and remap the arrow keys to JKLI and more.


Caps + Result
J K L I ← ↓ → ↑
U O Home / End
H ; Backspace / Delete
D F PageUp / PageDown
M Escape

As well as all the combinations with ctrl/shift/alt.


The script is in the Autohotkey folder and requires Autohotkey (v1) to run.
You can also get a compiled exe in the releases section.

Additional Hotkeys

  • Caps + T: open/focus cmd.
  • Win + ': suspend/unsuspend the hotkeys.

Automatic Startup

To automatically start the script at login, open Run (win + r) and write shell:startup, then copy a shortcut of the file there.

For the hotkeys to work in an elevated environment, the script has to be ran as administrator.

To do this automatically at startup, either:
Right-click the exe, go to Properties > Compatibility > Run this program as admin and prompt UAC every time, or use taskschd.msc instead of shell:startup like so:

  • Open Run and write taskschd.msc.
  • Create task.
  • Check "Run with highest privilges".
  • In the Triggers tab, add a new "At log on" trigger.
  • In the Actions tab, add a new "Start a program" action and select the script's exe.


The scripts are in the Autokey folder and require Autokey to be installed.
Place the CapsKeybinds folder in ~/.config/autokey/data/ and run Autokey.


The scripts use the hyper key for the hotkeys. So you have to remap capslock to be used as a hyper key.
You should be able to find a way by searching this for your distro.

Here is a way to do it in Ubuntu:


  • Install the GNOME Tweak Tool (GNOME Tweaks)
  • "Keyboard & Mouse"
  • "Additional Layout Options"
  • "Caps Lock behavior"
  • "Make Caps Lock an additional Hyper"

A problem that may occur is that Super + L is the Lockscreen shortcut, So if Hyper and Super are the same, Caps + L will trigger the lockscreen.
If such is the case, you can either disable the lockscreen shortcut in settings, or try to fix the hyper/super problem.

You can see the keyboard modifier maps by typing xmodmap in the terminal.
The problem is there if hyper and super are both mod4.
To move hyper to mod3:

  • Make this file ~/.xmodmap with the following content:
remove mod4 = Hyper_L
add mod3 = Hyper_L
  • Now we have to type xmodmap ~/.xmodmap in the terminal to run these commands. To do this automatically at login:

    • Open Startup Applications
    • Add a new item with the following as the command:
/bin/bash -c "sleep 10 && xmodmap ~/.xmodmap"

For more info, this will add a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart