Gradle 8, AGP 8.1.1
Fix: Sample app displayed wrong provider version
Internal: Introduced gitflow process
Upgrade repo and all dependencies to SDK 34, Android X (#83) and others.
Documented Timber linting behaviour and solution (#69).
Upgraded all builds to Gradle 7.x to work correctly with Android Studio Giraffe (2022.3.1)
- Added additional RaygunClient.init() entry point to make usage from within cross-platform libraries more accessible (#72)
- Debug build of the sample app now includes LeakCanary
- Fixes for an issue with breadcrumb processing (#64) and improved general parsing of the stack trace
- Fixes inability to use CrashReporingOnBeforeSend interface due to wrong visibility (#63)
- Safeguard against slightly obscure "out of files" scenario that can cause File.listFiles() to return null (#62)
- General improvements to the sample app:
- Refactoring of sample app into its own namespace
- Samples for breadcrumb handling
- Samples for intercepting the crash reporting data
- Minor internal changes to memory handling
- Linting cleanup
- API changes for setting and working with custom data: the field userCustomData is now being referred to as customData. This is reflected in API method changes.
- Documentation for both Raygun4Android Gradle tasks
- Added Timber 4.7.1 dependency for debug/prod logging
v4.0.0-beta2: This is a major release and has a variety of breaking changes, depending on your use cases. This is an overview of the most important and visible changes:
- The Maven groupID for loading RG4A has changed to com.raygun.
- The build process now uses Gradle, the Maven build process has been removed without replacement.
- Project setup optimised for Android Studio 3.1+:
- app module build sample app
- provider module is an Android Library project and creates .aar artifacts
- Various improvements to sample app
- The background services are now a JobIntentService to better deal with background limitations in Android 8+. This will behave as a Service on Android 7 and earlier devices.
- Sending POST data to the Raygun backend has been refactored to using Okhttp3. RG4A therefore has a new implementation dependency on this library.
- Build requirements have been updated to compileSDK 28 and minSDK 16+.
- There is a new convenience constructor on RaygunUserInfo to create a user object that only has an identifier.
- All deprecated functionality from 3.x has been removed.
- Custom endpoints are supported now.
- You can change the default of 64 reports being stored to a lower value now.
- General API cleanup and changes to Pulse -> all renamed RUM now
- Removed uuid field from RaygunUserInfo
- You have to enable individual products now before being able to use them.
- Changes to RUM and Pulse APIs
- The post() functions in RaygunClient have been removed.
v3.0.6: Fixed null reference exception when building crash report messages. We now send messages using a JobIntentService to improve compatibility with the latest Android versions. IMPORTANT: Support for API versions 9 to 15 has been discontinued from this release due to that.
v3.0.5: Fixing timing issue from ConnectivityManager in RaygunPostService (#41), adding null checks around intent extras being null that should never be null (XRAY-1898)
v3.0.4: Fixing NPE in RaygunPostService (#34, PR #37); RaygunErrorMessage can now accept any Throwable (PR #33); Pulse now checks for connectivity (PR #38)
v3.0.3: Bug fix: removing println from code (PR #36)
v3.0.2: Allowing all properties of the RaygunMessageDetails to be modifiable during the onBeforeSend callback.
v3.0.1: Update sample app in repository to remove usage of deprecated methods on RaygunClient
v3.0.0: Add support for Pulse for Mobile (automatic network call tracking etc)
v2.1.1: Added MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED intent receiver and guard against spurious null Context seen on some devices when checking net connection
v2.1.0: Add OnBeforeSend implementation; expose setGroupingKey
v2.0.0: Replace deprecated Apache HTTP library with HttpUrlConnection; change packaging format to AAR for Android Studio/Gradle compatibility
v1.3.0: Provide device network connectivity state under Request section; aAdded RaygunClient.SetTags() and SetUserCustomData() to provide objects that will be attached to all exceptions
v1.2.1: Fix: only distinct device IPs are transmitted
v1.2.0: Added device IP data (shown in the 'Request' tab in the Raygun dashboard)
v1.1.0: Add new user info properties, bump Gson to 2.2.4
v1.0.5: Guard against a spurious NullPointerException caused by the posting service
v1.0.4: JSON payload now encoded in UTF-8, fixes issues with post-ASCII chars (e.g Cyrillic) were displayed as '?' in Raygun dashboard
v1.0.3: Improved version tracking support
v1.0.2: Added SetUser method for unique user tracking/customers.
v1.0.1: Added caching of messages to disk when network unavailable & post them when it becomes available again; several bug fixes relating to the posting service. This version is recommended; do not use 1.0.0.
v1.0.0: Completed initial version with background service for performing posting, API key read from AndroidManifest and more.
v0.0.1: Initial release with basic functionality.