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executable file
533 lines (481 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
533 lines (481 loc) · 27.6 KB

0.9.5 (2019-09-21)

Bug Fixes

  • core: issue with cache in the Entries API - fetchAll method #234 2779777
  • core: issue with emitter twig function #234 426a073
  • core: issue with empty entries folder Entries API - fetchAll method #234 cf61f2d
  • core: issue with Cache ID for Themes list #234 594f4a3
  • admin-plugin: issue with active button styles on Themes Manager page #234 434f336
  • admin-plugin: issue with emitter twig function #234 806b18e
  • admin-plugin: Russian translations #233
  • site-plugin: notice for undefined $query['format'] #234 8bde8eb

Code Refactoring

  • core: remove $response from Forms render method #234
  • core: add property forms to Flextype\EntriesController #234


Changed emitter execution in the templates


{{ emitter.emit('EVENT_NAME') }}


{% do emitter.emit('EVENT_NAME') %}

0.9.4 (2019-09-11)


  • Flextype Core: Add ability to work with different types of content #212 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add new filter tr for I18nTwigExtension #186
  • Flextype Core: Add MARKDOWN, YAML and JSON parsers. #212 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add YamlTwigExtension #186
  • Flextype Core: Add ResponseTime Middleware #186
  • Flextype Core: Add UUID (universally unique identifier) for all entries #197 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add message for Glide if image not found #189 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add victorjonsson/markdowndocs for generating markdown-formatted class documentation #186
  • Flextype Core: Add custom callable resolver, which resolves PSR-15 middlewares. #213 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add git commit message convention. #186
  • Flextype Core: Add AuthMiddleware globally #201 #186
  • Flextype Core: Add new twig options debug charset cache #186
  • Flextype Core: Add new field tags #186
  • Flextype Core: Add new field datetimepicker #186
  • Flextype Core: Add block for all direct access to .md files in .htaccess #186
  • Flextype Core: Add block access to specific file types for these user folders in .htaccess #186
  • Flextype Core: Add new option date_display_format #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Add Trumbowyg view html code #193 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Add tail section for base.html template #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Add new event onAdminThemeFooter in base.html template #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Add ability to set published_at, created_at for site entries #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Add ability to set created_by, published_by for site entries #186
  • Flextype Site Plugin: Add ability to get query params inside twig templates #186
  • Flextype Site Plugin: Add ability to get entries in JSON Format #186
  • Flextype Default Theme: Add ability to work with tags for default theme #186


  • Flextype Core: Fix ShortcodesTwigExtension issue with null variables #186
  • Flextype Core: Fix issue with bind_where expression for Entries fetchAll method #186
  • Flextype Core: Fix issue with and_where expression for Entries fetchAll method #186
  • Flextype Core: Fix issue with or_where expression for Entries fetchAll method #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Fix dark theme for admin panel #186 #168


  • Flextype Core: Moving to PHP 7.2 #198 #186
  • Flextype Core: JsonParserTwigExtension renamed to JsonTwigExtension #186
  • Flextype Core: Twig json_parser_decode renamed to json_decode #186
  • Flextype Core: Twig json_parser_encode renamed to json_encode #186
  • Flextype Core: Default theme - update assets building process and GULP to 4.X.X #206 #186
  • Flextype Core: Default theme - theme.json converted to theme.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Core: Default theme - settings.json converted to settings.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Core: Site entries move from JSON to FRONTMATTER (MD) #212 #186
  • Flextype Core: Entries - use getDirTimestamp for fetchAll method #212 #186
  • Flextype Core: Entries - change private _file_location() to public getFileLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Entries - change private _dir_location() to public getDirLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - change private _file_location() to public getFileLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - change private _dir_location() to public getDirLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Fieldsets - change private _file_location() to public getFileLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Fieldsets - change private _dir_location() to public getDirLocation() #186
  • Flextype Core: Update .gitignore
  • Flextype Core: Update copyrights information
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor flextype-components/filesystem to 2.0.6
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor flextype-components/date to 1.1.0
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor zeuxisoo/slim-whoops to 0.6.5
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor doctrine/collections to 1.6.2
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor slim/slim to 3.12.2
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor respect/validation to 1.1.31
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor monolog/monolog to 2.0.0
  • Flextype Core: Update vendor symfony/yaml to 4.3.4
  • Flextype Site Plugin: settings.json converted to settings.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Site Plugin: plugin.json converted to plugin.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Site Plugin: en_US.json and ru_RU.json converted to en_US.yaml and ru_RU.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Settings page improvements #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Installation page improvements #194 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entries editor page improvements #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: settings.json converted to settings.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: plugin.json converted to plugin.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: en_US.json and ru_RU.json converted to en_US.yaml and ru_RU.yaml #201 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: JS decoupled in partials from base.html #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: field editor changed to html #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: improve admin settings page #186


  • Flextype Core: Remove date field #196 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Remove save button on the media page #225 #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Remove unused css code #186
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Remove unused js code #186

0.9.3 (2019-07-07)


  • Flextype Core: Entries - issue with binding arguments inside method fetchAll() - fixed. #182
  • Flextype Core: Entries - issue with possible boolean false result from Filesystem::getTimestamp() inside method fetchAll() - fixed. #182
  • Flextype Core: Entries - issue with possible boolean false result from Filesystem::getTimestamp() inside method fetch() - fixed. #182
  • Flextype Admin Panel: critical issue with possibility to register two admins! - fixed. #183 #182
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Left Navigation - active state for Templates area - fixed. #182
  • Flextype Default Theme: issue with TypeError: undefined is not an object for lightbox - fixed. #182
  • Flextype Default Theme: fix thumbnail image for Default Theme #182

0.9.2 (2019-07-06)


  • Flextype Default Theme: pagination for blog entries added. #164 #165
  • Flextype Default Theme: New templates for entry Gallery - added. #165
  • Flextype Core: New Shortcode [registry_get] - added. #165
  • Flextype Core: New entry Gallery - added. #165
  • Flextype Core: New fieldsets for entry Gallery - added. #165
  • Flextype Core: Doctrine Collections - added. #175 #165
  • Flextype Core: GlobalVarsTwigExtension - new variable - PHP_VERSION - added. #165
  • Flextype Core: FilesystemTwigExtension - new function filesystem_get_files_list added. #165
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - new snippet google-analytics added. #165
  • Flextype Core: Fieldsets Content - menu_item_target fixed. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Show nice message if there is no items for current area. #158 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Tools - added. #170 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Tools - Cache area added. #170 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Tools - Registry area added. #170 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Themes manager added. #171 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: New Translates added. #165


  • Flextype Core: All Twig Extensions - refactored and updated. #165
  • Flextype Core: Entries - new params $id and $args for fetchAll() method. #165
  • Flextype Core: Entries - fetching methods updated and ready to work with Collections. #175 #165
  • Flextype Core: Snippets Shortcode - renamed snippets_fetch to snippets_exec. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entires - improved styles for fieldsets tabs. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entires - styles for Fieldsets tabs improved #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel & Flextype Core: Settings improvements #153 #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entries - show entry slug if entry default field is empty. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Stay on current page after saving. #155 #165


  • Flextype Core & Admin and Default theme: wrong emmiter_emmit renamed to correct emitter_emit #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entries - issues with hardcoded admin url - fixed. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entries - PATH_FIELDSETS used instead of hardcoded path. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: fix all tabs state for Fieldsets, Snippets, Templates areas. #165
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Entries - move functionality issues #179 #165


  • Flextype Admin Panel: Left Navigation - documentation link - removed #165

0.9.1 (2019-06-18)


  • Flextype Admin Panel: new setting route added to customize admin base route. #154
  • Flextype Core: GlobalVarsTwigExtension - new global constant PATH_FIELDSETS added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Entries API - public property $entry added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Entries API - public property $entries added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Entries API - new event onEntryAfterInitialized added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Entries API - new event onEntriesAfterInitialized added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Shortcodes - EntriesShortcode added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Shortcodes - BaseUrlShortcode added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - SnippetsTwigExtension: snippets_exec() added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - [snppets_fetch] shortcode added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - _exec_snippet() method added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - exec() method added. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - added ability to access $flextype and $app inside snippets. #154
  • Flextype Core: GlobalVarsTwigExtension FLEXTYPE_VERSION added. #154
  • Flextype Site Plugin: public property $entry added. #154
  • Flextype Site Plugin: new event onSiteEntryAfterInitialized added. #154


  • Flextype Core: Entries API - fetchALL() issue with fetching entries recursively fixed. #154 #161


  • Flextype Site: code refactoring. #154
  • Flextype Admin Panel: code refactoring. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - from now we will set prefix bind_ for all variables. #154


  • Flextype Core: Entries API - remove unused Shortcodes code from method fetch() #162
  • Flextype Core: Shortcodes - SiteUrlShortcode removed. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - SnippetsTwigExtension: snippet removed. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - [snippets] shortcode removed. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - _display_snippet() method removed. #154
  • Flextype Core: Snippets - - display() method removed. #154
  • Flextype Core: GlobalVarsTwigExtension flextype_version removed. #154

0.9.0 (2019-06-14)


  • Flextype Core: Slim Framework Integration!
  • Flextype Core: Twig Template Engine Integration!
  • Flextype Core: Whoops Error Handler Integration!
  • Flextype Core: Monolog library Integration!
  • Flextype Core: Slugify library Integration!
  • Flextype Core: Complete Glide/Intervention Image Implemented for Image manipulation on fly!
  • Flextype Core: New Event handler from The League of Extraordinary Packages for better event handling.
  • Flextype Core: New Entries API
  • Flextype Core: New Fieldsets API
  • Flextype Core: New Snippets API
  • Flextype Core: New Plugins API
  • Flextype Core: New JSON Parser instead of old YAML Parser.
  • Flextype Core: Using new languages files format and JSON extension instead of YAML.
  • Flextype Core: Using JSON extension instead of YAML for all kind of data to store.
  • Flextype Core: New CSRF service for better cross-site request forgery protection.
  • Flextype Core: composer.json ext-json and ext-mbstring added into require section.
  • Flextype Core: composer.json suggest section added.
  • Flextype Core: composer.json: apcu-autoloader added for APCu cache as a fallback for the class map.
  • Flextype Site: New plugin Site added.
  • Flextype Core: Respect Validation - The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP - added.
  • Flextype Admin Panel: New admin panel plugin based on Slim Framework.
  • Flextype Admin Panel: Fieldset Sections(groups) added.
  • Flextype Admin Panel: New Field types - select, editor (instead of html)


  • Flextype Core: Thunderer Shortcodes don't parse fields by default, need to use filter.
  • Flextype Core: Thunderer Shortcodes updated to 0.7.2.
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Components Arr updated to 1.2.5
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Components Number updated to 1.1.0
  • Admin Panel: Bootstrap updated to 4.3.1
  • Admin Panel: Codemirror updated to 5.43.0
  • Admin Panel: Trumbowyg updated to 2.18.0
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - locales list - improvements!


  • Admin Panel: Translates fixes.
  • Admin Panel: Issue with js error for codemirror - fixed.
  • Flextype Core: Plugins API - issue with plugins list fixed.


  • Flextype Admin Panel: Menus Manager removed.
  • Flextype Core: YAML Parser removed.
  • Flextype Core: Symfony YAML Component removed.
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Token Component removed.
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Notification Component removed.
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Error Handler Component removed.
  • Flextype Core: Flextype Event Component removed.

0.8.3 (2019-01-16)


  • Admin Panel: New Gorgeous Light Theme for Admin panel!
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - ability to change admin panel theme - added.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - Select dropdown for cache driver - added.
  • Flextype Core: Cache - new cache driver Array - added.
  • Flextype Core: Cache - new cache driver SQLite3 - added.
  • Flextype Core: Cache - new cache driver Zend - added.


  • Flextype Core: Symfony Yaml updated to 4.2.2.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - cache settings editing - improvements.
  • Flextype Core: default settings - refactoring.


  • Flextype Core: Cache - issue with selecting current driver_name - fixed.
  • Admin Panel: Dark Theme fixes.
  • Admin Panel: Translates fixes.
  • Admin Panel: Typo fixes.

0.8.2 (2019-01-09)


  • Admin Panel: ClipboardJS added!
  • Admin Panel: Media Manager - Twitter Bootstrap File browser - added.
  • Admin Panel: Snippets Manager: Embeded code info modal added.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - Select dropdown for default entry - added.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - Select dropdown for timezones - added.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - Select dropdown for themes - added.


  • Flextype Core: Text Components updated to 1.1.2.
  • Admin Panel: Entries Manager - upload file size increased to 27000000 bytes.


  • Flextype Core: Default theme - issue with package.json - fixed.
  • Flextype Core: Code fixes according to the phpDocumentor.
  • Flextype Core: Default theme - settings and manifest - fixes.
  • Admin Panel: Translates fixes.

0.8.1 (2019-01-07)


  • Flextype Core: Glide/Intervention Image Implemented for Image manipulation!
  • Flextype Core: Cache - ability to delete glide cache folder added.


  • Flextype Core: Thunderer Shortcode updated to 0.7.0 - over 10x performance and memory usage improvement!
  • Flextype Core: Default settings updates.
  • Flextype Core: Arr Components updated to 1.2.4.
  • Flextype Core: Default theme - Twitter Bootstrap update to 4.2.1
  • Admin Panel: Media Manager - uploader improvements
  • Admin Panel: Menus Manager - menus name are clickable now.
  • Admin Panel: Fieldsets Manager - fieldsets name are clickable now.
  • Admin Panel: Templates Manager - templates and partials name are clickable now.
  • Admin Panel: Snippets Manager - snippets name are clickable now.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - look and feel improvements.
  • Admin Panel: Twitter Bootstrap update to 4.2.1


  • Admin Panel: Snippets Manager - shortcode issue - fixed.
  • Admin Panel: gulpfile - issue with duplicated codemirror - fixed.
  • Admin Panel: Trumbowyg styles fixes.
  • Admin Panel: Plugins Manager - issue with broken homepage url in the Info Modal - fixed.

0.8.0 (2018-12-28)


  • Flextype Core: To improve engine flexibility was decided to use entity name Entries/Entry instead of entity name Pages/Page.
  • Flextype Core: New folder /site/entries/ added.
  • Flextype Core: New entry variable base_url added.
  • Flextype Core: Snippets functionality added.
  • Flextype Core: New constant PATH['snippets'] added for Snippets.
  • Flextype Core: New folder /site/snippets/ added.
  • Flextype Core: Menus functionality added.
  • Flextype Core: New folder /site/menus/ added.
  • Flextype Core: Fieldsets functionality added.
  • Flextype Core: Fallback functionality for settings added.
  • Flextype Core: New settings item accept_file_types added.
  • Flextype Core: Common PHP Overrides added to .htaccess
  • Flextype Core: Custom YamlParser with native support to increase system performance added.
  • Flextype Core: Ability to get hidden entries for method getEntries() added.
  • Flextype Core: New setting options entries.error404 for error404 page added.
  • Admin Panel: Fieldsets Manager added.
  • Admin Panel: Menus Manager added.
  • Admin Panel: Snippets Manager added.
  • Admin Panel: Templates Manager added.
  • Admin Panel: Entries Manager with nice one level tree view for pages list added.
  • Admin Panel: Português locale added.
  • Admin Panel: General - trumbowyg - table plugin added.
  • Flextype new Default Theme with predefined Fieldsets and Entries templates added.


  • Flextype Core: Plugins - Locales Array updated.
  • Flextype Core: Form Components updated to 1.0.2.
  • Flextype Core: Filesystem Components updated to 1.1.5.
  • Flextype Core: Content - used new updated getFilesList() method.
  • Flextype Core: Updated order of params in getEntries() method.
  • Admin Panel: Settings Manager - display only available locales.
  • Admin Panel: Profile Manager - improvements for profile look and feel.
  • Admin Panel: Entries Manager * Form Genetator will not create labels for hidden inputs.
  • Admin Panel: Plugins Manager - Get More Plugins button moved to the right.
  • Admin Panel: General - trumbowyg editor styles updates.
  • Admin Panel: General - trumbowyg updated to 2.13.0
  • Admin Panel: Font Awesome updated to 5.6.3.
  • Admin Panel: General - Messenger moved to to the bottom.
  • Admin Panel: General - updates according to the php template syntax guidelines.
  • Admin Panel: Pages Manager - use defined file types (extensions to be exact) that are acceptable for upload.


  • Flextype Core: Content - Issue with returned value of Arr::sort() fixed.
  • Admin Panel: General - translates fixes.


  • Flextype Core: Blueprints functionality removed.
  • Flextype Core: Pages functionality removed.
  • Flextype Core: Error404 page removed from /site/entries/ folder.
  • Flextype Core: Folder /site/pages/ removed.
  • Flextype Core: Dot from date_format setting removed.
  • Flextype Simple Theme removed.

0.7.4 (2018-12-14)

  • Content: new frontMatterParser() - added
  • Config: set error reporting - false
  • Update theme simple according to the php template syntax guidelines
  • Super heavy "imagine/imagine": "1.2.0" - removed
  • Flextype Component - Errorhandler updated to 1.0.5

0.7.3 (2018-12-13)

  • Content: visibility hidden for pages - added
  • Settings merged into one settings.yaml file
  • Using Imagine library for image manipulation
  • Flextype Component - I18n updated to 1.2.0
  • Flextype Component * Filesystem updated to 1.1.3
  • Symfony YAML - updated to 4.2.1

0.7.2 (2018-11-24)

  • Flextype Component - Cookie updated to 1.2.0
  • Flextype Component * Filesystem updated to 1.1.2

0.7.1 (2018-11-17)

  • Plugins: New method getLocales() added
  • Content: processPage() - ability to ignore content parsing - added.

0.7.0 (2018-11-16)

  • Update Symfony YAML to 4.1.1
  • Update Text Component to 1.1.0
  • Update Session Component to 1.1.1
  • Update Doctrine Cache to 1.8.0
  • Update I18n Component to 1.1.0
  • Update Token Component to 1.2.0
  • Content: field 'published' changed to 'visibility'
  • Plugins: from now no need to add plugin names manually to the site.yaml
  • Plugins: added ability to load plugins settings.yaml file
  • Plugins: from now plugins configurations stored in the plugin-name/settings.yaml file
  • Add system.yaml config file and use it for system configurations
  • Themes: added ability to load themes settings.yaml file
  • Themes: from now themes configurations stored in the theme-name/settings.yaml file

0.6.1 (2018-06-17)

  • Fixed issue with not found pages status code
  • Fixed Singleton classes and methods visibility changed from protected to private
  • Added require vendors versions in composer.json
  • Fixed Simple Theme styles

0.6.0 (2018-06-09)

  • Content: Markdown(Parsedown) parser removed! From now we are using plain HTML + Shortcodes
  • Theme Simple: Cross-site scripting Vulnerabilities fixes
  • Improving main .htaccess
  • Code cleanup and refactoring #5

0.5.0 (2018-06-03)

  • Delete folders: site/data and site/accounts
  • Delete folders: site/blocks and site/cache and site/logs
  • Constants: accounts, blocks, data - removed.
  • Flextype: new method setSiteConfig() added
  • Flextype: new method setErrorHandler() updates
  • Flextype: new method setErrorHandler() added
  • Content: new protected method initParsers()
  • Content: Blocks functionality removed - use Block Plugin
  • Content: Section shortcode removed - use Section plugin
  • Content: Site Url shortcode removed - use Site Url plugin
  • Content: Registry shotcode remobed - use Registry plugin
  • Content: Prevents automatic linking of URLs for Markdown parser
  • Content: Method registerDefaultShortcodes() removed

0.4.4 (2018-05-29)

  • Content: added ability to work with CONTENT SECTIONS with help of shortcodes [section] and [section_create]
  • Content: getPage() method will only return data about requested page and will not insert them in global $page array.
  • Content: events: onPageContentAfter and onPageContentRawAfter was removed from getPage(), use event onCurrentPageBeforeDisplayed instead.
  • Site Config: new items added: robots and description
  • Theme Simple: Using Assets Component for css and js
  • Theme Simple: New head meta added: description, keywords, robots, generator
  • Theme Simple: Meta charset getting from registry site.charset
  • Theme Simple: Fixed issue with broken paths for JS
  • Theme Simple: gulpfile: build process updated
  • Theme Simple: package.json: added gulp-concat and gulp-sourcemaps

0.4.3 (2018-05-28)

  • Content: set text/html request headers for displayCurrentPage() method
  • Content: processCurrentPage() method added
  • Content: event names changed: onPageBeforeRender to onCurrentPageBeforeProcessed
  • Content: event names changed: onPageAfterRender to onCurrentPageAfterProcessed
  • robots.txt file was removed, use Robots plugin instead
  • Code cleanup and refactoring #5

0.4.2 (2018-05-22)

  • Settings: cache.enabled is true from now
  • Content: new methods added: initShortcodes() initMarkdown() markdown()
  • Events: new events added: onMarkdownInitialized and onShortcodesInitialized

0.4.1 (2018-05-20)

  • Fixing issues with cache for getPages() method.
  • Fixing issues with processPage() method.
  • Fixing issues with all public methods in Cache class, from now all methods are static.
  • Setting site.pages.flush_cache was removed from site.yaml file.

0.4.0 (2018-05-16)

  • Using SCSS for Simple theme
  • Using Flextype Form Component
  • Themes: class bug fixes
  • Plugins: access for $locales changed to private
  • Plugins: cache bug fixes
  • New powerful Content class added for working with content instead of Pages, Shortcode, Markdown
  • Content: new page field: published added
  • Content: method for page blocks added
  • Content: cache added for pages and blocks
  • define CONSTANTS in PHP7 style
  • Themes: changing from template() to view()

0.3.0 (2018-05-05)

  • Using Flextype Components instead of Symphony Components
  • Available Flextype Components for developers: Arr, Assets, Cookie, Date, Debug, ErrorHandler, Event, Filesystem, Html, Http, I18n, Notification, Number, Registry, Session, Text, Token, View.
  • Using .yaml files instead of .yml
  • Default theme from now is simple
  • Themes structure is changed. From now main folder for all theme templates and partials is views inside theme folder.
  • Templates moved to /simple/views/templates/ and partials moved to /simple/views/partials/
  • Default template changes from index.php to default.php
  • Plugins templates can be overridden by templates in themes folder.
  • For pages we will not use anymore. From now page file will have a name
  • Config class was removed, from now we will use simple powerful Registry Component to access configurations.
  • Event, Filter, View class was removed. From now we are using more powerful Flextype Components!
  • Fixed issue with getPages() method.
  • Twitter Bootstrap updated to 4.1.0 for default theme.
  • ErrorHandler added with errors logs.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring #5

0.2.1 (2018-03-26)

  • date_format setting added to /site/
  • Pages: Fixed bug with pages sort and slice in getPages() method
  • Pages: Fixed bug with pages list for /pages folder
  • Pages: Fixes for generating page url field
  • Pages: Added ability to create date field automatically for pages if date field is not exists.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring #5

0.2.0 (2018-03-23)

  • Thunderer Shortcode Framework - added
  • Cache Flextype::VERSION for cache key - added
  • flextype/boot/shortcodes.php - removed
  • flextype/boot/events.php - removed
  • Code cleanup and refactoring #5

0.1.0 (2018-03-21)

  • Initial Release