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Find ransomware with advanced hunting
Use advanced hunting to locate devices potentially affected by ransomware.

Hunt for ransomware

[!INCLUDE Microsoft Defender XDR rebranding]

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Defender XDR

Ransomware evolved rapidly from being simple commodity malware affecting individual computer users to an enterprise threat that is severely impacting industries and government institutions. While Microsoft Defender XDR provides many capabilities that detect and block ransomware and associated intrusion activities, performing proactive checks for signs of compromise can help keep your network protected.

Read about human-operated ransomware

With advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender XDR, you can create queries that locate individual artifacts associated with ransomware activity. You can also run more sophisticated queries that can look for signs of activity and weigh those signs to find devices that require immediate attention.

Signs of ransomware activity

Microsoft security researchers have observed various common yet subtle artifacts in many ransomware campaigns launched by sophisticated intruders. These signs mostly involve use of system tools to prepare for encryption, prevent detection, and clear forensic evidence.

Ransomware activity Common tools Intent
Stop processes taskkill.exe, net stop Ensure files targeted for encryption aren't locked by various applications.
Turn off services sc.exe - Ensure files targeted for encryption aren't locked by various applications.
- Prevent security software from disrupting encryption and other ransomware activity.
- Stop backup software from creating recoverable copies.
Delete logs and files cipher.exe, wevtutil, fsutil.exe Remove forensic evidence.
Delete shadow copies vsadmin.exe, wmic.exe Remove drive shadow copies that can be used to recover encrypted files.
Delete and stop backups wbadmin.exe Delete existing backups and stop scheduled backup tasks, preventing recovery after encryption.
Modify boot settings bcdedit.exe Turn off warnings and automatic repairs after boot failures that can be caused by the encryption process.
Turn off recovery tools schtasks.exe, regedit.exe, Turn off System Restore and other system recovery options.

Check for individual signs of ransomware activity

Many activities that constitute ransomware behavior, including the activities described in the preceding section, can be benign. When using the following queries to locate ransomware, run more than one query to check whether the same devices are exhibiting various signs of possible ransomware activity.

Stopping multiple processes using taskkill.exe

This query checks for attempts to stop at least 10 separate processes using the taskkill.exe utility. Run query

// Find attempts to stop processes using taskkill.exe
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "taskkill.exe" 
| summarize taskKillCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), TaskKillList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 2m)
| where taskKillCount > 10

Stopping processes using net stop

This query checks for attempts to stop at least 10 separate processes using the net stop command. Run query

// Find attempts to stop processes using net stop
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "net.exe" and ProcessCommandLine has "stop"
| summarize netStopCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), NetStopList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 2m)
| where netStopCount > 10

Deletion of data on multiple drives using cipher.exe

This query checks for attempts to delete data on multiple drives using cipher.exe. This activity is typically done by ransomware to prevent recovery of data after encryption. Run query

// Look for cipher.exe deleting data from multiple drives
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "cipher.exe" 
// cipher.exe /w flag used for deleting data 
| where ProcessCommandLine has "/w" 
| summarize CipherCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine),
CipherList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 1m) 
// cipher.exe accessing multiple drives in a short timeframe 
| where CipherCount > 1

Clearing of forensic evidence from event logs using wevtutil

This query checks for attempts to clear at least 10 log entries from event logs using wevtutil. Run query

// Look for use of wevtutil to clear multiple logs
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ProcessCommandLine has "WEVTUTIL" and ProcessCommandLine has "CL"
| summarize LogClearCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), ClearedLogList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| where LogClearCount > 10

Turning off services using sc.exe

This query checks for attempts to turn off at least 10 existing services using sc.exe. Run query

// Look for sc.exe disabling services
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ProcessCommandLine has "sc" and ProcessCommandLine has "config" and ProcessCommandLine has "disabled"
| summarize ScDisableCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), ScDisableList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| where ScDisableCount > 10

Turning off System Restore

This query identifies attempts to stop System Restore and prevent the system from creating restore points, which can be used to recover data encrypted by ransomware. Run query

//Pivoting for rundll32  
| where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ 'rundll32.exe'   
//Looking for empty command line   
and InitiatingProcessCommandLine !contains " " and InitiatingProcessCommandLine != ""  
//Looking for schtasks.exe as the created process  
and FileName in~ ('schtasks.exe')  
//Disabling system restore   
and ProcessCommandLine has 'Change' and ProcessCommandLine has 'SystemRestore' 
and ProcessCommandLine has 'disable'

Backup deletion

This query identifies use of wmic.exe to delete shadow copy snapshots prior to encryption. Run query

| where FileName =~ "wmic.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine has "shadowcopy" and ProcessCommandLine has "delete"
| project DeviceId, Timestamp, InitiatingProcessFileName, FileName,
ProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel, InitiatingProcessParentFileName

Check for multiple signs of ransomware activity

Instead of running several queries separately, you can also use a comprehensive query that checks for multiple signs of ransomware activity to identify affected devices. The following consolidated query:

  • Looks for both relatively concrete and subtle signs of ransomware activity
  • Weighs the presence of these signs
  • Identifies devices with a higher chance of being targets of ransomware

When run, this consolidated query returns a list of devices that have exhibited multiple signs of attack. The count of each type of ransomware activity is also shown. To run this consolidated query, copy it directly to the advanced hunting query editor.

// Find attempts to stop processes using taskkill.exe
let taskKill = DeviceProcessEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "taskkill.exe" 
| summarize taskKillCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), TaskKillList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 2m)
| where taskKillCount > 10;
// Find attempts to stop processes using net stop
let netStop = DeviceProcessEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "net.exe" and ProcessCommandLine has "stop"
| summarize netStopCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), NetStopList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 2m)
| where netStopCount > 10;
// Look for cipher.exe deleting data from multiple drives
let cipher = DeviceProcessEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "cipher.exe" 
// cipher.exe /w flag used for deleting data 
| where ProcessCommandLine has "/w" 
| summarize CipherCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), 
CipherList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 1m) 
// cipher.exe accessing multiple drives in a short timeframe 
| where CipherCount > 1;
// Look for use of wevtutil to clear multiple logs
let wevtutilClear = DeviceProcessEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ProcessCommandLine has "WEVTUTIL" and ProcessCommandLine has "CL"
| summarize LogClearCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), ClearedLogList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| where LogClearCount > 10;
// Look for sc.exe disabling services
let scDisable = DeviceProcessEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ProcessCommandLine has "sc" and ProcessCommandLine has "config" and ProcessCommandLine has "disabled"
| summarize ScDisableCount = dcount(ProcessCommandLine), ScDisableList = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| where ScDisableCount > 10;
// Main query for counting and aggregating evidence
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where FileName =~ "vssadmin.exe" and ProcessCommandLine has_any("list shadows", "delete shadows")
or FileName =~ "fsutil.exe" and ProcessCommandLine has "usn" and ProcessCommandLine has "deletejournal"
or ProcessCommandLine has("bcdedit") and ProcessCommandLine has_any("recoveryenabled no", "bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures")
or ProcessCommandLine has "wbadmin" and ProcessCommandLine has "delete" and ProcessCommandLine has_any("backup", "catalog", "systemstatebackup")
or (ProcessCommandLine has "wevtutil" and ProcessCommandLine has "cl") 
or (ProcessCommandLine has "wmic" and ProcessCommandLine has "shadowcopy delete")
or (ProcessCommandLine has "sc" and ProcessCommandLine has "config" and ProcessCommandLine has "disabled")
| extend Bcdedit = iff(ProcessCommandLine has "bcdedit" and ProcessCommandLine has_any("recoveryenabled no", "bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures"), 1, 0)
| extend ShadowCopyDelete = iff (ProcessCommandLine has "shadowcopy delete", 1, 0)
| extend VssAdminShadows = iff(ProcessCommandLine has "vssadmin" and ProcessCommandLine has_any("list shadows", "delete shadows"), 1, 0)
| extend Wbadmin = iff(ProcessCommandLine has "wbadmin" and ProcessCommandLine has "delete" and ProcessCommandLine has_any("backup", "catalog", "systemstatebackup"), 1,0)
| extend Fsutil = iff(ProcessCommandLine has "fsutil" and ProcessCommandLine has "usn" and ProcessCommandLine has "deletejournal", 1, 0)
| summarize FirstActivity = min(Timestamp), ReportId = any(ReportId), Commands = make_set(ProcessCommandLine) by DeviceId, Fsutil, Wbadmin, ShadowCopyDelete, Bcdedit, VssAdminShadows, bin(Timestamp, 6h)
// Joining extra evidence
| join kind=leftouter (wevtutilClear) on $left.DeviceId == $right.DeviceId
| join kind=leftouter (cipher) on $left.DeviceId == $right.DeviceId
| join kind=leftouter (netStop) on $left.DeviceId == $right.DeviceId
| join kind=leftouter (taskKill) on $left.DeviceId == $right.DeviceId
| join kind=leftouter (scDisable) on $left.DeviceId == $right.DeviceId
| extend WevtutilUse = iff(LogClearCount > 10, 1, 0)
| extend CipherUse = iff(CipherCount > 1, 1, 0)
| extend NetStopUse = iff(netStopCount > 10, 1, 0)
| extend TaskkillUse = iff(taskKillCount > 10, 1, 0)
| extend ScDisableUse = iff(ScDisableCount > 10, 1, 0)
// Adding up all evidence
| mv-expand CommandList = NetStopList, TaskKillList, ClearedLogList, CipherList, Commands, ScDisableList
// Format results
| summarize BcdEdit = iff(make_set(Bcdedit) contains "1" , 1, 0), NetStop10PlusCommands = iff(make_set(NetStopUse) contains "1", 1, 0), Wevtutil10PlusLogsCleared = iff(make_set(WevtutilUse) contains "1", 1, 0),
CipherMultipleDrives = iff(make_set(CipherUse) contains "1", 1, 0), Fsutil = iff(make_set(Fsutil) contains "1", 1, 0), ShadowCopyDelete = iff(make_set(ShadowCopyDelete) contains "1", 1, 0),
Wbadmin = iff(make_set(Wbadmin) contains "1", 1, 0), TaskKill10PlusCommand = iff(make_set(TaskkillUse) contains "1", 1, 0), VssAdminShadow = iff(make_set(VssAdminShadows) contains "1", 1, 0), 
ScDisable = iff(make_set(ScDisableUse) contains "1", 1, 0), TotalEvidenceCount = count(CommandList), EvidenceList = make_set(Commands), StartofBehavior = min(FirstActivity) by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 1d)
| extend UniqueEvidenceCount = BcdEdit + NetStop10PlusCommands + Wevtutil10PlusLogsCleared + CipherMultipleDrives + Wbadmin + Fsutil + TaskKill10PlusCommand + VssAdminShadow + ScDisable + ShadowCopyDelete
| where UniqueEvidenceCount > 2

Understand and tweak the query results

The consolidated query returns the following results:

  • DeviceId—identifies the affected device

  • TimeStamp—first time any sign of ransomware activity was observed on the device

  • Specific signs of activity—the count for each sign shown in multiple columns, such as BcdEdit or FsUtil

  • TotalEvidenceCount—number of observed signs

  • UniqueEvidenceCount—number of types of observed signs

    :::image type="content" source="/defender/media/advanced-hunting-ransomware-query.png" alt-text="An example of a consolidated query for a ransomware activity in the Microsoft Defender portal" lightbox="/defender/media/advanced-hunting-ransomware-query.png":::

Query results showing affected devices and counts of various signs of ransomware activity

By default, the query result lists only devices that have more than two types of ransomware activity. To see all devices with any sign of ransomware activity, modify the following where operator and set the number to zero (0). To see fewer devices, set a higher number.

| where UniqueEvidenceCount > 2

More ransomware resources

Key information from Microsoft:

Microsoft 365:

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps:

Microsoft Security team blog posts:

[!INCLUDE Microsoft Defender XDR rebranding]

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