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File metadata and controls

76 lines (54 loc) · 5.03 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing to the App Center documentation!

This guide covers some general topics around contributing and refers out to the Microsoft Docs contributor guide for more detailed explanations.

Internal Contributor Quick Guide


  1. Create a branch on the private mirror. appcenter-docs-pr
  2. Make your changes and open a PR.
  3. Your PR will be automatically built and pass checks.
  4. (Optional) Add reviewers if needed.
  5. Comment #sign-off to indicate your PR is finished. You must wait for any active build or tests to complete.
    • If your PR is tagged qualifies for auto-merge then it's automatically be merged to the master (soon main) branch.
    • If your PR is tagged needs human review then it's double-checked by a maintainer before merging as a precaution against risky updates.
  6. Periodically (often daily) the master (soon main) branch is merged to live.

If you're stuck on any of these steps or have an especially urgent update to publish, ping the maintainer for assistance. (@lucen-ms)

Report bugs or suggest enhancements

Use the feedback tool at the bottom of any article to submit bugs and suggestions.

Quick edit in GitHub

Follow the guidance for quick edits to existing documents in the contributors guide.

Larger edits

Review the guidance for pull requests in the contributors guide.

  1. Before you begin, make sure that your local master branch is up to date with the remote by using git pull --rebase.

  2. Create a branch for your changes in the format alias-functions (e.g. amburns-update-page).

  3. Write your content.

    If it's a new topic, you can use this template file as your starting point. It contains the writing guidelines and also explains the metadata required for each article, such as author information.

    Navigate to the folder that corresponds to the TOC location determined for your article in step 1. That folder contains the Markdown files for all articles in that section. If necessary, create a new folder to place the files for your content.

    For images and other static resources, add them to the subfolder called images. If you're creating a new folder for content, add an images folder to the new folder.

    Be sure to follow the proper Markdown syntax. See the style guide for more information.

    Example structure

  4. Submit a Pull Request (PR) from your branch to MicrosoftDocs/appcenter-docs-pr/master.

    If your PR is addressing an existing issue, add the Fixes {link to issue} keyword to the commit message or PR description, so the issue can be automatically closed when the PR is merged. For more information, see Closing issues via commit messages.

    PR Automation

    There are two tools that run every time you create a PR that you need to pay attention to: Build Status and PR Merger. They work together as follows:

    • Build status will check for any basic quality issues, including spelling and valid links. Fix all these issues before you can go to the next step

    • Once there's a successful build on your PR, PR Merger will assess these validation filters on your changes.

    • If the PR meets all the criteria:

      • it will add the label “qualifies-for-automerge”
      • Once you have reviewed the preview page and are happy with the content, comment #sign-off.
      • Once PRMerger sees the sign-off comment, it adds the ready-to-merge label, confirms the filters were successful, and the build has passed. PRMerger will then proceed to auto-merge this Pull Request and add a label merged-by-prmerger
    • If the PR doesn't meet the criteria:

      • A “needs-human-review" label will be added.
      • The designated pull request reviewers for the repository must review the pull request (right now this is Amy Burns)
      • The reviewer will check the content, particularly for these quality issues listed.
      • If there are issues, they add a comment #hold-off and notify the author to fix.
      • The author will need to fix the issues in a timely manner and add #sign-off when they're happy that the issues are fixed.

    Remember, before signing off any PR, it’s your responsibility to ensure it's had a technical review.

On a certain cadence, we push all commits from the master branch into the live site and then you can see your contribution at the App Center docs site.