- MIT 6.172 lecture15
- insifficient parallesim
- scheduling overhead
- lack of memory bandwidth
- true/false sharing
- CMU 15.418 L2
- Berkeley CS267 L2
ratio of math operations to data access operations in a instruction stream.
因为parallel program的时候,bandwidth是critical resource。大部分cpu op都是bandwidth bound application。
![Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 8.04.09 PM](./Note.assets/Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 8.04.09 PM.png)
actual time to run program
f * t_f + m * t_m = f * t_f * (1 + t_m / t_f * 1 / CI)
larger CI意味着time closer to
machine balance
- CMU 15.418 l4
- Four phases
- decomposition : divide problem into subproblems
- identify dependency
- create at least enouh tasks to keep all execution unit on machine busy.
- paralel slack: 一般创建的task数量是execution capacity的4/8/10倍,为了使更充分的利用硬件资源(thread scheduling)
- 但是也不希望创建过多的task,因为过多的task有较多的overhead(steal,queue)
- programmer负责
- Assignment : assign aubproblem to workers ( parallel threads )
- goal: Balance workload, reduce communication cost
- static assignment, dynamic assignment
- programmer/compiler负责
- 更多信息见【work assignment部分】
- Orchestration: coordinate between worker, communication between thread,atomic,synchronization
- mapping: map worker to hardware
- CMU 15.418 l4
- Berkelet CS267 l1
dependency limit max speedup due to parallisim
speed up will be limited by the fraciton that's not able to parallel
S = fraction of sequential execution
max speed up <
- CMU 15.418 l6
- 实现
使用thread pool的方法实现。create exactly as many worker threads as execution contexts in the machine.
实际的runtime会在第一次调用cilk_spwan的时候启动对应数量的thread。是一种lazy initialization
会先run child,然后再run parent(cilk的实现方法),这样能够避免for loop里启动很多的child,让processor0的queue包含全部的task,其余processor都需要从processor0里steal
cilk plus runtime always run spwawned child.
Berkeley CS 267 L1
concurrent : 多个任务逻辑上(编程抽象上)平行运算,但是实际上可能只是serial exec (multi thread on single core single thread block)
parallel : 多个任务在物理硬件上同时active
distributed : 一个master,多个client,一起工作。但是client并不一定一起计算
2x transistors/chip every 1.5 years
clock rate goes up by x -> raw computing power goes up by
但是增加transistor是有限的,因为有物理限制,还有heat density限制
- Berkeley CS 267 L3
- 知乎
- Roofline An Insightful Visual Performance Model for Floating-Point Programs and Multicore Architectures
Developed by Sam Williams @ Berkeley, lots of citations, become a verb rooflien that model
Idea: application is limited by (1) computation (2) memory bandwidth
Y-axis 是 floating point performance
- 多个roof
- 告知了应该如何优化代码才能获得最大的improvement
- ILP 和SIMD带来提升
- add multiply balance带来提升
X axis 是 operational intensity
machine balance的数值越低,同样的算法适配到硬件上就更容易memory bound
machine balance是computration intensity的threshold
横轴是computational intensiry.
一般是 5-10 FLops/Bytes
Haswell : 10 Flops/Byte
KNL : 7 Flops/Bytes
- data movement
使用compulsory data movement,也就是size of input output作为datam ovement, 不管reuse的问题
是一个upper bound not to exceed
各个操作理论最高CI (assume infinite cache)
bandwidth使用左边的斜线表达,斜线总是45 degree slope。bandwidth决定了斜线与横线相交的地方。
- 多个roof
- ensure memory affinity : 一个thread的数据都对应processor上(也就是充分利用NUMA结构)
- software prefetch
- restructure code从而better hardware prefetch
当处于memory bound的时候,CI告诉我们一个bytes的内存访问我们做多少个arithmetic计算。所以当bandwidth增加(斜率增加),单位时间内能够做的总arithmetic计算就增加了。
下面这几个例子都是memory bound的
performence in GFlops = cpu speed in GHz * number of cpu core * CPU instructions per cycle (e.g. two AVX512 instruction per cycle) * number of double float operation per FMA instruction.
Flops : floating point operation, usually double precision. 也就是 number of operations
Flop/s : floating point operations per second.
Bytes : size of data ( double precision float is 8 bytes )
- KNL Cori
1.4 GHz per core
2 512 bits vector unit ( 2 vector processing unit per cycle )
GFlops = 1.4 (GHz) * 2 (vector processing unit per cycle) * 8 (8 double float per AVX512) * 2 (fma count as 2 instruction)
Berkeley CS267 L1