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302 lines (226 loc) · 10.6 KB

File metadata and controls

302 lines (226 loc) · 10.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Types of changes: Added, Changed, Deprecate, Removed, Fixed, Secruity


v2.6.0 - 19.04.2024 - Added support for SQLite


  • Added test mode to class Config so env values can be changed in test runs
  • Added support for SQLite
  • Added unified interface ResultInterface for database results
  • Added class CreateTableBlueprint to create statements for generating tables in MySQL/MariaDB and SQLite

v2.5.0 - 17.03.2024 - Added statistic for amount and price development


  • Added component for line chart
  • Added statistic for amount development
  • Added statistic for price development

v2.4.0 - 11.03.2024 - Added revenue and profit statistic


  • Added renvenue and profit to Analyses area

v2.3.1 - 10.03.2024 - Changed sort order for open volume distributions table


  • Changed sort order for open volume distributions table

v2.3.0 - 10.03.2024 - Improvements to the framework and a new volume distribution statistic


  • Added function to remove leading spaces on the beginning of each line
  • Added support for in condition in query builder
  • Added statistics to get the delivery notes where the volume distribution does not match delivery amount


  • Changed the behaviour of the function render() so that it removes leading spaces from the rendered HTML

v2.2.2 - 29.02.2024 - Improved UX with recommendations and validation


  • Added subdistrict recommendations to the create and edit form for plot
  • Added frontend validation to check if given IBAN is valid

v2.2.1 - 27.02.2024 - Added developer setting


  • Added developer setting to show error messages in production mode

v2.2.0 - 27.02.2024 - New "orderBy" property for default sort order


  • Added support for a default sort order that can be set with the static property orderBy

v2.1.1 - 26.02.2024 - Fixed huge logic issue with allowed functions


  • Fixed issue that the allowDelete function was called when allowEdit should have been called

v2.1.0 - 24.02.2024 - Used entities can no longer be deleted


  • Added support for allow[Edit|Delete] functions to prevent delete and edit operations of used entities

v2.0.1 - 22.02.2024 - Minor styling improvements


  • Added values parameter to __() so that placeholders can be used without sprintf


  • Minor styling improvements

v2.0.0 - 21.02.2024 - Same frontend with new backend


  • Added bioman CLI that can be extended with commands
  • Added registerFn to simplify registering global available functions
  • Added unit test framework with bioman CLI command to run them
  • Added i18n framework
  • Added routing with routes file to register routes
  • Added support for database migrations and seeders
  • Added database class that supports prepared and unprepared SQL statements
  • Added base model for models that are stored in the database
  • Added facade Path with function for joining paths
  • Added facade File with function to find files in folders with option for recursive search, only files and only directories
  • Added facade URL with function for joining URLs
  • Added facade Convert with function for converting a boolean into an integer
  • Added bioman CLI command to create a new commands, controllers, migrations, models, seeders, testcases and users
  • Added web cli
  • Added permission system based on roles
  • Added docker image and build pipeline. The docker image is published in the GitHub container registry
  • Added custom error and exception handler

1.3.11 - Unreleased


  • Added namespaces and autoloader so that the includes can be removed
  • Added gateway design pattern to encapsulate database queries
  • Added prepared statements for updating an entry
  • Added prepared implementation for insert


  • Use prepared statements and data objects for adding, editing or showing elements (e.g. plot, supplier, product ...)
  • Move documentation from wiki into markdown files
  • Plot, product, supplier work with gateway design pattern now instead of SQL in the files directly


  • Fixed errors and warnings to be more compatible with the PSR12 coding standard.

1.3.10 - 28.06.2021 - Graphical improvements and small changes background logic


  • Added sorting of suppliers by state and name
  • Added documentation of supported types in table generator
  • Added thousand separator to invoices
  • Added statistic to get the distribution of volume per plot
  • Added select box for invoice selection
  • Added invoice year and number to title and document name for supplier payments
  • Add total volume to crop volume distribution


  • Unified file names of statistics files
  • Move all statistics to statistic area
  • More opions for supplier payments. Only assigned to invoice and only for one specific invoice.


  • Fixed filename in ConfigChecker
  • Fixed documentation in source files
  • Fixed crop volume distribution calculation


  • Remove time stamp from supplier payments document name

1.3.9 - 08.10.2020 - Adding new statistics. Changes in background logic


  • Add class to generate a PDF document and use it for invoice
  • Add helper functions for message boxes
  • Add form to configure the database connection
  • Add configuration for common settings. Add setting for organization name in header.
  • Add statistics.
    • Add PDF to show all active suppliers.
    • Add PDF to show supplier payments


  • Layout: Set point as thousand separator


  • Fix JSLint warnings

1.3.8 - 30.12.2019 - Make data configurable in forms


  • Form to edit invoice data
  • Add check to form if given GET parameter “id” is a numeric
  • Check if configurations exist and set
  • Add and use helper function to trim string and remove/replace HTML special characters for GET and POST parameters
  • Add form to make database connection configurable
  • Add not-pseudo class to fix input CSS for checkbox


  • Check if imprint is configured before include/showing the values to prevent warnings
  • Move settings for invoice from data base into config file
  • Code formatting
  • Update to PHP 7.4.0
    • Use new features
    • Update TCPDF version
  • Replace old table generator completely

1.3.7 - 21.11.2019 - Darkmode, improvements in core logic and security


  • Add class for prepared statements
  • CSS for dark mode
  • Add parameter to table generator to give data types of the columns and format them
    • bool: show as “Ja” und “Nein”
    • date: show in German format “”
    • int: align right
  • Add option to open selected actions in data table in a new tab


  • Outsourcing of person data from imprint into config file for better maintainablity
  • Use new option to only show invoice action in new tab
  • Clean up code for better readability
  • New table generator. Has columns and data types in one parameter. Changed order of the parameters according to actual use of the parameters.
  • Change link color in light mode to green


  • Use prepared statements to prevent sql injections
  • Add missing required stars
  • Small changes so HTML validator throws less warnings


  • No JavaScript script necessary to format cell content right.
  • Simplify CSS by removing type of input field in CSS rules

1.3.6 - 16.09.2019 - Add recipients for more than one recipient for invoices. Design changes.


  • Add table for recipients
  • Add forms (add, edit, delete and show) for recipients
  • Add recipient to invoice forms (add, edit, show)
  • Add template for overview pages
  • Show star after field name if it is required


  • Add impressum and system information link in footer instead of index page
  • Change invoice generator logic to get recipient from invoice table instead of setting table
  • Rebuild templates form and deleteForm without eval function
  • Change delete forms to work with changed templates


  • Fixing CSS for inputs in table cells so it uses the complete width of a cell
  • Show form only if an entry has been found
  • Add footer again after fixing for overlapping issue

1.3.5 - 03.09.2019 - Legal contents


  • Add about.php for system information
  • Add impressum and privacy policy

1.3.4 - 03.09.2019 - Fine tunings


  • Add favicon.
  • Add delete page for user.
  • Add documentation.
  • Add further permission checks.
  • Add feature to show own delivery notes.
  • Add delete and edit pages for invoices.

1.3.3 - 28.08.2019 - Unique database entries


  • Add logic to check if entry is unique before adding and saving a change.
    Unique field:
    • User login
    • Product name
    • Pricing (year and product)
    • Plot number
    • Supplier name

1.3.2 - 26.08.2019 - Add pricing


  • Add tables for pricing of the products per year.
  • Add product to delivery note.


  • Get price of product for invoice from data base.

1.3.1 - 23.08.2019 - Add product


  • Add forms for adding, editing and deleting a product.

1.3 - 23.08.2019 - Add invoices


  • Invoices can be added and showed as PDF.
    First version of the implementation.

1.2 - 22.08.2019 - New box design for start page


  • Sections like delivery note, supplier, ... are organized in floating boxes.


  • The logout button is removed from the header.
  • The footer was removed because of overlapping problems.

1.1 - 21.08.2019 - Add management of volume distribution of a delivery note


  • Add form and logic to manage the volume distribution of a delivery note to plots.
  • Add new table generator for the additional action.

1.0 - 19.08.2019 - Create connection between all contents


  • Add option to select the supplier in a select element.
    The object is implemented in the forms for plots, delivery notes and users.

0.8 - 18.08.2019 - Finishing all contents


  • Added the forms and logic to add, edit, delete and show the suppliers, delivery notes and plots

0.5 - 18.08.2019 - Finishing user system with all basic functions


  • All basic functions for user management are implemented.
  • A user can be added, deleted and modified.
  • A user can has permissions which are used for managing the page access.
  • The password of a user can be changed, in case the user has forget its password.
  • The user can login and logout.