This is an extension of paper LATTE. By Bernie Wang, Virginia Wu, Bichen Wu, Kurt Keutzer
- Clone this repository
- Setup virtual environment:
Activate the virtual environment
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies. By default we use Python3.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- To run the tool, run
in wherever you have yourapp
directory is - Open on a browser (FireFox has been noted to have compatibility issues)
Your LiDAR data should include a binary file of the full point cloud, a binary file of the point cloud with the ground removed, and an image. See app/test_dataset for examples. After you have formated your data, place them in app/test_dataset.
- ctrl + X is start annotation and highlights
- ctrl + X to erase
- ctrl + D to pause annotation
- ctrl + D to continue annotation
- P to save the annotation
- Left click and drag to orbit around the point cloud
- Right click and drag to translate.
- You can label objects in "3D" mode (see "labelling bounding boxes")
This version of the app assumes the LiDAR data to be stored in a binary float matrix (.bin extension). Each column is a point, where the rows are in the following order: x, y, z, and intensity (little endian). See the 3D Velodyne point clouds in KITTI's dataset for example.