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Basic Security Testing on Android

Setting Up Your Testing Environment

Setting up a testing environment can be a challenging task. When performing testing on-site at client premises, the restrictions on the enterprise wireless access points and networks may make dynamic analysis more difficult. Company policies may prohibit use of rooted phones or network testing tools (hardware and software) within the enterprise networks. Apps implementing root detection and other reverse engineering countermeasures may add a significant amount of extra work before further analysis can be performed.

To overcome these and other challenges, the testing team responsible for Android app assessment needs to work together with the app developers and the operation team in order to find a proper solution for an effective testing environment.

This section provides an overview of different methods of testing an Android app and illustrates their limitations. For the reasons stated above, not all testing methods documented here may be applicable for your testing environment. Being able to articulate the reasons for these restrictions will help all the project stakeholders to be on the same page.


Security testing involves many invasive tasks such as monitoring and manipulating the network traffic between the mobile app and its remote endpoints, inspecting the app's data files, and instrumenting API calls. Security controls like SSL Pinning and root detection might impede these tasks and slow down testing dramatically.

To overcome these obstacles, it might make sense to request two build variants of the app from the development team. One variant should be provided as a release build to check if the implemented controls like SSL Pinning are working properly or can be easily bypassed. The second variant should also be provided as a debug build that deactivates certain security controls. This approach makes it possible to cover all scenarios and test cases in the most efficient way.

Of course, depending on the scope of the engagement, such approach may not be possible. For a white box test, requesting both production and debug builds will help to go through all test cases and give a clear statement of the security maturity of the app. For a black box test, the client might prefer the test to be focused on the production app, with the goal of evaluating the effectiveness of its security controls.

For both types of testing engagements, the scope should be discussed during the preparation phase. For example, it should be decided whether the security controls should be adjusted. Additional topics to cover are discussed below.

Software Needed on the Host PC or Mac

On the laptop or PC you are testing on, you should install at least the following.

  1. JRE or JDK
  2. Android SDK
  3. Android device or emulator
OS Versions

Before starting to test any application, it is important to have all the required hardware and software. This does not only mean that you must have a configured machine ready to run auditing tools, but also that you have the correct version of Android OS installed on the testing device. Therefore, it is always recommended to ask if the application runs only on specific versions of Android OS.

Testing on a Real Device

Different preparation steps need to be applied before a dynamic analysis of a mobile app can be started. Ideally the device is rooted, as otherwise some test cases cannot be tested properly. See "Rooting your device" for more information.

The available setup options for the network need to be evaluated first. The mobile device used for testing and the machine running the interception proxy need to be placed within the same WiFi network. Either an (existing) access point is used or an ad-hoc wireless network is created.

Once the network is configured and connectivity is established between the testing machine and the mobile device, several other steps need to be done.

  • The proxy in the network settings of the Android device need to be configured properly to point to the interception proxy in use.
  • The CA certificate of the interception proxy need to be added to the trusted certificates in the certificate storage of the Android device. Due to different versions of Android and modifications of Android OEMs to the settings menu, the location of the menu to store a CA might differ.

After finishing these steps and starting the app, the requests should show up in the interception proxy.

Rooting Your Device
Risks of Rooting

As a security tester, you may want to root your mobile device: while some tests can be performed on a non-rooted mobile, some do require a rooted one. However, you need to be aware of the fact that rooting is not an easy process and requires advanced knowledge. Rooting is risky, and three main consequences need to be clarified before you may proceed: rooting

  • Usually voids the device warranty (always check the manufacturer policy before taking any action),
  • May "brick" the device, i.e., render it inoperable and unusable.
  • Brings additional security risks as built-in exploit mitigations are often removed.

You need to understand that rooting your device is ultimately YOUR own decision and that OWASP shall in no way be held responsible for any damage. In case you feel unsure, always seek expert advice before starting the rooting process.

What Mobiles Can Be Rooted?

Virtually any Android mobile can be rooted. Commercial versions of Android OS, at the kernel level evolutions of Linux OS, are optimized for the mobile world. Here some features are removed or disabled, such as the possibility for a non-privileged user to become the 'root' user (who has elevated privileges). Rooting a phone means adding the feature to become the root user, e.g. technically speaking adding a standard Linux executable called su used for switching users.

The first step in rooting a mobile is to unlock its boot loader. The procedure depends on each manufacturer. However, for practical reasons, rooting some mobiles is more popular than rooting others, particularly when it comes to security testing: devices created by Google (and manufactured by other companies like Samsung, LG and Motorola) are among the most popular, particularly because they are widely used by developers. The device warranty is not nullified when the boot loader is unlocked and Google provides many tools to support the root itself to work with rooted devices. A curated list of guide on rooting devices from all major brands can be found in the XDA forums.

See also "Android Platform Overview" for further details.

Restrictions When Using a Non-Rooted Device

For testing of an Android app a rooted device is the foundation for a tester to be able to execute all available test cases. In case a non-rooted device need to be used, it is still possible to execute several test cases to the app.

Nevertheless, this highly depends on the restrictions and settings made in the app. For example if backups are allowed, a backup of the data directory of the app can be extracted. This allows detailed analysis of leakage of sensitive data when using the app. Also if SSL Pinning is not used a dynamic analysis can also be executed on a non-rooted device.

Testing on the Emulator

All of the above steps to prepare a hardware testing device do also apply if an emulator is used. For dynamic testing several tools or VMs are available that can be used to test an app within an emulator environment:

  • AppUse
  • MobSF

It is also possible to simply create an AVD and use this for testing.

Setting Up a Web Proxy on Virtual Device

To set up a HTTP proxy on the emulator follow the following procedure, which works on the Android emulator shipping with Android Studio 2.x:

  1. Set up your proxy to listen on localhost. Reverse-forward the proxy port from the emulator to the host, e.g.:
$ adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080
  1. Configure the HTTP proxy in the access point settings of the device:
  • Open the Settings Menu
  • Tap on "Wireless & Networks" -> "Cellular Networks" or "Mobile Networks"
  • Open "Access Point Names"
  • Open the existing APN (e.g. "T-Mobile US")
  • Enter "" in the "Proxy" field and your proxy port in the "Port" field (e.g. "8080")
  • Open the top-right menu and tap "save"

HTTP and HTTPS requests should now be routed over the proxy on the host machine. Try toggling airplane mode off and on if it doesn't work.

Installing a CA Certificate on the Virtual Device

An easy way to install a CA certificate is pushing the cert to the device and adding it to the certificate store via Security Settings. For example, you can install the PortSwigger (Burp) CA certificate as follows:

  1. Start Burp and navigate to http://burp/ using a web browser on the host, and download cacert.der by clicking the "CA Certificate" button.
  2. Change the file extension from .der to .cer
  3. Push the file to the emulator:
$ adb push cacert.cer /sdcard/
  1. Navigate to "Settings" -> "Security" -> "Install from SD Card"
  2. Scroll down and tap on cacert.cer

You should now be prompted to confirm installation of the certificate (you'll also be asked to set a device PIN if you haven't already).

Connecting to an Android Virtual Device (AVD) as Root

An Android Virtual Device (AVD) can be created by using the AVD manager, which is available within Android Studio. The AVD manager can also be started separately from the command line by using the android command in the tools directory of the Android SDK:

$ ./android avd

Once the emulator is up and running a root connection can be established by using adb.

$ adb root
$ adb shell
root@generic_x86:/ $ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats) context=u:r:su:s0

Rooting of an emulator is therefore not needed as root access can be granted through adb.

Restrictions When Testing on an Emulator

There are several downsides when using an emulator. You might not be able to test an app properly in an emulator, if it's relying on the usage of a specific mobile network, or uses NFC or Bluetooth. Testing within an emulator is usually also slower in nature and might lead to issues on its own.

Nevertheless several hardware characteristics can be emulated, including GPS, SMS and many more.

Testing Methods

Manual Static Analysis

In principle, we talk about white-box testing when the source code (or even better, the complete Android Studio project) is available, and black-box if only APK package is available. In Android app security testing however, the difference is not all that big. The majority of apps can be decompiled easily, and with some reverse engineering knowledge, having access to bytecode and binary code is almost as good as having the original code, except in cases where the release build is purposefully obfuscated.

To accomplish the source code testing, you will want to have a setup similar to the developer. You will need a testing environment on your machine with the Android SDK and an IDE installed. It is also recommended to have access either to a physical device or an emulator, so you can debug the app.

During Black box testing you will not have access to the source code in its original form. Usually, you will have the application package in hand (in Android .apk format, which can be installed on an Android device or reverse engineered with the goal to retrieve parts of the source code.

An easy way on the CLI to retrieve the source code of an APK is through apkx, which also packages dex2jar and CFR and automates the extracting, conversion and decompilation steps. Install it as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd apkx
$ sudo ./

This should copy apkx to /usr/local/bin. Run it on the APK that need to be tested:

$ apkx UnCrackable-Level1.apk
Extracting UnCrackable-Level1.apk to UnCrackable-Level1
Converting: classes.dex -> classes.jar (dex2jar)
dex2jar UnCrackable-Level1/classes.dex -> UnCrackable-Level1/classes.jar
Decompiling to UnCrackable-Level1/src (cfr)

If the application is based solely on Java and does not have any native library (code written in C/C++), the reverse engineering process is relatively easy and recovers almost the entire source code. Nevertheless, if the code is obfuscated, this process might become very time consuming and might not be productive. The same applies for applications that contain a native library. They can still be reverse engineered but require low level knowledge and the process is not automated.

More details and tools about the Android reverse engineering topic can be found in the "Tampering and Reverse Engineering on Android" section.

Automated Static Analysis

Static analysis should be supported through the usage of tools, to make the analysis efficient and to allow the tester to focus on the more complicated business logic. There are a plethora of static code analyzers that can be used, ranging from open source scanners to full blown enterprise ready scanners. The decision on which tool to use depends on the budget, requirements by the client and the preferences of the tester.

Some Static Analyzers rely on the availability of the source code while others take the compiled APK as input. It is important to keep in mind that while static analyzers can help us to focus attention on potential problems, they may not be able to find all the problems by itself. Go through each finding carefully and try to understand what the app is doing to improve your chances of finding vulnerabilities.

One important thing to note is to configure the static analyzer properly in order to reduce the likelihood of false positives and maybe only select several vulnerability categories in the scan. The results generated by static analyzers can otherwise be overwhelming and the effort can become counterproductive if an overly large report need to be manually investigated.

Automated tools for performing security analysis on an APK are:

Dynamic Analysis

Compared to static analysis, dynamic analysis is applied while executing the mobile app. The test cases can range from investigating the file system and changes made to it on the mobile device to monitoring the communication with the endpoint while using the app.

When we talk about dynamic analysis of applications that rely on the HTTP(S) protocol, several tools can be used to support the dynamic analysis. The most important tools are so called interception proxies, like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite Professional to name the most famous ones. An interception proxy allows the tester to have a Man-in-the-middle position in order to read and/or modify all requests made from the app and responses coming from the endpoint for testing Authorization, Session Management and so on.


Drozer is an Android security assessment framework that allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of a third party app interacting with the other application's IPC endpoints and the underlying OS. The following section documents the steps necessary to install and begin using Drozer.

Installing Drozer

On Linux:

Pre-built packages for many Linux distributions are available on the Drozer website. If your distribution is not listed, you can build Drozer from source as follows:

git clone
cd drozer
make apks
python build
sudo env "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/src" python install

On Mac:

On Mac, Drozer is a bit more difficult to install due to missing dependencies. Specifically, Mac OS versions from El Capitan don't have OpenSSL installed, so compiling pyOpenSSL doesn't work. You can resolve those issues by [installing OpenSSL manually]. To install openSSL, run:

$ brew install openssl

Drozer also depends on older versions of some libraries. In order not to mess up the system Python setup, it is better to install Python with homebrew and creating a dedicated environment with virtualenv (using a Python version management tool like pyenv is even better, but setting this up is beyond the scope of this book).

Install virtualenv via pip:

$ pip install virtualenv

Create a project directory to work in - you'll download several files into that directory. Change into the newly created directory and run the command virtualenv drozer. This creates a "drozer" folder which contains the Python executable files and a copy of the pip library.

$ virtualenv drozer
$ source drozer/bin/activate
(drozer) $

You're now ready to install the required version of pyOpenSSL and build it against the OpenSSL headers installed previously. The pyOpenSSL version required by Drozer has a typo that prevents it from compiling successfully, so need to fix the source before compiling. Fortunately, ropnop has figured out necessary steps and documented them in a blog post. Run the following commands:

$ wget
$ tar xzvf pyOpenSSL-0.13.tar.gz
$ cd pyOpenSSL-0.13
$ sed -i '' 's/X509_REVOKED_dup/X509_REVOKED_dupe/' OpenSSL/crypto/crl.c
$ python build_ext -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
$ python build
$ python install

With that out of the way, you can install the remaining dependencies.

$ easy_install protobuf==2.4.1 twisted==10.2.0

Finally, download and install the Python .egg from the MWR labs website:

$ wget
$ tar xzf drozer-2.3.4.tar.gz
$ easy_install drozer-2.3.4-py2.7.egg

Installing the Agent:

Drozer agent is the component running on the device itself. Download the latest Drozer Agent here, and install it with adb.

$ adb install drozer.apk

Starting a Session:

You should now have the Drozer console installed on your host machine, and the Agent running on your USB-connected device or emulator. Now, you need to connect the two and you’re ready to start exploring.

Open the Drozer application in running emulator and click the OFF button in the bottom of the app which will start a Embedded Server.

alt text

By default the server listens on port 31415. Forward this port to the localhost interface using adb, then run Drozer on the host to connect to the agent.

$ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415
$ drozer console connect

To show the list of all Drozer modules that can be executed in the current session use the "list" command.

Basic Drozer Commands:

  • To list out all the packages installed on the emulator, run the following command:

    dz>run app.package.list

  • To find out the package name of a specific app, pass the “-f” along with a search string:

    dz> run app.package.list –f (string to be searched)

  • To see some basic information about the package, use

     `dz> run –a (package name)`
  • To identify the exported application components, run the following command:

    dz> run app.package.attacksurface (package name)

  • To identify the the list of Activities exported in the target application, execute the following command:

    run -a (package name)

  • To launch the activities exported,run the following command:

    dz> run app.activity.start --component (package name) (component name)

Using Modules:

Out of the box, Drozer provides modules to investigate various aspects of the Android platform, and a few remote exploits. You can extend Drozer's functionality by downloading and installing additional modules.

Finding Modules:

The official Drozer module repository is hosted alongside the main project on Github. This is automatically setup in your copy of Drozer. You can search for modules using the module command:

dz> module search tool

For more information about a module, pass the –d option to view the module's description:

dz> module  search url -d
    Finds URLs with the HTTP or HTTPS schemes by searching the strings
    inside APK files.

        You can, for instance, use this for finding API servers, C&C
    servers within malicious APKs and checking for presence of advertising

Installing Modules:

You can install modules using the module command:

dz> module install
Processing Already Installed.
Successfully installed 1 modules, 0 already installed

This will install any module that matches your query. Newly installed modules are dynamically loaded into the console and are available for immediate use.

Network Monitoring/Sniffing

On Android it is possible to remotely sniff all traffic in real-time by using tcpdump, netcat (nc) and Wireshark. First ensure you have the latest version of Android tcpdump on your phone. Here are the installation steps:

# adb root
# adb remount
# adb push /wherever/you/put/tcpdump /system/xbin/tcpdump

When executing adb root you might get an error saying adbd cannot run as root in production builds. If that's the case install tcpdump like this:

# adb push /wherever/you/put/tcpdump /data/local/tmp/tcpdump
# adb shell
# su
$ mount -o rw,remount /system;
$ cp /data/local/tmp/tcpdump /system/xbin/

Remember: In order to use tcpdump you need root privileges on the phone!

tcpdump should now be working, so execute it once to see if it does. Once a few packets are coming in you can stop it by pressing CTRL+c.

# tcpdump
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
04:54:06.590751 00:9e:1e:10:7f:69 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, RRCP-0x23 reply
04:54:09.659658 00:9e:1e:10:7f:69 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, RRCP-0x23 reply
04:54:10.579795 00:9e:1e:10:7f:69 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, RRCP-0x23 reply
3 packets captured
3 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

The first step in order to do remote sniffing of the network traffic on the Android phone is by executing tcpdump and pipe its output to netcat (nc):

$ tcpdump -i wlan0 -s0 -w - | nc -l -p 11111

The tcpdump command above is

  • listening on the interface wlan0,
  • defines the size (snaplength) of the capture in bytes to get everything (-s0) and is
  • writing to a file (-w), but instead of a filename we provide - which will make tcpdump to write to stdout.

With the pipe (|) we sent all output from tcpdump to netcat that opens a listener on port 11111. Usually you want to monitor the wlan0 interface, in case you need another interface just list the available ones with $ ip addr.

In order to access port 11111 on the Android phone opened by netcat, we need to forward the port via adb to your machine.

$ adb forward tcp:11111 tcp:11111

With the following command you are connecting to the forwarded port available on your local machine via netcat and piping it to Wireshark.

$ nc localhost 11111 | wireshark -k -S -i -

Wireshark should start now immediately (-k) and get's all data from stdin (-i -) via netcat that is connecting to the forwarded port. You should see now all the traffic from the wlan0 interface from the Android phone.

Firebase/Google Cloud Messaging (FCM/GCM)

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the successor of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and is a free service offered by Google and allows to send messages between an application server and client apps. The server and client app are communicating via the FCM/GCM connection server that is handling the downstream and upstream messages.

Architectural Overview

Downstream messages are sent from the application server to the client app (push notifications); upstream messages are sent from the client app to the server.

FCM is available for Android and also for iOS and Chrome. FCM provides two connection server protocols at the moment: HTTP and XMPP and there are several differences in the implementation, as described in the official documentation. The following example demonstrates how to intercept both protocols.


FCM can use two different protocols to communicate with the Google backend, either XMPP or HTTP.


The ports used by FCM for HTTP are 5228, 5229, and 5230. Typically only 5228 is used, but sometimes also 5229 or 5230 is used.

  • Configure a local port forwarding on your machine for the ports used by FCM. The following example can be used on Mac OS X:
$ echo "
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 5228-> port 8080
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 5229 -> port 8080
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 5239 -> port 8080
" | sudo pfctl -ef -
  • The interception proxy need to listen to the port specified in the port forwarding rule above, which is 8080.


The ports used by FCM over XMPP are 5235 (Production) and 5236 (Testing).

  • Configure a local port forwarding on your machine for the ports used by FCM. The following example can be used on Mac OS X:
$ echo "
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 5235-> port 8080
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 5236 -> port 8080
" | sudo pfctl -ef -
  • The interception proxy need to listen to the port specified in the port forwarding rule above, which is 8080.
Intercepting Messages

Look also into the chapter "Testing Network Communication" and the test case "Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks" for further preparation steps and to get ettercap running.

Your testing machine and the Android device need to be in the same wireless network. Start ettercap with the following command and replace the IP addresses with the one of the Android device and the network gateway in the wireless network.

$ sudo ettercap -T -i en0 -M arp:remote / /

Start using the app and trigger a function that uses FCM. You should see HTTP messages showing up in your interception proxy.

Intercepted Messages

When using ettercap you need to activate "Support invisible proxying" in Proxy Tab / Options / Edit Interface

Interception proxies like Burp or OWASP ZAP will not show this traffic, as they are not capable of decoding it properly by default. There are however Burp plugins such as Burp-non-HTTP-Extension and Mitm-relay that visualize XMPP traffic.

Potential Obstacles

For the following security controls that might be implemented into the app you are about to test, it should be discussed with the project team if it is possible to provide a debug build. A debug build has several benefits when provided during a (white box) test, as it allows a more comprehensive analysis.

SSL Pinning

SSL Pinning is a mechanism to make dynamic analysis harder. Certificates provided by an interception proxy to enable a Man-in-the-middle position are declined and the app will not make any requests. To be able to efficiently test during a white box test, a debug build with deactivated SSL Pinning should be provided.

For a black box test, there are several ways to bypass SSL Pinning, for example SSLUnpinning or Android-SSL-TrustKiller. Therefore bypassing can be done within seconds, but only if the app uses the API functions that are covered for these tools. If the app is using a different framework or library to implement SSL Pinning that is not implemented yet in those tools, the patching and deactivation of SSL Pinning needs to be done manually and can become time consuming.

To manually deactivate SSL Pinning there are two ways:

Once successful, the prerequisites for a dynamic analysis are met and the apps communication can be investigated.

See also test case "Testing Custom Certificate Stores and SSL Pinning" for further details.

Root Detection

Root detection can be implemented using pre-made libraries like RootBeer or custom checks. An extensive list of root detection methods is presented in the "Testing Anti-Reversing Defenses on Android" chapter.

In a typical mobile app security build, you'll usually want to test a debug build with root detection disabled. If such a build is not available for testing, root detection can be disabled using a variety of methods which will be introduced later in this book.