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E2Helper Entries [Autogenerated]

Wiki Updater edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 8 revisions

Supported Panels

Every panel has an internal list of players. This player list keeps track of who can see the panel and are targeted when you call create() or modify(). By default this list only contains the E2 owner.
You can edit this list by using the PNL:addPlayer(E)/PNL:removePlayer(E)/PNL:setPlayers() function.
Alternatively you can use vguiDefaultPlayers(R) to set a default for every panel you create.
You can still edit the list of the panel afterwards without affecting other panel's lists or the set default.

These are the basic steps to create and modify a simple panel:

@persist Dframe:dframe #useful when you want to modify the panel afterwards

#1.To make it easier, set the default players list with vguiDefaultPlayers(R)
vguiDefaultPlayers(players()) #everyone will see the panel

#2. Create a panel element of your choice and give it an index
Dframe = dframe(1)

#3. Edit the attributes
Dframe:setTitle("My Frame")

#4. Call create() to create the panel

#5. If you want to change attributes you have to call modify() to apply changes

Invalid Functions (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Function Description
:center(:xds:center Centers the panel in the middle of the screen.

General Functions

Function Description
runOnVgui(n) When activated, the E2 will run when a player interacts with the GUI. For example when a button is pressed. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClk() Returns 1 if the chip is being executed because of an gui event. Returns 0 otherwise. See runOnVgui. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClk(e) Returns 1 if the chip is being executed because of an gui event by the player E. Returns 0 otherwise. See runOnVgui. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClkPanelID() Returns the ID of the gui element that triggered the chip's execution. See runOnVgui. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClkPlayer() Returns the Player that interacted with the gui and therefore caused the chip's execution. See runOnVgui. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClkValues() Returns information about the gui event. For example if a colorpicker changed it's color, this will return the selected color values. See runOnVgui. See wiki: for more information.
vguiClkValuesTable() See vguiClkValues. This returns the same data but formatted as a table for easier reading. See wiki: for more information.
vguiCloseAll() Removes all panels created by this E2 on all players. See wiki: for more information.
vguiCloseOnPlayer(e) Removes all panels created by this E2 for a given player E. See wiki: for more information.
vguiDefaultPlayers(r) Defines the default player list that gets used when creating a panel. See :addPlayer and removePlayer for more info See wiki: for more information.
vguiCanSend() Returns 1 if the vgui element can be created or modified with create()/modify(). Returns 0 otherwise. See wiki: for more information.
dtextentry(n) Index inits a new Textentry.
dtextentry(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Textentry.
dspawnicon(n) Index inits a new SpawnIcon.
dspawnicon(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new SpawnIcon.
dslider(n) Index inits a new Slider.
dslider(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Slider.
dpropertysheet(n) Index inits a new Propertysheet
dpropertysheet(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Propertysheet.
dpanel(n) Index inits a new DPanel.
dpanel(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new DPanel.
dmodelpanel(n) Index inits a new DModelPanel.
dmodelpanel(nn) Creates a DModelPanel element with parent id. Use xdk:create() to create the DModelPanel.
dlistview(n) Index inits a new Listview.
dlistview(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Listview.
dlabel(n) Index inits a new Label.
dlabel(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Label.
dimagebutton(n) Index inits a new ImageButton.
dimagebutton(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new ImageButton.
dframe(n) Index inits a new DFrame.
dframe(nn) Creates a Dframe element with parent id. Use xdf:create() to create the Panel.
dcombobox(n) Index inits a new Combobox.
dcombobox(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Combobox.
dcolormixer(n) Index inits a new Colormixer.
dcolormixer(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Colormixer.
dcheckboxlabel(n) Index inits a new Checkboxlabel.
dcheckboxlabel(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Checkboxlabel.
dcheckbox(n) Index inits a new Checkbox.
dcheckbox(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Checkbox.
dbutton(n) Index inits a new Button.
dbutton(nn) Index, Parent Id inits a new Button.


Function Description
xdt:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the panel.
xdt:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the panel.
xdt:getPos() Sets the position of the panel.
xdt:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the panel.
xdt:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the panel.
xdt:getSize() Returns the size of the panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xdt:setColor(v) Sets the color of the panel.
xdt:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdt:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the panel.
xdt:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdt:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdt:getColor() Returns the color of the panel.
xdt:getColor4() Returns the color of the panel.
xdt:setVisible(n) Makes the panel invisible or visible.
xdt:isVisible() Returns wheather the panel is visible or not.
xdt:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the panel's player list. these players gonne see the panel
xdt:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the panel's player list.
xdt:create() Creates the panel on all players of the players's list
xdt:modify() Modifies the panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the panel again if it got removed!.
xdt:closePlayer(e) Closes the panel on the specified player.
xdt:closeAll() Closes the panel on all players of player's list
xdt:setText(s) Sets the text of the Textentry.
xdt:getText() Returns the text of the Textentry.


Function Description
xdi:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdi:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdi:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdi:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdi:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdi:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xdi:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdi:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdi:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdi:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdi:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdi:modify() Modifies created Panels on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdi:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdi:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdi:setModel(s) Sets the model of the SpawnIcon
xdi:getModel(e) Returns the model of the SpawnIcon.
xdi:setEnabled(n) Enables/disables the SpawnIcon.
xdi:getEnabled(e) Returns if the SpawnIcon is disabled or not.


Function Description
xds:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xds:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xds:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xds:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xds:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xds:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xds:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xds:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xds:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the Panel.
xds:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xds:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xds:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xds:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xds:setVisible(n) Makes the panel invisible or visible.
xds:isVisible() Returns wheather the panel is visible or not.
xds:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xds:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xds:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xds:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xds:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xds:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xds:setText(s) Sets the text of the Slider.
xds:setMin(n) Sets the minimum Value
xds:setMax(n) Sets the maximum Value.
xds:getMin() Returns the minimum Value.
xds:getMax() Returns the maximum Value.
xds:setDecimals(n) Hides the close Slider.
xds:setValue(n) Set the curren Slider Value.
xds:getValue() Gets the curren Slider Value.
xds:setDark() Sets the Theme of the Slider to the dark Theme.


Function Description
xdo:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdo:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdo:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdo:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdo:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdo:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xdo:setColor(v) Sets the color of the panel.
xdo:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdo:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the panel.
xdo:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdo:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the panel.
xdo:getColor() Returns the color of the panel.
xdo:getColor4() Returns the color of the panel.
xdo:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdo:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdo:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdo:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdo:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdo:modify() Modifies created Panels on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdo:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdo:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdo:addSheet(sxdp) name,panel,icon(material name or icon) Adds a new tab.Icon names can be found here: Note: use "icon16/.png" as material name for icons. E.g. "icon16/accept.png"


Function Description
xdp:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdp:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdp:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdp:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdp:getSize() Sets the size of the Panel.
xdp:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdp:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdp:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdp:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdp:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdp:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdp:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible. For all players inside the Panel's players list.
xdp:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdp:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdp:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdp:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdp:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdp:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list


Function Description
xdb:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdb:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdb:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdb:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdb:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdb:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdb:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xdb:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdb:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdb:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdb:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdb:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdb:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdb:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdb:setEnabled(n) Enables/disables the button.
xdb:getEnabled(e) Returns if the button is disabled or not.
xdb:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdb:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdb:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdb:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdb:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdb:modify() Modifies created Panels on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdb:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdb:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdb:setCornerRadius(n) Radius of the rounded corners, works best with a multiple of 2.
xdb:setIcon(s) The image file to use, relative to '/materials/' Icon names can be found here: Note: use "icon16/.png" as material name for icons. E.g. "icon16/accept.png"
xdb:setText(s) Sets the label of the Button.
xdb:getText() Returns the label of the Button.


Function Description
xdk:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the DModelPanel.
xdk:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the DModelPanel.
xdk:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdk:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdk:getSize() Sets the size of the Panel.
xdk:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdk:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdk:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdk:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdk:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdk:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdk:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible. For all players on the Panel's players list.
xdk:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdk:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdk:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdk:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdk:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdk:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdk:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdk:setModel(s) Sets the model.
xdk:setFOV(s) Sets the FOV.
xdk:getModel() Returns the model of the DModelPanel
xdk:setFOV(s) Sets the FOV.
xdk:setCamPos(v) Sets the position of the camera.
xdk:setLookAt(v) Makes the panel's camera face the given position.
xdk:setLookAng(v) Sets the angles of the camera.
xdk:autoAdjust() Tries to adjust the cam position and directon automatically. Can only be called before the panel gets created (with create()), it has no impact if called after creation.
xdk:setRotateModel(n) Rotates the model slowly.
xdk:setAmbientLight(v) Sets the ambient light color.
xdk:setAmbientLight(nnn) Sets the ambient light color.
xdk:setAnimated(n) Enables the animation for the model. (e.g. player model will walk)
xdk:setDirectionalLight(nv) Creates a directional light and sets the color and direction. Use BOX* constants to set the direction.
xdk:setDrawOutlinedRect(v) Draws an outlined rectangle around the model panel.
xdk:setDrawOutlinedRect(xv4) Draws an outlined rectangle around the model panel.


Function Description
xdv:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdv:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdv:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdv:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdv:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdv:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xdv:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdv:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdv:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdv:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdv:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdv:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdv:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdv:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdv:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdv:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdv:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdv:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdv:modify() Modifies created Panels on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdv:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdv:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdv:addColumn(s) Adds a column to the Listview.
xdv:addColumn(sn) Adds a column to the Listview. If width is 0, it will autosize to fill the space.
xdv:addColumn(snn) Adds a column to the Listview. if width is 0, it will autosize to fill the space. For the position, order of operation matters here, adding columns with the wrong position index can cause LUA errors.
xdv:addLine(s) Adds a line to the list Listview. (Hardcoded max of 200 lines)
xdv:setMultiSelect(n) Sets whether multiple lines can be selected by the user by using the Ctrl or Shift key


Function Description
xdl:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdl:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdl:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdl:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdl:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdl:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xdl:setFont(s) Sets the font.
xdl:setFont(sn) Sets the font and text size.
xdl:setDrawOutlinedRect(v) Draws an outlined rect around the text with the given color.
xdl:setDrawOutlinedRect(v4) Draws an outlined rect around the text with the given color.
xdl:setColor(v) Sets the Text Color.
xdl:setColor(vn) Sets the Text Color.
xdl:setColor(xv4) Sets the Text Color.
xdl:setColor(nnn) Sets the Text Color.
xdl:setColor(nnnn) Sets the Text Color.
xdl:getColor() Returns the Text Color.
xdl:getColor4() Returns the Text Color.
xdl:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdl:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdl:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdl:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdl:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdl:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdl:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdl:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdl:setText(s) Sets the label of the Label.
xdl:getText() Returns the label of the Label.


Function Description
xib:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xib:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xib:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xib:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xib:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xib:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel.
xib:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xib:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xib:setColor(xv4) Sets the color of the Panel.
xib:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xib:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xib:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xib:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xib:setEnabled(n) Enables/disables the ImageButton.
xib:getEnabled(e) Returns if the ImageButton is disabled or not.
xib:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xib:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xib:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xib:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xib:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xib:modify() Modifies created Panels on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xib:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xib:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xib:setCornerRadius(n) Radius of the rounded corners, works best with a multiple of 2.
xib:setImage(s) The image to use, relative to '/materials/' Icon names can be found here: Note: use "icon16/.png" as material name for icons. E.g. "icon16/accept.png"
xib:setKeepAspect(n) Sets whether the DImageButton should keep the aspect ratio of its image. Note that this will not try to fit the image inside the button, but instead it will fill the button with the image.
xib:setStretchToFit(n) Sets whether the image inside the DImageButton should be stretched to fill the entire size of the button, without preserving aspect ratio.
xib:setText(s) Sets the label of the ImageButton.
xib:getText() Returns the label of the ImageButton.


Function Description
xdf:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdf:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdf:center() Sets the position of the Panel in the center of the screen.
xdf:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdf:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdf:getSize() Sets the size of the Panel.
xdf:setColor(v) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdf:setColor(vn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdf:setColor(nnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdf:setColor(nnnn) Sets the color of the Panel.
xdf:getColor() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdf:getColor4() Returns the color of the Panel.
xdf:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible. For all players on the Panel's players list.
xdf:setBackgroundBlur(n) Blurs background behind the frame.
xdf:setIcon(s) The image file to use, relative to '/materials/' Icon names can be found here: Note: use "icon16/.png" as material name for icons. E.g. "icon16/accept.png"
xdf:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdf:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdf:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdf:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdf:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdf:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdf:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xdf:setTitle(s) Set the title of the DFrame.
xdf:getTitle() Returns the title of the DFrame
xdf:setSizable(n) Makes the DFrame resizable.
xdf:isSizable() Returns if the DFrame is resizable.
xdf:showCloseButton(n) Shows or hides the close button.
xdf:isShowCloseButton() Returns if the close button is visible.
xdf:makePopup(n) Makes the DFrame pop up after using :create(). See enableMouseInput() and enableKeyboardInput().
xdf:enableMouseInput(n) Enables the mouse input after using :create().
xdf:enableKeyboardInput(n) Enables the keyboard input after using :create().
xdf:setDeleteOnClose(n) Removes the Dframe when the close button is pressed or simply hides it (SetVisible(0)).
xdf:getDeleteOnClose() Returns if the Dframe gets removed on close.


Function Description
xcb:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xcb:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xcb:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xcb:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xcb:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xcb:setSortItems(n) Sorts the items alphabetically in the dropdown menu.
xcb:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xcb:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xcb:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xcb:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xcb:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xcb:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xcb:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xcb:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xcb:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xcb:setText(s) Sets the label of the Combobox.
xcb:getText() Returns the label of the Combobox.
xcb:addChoice(ss) adds a choice with a string value attached.
xcb:clear() adds a choice with a string value attached.
xcb:setValue(s) sets the text thats gonne displayed on the box.
xcb:getValue(s) returns the Value of selected choice.


Function Description
xde:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xde:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xde:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xde:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xde:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xde:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xde:setColor(v) Sets the default color
xde:setColor(vn) Sets the default color
xde:setColor(xv4) Sets the default color
xde:setColor(nnn) Sets the default color
xde:setColor(nnnn) Sets the default color
xde:getColor() Returns the current selected color.
xde:getColor4() Returns the current selected color.
xde:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xde:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xde:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list
xde:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xde:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xde:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xde:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xde:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list


Function Description
xbl:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the panel.
xbl:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the panel.
xbl:getPos() Sets the position of the panel.
xbl:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the panel.
xbl:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the panel.
xbl:getSize() Returns the size of the panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xbl:setVisible(n) Makes the panel invisible or visible.
xbl:isVisible() Returns wheather the panel is visible or not.
xbl:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Button's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xbl:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Button's player list.
xbl:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xbl:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of the player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xbl:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xbl:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list
xbl:setText(s) Sets the label of the Checkboxlabel.
xbl:getText() Returns the label of the Checkboxlabel.


Function Description
xdc:setPos(nn) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdc:setPos(xv2) Sets the position of the Panel.
xdc:getPos() Sets the position of the Panel.
xdc:setSize(nn) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdc:setSize(xv2) Sets the size of the Panel.
xdc:getSize() Returns the size of the Panel. May differ from the actual size on the client if its resizable.
xdc:setVisible(n) Makes the Panel invisible or visible.
xdc:isVisible() Returns wheather the Panel is visible or not.
xdc:addPlayer(e) Adds a player to the Panel's player list. these players gonne see the Panel
xdc:removePlayer(e) Removes a player from the Panel's player list.
xdc:create() Creates the Panel on all players of the players's list
xdc:modify() Modifies the Panel on all players of player's list. Does not create the Panel again if it got removed!.
xdc:closePlayer(e) Closes the Panel on the specified player.
xdc:closeAll() Closes the Panel on all players of player's list

Missing Descriptions [Work in Progress]

These are E2 functions that are still missing a description. The functions get extracted automatically so some functions might be missing.
Function File path
dtextentry:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dtextentry.lua
dslider:setDark(number dark) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dslider:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dslider:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dslider:getValue(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dslider:getMin(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dslider:getMax(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dslider.lua
dpropertysheet:addSheet(string name,xdp panel,string icon) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpropertysheet.lua
dpropertysheet:closeTab(string name) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpropertysheet.lua
dpropertysheet:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpropertysheet.lua
dpropertysheet:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpropertysheet.lua
dpropertysheet:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpropertysheet.lua
dpanel:center() e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpanel.lua
dpanel:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpanel.lua
dpanel:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dpanel.lua
dmodelpanel:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dmodelpanel.lua
dmodelpanel:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dmodelpanel.lua
dmodelpanel:getModel(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dmodelpanel.lua
dlistview:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:getIndex(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:getValues(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:clear() e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:removeLine(number line) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlistview:sortByColumn(number columnIndex,number descending) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlistview.lua
dlabel:setTextColor(vector col) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setTextColor(vector col,number alpha) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setTextColor(vector4 col) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setTextColor(number red,number green,number blue) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setTextColor(number red,number green,number blue,number alpha) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setAutoStretchVertical(number enabled) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:setWrap(number textwrap) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dlabel:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dlabel.lua
dimagebutton:setTextColor(vector normal,vector pressed, vector hover,vector disabled) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:setTextColor(vector4 normal,vector4 pressed, vector4 hover,vector4 disabled) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:setFont(string font) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:setFont(string font, number fontsize) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dimagebutton:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dimagebutton.lua
dframe:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:getTitle(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:getSizable(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:getShowCloseButton(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:getDeleteOnClose(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
dframe:makePopup() e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dframe.lua
test() e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\defaultdermafunctions.lua
dcombobox:addChoices(array dataList) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcombobox.lua
dcombobox:addChoices(table dataList) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcombobox.lua
dcombobox:getValueID(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcombobox.lua
dcombobox:getData(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcombobox.lua
dcolormixer:setText(string label) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcolormixer:showPalette(number visible) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcolormixer:showAlphaBar(number visible) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcolormixer:showWangs(number visible) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcolormixer:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcolormixer:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcolormixer.lua
dcheckboxlabel:setChecked(n checked) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckboxlabel.lua
dcheckboxlabel:setIndent(n indent) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckboxlabel.lua
dcheckboxlabel:getChecked(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckboxlabel.lua
dcheckboxlabel:getIndent(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckboxlabel.lua
dcheckbox:setChecked(n checked) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckbox.lua
dcheckbox:getChecked(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dcheckbox.lua
dbutton:setTextColor(vector normal,vector pressed, vector hover,vector disabled) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:setTextColor(vector4 normal,vector4 pressed, vector4 hover,vector4 disabled) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:setFont(string font) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:setFont(string font, number fontsize) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:getColor(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:getColor4(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
dbutton:getText(entity ply) e2_vgui_core\lua\entities\gmod_wire_expression2\core\custom\vgui_elements\server\dbutton.lua
Clone this wiki locally