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The Data Section

The data section is where global variables are declared (you can use them anywhere in your program). If no variables are declared, the data section can be skipped altogether.

The data section is defined and preceded by the data: keyword. An empty data section looks like this:


On every line within the data section (that is, on every line after the data: keyword and before the procedure keyword) one and only one variable can be declared.

The syntax for declaring a variable in LDPL is:

variable-name is data-type

Variable naming schemes and data types will be explained later on this document.

A data section cannot contain anything but variable declarations, comments and empty lines. An example data section may end up looking like this:

data: # this is an example data section
    foo is number
    bar is text map
    # foobar is my number list
    foobar is number list

Variable Data Types

LDPL natively supports the scalar number and text data types. It also supports containers of said scalar types: maps and lists, combined in any way.

Variables may be declared, as stated above, using the syntax:

variable-name is data-type

within the data section. The name of a data type is composed of either a scalar data type name (number or text) or a container type plus one or more scalar or container type names. For example:

foo is number
bar is text
foobar is map of lists of text

In the case above, foobar is a map of lists of text values.

The Number Data Type

The number data type, as its name suggests, depicts numeric values. It's recommended that it be represented internally as a binary64 double-precision floating-point format number as defined by the IEEE 754.

Both variables and numeric constants can be members of the number type.

Valid number literals must begin with a decimal value (for example 5 or 0.12, .12 wouldn't be a valid number) and may be preceded by a minus sign for negative numbers (-5, -567.912). Numbers may not be preceded by a plus sign (+5 is not a valid number literal). The literal -0 is implicitly transformed into 0.

-231897.123 # is an example number

The Text Data Type

The text data type, as its name suggests, represents alphanumeric strings. In the interest of supporting as many locales as possible, texts should be utf-8 encoded to be compatible with Unicode. A text maximum length for text values is explicitly not defined and it should be limited only by the amount of available memory on the system. Strings in LDPL are enclosed between two "quotes".

"This is an example string!"

LDPL strings may contain multiple escape sequences / control characters in them. Each escape sequence counts as only one character. The available escape sequences are:

  • \a = alert (bell)
  • \b = backspace
  • \t = horizontal tab
  • \n = newline / line feed
  • \v = vertical tab
  • \f = form feed
  • \r = carriage return
  • \e = non-standard GCC escape
  • \0 = null byte
  • \\ = \ character
  • \" = " character

For example, the string "hello,\nworld" will be displayed as


when printed to the console.

The List Data Type

The list data type is a collection of number or text values, or containers of possibly more containers of said types. Values can be pushed to lists and then be accessed and modified using the : operator. List indexes consist of integer numbers. The first index of a list is index 0, and the rest count up to the length of the list minus one.

Lists, as collections of number or text values (or collections of said types), can only have one defined type at any given time: text or number. A single list is not capable of storing both numeric and alphanumeric values.

    foo is number list # This is a list

    push 10 to foo
    display foo:0 lf

!!!note The display statement prints values to the screen. While it will be explained in more detail later, the line

    `display foo:0 lf`
the value of `foo:0` (the index `0` of the list `foo`) followed by
a line break (`lf`).

In most other languages, you may have to declare a list and specify how many elements or components it contains. In such languages, the declaration causes a contiguous block of memory to be allocated for that many elements. LDPL lists, however, are different: they are dynamic. This means that you can store as many values as you want in a single list without fear of running out of place (of course, this is limited by the memory allocated by your operating system for your LDPL program).

Suppose you store the values "hi", "there", "I love" and "LDPL, it's great!" in a text list, in that particular order. Then the contents of the list and the index associated with each element will be

Index Element
0 "hi"
1 "there"
2 "I love"
3 "LDPL, it's great!"

We have shown the pairs in order because their order is relevant: if you added a new element to the list, it would be inserted after the last element, thus being associated with index 4.

To add values to a list, you must first push them to the list. For example, if you want to add the numbers 10, 20 and 30 to a number list, your code should look like this:

  myList is number list
  push 10 to myList # 10 is stored in index 0 of myList
  push 20 to myList # 20 is stored in index 1 of myList
  push 30 to myList # 30 is stored in index 2 of myList

Values in lists can be stored and accessed just like any other variable (see the store - in statement for further details) using the : operator. This operator indicates what index of the list we are writing to or reading from. Here we declare a number list and store the values 5 and -10.2 in it, and then replace the number 5 by the number 890:

  myList is number list
  push 5 to myList
  # 5 is stored in index 0 of myList
  push -10.2 to myList
  # -10.2 is stored in index 1 of myList
  store 890 in myList:0
  # We store 890 in index 0 of myList, thus replacing the 5

!!!note The push statement adds a value at the end of a list. Also, the store - in statement stores a value in a variable. These two statements will be explained in more detail in their respective sections of this document.

Please note that as a list is variable that's a collection of values, a single index of a list is a variable in itself. This means that any subindex of a list that resolves to a scalar value be used in any position where you could use a variable of the same type of that value. So, if you have something like this:

store <number-variable or number> in <number-variable>

You could use a number list with a defined sub-index (for example, in the example above, myList:0) where it says number-var, just like in the store - in examples in the code extracts above.

In the list statements section, you'll find a collection of statements that can be used to work with lists.

The Map Data Type

The map data type is a collection of number or text values. Maps superficially resemble lists but with fundamental differences. The biggest one is that any number or string in LDPL may be used as an array index, not just consecutive integers. Also, values in maps have no order.

    foo is number map # This is a map

    store 19 in foo:"hi there!"
    display foo:"hi there!" lf

Maps, as collections of number or text values (or collections of said types), can only have one defined type at any given time: text or number. A single map is not capable of storing both numeric and alphanumeric values.

Unlike lists, maps are associative. This means that each map is a collection of pairs: a key and its corresponding element. For example, you could have a number map with the following contents:

Key Element
4 30
2 10
"Hi there!" -56.3
"99ldplrocks89" 0

We have shown the pairs in jumbled order because their order is irrelevant. One advantage of maps is that new pairs can be added at any time. maps can be sparse: they can have missing keys (say for example you have keys 1 and 5, but don't have keys 2, 3 and 4). Another consequence of maps is that the keys don't necessarily have to be positive integers. Any number, or even a string, can be a key.

Values in maps can be stored and accessed just like any other variable (see the store - in statement for further details) using the : operator. This operator indicates what key of the map we are writing to or reading from. Here we declare a number map and store the values 5 and -10.2 in the keys 1 and 5, respectively.

  myMap is number map
  store 5 in myMap:1 #Stores 5 in key 1 of myMap
  store -10.2 in myMap:5 #Stores -10.2 in key 5 of myMap

As stated before, map keys don't always have to be constant numbers. They can also be number variables, text and text variables, or even sub-indexes of lists or elements from other maps. For example:

  myMap is number map
  myOtherMap is number map
  myVar is number

  store 17 in myVar
  store 1 in myMap:"hello"
  #Stores 1 in key "hello" of myMap
  store 7 in myMap:myVar
  #Stores 7 in a key equal to the current value of myVar
  store 3 in myMap:myOtherMap:4
  #Stores 3 in a key of equal value to the key of myMap with value equal to
  #key 4 of myOtherMap

In fact, when you use a number value as a subindex for a map, it is silently casted into a text value. For example, myMap:1 will be interpreted (an thus, the same) as myMap:"1".

Please note that as a map is variable that's a collection of values, a single key of a map is a variable in itself. This means that any key of a map that resolves to a scalar value can be used in any position where you could use a variable of the same type of that value. So, if you have something like this:

store <number-var or number> in <number-var>

You could use a number map with a particular key where it says number-var, just like in the store - in examples in the code extracts above (for example myMap:"hello").

As you'll see in the Default Variable Values section, you can access undeclared keys of a map, just like if they were declared. See the following example:

  myMap is number map
  display myMap:99

In the example above, 0 will be printed and no errors displayed during compilation, even though the key 99 of myMap hasn't been explicitly declared. This is because when you try to access an element that hasn't been declared yet, LDPL declares it for you and initializes it to its type default value.

It's important to note that this very feature is a double-edged weapon. While you can use it to access uninitialized map keys, you cannot check if a value exists in a map without initializing it if it wasn't there before. Statements like store key count of and store keys of are provided as means to overcome this situation.

In the map statements section, you'll find a collection of statements that can be used to work with maps.

!!!warning In older versions of LDPL, maps were called vectors. Starting from LDPL 3.1.0 Diligent Dreadnoughtus, they have been renamed to reflect the real data structure they represent. While it might still be possible to call them vectors in code, and legacy code that declares maps as vectors is and will continue to be supported, this nomenclature is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore.


As stated before, "The name of a data type is composed of either a scalar data type name (number or text) or a container type plus one or more scalar or container type names." This means that you can declare variables like:

myVariable is list of lists of text
myOtherVariable is map of lists of maps of maps of lists of maps of numbers
pleaseStop is list of maps of maps of lists of maps of maps of maps of lists of lists of maps of lists of lists of text

These variables are called multicontainers. Multicontainers hold other containers, which can hold more containers or scalar values to an arbitrary depth. For example, a map of lists of text is a map that holds lists of text values. You may access a value stored in a map of lists of text like so:

display foo:"hi":0

where hi is the key used to access a list stored in the map, and 0 the index used to access a text value stored in the list that was stored in the map.

If you want to push a list to a list of lists or a map to a list of maps you must use the push list to _ and push map to _ statements, respectively:

    listOfMaps is list of maps of texts
    listOfLists is list of lists of texts
    push map to listOfMaps
    store "Hello!" in listOfMaps:0:"hi!"
    # Pushes a map to listOfMaps and then stores
    # the value "Hello!" in the key "hi!" of the pushed map
    push list to listOfLists
    push "Hello!" listOfLists:0
    # Pushes a map to listOfLists and then pushes
    # the value "Hello!" at index 0 of the pushed list

These will be explained in more detail in their respective sections.

The LDPL compiler supports plural data-type names, as shown above. One can use numbers instead of number, texts instead of text, lists instead of lists and maps instead of map. A list of list of number is the same as a list of lists of numbers.

!!!Note In LDPL 4.3, multicontainers were introduced with a right-to-left syntax. A map of list of text was defined as text list map. This syntax is still supported.

Default Type Values

In LDPL, each variable is initialized with a value by default. This means that when you declare a variable, it will, by default, hold this value until it's changed.

  • Number variables are initialized with the value 0. Each element of a number map is a number variable, and thus also initialized to 0.
  • Text variables are initialized to the empty string "". The same goes for text maps, where each element it contains is also initialized to "".
  • Lists are initialized empty by default and trying to access a non-existing index will result in an error.
  • Keys of Maps of Lists (map of list) are declared as empty lists of the scalar type of the multicontainer by default.

Predeclared Variables

Some variables in LDPL are already declared for you without you having to declare them. These variables are the argv text list, and the errorcode and errortext variables.

The argv list variable

Every LDPL program comes with the argv text list variable declared by default.

If you pass command line arguments to your LDPL compiled program (running, for example, something like myBinary argument1 argument2), the values stored in the argv list (argument vector) will be the values of each argument passed (in this case, "argument1" will be stored in argv:0 and "argument2" in argv:1).

!!!hint Given that argv is a text list, the values passed as arguments are always stored as text, even numbers.

Naturally, if no arguments are passed to the program, the argv list will be empty.

The errorcode and errortext variables

Some LDPL operations may fail when executed. Maybe you tried loading a file that wasn't there or getting the ASCII value of a multi-byte emoji. These operations make use of the errorcode and errortext variables to tell you if they ran successfully or not.

The errorcode and errortext variables come declared by default. Some statements may modify their values to express their results.

The errorcode variable is a number variable. It will hold the value 0 if the statement ran successfully, and any other number if it did not.

The errortext variable is a text variable that will be empty if the statement ran successfully. If it did not, it will store a human readable description of what went wrong.

The errorcode and errortext variables can be read and written like any other LDPL variable.

!!!warning When handling error checks, please bear in mind that the content of the errortext variable may change in future releases of LDPL. The value stored in errorcode, however, will not change and so that's the value that should be used to check whether an operation ran successfully or not.