An example survey form about the field of Artificial Intelligence. Built solely for practice & fun, not ment to be taken seriously.
- Live Site URL: Github Pages
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Mobile-first workflow
- Flexbox
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Reset
- Aware Font
- Technology Data Digital
Kevin Powell for his excellent YouTube tutorials, i can not describe how much he has helped me with learning web development.
Modern CSS Has a lot of useful resources there, i've learned how to always position the footer to the bottom of the screen thanks to it.
Solo Learn Helped me get started with web development. Good for anyone starting out web development.
Piccalil For the amazing CSS Reset that i've used in this project. The site has a ton more useful resources that i've yet to learn.
Free Code Camp Started a course there on Responsive Web Development recently and learned a few things, i will be visiting this site quite a bit going forward, as it has everything i want to learn about web development.
Frontend Mentor For the designs and guidelines, an amazing resource that lets you focus on the development aspect, instead of trying to both learn designing and web development at the same time.
- Github - Kyr27