Interview is a website aimed to help students,in preparing for the placements interview,by tracking the questions solved and providing interview experiencs of students from various backgrounds .
Figma link is here
Project is at here
Project Demo here
Teach stack used to create build the project
- React
- Materail ui
- Netlify
- React-draft editor
- Node,Express
- Mongodb
- Passport for socail auth
- azure as data storge
- heroku to deploy
- Solve questions based on topics
- Read inteviews from various users
- Social auth,github,google,outlook
- Add questions
- Interviews based on companies
- Add comments on interviews and star them
- Add questions and interviews to starred
- Create interview in an rich text editor
- See starred questions,interviews and my quetions at ur dashboard
Now there are a lot of env variables to setup here to bear with me
- Backend
#Go through the .env.example try to add
npm install
npm run dev
- Frontend
npm install
npm start