diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/README.md b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/README.md
index 2c32bf88..3e13711d 100644
--- a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/README.md
+++ b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/README.md
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ By incrementally increasing the load and solving for the residual to be zero the
-_Non-linear snap through: Load-control_
+_Non-linear snap through: Load-control_ `python3 MainKratos.py ProjectParametersLoadControl.json`
Whereas both limit points can be found by incrementally increasing the displacement and solving for the residual to be zero:
-_Non-linear snap through: Displacement-control_
+_Non-linear snap through: Displacement-control_ `python3 MainKratos.py ProjectParametersDisplacementControl.json`
diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/MainKratos.py b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/MainKratos.py
index 784d1a5b..32580ca8 100755
--- a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/MainKratos.py
+++ b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/MainKratos.py
@@ -1,164 +1,52 @@
-from KratosMultiphysics import *
-from KratosMultiphysics.LinearSolversApplication import *
-from KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication import *
-## Import define_output
-parameter_file = open("ProjectParameters.json",'r')
-ProjectParameters = Parameters( parameter_file.read())
-## Get echo level and parallel type
-echo_level = ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["echo_level"].GetInt()
-parallel_type = ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["parallel_type"].GetString()
-## Import parallel modules if needed
-if (parallel_type == "MPI"):
- from KratosMultiphysics.mpi import *
- from KratosMultiphysics.MetisApplication import *
- from KratosMultiphysics.TrilinosApplication import *
-def ApplyLoad(initial_value, model_part, time):
- for node in model_part.Nodes:
- factor = 1
- value = initial_value * factor * time
- node.SetSolutionStepValue(POINT_LOAD_Y,0,value)
-## Structure model part definition
-main_model_part = ModelPart(ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["model_part_name"].GetString())
-main_model_part.ProcessInfo.SetValue(DOMAIN_SIZE, ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["domain_size"].GetInt())
-## Solver construction
-import python_solvers_wrapper_structural
-solver = python_solvers_wrapper_structural.CreateSolver(main_model_part, ProjectParameters)
-## Read the model - note that SetBufferSize is done here
-## Add AddDofs
-## Initialize GiD I/O
-output_post = ProjectParameters.Has("output_configuration")
-if (output_post == True):
- if (parallel_type == "OpenMP"):
- from KratosMultiphysics.gid_output_process import GiDOutputProcess
- gid_output = GiDOutputProcess(solver.GetComputingModelPart(),
- ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["problem_name"].GetString() ,
- ProjectParameters["output_configuration"])
- elif (parallel_type == "MPI"):
- from gid_output_process_mpi import GiDOutputProcessMPI
- gid_output = GiDOutputProcessMPI(solver.GetComputingModelPart(),
- ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["problem_name"].GetString() ,
- ProjectParameters["output_configuration"])
- gid_output.ExecuteInitialize()
-## Creation of the Kratos model (build sub_model_parts or submeshes)
-StructureModel = {ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["model_part_name"].GetString(): main_model_part}
-## Get the list of the sub_model_parts in where the processes are to be applied
-for i in range(ProjectParameters["solver_settings"]["processes_sub_model_part_list"].size()):
- part_name = ProjectParameters["solver_settings"]["processes_sub_model_part_list"][i].GetString()
- StructureModel.update({part_name: main_model_part.GetSubModelPart(part_name)})
-## Print model_part and properties
-if ((parallel_type == "OpenMP") or (mpi.rank == 0)) and (echo_level > 1):
- print("")
- print(main_model_part)
- for properties in main_model_part.Properties:
- print(properties)
-## Processes construction
-import process_factory
-list_of_processes = process_factory.KratosProcessFactory(StructureModel).ConstructListOfProcesses(ProjectParameters["constraints_process_list"])
-list_of_processes += process_factory.KratosProcessFactory(StructureModel).ConstructListOfProcesses(ProjectParameters["loads_process_list"])
-if (ProjectParameters.Has("list_other_processes") == True):
- list_of_processes += process_factory.KratosProcessFactory(StructureModel).ConstructListOfProcesses(ProjectParameters["list_other_processes"])
-if (ProjectParameters.Has("json_output_process") == True):
- list_of_processes += process_factory.KratosProcessFactory(StructureModel).ConstructListOfProcesses(ProjectParameters["json_output_process"])
-if ((parallel_type == "OpenMP") or (mpi.rank == 0)) and (echo_level > 1):
- for process in list_of_processes:
- print(process)
-## Processes initialization
-for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteInitialize()
-## Solver initialization
-if (output_post == True):
- gid_output.ExecuteBeforeSolutionLoop()
-for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteBeforeSolutionLoop()
-## Writing the full ProjectParameters file before solving
-if ((parallel_type == "OpenMP") or (mpi.rank == 0)) and (echo_level > 0):
- f = open("ProjectParametersOutput.json", 'w')
- f.write(ProjectParameters.PrettyPrintJsonString())
- f.close()
-## Stepping and time settings
-delta_time = ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["time_step"].GetDouble()
-start_time = ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["start_time"].GetDouble()
-end_time = ProjectParameters["problem_data"]["end_time"].GetDouble()
-time = start_time
-main_model_part.ProcessInfo[TIME_STEPS] = 0
-# Solving the problem (time integration)
-while(time <= end_time):
- time = time + delta_time
- main_model_part.ProcessInfo[TIME_STEPS] += 1
- main_model_part.CloneTimeStep(time)
- if (parallel_type == "OpenMP") or (mpi.rank == 0):
- print("")
- print("STEP = ", main_model_part.ProcessInfo[TIME_STEPS])
- print("TIME = ", time)
- for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteInitializeSolutionStep()
- if (output_post == True):
- gid_output.ExecuteInitializeSolutionStep()
- ApplyLoad(-37000000, main_model_part.GetSubModelPart("PointLoad3D_neumann"), time)
- solver.Solve()
- for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteFinalizeSolutionStep()
- if (output_post == True):
- gid_output.ExecuteFinalizeSolutionStep()
- for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteBeforeOutputStep()
- if (output_post == True) and (gid_output.IsOutputStep()):
- gid_output.PrintOutput()
- for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteAfterOutputStep()
-for process in list_of_processes:
- process.ExecuteFinalize()
-if (output_post == True):
- gid_output.ExecuteFinalize()
-if (parallel_type == "OpenMP") or (mpi.rank == 0):
- print(" ")
- print("::[KSM Simulation]:: Analysis -END- ")
- print(" ")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # --- STD Imports ---
+ import sys
+ import argparse
+ import pathlib
+ # --- Kratos Imports ---
+ import KratosMultiphysics
+ from KratosMultiphysics.analysis_stage import AnalysisStage
+ from KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication.structural_mechanics_analysis import StructuralMechanicsAnalysis
+ try:
+ import KratosMultiphysics.LinearSolversApplication
+ except ImportError as exception:
+ print(str(exception), file = sys.stderr)
+ print("This example requires the LinearSolversApplication", file = sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ import KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication
+ except ImportError as exception:
+ print(str(exception), file = sys.stderr)
+ print("This example requires the StructuralMechanicsApplication", file = sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ import KratosMultiphysics.ConstitutiveLawsApplication
+ except ImportError as exception:
+ print(str(exception), file = sys.stderr)
+ print("This example requires the ConstitutiveLawsApplication", file = sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ # Parse input arguments
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = argparse.ArgumentParser("TrussSnapThrough")
+ parser.add_argument("json_input",
+ type = pathlib.Path,
+ choices = [pathlib.Path("ProjectParametersLoadControl.json"),
+ pathlib.Path("ProjectParametersDisplacementControl.json")],
+ default = pathlib.Path("ProjectParametersLoadControl.json"),
+ nargs = "?")
+ arguments = parser.parse_args()
+ # Read settings.
+ parameters: KratosMultiphysics.Parameters
+ with open(arguments.json_input, 'r') as file:
+ parameters = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters(file.read())
+ # Run the example.
+ model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
+ analysis: AnalysisStage = StructuralMechanicsAnalysis(model, parameters)
+ analysis.Run()
diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParameters.json b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParameters.json
deleted file mode 100755
index e3e4b82a..00000000
--- a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParameters.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- "problem_data" : {
- "problem_name" : "SnapThrough",
- "model_part_name" : "Structure",
- "domain_size" : 3,
- "parallel_type" : "OpenMP",
- "time_step" : 0.001,
- "start_time" : 0.0,
- "end_time" : 1.20,
- "echo_level" : 0
- },
- "solver_settings" : {
- "solver_type" : "Static",
- "echo_level" : 1,
- "analysis_type" : "non_linear",
- "model_import_settings" : {
- "input_type" : "mdpa",
- "input_filename" : "SnapThrough"
- },
- "material_import_settings" : {
- "materials_filename" : "StructuralMaterials.json"
- },
- "line_search" : false,
- "convergence_criterion" : "residual_criterion",
- "displacement_relative_tolerance" : 1e-9,
- "displacement_absolute_tolerance" : 1e-9,
- "residual_relative_tolerance" : 0.0001,
- "residual_absolute_tolerance" : 1e-9,
- "max_iteration" : 1000,
- "linear_solver_settings" : {
- "solver_type" : "Super_LU",
- "scaling" : false,
- "verbosity" : 0
- },
- "problem_domain_sub_model_part_list" : ["Parts_structure"],
- "processes_sub_model_part_list" : ["DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXYZ","DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXZ","PointLoad3D_neumann"],
- "rotation_dofs" : true
- },
- "constraints_process_list" : [{
- "python_module" : "assign_vector_variable_process",
- "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
- "help" : "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
- "process_name" : "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
- "Parameters" : {
- "mesh_id" : 0,
- "model_part_name" : "DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXYZ",
- "variable_name" : "DISPLACEMENT",
- "value" : [0.0,0.0,0.0],
- "interval" : [0.0,"End"]
- }
- },{
- "python_module" : "assign_vector_variable_process",
- "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
- "help" : "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
- "process_name" : "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
- "Parameters" : {
- "mesh_id" : 0,
- "model_part_name" : "DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXZ",
- "variable_name" : "DISPLACEMENT",
- "value" : [0.0,null,0.0],
- "interval" : [0.0,"End"]
- }
- }],
- "loads_process_list" : [{
- "python_module" : "assign_vector_by_direction_to_condition_process",
- "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
- "help" : "This process sets a vector variable value over a condition",
- "check" : "DirectorVectorNonZero direction",
- "process_name" : "AssignModulusAndDirectionToConditionsProcess",
- "Parameters" : {
- "mesh_id" : 0,
- "model_part_name" : "PointLoad3D_neumann",
- "variable_name" : "POINT_LOAD",
- "modulus" : 0,
- "direction" : [0,-1,0],
- "interval" : [0.0,"End"]
- }
- }],
- "output_configuration" : {
- "result_file_configuration" : {
- "gidpost_flags" : {
- "GiDPostMode" : "GiD_PostBinary",
- "WriteDeformedMeshFlag" : "WriteDeformed",
- "WriteConditionsFlag" : "WriteConditions",
- "MultiFileFlag" : "SingleFile"
- },
- "file_label" : "step",
- "output_control_type" : "step",
- "output_interval" : 1.0,
- "body_output" : true,
- "node_output" : false,
- "skin_output" : false,
- "plane_output" : [],
- "gauss_point_results" : []
- },
- "point_data_configuration" : []
- },
- "restart_options" : {
- "SaveRestart" : false,
- "RestartFrequency" : 0,
- "LoadRestart" : false,
- "Restart_Step" : 0
- },
- "constraints_data" : {
- "incremental_load" : false,
- "incremental_displacement" : false
- },
- "material_import_settings" : {
- "materials_filename" : "StructuralMaterials.json"
- }
diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersDisplacementControl.json b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersDisplacementControl.json
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f4a570fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersDisplacementControl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ "problem_data": {
+ "problem_name": "SnapThroughDisplacementControl",
+ "parallel_type": "OpenMP",
+ "echo_level": 0,
+ "start_time": 0.0,
+ "end_time": 2.2
+ },
+ "solver_settings": {
+ "solver_type": "Static",
+ "echo_level": 1,
+ "analysis_type": "non_linear",
+ "time_stepping" : {
+ "time_step": 5e-3
+ },
+ "domain_size" : 3,
+ "model_part_name" : "Structure",
+ "model_import_settings": {
+ "input_type": "mdpa",
+ "input_filename": "SnapThrough"
+ },
+ "material_import_settings": {
+ "materials_filename": "StructuralMaterials.json"
+ },
+ "compute_reactions": true,
+ "line_search": false,
+ "convergence_criterion": "residual_criterion",
+ "displacement_relative_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "displacement_absolute_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "residual_relative_tolerance": 1e-4,
+ "residual_absolute_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "max_iteration": 1e3,
+ "linear_solver_settings": {
+ "solver_type": "LinearSolversApplication.sparse_lu",
+ "scaling": false,
+ "verbosity": 0
+ },
+ "rotation_dofs": true
+ },
+ "processes" : {
+ "constraints_process_list": [
+ {
+ "python_module": "assign_vector_variable_process",
+ "kratos_module": "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "help": "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
+ "process_name": "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "model_part_name": "Structure.DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXYZ",
+ "variable_name": "DISPLACEMENT",
+ "value": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "constrained" : [true, true, true],
+ "interval": [0.0, "End"]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "python_module": "assign_vector_variable_process",
+ "kratos_module": "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "help": "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
+ "process_name": "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "model_part_name": "Structure.DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXZ",
+ "variable_name": "DISPLACEMENT",
+ "value": [0.0, "-t", 0.0],
+ "constrained" : [true, true, true],
+ "interval": [0.0, "End"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "output_processes" : {
+ "vtk_output" : [{
+ "python_module" : "vtk_output_process",
+ "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "process_name" : "VtkOutputProcess",
+ "help" : "This process writes postprocessing files for Paraview",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "model_part_name" : "Structure",
+ "output_control_type" : "step",
+ "output_interval" : 1,
+ "file_format" : "binary",
+ "output_precision" : 7,
+ "output_sub_model_parts" : false,
+ "output_path" : "vtk_output_displacement_control",
+ "save_output_files_in_folder" : true,
+ "nodal_solution_step_data_variables" : ["DISPLACEMENT", "REACTION", "ROTATION", "POINT_LOAD"]
+ }
+ }]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersLoadControl.json b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersLoadControl.json
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8175f510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/ProjectParametersLoadControl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ "problem_data": {
+ "problem_name": "SnapThroughLoadControl",
+ "parallel_type": "OpenMP",
+ "echo_level": 0,
+ "start_time": 0.0,
+ "end_time": 1.20
+ },
+ "solver_settings": {
+ "solver_type": "Static",
+ "echo_level": 1,
+ "analysis_type": "non_linear",
+ "time_stepping" : {
+ "time_step": 1e-3
+ },
+ "domain_size" : 3,
+ "model_part_name" : "Structure",
+ "model_import_settings": {
+ "input_type": "mdpa",
+ "input_filename": "SnapThrough"
+ },
+ "material_import_settings": {
+ "materials_filename": "StructuralMaterials.json"
+ },
+ "compute_reactions": true,
+ "line_search": false,
+ "convergence_criterion": "residual_criterion",
+ "displacement_relative_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "displacement_absolute_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "residual_relative_tolerance": 1e-4,
+ "residual_absolute_tolerance": 1e-9,
+ "max_iteration": 1e3,
+ "linear_solver_settings": {
+ "solver_type": "LinearSolversApplication.sparse_lu",
+ "scaling": false,
+ "verbosity": 0
+ },
+ "rotation_dofs": true
+ },
+ "processes" : {
+ "constraints_process_list": [
+ {
+ "python_module": "assign_vector_variable_process",
+ "kratos_module": "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "help": "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
+ "process_name": "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "model_part_name": "Structure.DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXYZ",
+ "variable_name": "DISPLACEMENT",
+ "value": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "constrained" : [true, true, true],
+ "interval": [0.0, "End"]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "python_module": "assign_vector_variable_process",
+ "kratos_module": "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "help": "This process fixes the selected components of a given vector variable",
+ "process_name": "AssignVectorVariableProcess",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "model_part_name": "Structure.DISPLACEMENT_dirichletXZ",
+ "variable_name": "DISPLACEMENT",
+ "value": [0.0, null, 0.0],
+ "constrained" : [true, false, true],
+ "interval": [0.0, "End"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "loads_process_list": [
+ {
+ "python_module": "assign_vector_by_direction_to_condition_process",
+ "kratos_module": "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "help": "This process sets a vector variable value over a condition",
+ "check": "DirectorVectorNonZero direction",
+ "process_name": "AssignModulusAndDirectionToConditionsProcess",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "model_part_name": "Structure.PointLoad3D_neumann",
+ "variable_name": "POINT_LOAD",
+ "modulus": "3.7e7 * t",
+ "direction": [0, -1, 0],
+ "interval": [0.0, "End"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "output_processes" : {
+ "vtk_output" : [{
+ "python_module" : "vtk_output_process",
+ "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
+ "process_name" : "VtkOutputProcess",
+ "help" : "This process writes postprocessing files for Paraview",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "model_part_name" : "Structure",
+ "output_control_type" : "step",
+ "output_interval" : 1,
+ "file_format" : "binary",
+ "output_precision" : 7,
+ "output_sub_model_parts" : false,
+ "output_path" : "vtk_output_load_control",
+ "save_output_files_in_folder" : true,
+ "nodal_solution_step_data_variables" : ["DISPLACEMENT", "REACTION", "ROTATION", "POINT_LOAD"]
+ }
+ }]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/StructuralMaterials.json b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/StructuralMaterials.json
index fec37015..4e86c74f 100644
--- a/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/StructuralMaterials.json
+++ b/structural_mechanics/validation/truss_snap_through/source/StructuralMaterials.json
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
- "properties" : [{
- "model_part_name" : "Parts_structure",
- "properties_id" : 1,
- "Material" : {
- "constitutive_law" : {
- "name" : "KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication.LinearElasticPlaneStress2DLaw"
- },
- "Variables" : {
- "DENSITY" : 7850.0,
- "YOUNG_MODULUS" : 210000000000.0,
- "KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication.CROSS_AREA" : 0.01,
- "KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication.TRUSS_PRESTRESS_PK2" : 0.00
- },
- "Tables" : {}
+ "properties": [
+ {
+ "model_part_name" : "Structure.Parts_structure",
+ "properties_id" : 1,
+ "Material" : {
+ "constitutive_law" : {
+ "name" : "TrussConstitutiveLaw"
+ },
+ "Variables" : {
+ "DENSITY": 7.85e3,
+ "YOUNG_MODULUS": 2.1e11,
+ "CROSS_AREA" : 1e-2,
+ }
+ }
- }]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file