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Code Aesthetics


This document is in addition to the BSG SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines. All rules in that file should be obeyed. This document augments that documents with a few aesthetic guidelines. This document is intended to provide more rigid structure for coding style and file structure.


BSG SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines

Freescale Verilog Guidelines

Google C++ Style Guide

lowRISCV Verilog Coding Style Guide

Verilog Style

  • No tabs in files, anywhere. People get different results based on their editor.

    • Exception: Makefiles. Tabs should be used to indent recipes, but not for general alignment
  • Align all things that have parallel structure (begin/end, case/endcase, commas, periods, etc.). This makes it easier to check the code and find the matching component.

      if (x_p)  // notice how matching inputs are aligned
        begin: foo
          adder     (this_input, that_input, another_input);
        begin: bar
          wow_adder (this_input,          3, another_input);
      if (foo)    // notice alignment of if/else, begin/end
          x = 3;  // and optional alignment of x = statement.
          x = 1;
          y = 0;
  • Use localparam keyword for derived parameters and input parameters that should not be set by the party instantiating the module.

  • Localparams in port lists are allowed, but only for sizing ports. Other generated localparams should go near their consumers.

  • Ports and parameters should not have the module name as a prefix, since that is redundant. In some cases, the wires in the parent module may use the module name of the child to disambiguate.

      module foo 
        #(parameter bar_p = "inv")
         (input [bar_p-1:0] baz_i  // not foo_baz_i
  • Signals corresponding to a pipeline stage in a module which has multiple stages should have a pipeline stage suffix

    • foobar_ex1_lo
    • barbaz_tv_n
  • ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘8’ (when used as byte width) are the only allowable magic numbers. Else, consider strongly the use of a localparam.

  • Modules and packages are named *.sv, headers are named *.svh

  • Import packages within modules (not other headers) to avoid global ($root) package imports

  • All defines should ultimately be included by including _defines.svh. Suitably large and related groups of defines should be sub-included within those files.

  • All parameters and typedefs should ultimately be compiled with Suitably large and related groups of parameters and typedefs should be included within a _pkgdef.svh file, which is not intended to be compiled directly, but instead as part of a larger package.
      package foo_pkg;
      `include "bar_pkgdef.svh"
          `ifndef BAR_PKGDEF_SVH
          `define BAR_PKGDEF_SVH
          localparam bar_width_gp = 42;
      module foo
       import foo_pkg::*;
       #(parameter a = "inv")

Syntactic style

  • snake_case for all identifiers.
    • No capital letters in the source code except in comments or in strings.
  • 2 spaces per indent.
  • Code inside of a module should be idented once.
  • Newline at end of file (helps some old unix tools).
  • No whitespace at ends of lines

-Space between type and width e.g. logic [1:0], not logic[1:0].

-Space between keywords and operators.

begin : // this
if (x)  // this
begin:  // not this
if(x)  // not this
  • Per BSG SystemVerilog Style Guide, all generate blocks should be labeled.

  • Lines should not exceed 100 (soft limit) or 120 (hard limit) columns

    • Exception: macro definition parameter lists and usage must be one line to satisfy some tools. Macro bodies should be broken up with backslashification.

    • When breaking lines start the newline with the operator or the first operand.

        foo = super_long_name_that_wraps
              + other_name;
        foo = 
          super_long_name_that_wraps + other_name;
  • Lists should be formatted in one of the following ways:

      (all, one, line)
      (spaces, after, commas, horizontally)
      // Except for between commas and keywords
      , parameter p
      , input  i
      , output o
  • Declarations and instantations should be formatted in one of the following ways: // Module declaration module foo #(parameter width_p = “inv” // note alignment , parameter height_p = “inv” // space between , and parameter ) (input [width_p-1:0] bar_i // port names aligned , input [height_p-1:0] baz_i // space between , and input );

      // Module instantiation
       #(.width_p(3)   // # indented by 1 space
         ,.height_p(5) // no space between , and .
       inst                   // inst name aligned with #    
        (.bar_i(foo_bar_li)   // parentheses of parameters and ports aligned
      // Can combine parameter or port lists to one line
       #(.width_p(3) ,.height_p(5))
        (.bar_i(foo_bar_li), .baz_i(foo_baz_li));
      // Struct declaration
      typedef struct
        logic [1:0] bar; // fields aligned
        logic       baz;
        foobar_s    boo;
      }  foo_s;      // Two spaces to break up struct name from field declarations
      // Enum declaration
      typedef enum
        e_zop  = 2’b00  // All values assigned, rather than default
        ,e_bar = 2’b01  // Values aligned
        ,e_baz = 2’b10
      } foo_e;           
  • Do not begin comments with // Verilator. Verilator transforms all comments to /**/ style, which can cause Verilator to interpret an innocuous comment as an invalid pragma. For example, the following example will fail to compile in Verilator!

      module foo
      input logic a;
      output logic b;
      // Verilator cannot handle this construct
      `ifndef VERILATOR
        syntax error