This document is in addition to the BSG SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines. All rules in that file should be obeyed. This document augments that documents with a few aesthetic guidelines. This document is intended to provide more rigid structure for coding style and file structure.
BSG SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines
lowRISCV Verilog Coding Style Guide
No tabs in files, anywhere. People get different results based on their editor.
- Exception: Makefiles. Tabs should be used to indent recipes, but not for general alignment
Align all things that have parallel structure (begin/end, case/endcase, commas, periods, etc.). This makes it easier to check the code and find the matching component.
if (x_p) // notice how matching inputs are aligned begin: foo adder (this_input, that_input, another_input); end else begin: bar wow_adder (this_input, 3, another_input); end if (foo) // notice alignment of if/else, begin/end x = 3; // and optional alignment of x = statement. else begin x = 1; y = 0; end
Use localparam keyword for derived parameters and input parameters that should not be set by the party instantiating the module.
Localparams in port lists are allowed, but only for sizing ports. Other generated localparams should go near their consumers.
Ports and parameters should not have the module name as a prefix, since that is redundant. In some cases, the wires in the parent module may use the module name of the child to disambiguate.
module foo #(parameter bar_p = "inv") (input [bar_p-1:0] baz_i // not foo_baz_i ); foo #(.bar_p(foo_bar_p)) inst (.baz_i(foo_baz_li));
Signals corresponding to a pipeline stage in a module which has multiple stages should have a pipeline stage suffix
- foobar_ex1_lo
- barbaz_tv_n
‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘8’ (when used as byte width) are the only allowable magic numbers. Else, consider strongly the use of a localparam.
Modules and packages are named *.sv, headers are named *.svh
Import packages within modules (not other headers) to avoid global ($root) package imports
All defines should ultimately be included by including _defines.svh. Suitably large and related groups of defines should be sub-included within those files.
All parameters and typedefs should ultimately be compiled with Suitably large and related groups of parameters and typedefs should be included within a _pkgdef.svh file, which is not intended to be compiled directly, but instead as part of a larger package. package foo_pkg; `include "bar_pkgdef.svh" endpackage; bar_pkgdef.svh: `ifndef BAR_PKGDEF_SVH `define BAR_PKGDEF_SVH localparam bar_width_gp = 42; `endif foo.v: module foo import foo_pkg::*; #(parameter a = "inv")
- snake_case for all identifiers.
- No capital letters in the source code except in comments or in strings.
- 2 spaces per indent.
- Code inside of a module should be idented once.
- Newline at end of file (helps some old unix tools).
- No whitespace at ends of lines
-Space between type and width e.g. logic [1:0], not logic[1:0].
-Space between keywords and operators.
begin : // this
if (x) // this
begin: // not this
if(x) // not this
Per BSG SystemVerilog Style Guide, all generate blocks should be labeled.
Lines should not exceed 100 (soft limit) or 120 (hard limit) columns
Exception: macro definition parameter lists and usage must be one line to satisfy some tools. Macro bodies should be broken up with backslashification.
When breaking lines start the newline with the operator or the first operand.
foo = super_long_name_that_wraps + other_name; foo = super_long_name_that_wraps + other_name;
Lists should be formatted in one of the following ways:
(all, one, line) (all ,one ,line ) (spaces, after, commas, horizontally) (but ,not ,vertically ) // Except for between commas and keywords , parameter p ... , input i , output o )
Declarations and instantations should be formatted in one of the following ways: // Module declaration module foo #(parameter width_p = “inv” // note alignment , parameter height_p = “inv” // space between , and parameter ) (input [width_p-1:0] bar_i // port names aligned , input [height_p-1:0] baz_i // space between , and input );
// Module instantiation foo #(.width_p(3) // # indented by 1 space ,.height_p(5) // no space between , and . ) inst // inst name aligned with # (.bar_i(foo_bar_li) // parentheses of parameters and ports aligned ,.baz_i(foo_baz_li) ); // Can combine parameter or port lists to one line foo #(.width_p(3) ,.height_p(5)) inst (.bar_i(foo_bar_li), .baz_i(foo_baz_li)); // Struct declaration typedef struct { logic [1:0] bar; // fields aligned logic baz; foobar_s boo; } foo_s; // Two spaces to break up struct name from field declarations // Enum declaration typedef enum { e_zop = 2’b00 // All values assigned, rather than default ,e_bar = 2’b01 // Values aligned ,e_baz = 2’b10 } foo_e;
Do not begin comments with // Verilator. Verilator transforms all comments to /**/ style, which can cause Verilator to interpret an innocuous comment as an invalid pragma. For example, the following example will fail to compile in Verilator!
module foo input logic a; output logic b; // Verilator cannot handle this construct `ifndef VERILATOR syntax error `endif endmodule