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238 lines (161 loc) · 7.49 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (161 loc) · 7.49 KB


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Fixed fields with [Settings] attribute not showing up with inheritance.
  • Fixed selection still active when selecting nodes without inspector fields.


  • Fields with both attributes [SerializeField] and [ShowInInspector] are now visible in both the node and inspector.



  • Added a callback on the BaseGraph class to know when the asset is deleted on the disk.
  • Added the support of [InspectorName] to change the display name of fields in the node.


  • Fixed relay node not applying custom conversions when needed
  • Fixed the node create menu not listing all nodes when created from edge drag.
  • Fixed Int vector drawer display in nodes.
  • Fixed parameter not editable in Unity 2021.2.


  • Deprecated the FieldFactory and [FieldDrawer] system. You can use Unity's CustomPropertyDrawer instead.
  • SerializedProperties are now used to display the properties in the node, so they support Unity's default UI and attributes for all properties.



  • Renamable nodes
  • Added an API in the toolbar view to add separators and custom UI fields.
  • Added API to check if node was created from a duplication operation (see BaseNode.createdFromDuplication and BaseNode.createdWithinGroup).


  • Node inspector settings are now serialized for the lifetime of an editor session (not between sessions).


  • Fixed GetNodeViewTypeFromType not supporting inheritance.
  • Fixed nodes loosing the graph reference after the asset was changed in by an external process.



  • Fixed a nullref that happened after closing the graph and undoing a change on a parameter
  • Fixed an issue where an undo broke the parameter values
  • Fixed edges disappearing after an undo made in the scene and a graph was opened.



  • Fixed issues with relay node



  • Added vertical ports
  • Added an example with Waitable and async nodes
  • Added drag and drop support for assets and scene objects directly into a graph


  • Fixed ports duplicated after undo



  • You can now re-order elements inside the blackboard.



  • Added support of custom property drawers for exposed parameters in the graph inspector (the one that shows in the inspector when the graph is selected).


  • Serialization backend (use [SerializeReference] instead of JSON)



  • Added deletable bool API on the BaseNode


  • Fix missing and inconsistent field drawers on inherited node fields
  • Fix inconsistent field drawer positions after unsupported fields
  • Fixed port sync code
  • Fixed exception to log not handling correctly the stacktraces



  • Node creation menu wasn't showing all graph specific nodes



  • Added an API to exclude nodes from the creation menu either based on graph type or graph settings. See IsCompatibleWithGraph and NodeMenuItemAttribute attributes.


  • Fixed locale serialization issue with float and vectors



  • Fixed port order not correct.



  • Fix selection lost after undo / redo
  • Fix node not removed from the inspector when the node is deleted in the graph
  • Fix performance issue with port sync
  • Fix nodes not disabled when deleted due to undo/redo



  • Added sticky notes (only for 2020.1+)



  • Added the [ShowAsDrawer] Attribute to display a drawer beside an input port


  • Fixed relay node packing workflow and some deletion issues
  • Fixed ArgumentOutOfRange in relay node
  • Fixed relay node creation from input port



  • Depth first compute order (enabled by default) instead of breadth first
  • Cycle detection in the graph, cyclic nodes are now marked with a compute order of -2
  • Added a node create menu when dropping an edge in the graph that also connects the edge to the new node (like in ShaderGraph or VFX Graph)
  • Added ITypeAdapter.GetIncompatibleTypes to list all the incompatible types (prevent automatic casting / unwanted connectable ports, can be used to exclude a conversion to System.Object for example)
  • Added a node inspector to show advanced settings in the inspector, see ShowInInspector.cs and DrawDefaultInspector(bool fromInspector) for more details.


  • Improved a lot the edge connection behavior for both input and output ports
  • Improved domain reload performances by using TypeCache when possible
  • Node copy/pasting now keeps the connected edges
  • Copy/paste now works between multiple graph windows
  • Copy/paste now supports node groups


  • Fixed delete of multiple relay node at the same time breaking the graph
  • Fixed undo event not being unregistered when closing the graph
  • Fixed undo on parameter creation / deletion
  • Fixed toolbar AddButtons deleting existing buttons



  • VisibleIf attribute in nodes, allow you to show fields only when another field have a specific value.
  • Added the possibility to hide controls when the mouse is not over the node



  • Added a method to call the onProcess callback in the graph
  • Support of multiple [NodeMenuItemAttribute] on the same class


  • Fixed execution error in player when using IL2CPP
  • Fixed ObjectField creation with FieldFactory



  • Added Relay nodes
  • Added API to have a custom Edge Listener


  • When a port is disconnected, it's value is set to null or default.


  • Window menu graph example



  • Added StackNode with custom view
  • Added an API to notify the graph that a node have changed (BaseGraph.NotifyNodeChanged)



  • Renamed Comment Block by Group



  • Fixed Enums fields created via FieldFactory (inspector graph UI for properties should now work with enums)


  • User defined type conversions inside the graph (ex: float to vector). See TypeAdapter.cs



  • Fixed build errors
  • Fixed badge distance when node used a custom size



  • API to create C# template menu items (and moved the default Node and NodeView templates to Examples)
  • Added an event that is fired when something is changed inside the graph (BaseGraph.onGraphChanges)
  • Added support of node messages (you can attach one message with an icon to a node, either from the process function or from the view. See AddMessage and AddMessageView functions) image


  • When switching a port type, the connected edges are now removed if the new port type is incompatible.



  • Node and Graph property serialization (as json) Scriptable Object to store graph as a Unity asset.
  • Highly customizable and simple node and links API
  • Support multi-input into a container (multiple float into a list of float for example)
  • Graph processor which execute node's logic with a - dependency order
  • Powerful C# API to add new nodes / graphs
  • Exposed parameters that can be set per-asset to customize the graph processing from scripts or the inspector
  • Search window to create new nodes
  • Colored comment blocks (node groups)