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Unofficial pytorch (lightning) implementation of the model proposed by Hu et al. in their paper Deep ChArUco: Dark ChArUco Marker Pose Estimation CVPR2019 for ChArUco board localization. This is a personal project and I have no affiliation with the authors, the results obtained might differ and should not be considered a reference of the paper results. All the data used by the paper is not public and therefore a fair comparison is impossible.

Some implementation details were not thoroughly discussed in the paper and I did my best to obtain comparable results using a similar model architecture and training procedure. I trained both the deep charuco and refinenet models on synthetic data generated on the fly. To train COCO images are required, further details in training section.

Results on two challenging videos:
On the left our results, on the right cv2.aruco for comparison. Corners found by both methods are highlighted.

More samples

These are from validation data.
Top our method, Bottom cv2.aruco for comparison.
The results are good even with blurry / low light settings while cv2.aruco does not find a single marker.


NEWS: 🚀 You can now run inference on osx using MPS (>30fps on M2 Air)

Current HEAD has a few optimizations targetting osx, training runs but is untested. Please refer to this commit for a reliable training setup.


architecture The idea is to build a network which can localize charuco inner corners and recognize the ids of the corners found. The trained network is fit on a particular board configuration, in the case of the paper the board has 12 aruco markers for a total of 16 inner corners (board image). The network is divided into two parts, what we call DeepCharuco which is a fully convolutional network for localization and identification and RefineNet another fully convolutional network for corner refinement Refer to the paper for details.

DeepCharuco takes a (1, H, W) grayscale image and outputs 2 tensors:

  • loc: (65, H/8, W/8) representing the probability that a corner is in a particular pixel (64 pixels for a 8x8 region + 1 dust bin channel)
  • ids: (17, H/8, W/8) representing the probability that a certain 8x8 region contains a particular corner id + 1 dust bin channel.

RefineNet takes a (1, 24, 24) patch around a corner and outputs a (1, 64, 64) tensor representing the probability that the corner is in a certain (sub-)pixel in 8x resolution of the central 8x8 region of the patch.

Benchmarks (inference)

Running on GTX1080Ti GPU

  • Full pipeline: > 200 fps

Running on macbook air M2 using MPS

  • Full pipeline: >= 30 fps

Setup for training (and inference on val data)

requirements.txt should contain a valid list of requirements, notice opencv-contrib is <4.7.
If you wan to run or the and you will need to install gridwindow which is used for visualization (or replace everything with normal cv2 windows) Synthetic data for DeepCharuco training data
Synthetic data for RefineNet training (red center of image, green target) data2
COCO images and annotations are needed for training (the label used just needs to contain images informations, I use captions_*.json). To download coco images and labels refer to ( or use the following



If you just want to run inference on COCO validation you can download only the val2017 images and annotations.

To specify the paths used and other configurations we use a yaml config file. By default the scripts will try to load src/config.yaml. There's a demo_config.yaml that you can copy, the parameters are the following:

input_size: [320, 240]  # Input images size used for training (width, height)
bs_train: 32  # batch size for deep charuco
bs_train_rn: 64  # batch size for refinenet
bs_val: 64  # batch size for deep charuco in validation
bs_val_rn: 128  # batch size for refinenet in validation
num_workers: 6  # num of workers used by dataloader in training
train_labels: 'coco/annotations/captions_train2017.json'  # training labels
val_labels: 'coco/annotations/captions_val2017.json'  # validation labels
val_images: 'coco/val2017/'  # training images
train_images: 'coco/train2017/'  # validation images


The inference uses pytorch lightning ckpts similarly to training. You can extract the nn.Module if you want to drop the library and use pure pytorch. This should be straightforward, check pytorch lightning documentation about inference.

The pretrained models are in src/reference/:
For DeepCharuco you can find longrun-epoch=99-step=369700.ckpt

Training details + plots

Training time: 27 hours on GTX1080ti
batch size: 32
lr: 5e-3
negative probability (in 0.05
Training plots: train_res train_res2

Where l2_pixels is the euclidean distance in pixels of the corners the model found during validation and match_ratio is the percentage of corners found over the total in each image. Please look at, they are not perfect metrics but provide useful insights of the model training.

For RefineNet you can find second-refinenet-epoch-100-step=373k.ckpt

Training details + plots

Training time: 22 hours on GTX1080ti
total: 8 which means we take 8 corners from each single sample image for training (
batch size: 256 (virtually 32 because batch_size // total is used)
lr: 1e-4
negative probability (in 0.05
Training plots: train_res train_res2

Where val_dist_refinenet_pixels is the euclidean distance in pixels of the predicted corner in 8x resolution (so if dist_pixels is 3 the error in original resolution is 3/8 of a pixel). Please look at for details.

If you setup the val data you can run for a preview of results on validation data used in training. To do inference on your images check code and adapt it to your needs, the idea is the following:

import cv2
from inference import infer_image, load_models

# Load models
deepc_path = './reference/longrun-epoch=99-step=369700.ckpt'
refinenet_path = './reference/second-refinenet-epoch-100-step=373k.ckpt'
n_ids = 16  # The number of corners (models pretrained use 16 for default board)
device = 'cuda'   # use device: cpu / mps / cuda
deepc, refinenet = load_models(deepc_path, refinenet_path, n_ids, device=device)

# Run inference on BGR image
img = cv2.imread('reference/samples_test/IMG_7412.png')

# The out_img will have corners plotted on it if draw_pred is True
# The keypoints format is (x, y, id_corner)
keypoints, out_img = infer_image(img, n_ids, deepc, refinenet, draw_pred=True, device=device)

Now that we obtained the keypoints we can use a PnP algorithm to recover the board pose as follows:
For more infos check which has been used to generate video previews of samples.

from inference import solve_pnp

# load your intrinsics as camera_matrix and dist_coeffs
# check calib_intrinsics for a reference how I generated them.
# Check the solve pnp function and adapt it to your needs.
ret, rvec, tvec = solve_pnp(keypoints, col_count, row_count, square_len,
                            camera_matrix, dist_coeffs)

Checkout for faster inference.


Setup config.yaml and run and to train each network separately.

Notes and Common issues

I do not have the intention to create a package out of this so I had to use some workarounds with imports. In the current state numba caching might break causing an error like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model_utils'. You just need to delete src/__pycache__ and src/models/__pycache__ and everything will work fine.

Most of the documentation for simple functions has been written using ChatGPT so it might contain errors.. what doesn't?
The starting script for model architecture has been taken from a pytorch implementation of SuperPoint

Feel free to open pull requests and issues if you have problems.