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Merge pull request #2 from JuliaFEM/release/v0.1.0
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Implemented distributed coupling element
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ahojukka5 authored Jul 5, 2018
2 parents f743a36 + 49be241 commit e64987f
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Showing 15 changed files with 58,953 additions and 21 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions examples/example1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

using JuliaFEM
using FEMBase
using Logging

type Coupling <: BoundaryProblem
reference_node :: Element{Poi1}

function Coupling()
reference_node = Element(Poi1, Int64[])
return Coupling(reference_node)

d = 3.0
X = Dict(1 => [0.0, 0.0],
2 => [d, 0.0],
3 => [d, d],
4 => [0.0, d],
5 => [3*d, 1/2*d])
element1 = Element(Quad4, [1, 2, 3, 4])
update!(element1, "geometry", X)
update!(element1, "youngs modulus", 288.0)
update!(element1, "poissons ratio", 1/3)

problem = Problem(Elasticity, "test problem", 2) = :plane_strain
add_elements!(problem, [element1])

bc = Problem(Dirichlet, "fixed", 2, "displacement")
element2 = Element(Seg2, [4, 1])
update!(element2, "geometry", X)
update!(element2, "displacement 1", 0.0)
update!(element2, "displacement 2", 0.0)
add_elements!(bc, [element2])

add_coupling_nodes!(problem, elements)
Add new coupling nodes into the problem. Nodes must be defined with Poi1
function add_coupling_nodes!(problem, elements)
for element in elements
push!(problem.elements, element)
return nothing

add_reference_node!(problem, element)
Add new reference node into the problem. Node must be defined with a Poi1
element. If reference node is already defined, it will be replaced with new one.
function add_reference_node!(problem, element) = element
return nothing

function FEMBase.assemble_elements!(problem::Problem{Coupling},
elements::Vector{Element{Poi1}}, time)

ref_node =
if length(get_connectivity(ref_node)) == 0
error("Reference node node defined. Define reference node using add_reference_node!")
ref_node_id = first(get_connectivity(ref_node))
info("Reference node id = $ref_node_id")
X_r = first(ref_node("geometry", time))
info("Reference node geometry = $X_r")
fe = zeros(2)
for coupling_node in elements
fill!(fe, 0.0)
coupling_node_id = first(get_connectivity(coupling_node))
X_n = first(coupling_node("geometry", time))
info("Coupling node id = $coupling_node_id, geometry = $X_n")
gdofs = get_gdofs(problem, coupling_node)
info("gdofs = $gdofs")
if haskey(ref_node, "point moment 3")
M = ref_node("point moment 3")
info("calculate point moment")
# fe += ...
if haskey(ref_node, "point load 1")
M = ref_node("point load 1")
info("calculate point moment")
# fe += ...
if haskey(ref_node, "point load 2")
M = ref_node("point load 2")
info("calculate point moment")
# fe += ...
add!(assembly.f, gdofs, fe)

coupling = Problem(Coupling, "test", 2, "displacement")
# "slave nodes"
element3 = Element(Poi1, [2])
element4 = Element(Poi1, [3])
update!([element3, element4], "geometry", X)
element5 = Element(Poi1, [5])
update!(element5, "geometry", X)
update!(element5, "point moment 3", 10.0/d)
add_coupling_nodes!(coupling, [element3, element4])
add_reference_node!(coupling, element5)

step = Analysis(Nonlinear)
#xdmf = Xdmf("example1_results"; overwrite=true)
#add_results_writer!(step, xdmf)
add_problems!(step, [problem, bc, coupling])
time = 0.0
u = element1("displacement", time)
println("displacement: $u")
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions examples/example_dcoupling_cylindrical_beam.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

# # Cylinder in torsion using distributed coupling

# Distributed coupling can be used to distribute point moments as point forces
# to nodes which dont have rotational degrees of freedom.

# The model is a 3d cylinder, shown in picture.

# ![](example_dcoupling_cylindrical_beam/example_dcoupling_cylindrical_beam.png)

# Distributed coupling is used to distribute a torque load to the end of the
# cylinder. The other end is fixed. Node sets for coupling nodes, reference
# node and fixed face were made in the ABAQUS input file. Reference node is
# located in the centrum of the coupling nodes.

using JuliaFEM
using JuliaFEM: add_elements!, Problem
using JuliaFEM.Preprocess
using JuliaFEM.Abaqus: create_surface_elements
using FEMBase
using FEMCoupling
using FEMCoupling: add_reference_node!, add_coupling_nodes!

# reading mesh from ABAQUS input file

datadir = Pkg.dir("FEMCoupling", "examples", "example_dcoupling_cylindrical_beam")
mesh = abaqus_read_mesh(joinpath(datadir, "example_dcoupling_cylindrical_beam.inp"))
println("Number of nodes in a model: ", length(mesh.nodes))

# # Elements
# Creating elements for the body. Mesh and element types are defined in
# the ABAQUS input file. The cylinder body is named "Body1" in the input file.

cylinder_body = create_elements(mesh,"Body1")

# Updating values for the elements.

update!(cylinder_body, "youngs modulus", 210e3)
update!(cylinder_body, "poissons ratio", 0.3)

# Creating an elasticity problem and adding the elements to it.

cylinder_problem = Problem(Elasticity,"cylinder_problem",3)
add_elements!(cylinder_problem, cylinder_body)

# # Boundary conditions
# Creating Poi1-type elements as boundary condition elements to nodes of the
# node set Fixed_face_set.

bc_elements = [Element(Poi1, [j]) for j in mesh.node_sets[:Fixed_face_set]]

# Updating geometry for the bc elements

update!(bc_elements, "geometry", mesh.nodes)

# Fixing all displacements for the bc elements.

for i=1:3
update!(bc_elements, "displacement $i", 0.0)

# Creating a bc problem and adding the bc elements to it.

bc = Problem(Dirichlet, "fixed", 3, "displacement")
add_elements!(bc, bc_elements)

# # Distributed coupling
# Creating Poi1 elements to nodes in coupling nodes set.

coupling_nodes = [Element(Poi1, [j]) for j in mesh.node_sets[:Coupling_nodes_set]]

# Updating geometry for the coupling nodes.

update!(coupling_nodes, "geometry", mesh.nodes)

# Creating Poi1 element for the reference node.

reference_node_id = collect(mesh.node_sets[:ref_node_set])
reference_node = Element(Poi1, reference_node_id)

# Updating geometry and applying a point moment for the reference node.

update!(reference_node, "geometry", mesh.nodes)
update!(reference_node, "point moment 3", 1500.0)

# Creating a coupling problem and adding coupling nodes and reference nodes to
# it.

coupling = Problem(Coupling, "cylind", 3, "displacement")
add_coupling_nodes!(coupling, coupling_nodes)
add_reference_node!(coupling, reference_node)

# # Analysis
# Creating a step and running the analysis. The cylinder_problem contains
# information about the body, its elements and their values. The bc contains
# information about boundary conditions and coupling contains information
# about distributed coupling.

step = Analysis(Nonlinear)
add_problems!(step, [cylinder_problem, bc, coupling])

# # Results

# Comparing calculated results with ABAQUS results. The node set
# circlenodes_set contains nodes which are on the outer face radius.
# These circle nodes should have the maximum displacement magnitude (norm(u)).

node_on_circle = first(mesh.node_sets[:circlenodes_set])

# declaring displacements at time 0.0 to variable u

u = cylinder_problem("displacement", time)[node_on_circle]
u_mag = norm(u)

# Making a testset.

using FEMBase.Test
@testset "displacement magnitude" begin
@test isapprox(u_mag, u_mag_expected, rtol=1e-3)

# Printing node ids
println("reference node id = $(reference_node_id[1])")
println("node on circle id = $node_on_circle")

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