- 5.6.0 Release
- 5.4 Release
- Sync release with RapidPro 5.2
- Add PostgreSQL 11 tests
- update table references according to v5.2 schema, use wrapf for errors
- remove reading is_test on contact
- up max connections to two since we need cursor when deleting broadcasts
- delete broadcasts which no longer have any active messages
- fix travis deploy
- IMPORTANT: you must make sure that all your purged broadcasts have been archived before removing the recipients table (in RapidPro release)
- remove archival of purged broadcasts in preparation of removal of recipients table
- IMPORTANT: you must make sure that all your purged broadcasts have been archived before removing the recipients table (in RapidPro release)
- remove archival of purged broadcasts in preparation of removal of recipients table
- convert to go module
- add testing for pg 10
- properly archive surveyor messages
- give ourselves up to 3 hours per archive deletion, 15 mins per transaction
- add uuid to run archives
- 1.0 release
- be more specific in our reference to modified_on
- add modified-on to message archives
- make sure sent status is written for messages
- fix run.values export format
- add submitted_by to flow runs, populate with username of user that submitted
- revert change to message type, purged messages from broadcasts should be flow
- use primary_language field for default language for org
- create purged messages from broadcasts
- update docs, more consistent command line
- turn archiver into service
- deletion_date->deleted_on
- increase timeout for calculation of all run ids in an archive
- add deletion of runs
- add support for multipart uploads and archives > 5 gigs
- add deletion_date field, write upon deletion
- better context management in archival deletion
- bump batch size down to 100
- dont try to build archives that are too big
- allow msgs with null channels, dont archive test contacts
- deletion of messages after archiving
- more logging, add status logging of deletions
- more tests, remove cascades so we test accurately, rollups dont need purging
- correct set of incantations to get UTC dates out of golang/pg
- increase unit test coverage of rollup cases
- create montly archives when doing backfills, add input and value to run outputs
- don't download 0 record archives when building monthlies
- archive flow runs based on modified instead of created
- add tests for flow runs, test file contents as well
- add writing of rollup id to writing of monthlies to db
- add montly rollups based on day archives
- don't serialize urns for anon orgs, fix attachment serialization
- use JSONL - line delimted JSON as archive format
- add request tracing at debug level
- switch to md5 hashes, verify upon upload, better logs
- tweak config var for bucket name
- ignore deleted messages when archiving