- Fixed blocking errors from most recent npm versions, generating a new package-json.lock file.
- Cleaned some residues of previous SASS grunt plugin (grunt-contrib-compass).
- Replaced the grunt-contrib-compass module by grunt-sass: got rid of the (annoying :) Ruby dependency, and improved compilation speed (≈ 6s to ≈ 4s on my laptop).
- Added the "on class change" behavior to the JavaScript polyfill.
- First release of the JavaScript polyfill! It only works on page load for the moment.
- Added a table of content to the README.
- Removed no more necessary classes from the fullscreen fix.
- (breaking change) Inverted the strict classes logic: classes are now strict by default, and animatable via an optional class,
(and its pseudo-elements variants). So the "strict" word disappears from absalign. Adding these classes to an element with an absalign class will change its behavior to only use "top", "left" and "transform" properties.
- Updated the demo to show the absalign-animate behavior.
- Fixed the horizontal scrollbar on little screens in demo.
- Updated dependencies.
- Added strict classes: classes with no (or at least "the minimum")
- (breaking change) Removed unnecessary fixed pseudo-elements classes (like
): same effect than absolute position. Also removed pseudo-element position selector from demo (always absolute from now on).
- Updated selectize plugin.
- Updated dependencies.
- Refactored the BEM tree in demo to a cleaner and more... "BEM" one.
- Added checkboxes to show the strict classes feature.
- Replaced all "framework" words by the "library" one: actually, absalign is not really a framework...
- Updated dependencies.
- Fixed the misalignment on webkit browsers with fullscreened elements (like YouTube embed videos).
When an element is fullscreened, webkit browsers reset some properties, like top, bottom, etc. but not the
- Updated README to show the single axis classes usage.
- Demo is now online and accessible from README with just one click!
- Refactored demo code respecting ITCSS principles, BEM notation and the CSS namespaces from CSS wizardry http://csswizardry.com. Thanks Harry Roberts for your great articles!
- Transformed the main behavior of the demo in JS Object style.
- Fixed titles alignment in demo.
- Updated logo in demo from PNG to SVG.
- Added normalize.css to the demo.
- Renamed HTML demo file to index.html.
- Moved the dist HTML demo file to the package root, to be accessed via GitHub pages.
- Used selectize.js to style select controls in demo.
- Put the demo controllers above the demo show zone, instead of below, to prevent scroll issues on select controls opening.
- Some UI fixes in demo.
- Change font in demo from Arial to Open Sans.
- Split grunt tasks in multiple files (one by task), and added generous header comments.
- Refactored the grunt tasks: a little bit more operations, but more logical process.
- Refactored the file structure of the demo (with some file concatenation).
- Added grunt-css-important, to automatically add
label to every property of the package CSS file.
- Fixed broken absalign logo in README.md (damn...).
- Set two folders for the demo, on a Bower way:
, as for main package (why not, mmmh ?). - Added minification tasks for the demo files (HTML, CSS and JS).
- Created two sub-grunt-tasks: buildPackage and buildDemo, to build faster depending on needs.
- Set autoprefixer for the demo.
- Now using the load-grunt-tasks module instead of loading each tasks by hand, in Gruntfile.js.
- Added grunt-time task, to play with grunt tasks performances.
- Updated npm modules.
- The demo is again more cross-browser, thanks to jQuery.
- Redesigned the demo: now it's pretty ;) (but it's not the end)).
- In demo, added the package version.
- In README.md, centered the absalign logo.
- Fixed utilities classes was not positioned, sorry :().
- Fixed some typos in README.md and CHANGELOG.md.
- Fixed the classes conflicts due to the CSS selectors like
. - Added support for IE8 (the one browser which understands only single colon pseudo-elements --').
- With SCSS, added some scripts to generate the classes names. Thanks to this, the classes conflicts had been removed really properly ;).
- Removed pre-prefixed properties, used the autoprefixer Grunt task instead.
- Added more utilities classes, one for each value of each axis.
- Added some stuff to get the demo more cross-browser.
- Added missing pseudo-elements case in demo.
- Fixed some mistyped pseudo element classes, like
, which was not working... (sorry :|). - Added
labels to force absalign rules to be used.
- Added the logo to the demo.
- Fixed a typo in README.md.
- Fixed the pseudo-elements was not positioned (sorry :|).
- Added pseudo-elements support, adding
at the end of absalign class names. - Added minified files to the repo:
- Added the use of a CSS preprocessor: SCSS. Easier to maintain and to support old browser, with prefixes ;).
- Set two folders, on a Bower way:
. - Set Grunt tasks with the Gruntfile.js:
- Compile SCSS to CSS.
- Clean, with CSSComb, the compiled CSS ;).
- Minify CSS and JS.
- Added a CHANGELOG.md.
- Created a logo :).
- Completed the README.md.
- Added header comments to dist files.
Initial release.