Releases: JiHong88/suneditor
Releases · JiHong88/suneditor
- Added "code"(pre tag) to the "formatBlock" plugin
(Updated language file "pre") - Added "getSelectedRangeFormatElements" function to "core" object
- Added "getRangeFormatElement" function to "util" object
- Added "removeEmptyNode" function to "util" object
- Fixed a bug to the "list" plugin when range selected
- Controller box's arrow style
- Change name "getRangeSelectedFormatElement" -> "getSelectedFormatElements"
- Modified the "wrapToTags" function.
- Fixed a bug where the height of the toolbar did not change properly when the button list was larger than the length of the toolbar.
- The contents have been modified so as not to be affected by other css.
- Modified the style of the line break DIV.
You can edit colors in suneditor-contents.css. - Button size increased to 35px and margin spacing adjusted.
- Performance enhancements and bug fixes for the node change function.
Now it will always work as intended. - "img" folder's all images removed and replaced it with plan css and base64 data.
- Fixed a bug where "core" - "getRangeSelectedFormatElement" function would have an empty array when it selected one line.
- Fixed a bug where the Font plugin did not work properly under certain circumstances.
- Added an align menu to the video plugin
(Modify the relevant "suneditor-contents.css")
- Fixed a bug where images and video tags disappeared when changing the text style by selecting a range
- Fixed a bug that only modified the first video when creating and editing multiple videos
- Fixed a bug that could not be resized when adding image first
- Fixed a bug that removed images when link was removed
- Fixed a problem where loading box disappeared before all images were rendered
- Fixed a bug that overwrote the "xmlHttpRequest" object when uploading an image server when more than one "suneditor" created.
- Modified a "getOffset", "isFormatElement" function of "util" object
- A table edit controller has been added to table plugin
(Related fonts file, css updated)
- Since version 2.0.0 there was a bug where "suneditor" was not created
when building without "babel-polyfill" in "IE11" (Object.assign, values) - list plugin : no longer create as a child node of "formatElement"
- Node change related function (wrapRangeToTag)
- "insertNode" function
- Code view bug
- Added "controllerFunction" attribute to core
- Added sub, sup, ol, ul in contents style
- Added "getOffset" function to "util" object
- Changed "remove" icon
- Changed "a" tag style
- Delete "table-layout:fixed" attribute in "suneditor-contents.css"
- Turn off the controller when keyup event occurs.
- Execute focus after executing plugin
- Added "ol", "ul" to isRangeFormatElement function
- Added "tr, td, li" to isFormatElement function
- Added "quote" function to "formatBlock" plugin
- modified the language file and style with respect to "quote" function
- node change related function optimization and bug fix
- "codeview" bugfix
- util: "getFormatElement" function bug fix
- core : added "setSelectionNode", "getRangeSelectedFormatElement", "wrapToTags" function
- util: added "isRangeFormatElement" function
- Delete the focus effect of the editor area
- Delete mousedown event on toolbar
- The convertContentsForEditor function has been modified to work better
- Updated codeView function performance
- Buttons that can not be used in code view mode are blurred and disabled.
The "codeViewDisabledButtons" property has been added to the "core" object as a related property.
(An array of buttons whose class name is not "code-view-enabled")
- codeView function bugfix: characters such as "<" were not converted properly
- The "font" file has been updated with the addition of "hr-icon"
- user function name Change: getContent -> getContents, setContent -> setContents
- Change code view style
- defined the default style of format tags in "suneditor-contents.css" file
- Renamed arguments of plugin: _this -> core
- The customize example file has been updated.
- dialog module split to the dialog and resizing module
- The link plugin no longer calls the resizing module
- In the tags other than the paragraph, the indent function and node replacement in multi-line did not worked
- The's badge information was incorrect
- Modify core document file
- Modified getting started file
- The import statement is available
- Editor area Changed : Iframe -> DIV
- Added development tool - webpack
- Added function SUNEDITOR.init
- The dom object is merged to util object
- callPlugin Functions updated
- core function Updated
- file structure Changed
- Updated customizing plugin
- Change the way use it
- The operation of changing the node works normally
- cursor function when node chang
- The display option was not used
- range, selection object
- submenu action
- when creating multiple callModule function
- preview function
- manage tags in delete operation
- image plugin delete hard coding style
- There were tags without the html title attribute.
- Modified all style
- addFont option deleted
- Added options the popupDisplay, plugins
- Changed plugins fontList->font, fontSizeList->fontSize
- Changed function the getBasePath -> getIncludePath, callModule -> callPlugin
- Added "isWysiwygDiv", "isFormatElement" function to the util object
- language file modify
- Copied and pasted images can be modified normally.
- An error occurred when changing the font and changing the font size in the editor.
- deleted the SUNEDITOR.destroy function which only removing the html tag
- deleted context -> originElementDisplay
- added context -> navigation (path label)
- navigation bar style
- modified the core closure to refer to the dom and util objects to avoid searching for global objects.
- changed textElement to originElement in the context object.
- The originElementDisplay property has been added to the context object.
- Changed editor.getLineNode function to dom.getFormatElement.