- Create a Logic App
- Create a custom connector for Logic Apps
- Create a custom template for Logic Apps
- Create an Azure Search index
- Import searchable data
- Query the Azure Search index
- Create an APIM instance
- Configure authentication for APIs
- Define policies for APIs
Choose between Azure messaging services - Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Service Bus
- Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid
- Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs
- Create an Azure notification hub in the Azure portal
- Set up push notifications in a notification hub in the Azure portal
Review all the How-to guides
- Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hub
- Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus
- Complete several Quickstarts
Review all the How-to guides
- Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues
- Complete several versions of Creating a storage account
Review all the How-to guides