Loaders for various 3D model types. All are trivial wrappers around one of the many THREE.js loader classes.
- gltf-model-legacy: Loader for glTF 1.0 format, removed from A-Frame core with v0.7.0 release.
- json-model: Loader for THREE.js .JSON format, generally containing a single mesh.
- object-model: Loader for THREE.js .JSON format, generally containing multiple meshes or an entire scene.
- ply-model: Loader for PLY format. Works well with occlusion and shadow baked models exported from MagicaVoxel.
- fbx-model: Loader for FBX format. Supports ASCII, but not binary, models.
Unsure whether to use json-model
or object-model
? Check the console for errors. See also: Clara.io | THREE.js Export.
<!-- three.js JSON -->
<a-entity json-model="src: url(my-model.json);"></a-entity>
THREE.js models often need to be scaled down. Example:
<a-entity scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" object-model="src: url(my-model.json);">
Example by Joe Campbell (source).
glTF and three.js models also support animation, through the animation-mixer
component. All animations will play by default, or you can specify
an animation and its duration:
Property | Default | Description |
clip | * | Name of the animation clip(s) to play. Accepts wildcards. |
duration | AUTO | Duration of the animation, in seconds. |
crossFadeDuration | 0 | Duration of cross-fades between clips, in seconds. |
loop | repeat | once , repeat , or pingpong . In repeat and pingpong modes, the clip plays once plus the specified number of repetitions. For pingpong , every second clip plays in reverse. |
repetitions | Infinity | Number of times to play the clip, in addition to the first play. Repetitions are ignored for loop: once . |
A list of available animations can usually be found by inspecting the model file or its documentation. All animations will play by default. To play only a specific set of animations, use wildcards: animation-mixer="clip: run_*"
The animation-mixer
component emits events at certain points in the animation cycle.
Event | Details | Description |
animation-loop | action , loopDelta |
Emitted when a single loop of the animation clip has finished. |
animation-finished | action , direction |
Emitted when all loops of an animation clip have finished. |