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Nexus is made up of small compute nodes which each model a fraction of the simulated circuit. To reach the capacity required to simulate a useful amount of logic, a large number of compute nodes are connected together to form a mesh. Messages emitted by nodes can be routed through the mesh to target any other node in the device, or to communicate with the host system.


Figure 1 shows a high-level abstraction of this architecture - in this example 9 nodes are shown that make up just a section of a much larger mesh. Each node is connected to its nearest neighbours to the north, east, south, and west - with every link being bidirectional. Message routing is built right into each node, reusing the same logic used to detect messages addressed to the node itself.

High-level view of the mesh

Figure 1: High-level view of the mesh

The mesh can also exchange messages with a host system, allowing software to program the device, and monitor and provide stimulus to the simulation as it runs. To minimise resource usage, host communication shares the same fabric used to communicate between nodes.

As figure 2 shows, Nexus also contains a layer of control logic which manages the simulation process. Two key signals pass between the control layer and the mesh:

  • IDLE - indicates when the mesh is quiescent, at this time the control logic prepares for and triggers the next simulation period. This signal is an aggregated status from every node within the mesh.
  • TRIGGER - broadcast to all nodes within the mesh to signal the start of the next simulation step, this is equivalent to the rising clock edge.

When active the controller will emit a series of TRIGGER pulses. Between each pulse the controller will wait until it sees the mesh's IDLE signal fall and rise before the next pulse is emitted. Each iteration of this process represents one simulated clock cycle, so the longer the mesh spends in a busy state the slower the simulation runs.

When the mesh is quiescent (i.e. IDLE is high) this means that all computation for that cycle has completed and all emitted messages have been delivered. When the TRIGGER signal pulses, every node starts computing its outputs from the current input values. Every time an output value changes, the node will emit a message to configurable list of targets. When messages are consumed by a target node they can either be treated:

  • Sequentially: in which case the updated values only take effect in the next clock cycle.
  • Combinationally: in which case the updated values take immediate effect, and the node's computation for the current cycle is restarted.

Top-level of Nexus

Figure 2: Top-level of Nexus


Each node in the mesh can be configured by the host, is capable of decoding, enacting, and emitting messages, and is able to route traffic intended for other nodes through to the correct egress port. Figure 3 show a simplified model of a node with:

  • Four ingress ports from the nearest neighbours in each cardinal direction;
  • Four egress ports towards the nearest neighbours in each cardinal direction;
  • An arbiter which takes one message per cycle from each of the ingress ports in a round-robin fashion;
  • A distributer which sends one message per cycle towards the egress ports according to its header;
  • A logical core which comprises:
    • A message decoder to handle the arbitrated ingress stream;
    • Banks of input values, updated by messages received from other nodes;
    • A compute unit to execute the logical program which transforms the input values into outputs;
    • Banks of output values, updated by the results from the compute unit;
    • A message encoder generating messages according to the communication program, sending messages to other nodes in the mesh to update their input state.

Nexus Core Level

Figure 3: Architectural representation of the node

Figure 4 shows a more detailed view of the implementation of each node:

  • u_arbiter - selects one message per cycle from the four ingress streams, and identifies whether traffic is addressed to this node (internal) or whether it needs to be routed towards another node (bypass).
  • u_combiner - selects between messages sent down the bypass channel by the arbiter, and those emitted by the node's control block. Bypassed traffic is always prioritised as an attempt to avoid congestion within the mesh by limiting the number of messages that can be emitted when the fabric is already busy.
  • u_distributor - routes the message towards the correct nearest neighbour based on the knowledge of the present node's location and the intended target as described in each message's header.
  • u_decoder - decodes messages arriving from the arbiter which are addressed to the associated node. The message decoder then drives a number of busses which interface with the control block and instruction store.
  • u_control - manages the state of the node. This includes handling signal state updates to inputs from the message decoder, emitting signal state updates whenever an output value changes, and generating trigger pulses when the internal computation needs to be rerun (either on a global trigger pulse, or when combinatorial input updates are presented).
  • u_store - is a wrapper around a Xilinx dual-port block RAM (RAMB36E1) that serves two purposes:
    • It stores the logical program executed by u_core which contains all of boolean transformations from input values to output values.
    • It also stores the communication program executed by u_control, which instructs the message generator on which target nodes need to be updated when a specific output changes.
  • u_core - the core which executes logical program, transforming the input values into output values using the encoded operations provided by u_store.

In terms of resource utilisation, the stream handling and control logic makes up about two thirds of each node. By comparison, the logical core is fairly small but depends heavily on the rest of the node's infrastructure.

Core Implementation Details

Figure 4: Implementation details of the node


While the body of the mesh is homogenously composed of nx_node instances, at the bottom of each column is a special component called an 'aggregator'. This component serves to reduce the required off-chip bandwidth and host-side processing requirement by collecting all 'signal' messages directed out of the mesh and presenting the result as a wide output bus. This bus is then connected to the controller, which publishes the value to the host.

Aggregators at the bottom of the mesh

Figure 5: Aggregators at the bottom of the mesh

Without this bus, each bit of the output vector would be sent as a separate message to the host - complete with its header and padding. Unsurprisingly this is very inefficient, and places a substantial burden on the host to digest every signal message. This is worsened by the way the mesh evaluates logic, as multiple messsages for each bit of the output may be generated in a single cycle as the signal 'settles' to its final value.

The aggregator components are also key to supporting on-device simulated memory accesses, with specific bits of the output vector bound directly to each memory's input ports.


As shown in figure 2, the controller sits alongside the mesh in the top-level of Nexus and provides stimulus into the fabric. It is responsible for:

  • Forwarding messages into the mesh from the host;
  • Forwarding messages to the host that are emitted by the mesh;
  • Monitoring the mesh's idle state and emitting trigger pulses;
  • Generating output messages from the exposed bus;
  • Handling memory accesses from the design to the simulated memories and driving the read value back into the mesh;
  • Handling backdoor memory access from the host to the simulated memories;
  • Supporting different run modes (continuous, single step, interval);
  • Performing soft resets on request from the host.

The controller is a substantial component in its own right, making up around 10% of the total LUT utilisation of Nexus on FPGA. As discussed in the section on aggregators above, by summarising the output state it significantly lowers the bandwidth and computation requirement from the host. In addition, by offering on-device simulated memories it allows the design to run without frequent stalls, which would be required if every external I/O interaction required a host response.