This repository documents the, up to this point, found endpoints that could be useful for InstaPy to improve it's fault tolerance and performance.
The goal is to not only remove the unnecessary use of selenium to find elements to click but also improve the amount of data that can be retrieved in each run. Once we reach a point where a profile/post only has to be opened to actually like, comment and follow the profile, we minimized the amount of elements that need an upgrade on an Instagram webpage change.
Note: This is just an assumption, but the GraphQL endpoints most likely are the same for the mobile webpage. This means that once it's chagned in the code, we can easily switch to the mobile version which allows us to build a post scheduler into InstaPy.
The final goal for this is to have a full documentation of the GraphQL Endpoints that get used by the Instagram page.
# Explore tags<tag_name>/?__a=1
# Post page<id_of_post>/?__a=1
# When logged in, feed
# Own/other profiles<userame>/?__a=1
QueryID | Endpoint |
17875800862117404 | posts for tags |
17874545323001329 | user following |
17851374694183129 | user followers |
17888483320059182 | user posts |
17864450716183058 | likes on posts |
17852405266163336 | comments on posts |
17842794232208280 | posts on feed |
17847560125201451 | feed profile suggestions |
17863787143139595 | post suggestions |
Available parameters:
- id (user_id)
- tag_name (only one needed for explore tags)
- first (amount of nodes to get)
- after (haven't completely figured out, but looks like this is for the offset, use the cursor field)
- shortcode (used for the "on posts" queries like "likes on post")
Needed for the feedpage
- filter_followed_friends
- fetch_suggested_count
- fetch_like
- fetch_media_count
- fetch_comment_count
- fetch_media_item_count
- has_stories
# Explore tags<tag_name>%22%2C%22first%22%3A<num_of_posts>%7D
# Note: Still have to figure out how to get this data without using selenium once logged in.
# **Only works with logged in user**
# User profile following<user_id>%22%2C%22first%22%3A<num_of_following>%7D
# User profile followers<user_id>%22%2C%22first%22%3A<num_of_followers>%7D
# User profile posts<user_id>%22%2C%22first%22%3A<num_of_posts>%7D
# Post page likes<id_of_post>%22X2C%22first%22%3A<num_of_likes>%7D
# Post page comments{"shortcode":"<id_of_post>","first":<num_of_comments>}
# Feed posts{%22fetch_media_item_count%22:<num_of_posts>,%22fetch_comment_count%22:<num_of_comments_per_post>,%22fetch_like%22:<num_of_likers_per_post>}
# Profile suggestios in feed{%22fetch_media_count%22:<num_of_posts_per_suggestion>,%22fetch_suggested_count%22:<num_of_suggestions>,%22filter_followed_friends%22:true, "has_stories":false}
# Post suggestions for user{%22first%22:<num_of_posts>}
Note: This uses URLEncoded for the variables
Sybmol | URLEncoded |
, | %2C |
} | %7D |
{ | %7B |
: | %3A |
" | %22 |
This will help to create metrics and graphs in the long run
- Get the bio, followers, followings and other profile information
- Get all the posts
- For each post, get the description, likes, comments and all the already given post details