High-level programming languages like Racket make it easier to program compared to low-level languages such as x86 assembly code. But how do high-level languages work? There's a big gap between them and machine instructions for modern computers. In this class you learn how to translate Racket programs all the way to x86 assembly language.
Traditionally, compiler courses teach one phase of the compiler at a time, such as parsing, semantic analysis, and register allocation. The problem with that approach is it is difficult to understand how the whole compiler fits together and why each phase is designed the way it is. Instead, each week we implement a progressively larger subset of the input language. The very first subset is a tiny language of integer arithmetic, and by the time we are done the language includes first-class functions.
Prerequisites: Fluency in Racket is highly recommended as students will do a lot of programming in one of those languages. Prior knowledge of an assembly language helps, but is not required.
Textbook: Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Racket
The textbook is available from MIT Press here and the PDF of the book is available here.
If you have suggestions for improvement, please either send an email to Jeremy or, even better, make edits to a branch of the book and perform a pull request. The book is at the following location on github:
Lecture: Times and location.
Office hours
- Instructor 1: Times and location.
- Instructor 2: Times and location.
Instruction Selection
Register Allocation
Static type checking
Conditional control flow
Mutable data
Garbage collection
Procedures and calling conventions
First-class functions and closure conversion
Dynamic typing
High-level optimization (inlining, constant folding, copy propagation, etc.)
Course grades are based on the following items.
- Assignments (including final project) (40%)
- Midterm Exam (25%)
- Final Exam (35%)
Organize into teams of 2-4 students. Assignments will be due bi-weekly on Mondays at 11:59pm. Teams that include one or more graduate students are required to complete one challenge exercise per assignment.
Assignments will be graded based on how many test cases they succeed on. Partial credit will be given for each "pass" of the compiler. Some of the tests are in the public support code (see Resources below). The testing will be done on a linux (ubuntu) machine. The testing will include both new tests and all of the tests from prior assignments.
You may request feedback on your assignments prior to the due date. Just submit your work and send us email.
Students are responsible for understanding the entire assignment and all of the code that their team produces. The midterm and final exam are designed to test a student's understanding of the assignments.
Students are free to discuss and get help on the assignments from anyone or anywhere. When posting questions on Slack, it is OK to post your code.
In contrast, for exams, students are asked to work alone. The exams are closed book.
The Final Project is at the end of the semester.
Late assignment policy: Assignments may be turned in up to one week late with a penalty of 10%.
Slack Chat/Messaging:
Day | Lecture Topic | Assignment Due
Aug. 22 | Introduction |
Aug. 25 | Compiling from LVar to x86 |
Aug. 30 | Uniquify, Remove Complex Operands, Explicate Control |
Sep. 1 | Select Instructions through Prelude & Conclusion |
Sep. 5 | | Integers and Variables
Sep. 6 | Register Allocation: liveness, interference |
Sep. 8 | Code Review: Integers and Variables |
Sep. 13 | Register Allocation: graph coloring |
Sep. 15 | L_If language, type checking, and x86_If |
Sep. 19 | | Register Allocation
Sep. 20 | Conditionals and Explicate Control |
Sep. 22 | Code Review: Register Allocation |
Sep. 27 | Conditionals: Select Instr., Reg. Alloc., Opt. Jumps |
Sep. 29 | Loops and Dataflow Analysis |
Oct. 3 | | Booleans and Conditionals
Oct. 4 | Loops: RCO, Explicate, Challenge |
Oct. 6 | Tuples and Garbage Collection |
Oct. 11 | Tuples and GC, cont'd |
Oct. 13 | Arrays, Structs, Generational GC |
Oct. 17 | | Loops
Oct. 18 | Review for Midterm |
Oct. 20 | **Midterm Exam** |
Oct. 25 | Compiling Functions to x86 |
Oct. 27 | Compiling Functions, cont'd |
Oct. 31 | | Tuples and GC
Nov. 1 | Lexically Scoped Functions |
Nov. 3 | Lexically Scoped Functions, cont'd |
Nov. 8 | Optimize Closures |
Nov. 10 | Dynamic Typing |
Nov. 14 | | Functions
Nov. 15 | Code Review |
Nov. 17 | Gradual Typing |
Nov. 18 | | Proposal for Final Project
Dec. 1 | Generics |
Dec. 6 | No Class |
Dec. 8 | Review for Final Exam |
Dec. 9 | | Final Project
Dec. 13 | **Final Exam** |
- Lecture videos recorded from the IU 2020 Compiler course.
- Github repository for the support code and test suites
- for Racket
- Racket Download
- Racket Documentation
- Notes on x86-64 programming
- x86-64 Machine-Level Programming
- Intel x86 Manual
- System V Application Binary Interface
- Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques by Wilson.
- Fast and Effective Procedure Inlining by Waddell and Dybvig.