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270 lines (221 loc) · 9.06 KB


  • Template project for Puya PY32F0 MCU
  • Supports GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
  • Supports J-Link and DAPLink/PyOCD programmers
  • Supports IDE: VSCode

Puya PY32F0 Family

PY32F0 are cost-effective Arm Cortex-M0+ microcontrollers featured with wide range operating voltage from 1.7V to 5.5V. Datesheets and Reference Manuals can be found at WIKI.


Frequency up to 24 MHz, 24 Kbytes of Flash memory, 3 Kbytes of SRAM.

  • PY32F002B
    • PY32F002Bx(24KB Flash/3KB RAM)


Frequency up to 48 MHz, 16 to 64 Kbytes of Flash memory, 3 to 8 Kbytes of SRAM.

  • PY32F002A
    • PY32F002Ax5(20KB Flash/3KB RAM)
  • PY32F003
    • PY32F003x4(16KB Flash/2KB RAM), PY32F003x6(32KB Flash/4KB RAM), PY32F003x8(64KB Flash/8KB RAM)
  • PY32F030
    • PY32F030x4(16KB Flash/2KB RAM), PY32F030x6(32KB Flash/4KB RAM), PY32F030x8(64KB Flash/8KB RAM)


Frequency up to 72 MHz, 128 Kbytes of Flash memory, 16 Kbytes of SRAM, with more peripherals(CAN, USB)

  • PY32F040
    • PY32F040xB(128KB Flash/16KB RAM)
  • PY32F071
    • PY32F071xB(128KB Flash/16KB RAM)
  • PY32F072
    • PY32F072xB(128KB Flash/16KB RAM)

File Structure

├── Build                       # Build results
├── Docs                        # Datesheets and User Manuals
├── Examples
│   ├── PY32F002B               # PY32F002B examples
│   │   ├── HAL                 # HAL library examples
│   │   └── LL                  # LL(Low Layer) library examples
│   ├── PY32F07x                # PY32F07x examples
│   │   └── HAL                 # HAL library examples
│   └── PY32F0xx                # PY32F002A,PY32F003,PY32F030 examples
│       ├── FreeRTOS            # FreeRTOS examples
│       ├── HAL                 # HAL library examples
│       └── LL                  # LL(Low Layer) library examples
├── Libraries
│   ├── CMSIS
│   ├── EPaper                  # Waveshare e-paper library
│   ├── FreeRTOS                # FreeRTOS library
│   ├── LDScripts               # LD files
│   ├── PY32F002B_HAL_BSP       # PY32F002B HAL BSP
│   ├── PY32F002B_HAL_Driver    # PY32F002B HAL library
│   ├── PY32F002B_LL_BSP        # PY32F002B LL(low layer) BSP
│   ├── PY32F002B_LL_Driver     # PY32F002B LL library
│   ├── PY32F07x_HAL_BSP        # PY32F040/071/072 HAL BSP
│   ├── PY32F07x_HAL_Driver     # PY32F040/071/072 HAL library
│   ├── PY32F0xx_HAL_BSP        # PY32F002A/003/030 HAL BSP
│   ├── PY32F0xx_HAL_Driver     # PY32F002A/003/030 HAL library
│   ├── PY32F0xx_LL_BSP         # PY32F002A/003/030 LL BSP
│   └── PY32F0xx_LL_Driver      # PY32F002A/003/030 LL library
├── Makefile                    # Make config
├── Misc
│   ├── Flash
│   │   ├── JLinkDevices        # JLink flash loaders
│   │   └── Sources             # Flash algorithm source code
│   ├── Puya.PY32F0xx_DFP.x.pack # DFP pack file for PyOCD
│   └── SVD                     # SVD files
├──                    # Pre-defined rules include in Makefile 
└── User                        # User application code



1. Install GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain

Download the toolchain from Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads according to your pc architecture, extract the files

sudo mkdir -p /opt/gcc-arm/
sudo tar xvf arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz -C /opt/gcc-arm/
cd /opt/gcc-arm/
sudo chown -R root:root arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/

2. Clone This Repository

Clone this repository to local workspace

git clone

3. Install SEGGER J-Link Or PyOCD

Option 1: Install SEGGER J-Link

Download and install JLink from J-Link / J-Trace Downloads.

# installation command for .deb
sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V784f_x86_64.deb
# uncompression command for .tar.gz
sudo tar xvf JLink_Linux_V784f_x86_64.tgz -C [target folder]

The default installation directory is /opt/SEGGER

Copy [Project directory]/Misc/Flash/JLinkDevices to [User home]/.config/SEGGER/

cd py32f0-template
cp -r Misc/Flash/JLinkDevices/ ~/.config/SEGGER/

Read more:

Option 2: Install PyOCD

Don't install from apt repository, because the version 0.13.1+dfsg-1 is too low for J-Link probe.

Install PyOCD from pip

pip uninstall pyocd

This will install PyOCD into:


In Ubuntu, .profile will take care of the PATH, run source ~/.profile to make pyocd command available

4. Edit Makefile

Change the settings in Makefile

  • MCU_TYPE The MCU type you are using
  • USE_LL_LIB Puya provides two sets of library, HAL and LL, set USE_LL_LIB ?= y to use LL instead of HAL.
    • No LL Library for PY32F07x
  • ENABLE_PRINTF_FLOAT set it to y to -u _printf_float to link options. This will increase the binary size.
  • USE_FREERTOS Set USE_FREERTOS ?= y will include FreeRTOS in compilation
  • USE_DSP Include CMSIS DSP or not
    • If you use J-Link, FLASH_PROGRM can be jlink or pyocd
    • If you use DAPLink, set FLASH_PROGRM ?= pyocd
    • ST-LINK is not supported yet.
  • ARM_TOOCHAIN Make sure it points to the correct path of arm-none-eabi-gcc
##### Project #####

PROJECT			?= app
# The path for generated files
BUILD_DIR		= Build

# MCU types: 
#   PY32F002Ax5
#   PY32F002Bx5
#   PY32F003x6, PY32F003x8, 
#   PY32F030x6, PY32F030x8, 
#   PY32F072xB
MCU_TYPE		= PY32F072xB

##### Options #####

# Use LL library instead of HAL, y:yes, n:no
USE_LL_LIB        ?= n
# Enable printf float %f support, y:yes, n:no
# Build with FreeRTOS, y:yes, n:no
USE_FREERTOS      ?= n
# Build with CMSIS DSP functions, y:yes, n:no
USE_DSP           ?= n
# Programmer, jlink or pyocd
FLASH_PROGRM      ?= pyocd

##### Toolchains #######
ARM_TOOCHAIN      ?= /opt/gcc-arm/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin

# path to JLinkExe
JLINKEXE		?= /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkExe
# path to PyOCD
PYOCD_EXE		?= pyocd

5. Compiling And Flashing

# clean source code
make clean
# build
# or make with verbose output
V=1 make
# flash
make flash

Debugging In VSCode

Install Cortex Debug extension, add a new configuration in launch.json, e.g.

    "armToolchainPath": "/opt/gcc-arm/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/",
    "toolchainPrefix": "arm-none-eabi",
    "name": "Cortex Debug",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "executable": "${workspaceFolder}/Build/app.elf",
    "request": "launch",        // can be launch or attach
    "type": "cortex-debug",
    "runToEntryPoint": "Reset_Handler", // "main" or other function name. runToMain is deprecated
    "servertype": "jlink",  // jlink, openocd, pyocd, pe and stutil
    "device": "PY32F030X8",
    "interface": "swd",
    "preLaunchTask": "build",  // Set this to run a task from tasks.json before starting a debug session
    // "preLaunchCommands": ["Build all"], // Uncomment this if not using preLaunchTask
    "svdFile": "${workspaceFolder}/Misc/SVD/py32f030xx.svd",  // svd for this part number
    "showDevDebugOutput": "vscode", // parsed, raw, vscode:vscode log and raw
        "enabled": true,
        "cpuFrequency": 8000000, // Target CPU frequency in Hz
        "swoFrequency":  4000000,
        "source": "probe", // either be “probe” to get directly from the debug probe, 
                           // or a serial port device to use a serial port external to the debug probe.
                "label": "ITM port 0 output",
                "type": "console",
                "port": 0,
                "showOnStartup": true,
                "encoding": "ascii"

If Cortex Debug cannot find JLinkGDBServerCLExe, add the following line to settings.json

"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "/opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe",

Try Other Examples

More examples can be found in Examples folder, copy and replace the files under User folder to try different examples.
