1. After downloading the SDK, extract the contents to a folder that is easily located.
2. Start Android Studio and create a new project by accepting the default settings.
3. Go to File
-> Project Structure...
and add a new module by click on the +
symbol in the upper left corner.
4. Select Import .JAR/.AAR package
and click Next
5. Click on the Browse button for the File name
and select the IBMMobileKit-<version>.aar
your file system. Click Finish
6. In the left side bar, select your app and then in the tab view, go to the Dependencies
7. Add a new dependency by clicking on the +
symbol at the bottom. Select Module dependency
8. Select the IBMMobileKit-<version>
module in the dialog.
9. Close the dialogs.
10. Click on the Sync your project with Gradle files
You should now have the SDK properly linked! Let's test it.
11. In your MainActivity.java
, inside onCreate()
, add these lines:
HotpGeneratorContext context = new HotpGeneratorContext("abcd", 1);
Log.i(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "HOTP: " + context.create());
12. At the top of the file, import these package members:
import android.util.Log;
import com.ibm.security.access.mobile.authorization.HotpGeneratorContext;
13. Launch the app in an emulator. Look in Android Monitor, ensuring that your log level is set to "Info":
You'll see a line like this:
12-19 21:46:49.718 6143-6143/com.ibm.security.sdkimportdemo I/MainActivity: HOTP: 300079