Simple project to save data on temperature and blood oxygenation, and create alarms so you don't forget to take your medicine, using mvvm, jetpack compose and room.
A simple app to be able to save data such as blood oxygen and temperature and to be able to observe this data in a graph, it is saved in the device's memory using room, in addition to being able to add alarms or reminders to take medications, alarms they can be just notifications or full alarms.
Image compression (to save a compressed copy of the alarm image) is also used, as well as the AlarmManager to log the alarms and the Broadcast receiver to get the alarm signal.
Hilt is very useful to be able to inject the dependencies where it is needed, in addition to using a data store to be able to save user configurations and take advantage of all the power of flows.
For correct operation it is necessary to disable battery optimization, for some reason the BroadcastReceiver does not receive the alarm signal if optimization is not disabled