Our Docker image includes:
- ros-noetic
- ceres-2.1.0
- onnxruntime-gpu-1.12.1
- libtorch-latest
- faiss
- OpenCV4 with CUDA
- OpenGV
- Backward
- $D^2$SLAM
To build the Docker image for PC, run the following command:
$ make amd64
This Docker file can be built on a MacBook with Apple Silicon (M1 or M2), X86_64 PC with qemu support or on Jetson. However, in our tests, building on Jetson is takes hours and building on Qemu is even more slow.
We highly recommend building the image on a MacBook Pro with M1/M2 Max. This is possibly the fastest way.
To build the Docker image for
$ make jetson
Target arm64 (Dockerfile.arm64_ros1_noetic) and x86_no_cuda (Dockerfile.x86_no_cuda) provide non-cuda configuration for arm64 and X86-64 devices. Others will depends on CUDA. D2VINS only has fully abaility when using CUDA, features will be unsupported without CUDA:
- Superpoint and NetVLAD. You can only work with LK optical tracking.
- Loop clousure and pose graph
- Multi-robot localization will be disabled without CUDA
- Depth generation
Basically, without CUDA, D2SLAM will become a mono/stereo/quad camera visual-inertial odometry (VIO).
To build the base image for $D^2$SLAM (which contains the environment for those who would like to modify it), run:
$ make jetson_base
Then, in Dockerfile_jetson_D2SLAM, change:
FROM xuhao1/d2slam:jetson_base_35.1.0
to your own image name:
FROM your-image-name/d2slam:jetson_base_35.1.0
This Docker image has been tested on Jetpack 5.0.2/35.1.0 with Xavier NX.