- JoltPhysics A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library suitable for games and VR applications.
- JoltPhysicsUnity Jolt Physics bindings for Unity
- bullet Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc
- zeno ZEn NOde system https://zenustech.com/
- Gaia Gaia Physics Engine
- ODE Open Dynamics Engine
- newton-dynamics Newton Dynamics is an integrated solution for real time simulation of physics environments.
- chrono C++ library for multi-physics simulation
- reactphysics3d Open source C++ physics engine library in 3D
- OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Foundation development repository. https://openfoam.org/
- reactphysics3d Open source C++ physics engine library in 3D
- fcl Flexible Collision Library
- OPCODE Optimized Collision Detection
- gjk.c Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) collision detection algorithm in 200 lines of clean plain C
- dyn4j Java Collision Detection and Physics Engine
- CircleCollision Implementing Different Methods of Circle to Circle Collision Detection using variety of new Technologies: Vulkan Graphics/Compute API, AVX2/AVX-512
- UnityNativeCollision SAT Collision in C# for Unity3D Burst Compiler
- parry 2D and 3D collision-detection library for Rust.rs
- [cpa] (https://github.com/memononen/cpa) Distance, Time-of-Impact, and Closest-Point-of-Approach between Convex 2D Shapes
- fcpw fast distance and ray intersection queries
- fluid-engine-dev Fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications https://fluidenginedevelopment.org/
- VorteGrid 👍 VorteGrid: Interactive Fluid Simulation for Games and Movies
- aphros Finite volume solver for incompressible multiphase flows with surface tension. Foaming flows in complex geometries.
- fluviofx Fluid dynamics for Unity's VFX graph https://getfluv.io
- creamystrand A Multi-Scale Model for Coupling Strands with Shear-Dependent Liquid
- Bimocq Efficient and Conservative Fluids Using Bidirectional Mapping
- WaterSurfaceWavelets Water Surface Wavelets (SIGGRAPH 2018) http://visualcomputing.ist.ac.at/publications/2018/WSW/
- FSWW Fundamental Sources for Water Wave Animation
- UnityTerrainErosionGPU Hydraulic and thermal erosion with shallow water equations implemented in Unity using compute shaders.
- DynamicWaterDemo A real-time dynamic water simulation with object interaction made entirely within the Godot Engine.
- FluidX3D The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on any GPU via OpenCL.
- Trinity 👍 Programmable 3D GPU (WebGL) fluid simulator
- GPUSmoke
- fluid_sim Flashy 2D fluid simulations experiments.
- navier-stokes-webgl Stable fluid simulation on GPU using WebGL.
- euler-fluid-cpp Euler fluid simulated with CPP and SFML
- unity-cip-flow Fast fluid simulator with CIP scheme
- Flooid Flooid is a node based fluid simulator.
- LiquidSimulator Cellular Automaton 2D Liquid Simulator for Unity
- GMFlux "Blazingly fast", customizable, GPU-based fluid simulation solver.
- ParticleSolver CPU and GPU implementations of a particle-based physics simulation based on Macklin et. al's "Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Application".
- SPHFluid Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation based on SPH
- pcisph Predictive-Corrective Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation in 2D for CS4167 final project
- pysph A framework for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Python
- Unity-ECS-Job-System-SPH Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job System performances.
- flut OpenGL SPH fluid simulation and rendering
- PositionBasedDynamics physically-based simulation of rigid bodies, deformable solids and fluids.
- PositionBasedFluids CUDA/C++ implementation of several papers in the spirit of developing a small demo similar to Nvidia's FleX framework
- PBD-Fluid-in-Unity A PBD fluid in unity running on the GPU
- RealTimeFluidRendering Implementation of the i3D2018 paper "A Narrow-Range Filter for Screen-Space Fluid Rendering".
- RealTimeParticles Minimalist real-time 3D particles simulator (Boids, Fluids) based on OpenGL/OpenCL frameworks
- Blender-FLIP-Fluids 👍 FLIP Fluids is a powerful liquid simulation plugin that gives you the ability to create high quality fluid effects all within Blender
- SPlisHSPlasH physically-based simulation of fluids.
- GridFluidSim3D A PIC/FLIP fluid simulation based on the methods found in Robert Bridson's "Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics"
- blub 3D fluid simulation experiments in Rust, using WebGPU-rs (WIP)
- RealTimeFluids An open-source repository featuring real-time Eulerian fluid simulation and rendering
- FluidSimulation WebGL shader for mixed grid-particle fluid simulation
- Fluid_Simulation Self advection, external force and pressure solve to a velocity field represented by a MaC grid.
- pyasflip Python implementation of the ASFLIP advection method yunfei.work/asflip/
- GPUMPM GPU Optimization of Material Point Methods
- taichi_mpm High-performance moving least squares material point method (MLS-MPM) solver. (ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2018)
- MPM2D 2D Material Point Method
- uaamg A Fast Unsmoothed Aggregation Algebraic Multigrid Framework for the Large-Scale Simulation of Incompressible Flow
- mfem Lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for finite element methods. mfem.org
- FEMcy a finite element solver based on Taichi, being parallel (CPU/GPU), portable and open-source
- GPU-Cloth-Simulation GPU Mass-Spring Simulation Cloth in Unity
- Fusion Unity Physics on GPU
- opencloth A collection of source codes implementing cloth simulation algorithms in OpenGL
- GPUClothSimulationInUnity About Trying to replicate what this legend did: https://youtu.be/kCGHXlLR3l8
- sheen GPGPU cloth simulation
- simulator It's a GPU-based real time cloth simulator and interactive.
- ClothSimulation Basic cloth simulation using Verlet integration
- Softbodies Softbodies, jiggly items and other slimy stuff in Unity
- CPDeform [ICLR 2022] Contact Points Discovery for Soft-Body Manipulations with Differentiable Physics
- Softbody_Physics_UE5 Implementation of the "A Constraint-based Formulation of Stable Neo-Hookean Materials" paper in UE5
- KawaiiPhysics Simple fake Physics for UnrealEngine4 & 5
- verlet-js A simple Verlet physics engine written in javascript
- FastMassSpring Interactive cloth simulator using the method described in the SIGGRAPH paper "Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems"
- tork Arcade vehicle physics for Unity
- GamePhysicsCookbook 《Game Physics Cookbook》for Unity
- SimplePhysicsDemo A simple lil demo showing a jobified physics system
- Kratos Kratos Multiphysics (A.K.A Kratos) is a framework for building parallel multi-disciplinary simulation software
- delfem2 Research prototyping framework for physics simulation written in C++
- elmerfem Official git repository of Elmer FEM software
- mfem Lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for finite element methods
- precice A coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations, including, but not restricted to fluid-structure interaction and conjugate heat transfer simulations.