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Implement AutoTests in CodeGrade

AutoTests are used to automatically grade assignments that students submit to CodeGrade. Each task can have a separate test that is linked to the specific rubric in the AutoTest configuration so that partial grading is possible. This documentation gives a brief overview on the current configuration of AutoTests for exercises and assignments of the Geoscripting course at Wageningen University.

A separate test folder in each of the GitLab (solution) repositories of the assignments contains the test scripts, which will be used by CodeGrade to test the student submissions.

Helpful links

Create AutoTest configuration

Getting started

The general idea of AutoTests is to run test scripts that execute the student submissions and check the results. If scripts fail or the results do not match the solutions only partial or no points will be given in the rubric.

  1. CodeGrade configurations are accessible via the exercises on Brightspace, which will link to the CodeGrade page. The AutoTest can be implemented or found via the AutoTest tab: Brightspace Exercise 7 > CodeGrade Exercise 07 > AutoTest .
  2. Create new AutoTest v2 from scratch or copy existing configuration from previous assignments.
  3. Drag & drop the different cells into the window to build the test. Keep it simple and use Upload Files, Allow Internet, Connect Rubric and Script. The actual tests are bash, R or Python scripts that can be run as bash commands via Script.

AutoTest - Setup

CodeGrade will build a new testing Ubuntu environment every time the AutoTest Setup configuration changes. This means that CodeGrade checks if the code in each cell has changed since the last snapshot and runs the code again if necessary. Once the AutoTest configuration including the setup works, the snapshot is used when students submit assignments.

Use Upload Files to upload configuration files and Script to set up the environment on the Ubuntu VM.

  1. Use Upload Files to upload that contains a .bash_profile, which sets the two environment variables GITLAB_USER_NAME and GITLAB_USER_PAT. These are needed for cloning repositories via https using personal access tokens in the next step. The cloned repository contains the assignment solution and all tests within a test folder.
export GITLAB_USER_NAME=geoscripting-<year>-september
export GITLAB_USER_PAT=<personal_access_token>

Note: Files are being uploaded into the directory /home/codegrade/fixtures that is defined by the CodeGrade environment variable called $UPLOADED_FILES. In earlier CodeGrade versions this is the same as $FIXTURES.

  1. Create .sh and .R requirements files that will be used in the next step to set up the CodeGrade Ubuntu environment. These files should be uploaded into the test folder of each solution repository.


# user R library
UserLib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
dir.create(UserLib, recursive=TRUE)

# list packages to install
pkgs = c('testthat', 'terra', 'sf', 'ranger')

# install packages
install.packages(pkgs, lib=UserLib, repos='')

# set up r2u for focal
# docs:
curl -s | sudo bash

# install GDAL
sudo apt install -y gdal-bin python3-gdal
export LC_ALL=C

# install R requirements
Rscript $UPLOADED_FILES/test/install_requirements.R

Important: There were major problems installing R packages on the CodeGrade VM, with numerous dependency issues and long setup times of up to half an hour. This could eventually be solved using r2u which installs R packages as Ubuntu binaries. Therefore, it is highly advised to stick to the r2u setup.

  1. The next step is to unzip uploaded files and to start setting up the environment.
    1. Make sure to set the environment variables from .bash_profile for cloning the GitLab solution repository.
    2. Install git and clone solution repository.
    3. Cleanup / remove unnecessary files.
    4. Install requirements, defined by

CodeGrade Script cell:

# load setup file
unzip $UPLOADED_FILES/ -d ~ && source ~/.bash_profile

# set up git and clone solution repo with tests
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git
YEAR=`date +%Y`
git clone https://$GITLAB_USER_NAME:$$YEAR-september/staff/exercise-$NR/exercise-$NR-solution.git $UPLOADED_FILES/tmp

# cleanup
rm -rf $UPLOADED_FILES/ ~/.bash_profile

# install requirements
bash $UPLOADED_FILES/test/

# dummy echo command to force CodeGrade to rerun cell
echo "Done." 


  • Unfortunately, there is currently no option to use ssh to access the CodeGrade Ubuntu AutoTest VM. A workaround for testing commands is to use a Script cell and to build a new snapshot to see if the command works.
  • To speed up debugging and prevent long waiting times new code may be tested in a new Script cell. Once everything works fine, the code can be merged into a single cell.
  • CodeGrade will not fetch updates from a Git repo if the code within a cell has not changed since the previous snapshot. Simply add an echo command to force CodeGrade to clone an updated repository, since this will trigger to re-run the cell.
  • Commands that require sudo privileges only work in cells of the Setup tab.

AutoTest - Tests

This is where the actual tests are being implemented. To do so just create testing scripts that are being run in a Script cell.

The steps are:

  1. Drag & drop a Rubric cell into the window so that points are being assigned to a specific rubric.
  2. Make sure to Allow Internet if necessary. This could also be outside the Rubric cell or in any other order.
  3. Place a test script within Script. Remember that the base directory of the test scripts is $UPLOADED_FILES:
# use bash test script 
bash $UPLOADED_FILES/test/

# OR

# use a R script 
Rscript $UPLOADED_FILES/test/task_02.R 


  • It is possible to upload e.g. wrong test submission to check if the tests work fine. Upload a .zip file containing scripts and subfolders in: General > Upload submission > Test sumission > <upload_zip_file>. Note that, the results of different test submissions will be displayed below each other in the same snapshot.
  • Student or test submissions will be uploaded into the directory /home/codegrade/student
  • The final directory should look something like this:
|-- fixtures                          # $UPLOADED_FILES
|   |-- test                          # test folder from solution
|       |--                # test - git use
|       |-- helper.R                  # test - helper functions
|       |-- install_requirements.R    # R requirements
|       |--   # general requirements (e.g. GDAL)
|       |-- task_01.R                 # test - task 1
|       |-- task_02.R
|       |-- task_03.R
|       |--
|-- student                          # student or test submission
    |-- output
    |   |-- output_image.png
    |-- LICENSE
    |-- main.R
  1. To check the final AutoTest configuration, just click on Build Snapshot. This will set up the Ubuntu VM as configured with Setup and run all tests specified in Tests. Remember that the Setup will be skipped if there are no changes to a previous snapshot. Snapshots can be found and inspected in the Snapshots tab.

AutoTest - Snapshots

This is where all compiled AutoTest configurations can be found. Each snapshot shows the configuration and the output of tests. If everything worked fine and all tests passed, the snapshot may be published to the students by clicking on a specific snapshot and confirming Publish to students. Students will now be able to see test results when submitting assignments.