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This demos shows how to compute Ambient Occlusion with HIPRT in the Cornell box scene.

Description of the image

The source code on The C++ side ( main.cpp ) is very close to the one from the first demo: main.cpp from 01_geom_intersection presented here. So we won't give much details. The first difference is that instead of creating one triangle, we create the list of triangles to render the Cornell box scene:

  hiprtTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh;
  mesh.triangleCount	= CornellBoxTriangleCount;
  mesh.triangleStride = sizeof( hiprtInt3 );
  std::array<uint32_t, 3 * CornellBoxTriangleCount> triangleIndices;
  std::iota( triangleIndices.begin(), triangleIndices.end(), 0 );
  oroMalloc( reinterpret_cast<oroDeviceptr*>( &mesh.triangleIndices ), mesh.triangleCount * sizeof( hiprtInt3 ) );
  	reinterpret_cast<oroDeviceptr>( mesh.triangleIndices ),,
  	mesh.triangleCount * sizeof( hiprtInt3 ) );

  mesh.vertexCount  = 3 * mesh.triangleCount;
  mesh.vertexStride = sizeof( hiprtFloat3 );
  oroMalloc( reinterpret_cast<oroDeviceptr*>( &mesh.vertices ), mesh.vertexCount * sizeof( hiprtFloat3 ) );
  	reinterpret_cast<oroDeviceptr>( mesh.vertices ),
  	const_cast<hiprtFloat3*>( ),
  	mesh.vertexCount * sizeof( hiprtFloat3 ) ) ;

The second difference is we executing another kernel called "AmbientOcclusionKernel". Note that this kernel takes an additional argument which is the radius of the Ambint Occlusion we want to apply:
  oroFunction func;
  buildTraceKernelFromBitcode( ctxt, "../common/TutorialKernels.h", "AmbientOcclusionKernel", func );

  float aoRadius = 200.0f;
  void* args[]   = { &geom, &pixels, &m_res, &aoRadius };
  launchKernel( func, m_res.x, m_res.y, args );

Concerning the kernel itself, it is a bit more complex than the one used in the first demo. This kernel is executing an AO loop inside the loop. The loop launches several rays (32 iterations in this example) with slightly different directions within the same pixel:

  const uint32_t x	 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  const uint32_t y	 = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
  const uint32_t index = x + y * res.x;

  constexpr uint32_t Spp			= 32u;
  constexpr uint32_t AoSamples	= 32u;
  int3			   color		= { 0, 0, 0 };
  float4			   diffuseColor = make_float4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
  float			   ao			= 0.0f;

  for ( int p = 0; p < Spp; p++ )
    uint32_t seed = tea<16>( x + y * res.x, p ).x;

    float3 o = { 278.0f, 273.0f, -900.0f };
    float2 d = {
    2.0f * ( x + randf( seed ) ) / static_cast<float>( res.x ) - 1.0f,
    2.0f * ( y + randf( seed ) ) / static_cast<float>( res.y ) - 1.0f };
    float3 uvw = { -387.817566f, -387.817566f, 1230.0f };

    hiprtRay ray;
    ray.origin = o;
    ray.direction = { uvw.x * d.x, uvw.y * d.y, uvw.z };
    ray.direction =
      ray.direction /
      sqrtf( ray.direction.x * ray.direction.x + ray.direction.y * ray.direction.y + ray.direction.z * ray.direction.z );

    // ..... AO done here .....


The AO loop launches several rays (32 iterations in this example) in random directions using the 'sampleHemisphereCosine' function. Each bouncing ray's result is accumulated in the 'ao' variable:

  hiprtGeomTraversalClosest tr( geom, ray );

  hiprtHit hit = tr.getNextHit();

  if ( hit.hasHit() )
    float3 surfacePt = ray.origin + hit.t * ( 1.0f - 1.0e-2f ) * ray.direction;

    float3 Ng = hit.normal;
    if ( dot( ray.direction, Ng ) > 0.0f ) Ng = -Ng;
    Ng = normalize( Ng );

    hiprtRay aoRay;
    aoRay.origin = surfacePt;
    aoRay.maxT   = aoRadius;
    hiprtHit aoHit;

    for ( int i = 0; i < AoSamples; i++ )
      aoRay.direction = sampleHemisphereCosine( Ng, seed );
      hiprtGeomTraversalAnyHit tr( geom, aoRay );
      aoHit = tr.getNextHit();
      ao += !aoHit.hasHit() ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

Finally, we output the accumulated Ambient Occlusion to the result framebuffer by averaging the samples:

  ao = ao / ( Spp * AoSamples );

  color.x = ( ao * diffuseColor.x ) * 255;
  color.y = ( ao * diffuseColor.y ) * 255;
  color.z = ( ao * diffuseColor.z ) * 255;

  pixels[index * 4 + 0] = color.x;
  pixels[index * 4 + 1] = color.y;
  pixels[index * 4 + 2] = color.z;
  pixels[index * 4 + 3] = 255;