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File metadata and controls

126 lines (108 loc) · 3.9 KB




This library complements the GC0308 driver of esp32-camera.
Some additional camera controls and QR code recognizer added.
It can also be used as a sample to add your own functions that are not included in the esp32-camera driver.

Required libraries

  • esp32-camera
    However, If you set platform = espressif32 and framework = arduino in platformio, esp32-camera is included in the package, so you do not need to specify es32-camera in lib_deps.
  • ESP32QRCodeReader
    In platformIO, automatically installed if gob_GC0308 is registered in lib_deps.

How to install

Install in an appropriate way depending on your environment.

  • git clone and extract into place
  • platformio.ini
lib_deps =

How to use


#include <esp_camera.h>
#include <gob_GC0308.hpp>

void setup()
    camera_config_t ccfg{};
    // Configuration settings...
    goblib::camera::GC0308::complementDriver(); // Must be call after esp_camera_init()

Use camera control

void foo()
    sensor_t *s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
    s->set_special_effect(s, goblib::camera::SpecialEffect::Sepia);

Recognize QR code

#include <esp_camera.h>
#include <gob_qr_code_recognizer.hpp>

goblib::camera::QRCodeRecognizer recQR;
void foo()
    auto fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
        int_fast8_t num = recQR.resultSize();
        for(int_fast8_t i =0; i < num; ++i)
            auto pr = recQR.getResult(i);
            String s(pr->data.payload, pr->data.payload_len);
            printf("QR:%d [%s]", i, s.c_str());

Additions/changes to esp32-camera GC0308


  • set_gain_ctrl
    Looking at the behavior of other drivers, it seems that turning AGC ON/OFF is the original behavior.
    In esp32-camera, the processing equivalent to set_agc_gain is set, so it should be removed.


  • set_agc_gain
    Gain settings. Use esp32-camera's set_agc_gain, which does not rewrite the internal status, so use my own.
  • set_special_effect
    Camera effect change. The following values can be set.
goblib::camera::SpecialEffect Description
NoEffect No effect
Negative Negative effect
Grayscale Grayscale effect
RedTint Red tint effect
GreenTint Green tint effect
BlueTint Blue tint effect
Sepia Sepia effect
  • set_wb_mode
    White balance change. The following values can be set.
goblib::camera::WhiteBalance Description
Auto Automatic
Sunny Sunny
Cloudy Cloudy
Office Fluorescent light
Home Light bulb
  • set_saturation
    Saturation change.


  • set_contrast
    Use esp32-camera's set_contrast, which does not rewrite the internal status, so use my own.

QR code recognition

ESP32QRCodeReader is a large configuration including camera tasks and can only work with cameras that can output PIXFORMAT_GRAYSCALE.
Therefore, the recognition part is independent, and a conversion mechanism to grayscale is included to enable recognition even with cameras that cannot output grayscale (GC0308).
You can use camera_fb_t* with QRCodeRecognizer or your own quirc object to recognize and retrieve.
The pixel format of the camera supports PIXFORMAT_JPEG, PIXFORMAT_RAW other than.

Note : It uses a large amount of stack space, so be aware of the stack size for tasks when recognizing it within an independent task.

sizeof(quirc_code) 3960
sizeof(quirc_data) 8920


You can switch to or add your own methods by rewriting the information in sensor_t obtained by esp_camera_sensor_get().
See esp32-camera/driver/include/sensor.h for details.