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A. Setting up GEOS ADAS experiments

rtodling edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 11 revisions

Setting up full GEOS ADAS experiments

The easiest why to set up an ADAS experiment is to use an existing experiment template. Such templates are available here. In the initial release of the ADAS v5.27.1_p3 the following experiment templates are available:

  • C48f.input - C48 3DVAR
  • C90C.input - C90 3DVAR
  • C90C_replay.input - C90 hybrid 4DEnVar, with ensemble replayed to the from FP
  • C90C_ens.input - C90 hybrid 4DEnVar
  • C180RPY.input - coupled model with atmospheric analysis
  • x????.input - C360 hybrid 4DEnVar; template for official latest x-experiment
  • prePP.input - full resolution, FP-like, Hybrid 4DEnVar

The user should copy a template of interest, make minor editing to adjust userID and location of experiment home (referred to as FVHOME), and then use the program runjob to process the template, e.g.,

FULLPATH/GEOSadas/install/bin/runjob -l path_of_user_adjusted_template_.input

where FULLPATH is the remainder of the path to the GEOSadas bin directory.

The existing experiment templates can be adjusted for setting experiments for a time period other than those set in the template, and the observing system can also easily be edited to accommodate users need.

The more experienced users can run the base GEOSadas script, namely fvsetup, by hand.

Typically, runjob will prompt the user asking whether to submit the main job to the batch system. In case the user chooses to postpone batch submission, this can be done at a later time by

cd FVHOME/run
sbatch g5das.j

Note that in the particular case of x-experiment templates, the main job scripts are named according to the experiment number, e.g., x0043 as x43.j, for its main job (i.e., replace g5das.j above with x43.j).

Brief Overview of a GEOS ADAS Experiment Home Directory

The experiment home directory, referred to as FVHOME, is where key controlling scripts, resource files, and restarts live for a given ADAS experiment. This directory should be place in one of discover's nobackup disks, during the setup setup above, since it typically holds large files as the run gets going.

The main subdirectories under FVHOME are:

  • run - controls ADAS cycling (corrector-predictor steps)
  • fcst - controls forecast issued from cycled restart (initial conditions)
  • anasa - controls running of standalone atmospheric analysis (GSI)
  • asens - controls running of FSOI (forecast-based sensitivities observation impact)

Additional Features and Capabilities

Analysis Increment Sensitivity to Observations

Say, sensitivity on the analysis increment at 20130115_00z is to be calculated:

a) touch a file named 
   under the FVHOME/asens directory 
b) as with regular analysis sensitivity runs, this calculation uses 
       gsi_sens.rc.tmpl as driver of adjoint-GSI 
    note: output ODS files will show up under Y2013/M01/D15/H00 with name 
          type imp1_inc 
c) if user wants to apply an initadj-like norm to the increment: 
       copy an existing initadj.rc to $FVHOME/asens/initadj4inc.rc and edit at will 
d) look in fvpsas.rc to properly set reference_eta_filename and 
e) make sure ana.acq brings in your reference and verification states