CMM-PT is test framework designed to test the performance of the different CMM components.
With this test suite, you can test:
- Metrics throughput and latency.
- Logs throughput and latency (ingle and bulk mode).
- Alarms on logs.
- Additional features will follow...
It is recommanded to install and run this test suite in a virtual environment.
- Create a virtualenv:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ cd <virtualenv_directory>
$ virtualenv <name>
$ source <virtualenv_directory>/<name>/bin/activate
- Clone this repository.
- Install the required python packages
$ pip install -r <CMM-PT_directory>/requirements.txt
- Create the basic configuration file: use the template provided in basic_configuration_template.yaml
- Create the test configuration file: use the template provided in test_configuration_template.yaml
- Enjoy CMM-PT!
The basic configuration can be set in basic_configuration.yaml In this file, you have to specify the login credentials for Keystone tenants, InfluxDB and define the URLs of CMM and Keystone components.
The test configuration can be set in test_configuration.yaml In this file, you have to specify the paramters of the test cases (runtime, frequency, output directory...).
To test the log throughput, proceed as follow:
Make sure that the variables "keystone", "log_api_url" and "elastic_url" and the "users" section are all set properly in basic_configuration.yaml
Configure "log_throughput", "log_send" and "write_result" parts of test_configuration.yaml
The results are stored in the directory set in the "write_result" part of test_configuration.yaml (.csv format is the defalut and recommanded, but can be changed).
Apache License, Version 2.0